258 lines
13 KiB
258 lines
13 KiB
""" Contains Blender properties and UI for .msh materials. """
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty
from bpy.types import PropertyGroup
('NORMAL_BF2', "00 Normal (SWBF2)", "Normal Material. Unlike you there is nothing inherently awesome "
"about this material. By default it has per-vertex diffuse "
"lighting and can also have a detail map."),
('SCROLLING_BF2', "03 Scrolling (SWBF2)", "Scrolling Material"),
('ENVMAPPED_BF2', "06 Envmapped (SWBF2)", "Envmapped Material"),
('ANIMATED_BF2', "07 Animated (SWBF2)", "Animated Material"),
('REFRACTION_BF2', "22 Refractive (SWBF2)", "Refractive Material"),
('BLINK_BF2', "25 Blink (SWBF2)", "Blinking Material\n\n"
"Note: If you see any statues while using this material you "
"are advised **not** to blink (or take your eyes off the statue under any circumstances) "
"and immediately make your way to a crowded public space."),
('NORMALMAPPED_TILED_BF2', "24 Normalmapped Tiled (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Tiled Material"),
('NORMALMAPPED_ENVMAPPED_BF2', "26 Normalmapped Envmapped (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Envmapped Material"),
('NORMALMAPPED_BF2', "27 Normalmapped (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Material"),
('NORMALMAPPED_TILED_ENVMAPPED_BF2', "26 Normalmapped Tiled Envmapped (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Tiled Envmapped Material"))
def _make_anim_length_entry(length):
from math import sqrt
len_sqrt = int(sqrt(length))
return (
f"{length} ({len_sqrt}x{len_sqrt})",
f"Input texture should be laid out as {len_sqrt}x{len_sqrt} frames.")
('FRAMES_1', "1 (1x1)", "Why do you have an animated texture with one frame?"),
class MaterialProperties(PropertyGroup):
rendertype: EnumProperty(name="Rendertype",
description="Rendertype for the material.",
specular_color: FloatVectorProperty(name="Specular Colour",
description="Specular colour of the material. "
"Can be used to tint specular highlights "
"or reduce their strength.",
default=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
min=0.0, max=1.0,
soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0,
blended_transparency: BoolProperty(name="Blended",
description="Enable blended transparency.",
additive_transparency: BoolProperty(name="Additive",
description="Enable additive transparency.",
hardedged_transparency: BoolProperty(name="Hardedged",
description="Enable hardedged (alpha cutout/clip) transparency "
"with a treshold of 0.5/0x80/128.",
unlit: BoolProperty(name="Unlit",
description="Makes the material unlit/emissive.",
glow: BoolProperty(name="Glow",
description="Same as 'Unlit' but also enables the use of a glowmap "
"in the diffuse texture's alpha channel. The material will be significantly "
"significantly brightened based on how opaque the glowmap is.",
perpixel: BoolProperty(name="Per-Pixel Lighting",
description="Use per-pixel lighting instead of per-vertex for diffuse lighting. "
"Be warned due to the way SWBFII handles per-pixel lighting this "
"adds an extra draw call for each segment using the material.",
specular: BoolProperty(name="Specular Lighting",
description="Use specular lighting as well as diffuse lighting. A gloss map "
"In the diffuse map's and normal map's alpha channel can be used "
"to attenuate the specular lighting's strength. (More transparent = less strong).\n\n"
"Be warned due to the way SWBFII handles specular lighting this "
"adds an extra draw call for each segment using the material.",
doublesided: BoolProperty(name="Doublesided",
description="Disable backface culling, "
"causing both sides of the material to be rasterized.",
detail_map_tiling_u: IntProperty(name="Detail Map Tiling U",
description="Tiling of the detail map in the U direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
detail_map_tiling_v: IntProperty(name="Detail Map Tiling V",
description="Tiling of the detail map in the V direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
normal_map_tiling_u: IntProperty(name="Normal Map Tiling U",
description="Tiling of the normal map in the U direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
normal_map_tiling_v: IntProperty(name="Normal Map Tiling V",
description="Tiling of the normal map in the V direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
scroll_speed_u: IntProperty(name="Scroll Speed U",
description="Texture scroll speed in the U direction.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
scroll_speed_v: IntProperty(name="Scroll Speed V",
description="Texture scroll speed in the V direction.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
animation_length: EnumProperty(name="Animation Length",
description="Number of frames in the texture animation.",
animation_speed: IntProperty(name="Animation Speed",
description="Animation speed in frames per second.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
blink_min_brightness: IntProperty(name="Blink Minimum Brightness",
description="Minimum brightness to blink between.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
blink_speed: IntProperty(name="Blink Speed",
description="Speed of blinking, higher is faster.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
diffuse_map: StringProperty(name="Diffuse Map",
description="The basic diffuse map for the material. The alpha channel "
"is either the transparency map, glow map or gloss map, "
"depending on the selected rendertype and flags.",
detail_map: StringProperty(name="Detail Map",
description="Detail maps allow you to add in 'detail' to the diffuse "
"map at runtime. Or they can be used as fake ambient occlusion "
"maps or even wacky emissive maps. See docs for more details.")
normal_map: StringProperty(name="Normal Map",
description="Normal maps can provide added detail from lighting. "
"If Specular is enabled the alpha channel will be "
"the gloss map.")
environment_map: StringProperty(name="Environment Map",
description="Environment map for the material. Provides static "
"reflections around. Must be a cubemap.")
distortion_map: StringProperty(name="Distortion Map",
description="Distortion maps control how Refractive materials "
"distort the scene behind them. Should be a normal map "
"with '-forceformat v8u8' in it's '.tga.option' file.")
class MaterialPropertiesPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
""" Creates a Panel in the Object properties window """
bl_label = "SWBF .msh Properties"
bl_idname = "MATERIAL_PT_swbf_msh"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "material"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
material_props = context.material.swbf_msh
layout.prop(material_props, "rendertype")
layout.prop(material_props, "specular_color")
layout.label(text="Transparency Flags: ")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "blended_transparency")
row.prop(material_props, "additive_transparency")
row.prop(material_props, "hardedged_transparency")
layout.label(text="Material Flags: ")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "unlit")
row.prop(material_props, "glow")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "perpixel")
row.prop(material_props, "specular")
layout.prop(material_props, "doublesided")
if "REFRACTION" not in material_props.rendertype:
layout.label(text="Material Data: ")
row = layout.row()
if "SCROLLING" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "scroll_speed_u")
row.prop(material_props, "scroll_speed_v")
elif "ANIMATED" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "animation_length")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "animation_speed")
elif "BLINK" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "blink_min_brightness")
row.prop(material_props, "blink_speed")
elif "NORMALMAPPED_TILED" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "normal_map_tiling_u")
row.prop(material_props, "normal_map_tiling_v")
elif "REFRACTION" not in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "detail_map_tiling_u")
row.prop(material_props, "detail_map_tiling_v")
layout.label(text="Texture Maps: ")
layout.prop(material_props, "diffuse_map")
if "REFRACTION" not in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "detail_map")
if "NORMALMAPPED" in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "normal_map")
if "ENVMAPPED" in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "environment_map")
if "REFRACTION" in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "distortion_map")