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2007-07-28 01:33:48 +00:00
# Terminator - multiple gnome terminals in one window
2008-02-08 10:20:48 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 cmsj@tenshu.net
2007-07-28 01:33:48 +00:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2 only.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
"""Terminator by Chris Jones <cmsj@tenshu.net>"""
# import standard python libs
import os, sys, string, time, math
from optparse import OptionParser
import gettext
gettext.install ('terminator')
# import unix-lib
2007-08-26 23:24:32 +00:00
import pwd
# import gtk libs
# check just in case anyone runs it on a non-gnome system.
import gobject, gtk, gconf, pango
print >> sys.stderr, _("You need to install the python bindings for " \
"gobject, gtk, gconf and pango to run Terminator.")
# import a library for viewing URLs
# gnome.url_show() is really useful
import gnome
url_show = gnome.url_show
# webbrowser.open() is not really useful, but will do as a fallback
import webbrowser
url_show = webbrowser.open
# import vte-bindings
import vte
error = gtk.MessageDialog (None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK,
_('You need to install python bindings for libvte ("python-vte" in debian/ubuntu)'))
sys.exit (1)
class TerminatorTerm:
# Our settings
# FIXME: Add commandline and/or gconf options to change these
defaults = {
'gt_dir' : '/apps/gnome-terminal',
2008-01-29 14:00:02 +00:00
'_profile_dir' : '%s/profiles',
'allow_bold' : True,
'silent_bell' : True,
'background_color' : '#000000',
'background_darkness' : 0.5,
'background_type' : 'solid',
'backspace_binding' : 'ascii-del',
'delete_binding' : 'delete-sequence',
'cursor_blink' : False,
'emulation' : 'xterm',
'font' : 'Serif 10',
'foreground_color' : '#AAAAAA',
'scrollbar_position' : "right",
'scroll_background' : True,
'scroll_on_keystroke' : False,
'scroll_on_output' : False,
'scrollback_lines' : 100,
'focus' : 'sloppy',
'child_restart' : False,
'link_scheme' : '(news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)',
'_link_user' : '[%s]+(:[%s]+)?',
'link_hostchars' : '-A-Za-z0-9',
'link_userchars' : '-A-Za-z0-9',
'link_passchars' : '-A-Za-z0-9,?;.:/!%$^*&~"#\'',
2008-01-29 14:00:02 +00:00
'_palette' : '%s/palette',
'default_palette' : '#000000000000:#CDCD00000000:#0000CDCD0000:#CDCDCDCD0000:#30BF30BFA38E:#A53C212FA53C:#0000CDCDCDCD:#FAFAEBEBD7D7:#404040404040:#FFFF00000000:#0000FFFF0000:#FFFFFFFF0000:#00000000FFFF:#FFFF0000FFFF:#0000FFFFFFFF:#FFFFFFFFFFFF',
'word_chars' : '-A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_',
'mouse_autohide' : True,
matches = {}
def __init__ (self, terminator, profile = None, command = None):
self.defaults['profile_dir'] = self.defaults['_profile_dir']%(self.defaults['gt_dir'])
self.defaults['link_user'] = self.defaults['_link_user']%(self.defaults['link_userchars'], self.defaults['link_passchars'])
self.terminator = terminator
self.gconf_client = gconf.client_get_default ()
self.command = command
if profile == None:
profile = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.defaults['gt_dir'] + '/global/default_profile')
self.profile = ""
profiles = self.gconf_client.get_list (self.defaults['gt_dir'] + '/global/profile_list', 'string')
if profile in profiles:
self.profile = '%s/%s'%(self.defaults['profile_dir'], profile)
if profile != "Default" and "Default" in profiles:
self.profile = '%s/Default'%(self.defaults['profile_dir'])
if not self.profile:
print >> sys.stderr, _("Warning: unable to find profile %s. Continue with default values...") % profile
self.defaults['palette'] = self.defaults['_palette']%(self.profile)
if self.profile:
self.gconf_client.add_dir (self.profile, gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_RECURSIVE)
self.gconf_client.notify_add (self.profile, self.on_gconf_notification)
self.gconf_client.add_dir ('/apps/metacity/general', gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_RECURSIVE)
self.gconf_client.notify_add ('/apps/metacity/general/focus_mode', self.on_gconf_notification)
self.clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get (gtk.gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)
self.scrollbar_position = self.reconf ('scrollbar_position')
self._vte = vte.Terminal ()
self._vte.set_size (80, 24)
self.reconfigure_vte ()
self._vte.show ()
self._box = gtk.HBox ()
self._box.show ()
self._scrollbar = gtk.VScrollbar (self._vte.get_adjustment ())
if self.scrollbar_position != "hidden":
self._scrollbar.show ()
if self.scrollbar_position == 'right':
packfunc = self._box.pack_start
packfunc = self._box.pack_end
packfunc (self._vte)
packfunc (self._scrollbar, False)
self._vte.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_vte_key_press)
self._vte.connect ("button-press-event", self.on_vte_button_press)
self._vte.connect ("popup-menu", self.on_vte_popup_menu)
# self._vte.connect ("window-title-changed", self.on_vte_title_change)
2007-11-09 05:58:47 +00:00
exit_action = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/exit_action")
if not exit_action:
if self.defaults['child_restart']:
exit_action = "restart"
exit_action = "close"
2007-11-09 05:58:47 +00:00
if exit_action == "restart":
self._vte.connect ("child-exited", self.spawn_child)
2007-11-09 05:58:47 +00:00
if exit_action == "close":
self._vte.connect ("child-exited", lambda close_term: self.terminator.closeterm (self))
self._vte.add_events (gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK)
self._vte.connect ("enter_notify_event", self.on_vte_notify_enter)
self.matches['path'] = self._vte.match_add ('((%s://(%s@)?)|(www|ftp)[%s]*\\.)[%s.]+(:[0-9]+)?/[-A-Za-z0-9_$.+!*(),;:@&=?/~#%%]*[^]\'.}>) \t\r\n,\\\]'%(self.defaults['link_scheme'], self.defaults['link_userchars'], self.defaults['link_hostchars'], self.defaults['link_hostchars']))
self.matches['email'] = self._vte.match_add ('(mailto:)?[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.-]*@[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*(\\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*)+')
self.spawn_child ()
def spawn_child (self, event=None):
update_records = self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/update_records") or True
login = self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/login_shell") or False
if self.command:
args = self.command
shell = self.command[0]
elif self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/use_custom_command") == True:
args = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/custom_command").split ()
shell = args[0]
2007-08-26 23:24:32 +00:00
shell = pwd.getpwuid (os.getuid ())[6]
args = [os.path.basename (shell)]
self._vte.fork_command (command = shell, argv = args, envv = [], loglastlog = login, logwtmp = update_records, logutmp = update_records)
def reconf (self, property):
value = self.gconf_client.get ('%s/%s'%(self.profile, property))
ret = None
if not value:
ret = self.defaults[property]
if value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
ret = value.get_string ()
elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
ret = value.get_int ()
elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_FLOAT:
ret = value.get_float ()
elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
ret = value.get_bool ()
if ret == None:
print >> sys.stderr, _('Unknown value requested. Unable to find in gconf profile or default settings: ') + property
sys.exit (1)
return ret
def reconfigure_vte (self):
# Set our emulation
self._vte.set_emulation (self.defaults['emulation'])
# Set our wordchars
self._vte.set_word_chars (self.reconf ('word_chars'))
# Set our mouselation
self._vte.set_mouse_autohide (self.defaults['mouse_autohide'])
# Set our compatibility
backspace = self.reconf ('backspace_binding')
delete = self.reconf ('delete_binding')
# Note, each of the 4 following comments should replace the line beneath it, but the python-vte bindings don't appear to support this constant, so the magic values are being assumed from the C enum :/
if backspace == "ascii-del":
# backbind = vte.ERASE_ASCII_BACKSPACE
backbind = 2
# backbind = vte.ERASE_AUTO_BACKSPACE
backbind = 1
if delete == "escape-sequence":
delbind = 3
# delbind = vte.ERASE_AUTO
delbind = 0
self._vte.set_backspace_binding (backbind)
self._vte.set_delete_binding (delbind)
# Set our font, preferably from gconf settings
if self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/use_system_font"):
font_name = (self.gconf_client.get_string ("/desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name") or self.defaults['font'])
font_name = self.reconf ('font')
self._vte.set_font (pango.FontDescription (font_name))
# Set our boldness
self._vte.set_allow_bold (self.reconf ('allow_bold'))
# Set our color scheme, preferably from gconf settings
# FIXME: This is wrong, we should be pulling 'palette' out of gconf, but reverting to self.defaults['default_palette'] which means we need to reorganise self.defaults to make this available under the same name as gconf
palette = self.reconf ('default_palette')
if (not self.profile) or self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/use_theme_colors"):
fg_color = self._vte.get_style ().text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
bg_color = self._vte.get_style ().base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
2007-07-27 23:33:43 +00:00
fg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse (self.reconf ('foreground_color'))
bg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse (self.reconf ('background_color'))
# Set our background image, transparency and type
background_type = self.reconf ('background_type')
if background_type == "solid":
self._vte.set_background_image_file ('')
self._vte.set_background_transparent (False)
if background_type == "image":
self._vte.set_background_image_file (self.reconf ('background_image'))
self._vte.set_scroll_background (self.reconf ('scroll_background'))
self._vte.set_background_transparent (False)
if background_type == "transparent":
self._vte.set_background_transparent (True)
self._vte.set_background_saturation (1 - (self.reconf ('background_darkness')))
colors = palette.split (':')
palette = []
for color in colors:
if color:
palette.append (gtk.gdk.color_parse (color))
2007-07-27 23:33:43 +00:00
self._vte.set_colors (fg_color, bg_color, palette)
# Set our cursor blinkiness
self._vte.set_cursor_blinks = (self.reconf ('cursor_blink'))
# Set our audible belliness
silent_bell = self.reconf ('silent_bell')
self._vte.set_audible_bell = not silent_bell
self._vte.set_visible_bell = silent_bell
# Set our scrolliness
self._vte.set_scrollback_lines (self.reconf ('scrollback_lines'))
self._vte.set_scroll_on_keystroke (self.reconf ('scroll_on_keystroke'))
self._vte.set_scroll_on_output (self.reconf ('scroll_on_output'))
scrollbar_position = self.reconf ('scrollbar_position')
if scrollbar_position != self.scrollbar_position:
if scrollbar_position == 'hidden':
self._scrollbar.hide ()
self._scrollbar.show ()
if scrollbar_position == 'right':
self._box.remove (self._scrollbar)
self._box.remove (self._vte)
self._box.pack_start (self._vte)
self._box.pack_start (self._scrollbar)
elif scrollbar_position == 'left':
self._box.remove (self._vte)
self._box.remove (self._scrollbar)
self.scrollbar_position = scrollbar_position
# Set our sloppiness
self.focus = self.gconf_client.get_string ("/apps/metacity/general/focus_mode") or self.defaults['focus']
def on_gconf_notification (self, client, cnxn_id, entry, what):
self.reconfigure_vte ()
def on_vte_button_press (self, term, event):
# Left mouse button should transfer focus to this vte widget
if event.button == 1:
self._vte.grab_focus ()
return False
# Right mouse button should display a context menu
if event.button == 3:
self.do_popup (event)
return True
def on_vte_notify_enter (self, term, event):
if (self.focus == "sloppy" or self.focus == "mouse"):
term.grab_focus ()
return False
def do_scrollbar_toggle (self):
if self._scrollbar.get_property ('visible'):
self._scrollbar.hide ()
self._scrollbar.show ()
#keybindings for the individual splited terminals (affects only the
#the selected terminal)
def on_vte_key_press (self, term, event):
keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name (event.keyval)
mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK
if (event.state & mask) == mask:
if keyname == 'plus':
self.zoom (True)
return (True)
elif keyname == 'minus':
self.zoom (False)
return (True)
# bindings that should be moved to Terminator as they all just call
# a function of Terminator. It would be cleaner is TerminatorTerm
# has absolutely no reference to Terminator.
# N (next) - P (previous) - O (horizontal) - E (vertical) - W (close)
mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK | gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK
if (event.state & mask) == mask:
if keyname == 'N':
self.terminator.go_next (self)
return (True)
elif keyname == "P":
self.terminator.go_prev (self)
return (True)
elif keyname == 'O':
self.terminator.splitaxis (self, False)
return (True)
elif keyname == 'E':
self.terminator.splitaxis (self, True)
return (True)
elif keyname == 'W':
self.terminator.closeterm (self)
return (True)
elif keyname == 'C':
self._vte.copy_clipboard ()
return (True)
elif keyname == 'V':
self._vte.paste_clipboard ()
return (True)
if keyname and (keyname == 'Tab' or keyname.endswith('_Tab')):
if event.state == gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
self.terminator.go_next (self)
return (True)
if (event.state & mask) == mask:
self.terminator.go_prev (self)
return (True)
return (False)
def zoom (self, zoom_in):
pangodesc = self._vte.get_font ()
fontsize = pangodesc.get_size ()
if fontsize > pango.SCALE and not zoom_in:
fontsize -= pango.SCALE
elif zoom_in:
fontsize += pango.SCALE
pangodesc.set_size (fontsize)
self._vte.set_font (pangodesc)
def on_vte_popup_menu (self, term):
self.do_popup ()
def do_popup (self, event = None):
menu = self.create_popup_menu (event)
menu.popup (None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
def create_popup_menu (self, event):
menu = gtk.Menu ()
url = None
if event:
url = self._vte.match_check (int (event.x / self._vte.get_char_width ()), int (event.y / self._vte.get_char_height ()))
if url:
if url[1] != self.matches['email']:
address = url[0]
2007-12-29 03:01:28 +00:00
nameopen = _("_Open Link")
namecopy = _("_Copy Link Address")
2007-11-09 04:36:01 +00:00
if url[0][0:7] != "mailto:":
address = "mailto:" + url[0]
address = url[0]
2007-12-29 03:01:28 +00:00
nameopen = _("_Send Mail To...")
namecopy = _("_Copy Email Address")
item = gtk.MenuItem (nameopen)
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: url_show (address))
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem (namecopy)
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.clipboard.set_text (url[0]))
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem ()
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.ImageMenuItem (gtk.STOCK_COPY)
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self._vte.copy_clipboard ())
item.set_sensitive (self._vte.get_has_selection ())
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.ImageMenuItem (gtk.STOCK_PASTE)
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self._vte.paste_clipboard ())
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem ()
menu.append (item)
2007-12-29 03:01:28 +00:00
item = gtk.CheckMenuItem (_("Show scrollbar"))
item.set_active (self._scrollbar.get_property ('visible'))
item.connect ("toggled", lambda menu_item: self.do_scrollbar_toggle ())
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem ()
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem (_("Split H_orizontally"))
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.terminator.splitaxis (self, False))
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem (_("Split V_ertically"))
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.terminator.splitaxis (self, True))
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.MenuItem ()
menu.append (item)
item = gtk.ImageMenuItem (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE)
item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.terminator.closeterm (self))
menu.append (item)
menu.show_all ()
return menu
def on_vte_title_change(self, vte):
vte.set_property ("has-tooltip", True)
vte.set_property ("tooltip-text", vte.get_window_title ())
def get_box (self):
return self._box
class Terminator:
def __init__ (self, profile, command = None):
self.profile = profile
self.gconf_client = gconf.client_get_default ()
self.command = command
self._fullscreen = False
self.window = gtk.Window ()
self.window.set_title ("Terminator")
2008-02-08 11:05:19 +00:00
# FIXME: This really shouldn't be a hardcoded path
self.window.set_icon_from_file ("/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/terminator.png")
self.icon = self.window.render_icon (gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
self.window.set_icon (self.icon)
self.window.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_key_press)
self.window.connect ("delete_event", self.on_delete_event)
self.window.connect ("destroy", self.on_destroy_event)
2007-11-09 03:19:25 +00:00
self.window.set_property ('allow-shrink', True)
# Start out with just one terminal
# FIXME: This should be really be decided from some kind of profile
term = (TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile, self.command))
self.term_list = [term]
self.window.add (term.get_box ())
self.window.show ()
def maximize (self):
""" Maximize the Terminator."""
self.window.maximize ()
def toggle_fullscreen (self):
""" Toggle the fullscreen state of the window. If it is in
fullscreen state, it will be unfullscreened. If it is not, it
will be set to fullscreen state.
if self._fullscreen:
self.window.unfullscreen ()
self.window.fullscreen ()
self._fullscreen = not self._fullscreen
def on_delete_event (self, window, event, data=None):
if len (self.term_list) == 1:
return False
# show dialog
2007-12-29 03:01:28 +00:00
dialog = gtk.Dialog (_("Close?"), window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,
dialog.set_has_separator (False)
dialog.set_resizable (False)
2007-12-29 03:01:28 +00:00
primairy = gtk.Label (_('<big><b>Close all terminals?</b></big>'))
primairy.set_use_markup (True)
primairy.set_alignment (0, 0.5)
2007-12-29 03:01:28 +00:00
secundairy = gtk.Label (_("This window has %s terminals open. Closing the window will also close all terminals.") % len(self.term_list))
primairy.set_alignment (0, 0.5)
labels = gtk.VBox ()
labels.pack_start (primairy, False, False, 6)
labels.pack_start (secundairy, False, False, 6)
image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG)
image.set_alignment (0.5, 0)
box = gtk.HBox()
box.pack_start (image, False, False, 6)
box.pack_start (labels, False, False, 6)
dialog.vbox.pack_start (box, False, False, 12)
dialog.show_all ()
result = dialog.run ()
dialog.destroy ()
return not (result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
def on_destroy_event (self, widget, data=None):
gtk.main_quit ()
# keybindings for the whole terminal window (affects the main
# windows containing the splited terminals)
def on_key_press (self, window, event):
""" Callback for the window to determine what to do with special
keys. Currently handled key-combo's:
* F11: toggle fullscreen state of the window.
* CTRL - SHIFT - Q: close all terminals
keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name (event.keyval)
mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK | gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK
if (keyname == 'F11'):
self.toggle_fullscreen ()
return (True)
if (event.state & mask) == mask:
if keyname == 'Q':
if not self.on_delete_event (window, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DELETE)):
self.on_destroy_event (window, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DESTROY))
def splitaxis (self, widget, vertical=True):
""" Split the provided widget on the horizontal or vertical axis. """
# create a new terminal and parent pane.
terminal = TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile, None)
pane = (vertical) and gtk.VPaned () or gtk.HPaned ()
# get the parent of the provided terminal
parent = widget.get_box ().get_parent ()
if isinstance (parent, gtk.Window):
# We have just one term
widget.get_box ().reparent (pane)
pane.pack1 (widget.get_box (), True, True)
pane.pack2 (terminal.get_box (), True, True)
parent.add (pane)
position = (vertical) and parent.allocation.height or parent.allocation.width
if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned):
# We are inside a split term
position = (vertical) and widget.get_box().allocation.height or widget.get_box().allocation.width
if (widget.get_box () == parent.get_child1 ()):
widget.get_box ().reparent (pane)
parent.pack1 (pane, True, True)
widget.get_box ().reparent (pane)
parent.pack2 (pane, True, True)
pane.pack1 (widget.get_box (), True, True)
pane.pack2 (terminal.get_box (), True, True)
# show all, set position of the divider
pane.show ()
pane.set_position (position / 2)
terminal.get_box ().show ()
# insert the term reference into the list
index = self.term_list.index (widget)
self.term_list.insert (index + 1, terminal)
# make the new terminal grab the focus
terminal._vte.grab_focus ()
return (terminal)
def closeterm (self, widget):
parent = widget.get_box ().get_parent ()
sibling = None
if isinstance (parent, gtk.Window):
# We are the only term
if not self.on_delete_event (parent, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DELETE)):
self.on_destroy_event (parent, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DESTROY))
if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned):
index = self.term_list.index (widget)
grandparent = parent.get_parent ()
# Discover sibling while all objects exist
if widget.get_box () == parent.get_child1 ():
sibling = parent.get_child2 ()
if widget.get_box () == parent.get_child2 ():
sibling = parent.get_child1 ()
if not sibling:
# something is wrong, give up
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s is not a child of %s"%(widget, parent)
self.term_list.remove (widget)
grandparent.remove (parent)
sibling.reparent (grandparent)
widget.get_box ().destroy ()
parent.destroy ()
if not isinstance (sibling, gtk.Paned):
for term in self.term_list:
if term.get_box () == sibling:
term._vte.grab_focus ()
if index == 0: index = 1
self.term_list[index - 1]._vte.grab_focus ()
def go_next (self, term):
current = self.term_list.index (term)
next = current
if current == len (self.term_list) - 1:
next = 0
next += 1
self.term_list[next]._vte.grab_focus ()
def go_prev (self, term):
current = self.term_list.index (term)
previous = current
if current == 0:
previous = len (self.term_list) - 1
previous -= 1
self.term_list[previous]._vte.grab_focus ()
def execute_cb (option, opt, value, parser):
assert value is None
value = []
while parser.rargs:
arg = parser.rargs[0]
value.append (arg)
del (parser.rargs[0])
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = OptionParser (usage)
parser.add_option ("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="Enable debugging information")
parser.add_option ("-m", "--maximise", action="store_true", dest="maximise", help="Open the Terminator window maximised")
parser.add_option ("-f", "--fullscreen", action="store_true", dest="fullscreen", help="Set the window into fullscreen mode")
parser.add_option ("-b", "--borderless", action="store_true", dest="borderless", help="Turn off the window's borders")
parser.add_option ("-p", "--profile", dest="profile", help="Specify a GNOME Terminal profile to emulate")
parser.add_option ("-e", "--command", dest="command", help="Execute the argument to this option inside the terminal")
parser.add_option ("-x", "--execute", dest="execute", action="callback", callback=execute_cb, help="Execute the remainder of the command line inside the terminal")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
if len (args) != 0:
parser.error("Expecting zero additional arguments, found: %d"%len (args))
command = []
if (options.command):
command.append (options.command)
if (options.execute):
command = options.execute
term = Terminator (options.profile, command)
# Set the Terminator in fullscreen state or maximize it.
# Fullscreen and maximise are mutually exclusive, with
# fullscreen taking precedence over maximise.
if options.fullscreen:
term.toggle_fullscreen ()
elif options.maximise:
term.maximize ()
if options.borderless:
term.window.set_decorated (False)
gtk.main ()