William Herald Snyder
Skeleton related functions separated into msh_skeleton_utilities + CollisionPrimProperties added for imported primitives that don't have proper names + misc changes to avoid circular imports + minor refactors
2022-01-18 15:16:49 -05:00 |
Will Snyder
Dont include bone in exported anim if its not keyed or in preserved skel...
2022-01-13 12:52:30 -08:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Fill material properties upon import + if SKL2 missing, assume all BONE models are in it + SkeletonProperties only relevant for imported meshes + chunked_file_reader no longer assumes 4-byte alignment
2022-01-11 14:02:17 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Skeleton impurities (roots,effectors) now included by default, zaa_reader and msh_reader combined in chunked_file_reader, skin and skeleton parentage issues worked out. TODO: Fill material properties on import, decide what to do with SkeletonProperties.
2022-01-07 13:45:50 -05:00 |
Will Snyder
CRC rewrite
2021-01-07 14:18:31 -05:00 |
Will Snyder
Skeleton properties panel start
2020-12-11 16:49:40 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Animation batch import
2020-12-11 11:50:03 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Correct pose-relative transforms for impure skeletons
2020-12-10 23:47:45 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Animations importing correctly for most models, though some (acklay and human) are very wrong and others have one or two incorrect bones (at-at). Bones are imported as is and not made to look pretty in order to preserve animation ease. Letting users import cleaned up skeletons while preserving original transforms via some sort of context-menu addon might be worthwhile...
2020-12-06 00:19:58 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Animations importing with expected rotation conversion issues
2020-12-05 04:11:12 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Bone parenting fixed, anm2 reading, menu option for anim import
2020-12-05 00:53:59 -05:00 |
Will Snyder
Awfully slow (need to abandon bpy.ops) but correct bone parenting
2020-12-04 01:22:58 -05:00 |
Will Snyder
MSH reader no longer reads up to the next multiple of 4, since files exported with ZETools seem not to abide by that rule. It doesn't matter if files are exported with this behavior, since the reading code now skips bytes until a known header is found, instead of just reading the next header blindly. Teancum's highsinger and xizor now importing just fine.
2020-12-03 23:15:25 -05:00 |
Will Snyder
STRP importing, Teancum's highsinger and xizor break implying adaptations needed for ZETools-exported MSHs
2020-12-04 03:33:46 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Armature extraction more robust (looks at skinning requirements, not just SKL2), automatic skin-skeleton reparenting, gave bone tails default epsilon position
2020-12-03 00:24:20 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Vertex groups importing properly. ENVL indicies refer to each model's MNDX, which start from 1, not 0/don't necessarily refer to order in file...
2020-11-30 21:42:27 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Correct skeleton imports, though what to do with re-parenting and skeleton impurities such as effector nulls still uncertain
2020-11-29 23:10:14 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Reader class simplified
2020-11-28 18:11:26 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
msh_reader refined, more chunks implemented
2020-11-23 11:48:07 -05:00 |
William Herald Snyder
Models with basic materials importing correctly
2020-11-13 15:59:54 -05:00 |