
488 lines
18 KiB

""" Gathers the Blender objects from the current scene and returns them as a list of
Model objects. """
import bpy
import math
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple
from itertools import zip_longest
from .msh_model import *
from .msh_model_utilities import *
from .msh_utilities import *
from .msh_skeleton_utilities import *
def gather_models(apply_modifiers: bool, export_target: str, skeleton_only: bool) -> Tuple[List[Model], bpy.types.Object]:
""" Gathers the Blender objects from the current scene and returns them as a list of
Model objects. """
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
parents = create_parents_set()
models_list: List[Model] = []
# Composite bones are bones which have geometry.
# If a child object has the same name, it will take said child's geometry.
# Pure bones are just bones and after all objects are explored the only
# entries remaining in this dict will be bones without geometry.
pure_bones_from_armature = {}
armature_found = None
# Non-bone objects that will be exported
blender_objects_to_export = []
# This must be seperate from the list above,
# since exported objects will contain Blender objects as well as bones
# Here we just keep track of all names, regardless of origin
exported_object_names: Set[str] = set()
# Armature must be processed before everything else!
# In this loop we also build a set of names of all objects
# that will be exported. This is necessary so we can prune vertex
# groups that do not reference exported objects in the main
# model building loop below this one.
for uneval_obj in select_objects(export_target):
if uneval_obj.type == "ARMATURE" and not armature_found:
# Keep track of the armature, we don't want to process > 1!
armature_found = uneval_obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph) if apply_modifiers else uneval_obj
# Get all bones in a separate list. While we iterate through
# objects we removed bones with geometry from this dict. After iteration
# is done, we add the remaining bones to the models from exported
# scene objects.
pure_bones_from_armature = expand_armature(armature_found)
# All bones to set
elif not (uneval_obj.type in SKIPPED_OBJECT_TYPES and uneval_obj.name not in parents):
for uneval_obj in blender_objects_to_export:
obj = uneval_obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph) if apply_modifiers else uneval_obj
# Test for a mesh object that should be a BONE on export.
# If so, we inject geometry into the BONE while not modifying it's transform/name
# and remove it from the set of BONES without geometry (pure).
if obj.name in pure_bones_from_armature:
model = pure_bones_from_armature.pop(obj.name)
model = Model()
model.name = obj.name
model.model_type = ModelType.NULL if skeleton_only else get_model_type(obj, armature_found)
model.hidden = get_is_model_hidden(obj)
transform = obj.matrix_local
if obj.parent_bone:
model.parent = obj.parent_bone
# matrix_local, when called on an armature child also parented to a bone, appears to be broken.
# At the very least, the results contradict the docs...
armature_relative_transform = obj.parent.matrix_world.inverted() @ obj.matrix_world
transform = obj.parent.data.bones[obj.parent_bone].matrix_local.inverted() @ armature_relative_transform
if obj.parent is not None:
if obj.parent.type == "ARMATURE":
model.parent = obj.parent.parent.name if obj.parent.parent else ""
transform = obj.parent.matrix_local @ transform
model.parent = obj.parent.name
local_translation, local_rotation, _ = transform.decompose()
model.transform.rotation = convert_rotation_space(local_rotation)
model.transform.translation = convert_vector_space(local_translation)
if obj.type in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES and not skeleton_only:
# Vertex groups are often used for purposes other than skinning.
# Here we gather all vgroups and select the ones that reference
# objects included in the export.
valid_vgroup_indices : Set[int] = set()
if model.model_type == ModelType.SKIN:
valid_vgroups = [group for group in obj.vertex_groups if group.name in exported_object_names]
valid_vgroup_indices = { group.index for group in valid_vgroups }
model.bone_map = [ group.name for group in valid_vgroups ]
mesh = obj.to_mesh()
model.geometry = create_mesh_geometry(mesh, valid_vgroup_indices)
_, _, world_scale = obj.matrix_world.decompose()
world_scale = convert_scale_space(world_scale)
scale_segments(world_scale, model.geometry)
for segment in model.geometry:
if len(segment.positions) > MAX_MSH_VERTEX_COUNT:
raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' has resulted in a .msh geometry segment that has "
f"more than {MAX_MSH_VERTEX_COUNT} vertices! Split the object's mesh up "
f"and try again!")
if get_is_collision_primitive(obj):
model.collisionprimitive = get_collision_primitive(obj)
# We removed all composite bones after looking through the objects,
# so the bones left are all pure and we add them all here.
return (models_list + list(pure_bones_from_armature.values()), armature_found)
def create_parents_set() -> Set[str]:
""" Creates a set with the names of the Blender objects from the current scene
that have at least one child. """
parents = set()
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.parent is not None:
return parents
def create_mesh_geometry(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh, valid_vgroup_indices: Set[int]) -> List[GeometrySegment]:
""" Creates a list of GeometrySegment objects from a Blender mesh.
Does NOT create triangle strips in the GeometrySegment however. """
# We have to do this for all meshes to account for sharp edges
material_count = max(len(mesh.materials), 1)
segments: List[GeometrySegment] = [GeometrySegment() for i in range(material_count)]
vertex_cache = [dict() for i in range(material_count)]
vertex_remap: List[Dict[Tuple[int, int], int]] = [dict() for i in range(material_count)]
polygons: List[Set[int]] = [set() for i in range(material_count)]
if mesh.vertex_colors.active is not None:
for segment in segments:
segment.colors = []
if valid_vgroup_indices:
for segment in segments:
segment.weights = []
for segment, material in zip(segments, mesh.materials):
segment.material_name = material.name
def add_vertex(material_index: int, vertex_index: int, loop_index: int) -> int:
nonlocal segments, vertex_remap
vertex_cache_miss_index = -1
segment = segments[material_index]
cache = vertex_cache[material_index]
remap = vertex_remap[material_index]
# always use loop normals since we always calculate a custom split set
vertex_normal = Vector( mesh.loops[loop_index].normal )
def get_cache_vertex():
yield mesh.vertices[vertex_index].co.x
yield mesh.vertices[vertex_index].co.y
yield mesh.vertices[vertex_index].co.z
yield vertex_normal.x
yield vertex_normal.y
yield vertex_normal.z
if mesh.uv_layers.active is not None:
yield mesh.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv.x
yield mesh.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv.y
if segment.colors is not None:
for v in mesh.vertex_colors.active.data[loop_index].color:
yield v
if segment.weights is not None:
for v in mesh.vertices[vertex_index].groups:
if v.group in valid_vgroup_indices:
yield v.group
yield v.weight
vertex_cache_entry = tuple(get_cache_vertex())
cached_vertex_index = cache.get(vertex_cache_entry, vertex_cache_miss_index)
if cached_vertex_index != vertex_cache_miss_index:
remap[(vertex_index, loop_index)] = cached_vertex_index
return cached_vertex_index
new_index: int = len(segment.positions)
cache[vertex_cache_entry] = new_index
remap[(vertex_index, loop_index)] = new_index
if mesh.uv_layers.active is None:
segment.texcoords.append(Vector((0.0, 0.0)))
if segment.colors is not None:
if segment.weights is not None:
groups = mesh.vertices[vertex_index].groups
segment.weights.append([VertexWeight(v.weight, v.group) for v in groups if v.group in valid_vgroup_indices])
return new_index
for tri in mesh.loop_triangles:
add_vertex(tri.material_index, tri.vertices[0], tri.loops[0]),
add_vertex(tri.material_index, tri.vertices[1], tri.loops[1]),
add_vertex(tri.material_index, tri.vertices[2], tri.loops[2])])
for segment, remap, polys in zip(segments, vertex_remap, polygons):
for poly_index in polys:
poly = mesh.polygons[poly_index]
segment.polygons.append([remap[(v, l)] for v, l in zip(poly.vertices, poly.loop_indices)])
return segments
def get_model_type(obj: bpy.types.Object, armature_found: bpy.types.Object) -> ModelType:
""" Get the ModelType for a Blender object. """
if obj.type in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES:
# Objects can have vgroups for non-skinning purposes.
# If we can find one vgroup that shares a name with a bone in the
# armature, we know the vgroup is for weighting purposes and thus
# the object is a skin. Otherwise, interpret it as a static mesh.
# We must also check that an armature included in the export
# and that it is the same one this potential skin is weighting to.
# If we failed to do this, a user could export a selected object
# that is a skin, but the weight data in the export would reference
# nonexistent models!
if (obj.vertex_groups and armature_found and
obj.parent and obj.parent.name == armature_found.name):
for vgroup in obj.vertex_groups:
if vgroup.name in armature_found.data.bones:
return ModelType.SKIN
return ModelType.STATIC
return ModelType.STATIC
return ModelType.NULL
def get_is_model_hidden(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> bool:
""" Gets if a Blender object should be marked as hidden in the .msh file. """
name = obj.name.lower()
if name.startswith("c_"):
return True
if name.startswith("sv_"):
return True
if name.startswith("p_"):
return True
if name.startswith("collision"):
return True
if obj.type not in MESH_OBJECT_TYPES:
return True
if name.endswith("_lod2"):
return True
if name.endswith("_lod3"):
return True
if name.endswith("_lowrez"):
return True
if name.endswith("_lowres"):
return True
return False
def get_is_collision_primitive(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> bool:
""" Gets if a Blender object represents a collision primitive. """
name = obj.name.lower()
return name.startswith("p_")
def get_collision_primitive(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> CollisionPrimitive:
""" Gets the CollisionPrimitive of an object or raises an error if
it can't. """
primitive = CollisionPrimitive()
primitive.shape = get_collision_primitive_shape(obj)
if primitive.shape == CollisionPrimitiveShape.SPHERE:
# Tolerate a 5% difference to account for icospheres with 2 subdivisions.
if not (math.isclose(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[1], rel_tol=0.05) and
math.isclose(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[2], rel_tol=0.05)):
raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' is being used as a sphere collision "
f"primitive but it's dimensions are not uniform!")
primitive.radius = max(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[1], obj.dimensions[2]) * 0.5
elif primitive.shape == CollisionPrimitiveShape.CYLINDER:
primitive.radius = max(obj.dimensions[0], obj.dimensions[1]) * 0.5
primitive.height = obj.dimensions[2]
elif primitive.shape == CollisionPrimitiveShape.BOX:
primitive.radius = obj.dimensions[0] * 0.5
primitive.height = obj.dimensions[2] * 0.5
primitive.length = obj.dimensions[1] * 0.5
return primitive
def get_collision_primitive_shape(obj: bpy.types.Object) -> CollisionPrimitiveShape:
""" Gets the CollisionPrimitiveShape of an object or raises an error if
it can't. """
name = obj.name.lower()
if "sphere" in name or "sphr" in name or "spr" in name:
return CollisionPrimitiveShape.SPHERE
if "cylinder" in name or "cyln" in name or "cyl" in name:
return CollisionPrimitiveShape.CYLINDER
if "box" in name or "cube" in name or "cuboid" in name:
return CollisionPrimitiveShape.BOX
# arc170 fighter has examples of box colliders without proper naming
prim_type = obj.swbf_msh_coll_prim.prim_type
if prim_type in [item.value for item in CollisionPrimitiveShape]:
return CollisionPrimitiveShape(prim_type)
raise RuntimeError(f"Object '{obj.name}' has no primitive type specified in it's name!")
def check_for_bad_lod_suffix(obj: bpy.types.Object):
""" Checks if the object has an LOD suffix that is known to be ignored by """
name = obj.name.lower()
failure_message = f"Object '{obj.name}' has unknown LOD suffix at the end of it's name!"
if name.endswith("_lod1"):
raise RuntimeError(failure_message)
for i in range(4, 10):
if name.endswith(f"_lod{i}"):
raise RuntimeError(failure_message)
def select_objects(export_target: str) -> List[bpy.types.Object]:
""" Returns a list of objects to export. """
if export_target == "SCENE" or not export_target in {"SELECTED", "SELECTED_WITH_CHILDREN"}:
return list(bpy.context.scene.objects)
objects = list(bpy.context.selected_objects)
added = {obj.name for obj in objects}
if export_target == "SELECTED_WITH_CHILDREN":
children = []
def add_children(parent):
nonlocal children
nonlocal added
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.parent == parent and obj.name not in added:
for obj in objects:
objects = objects + children
parents = []
for obj in objects:
parent = obj.parent
while parent is not None:
if parent.name not in added:
parent = parent.parent
return objects + parents
def expand_armature(armature: bpy.types.Object) -> Dict[str, Model]:
proper_BONES = get_real_BONES(armature)
bones: Dict[str, Model] = {}
for bone in armature.data.bones:
model = Model()
transform = bone.matrix_local
if bone.parent:
transform = bone.parent.matrix_local.inverted() @ transform
model.parent = bone.parent.name
# If the bone has no parent_bone:
# set model parent to SKIN object if there is one
# set model parent to armature parent if there is one
bone_world_matrix = get_bone_world_matrix(armature, bone.name)
parent_obj = None
for child_obj in armature.original.children:
if child_obj.vertex_groups and not get_is_model_hidden(child_obj) and not child_obj.parent_bone:
#model.parent = child_obj.name
parent_obj = child_obj
if parent_obj:
transform = parent_obj.matrix_world.inverted() @ bone_world_matrix
model.parent = parent_obj.name
elif not parent_obj and armature.parent:
transform = armature.parent.matrix_world.inverted() @ bone_world_matrix
model.parent = armature.parent.name
transform = bone_world_matrix
model.parent = ""
local_translation, local_rotation, _ = transform.decompose()
model.model_type = ModelType.BONE if bone.name in proper_BONES else ModelType.NULL
model.name = bone.name
model.transform.rotation = convert_rotation_space(local_rotation)
model.transform.translation = convert_vector_space(local_translation)
bones[bone.name] = model
return bones