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Releasing Terminator
Make sure you have the latest master branch, no un-committed changes, and are ready to release that state.
Set version in Python
sed -i "s/APP_VERSION =.*/APP_VERSION = '${VERSION}'/" terminatorlib/version.py
Generate the changelog
For the changelog we are using github-changelog-generator
github_changelog_generator --future-release "$VERSION"
Check and review CHANGELOG.md for the expected result.
Git Tag
Commit these changes to the "master" branch:
git add terminatorlib/version.py CHANGELOG.md RELEASE.md
git commit -v -m "Release version $VERSION"
git push origin master
And tag it with a signed tag:
git tag -s -m "Version $VERSION" v$VERSION
Push the tag.
git push --tags
Signed artifacts
To provide a signed tarball for distributions we use sdist and gpg:
python setup.py sdist
gpg -u markus@lazyfrosch.de --armor \
--output dist/terminator-${VERSION}.tar.gz.asc \
--detach-sig dist/terminator-${VERSION}.tar.gz
GitHub Release
Now update the tag to a release on GitHub, and add the artifacts: https://github.com/gnome-terminator/terminator/releases
Make sure to add the proper section from CHANGELOG.md as description to the release.