186 lines
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186 lines
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""" Gathers the Blender objects from the current scene and returns them as a list of
Model objects. """
import bpy
from typing import List, Set, Dict
from itertools import zip_longest
from .msh_model import *
from .msh_model_utilities import *
from .msh_utilities import *
def gather_models() -> List[Model]:
""" Gathers the Blender objects from the current scene and returns them as a list of
Model objects. """
parents = create_parents_set()
models_list: List[Model] = []
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.type in SKIPPED_OBJECT_TYPES and obj.name not in parents:
model = Model()
model.name = obj.name
model.model_type = get_model_type(obj)
model.hidden = get_is_model_hidden(obj)
model.transform.rotation = obj.rotation_quaternion.copy()
model.transform.translation = add_vec(obj.location, obj.delta_location)
if obj.parent is not None:
model.parent = obj.parent.name
if obj.type in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES:
mesh = obj.to_mesh()
model.geometry = create_mesh_geometry(mesh)
mesh_scale = get_object_worldspace_scale(obj)
scale_segments(mesh_scale, model.geometry)
return models_list
def create_parents_set() -> Set[str]:
""" Creates a set with the names of the Blender objects from the current scene
that have at least one child. """
parents = set()
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.parent is not None:
return parents
def create_mesh_geometry(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh) -> List[GeometrySegment]:
""" Creates a list of GeometrySegment objects from a Blender mesh.
Does NOT create triangle strips in the GeometrySegment however. """
if len(mesh.materials) != 0:
return create_mesh_geometry_with_materials(mesh)
return [create_mesh_geometry_without_materials(mesh)]
def create_mesh_geometry_with_materials(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh) -> List[GeometrySegment]:
""" Creates a list of GeometrySegment objects from a Blender mesh
that references materials. """
segments: List[GeometrySegment] = [GeometrySegment() for i in range(len(mesh.materials))]
vertex_remap: List[Dict[int, int]] = [dict() for i in range(len(mesh.materials))]
polygons: List[Set[int]] = [set() for i in range(len(mesh.materials))]
if mesh.vertex_colors.active is not None:
for segment in segments:
segment.colors = []
for segment, material in zip(segments, mesh.materials):
segment.material_name = material.name
def add_vertex(material_index: int, index : int) -> int:
nonlocal segments, vertex_remap
segment = segments[material_index]
remap = vertex_remap[material_index]
if index in remap:
return remap[index]
new_index: int = len(segment.positions)
remap[index] = new_index
if mesh.uv_layers.active is None:
segment.texcoords.append(Vector((0.0, 0.0)))
if segment.colors is not None:
segment.colors.append([v for v in mesh.vertex_colors.active.data[index].color])
return new_index
for tri in mesh.loop_triangles:
segments[tri.material_index].triangles.append([add_vertex(tri.material_index, i) for i in tri.vertices])
for segment, remap, polys in zip(segments, vertex_remap, polygons):
for poly_index in polys:
poly = mesh.polygons[poly_index]
segment.polygons.append([remap[i] for i in poly.vertices])
return segments
def create_mesh_geometry_without_materials(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh) -> GeometrySegment:
""" Creates a list of GeometrySegment objects from a Blender mesh
that doesn't references materials. """
segment = GeometrySegment()
for tri in mesh.loop_triangles:
segment.triangles.append([i for i in tri.vertices])
for vertex in mesh.vertices:
if mesh.uv_layers.active is None:
segment.texcoords = [Vector((0.0, 0.0))] * len(mesh.vertices)
segment.texcoords = [texcoords.uv.copy() for texcoords in mesh.uv_layers.active.data]
if mesh.vertex_colors.active is not None:
segment.colors = [[v for v in color.color] for color in mesh.vertex_colors.active.data]
for polygon in mesh.polygons:
segment.polygons.append([v for v in polygon.vertices])
return segment
def get_object_worldspace_scale(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> Vector:
""" Get the worldspace scale transform for a Blender object. """
scale = mul_vec(obj.scale, obj.delta_scale)
while obj.parent is not None:
obj = obj.parent
scale = mul_vec(scale, mul_vec(obj.scale, obj.delta_scale))
return scale
def get_model_type(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> ModelType:
""" Get the ModelType for a Blender object. """
# TODO: Skinning support, etc
if obj.type in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES:
return ModelType.STATIC
return ModelType.NULL
def get_is_model_hidden(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> bool:
""" Gets if a Blender object should be marked as hidden in the .msh file. """
name = obj.name.lower()
if name.startswith("sv_"):
return True
if name.startswith("p_"):
return True
if name.startswith("collision"):
return True
if obj.type not in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES:
return True
return False