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from __future__ import unicode_literals
import fcntl
import os
import random
import signal
import threading
import time
from libs.prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input import InputStream
from libs.prompt_toolkit.utils import DummyContext, in_main_thread
from libs.prompt_toolkit.input import Input
from .base import EventLoop, INPUT_TIMEOUT
from .callbacks import EventLoopCallbacks
from .inputhook import InputHookContext
from .posix_utils import PosixStdinReader
from .utils import TimeIt
from .select import AutoSelector, Selector, fd_to_int
__all__ = (
_now = time.time
class PosixEventLoop(EventLoop):
Event loop for posix systems (Linux, Mac os X).
def __init__(self, inputhook=None, selector=AutoSelector):
assert inputhook is None or callable(inputhook)
assert issubclass(selector, Selector)
self.running = False
self.closed = False
self._running = False
self._callbacks = None
self._calls_from_executor = []
self._read_fds = {} # Maps fd to handler.
self.selector = selector()
# Create a pipe for inter thread communication.
self._schedule_pipe = os.pipe()
fcntl.fcntl(self._schedule_pipe[0], fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
# Create inputhook context.
self._inputhook_context = InputHookContext(inputhook) if inputhook else None
def run(self, stdin, callbacks):
The input 'event loop'.
assert isinstance(stdin, Input)
assert isinstance(callbacks, EventLoopCallbacks)
assert not self._running
if self.closed:
raise Exception('Event loop already closed.')
self._running = True
self._callbacks = callbacks
inputstream = InputStream(callbacks.feed_key)
current_timeout = [INPUT_TIMEOUT] # Nonlocal
# Create reader class.
stdin_reader = PosixStdinReader(stdin.fileno())
# Only attach SIGWINCH signal handler in main thread.
# (It's not possible to attach signal handlers in other threads. In
# that case we should rely on a the main thread to call this manually
# instead.)
if in_main_thread():
ctx = call_on_sigwinch(self.received_winch)
ctx = DummyContext()
def read_from_stdin():
" Read user input. "
# Feed input text.
data =
# Set timeout again.
current_timeout[0] = INPUT_TIMEOUT
# Quit when the input stream was closed.
if stdin_reader.closed:
self.add_reader(stdin, read_from_stdin)
self.add_reader(self._schedule_pipe[0], None)
with ctx:
while self._running:
# Call inputhook.
if self._inputhook_context:
with TimeIt() as inputhook_timer:
def ready(wait):
" True when there is input ready. The inputhook should return control. "
return self._ready_for_reading(current_timeout[0] if wait else 0) != []
inputhook_duration = inputhook_timer.duration
inputhook_duration = 0
# Calculate remaining timeout. (The inputhook consumed some of the time.)
if current_timeout[0] is None:
remaining_timeout = None
remaining_timeout = max(0, current_timeout[0] - inputhook_duration)
# Wait until input is ready.
fds = self._ready_for_reading(remaining_timeout)
# When any of the FDs are ready. Call the appropriate callback.
if fds:
# Create lists of high/low priority tasks. The main reason
# for this is to allow painting the UI to happen as soon as
# possible, but when there are many events happening, we
# don't want to call the UI renderer 1000x per second. If
# the eventloop is completely saturated with many CPU
# intensive tasks (like processing input/output), we say
# that drawing the UI can be postponed a little, to make
# CPU available. This will be a low priority task in that
# case.
tasks = []
low_priority_tasks = []
now = None # Lazy load time. (Fewer system calls.)
for fd in fds:
# For the 'call_from_executor' fd, put each pending
# item on either the high or low priority queue.
if fd == self._schedule_pipe[0]:
for c, max_postpone_until in self._calls_from_executor:
if max_postpone_until is None:
# Execute now.
# Execute soon, if `max_postpone_until` is in the future.
now = now or _now()
if max_postpone_until < now:
low_priority_tasks.append((c, max_postpone_until))
self._calls_from_executor = []
# Flush all the pipe content.[0], 1024)
handler = self._read_fds.get(fd)
if handler:
# Handle everything in random order. (To avoid starvation.)
# When there are high priority tasks, run all these.
# Schedule low priority tasks for the next iteration.
if tasks:
for t in tasks:
# Postpone low priority tasks.
for t, max_postpone_until in low_priority_tasks:
self.call_from_executor(t, _max_postpone_until=max_postpone_until)
# Currently there are only low priority tasks -> run them right now.
for t, _ in low_priority_tasks:
# Flush all pending keys on a timeout. (This is most
# important to flush the vt100 'Escape' key early when
# nothing else follows.)
# Fire input timeout event.
current_timeout[0] = None
self._callbacks = None
def _ready_for_reading(self, timeout=None):
Return the file descriptors that are ready for reading.
fds =
return fds
def received_winch(self):
Notify the event loop that SIGWINCH has been received
# Process signal asynchronously, because this handler can write to the
# output, and doing this inside the signal handler causes easily
# reentrant calls, giving runtime errors..
# Furthur, this has to be thread safe. When the CommandLineInterface
# runs not in the main thread, this function still has to be called
# from the main thread. (The only place where we can install signal
# handlers.)
def process_winch():
if self._callbacks:
def run_in_executor(self, callback):
Run a long running function in a background thread.
(This is recommended for code that could block the event loop.)
Similar to Twisted's ``deferToThread``.
# Wait until the main thread is idle.
# We start the thread by using `call_from_executor`. The event loop
# favours processing input over `calls_from_executor`, so the thread
# will not start until there is no more input to process and the main
# thread becomes idle for an instant. This is good, because Python
# threading favours CPU over I/O -- an autocompletion thread in the
# background would cause a significantly slow down of the main thread.
# It is mostly noticable when pasting large portions of text while
# having real time autocompletion while typing on.
def start_executor():
def call_from_executor(self, callback, _max_postpone_until=None):
Call this function in the main event loop.
Similar to Twisted's ``callFromThread``.
:param _max_postpone_until: `None` or `time.time` value. For interal
use. If the eventloop is saturated, consider this task to be low
priority and postpone maximum until this timestamp. (For instance,
repaint is done using low priority.)
assert _max_postpone_until is None or isinstance(_max_postpone_until, float)
self._calls_from_executor.append((callback, _max_postpone_until))
if self._schedule_pipe:
os.write(self._schedule_pipe[1], b'x')
except (AttributeError, IndexError, OSError):
# Handle race condition. We're in a different thread.
# - `_schedule_pipe` could have become None in the meantime.
# - We catch `OSError` (actually BrokenPipeError), because the
# main thread could have closed the pipe already.
def stop(self):
Stop the event loop.
self._running = False
def close(self):
self.closed = True
# Close pipes.
schedule_pipe = self._schedule_pipe
self._schedule_pipe = None
if schedule_pipe:
if self._inputhook_context:
def add_reader(self, fd, callback):
" Add read file descriptor to the event loop. "
fd = fd_to_int(fd)
self._read_fds[fd] = callback
def remove_reader(self, fd):
" Remove read file descriptor from the event loop. "
fd = fd_to_int(fd)
if fd in self._read_fds:
del self._read_fds[fd]
class call_on_sigwinch(object):
Context manager which Installs a SIGWINCH callback.
(This signal occurs when the terminal size changes.)
def __init__(self, callback):
self.callback = callback
self.previous_callback = None
def __enter__(self):
self.previous_callback = signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, lambda *a: self.callback())
def __exit__(self, *a, **kw):
if self.previous_callback is None:
# Normally, `signal.signal` should never return `None`.
# For some reason it happens here:
signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, 0)
signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.previous_callback)