- status messages while import,
- fixed triangulation,
- rle and 24 bit image support (normally qt should support 24 bit, too),
- rotation can be limit to the directions,
- added fileinfo,
- performance,
- nothing known
signal-slot for openFile,
resetView on openFile,
cleanup when open a new file,
triangulate quad poly now correctly, more not working, bug from previous version,
fix 5,6,.. triangulation,
triClothMan, IC Helmet, still buggy,
- performance improvement,
- code improvement,
- move the model to the center,
- scale everything to 1,
- do not open a default file for release build
- cloth is not displayed correctly,
- turning in the wrong x direction when model is turned 180° in y direction,
- consular class corvette is not displayed,
- rep_weap_LJ-50 is not displayed correctly
- reset view before loading new mesh
- reset view when pressing space
- clustered msh can be displayed
- shadow mesh, nulls, bones, hidden things are no longer displayed
- now mulitpolygons can be displayed
- fasten and improved code
- cluster mixed up textures,
- at most mesh only every 2nd triangle is displayed,
- triangulation is not very good (DarthDUCK's Proton charge)