
108 lines
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Raw Normal View History

""" Contains Scene object for representing a .msh file and the function to create one
from a Blender scene. """
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Dict
from copy import copy
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
from .msh_model import Model, Animation, ModelType
from .msh_scene import Scene, SceneAABB
from .msh_model_gather import gather_models
from .msh_model_utilities import make_null, validate_geometry_segment, sort_by_parent, has_multiple_root_models, reparent_model_roots, get_model_world_matrix, inject_dummy_data
from .msh_model_triangle_strips import create_models_triangle_strips
from .msh_material import *
from .msh_material_gather import gather_materials
from .msh_material_utilities import remove_unused_materials
from .msh_utilities import *
from .msh_anim_gather import extract_anim
def set_scene_animation(scene : Scene, armature_obj : bpy.types.Object):
if not scene or not armature_obj:
root = scene.models[0]
scene.animation = extract_anim(armature_obj, root.name)
def create_scene(generate_triangle_strips: bool, apply_modifiers: bool, export_target: str, skel_only: bool) -> Tuple[Scene, bpy.types.Object]:
""" Create a msh Scene from the active Blender scene. """
scene = Scene()
scene.name = bpy.context.scene.name
scene.materials = gather_materials()
scene.models, armature_obj = gather_models(apply_modifiers=apply_modifiers, export_target=export_target, skeleton_only=skel_only)
scene.models = sort_by_parent(scene.models)
if generate_triangle_strips:
scene.models = create_models_triangle_strips(scene.models)
for model in scene.models:
if model.geometry:
for segment in model.geometry:
segment.triangle_strips = segment.triangles
# After generating triangle strips we must prune any segments that don't have
# them, or else ZE and most versions of ZETools will crash.
# We could also make models with no valid segments nulls, since they might as well be,
# but that could have unforseeable consequences further down the modding pipeline
# and is not necessary to avoid the aforementioned crashes...
for model in scene.models:
if model.geometry is not None:
# Doing this in msh_model_gather would be messy and the presence/absence
# of triangle strips is required for a validity check.
model.geometry = [segment for segment in model.geometry if validate_geometry_segment(segment)]
#if not model.geometry:
# make_null(model)
if has_multiple_root_models(scene.models):
scene.models = reparent_model_roots(scene.models)
scene.materials = remove_unused_materials(scene.materials, scene.models)
root = scene.models[0]
if skel_only and (root.model_type == ModelType.NULL or root.model_type == ModelType.BONE):
# For ZenAsset
return scene, armature_obj
def create_scene_aabb(scene: Scene) -> SceneAABB:
""" Create a SceneAABB for a Scene. """
global_aabb = SceneAABB()
for model in scene.models:
if model.geometry is None or model.hidden:
model_world_matrix = get_model_world_matrix(model, scene.models)
model_aabb = SceneAABB()
for segment in model.geometry:
segment_aabb = SceneAABB()
for pos in segment.positions:
segment_aabb.integrate_position(model_world_matrix @ pos)
return global_aabb