develop #12
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Copy the share/solarfm folder to your user .config/ directory too.
<h6>Install Setup</h6>
sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3-setproctitle python3-gi wget ffmpegthumbnailer steamcmd
sudo apt-get install xclip python3.8 python3-setproctitle python3-gi wget ffmpegthumbnailer steamcmd
# Known Issues
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ A selected file in the active quad-pane will move to trash since it is the defau
![1 SolarFM single pane. ](images/pic1.png)
![2 SolarFM double pane. ](images/pic2.png)
![3 SolarFM triple pane. ](images/pic3.png)
![4 SolarFM quad pane. ](images/pic4.png)
![4 SolarFM quad pane. ](images/pic4.png)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Pligin Module
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
def get_imdb_id(uniqueids):
imdb_id = uniqueids.get('imdb')
if not imdb_id or not imdb_id.startswith('tt'):
return None
return imdb_id
# example format for scraper results
_ScraperResults = {
'warning' # not handled
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2020, Team Kodi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Functions to interact with various web site APIs."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import json
# from pprint import pformat
try: #PY2 / PY3
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
from urllib2 import URLError
from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from typing import Text, Optional, Union, List, Dict, Any # pylint: disable=unused-import
InfoType = Dict[Text, Any] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
except ImportError:
def set_headers(headers):
def load_info(url, params=None, default=None, resp_type = 'json'):
# type: (Text, Optional[Dict[Text, Union[Text, List[Text]]]]) -> Union[dict, list]
Load info from external api
:param url: API endpoint URL
:param params: URL query params
:default: object to return if there is an error
:resp_type: what to return to the calling function
:return: API response or default on error
theerror = ''
if params:
url = url + '?' + urlencode(params)
req = Request(url, headers=HEADERS)
response = urlopen(req)
except URLError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
theerror = {'error': 'failed to reach the remote site\nReason: {}'.format(e.reason)}
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
theerror = {'error': 'remote site unable to fulfill the request\nError code: {}'.format(e.code)}
if default is not None:
return default
return theerror
if resp_type.lower() == 'json':
resp = json.loads('utf-8'))
resp ='utf-8')
return resp
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
from . import api_utils
from urllib import quote
except ImportError: # py2 / py3
from urllib.parse import quote
API_KEY = '384afe262ee0962545a752ff340e3ce4'
API_URL = '{}'
'movielogo': 'clearlogo',
'hdmovielogo': 'clearlogo',
'hdmovieclearart': 'clearart',
'movieart': 'clearart',
'moviedisc': 'discart',
'moviebanner': 'banner',
'moviethumb': 'landscape',
'moviebackground': 'fanart',
'movieposter': 'poster'
def get_details(uniqueids, clientkey, language, set_tmdbid):
media_id = _get_mediaid(uniqueids)
if not media_id:
return {}
movie_data = _get_data(media_id, clientkey)
movieset_data = _get_data(set_tmdbid, clientkey)
if not movie_data and not movieset_data:
return {}
movie_art = {}
movieset_art = {}
if movie_data:
movie_art = _parse_data(movie_data, language)
if movieset_data:
movieset_art = _parse_data(movieset_data, language)
movieset_art = {'set.' + key: value for key, value in movieset_art.items()}
available_art = movie_art
return {'available_art': available_art}
def _get_mediaid(uniqueids):
for source in ('tmdb', 'imdb', 'unknown'):
if source in uniqueids:
return uniqueids[source]
def _get_data(media_id, clientkey):
headers = {'api-key': API_KEY}
if clientkey:
headers['client-key'] = clientkey
fanarttv_url = API_URL.format(media_id)
return api_utils.load_info(fanarttv_url, default={})
def _parse_data(data, language):
result = {}
for arttype, artlist in data.items():
if arttype not in ARTMAP:
for image in artlist:
image_lang = _get_imagelanguage(arttype, image)
if image_lang and image_lang != language:
generaltype = ARTMAP[arttype]
if generaltype == 'poster' and not image_lang:
generaltype = 'keyart'
if artlist and generaltype not in result:
result[generaltype] = []
url = quote(image['url'], safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]")
resultimage = {'url': url, 'preview': url.replace('', '')}
return result
def _get_imagelanguage(arttype, image):
if 'lang' not in image or arttype == 'moviebackground':
return None
if arttype in ('movielogo', 'hdmovielogo', 'hdmovieclearart', 'movieart', 'moviebanner',
'moviethumb', 'moviedisc'):
return image['lang'] if image['lang'] not in ('', '00') else 'en'
# movieposter may or may not have a title and thus need a language
return image['lang'] if image['lang'] not in ('', '00') else None
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020, Team Kodi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# IMDb ratings based on code in by Team Kodi
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
import re
from . import api_utils
from . import get_imdb_id
IMDB_RATING_REGEX = re.compile(r'itemprop="ratingValue".*?>.*?([\d.]+).*?<')
IMDB_VOTES_REGEX = re.compile(r'itemprop="ratingCount".*?>.*?([\d,]+).*?<')
IMDB_TOP250_REGEX = re.compile(r'Top Rated Movies #(\d+)')
def get_details(uniqueids):
imdb_id = get_imdb_id(uniqueids)
if not imdb_id:
return {}
votes, rating, top250 = _get_ratinginfo(imdb_id)
return _assemble_imdb_result(votes, rating, top250)
def _get_ratinginfo(imdb_id):
response = api_utils.load_info(IMDB_RATINGS_URL.format(imdb_id), default = '', resp_type='text')
return _parse_imdb_result(response)
def _assemble_imdb_result(votes, rating, top250):
result = {}
if top250:
result['info'] = {'top250': top250}
if votes and rating:
result['ratings'] = {'imdb': {'votes': votes, 'rating': rating}}
return result
def _parse_imdb_result(input_html):
rating = _parse_imdb_rating(input_html)
votes = _parse_imdb_votes(input_html)
top250 = _parse_imdb_top250(input_html)
return votes, rating, top250
def _parse_imdb_rating(input_html):
match =, input_html)
if (match):
return float(
return None
def _parse_imdb_votes(input_html):
match =, input_html)
if (match):
return int(',', ''))
return None
def _parse_imdb_top250(input_html):
match =, input_html)
if (match):
return int(
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from . import tmdbapi
class TMDBMovieScraper(object):
def __init__(self, url_settings, language, certification_country):
self.url_settings = url_settings
self.language = language
self.certification_country = certification_country
self._urls = None
self.tmdbapi = tmdbapi
def urls(self):
if not self._urls:
self._urls = _load_base_urls(self.url_settings)
return self._urls
def search(self, title, year=None):
search_media_id = _parse_media_id(title)
if search_media_id:
if search_media_id['type'] == 'tmdb':
result = _get_movie(search_media_id['id'], self.language, True)
result = [result]
response = tmdbapi.find_movie_by_external_id(search_media_id['id'], language=self.language)
theerror = response.get('error')
if theerror:
return 'error: {}'.format(theerror)
result = response.get('movie_results')
if 'error' in result:
return result
response = tmdbapi.search_movie(query=title, year=year, language=self.language)
theerror = response.get('error')
if theerror:
return 'error: {}'.format(theerror)
result = response['results']
urls = self.urls
def is_best(item):
return item['title'].lower() == title and (
not year or item.get('release_date', '').startswith(year))
if result and not is_best(result[0]):
best_first = next((item for item in result if is_best(item)), None)
if best_first:
result = [best_first] + [item for item in result if item is not best_first]
for item in result:
if item.get('poster_path'):
item['poster_path'] = urls['preview'] + item['poster_path']
if item.get('backdrop_path'):
item['backdrop_path'] = urls['preview'] + item['backdrop_path']
return result
def get_details(self, uniqueids):
media_id = uniqueids.get('tmdb') or uniqueids.get('imdb')
details = self._gather_details(media_id)
if not details:
return None
if details.get('error'):
return details
return self._assemble_details(**details)
def _gather_details(self, media_id):
movie = _get_movie(media_id, self.language)
if not movie or movie.get('error'):
return movie
# Don't specify language to get English text for fallback
movie_fallback = _get_movie(media_id)
collection = _get_moviecollection(movie['belongs_to_collection'].get('id'), self.language) if \
movie['belongs_to_collection'] else None
collection_fallback = _get_moviecollection(movie['belongs_to_collection'].get('id')) if \
movie['belongs_to_collection'] else None
return {'movie': movie, 'movie_fallback': movie_fallback, 'collection': collection,
'collection_fallback': collection_fallback}
def _assemble_details(self, movie, movie_fallback, collection, collection_fallback):
info = {
'title': movie['title'],
'originaltitle': movie['original_title'],
'plot': movie.get('overview') or movie_fallback.get('overview'),
'tagline': movie.get('tagline') or movie_fallback.get('tagline'),
'studio': _get_names(movie['production_companies']),
'genre': _get_names(movie['genres']),
'country': _get_names(movie['production_countries']),
'credits': _get_cast_members(movie['casts'], 'crew', 'Writing', ['Screenplay', 'Writer', 'Author']),
'director': _get_cast_members(movie['casts'], 'crew', 'Directing', ['Director']),
'premiered': movie['release_date'],
'tag': _get_names(movie['keywords']['keywords'])
if 'countries' in movie['releases']:
certcountry = self.certification_country.upper()
for country in movie['releases']['countries']:
if country['iso_3166_1'] == certcountry and country['certification']:
info['mpaa'] = country['certification']
trailer = _parse_trailer(movie.get('trailers', {}), movie_fallback.get('trailers', {}))
if trailer:
info['trailer'] = trailer
if collection:
info['set'] = collection.get('name') or collection_fallback.get('name')
info['setoverview'] = collection.get('overview') or collection_fallback.get('overview')
if movie.get('runtime'):
info['duration'] = movie['runtime'] * 60
ratings = {'themoviedb': {'rating': float(movie['vote_average']), 'votes': int(movie['vote_count'])}}
uniqueids = {'tmdb': movie['id'], 'imdb': movie['imdb_id']}
cast = [{
'name': actor['name'],
'role': actor['character'],
'thumbnail': self.urls['original'] + actor['profile_path']
if actor['profile_path'] else "",
'order': actor['order']
for actor in movie['casts'].get('cast', [])
available_art = _parse_artwork(movie, collection, self.urls, self.language)
_info = {'set_tmdbid': movie['belongs_to_collection'].get('id')
if movie['belongs_to_collection'] else None}
return {'info': info, 'ratings': ratings, 'uniqueids': uniqueids, 'cast': cast,
'available_art': available_art, '_info': _info}
def _parse_media_id(title):
if title.startswith('tt') and title[2:].isdigit():
return {'type': 'imdb', 'id':title} # IMDB ID works alone because it is clear
title = title.lower()
if title.startswith('tmdb/') and title[5:].isdigit(): # TMDB ID
return {'type': 'tmdb', 'id':title[5:]}
elif title.startswith('imdb/tt') and title[7:].isdigit(): # IMDB ID with prefix to match
return {'type': 'imdb', 'id':title[5:]}
return None
def _get_movie(mid, language=None, search=False):
details = None if search else \
'trailers,images,releases,casts,keywords' if language is not None else \
response = tmdbapi.get_movie(mid, language=language, append_to_response=details)
theerror = response.get('error')
if theerror:
return 'error: {}'.format(theerror)
return response
def _get_moviecollection(collection_id, language=None):
if not collection_id:
return None
details = 'images'
response = tmdbapi.get_collection(collection_id, language=language, append_to_response=details)
theerror = response.get('error')
if theerror:
return 'error: {}'.format(theerror)
return response
def _parse_artwork(movie, collection, urlbases, language):
if language:
# Image languages don't have regional variants
language = language.split('-')[0]
posters = []
landscape = []
fanart = []
if 'images' in movie:
posters = _get_images_with_fallback(movie['images']['posters'], urlbases, language)
landscape = _get_images(movie['images']['backdrops'], urlbases, language)
fanart = _get_images(movie['images']['backdrops'], urlbases, None)
setposters = []
setlandscape = []
setfanart = []
if collection and 'images' in collection:
setposters = _get_images_with_fallback(collection['images']['posters'], urlbases, language)
setlandscape = _get_images(collection['images']['backdrops'], urlbases, language)
setfanart = _get_images(collection['images']['backdrops'], urlbases, None)
return {'poster': posters, 'landscape': landscape, 'fanart': fanart,
'set.poster': setposters, 'set.landscape': setlandscape, 'set.fanart': setfanart}
def _get_images_with_fallback(imagelist, urlbases, language, language_fallback='en'):
images = _get_images(imagelist, urlbases, language)
# Add backup images
if language != language_fallback:
images.extend(_get_images(imagelist, urlbases, language_fallback))
# Add any images if nothing set so far
if not images:
images = _get_images(imagelist, urlbases)
return images
def _get_images(imagelist, urlbases, language='_any'):
result = []
for img in imagelist:
if language != '_any' and img['iso_639_1'] != language:
'url': urlbases['original'] + img['file_path'],
'preview': urlbases['preview'] + img['file_path'],
return result
def _get_date_numeric(datetime_):
return (datetime_ - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
def _load_base_urls(url_settings):
urls = {}
# urls['original'] = url_settings.getSettingString('originalUrl')
# urls['preview'] = url_settings.getSettingString('previewUrl')
# last_updated = url_settings.getSettingString('lastUpdated')
urls['original'] = ""
urls['preview'] = ""
last_updated = "0"
if not urls['original'] or not urls['preview'] or not last_updated or \
float(last_updated) < _get_date_numeric( - timedelta(days=30)):
conf = tmdbapi.get_configuration()
if conf:
urls['original'] = conf['images']['secure_base_url'] + 'original'
urls['preview'] = conf['images']['secure_base_url'] + 'w780'
# url_settings.setSetting('originalUrl', urls['original'])
# url_settings.setSetting('previewUrl', urls['preview'])
# url_settings.setSetting('lastUpdated', str(_get_date_numeric(
return urls
def _parse_trailer(trailers, fallback):
if trailers.get('youtube'):
return 'plugin://'+trailers['youtube'][0]['source']
if fallback.get('youtube'):
return 'plugin://'+fallback['youtube'][0]['source']
return None
def _get_names(items):
return [item['name'] for item in items] if items else []
def _get_cast_members(casts, casttype, department, jobs):
result = []
if casttype in casts:
for cast in casts[casttype]:
if cast['department'] == department and cast['job'] in jobs and cast['name'] not in result:
return result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020, Team Kodi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
"""Functions to interact with TMDb API."""
from . import api_utils
from typing import Optional, Text, Dict, List, Any # pylint: disable=unused-import
InfoType = Dict[Text, Any] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
except ImportError:
('User-Agent', 'Kodi Movie scraper by Team Kodi'),
('Accept', 'application/json'),
TMDB_PARAMS = {'api_key': 'f090bb54758cabf231fb605d3e3e0468'}
BASE_URL = '{}'
SEARCH_URL = BASE_URL.format('search/movie')
FIND_URL = BASE_URL.format('find/{}')
MOVIE_URL = BASE_URL.format('movie/{}')
COLLECTION_URL = BASE_URL.format('collection/{}')
CONFIG_URL = BASE_URL.format('configuration')
def search_movie(query, year=None, language=None):
# type: (Text) -> List[InfoType]
Search for a movie
:param title: movie title to search
:param year: the year to search (optional)
:param language: the language filter for TMDb (optional)
:return: a list with found movies
theurl = SEARCH_URL
params = _set_params(None, language)
params['query'] = query
if year is not None:
params['year'] = str(year)
return api_utils.load_info(theurl, params=params)
def find_movie_by_external_id(external_id, language=None):
# type: (Text) -> List[InfoType]
Find movie based on external ID
:param mid: external ID
:param language: the language filter for TMDb (optional)
:return: the movie or error
theurl = FIND_URL.format(external_id)
params = _set_params(None, language)
params['external_source'] = 'imdb_id'
return api_utils.load_info(theurl, params=params)
def get_movie(mid, language=None, append_to_response=None):
# type: (Text) -> List[InfoType]
Get movie details
:param mid: TMDb movie ID
:param language: the language filter for TMDb (optional)
:append_to_response: the additional data to get from TMDb (optional)
:return: the movie or error
theurl = MOVIE_URL.format(mid)
return api_utils.load_info(theurl, params=_set_params(append_to_response, language))
except Exception as e:
def get_collection(collection_id, language=None, append_to_response=None):
# type: (Text) -> List[InfoType]
Get movie collection information
:param collection_id: TMDb collection ID
:param language: the language filter for TMDb (optional)
:append_to_response: the additional data to get from TMDb (optional)
:return: the movie or error
theurl = COLLECTION_URL.format(collection_id)
return api_utils.load_info(theurl, params=_set_params(append_to_response, language))
def get_configuration():
# type: (Text) -> List[InfoType]
Get configuration information
:return: configuration details or error
return api_utils.load_info(CONFIG_URL, params=TMDB_PARAMS.copy())
def _set_params(append_to_response, language):
params = TMDB_PARAMS.copy()
img_lang = 'en,null'
if language is not None:
params['language'] = language
img_lang = '%s,en,null' % language[0:2]
if append_to_response is not None:
params['append_to_response'] = append_to_response
if 'images' in append_to_response:
params['include_image_language'] = img_lang
return params
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020, Team Kodi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
"""Functions to interact with Trakt API."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from . import api_utils
from . import get_imdb_id
from typing import Optional, Text, Dict, List, Any # pylint: disable=unused-import
InfoType = Dict[Text, Any] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
except ImportError:
('User-Agent', 'Kodi Movie scraper by Team Kodi'),
('Accept', 'application/json'),
('trakt-api-key', '5f2dc73b6b11c2ac212f5d8b4ec8f3dc4b727bb3f026cd254d89eda997fe64ae'),
('trakt-api-version', '2'),
('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
MOVIE_URL = '{}'
def get_trakt_ratinginfo(uniqueids):
imdb_id = get_imdb_id(uniqueids)
result = {}
url = MOVIE_URL.format(imdb_id)
params = {'extended': 'full'}
movie_info = api_utils.load_info(url, params=params, default={})
if 'votes' in movie_info and 'rating' in movie_info:
result['ratings'] = {'trakt': {'votes': int(movie_info['votes']), 'rating': float(movie_info['rating'])}}
elif 'rating' in movie_info:
result['ratings'] = {'trakt': {'rating': float(movie_info['rating'])}}
return result
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ class Controller(UIMixin, SignalsMixins, Controller_Data):
event_system.subscribe("set_clipboard_data", self.set_clipboard_data)
def _load_glade_file(self):
self.builder = Gtk.Builder()
self.builder.add_from_file( settings_manager.get_glade_file() )
self.builder.expose_object("main_window", self.window)
self.core_widget = self.builder.get_object("core_widget")
@ -35,13 +35,39 @@ class State:
user_pass_dialog: type = None
class SFMBuilder(Gtk.Builder):
"""docstring for SFMBuilder."""
def __init__(self):
super(SFMBuilder, self).__init__()
self.objects = {}
def get_object(self, id: str, use_gtk: bool = True) -> any:
if not use_gtk:
return self.objects[id]
return super(SFMBuilder, self).get_object(id)
def expose_object(self, id: str, object: any, use_gtk: bool = True) -> None:
if not use_gtk:
self.objects[id] = object
super(SFMBuilder, self).expose_object(id, object)
def dereference_object(self, id: str) -> None:
del self.objects[id]
class Controller_Data:
""" Controller_Data contains most of the state of the app at ay given time. It also has some support methods. """
__slots__ = "settings", "builder", "logger", "keybindings", "trashman", "fm_controller", "window", "window1", "window2", "window3", "window4"
def _setup_controller_data(self) -> None:
self.window = settings_manager.get_main_window()
self.builder = None
self.builder = SFMBuilder()
self.core_widget = None
@ -88,7 +114,7 @@ class Controller_Data:
state.notebooks = self.notebooks
state.wid, state.tid = self.fm_controller.get_active_wid_and_tid()
|||| = self.get_fm_window(state.wid).get_tab_by_id(state.tid)
state.icon_grid = self.builder.get_object(f"{state.wid}|{state.tid}|icon_grid")
state.icon_grid = self.builder.get_object(f"{state.wid}|{state.tid}|icon_grid", use_gtk = False)
# state.icon_grid = event_system.emit_and_await("get_files_view_icon_grid", (state.wid, state.tid))
|||| = state.icon_grid.get_model()
state.message_dialog = MessageWidget()
@ -110,7 +136,7 @@ class Controller_Data:
event_system.emit("update_state_info_plugins", state) # NOTE: Need to remove after we convert plugins to use emit_and_await
return state
def format_to_uris(self, store, wid, tid, treePaths, use_just_path=False):
def format_to_uris(self, store, wid, tid, treePaths, use_just_path = False):
tab = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_tab_by_id(tid)
dir = tab.get_current_directory()
uris = []
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class FileActionSignalsMixin:
# NOTE: Too lazy to impliment a proper update handler and so just regen store and update tab.
# Use a lock system to prevent too many update calls for certain instances but user can manually refresh if they have urgency
def dir_watch_updates(self, file_monitor, file, other_file=None, eve_type=None, data=None):
def dir_watch_updates(self, file_monitor, file, other_file = None, eve_type = None, data = None):
if eve_type in [Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CREATED, Gio.FileMonitorEvent.DELETED,
Gio.FileMonitorEvent.RENAMED, Gio.FileMonitorEvent.MOVED_IN,
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class FileActionSignalsMixin:
wid, tid = tab_widget.split("|")
notebook = self.builder.get_object(f"window_{wid}")
tab = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_tab_by_id(tid)
icon_grid = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}|icon_grid")
icon_grid = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}|icon_grid", use_gtk = False)
store = icon_grid.get_model()
_store, tab_widget_label = self.get_store_and_label_from_notebook(notebook, f"{wid}|{tid}")
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class FileActionSignalsMixin:
def do_file_search(self, widget, eve=None):
def do_file_search(self, widget, eve = None):
if not self.ctrl_down and not self.shift_down and not self.alt_down:
target = widget.get_name()
notebook = self.builder.get_object(target)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class KeyboardSignalsMixin:
def keyboard_close_tab(self):
wid, tid = self.fm_controller.get_active_wid_and_tid()
notebook = self.builder.get_object(f"window_{wid}")
scroll = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}")
scroll = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}", use_gtk = False)
page = notebook.page_num(scroll)
tab = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_tab_by_id(tid)
watcher = tab.get_dir_watcher()
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Python imports
import asyncio
# Lib imports
import gi
@ -31,35 +32,56 @@ class GridMixin:
for i, icon in enumerate( self.create_icons_generator(tab, dir, files) ):
self.load_icon(i, store, icon)
for i, file in enumerate(files):
self.create_icon(i, tab, store, dir, file[0])
# for i, file in enumerate(files):
# self.create_icon(i, tab, store, dir, file[0])
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError:
loop = None
if loop and loop.is_running():
loop.create_task( self.create_icons(tab, store, dir, files) )
|||| self.create_icons(tab, store, dir, files) )
# NOTE: Not likely called often from here but it could be useful
if save_state and not trace_debug:
async def create_icons(self, tab, store, dir, files):
tasks = [self.update_store(i, store, dir, tab, file[0]) for i, file in enumerate(files)]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def load_icon(self, i, store, icon):
self.update_store(i, store, icon)
async def update_store(self, i, store, dir, tab, file):
icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file)
itr = store.get_iter(i)
store.set_value(itr, 0, icon)
def create_icons_generator(self, tab, dir, files):
for file in files:
icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file[0])
yield icon
def create_icon(self, i, tab, store, dir, file):
icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file)
GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
# @daemon_threaded
# def create_icon(self, i, tab, store, dir, file):
# icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file)
# GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
# @daemon_threaded
# def load_icon(self, i, store, icon):
# GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
def load_icon(self, i, store, icon):
GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
def update_store(self, i, store, icon):
itr = store.get_iter(i)
store.set_value(itr, 0, icon)
# def update_store(self, i, store, icon):
# itr = store.get_iter(i)
# store.set_value(itr, 0, icon)
def create_tab_widget(self, tab):
return TabHeaderWidget(tab, self.close_tab)
def create_scroll_and_store(self, tab, wid, use_tree_view=False):
def create_scroll_and_store(self, tab, wid, use_tree_view = False):
scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
if not use_tree_view:
@ -71,8 +93,8 @@ class GridMixin:
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}|icon_grid", grid)
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}", scroll)
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}|icon_grid", grid, use_gtk = False)
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}", scroll, use_gtk = False)
return scroll, grid.get_store()
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from .grid_mixin import GridMixin
class TabMixin(GridMixin):
"""docstring for TabMixin"""
def create_tab(self, wid=None, tid=None, path=None):
def create_tab(self, wid: int = None, tid: int = None, path: str = None):
if not wid:
wid, tid = self.fm_controller.get_active_wid_and_tid()
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
tab_box = button.get_parent()
wid = int(notebook.get_name()[-1])
tid = self.get_id_from_tab_box(tab_box)
scroll = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}")
scroll = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}", use_gtk = False)
icon_grid = scroll.get_children()[0]
store = icon_grid.get_store()
tab = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_tab_by_id(tid)
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
# store.run_dispose()
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
if not settings_manager.is_trace_debug():
def on_tab_switch_update(self, notebook, content=None, index=None):
def on_tab_switch_update(self, notebook, content = None, index = None):
wid, tid = content.get_children()[0].get_name().split("|")
self.fm_controller.set_wid_and_tid(wid, tid)
@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
def get_tab_icon_grid_from_notebook(self, notebook):
return notebook.get_children()[1].get_children()[0]
def refresh_tab(data=None):
def refresh_tab(data = None):
state = self.get_current_state()
@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
if not settings_manager.is_trace_debug():
def do_action_from_bar_controls(self, widget, eve=None):
def do_action_from_bar_controls(self, widget, eve = None):
action = widget.get_name()
wid, tid = self.fm_controller.get_active_wid_and_tid()
notebook = self.builder.get_object(f"window_{wid}")
@ -36,6 +36,15 @@ class UIMixin(PaneMixin, WindowMixin):
isHidden = True if session["window"]["isHidden"] == "True" else False
event_system.emit("load_files_view_state", (nickname, tabs))
def _focus_last_visible_notebook(self, icon_grid):
import time
window = settings_manager.get_main_window()
while not window.is_visible() and not window.get_realized():
icon_grid.event(Gdk.Event().new(type = Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE))
def _current_loading_process(self, session_json = None):
if session_json:
@ -58,16 +67,17 @@ class UIMixin(PaneMixin, WindowMixin):
if not self.is_pane4_hidden:
icon_grid = self.window4.get_children()[-1].get_children()[0]
notebook = self.window4
elif not self.is_pane3_hidden:
icon_grid = self.window3.get_children()[-1].get_children()[0]
notebook = self.window3
elif not self.is_pane2_hidden:
icon_grid = self.window2.get_children()[-1].get_children()[0]
notebook = self.window2
elif not self.is_pane1_hidden:
icon_grid = self.window1.get_children()[-1].get_children()[0]
notebook = self.window1
scroll_win = notebook.get_children()[-1]
icon_grid = scroll_win.get_children()[0]
except UIMixinException as e:
||||"\n: The saved session might be missing window data! :\nLocation: ~/.config/solarfm/session.json\nFix: Back it up and delete it to reset.\n")
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class FilesWidget(FileActionSignalsMixin, WindowMixin):
self.builder.expose_object(f"{self.NAME}", self.files_view)
def _load_files_view_state(self, win_name=None, tabs=None):
def _load_files_view_state(self, win_name = None, tabs = None):
if win_name == self.NAME:
if tabs:
for tab in tabs:
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ class FilesWidget(FileActionSignalsMixin, WindowMixin):
self.create_new_tab_notebook(None, self.INDEX, None)
def _get_files_view_icon_grid(self, win_index=None, tid=None):
def _get_files_view_icon_grid(self, win_index = None, tid = None):
if win_index == str(self.INDEX):
return self.builder.get_object(f"{self.INDEX}|{tid}|icon_grid")
return self.builder.get_object(f"{self.INDEX}|{tid}|icon_grid", use_gtk = False)
def set_fm_controller(self, _fm_controller):
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Python imports
import asyncio
# Lib imports
import gi
@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ class GridMixin:
"""docstring for GridMixin"""
def load_store(self, tab, store, save_state = False, use_generator = False):
dir = tab.get_current_directory()
files = tab.get_files()
@ -32,35 +32,56 @@ class GridMixin:
for i, icon in enumerate( self.create_icons_generator(tab, dir, files) ):
self.load_icon(i, store, icon)
for i, file in enumerate(files):
self.create_icon(i, tab, store, dir, file[0])
# for i, file in enumerate(files):
# self.create_icon(i, tab, store, dir, file[0])
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError:
loop = None
if loop and loop.is_running():
loop.create_task( self.create_icons(tab, store, dir, files) )
|||| self.create_icons(tab, store, dir, files) )
# NOTE: Not likely called often from here but it could be useful
if save_state and not trace_debug:
async def create_icons(self, tab, store, dir, files):
tasks = [self.update_store(i, store, dir, tab, file[0]) for i, file in enumerate(files)]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def load_icon(self, i, store, icon):
self.update_store(i, store, icon)
async def update_store(self, i, store, dir, tab, file):
icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file)
itr = store.get_iter(i)
store.set_value(itr, 0, icon)
def create_icons_generator(self, tab, dir, files):
for file in files:
icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file[0])
yield icon
def create_icon(self, i, tab, store, dir, file):
icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file)
GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
def load_icon(self, i, store, icon):
GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
def update_store(self, i, store, icon):
itr = store.get_iter(i)
store.set_value(itr, 0, icon)
# @daemon_threaded
# def create_icon(self, i, tab, store, dir, file):
# icon = tab.create_icon(dir, file)
# GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
# @daemon_threaded
# def load_icon(self, i, store, icon):
# GLib.idle_add(self.update_store, *(i, store, icon,))
# def update_store(self, i, store, icon):
# itr = store.get_iter(i)
# store.set_value(itr, 0, icon)
def create_tab_widget(self, tab):
return TabHeaderWidget(tab, self.close_tab)
def create_scroll_and_store(self, tab, wid, use_tree_view=False):
def create_scroll_and_store(self, tab, wid, use_tree_view = False):
scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
if not use_tree_view:
@ -72,8 +93,8 @@ class GridMixin:
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}|icon_grid", grid)
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}", scroll)
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}|icon_grid", grid, use_gtk = False)
self.builder.expose_object(f"{wid}|{tab.get_id()}", scroll, use_gtk = False)
return scroll, grid.get_store()
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from .grid_mixin import GridMixin
class TabMixin(GridMixin):
"""docstring for TabMixin"""
def create_tab(self, wid=None, tid=None, path=None):
def create_tab(self, wid: int = None, tid: int = None, path: str = None):
if not wid:
wid, tid = self.fm_controller.get_active_wid_and_tid()
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
tab_box = button.get_parent()
wid = int(notebook.get_name()[-1])
tid = self.get_id_from_tab_box(tab_box)
scroll = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}")
scroll = self.builder.get_object(f"{wid}|{tid}", use_gtk = False)
icon_grid = scroll.get_children()[0]
store = icon_grid.get_model()
tab = self.get_fm_window(wid).get_tab_by_id(tid)
@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
# store.run_dispose()
@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
if not settings_manager.is_trace_debug():
def on_tab_switch_update(self, notebook, content=None, index=None):
def on_tab_switch_update(self, notebook, content = None, index = None):
wid, tid = content.get_children()[0].get_name().split("|")
self.fm_controller.set_wid_and_tid(wid, tid)
@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
def get_tab_icon_grid_from_notebook(self, notebook):
return notebook.get_children()[1].get_children()[0]
def refresh_tab(data=None):
def refresh_tab(data = None):
state = self.get_current_state()
@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ class TabMixin(GridMixin):
if not settings_manager.is_trace_debug():
def do_action_from_bar_controls(self, widget, eve=None):
def do_action_from_bar_controls(self, widget, eve = None):
action = widget.get_name()
wid, tid = self.fm_controller.get_active_wid_and_tid()
notebook = self.builder.get_object(f"window_{wid}")
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class Window(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
styleContext.add_provider_for_screen(screen, cssProvider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER)
def _area_draw(self, widget: Gtk.ApplicationWindow, cr: cairo.Context) -> None:
cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)
cr.set_source_rgba( *settings_manager.get_paint_bg_color() )
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ class Icon(DesktopIconMixin, VideoIconMixin, MeshsIconMixin):
if not thumbnl:
# TODO: Detect if not in a thread and use directly for speed get_system_thumbnail
# thumbnl = self.get_system_thumbnail(full_path, self.sys_icon_wh[0])
thumbnl = self._get_system_thumbnail_gtk_thread(full_path, self.sys_icon_wh[0])
thumbnl = self.get_system_thumbnail(full_path, self.sys_icon_wh[0])
# thumbnl = self._get_system_thumbnail_gtk_thread(full_path, self.sys_icon_wh[0])
if not thumbnl:
raise IconException("No known icons found.")
@ -174,14 +174,15 @@ class Icon(DesktopIconMixin, VideoIconMixin, MeshsIconMixin):
return path_exists, img_hash, hash_img_path
def fast_hash(self, filename, hash_factory=hashlib.md5, chunk_num_blocks=128, i=1):
def fast_hash(self, filename: str, hash_factory: callable = hashlib.md5, chunk_num_blocks: int = 128, i: int = 1) -> str:
h = hash_factory()
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
# NOTE: Jump to middle of file
||||, 2)
mid = int(f.tell() / 2)
||||, 0)
while chunk :=*h.block_size):
while chunk := * h.block_size):
if (i == 12):
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class IPCServer(Singleton):
def _handle_ipc_message(self, conn, start_time) -> None:
while True:
msg = conn.recv()
if settings.is_debug():
if settings_manager.is_debug():
if "FILE|" in msg:
@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ class IPCServer(Singleton):
except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
print("Connection refused...")
except Exception as e:
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class SettingsManager(StartCheckMixin, Singleton):
self._CSS_FILE = f"{self._HOME_CONFIG_PATH}/stylesheet.css"
self._KEY_BINDINGS_FILE = f"{self._HOME_CONFIG_PATH}/key-bindings.json"
self._PID_FILE = f"{self._HOME_CONFIG_PATH}/{app_name.lower()}.pid"
self._WINDOW_ICON = f"{self._DEFAULT_ICONS}/icons/{app_name.lower()}.png"
self._WINDOW_ICON = f"{self._DEFAULT_ICONS}/{app_name.lower()}.png"
self._UI_WIDEGTS_PATH = f"{self._HOME_CONFIG_PATH}/ui_widgets"
self._CONTEXT_MENU = f"{self._HOME_CONFIG_PATH}/contexct_menu.json"
self._TRASH_FILES_PATH = f"{GLib.get_user_data_dir()}/Trash/files"
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class SettingsManager(StartCheckMixin, Singleton):
self._main_window_w = 1670
self._main_window_h = 830
self._builder = None
self.PAINT_BG_COLOR = (0, 0, 0, 0.0)
self._trace_debug = False
self._debug = False
@ -126,7 +127,9 @@ class SettingsManager(StartCheckMixin, Singleton):
def get_main_window(self) -> Gtk.ApplicationWindow: return self._main_window
def get_main_window_width(self) -> Gtk.ApplicationWindow: return self._main_window_w
def get_main_window_height(self) -> Gtk.ApplicationWindow: return self._main_window_h
def get_builder(self) -> Gtk.Builder: return self._builder
def get_builder(self) -> Gtk.Builder: return self._builder
def get_paint_bg_color(self) -> list: return self.PAINT_BG_COLOR
def get_glade_file(self) -> str: return self._GLADE_FILE
def get_icon_theme(self) -> str: return self._ICON_THEME
def get_css_file(self) -> str: return self._CSS_FILE
@ -161,4 +164,4 @@ class SettingsManager(StartCheckMixin, Singleton):
def save_settings(self):
with open(self._CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(self.settings.as_dict(), outfile, separators=(',', ':'), indent=4)
json.dump(self.settings.as_dict(), outfile, separators=(',', ':'), indent=4)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"config": {
"base_of_home": "",
"hide_hidden_files": "true",
"thumbnailer_path": "ffmpegthumbnailer",
"blender_thumbnailer_path": "",
"go_past_home": "true",
"lock_folder": "false",
"locked_folders": "venv::::flasks",
"mplayer_options": "-quiet -really-quiet -xy 1600 -geometry 50%:50%",
"music_app": "deadbeef",
"media_app": "mpv",
"image_app": "mirage2",
"office_app": "libreoffice",
"pdf_app": "evince",
"code_app": "newton",
"text_app": "mousepad",
"terminal_app": "terminator",
"container_icon_wh": [128, 128],
"video_icon_wh": [128, 64],
"sys_icon_wh": [56, 56],
"file_manager_app": "solarfm",
"steam_cdn_url": "",
"remux_folder_max_disk_usage": "8589934592"
"filters": {
"meshs": [".dae", ".fbx", ".gltf", ".obj", ".stl"],
"code": [".cpp", ".css", ".c", ".go", ".html", ".htm", ".java", ".js", ".json", ".lua", ".md", ".py", ".rs", ".toml", ".xml", ".pom"],
"videos": [".mkv", ".mp4", ".webm", ".avi", ".mov", ".m4v", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".wmv", ".flv"],
"office": [".doc", ".docx", ".xls", ".xlsx", ".xlt", ".xltx", ".xlm", ".ppt", ".pptx", ".pps", ".ppsx", ".odt", ".rtf"],
"images": [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".ico", ".tga", ".webp"],
"text": [".txt", ".text", ".sh", ".cfg", ".conf", ".log"],
"music": [".psf", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".flac", ".m4a"],
"pdf": [".pdf"]
"success_color": "#88cc27",
"warning_color": "#ffa800",
"error_color": "#ff0000"
"debugging": {
"ch_log_lvl": 20,
"fh_log_lvl": 10
Reference in New Issue
Block a user