
364 lines
12 KiB

Script for reading zaabin/zaa files and applying the unmunged animation
to the currently selected armature.
As regards decompress_curves, I should really make a separate AnimationSet
dataclass instead of returning a convoluted nested dict.
import os
import bpy
import re
from .zaa_reader import *
from .crc import *
from .msh_model import *
from .msh_model_utilities import *
from .msh_utilities import *
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple
#anims #bones #comps #keyframes: index,value
def decompress_curves(input_file) -> Dict[int, Dict[int, List[ Dict[int,float]]]]:
decompressed_anims: Dict[int, Dict[int, List[ Dict[int,float]]]] = {}
with ZAAReader(input_file) as head:
# Dont read SMNA as child, since it has a length field always set to 0...
num_anims = head.read_u16()
#print("\nFile contains {} animations\n".format(num_anims))
anim_crcs = []
anim_metadata = {}
# Read metadata (crc, num frames, num bones) for each anim
with head.read_child() as mina:
for i in range(num_anims):
anim_crc = mina.read_u32()
anim_metadata[anim_crc] = {"num_frames" : mina.read_u16(), "num_bones" : mina.read_u16()}
# Read TADA offsets and quantization parameters for each rot + loc component, for each bone, for each anim
with head.read_child() as tnja:
for i, anim_crc in enumerate(anim_crcs):
bone_params = {}
for _ in range(anim_metadata[anim_crc]["num_bones"]):
bone_crc = tnja.read_u32()
bone_params[bone_crc] = {
"rot_offsets" : [tnja.read_u32() for _ in range(4)], # Offsets into TADA for rotation
"loc_offsets" : [tnja.read_u32() for _ in range(3)], # and translation curves
"qparams" : [tnja.read_f32() for _ in range(4)], # Translation quantization parameters, 3 biases, 1 multiplier
anim_metadata[anim_crc]["bone_params"] = bone_params
# Decompress/dequantize frame data into discrete per-component curves
with head.read_child() as tada:
for anim_crc in anim_crcs:
decompressed_anims[anim_crc] = {}
num_frames = anim_metadata[anim_crc]["num_frames"]
num_bones = anim_metadata[anim_crc]["num_bones"]
#print("\n\tAnim hash: {} Num frames: {} Num joints: {}".format(hex(anim_crc), num_frames, num_bones))
for bone_num, bone_crc in enumerate(anim_metadata[anim_crc]["bone_params"]):
bone_curves = []
params_bone = anim_metadata[anim_crc]["bone_params"][bone_crc]
offsets_list = params_bone["rot_offsets"] + params_bone["loc_offsets"]
qparams = params_bone["qparams"]
#print("\n\t\tBone #{} hash: {}".format(bone_num,hex(bone_crc)))
#print("\n\t\tQParams: {}, {}, {}, {}".format(*qparams))
for o, start_offset in enumerate(offsets_list):
# Skip to start of compressed data for component, as specified in TNJA
# Init curve dict
curve : Dict[int,float] = {}
# Init accumulator
accumulator = 0.0
# 2047 = max val of signed 12 bit int, the (overwhelmingly) common compression amount.
# This is used for all rotation components in the file, with no offset
if o < 4:
mult = 1 / 2047
bias = 0.0
# Translations have specific quantization parameters; biases for each component and
# a single multiplier for all three
mult = qparams[-1]
bias = qparams[o - 4]
#print("\n\t\t\tBias = {}, multiplier = {}".format(bias, mult))
#print("\n\t\t\tOffset {}: {} ({}, {} remaining)".format(o,start_offset, tada.get_current_pos(), tada.how_much_left(tada.get_current_pos())))
j = 0
while (j < num_frames):
accumulator = bias + mult * tada.read_i16()
curve[j if j < num_frames else num_frames] = accumulator
#print("\t\t\t\t{}: {}".format(j, accumulator))
while (j < num_frames):
control = tada.read_i8()
# Reset the accumulator to next dequantized i16
if control == -0x7f:
#print("\t\t\t\tControl: READING NEXT FRAME")
# RLE: hold current accumulator for the next u8 frames
elif control == -0x80:
num_skips = tada.read_u8()
#print("\t\t\t\tControl: HOLDING FOR {} FRAMES".format(num_skips))
j += num_skips
# If not a special value, increment accumulator by the dequantized i8
# The bias is NOT applied here, only for accumulator resets
accumulator += mult * float(control)
curve[j if j < num_frames else num_frames] = accumulator
#print("\t\t\t\t{}: {}".format(j, accumulator))
curve[num_frames - 1] = accumulator
decompressed_anims[anim_crc][bone_crc] = bone_curves
return decompressed_anims
Gets the animation names from the supplied
.anims file. Handy since .zaabin files often
share a dir with a .anims file.
def read_anims_file(anims_file_path):
if not os.path.exists(anims_file_path):
return []
with open(anims_file_path, 'r') as file:
anims_text = file.read()
splits = anims_text.split('"')
if len(splits) > 1:
return splits[1:-1:2]
return []
Unmunge the .zaa(bin) file and apply the resulting animation
to the currently selected armature object.
Contains some bloated code for calculating the world transforms of each bone,
for now this will work ONLY if the model was directly imported from a .msh file.
def extract_and_apply_munged_anim(input_file_path):
with open(input_file_path,"rb") as input_file:
animation_set = decompress_curves(input_file)
anim_names = []
if input_file_path.endswith(".zaabin"):
anim_names = read_anims_file(input_file_path.replace(".zaabin", ".anims"))
arma = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active
if arma.type != 'ARMATURE':
raise Exception("Select an armature to attach the imported animation to!")
if arma.animation_data is not None:
When directly imported from .msh files,
all skeleton models are saved as emptys, since
some are excluded from the actual armature (effectors, roots, eg...).
bond_bind_poses contains matrices for converting the transform of
bones found in .msh/.zaabin files to ones that'll fit the extracted armature.
This will be replaced with the eventual importer release.
bone_bind_poses = {}
for bone in arma.data.bones:
bone_obj = bpy.data.objects[bone.name]
bone_obj_parent = bone_obj.parent
bind_mat = bone_obj.matrix_local
stack_mat = Matrix.Identity(4)
if bone_obj_parent is None or bone_obj_parent.name in arma.data.bones:
bind_mat = bone_obj_parent.matrix_local @ bind_mat
stack_mat = bone_obj_parent.matrix_local @ stack_mat
bone_obj_parent = bone_obj_parent.parent
bone_bind_poses[bone.name] = bind_mat.inverted() @ stack_mat
for anim_crc in animation_set:
found_anim = [anim_name for anim_name in anim_names if crc(anim_name) == anim_crc]
if found_anim:
anim_str = found_anim[0]
anim_str = str(hex(anim_crc))
#print("\nExtracting anim: " + anim_crc_str)
if anim_str in bpy.data.actions:
bpy.data.actions[anim_str].use_fake_user = False
action = bpy.data.actions.new(anim_str)
action.use_fake_user = True
animation = animation_set[anim_crc]
for bone in arma.pose.bones:
bone_crc = crc(bone.name)
#print("\tGetting curves for bone: " + bone.name)
if bone_crc not in animation:
bind_mat = bone_bind_poses[bone.name]
loc_data_path = "pose.bones[\"{}\"].location".format(bone.name)
rot_data_path = "pose.bones[\"{}\"].rotation_quaternion".format(bone.name)
bone_curves = animation[bone_crc]
num_frames = max(bone_curves[0])
#print("\t\tNum frames: " + str(num_frames))
last_values = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
def get_quat(index):
nonlocal bone_curves, last_values
q = Quaternion()
valmap = [1,2,3,0]
has_key = False
for i in range(4):
curve = bone_curves[i]
if index in curve:
has_key = True
last_values[i] = curve[index]
q[valmap[i]] = last_values[i]
return q if has_key else None
def get_vec(index):
nonlocal bone_curves, last_values
v = Vector()
has_key = False
for i in range(4,7):
curve = bone_curves[i]
if index in curve:
has_key = True
last_values[i] = curve[index]
v[i - 4] = last_values[i]
return v if has_key else None
fcurve_rot_w = action.fcurves.new(rot_data_path, index=0, action_group=bone.name)
fcurve_rot_x = action.fcurves.new(rot_data_path, index=1, action_group=bone.name)
fcurve_rot_y = action.fcurves.new(rot_data_path, index=2, action_group=bone.name)
fcurve_rot_z = action.fcurves.new(rot_data_path, index=3, action_group=bone.name)
fcurve_loc_x = action.fcurves.new(loc_data_path, index=0, action_group=bone.name)
fcurve_loc_y = action.fcurves.new(loc_data_path, index=1, action_group=bone.name)
fcurve_loc_z = action.fcurves.new(loc_data_path, index=2, action_group=bone.name)
for frame in range(num_frames):
q = get_quat(frame)
if q is not None:
# Very bloated, but works for now
q = (bind_mat @ convert_rotation_space(q).to_matrix().to_4x4()).to_quaternion()
t = get_vec(frame)
if t is not None:
# ''
t = (bind_mat @ Matrix.Translation(convert_vector_space(t))).translation
arma.animation_data.action = action