
981 B

Development Notes

Here we connect notes and howtos for development around Terminator. Feel free to extend or submit suggestions.

Translation i18n

Tooling is based on Babel, the configuration is stored in babel.cfg, setup.cfg and some code in setup.py.

The POT file po/terminator.pot contains the template for all translations and should be updated regularly, especially when messages changed inside the source code.

$ python setup.py extract_messages

Usually catalogs are updated with external translation tools, e.g. when new translations are merged. But we can update the catalogs here, so translators will have it more easy to pick up their work. This is a custom extension in setup.py.

$ python setup.py update_catalogs

Compilation of catalogs into the binary form, from *.po to *.mo is done during setup.py build, and the files are installed during setup.py install.