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# Python imports
# Lib imports
# Application imports
from . import lsp_structs
class LspClient(object):
def __init__(self, lsp_endpoint):
Constructs a new LspClient instance.
:param lsp_endpoint: TODO
self.lsp_endpoint = lsp_endpoint
def initialize(self, processId, rootPath, rootUri, initializationOptions, capabilities, trace, workspaceFolders):
The initialize request is sent as the first request from the client to the server. If the server receives a request or notification
before the initialize request it should act as follows:
1. For a request the response should be an error with code: -32002. The message can be picked by the server.
2. Notifications should be dropped, except for the exit notification. This will allow the exit of a server without an initialize request.
Until the server has responded to the initialize request with an InitializeResult, the client must not send any additional requests or
notifications to the server. In addition the server is not allowed to send any requests or notifications to the client until it has responded
with an InitializeResult, with the exception that during the initialize request the server is allowed to send the notifications window/showMessage,
window/logMessage and telemetry/event as well as the window/showMessageRequest request to the client.
The initialize request may only be sent once.
:param int processId: The process Id of the parent process that started the server. Is null if the process has not been started by another process.
If the parent process is not alive then the server should exit (see exit notification) its process.
:param str rootPath: The rootPath of the workspace. Is null if no folder is open. Deprecated in favour of rootUri.
:param DocumentUri rootUri: The rootUri of the workspace. Is null if no folder is open. If both `rootPath` and `rootUri` are set
`rootUri` wins.
:param any initializationOptions: User provided initialization options.
:param ClientCapabilities capabilities: The capabilities provided by the client (editor or tool).
:param Trace trace: The initial trace setting. If omitted trace is disabled ('off').
:param list workspaceFolders: The workspace folders configured in the client when the server starts. This property is only available if the client supports workspace folders.
It can be `null` if the client supports workspace folders but none are configured.
return self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("initialize",
processId = processId,
rootPath = rootPath,
rootUri = rootUri,
initializationOptions = initializationOptions,
capabilities = capabilities,
trace = trace,
workspaceFolders = workspaceFolders
def initialized(self):
The initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after the client received the result of the initialize request
but before the client is sending any other request or notification to the server. The server can use the initialized notification
for example to dynamically register capabilities. The initialized notification may only be sent once.
def shutdown(self):
return self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("shutdown")
def exit(self):
def didOpen(self, textDocument):
The document open notification is sent from the client to the server to signal newly opened text documents. The document's truth is
now managed by the client and the server must not try to read the document's truth using the document's uri. Open in this sense
means it is managed by the client. It doesn't necessarily mean that its content is presented in an editor. An open notification must
not be sent more than once without a corresponding close notification send before. This means open and close notification must be
balanced and the max open count for a particular textDocument is one. Note that a server's ability to fulfill requests is independent
of whether a text document is open or closed.
The DidOpenTextDocumentParams contain the language id the document is associated with. If the language Id of a document changes, the
client needs to send a textDocument/didClose to the server followed by a textDocument/didOpen with the new language id if the server
handles the new language id as well.
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The document that was opened.
return self.lsp_endpoint.send_notification("textDocument/didOpen", textDocument = textDocument)
def didSave(self, textDocument):
:param TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument: The document that was saved.
return self.lsp_endpoint.send_notification("textDocument/didSave", textDocument = textDocument)
def didClose(self, textDocument):
:param TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument: The document that was closed.
return self.lsp_endpoint.send_notification("textDocument/didClose", textDocument = textDocument)
def didChange(self, textDocument, contentChanges):
The document change notification is sent from the client to the server to signal changes to a text document.
In 2.0 the shape of the params has changed to include proper version numbers and language ids.
:param VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument: The initial trace setting. If omitted trace is disabled ('off').
:param TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[] contentChanges: The actual content changes. The content changes describe single state changes
to the document. So if there are two content changes c1 and c2 for a document in state S then c1 move the document
to S' and c2 to S''.
return self.lsp_endpoint.send_notification("textDocument/didChange", textDocument = textDocument, contentChanges = contentChanges)
def documentSymbol(self, textDocument):
The document symbol request is sent from the client to the server to
return a flat list of all symbols found in a given text document.
Neither the symbol's location range nor the symbol's container name
should be used to infer a hierarchy.
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method( "textDocument/documentSymbol", textDocument=textDocument )
if not result_dict: return []
return [lsp_structs.SymbolInformation(**sym) for sym in result_dict]
def declaration(self, textDocument, position):
The go to declaration request is sent from the client to the server to
resolve the declaration location of a symbol at a given text document
The result type LocationLink[] got introduce with version 3.14.0 and
depends in the corresponding client capability
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
:param Position position: The position inside the text document.
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("textDocument/declaration",
textDocument = textDocument,
position = position
if not result_dict: return []
if "uri" in result_dict:
return lsp_structs.Location(**result_dict)
return [lsp_structs.Location(**loc) if "uri" in loc else lsp_structs.LinkLocation(**loc) for loc in result_dict]
def definition(self, textDocument, position):
The goto definition request is sent from the client to the server to
resolve the definition location of a symbol at a given text document
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
:param Position position: The position inside the text document.
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("textDocument/definition",
textDocument = textDocument,
position = position
if not result_dict: return []
return [lsp_structs.Location(**loc) for loc in result_dict]
def typeDefinition(self, textDocument, position):
The goto type definition request is sent from the client to the server
to resolve the type definition location of a symbol at a given text
document position.
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
:param Position position: The position inside the text document.
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("textDocument/typeDefinition",
textDocument = textDocument,
position = position
if not result_dict: return []
return [lsp_structs.Location(**loc) for loc in result_dict]
def signatureHelp(self, textDocument, position):
The signature help request is sent from the client to the server to
request signature information at a given cursor position.
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
:param Position position: The position inside the text document.
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method( "textDocument/signatureHelp",
textDocument = textDocument,
position = position
if not result_dict: return []
return lsp_structs.SignatureHelp(**result_dict)
def completion(self, textDocument, position, context):
The signature help request is sent from the client to the server to
request signature information at a given cursor position.
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
:param Position position: The position inside the text document.
:param CompletionContext context: The completion context. This is only
available if the client specifies
to send this using `ClientCapabilities.textDocument.completion.contextSupport === true`
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("textDocument/completion",
textDocument = textDocument,
position = position,
context = context
if not result_dict: return []
if "isIncomplete" in result_dict:
return lsp_structs.CompletionList(**result_dict)
return [lsp_structs.CompletionItem(**loc) for loc in result_dict]
def references(self, textDocument, position):
The references request is sent from the client to the server to resolve
project-wide references for the symbol denoted by the given text
document position.
:param TextDocumentItem textDocument: The text document.
:param Position position: The position inside the text document.
result_dict = self.lsp_endpoint.call_method("textDocument/references",
textDocument = textDocument,
position = position)
if not result_dict: return []
return [lsp_structs.Location(**loc) for loc in result_dict]