
258 lines
13 KiB

""" Contains Blender properties and UI for .msh materials. """
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty
from bpy.types import PropertyGroup
('NORMAL_BF2', "00 Normal (SWBF2)", "Normal Material. Unlike you there is nothing inherently awesome "
"about this material. By default it has per-vertex diffuse "
"lighting and can also have a detail map."),
('SCROLLING_BF2', "03 Scrolling (SWBF2)", "Scrolling Material"),
('ENVMAPPED_BF2', "06 Envmapped (SWBF2)", "Envmapped Material"),
('ANIMATED_BF2', "07 Animated (SWBF2)", "Animated Material"),
('REFRACTION_BF2', "22 Refractive (SWBF2)", "Refractive Material"),
('BLINK_BF2', "25 Blink (SWBF2)", "Blinking Material\n\n"
"Note: If you see any statues while using this material you "
"are advised **not** to blink (or take your eyes off the statue under any circumstances) "
"and immediately make your way to a crowded public space."),
('NORMALMAPPED_TILED_BF2', "24 Normalmapped Tiled (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Tiled Material"),
('NORMALMAPPED_ENVMAPPED_BF2', "26 Normalmapped Envmapped (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Envmapped Material"),
('NORMALMAPPED_BF2', "27 Normalmapped (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Material"),
('NORMALMAPPED_TILED_ENVMAPPED_BF2', "26 Normalmapped Tiled Envmapped (SWBF2)", "Normalmapped Tiled Envmapped Material"))
def _make_anim_length_entry(length):
from math import sqrt
len_sqrt = int(sqrt(length))
return (
f"{length} ({len_sqrt}x{len_sqrt})",
f"Input texture should be laid out as {len_sqrt}x{len_sqrt} frames.")
('FRAMES_1', "1 (1x1)", "Why do you have an animated texture with one frame?"),
class MaterialProperties(PropertyGroup):
rendertype: EnumProperty(name="Rendertype",
description="Rendertype for the material.",
specular_color: FloatVectorProperty(name="Specular Colour",
description="Specular colour of the material. "
"Can be used to tint specular highlights "
"or reduce their strength.",
default=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
min=0.0, max=1.0,
soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0,
blended_transparency: BoolProperty(name="Blended",
description="Enable blended transparency.",
additive_transparency: BoolProperty(name="Additive",
description="Enable additive transparency.",
hardedged_transparency: BoolProperty(name="Hardedged",
description="Enable hardedged (alpha cutout/clip) transparency "
"with a treshold of 0.5/0x80/128.",
unlit: BoolProperty(name="Unlit",
description="Makes the material unlit/emissive.",
glow: BoolProperty(name="Glow",
description="Same as 'Unlit' but also enables the use of a glowmap "
"in the diffuse texture's alpha channel. The material will be significantly "
"significantly brightened based on how opaque the glowmap is.",
perpixel: BoolProperty(name="Per-Pixel Lighting",
description="Use per-pixel lighting instead of per-vertex for diffuse lighting. "
"Be warned due to the way SWBFII handles per-pixel lighting this "
"adds an extra draw call for each segment using the material.",
specular: BoolProperty(name="Specular Lighting",
description="Use specular lighting as well as diffuse lighting. A gloss map "
"In the diffuse map's and normal map's alpha channel can be used "
"to attenuate the specular lighting's strength. (More transparent = less strong).\n\n"
"Be warned due to the way SWBFII handles specular lighting this "
"adds an extra draw call for each segment using the material.",
doublesided: BoolProperty(name="Doublesided",
description="Disable backface culling, "
"causing both sides of the material to be rasterized.",
detail_map_tiling_u: IntProperty(name="Detail Map Tiling U",
description="Tiling of the detail map in the U direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
detail_map_tiling_v: IntProperty(name="Detail Map Tiling V",
description="Tiling of the detail map in the V direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
normal_map_tiling_u: IntProperty(name="Normal Map Tiling U",
description="Tiling of the normal map in the U direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
normal_map_tiling_v: IntProperty(name="Normal Map Tiling V",
description="Tiling of the normal map in the V direction. (0 = no tiling).",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
scroll_speed_u: IntProperty(name="Scroll Speed U",
description="Texture scroll speed in the U direction.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
scroll_speed_v: IntProperty(name="Scroll Speed V",
description="Texture scroll speed in the V direction.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
animation_length: EnumProperty(name="Animation Length",
description="Number of frames in the texture animation.",
animation_speed: IntProperty(name="Animation Speed",
description="Animation speed in frames per second.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
blink_min_brightness: IntProperty(name="Blink Minimum Brightness",
description="Minimum brightness to blink between.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
blink_speed: IntProperty(name="Blink Speed",
description="Speed of blinking, higher is faster.",
min=0, max=255,
soft_min=0, soft_max=255)
diffuse_map: StringProperty(name="Diffuse Map",
description="The basic diffuse map for the material. The alpha channel "
"is either the transparency map, glow map or gloss map, "
"depending on the selected rendertype and flags.",
detail_map: StringProperty(name="Detail Map",
description="Detail maps allow you to add in 'detail' to the diffuse "
"map at runtime. Or they can be used as fake ambient occlusion "
"maps or even wacky emissive maps. See docs for more details.")
normal_map: StringProperty(name="Normal Map",
description="Normal maps can provide added detail from lighting. "
"If Specular is enabled the alpha channel will be "
"the gloss map.")
environment_map: StringProperty(name="Environment Map",
description="Environment map for the material. Provides static "
"reflections around. Must be a cubemap.")
distortion_map: StringProperty(name="Distortion Map",
description="Distortion maps control how Refractive materials "
"distort the scene behind them. Should be a normal map "
"with '-forceformat v8u8' in it's '.tga.option' file.")
class MaterialPropertiesPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
""" Creates a Panel in the Object properties window """
bl_label = "SWBF .msh Properties"
bl_idname = "MATERIAL_PT_swbf_msh"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "material"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
material_props = context.material.swbf_msh
layout.prop(material_props, "rendertype")
layout.prop(material_props, "specular_color")
layout.label(text="Transparency Flags: ")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "blended_transparency")
row.prop(material_props, "additive_transparency")
row.prop(material_props, "hardedged_transparency")
layout.label(text="Material Flags: ")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "unlit")
row.prop(material_props, "glow")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "perpixel")
row.prop(material_props, "specular")
layout.prop(material_props, "doublesided")
if "REFRACTION" not in material_props.rendertype:
layout.label(text="Material Data: ")
row = layout.row()
if "SCROLLING" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "scroll_speed_u")
row.prop(material_props, "scroll_speed_v")
elif "ANIMATED" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "animation_length")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(material_props, "animation_speed")
elif "BLINK" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "blink_min_brightness")
row.prop(material_props, "blink_speed")
elif "NORMALMAPPED_TILED" in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "normal_map_tiling_u")
row.prop(material_props, "normal_map_tiling_v")
elif "REFRACTION" not in material_props.rendertype:
row.prop(material_props, "detail_map_tiling_u")
row.prop(material_props, "detail_map_tiling_v")
layout.label(text="Texture Maps: ")
layout.prop(material_props, "diffuse_map")
if "REFRACTION" not in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "detail_map")
if "NORMALMAPPED" in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "normal_map")
if "ENVMAPPED" in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "environment_map")
if "REFRACTION" in material_props.rendertype:
layout.prop(material_props, "distortion_map")