
56 lines
1.5 KiB

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from six import with_metaclass
from collections import defaultdict
import weakref
__all__ = (
# Cache for _FilterTypeMeta. (Don't test the same __instancecheck__ twice as
# long as the object lives. -- We do this a lot and calling 'test_args' is
# expensive.)
_instance_check_cache = defaultdict(weakref.WeakKeyDictionary)
class _FilterTypeMeta(type):
def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
cache = _instance_check_cache[tuple(cls.arguments_list)]
def get():
" The actual test. "
if not hasattr(instance, 'test_args'):
return False
return instance.test_args(*cls.arguments_list)
return cache[instance]
except KeyError:
result = get()
cache[instance] = result
return result
class _FilterType(with_metaclass(_FilterTypeMeta)):
def __new__(cls):
raise NotImplementedError('This class should not be initiated.')
class CLIFilter(_FilterType):
Abstract base class for filters that accept a
:class:`~prompt_toolkit.interface.CommandLineInterface` argument. It cannot
be instantiated, it's only to be used for instance assertions, e.g.::
isinstance(my_filter, CliFilter)
arguments_list = ['cli']
class SimpleFilter(_FilterType):
Abstract base class for filters that don't accept any arguments.
arguments_list = []