Previously, file URIs were lumped in with full uris that would be
used for HTTP, FTP, etc. This caused file:/// uri parser to ignore
any file with a root dir that had a character that was not a valid
hostname character to be ignored.
Got this while testing layouts. Easy fix
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mattrose/Code/terminator/./terminator", line 137, in <module>
File "/home/mattrose/Code/terminator/terminatorlib/", line 341, in layout_done
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ensure_visible_and_focussed'
- as per the bug the layout does not get updated when "Save" button in layout is pressed
- it does get updated if the window is closed by pressing top x close icon.
- on pressing Save, it seems that the prefseditor takes this from current_layout = terminator.describe_layout() and saves it in config
- whereas the current changes are done per key stroke and config is updated
- this patch copies the parameters like directory and command when Save is press and on_layoutrefreshbutton_clicked() is called
- Hence working dir and command are copied when Save is pressed using uuid to match terminals.
- If there is a command registered then the terminal runs the command and exits. so one is not able to see the results.
- this includes the changes in #835 since its required to decouple
- made plugin dependent on focus-in and removed tab-change
- plugin is now decoupled from main terminator code
-removed previous code to start fresh
-added event type for tab-change since other way of identifying zoomed widget was not simple and clear
-emit tab-change is done at a single point now in
- the dialog window taking command for bookmark via shortcut keybinding will have focus on OK Button for faster interaction
- fixed a transient window issue for loading pref window via shortcut and context menu
- filed new command text area was getting filled with last command
- fixed list store init
'ask_before_closing' replaces 'suppress_multiple_term_dialog'.
The function 'Container.construct_confirm_close' was significantly
modified. The terminator_config manpage has been updated.
- modified custom command plugin to have bookmarks
- added keybindings for directly adding or launch the custom command menu
- made name parsing of the custom command optional
- added basic config restore option from preferences window
- changes to glade made in addition to addition of destory signal
- minor cleaup in config to have a single function return confilg filename via get_config_filename
The "Insert terminal name" Plugin causes the following traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mattrose/Code/terminator/terminatorlib/", line 588, in do_insert_term_name
File "/Users/mattrose/Code/terminator/terminatorlib/", line 1709, in feed
This PR fixes it so the plugin inserts the terminal name, as intended.