Updated backup script

This commit is contained in:
itdominator 2021-11-15 01:12:14 -06:00
parent 4dc79d7d34
commit 49657509d6

View File

@ -6,63 +6,74 @@
# set -o errunset ## To exit if a variable is referenced but not set
function main() {
echo "Backing up to: " ${BACKUPDIR}
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}
mkdir ${BACKUPDIR}
mkdir -p ${BACKUPDIR}/.local/share/
# Dirs
echo "Backing up .config/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.config/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .screenlayout/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.screenlayout/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .themes/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.themes/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .icons/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.icons/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .devilspie* ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.devilspie* ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .mplayer/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.mplayer/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .atom/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.atom/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .qjoypad3/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.qjoypad3/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .local/share/applications/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/ ${BACKUPDIR}
cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/applications/ ${BACKUPDIR}/.local/share/
echo "Backing up .local/share/fonts/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/fonts/ ${BACKUPDIR}
cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/fonts/ ${BACKUPDIR}/.local/share/
echo "Backing up .local/share/ulauncher/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.local/share/ulauncher/ ${BACKUPDIR}/.local/share/
echo "Backing up .atom/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.atom/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .screenlayout/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.screenlayout/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .themes/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.themes/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .icons/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.icons/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .devilspie* ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.devilspie* ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .mplayer/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.mplayer/ ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .qjoypad3/ ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.qjoypad3/ ${BACKUPDIR}
# Files
echo "Backing up .bash files..."
cp ${HOME}/.bash* ${BACKUPDIR}
cp ${HOME}/.bash* ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .start script..."
cp ${HOME}/.start ${BACKUPDIR}
cp ${HOME}/.start ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .gtk files..."
cp ${HOME}/.gtk* ${BACKUPDIR}
cp ${HOME}/.gtk* ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .animatedBGstarter scripts..."
cp ${HOME}/.animatedBGstarter*.sh ${BACKUPDIR}
cp ${HOME}/.animatedBGstarter*.sh ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .greetings.mp3 sound..."
cp ${HOME}/.greetings.mp3 ${BACKUPDIR}
cp ${HOME}/.greetings.mp3 ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .vim files..."
cp ${HOME}/.vim* ${BACKUPDIR}
cp ${HOME}/.vim* ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .face ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.face ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .sine.wav ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.sine.wav ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up .gitconfig ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/.gitconfig ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up default.gpfl ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/default.gpfl ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up anime.txt ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/anime.txt ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up upcoming-movies.txt ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/upcoming-movies.txt ${BACKUPDIR}
echo "Backing up profile_backup.sh ..."
cp -r ${HOME}/profile_backup.sh ${BACKUPDIR}
# Remove undesirables
echo "Removing undesirables..."
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/Atom
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/Code
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/aseprite
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/blender
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/discord
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/SpiderOakONE
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/streamio
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/VirtualBox
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.config/retroarch/cheats
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/.apm
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/blob-store
rm -rf ${BACKUPDIR}/.atom/.gitignore
@ -79,4 +90,60 @@ function main() {
find ${BACKUPDIR} -name "*cache*" -exec rm -rf $1 {} \;
find ${BACKUPDIR} -name "*.log" -exec rm -rf $1 {} \;
function backup_config() {
python <<EOF
import os, shutil
def get_dir_size(start_path = "."):
total_size = 0
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(start_path):
for f in files:
fp = os.path.join(path, f)
if os.path.isfile(fp):
total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
return total_size
logging = False
backup_dir = "${HOME}/Downloads/Linux-Profile/.config/"
path = "${HOME}/.config"
files = os.listdir(path)
tcount = len(files)
pcount = 0
for file in files:
fpath = path + "/" + file
fsize = 0
if os.path.isdir(fpath):
fsize = get_dir_size(fpath)
fsize = os.path.getsize(fpath)
if fsize <= 80000000: # less than equal to 80MB
pcount += 1
bpath = backup_dir + file
if os.path.isdir(fpath):
shutil.copytree(fpath, bpath, symlinks = False)
shutil.copy2(fpath, bpath, follow_symlinks = False)
if logging:
print(f"Path: {fpath}")
print(f"Directory size: {fsize}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Couldn't Backup: {bpath}")
print(f"\nTotal Config File Count: {tcount}")
print(f"Processed Config File Count: {pcount}")
print(f"Backup Dir: {backup_dir}")
main $@;