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817 B

# Tab-Search-Firefox
Search Firefox tabs and get a list or automatic direct to the searched tab.
# Download
# Version: 1.2.9
<li>Fixed window selection issue.</li>
To get tab hiding functionality, you must go to <b>about:config</b> and search for <b>extensions.webextensions.tabhide.enabled</b>. Set it to <b>true</b> by double clicking it. Then tabs can be shown or hidden via the eyes.
# Images
![1 Default list style without interacting with tab. ](images/pic1.png)
![2 Hovering on tab. ](images/pic2.png)
![3 List of tabs matching search. ](images/pic3.png)
![4 3 tabs hidden and three shown. ](images/pic4.png)
![5 All tabs but current active hidden. ](images/pic5.png)
![6 Search failed response. ](images/pic6.png)