198 lines
6.9 KiB
198 lines
6.9 KiB
const postAjaxController = (data, action) => {
if (data.message) {
message = data.message
displayMessage(message.text, message.type);
return ;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('path_head'))
if (data.hasOwnProperty('faves_list'))
if (data.hasOwnProperty("refresh")) {
if (data.refresh == "true") {
const generateFavesList = (data) => {
let listView = document.getElementById("faves-list");
data.forEach(faveArry => {
let fave = faveArry[0]
let faveId = faveArry[1]
let liTag = document.createElement("LI");
let parts = (fave.includes("/")) ? fave.split("/") : fave.split("\\");
let part = parts[parts.length - 1]
if (part.toLowerCase().includes("season")) {
part = parts[parts.length - 2] + "/" + part
let txtNode = document.createTextNode(part);
liTag.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-secondary btn-sm");
liTag.setAttribute("name", fave);
liTag.setAttribute("title", fave);
liTag.setAttribute("onclick", "loadFave(" + faveId +")");
const updateHTMLDirList = async (data) => {
var dirTemplate = document.querySelector('#dirTemplate');
var vidTemplate = document.querySelector('#vidTemplate');
var imgTemplate = document.querySelector('#imgTemplate');
var filTemplate = document.querySelector('#filTemplate');
let insertArea = document.getElementById('file-grid');
let pathElm = document.getElementById("path");
let thumbnail = formatURL("static/imgs/icons/folder.png");
let pathParts = data.path_head.split("/");
let dirPath = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1] + "/";
let title = "";
let hash = "";
// Can still set the path info if locked...
pathElm.innerText = dirPath;
// If locked return and create password field....
let dirs = (data.list.dirs) ? data.list.dirs : [];
let videos = (data.list.vids) ? data.list.vids : [];
let images = (data.list.imgs) ? data.list.imgs : [];
let files = (data.list.files) ? data.list.files : [];
let isInFaves = data.in_fave;
let background_image = images[0] ? images[0][0] : "";
let i = 0;
let size = 0;
// Setup background if there is a 000.* in selection
if (background_image.match(/000\.(jpg|png|gif)\b/) != null) {
background_image = formatURL("files/" + images[i][1]);
} else {
background_image = formatURL("static/imgs/backgrounds/000.jpg");
// See if in faves
let elm = document.getElementById("tggl-faves-btn");
if (isInFaves == "true")
// Insert dirs
let dirClone = document.importNode(dirTemplate.content, true);
let dir = null;
size = dirs.length;
for (; i < size; i++) {
const clone = dirClone.cloneNode(true);
title = dirs[i][0];
hash = dirs[i][1];
createElmBlock(insertArea, clone, thumbnail, title, hash);
// Insert videos
let vidClone = document.importNode(vidTemplate.content, true);
size = videos.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const clone = vidClone.cloneNode(true);
title = videos[i][0];
thumbnail = formatURL(videos[i][1]);
hash = videos[i][2];
createElmBlock(insertArea, clone, thumbnail, title, hash, true);
// Insert images
let imgClone = document.importNode(imgTemplate.content, true);
thumbnail = "";
size = images.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
title = images[i][0];
thumbnail = formatURL("files/" + images[i][1]);
hash = images[i][1];
if (thumbnail.match(/000\.(jpg|png|gif)\b/) == null &&
!thumbnail.includes("favicon.png")) {
const clone = imgClone.cloneNode(true);
createElmBlock(insertArea, clone, thumbnail, title, hash);
// Insert files
let fileClone = document.importNode(filTemplate.content, true);
size = files.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const clone = fileClone.cloneNode(true);
title = files[i][0];
thumbnail = setFileIconType(files[i][0]);
hash = files[i][1];
createElmBlock(insertArea, clone, thumbnail, title, hash);
const createElmBlock = (ulElm, clone, thumbnail, title, hash, isVideo=false) => {
let containerTag = clone.firstElementChild;
containerTag.setAttribute("style", "background-image: url('" + thumbnail + "')");
containerTag.setAttribute("title", title);
containerTag.setAttribute("hash", hash);
// If image tag this sink to oblivion since there are no input tags in the template
try {
let inputTag = clone.querySelector("input");
inputTag.setAttribute("value", title);
// NOTE: Keeping this just incase i do want to rename stuff...
// inputTag.addEventListener("dblclick", function (eve) {
// enableEdit(eve.target);
// });
// inputTag.addEventListener("focusout", function (eve) {
// disableEdit(eve.target);
// });
} catch (e) { }
if (isVideo) {
let popoutTag = clone.querySelector(".card-popout-btn");
popoutTag.setAttribute("hash", hash);
popoutTag.addEventListener("click", function (eve) {
let target = eve.target;
const hash = target.getAttribute("hash");
const setFileIconType = (fileName) => {
icoPath = "";
if (fileName.match(/\.(doc|docx|xls|xlsx|rtf)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/doc.png";
} else if (fileName.match(/\.(7z|7zip|zip|tar.gz|tar.xz|gz|rar|jar)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "resources/images/icons/arc.png";
} else if (fileName.match(/\.(pdf)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/pdf.png";
} else if (fileName.match(/\.(html)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/html.png";
} else if (fileName.match(/\.(txt|conf)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/text.png";
} else if (fileName.match(/\.(iso|img)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/img.png";
} else if (fileName.match(/\.(sh|batch|exe)\b/) != null) {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/scrip.png";
} else {
icoPath = "static/imgs/icons/bin.png";
return formatURL(icoPath)