2020-04-05 16:36:06 +02:00

60 lines
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# Terminator by Chris Jones <cmsj@tenshu.net?
# GPL v2 only
"""url_handlers.py - Default plugins for URL handling"""
import re
import terminatorlib.plugin as plugin
# Every plugin you want Terminator to load *must* be listed in 'AVAILABLE'
AVAILABLE = ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
class LaunchpadBugURLHandler(plugin.URLHandler):
"""Launchpad Bug URL handler. If the URL looks like a Launchpad changelog
closure entry... 'LP: #12345' then it should be transformed into a
Launchpad Bug URL"""
capabilities = ['url_handler']
handler_name = 'launchpad_bug'
match = '\\b(lp|LP):?\s?#?[0-9]+(,\s*#?[0-9]+)*\\b'
nameopen = "Open Launchpad bug"
namecopy = "Copy bug URL"
def callback(self, url):
"""Look for the number in the supplied string and return it as a URL"""
for item in re.findall(r'[0-9]+', url):
url = 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/%s' % item
class LaunchpadCodeURLHandler(plugin.URLHandler):
"""Launchpad Code URL handler. If the URL looks like a Launchpad project or
branch entry then it should be transformed into a code.launchpad.net URL"""
capabilities = ['url_handler']
handler_name = 'launchpad_code'
nameopen = "Open Launchpad branch"
namecopy = "Copy branch URL"
lpfilters = {}
lpfilters['project'] = '[a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9+.-]+'
lpfilters['group'] = '~%s' % lpfilters['project']
lpfilters['series'] = lpfilters['project']
lpfilters['branch'] = '[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_+@.-]+'
match = '\\b((lp|LP):%(project)s(/%(series)s)?|(lp|LP):%(group)s/(%(project)s|\+junk)/%(branch)s)\\b' % lpfilters
def callback(self, url):
"""Look for the number in the supplied string and return it as a URL"""
if url.startswith('lp:'):
url = url[3:]
return('https://code.launchpad.net/+branch/%s' % url)
class APTURLHandler(plugin.URLHandler):
"""APT URL handler. If there is a URL that looks like an apturl, handle
it appropriately"""
capabilities = ['url_handler']
handler_name = 'apturl'
nameopen = "Open software manager"
namecopy = "Copy package URI"
match = '\\bapt:.*\\b'
def callback(self, url):
"""Actually we don't need to do anything for this to work"""