88 lines
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88 lines
2.8 KiB
from . import api_utils
from urllib import quote
except ImportError: # py2 / py3
from urllib.parse import quote
API_KEY = '384afe262ee0962545a752ff340e3ce4'
API_URL = 'https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3/movies/{}'
'movielogo': 'clearlogo',
'hdmovielogo': 'clearlogo',
'hdmovieclearart': 'clearart',
'movieart': 'clearart',
'moviedisc': 'discart',
'moviebanner': 'banner',
'moviethumb': 'landscape',
'moviebackground': 'fanart',
'movieposter': 'poster'
def get_details(uniqueids, clientkey, language, set_tmdbid):
media_id = _get_mediaid(uniqueids)
if not media_id:
return {}
movie_data = _get_data(media_id, clientkey)
movieset_data = _get_data(set_tmdbid, clientkey)
if not movie_data and not movieset_data:
return {}
movie_art = {}
movieset_art = {}
if movie_data:
movie_art = _parse_data(movie_data, language)
if movieset_data:
movieset_art = _parse_data(movieset_data, language)
movieset_art = {'set.' + key: value for key, value in movieset_art.items()}
available_art = movie_art
return {'available_art': available_art}
def _get_mediaid(uniqueids):
for source in ('tmdb', 'imdb', 'unknown'):
if source in uniqueids:
return uniqueids[source]
def _get_data(media_id, clientkey):
headers = {'api-key': API_KEY}
if clientkey:
headers['client-key'] = clientkey
fanarttv_url = API_URL.format(media_id)
return api_utils.load_info(fanarttv_url, default={})
def _parse_data(data, language):
result = {}
for arttype, artlist in data.items():
if arttype not in ARTMAP:
for image in artlist:
image_lang = _get_imagelanguage(arttype, image)
if image_lang and image_lang != language:
generaltype = ARTMAP[arttype]
if generaltype == 'poster' and not image_lang:
generaltype = 'keyart'
if artlist and generaltype not in result:
result[generaltype] = []
url = quote(image['url'], safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]")
resultimage = {'url': url, 'preview': url.replace('.fanart.tv/fanart/', '.fanart.tv/preview/')}
return result
def _get_imagelanguage(arttype, image):
if 'lang' not in image or arttype == 'moviebackground':
return None
if arttype in ('movielogo', 'hdmovielogo', 'hdmovieclearart', 'movieart', 'moviebanner',
'moviethumb', 'moviedisc'):
return image['lang'] if image['lang'] not in ('', '00') else 'en'
# movieposter may or may not have a title and thus need a language
return image['lang'] if image['lang'] not in ('', '00') else None