Refatored lsp controller file layout

This commit is contained in:
itdominator 2024-09-17 23:08:23 -05:00
parent 9052867c24
commit 5b551df104
53 changed files with 15657 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
LSP Controller Module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Python imports
import threading
# Lib imports
# Application imports
from libs.dto.lsp_messages import get_message_str
from libs.dto.lsp_message_structs import LSPResponseTypes, ClientRequest, ClientNotification
from .lsp_controller_stdin_stdout import LSPControllerSTDInSTDOut
def _log_list():
def add_log_entry(title: str, message: any):
def clear():
class LSPController(LSPControllerSTDInSTDOut):
def __init__(self):
self._language = "python3"
# initialize-params-slim.json was created off of jedi_language_server one
self._init_params = settings_manager.get_lsp_init_data()
self._start_command = None
self._lsp_pid = -1
self._message_id = 0
self.read_lock = threading.Lock()
self.write_lock = threading.Lock()
self.log_list = _log_list
self.request_list = {}
def _subscribe_to_events(self):
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didOpen", self._lsp_did_open)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didSave", self._lsp_did_save)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didClose", self._lsp_did_close)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didChange", self._lsp_did_change)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/definition", self._lsp_definition)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/completion", self._lsp_completion)
def set_language(self, language):
self._language = language
def set_log_list(self, log_list):
self.log_list = log_list
def set_start_command(self, start_command: list):
self._start_command = start_command
def unset_start_command(self):
self._start_command = None
def send_notification(self, method: str, params: {} = {}):
self._send_message( ClientNotification(method, params) )
def send_request(self, method: str, params: {} = {}):
self._send_message( ClientRequest(self._message_id, method, params) )
self.request_list[self._message_id] = {"method": method}
self._message_id += 1
def get_message_id(self) -> int:
return self._message_id
def start_stop_lsp(self):
if self._lsp_pid == -1:
pid = self.start_lsp()
if not pid: return
self._lsp_pid = pid
def handle_lsp_response(self, lsp_response: LSPResponseTypes):
self.log_list.add_log_entry("LSP Response", lsp_response)
event_system.emit("respond-to-client", (get_message_str(lsp_response),))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Python imports
# Lib imports
# Application imports
from .lsp_controller_events import LSPControllerEvents
from libs.dto.lsp_message_structs import ClientRequest, ClientNotification
class LSPControllerBase(LSPControllerEvents):
def _send_message(self, data: ClientRequest or ClientNotification):
raise NotImplementedError
def start_lsp(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def stop_lsp(self):
raise NotImplementedError

View File

@ -1,81 +1,19 @@
# Python imports
import signal
import subprocess
import threading
import json
# Lib imports
from gi.repository import GLib
# Application imports
from libs.dto.lsp_messages import LEN_HEADER, TYPE_HEADER, get_message_str, get_message_obj
from .lsp_controller_base import LSPControllerBase
from libs.dto.lsp_message_structs import \
LSPResponseTypes, ClientRequest, ClientNotification, LSPResponseRequest, LSPResponseNotification
from .lsp_controller_events import LSPControllerEvents
def _log_list():
def add_log_entry(title: str, message: any):
def clear():
class LSPController(LSPControllerEvents):
def __init__(self):
self._language = "python3"
# initialize-params-slim.json was created off of jedi_language_server one
self._init_params = settings_manager.get_lsp_init_data()
self._start_command = None
self._lsp_pid = -1
self._message_id = 0
self.read_lock = threading.Lock()
self.write_lock = threading.Lock()
self.log_list = _log_list
self.request_list = {}
def _subscribe_to_events(self):
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didOpen", self._lsp_did_open)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didSave", self._lsp_did_save)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didClose", self._lsp_did_close)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/didChange", self._lsp_did_change)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/definition", self._lsp_definition)
event_system.subscribe("textDocument/completion", self._lsp_completion)
def set_language(self, language):
self._language = language
def set_log_list(self, log_list):
self.log_list = log_list
def set_start_command(self, start_command: list):
self._start_command = start_command
def unset_start_command(self):
self._start_command = None
def send_notification(self, method: str, params: {} = {}):
self._send_message( ClientNotification(method, params) )
def send_request(self, method: str, params: {} = {}):
self._send_message( ClientRequest(self._message_id, method, params) )
self.request_list[self._message_id] = {"method": method}
self._message_id += 1
class LSPControllerSTDInSTDOut(LSPControllerBase):
def _send_message(self, data: ClientRequest or ClientNotification):
if not data or not hasattr(self, "lsp_process"): return
@ -89,20 +27,6 @@ class LSPController(LSPControllerEvents):
self.lsp_process.stdin.write( message.encode("utf-8") )
def get_message_id(self) -> int:
return self._message_id
def start_stop_lsp(self):
if self._lsp_pid == -1:
pid = self.start_lsp()
if not pid: return
self._lsp_pid = pid
def start_lsp(self):
if not self._start_command: return
@ -190,8 +114,3 @@ class LSPController(LSPControllerEvents):
if not lsp_response: return
GLib.idle_add(self.handle_lsp_response, lsp_response)
def handle_lsp_response(self, lsp_response: LSPResponseTypes):
self.log_list.add_log_entry("LSP Response", lsp_response)
event_system.emit("respond-to-client", (get_message_str(lsp_response),))

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from gi.repository import Gtk
# Application imports
from libs.dto.lsp_messages import get_message_obj
from core.controllers.lsp_controller import LSPController
from core.controllers.lsp.lsp_controller import LSPController
from .buttons.top_button_box import TopButtonBox
from .enteries.lsp_message_source_view import LspMessageSourceView
from .buttons.bottom_button_box import BottomButtonBox

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from .imports import lazy_import
from .version import version as __version__ # noqa: F401
__all__ = [
# .client
# .datastructures
# .exceptions
# .legacy.auth
# .legacy.client
# .legacy.exceptions
# .legacy.protocol
# .legacy.server
# .server
# .typing
# When type checking, import non-deprecated aliases eagerly. Else, import on demand.
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from .client import ClientProtocol
from .datastructures import Headers, HeadersLike, MultipleValuesError
from .exceptions import (
from .legacy.auth import (
from .legacy.client import WebSocketClientProtocol, connect, unix_connect
from .legacy.exceptions import (
from .legacy.protocol import WebSocketCommonProtocol
from .legacy.server import (
from .server import ServerProtocol
from .typing import (
# .client
"ClientProtocol": ".client",
# .datastructures
"Headers": ".datastructures",
"HeadersLike": ".datastructures",
"MultipleValuesError": ".datastructures",
# .exceptions
"ConcurrencyError": ".exceptions",
"ConnectionClosed": ".exceptions",
"ConnectionClosedError": ".exceptions",
"ConnectionClosedOK": ".exceptions",
"DuplicateParameter": ".exceptions",
"InvalidHandshake": ".exceptions",
"InvalidHeader": ".exceptions",
"InvalidHeaderFormat": ".exceptions",
"InvalidHeaderValue": ".exceptions",
"InvalidOrigin": ".exceptions",
"InvalidParameterName": ".exceptions",
"InvalidParameterValue": ".exceptions",
"InvalidState": ".exceptions",
"InvalidStatus": ".exceptions",
"InvalidUpgrade": ".exceptions",
"InvalidURI": ".exceptions",
"NegotiationError": ".exceptions",
"PayloadTooBig": ".exceptions",
"ProtocolError": ".exceptions",
"SecurityError": ".exceptions",
"WebSocketException": ".exceptions",
"WebSocketProtocolError": ".exceptions",
# .legacy.auth
"BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol": ".legacy.auth",
"basic_auth_protocol_factory": ".legacy.auth",
# .legacy.client
"WebSocketClientProtocol": ".legacy.client",
"connect": ".legacy.client",
"unix_connect": ".legacy.client",
# .legacy.exceptions
"AbortHandshake": ".legacy.exceptions",
"InvalidMessage": ".legacy.exceptions",
"InvalidStatusCode": ".legacy.exceptions",
"RedirectHandshake": ".legacy.exceptions",
# .legacy.protocol
"WebSocketCommonProtocol": ".legacy.protocol",
# .legacy.server
"WebSocketServer": ".legacy.server",
"WebSocketServerProtocol": ".legacy.server",
"broadcast": ".legacy.server",
"serve": ".legacy.server",
"unix_serve": ".legacy.server",
# .server
"ServerProtocol": ".server",
# .typing
"Data": ".typing",
"ExtensionName": ".typing",
"ExtensionParameter": ".typing",
"LoggerLike": ".typing",
"Origin": ".typing",
"StatusLike": ".typing",
"Subprotocol": ".typing",
# deprecated in 9.0 - 2021-09-01
"framing": ".legacy",
"handshake": ".legacy",
"parse_uri": ".uri",
"WebSocketURI": ".uri",

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import os
import signal
import sys
import threading
import readline # noqa: F401
except ImportError: # Windows has no `readline` normally
from .sync.client import ClientConnection, connect
from .version import version as websockets_version
if sys.platform == "win32":
def win_enable_vt100() -> None:
Enable VT-100 for console output on Windows.
See also
import ctypes
STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = ctypes.c_uint(-11)
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = ctypes.c_uint(-1)
handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
raise RuntimeError("unable to obtain stdout handle")
cur_mode = ctypes.c_uint()
if ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode(handle, ctypes.byref(cur_mode)) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("unable to query current console mode")
# ctypes ints lack support for the required bit-OR operation.
# Temporarily convert to Py int, do the OR and convert back.
py_int_mode = int.from_bytes(cur_mode, sys.byteorder)
new_mode = ctypes.c_uint(py_int_mode | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING)
if ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode(handle, new_mode) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("unable to set console mode")
def print_during_input(string: str) -> None:
# Save cursor position
# Add a new line
# Move cursor up
# Insert blank line, scroll last line down
# Print string in the inserted blank line
f"{string}\N{LINE FEED}"
# Restore cursor position
# Move cursor down
def print_over_input(string: str) -> None:
# Move cursor to beginning of line
# Delete current line
# Print string
f"{string}\N{LINE FEED}"
def print_incoming_messages(websocket: ClientConnection, stop: threading.Event) -> None:
for message in websocket:
if isinstance(message, str):
print_during_input("< " + message)
print_during_input("< (binary) " + message.hex())
if not stop.is_set():
# When the server closes the connection, raise KeyboardInterrupt
# in the main thread to exit the program.
if sys.platform == "win32":
ctrl_c = signal.CTRL_C_EVENT
ctrl_c = signal.SIGINT
os.kill(os.getpid(), ctrl_c)
def main() -> None:
# Parse command line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog="python -m websockets",
description="Interactive WebSocket client.",
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("--version", action="store_true")
group.add_argument("uri", metavar="<uri>", nargs="?")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version:
print(f"websockets {websockets_version}")
if args.uri is None:
parser.error("the following arguments are required: <uri>")
# If we're on Windows, enable VT100 terminal support.
if sys.platform == "win32":
except RuntimeError as exc:
f"Unable to set terminal to VT100 mode. This is only "
f"supported since Win10 anniversary update. Expect "
f"weird symbols on the terminal.\nError: {exc}\n"
websocket = connect(args.uri)
except Exception as exc:
print(f"Failed to connect to {args.uri}: {exc}.")
print(f"Connected to {args.uri}.")
stop = threading.Event()
# Start the thread that reads messages from the connection.
thread = threading.Thread(target=print_incoming_messages, args=(websocket, stop))
# Read from stdin in the main thread in order to receive signals.
while True:
# Since there's no size limit, put_nowait is identical to put.
message = input("> ")
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): # ^C, ^D
print_over_input("Connection closed.")
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
# From
# Licensed under the Apache License (Apache-2.0)
import asyncio
import enum
import sys
import warnings
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Optional, Type
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from typing import final
# From
# Licensed under the Python Software Foundation License (PSF-2.0)
# @final exists in 3.8+, but we backport it for all versions
# before 3.11 to keep support for the __final__ attribute.
# See
def final(f):
"""This decorator can be used to indicate to type checkers that
the decorated method cannot be overridden, and decorated class
cannot be subclassed. For example:
class Base:
def done(self) -> None:
class Sub(Base):
def done(self) -> None: # Error reported by type checker
class Leaf:
class Other(Leaf): # Error reported by type checker
There is no runtime checking of these properties. The decorator
sets the ``__final__`` attribute to ``True`` on the decorated object
to allow runtime introspection.
f.__final__ = True
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
# Skip the attribute silently if it is not writable.
# AttributeError happens if the object has __slots__ or a
# read-only property, TypeError if it's a builtin class.
return f
# End
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
def _uncancel_task(task: "asyncio.Task[object]") -> None:
def _uncancel_task(task: "asyncio.Task[object]") -> None:
__version__ = "4.0.3"
__all__ = ("timeout", "timeout_at", "Timeout")
def timeout(delay: Optional[float]) -> "Timeout":
"""timeout context manager.
Useful in cases when you want to apply timeout logic around block
of code or in cases when asyncio.wait_for is not suitable. For example:
>>> async with timeout(0.001):
... async with aiohttp.get('') as r:
... await r.text()
delay - value in seconds or None to disable timeout logic
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
if delay is not None:
deadline = loop.time() + delay # type: Optional[float]
deadline = None
return Timeout(deadline, loop)
def timeout_at(deadline: Optional[float]) -> "Timeout":
"""Schedule the timeout at absolute time.
deadline argument points on the time in the same clock system
as loop.time().
Please note: it is not POSIX time but a time with
undefined starting base, e.g. the time of the system power on.
>>> async with timeout_at(loop.time() + 10):
... async with aiohttp.get('') as r:
... await r.text()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
return Timeout(deadline, loop)
class _State(enum.Enum):
class Timeout:
# Internal class, please don't instantiate it directly
# Use timeout() and timeout_at() public factories instead.
# Implementation note: `async with timeout()` is preferred
# over `with timeout()`.
# While technically the Timeout class implementation
# doesn't need to be async at all,
# the `async with` statement explicitly points that
# the context manager should be used from async function context.
# This design allows to avoid many silly misusages.
# TimeoutError is raised immediately when scheduled
# if the deadline is passed.
# The purpose is to time out as soon as possible
# without waiting for the next await expression.
__slots__ = ("_deadline", "_loop", "_state", "_timeout_handler", "_task")
def __init__(
self, deadline: Optional[float], loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
) -> None:
self._loop = loop
self._state = _State.INIT
self._task: Optional["asyncio.Task[object]"] = None
self._timeout_handler = None # type: Optional[asyncio.Handle]
if deadline is None:
self._deadline = None # type: Optional[float]
def __enter__(self) -> "Timeout":
"with timeout() is deprecated, use async with timeout() instead",
return self
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return None
async def __aenter__(self) -> "Timeout":
return self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return None
def expired(self) -> bool:
"""Is timeout expired during execution?"""
return self._state == _State.TIMEOUT
def deadline(self) -> Optional[float]:
return self._deadline
def reject(self) -> None:
"""Reject scheduled timeout if any."""
# cancel is maybe better name but
# task.cancel() raises CancelledError in asyncio world.
if self._state not in (_State.INIT, _State.ENTER):
raise RuntimeError(f"invalid state {self._state.value}")
def _reject(self) -> None:
self._task = None
if self._timeout_handler is not None:
self._timeout_handler = None
def shift(self, delay: float) -> None:
"""Advance timeout on delay seconds.
The delay can be negative.
Raise RuntimeError if shift is called when deadline is not scheduled
deadline = self._deadline
if deadline is None:
raise RuntimeError("cannot shift timeout if deadline is not scheduled")
self.update(deadline + delay)
def update(self, deadline: float) -> None:
"""Set deadline to absolute value.
deadline argument points on the time in the same clock system
as loop.time().
If new deadline is in the past the timeout is raised immediately.
Please note: it is not POSIX time but a time with
undefined starting base, e.g. the time of the system power on.
if self._state == _State.EXIT:
raise RuntimeError("cannot reschedule after exit from context manager")
if self._state == _State.TIMEOUT:
raise RuntimeError("cannot reschedule expired timeout")
if self._timeout_handler is not None:
self._deadline = deadline
if self._state != _State.INIT:
def _reschedule(self) -> None:
assert self._state == _State.ENTER
deadline = self._deadline
if deadline is None:
now = self._loop.time()
if self._timeout_handler is not None:
self._task = asyncio.current_task()
if deadline <= now:
self._timeout_handler = self._loop.call_soon(self._on_timeout)
self._timeout_handler = self._loop.call_at(deadline, self._on_timeout)
def _do_enter(self) -> None:
if self._state != _State.INIT:
raise RuntimeError(f"invalid state {self._state.value}")
self._state = _State.ENTER
def _do_exit(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]]) -> None:
if exc_type is asyncio.CancelledError and self._state == _State.TIMEOUT:
assert self._task is not None
self._timeout_handler = None
self._task = None
raise asyncio.TimeoutError
# timeout has not expired
self._state = _State.EXIT
return None
def _on_timeout(self) -> None:
assert self._task is not None
self._state = _State.TIMEOUT
# drop the reference early
self._timeout_handler = None
# End

View File

@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import logging
import os
import urllib.parse
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Callable, Generator, Sequence
from ..client import ClientProtocol, backoff
from ..datastructures import HeadersLike
from ..exceptions import InvalidStatus, SecurityError
from ..extensions.base import ClientExtensionFactory
from ..extensions.permessage_deflate import enable_client_permessage_deflate
from ..headers import validate_subprotocols
from ..http11 import USER_AGENT, Response
from ..protocol import CONNECTING, Event
from ..typing import LoggerLike, Origin, Subprotocol
from ..uri import WebSocketURI, parse_uri
from .compatibility import TimeoutError, asyncio_timeout
from .connection import Connection
__all__ = ["connect", "unix_connect", "ClientConnection"]
MAX_REDIRECTS = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_REDIRECTS", "10"))
class ClientConnection(Connection):
:mod:`asyncio` implementation of a WebSocket client connection.
:class:`ClientConnection` provides :meth:`recv` and :meth:`send` coroutines
for receiving and sending messages.
It supports asynchronous iteration to receive messages::
async for message in websocket:
await process(message)
The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with close code
1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) or without a close code. It raises a
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` when the connection is
closed with any other code.
The ``ping_interval``, ``ping_timeout``, ``close_timeout``, ``max_queue``,
and ``write_limit`` arguments the same meaning as in :func:`connect`.
protocol: Sans-I/O connection.
def __init__(
protocol: ClientProtocol,
ping_interval: float | None = 20,
ping_timeout: float | None = 20,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
max_queue: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 16,
write_limit: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 2**15,
) -> None:
self.protocol: ClientProtocol
self.response_rcvd: asyncio.Future[None] = self.loop.create_future()
async def handshake(
additional_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
user_agent_header: str | None = USER_AGENT,
) -> None:
Perform the opening handshake.
async with self.send_context(expected_state=CONNECTING):
self.request = self.protocol.connect()
if additional_headers is not None:
if user_agent_header:
self.request.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent_header
await asyncio.wait(
[self.response_rcvd, self.connection_lost_waiter],
# self.protocol.handshake_exc is always set when the connection is lost
# before receiving a response, when the response cannot be parsed, or
# when the response fails the handshake.
if self.protocol.handshake_exc is not None:
raise self.protocol.handshake_exc
def process_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
Process one incoming event.
# First event - handshake response.
if self.response is None:
assert isinstance(event, Response)
self.response = event
# Later events - frames.
def process_exception(exc: Exception) -> Exception | None:
Determine whether a connection error is retryable or fatal.
When reconnecting automatically with ``async for ... in connect(...)``, if a
connection attempt fails, :func:`process_exception` is called to determine
whether to retry connecting or to raise the exception.
This function defines the default behavior, which is to retry on:
* :exc:`EOFError`, :exc:`OSError`, :exc:`asyncio.TimeoutError`: network
* :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.InvalidStatus` when the status code is 500,
502, 503, or 504: server or proxy errors.
All other exceptions are considered fatal.
You can change this behavior with the ``process_exception`` argument of
Return :obj:`None` if the exception is retryable i.e. when the error could
be transient and trying to reconnect with the same parameters could succeed.
The exception will be logged at the ``INFO`` level.
Return an exception, either ``exc`` or a new exception, if the exception is
fatal i.e. when trying to reconnect will most likely produce the same error.
That exception will be raised, breaking out of the retry loop.
if isinstance(exc, (EOFError, OSError, asyncio.TimeoutError)):
return None
if isinstance(exc, InvalidStatus) and exc.response.status_code in [
500, # Internal Server Error
502, # Bad Gateway
503, # Service Unavailable
504, # Gateway Timeout
return None
return exc
# This is spelled in lower case because it's exposed as a callable in the API.
class connect:
Connect to the WebSocket server at ``uri``.
This coroutine returns a :class:`ClientConnection` instance, which you can
use to send and receive messages.
:func:`connect` may be used as an asynchronous context manager::
from websockets.asyncio.client import connect
async with connect(...) as websocket:
The connection is closed automatically when exiting the context.
:func:`connect` can be used as an infinite asynchronous iterator to
reconnect automatically on errors::
async for websocket in connect(...):
except websockets.ConnectionClosed:
If the connection fails with a transient error, it is retried with
exponential backoff. If it fails with a fatal error, the exception is
raised, breaking out of the loop.
The connection is closed automatically after each iteration of the loop.
uri: URI of the WebSocket server.
origin: Value of the ``Origin`` header, for servers that require it.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be negotiated and run.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
additional_headers (HeadersLike | None): Arbitrary HTTP headers to add
to the handshake request.
user_agent_header: Value of the ``User-Agent`` request header.
It defaults to ``"Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y"``.
Setting it to :obj:`None` removes the header.
compression: The "permessage-deflate" extension is enabled by default.
Set ``compression`` to :obj:`None` to disable it. See the
:doc:`compression guide <../../topics/compression>` for details.
process_exception: When reconnecting automatically, tell whether an
error is transient or fatal. The default behavior is defined by
:func:`process_exception`. Refer to its documentation for details.
open_timeout: Timeout for opening the connection in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
ping_interval: Interval between keepalive pings in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables keepalive.
ping_timeout: Timeout for keepalive pings in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables timeouts.
close_timeout: Timeout for closing the connection in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes.
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
max_queue: High-water mark of the buffer where frames are received.
It defaults to 16 frames. The low-water mark defaults to ``max_queue
// 4``. You may pass a ``(high, low)`` tuple to set the high-water
and low-water marks.
write_limit: High-water mark of write buffer in bytes. It is passed to
:meth:`~asyncio.WriteTransport.set_write_buffer_limits`. It defaults
to 32 KiB. You may pass a ``(high, low)`` tuple to set the
high-water and low-water marks.
logger: Logger for this client.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``.
See the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
create_connection: Factory for the :class:`ClientConnection` managing
the connection. Set it to a wrapper or a subclass to customize
connection handling.
Any other keyword arguments are passed to the event loop's
:meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_connection` method.
For example:
* You can set ``ssl`` to a :class:`~ssl.SSLContext` to enforce TLS settings.
When connecting to a ``wss://`` URI, if ``ssl`` isn't provided, a TLS
context is created with :func:`~ssl.create_default_context`.
* You can set ``server_hostname`` to override the host name from ``uri`` in
the TLS handshake.
* You can set ``host`` and ``port`` to connect to a different host and port
from those found in ``uri``. This only changes the destination of the TCP
connection. The host name from ``uri`` is still used in the TLS handshake
for secure connections and in the ``Host`` header.
* You can set ``sock`` to provide a preexisting TCP socket. You may call
:func:`socket.create_connection` (not to be confused with the event loop's
:meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_connection` method) to create a suitable
client socket and customize it.
InvalidURI: If ``uri`` isn't a valid WebSocket URI.
OSError: If the TCP connection fails.
InvalidHandshake: If the opening handshake fails.
TimeoutError: If the opening handshake times out.
def __init__(
uri: str,
# WebSocket
origin: Origin | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
additional_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
user_agent_header: str | None = USER_AGENT,
compression: str | None = "deflate",
process_exception: Callable[[Exception], Exception | None] = process_exception,
# Timeouts
open_timeout: float | None = 10,
ping_interval: float | None = 20,
ping_timeout: float | None = 20,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
# Limits
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
max_queue: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 16,
write_limit: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 2**15,
# Logging
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
# Escape hatch for advanced customization
create_connection: type[ClientConnection] | None = None,
# Other keyword arguments are passed to loop.create_connection
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
self.uri = uri
if subprotocols is not None:
if compression == "deflate":
extensions = enable_client_permessage_deflate(extensions)
elif compression is not None:
raise ValueError(f"unsupported compression: {compression}")
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("websockets.client")
if create_connection is None:
create_connection = ClientConnection
def protocol_factory(wsuri: WebSocketURI) -> ClientConnection:
# This is a protocol in the Sans-I/O implementation of websockets.
protocol = ClientProtocol(
# This is a connection in websockets and a protocol in asyncio.
connection = create_connection(
return connection
self.protocol_factory = protocol_factory
self.handshake_args = (
self.process_exception = process_exception
self.open_timeout = open_timeout
self.logger = logger
self.connection_kwargs = kwargs
async def create_connection(self) -> ClientConnection:
"""Create TCP or Unix connection."""
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
wsuri = parse_uri(self.uri)
kwargs = self.connection_kwargs.copy()
def factory() -> ClientConnection:
return self.protocol_factory(wsuri)
kwargs.setdefault("ssl", True)
if kwargs.get("ssl") is None:
raise TypeError("ssl=None is incompatible with a wss:// URI")
if kwargs.get("ssl") is not None:
raise TypeError("ssl argument is incompatible with a ws:// URI")
if kwargs.pop("unix", False):
_, connection = await loop.create_unix_connection(factory, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get("sock") is None:
kwargs.setdefault("port", wsuri.port)
_, connection = await loop.create_connection(factory, **kwargs)
return connection
def process_redirect(self, exc: Exception) -> Exception | str:
Determine whether a connection error is a redirect that can be followed.
Return the new URI if it's a valid redirect. Else, return an exception.
if not (
isinstance(exc, InvalidStatus)
and exc.response.status_code
in [
300, # Multiple Choices
301, # Moved Permanently
302, # Found
303, # See Other
307, # Temporary Redirect
308, # Permanent Redirect
and "Location" in exc.response.headers
return exc
old_wsuri = parse_uri(self.uri)
new_uri = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.uri, exc.response.headers["Location"])
new_wsuri = parse_uri(new_uri)
# If connect() received a socket, it is closed and cannot be reused.
if self.connection_kwargs.get("sock") is not None:
return ValueError(
f"cannot follow redirect to {new_uri} with a preexisting socket"
# TLS downgrade is forbidden.
if and not
return SecurityError(f"cannot follow redirect to non-secure URI {new_uri}")
# Apply restrictions to cross-origin redirects.
if ( !=
or !=
or old_wsuri.port != new_wsuri.port
# Cross-origin redirects on Unix sockets don't quite make sense.
if self.connection_kwargs.get("unix", False):
return ValueError(
f"cannot follow cross-origin redirect to {new_uri} "
f"with a Unix socket"
# Cross-origin redirects when host and port are overridden are ill-defined.
if (
self.connection_kwargs.get("host") is not None
or self.connection_kwargs.get("port") is not None
return ValueError(
f"cannot follow cross-origin redirect to {new_uri} "
f"with an explicit host or port"
return new_uri
# ... = await connect(...)
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, ClientConnection]:
# Create a suitable iterator by calling __await__ on a coroutine.
return self.__await_impl__().__await__()
async def __await_impl__(self) -> ClientConnection:
async with asyncio_timeout(self.open_timeout):
for _ in range(MAX_REDIRECTS):
self.connection = await self.create_connection()
await self.connection.handshake(*self.handshake_args)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception as exc:
# Always close the connection even though keep-alive is
# the default in HTTP/1.1 because create_connection ties
# opening the network connection with initializing the
# protocol. In the current design of connect(), there is
# no easy way to reuse the network connection that works
# in every case nor to reinitialize the protocol.
uri_or_exc = self.process_redirect(exc)
# Response is a valid redirect; follow it.
if isinstance(uri_or_exc, str):
self.uri = uri_or_exc
# Response isn't a valid redirect; raise the exception.
if uri_or_exc is exc:
raise uri_or_exc from exc
return self.connection
raise SecurityError(f"more than {MAX_REDIRECTS} redirects")
except TimeoutError:
# Re-raise exception with an informative error message.
raise TimeoutError("timed out during handshake") from None
# ... = yield from connect(...) - remove when dropping Python < 3.10
__iter__ = __await__
# async with connect(...) as ...: ...
async def __aenter__(self) -> ClientConnection:
return await self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
await self.connection.close()
# async for ... in connect(...):
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[ClientConnection]:
delays: Generator[float, None, None] | None = None
while True:
async with self as protocol:
yield protocol
except Exception as exc:
# Determine whether the exception is retryable or fatal.
# The API of process_exception is "return an exception or None";
# "raise an exception" is also supported because it's a frequent
# mistake. It isn't documented in order to keep the API simple.
new_exc = self.process_exception(exc)
except Exception as raised_exc:
new_exc = raised_exc
# The connection failed with a fatal error.
# Raise the exception and exit the loop.
if new_exc is exc:
if new_exc is not None:
raise new_exc from exc
# The connection failed with a retryable error.
# Start or continue backoff and reconnect.
if delays is None:
delays = backoff()
delay = next(delays)
"! connect failed; reconnecting in %.1f seconds",
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
# The connection succeeded. Reset backoff.
delays = None
def unix_connect(
path: str | None = None,
uri: str | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> connect:
Connect to a WebSocket server listening on a Unix socket.
This function accepts the same keyword arguments as :func:`connect`.
It's only available on Unix.
It's mainly useful for debugging servers listening on Unix sockets.
path: File system path to the Unix socket.
uri: URI of the WebSocket server. ``uri`` defaults to
``ws://localhost/`` or, when a ``ssl`` argument is provided, to
if uri is None:
if kwargs.get("ssl") is None:
uri = "ws://localhost/"
uri = "wss://localhost/"
return connect(uri=uri, unix=True, path=path, **kwargs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
__all__ = ["TimeoutError", "aiter", "anext", "asyncio_timeout", "asyncio_timeout_at"]
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 11):
TimeoutError = TimeoutError
aiter = aiter
anext = anext
from asyncio import (
timeout as asyncio_timeout, # noqa: F401
timeout_at as asyncio_timeout_at, # noqa: F401
else: # Python < 3.11
from asyncio import TimeoutError
def aiter(async_iterable):
return type(async_iterable).__aiter__(async_iterable)
async def anext(async_iterator):
return await type(async_iterator).__anext__(async_iterator)
from .async_timeout import (
timeout as asyncio_timeout, # noqa: F401
timeout_at as asyncio_timeout_at, # noqa: F401

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import codecs
import collections
from typing import (
from ..exceptions import ConcurrencyError
from ..frames import OP_BINARY, OP_CONT, OP_TEXT, Frame
from ..typing import Data
__all__ = ["Assembler"]
UTF8Decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder("utf-8")
T = TypeVar("T")
class SimpleQueue(Generic[T]):
Simplified version of :class:`asyncio.Queue`.
Provides only the subset of functionality needed by :class:`Assembler`.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.get_waiter: asyncio.Future[None] | None = None
self.queue: collections.deque[T] = collections.deque()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.queue)
def put(self, item: T) -> None:
"""Put an item into the queue without waiting."""
if self.get_waiter is not None and not self.get_waiter.done():
async def get(self) -> T:
"""Remove and return an item from the queue, waiting if necessary."""
if not self.queue:
if self.get_waiter is not None:
raise ConcurrencyError("get is already running")
self.get_waiter = self.loop.create_future()
await self.get_waiter
self.get_waiter = None
return self.queue.popleft()
def reset(self, items: Iterable[T]) -> None:
"""Put back items into an empty, idle queue."""
assert self.get_waiter is None, "cannot reset() while get() is running"
assert not self.queue, "cannot reset() while queue isn't empty"
def abort(self) -> None:
if self.get_waiter is not None and not self.get_waiter.done():
self.get_waiter.set_exception(EOFError("stream of frames ended"))
# Clear the queue to avoid storing unnecessary data in memory.
class Assembler:
Assemble messages from frames.
:class:`Assembler` expects only data frames. The stream of frames must
respect the protocol; if it doesn't, the behavior is undefined.
pause: Called when the buffer of frames goes above the high water mark;
should pause reading from the network.
resume: Called when the buffer of frames goes below the low water mark;
should resume reading from the network.
# coverage reports incorrectly: "line NN didn't jump to the function exit"
def __init__( # pragma: no cover
high: int = 16,
low: int | None = None,
pause: Callable[[], Any] = lambda: None,
resume: Callable[[], Any] = lambda: None,
) -> None:
# Queue of incoming messages. Each item is a queue of frames.
self.frames: SimpleQueue[Frame] = SimpleQueue()
# We cannot put a hard limit on the size of the queue because a single
# call to Protocol.data_received() could produce thousands of frames,
# which must be buffered. Instead, we pause reading when the buffer goes
# above the high limit and we resume when it goes under the low limit.
if low is None:
low = high // 4
if low < 0:
raise ValueError("low must be positive or equal to zero")
if high < low:
raise ValueError("high must be greater than or equal to low")
self.high, self.low = high, low
self.pause = pause
self.resume = resume
self.paused = False
# This flag prevents concurrent calls to get() by user code.
self.get_in_progress = False
# This flag marks the end of the connection.
self.closed = False
async def get(self, decode: bool | None = None) -> Data:
Read the next message.
:meth:`get` returns a single :class:`str` or :class:`bytes`.
If the message is fragmented, :meth:`get` waits until the last frame is
received, then it reassembles the message and returns it. To receive
messages frame by frame, use :meth:`get_iter` instead.
decode: :obj:`False` disables UTF-8 decoding of text frames and
returns :class:`bytes`. :obj:`True` forces UTF-8 decoding of
binary frames and returns :class:`str`.
EOFError: If the stream of frames has ended.
ConcurrencyError: If two coroutines run :meth:`get` or
:meth:`get_iter` concurrently.
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
if self.get_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError("get() or get_iter() is already running")
# Locking with get_in_progress ensures only one coroutine can get here.
self.get_in_progress = True
# First frame
frame = await self.frames.get()
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self.get_in_progress = False
assert frame.opcode is OP_TEXT or frame.opcode is OP_BINARY
if decode is None:
decode = frame.opcode is OP_TEXT
frames = [frame]
# Following frames, for fragmented messages
while not frame.fin:
frame = await self.frames.get()
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# Put frames already received back into the queue
# so that future calls to get() can return them.
self.get_in_progress = False
assert frame.opcode is OP_CONT
self.get_in_progress = False
data = b"".join( for frame in frames)
if decode:
return data.decode()
return data
async def get_iter(self, decode: bool | None = None) -> AsyncIterator[Data]:
Stream the next message.
Iterating the return value of :meth:`get_iter` asynchronously yields a
:class:`str` or :class:`bytes` for each frame in the message.
The iterator must be fully consumed before calling :meth:`get_iter` or
:meth:`get` again. Else, :exc:`ConcurrencyError` is raised.
This method only makes sense for fragmented messages. If messages aren't
fragmented, use :meth:`get` instead.
decode: :obj:`False` disables UTF-8 decoding of text frames and
returns :class:`bytes`. :obj:`True` forces UTF-8 decoding of
binary frames and returns :class:`str`.
EOFError: If the stream of frames has ended.
ConcurrencyError: If two coroutines run :meth:`get` or
:meth:`get_iter` concurrently.
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
if self.get_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError("get() or get_iter() is already running")
# Locking with get_in_progress ensures only one coroutine can get here.
self.get_in_progress = True
# First frame
frame = await self.frames.get()
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self.get_in_progress = False
assert frame.opcode is OP_TEXT or frame.opcode is OP_BINARY
if decode is None:
decode = frame.opcode is OP_TEXT
if decode:
decoder = UTF8Decoder()
yield decoder.decode(, frame.fin)
# Following frames, for fragmented messages
while not frame.fin:
# We cannot handle asyncio.CancelledError because we don't buffer
# previous fragments — we're streaming them. Canceling get_iter()
# here will leave the assembler in a stuck state. Future calls to
# get() or get_iter() will raise ConcurrencyError.
frame = await self.frames.get()
assert frame.opcode is OP_CONT
if decode:
yield decoder.decode(, frame.fin)
self.get_in_progress = False
def put(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
Add ``frame`` to the next message.
EOFError: If the stream of frames has ended.
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
def maybe_pause(self) -> None:
"""Pause the writer if queue is above the high water mark."""
# Check for "> high" to support high = 0
if len(self.frames) > self.high and not self.paused:
self.paused = True
def maybe_resume(self) -> None:
"""Resume the writer if queue is below the low water mark."""
# Check for "<= low" to support low = 0
if len(self.frames) <= self.low and self.paused:
self.paused = False
def close(self) -> None:
End the stream of frames.
Callling :meth:`close` concurrently with :meth:`get`, :meth:`get_iter`,
or :meth:`put` is safe. They will raise :exc:`EOFError`.
if self.closed:
self.closed = True
# Unblock get() or get_iter().

View File

@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import hmac
import http
import logging
import socket
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
from ..exceptions import InvalidHeader
from ..extensions.base import ServerExtensionFactory
from ..extensions.permessage_deflate import enable_server_permessage_deflate
from ..frames import CloseCode
from ..headers import (
from ..http11 import SERVER, Request, Response
from ..protocol import CONNECTING, OPEN, Event
from ..server import ServerProtocol
from ..typing import LoggerLike, Origin, StatusLike, Subprotocol
from .compatibility import asyncio_timeout
from .connection import Connection, broadcast
__all__ = [
class ServerConnection(Connection):
:mod:`asyncio` implementation of a WebSocket server connection.
:class:`ServerConnection` provides :meth:`recv` and :meth:`send` methods for
receiving and sending messages.
It supports asynchronous iteration to receive messages::
async for message in websocket:
await process(message)
The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with close code
1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) or without a close code. It raises a
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` when the connection is
closed with any other code.
The ``ping_interval``, ``ping_timeout``, ``close_timeout``, ``max_queue``,
and ``write_limit`` arguments the same meaning as in :func:`serve`.
protocol: Sans-I/O connection.
server: Server that manages this connection.
def __init__(
protocol: ServerProtocol,
server: Server,
ping_interval: float | None = 20,
ping_timeout: float | None = 20,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
max_queue: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 16,
write_limit: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 2**15,
) -> None:
self.protocol: ServerProtocol
self.server = server
self.request_rcvd: asyncio.Future[None] = self.loop.create_future()
self.username: str # see basic_auth()
def respond(self, status: StatusLike, text: str) -> Response:
Create a plain text HTTP response.
``process_request`` and ``process_response`` may call this method to
return an HTTP response instead of performing the WebSocket opening
You can modify the response before returning it, for example by changing
HTTP headers.
status: HTTP status code.
text: HTTP response body; it will be encoded to UTF-8.
HTTP response to send to the client.
return self.protocol.reject(status, text)
async def handshake(
process_request: (
[ServerConnection, Request],
Awaitable[Response | None] | Response | None,
| None
) = None,
process_response: (
[ServerConnection, Request, Response],
Awaitable[Response | None] | Response | None,
| None
) = None,
server_header: str | None = SERVER,
) -> None:
Perform the opening handshake.
await asyncio.wait(
[self.request_rcvd, self.connection_lost_waiter],
if self.request is not None:
async with self.send_context(expected_state=CONNECTING):
response = None
if process_request is not None:
response = process_request(self, self.request)
if isinstance(response, Awaitable):
response = await response
except Exception as exc:
self.protocol.handshake_exc = exc
response = self.protocol.reject(
"Failed to open a WebSocket connection.\n"
"See server log for more information.\n"
if response is None:
if self.server.is_serving():
self.response = self.protocol.accept(self.request)
self.response = self.protocol.reject(
"Server is shutting down.\n",
assert isinstance(response, Response) # help mypy
self.response = response
if server_header:
self.response.headers["Server"] = server_header
response = None
if process_response is not None:
response = process_response(self, self.request, self.response)
if isinstance(response, Awaitable):
response = await response
except Exception as exc:
self.protocol.handshake_exc = exc
response = self.protocol.reject(
"Failed to open a WebSocket connection.\n"
"See server log for more information.\n"
if response is not None:
assert isinstance(response, Response) # help mypy
self.response = response
# self.protocol.handshake_exc is always set when the connection is lost
# before receiving a request, when the request cannot be parsed, when
# the handshake encounters an error, or when process_request or
# process_response sends a HTTP response that rejects the handshake.
if self.protocol.handshake_exc is not None:
raise self.protocol.handshake_exc
def process_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
Process one incoming event.
# First event - handshake request.
if self.request is None:
assert isinstance(event, Request)
self.request = event
# Later events - frames.
def connection_made(self, transport: asyncio.BaseTransport) -> None:
class Server:
WebSocket server returned by :func:`serve`.
This class mirrors the API of :class:`asyncio.Server`.
It keeps track of WebSocket connections in order to close them properly
when shutting down.
handler: Connection handler. It receives the WebSocket connection,
which is a :class:`ServerConnection`, in argument.
process_request: Intercept the request during the opening handshake.
Return an HTTP response to force the response. Return :obj:`None` to
continue normally. When you force an HTTP 101 Continue response, the
handshake is successful. Else, the connection is aborted.
``process_request`` may be a function or a coroutine.
process_response: Intercept the response during the opening handshake.
Modify the response or return a new HTTP response to force the
response. Return :obj:`None` to continue normally. When you force an
HTTP 101 Continue response, the handshake is successful. Else, the
connection is aborted. ``process_response`` may be a function or a
server_header: Value of the ``Server`` response header.
It defaults to ``"Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y"``. Setting it to
:obj:`None` removes the header.
open_timeout: Timeout for opening connections in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
logger: Logger for this server.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``.
See the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
def __init__(
handler: Callable[[ServerConnection], Awaitable[None]],
process_request: (
[ServerConnection, Request],
Awaitable[Response | None] | Response | None,
| None
) = None,
process_response: (
[ServerConnection, Request, Response],
Awaitable[Response | None] | Response | None,
| None
) = None,
server_header: str | None = SERVER,
open_timeout: float | None = 10,
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
) -> None:
self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.handler = handler
self.process_request = process_request
self.process_response = process_response
self.server_header = server_header
self.open_timeout = open_timeout
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("websockets.server")
self.logger = logger
# Keep track of active connections.
self.handlers: dict[ServerConnection, asyncio.Task[None]] = {}
# Task responsible for closing the server and terminating connections.
self.close_task: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None
# Completed when the server is closed and connections are terminated.
self.closed_waiter: asyncio.Future[None] = self.loop.create_future()
def connections(self) -> set[ServerConnection]:
Set of active connections.
This property contains all connections that completed the opening
handshake successfully and didn't start the closing handshake yet.
It can be useful in combination with :func:`~broadcast`.
return {connection for connection in self.handlers if connection.state is OPEN}
def wrap(self, server: asyncio.Server) -> None:
Attach to a given :class:`asyncio.Server`.
Since :meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_server` doesn't support injecting a
custom ``Server`` class, the easiest solution that doesn't rely on
private :mod:`asyncio` APIs is to:
- instantiate a :class:`Server`
- give the protocol factory a reference to that instance
- call :meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_server` with the factory
- attach the resulting :class:`asyncio.Server` with this method
self.server = server
for sock in server.sockets:
if == socket.AF_INET:
name = "%s:%d" % sock.getsockname()
elif == socket.AF_INET6:
name = "[%s]:%d" % sock.getsockname()[:2]
elif == socket.AF_UNIX:
name = sock.getsockname()
# In the unlikely event that someone runs websockets over a
# protocol other than IP or Unix sockets, avoid crashing.
else: # pragma: no cover
name = str(sock.getsockname())"server listening on %s", name)
async def conn_handler(self, connection: ServerConnection) -> None:
Handle the lifecycle of a WebSocket connection.
Since this method doesn't have a caller that can handle exceptions,
it attempts to log relevant ones.
It guarantees that the TCP connection is closed before exiting.
async with asyncio_timeout(self.open_timeout):
await connection.handshake(
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception:
connection.logger.error("opening handshake failed", exc_info=True)
assert connection.protocol.state is OPEN
await self.handler(connection)
except Exception:
connection.logger.error("connection handler failed", exc_info=True)
await connection.close(CloseCode.INTERNAL_ERROR)
await connection.close()
except TimeoutError:
# When the opening handshake times out, there's nothing to log.
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
# Don't leak connections on unexpected errors.
# Registration is tied to the lifecycle of conn_handler() because
# the server waits for connection handlers to terminate, even if
# all connections are already closed.
del self.handlers[connection]
def start_connection_handler(self, connection: ServerConnection) -> None:
Register a connection with this server.
# The connection must be registered in self.handlers immediately.
# If it was registered in conn_handler(), a race condition could
# happen when closing the server after scheduling conn_handler()
# but before it starts executing.
self.handlers[connection] = self.loop.create_task(self.conn_handler(connection))
def close(self, close_connections: bool = True) -> None:
Close the server.
* Close the underlying :class:`asyncio.Server`.
* When ``close_connections`` is :obj:`True`, which is the default,
close existing connections. Specifically:
* Reject opening WebSocket connections with an HTTP 503 (service
unavailable) error. This happens when the server accepted the TCP
connection but didn't complete the opening handshake before closing.
* Close open WebSocket connections with close code 1001 (going away).
* Wait until all connection handlers terminate.
:meth:`close` is idempotent.
if self.close_task is None:
self.close_task = self.get_loop().create_task(
async def _close(self, close_connections: bool) -> None:
Implementation of :meth:`close`.
This calls :meth:`~asyncio.Server.close` on the underlying
:class:`asyncio.Server` object to stop accepting new connections and
then closes open connections with close code 1001.
""""server closing")
# Stop accepting new connections.
# Wait until all accepted connections reach connection_made() and call
# register(). See for
# details. This workaround can be removed when dropping Python < 3.11.
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if close_connections:
# Close OPEN connections with close code 1001. After server.close(),
# handshake() closes OPENING connections with an HTTP 503 error.
close_tasks = [
for connection in self.handlers
if connection.protocol.state is not CONNECTING
# asyncio.wait doesn't accept an empty first argument.
if close_tasks:
await asyncio.wait(close_tasks)
# Wait until all TCP connections are closed.
await self.server.wait_closed()
# Wait until all connection handlers terminate.
# asyncio.wait doesn't accept an empty first argument.
if self.handlers:
await asyncio.wait(self.handlers.values())
# Tell wait_closed() to return.
self.closed_waiter.set_result(None)"server closed")
async def wait_closed(self) -> None:
Wait until the server is closed.
When :meth:`wait_closed` returns, all TCP connections are closed and
all connection handlers have returned.
To ensure a fast shutdown, a connection handler should always be
awaiting at least one of:
* :meth:`~ServerConnection.recv`: when the connection is closed,
it raises :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK`;
* :meth:`~ServerConnection.wait_closed`: when the connection is
closed, it returns.
Then the connection handler is immediately notified of the shutdown;
it can clean up and exit.
await asyncio.shield(self.closed_waiter)
def get_loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
See :meth:`asyncio.Server.get_loop`.
return self.server.get_loop()
def is_serving(self) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
See :meth:`asyncio.Server.is_serving`.
return self.server.is_serving()
async def start_serving(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
See :meth:`asyncio.Server.start_serving`.
Typical use::
server = await serve(..., start_serving=False)
# perform additional setup here...
# ... then start the server
await server.start_serving()
await self.server.start_serving()
async def serve_forever(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
See :meth:`asyncio.Server.serve_forever`.
Typical use::
server = await serve(...)
# this coroutine doesn't return
# canceling it stops the server
await server.serve_forever()
This is an alternative to using :func:`serve` as an asynchronous context
manager. Shutdown is triggered by canceling :meth:`serve_forever`
instead of exiting a :func:`serve` context.
await self.server.serve_forever()
def sockets(self) -> Iterable[socket.socket]:
See :attr:`asyncio.Server.sockets`.
return self.server.sockets
async def __aenter__(self) -> Server: # pragma: no cover
return self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None: # pragma: no cover
await self.wait_closed()
# This is spelled in lower case because it's exposed as a callable in the API.
class serve:
Create a WebSocket server listening on ``host`` and ``port``.
Whenever a client connects, the server creates a :class:`ServerConnection`,
performs the opening handshake, and delegates to the ``handler`` coroutine.
The handler receives the :class:`ServerConnection` instance, which you can
use to send and receive messages.
Once the handler completes, either normally or with an exception, the server
performs the closing handshake and closes the connection.
This coroutine returns a :class:`Server` whose API mirrors
:class:`asyncio.Server`. Treat it as an asynchronous context manager to
ensure that the server will be closed::
from websockets.asyncio.server import serve
def handler(websocket):
# set this future to exit the server
stop = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
async with serve(handler, host, port):
await stop
Alternatively, call :meth:`~Server.serve_forever` to serve requests and
cancel it to stop the server::
server = await serve(handler, host, port)
await server.serve_forever()
handler: Connection handler. It receives the WebSocket connection,
which is a :class:`ServerConnection`, in argument.
host: Network interfaces the server binds to.
See :meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_server` for details.
port: TCP port the server listens on.
See :meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_server` for details.
origins: Acceptable values of the ``Origin`` header, for defending
against Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks. Include :obj:`None`
in the list if the lack of an origin is acceptable.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be negotiated and run.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
select_subprotocol: Callback for selecting a subprotocol among
those supported by the client and the server. It receives a
:class:`ServerConnection` (not a
:class:`~websockets.server.ServerProtocol`!) instance and a list of
subprotocols offered by the client. Other than the first argument,
it has the same behavior as the
<websockets.server.ServerProtocol.select_subprotocol>` method.
process_request: Intercept the request during the opening handshake.
Return an HTTP response to force the response or :obj:`None` to
continue normally. When you force an HTTP 101 Continue response, the
handshake is successful. Else, the connection is aborted.
``process_request`` may be a function or a coroutine.
process_response: Intercept the response during the opening handshake.
Return an HTTP response to force the response or :obj:`None` to
continue normally. When you force an HTTP 101 Continue response, the
handshake is successful. Else, the connection is aborted.
``process_response`` may be a function or a coroutine.
server_header: Value of the ``Server`` response header.
It defaults to ``"Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y"``. Setting it to
:obj:`None` removes the header.
compression: The "permessage-deflate" extension is enabled by default.
Set ``compression`` to :obj:`None` to disable it. See the
:doc:`compression guide <../../topics/compression>` for details.
open_timeout: Timeout for opening connections in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
ping_interval: Interval between keepalive pings in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables keepalive.
ping_timeout: Timeout for keepalive pings in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables timeouts.
close_timeout: Timeout for closing connections in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes.
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
max_queue: High-water mark of the buffer where frames are received.
It defaults to 16 frames. The low-water mark defaults to ``max_queue
// 4``. You may pass a ``(high, low)`` tuple to set the high-water
and low-water marks.
write_limit: High-water mark of write buffer in bytes. It is passed to
:meth:`~asyncio.WriteTransport.set_write_buffer_limits`. It defaults
to 32 KiB. You may pass a ``(high, low)`` tuple to set the
high-water and low-water marks.
logger: Logger for this server.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``. See the
:doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
create_connection: Factory for the :class:`ServerConnection` managing
the connection. Set it to a wrapper or a subclass to customize
connection handling.
Any other keyword arguments are passed to the event loop's
:meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_server` method.
For example:
* You can set ``ssl`` to a :class:`~ssl.SSLContext` to enable TLS.
* You can set ``sock`` to provide a preexisting TCP socket. You may call
:func:`socket.create_server` (not to be confused with the event loop's
:meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_server` method) to create a suitable server
socket and customize it.
* You can set ``start_serving`` to ``False`` to start accepting connections
only after you call :meth:`~Server.start_serving()` or
def __init__(
handler: Callable[[ServerConnection], Awaitable[None]],
host: str | None = None,
port: int | None = None,
# WebSocket
origins: Sequence[Origin | None] | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ServerExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
select_subprotocol: (
[ServerConnection, Sequence[Subprotocol]],
Subprotocol | None,
| None
) = None,
process_request: (
[ServerConnection, Request],
Awaitable[Response | None] | Response | None,
| None
) = None,
process_response: (
[ServerConnection, Request, Response],
Awaitable[Response | None] | Response | None,
| None
) = None,
server_header: str | None = SERVER,
compression: str | None = "deflate",
# Timeouts
open_timeout: float | None = 10,
ping_interval: float | None = 20,
ping_timeout: float | None = 20,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
# Limits
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
max_queue: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 16,
write_limit: int | tuple[int, int | None] = 2**15,
# Logging
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
# Escape hatch for advanced customization
create_connection: type[ServerConnection] | None = None,
# Other keyword arguments are passed to loop.create_server
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
if subprotocols is not None:
if compression == "deflate":
extensions = enable_server_permessage_deflate(extensions)
elif compression is not None:
raise ValueError(f"unsupported compression: {compression}")
if create_connection is None:
create_connection = ServerConnection
self.server = Server(
if kwargs.get("ssl") is not None:
kwargs.setdefault("ssl_handshake_timeout", open_timeout)
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 11): # pragma: no branch
kwargs.setdefault("ssl_shutdown_timeout", close_timeout)
def factory() -> ServerConnection:
Create an asyncio protocol for managing a WebSocket connection.
# Create a closure to give select_subprotocol access to connection.
protocol_select_subprotocol: (
[ServerProtocol, Sequence[Subprotocol]],
Subprotocol | None,
| None
) = None
if select_subprotocol is not None:
def protocol_select_subprotocol(
protocol: ServerProtocol,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol],
) -> Subprotocol | None:
# mypy doesn't know that select_subprotocol is immutable.
assert select_subprotocol is not None
# Ensure this function is only used in the intended context.
assert protocol is connection.protocol
return select_subprotocol(connection, subprotocols)
# This is a protocol in the Sans-I/O implementation of websockets.
protocol = ServerProtocol(
# This is a connection in websockets and a protocol in asyncio.
connection = create_connection(
return connection
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
if kwargs.pop("unix", False):
self.create_server = loop.create_unix_server(factory, **kwargs)
# mypy cannot tell that kwargs must provide sock when port is None.
self.create_server = loop.create_server(factory, host, port, **kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# async with serve(...) as ...: ...
async def __aenter__(self) -> Server:
return await self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
await self.server.wait_closed()
# ... = await serve(...)
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, Server]:
# Create a suitable iterator by calling __await__ on a coroutine.
return self.__await_impl__().__await__()
async def __await_impl__(self) -> Server:
server = await self.create_server
return self.server
# ... = yield from serve(...) - remove when dropping Python < 3.10
__iter__ = __await__
def unix_serve(
handler: Callable[[ServerConnection], Awaitable[None]],
path: str | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Awaitable[Server]:
Create a WebSocket server listening on a Unix socket.
This function is identical to :func:`serve`, except the ``host`` and
``port`` arguments are replaced by ``path``. It's only available on Unix.
It's useful for deploying a server behind a reverse proxy such as nginx.
handler: Connection handler. It receives the WebSocket connection,
which is a :class:`ServerConnection`, in argument.
path: File system path to the Unix socket.
return serve(handler, unix=True, path=path, **kwargs)
def is_credentials(credentials: Any) -> bool:
username, password = credentials
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
return isinstance(username, str) and isinstance(password, str)
def basic_auth(
realm: str = "",
credentials: tuple[str, str] | Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None,
check_credentials: Callable[[str, str], Awaitable[bool] | bool] | None = None,
) -> Callable[[ServerConnection, Request], Awaitable[Response | None]]:
Factory for ``process_request`` to enforce HTTP Basic Authentication.
:func:`basic_auth` is designed to integrate with :func:`serve` as follows::
from websockets.asyncio.server import basic_auth, serve
async with serve(
realm="my dev server",
credentials=("hello", "iloveyou"),
If authentication succeeds, the connection's ``username`` attribute is set.
If it fails, the server responds with an HTTP 401 Unauthorized status.
One of ``credentials`` or ``check_credentials`` must be provided; not both.
realm: Scope of protection. It should contain only ASCII characters
because the encoding of non-ASCII characters is undefined. Refer to
section 2.2 of :rfc:`7235` for details.
credentials: Hard coded authorized credentials. It can be a
``(username, password)`` pair or a list of such pairs.
check_credentials: Function or coroutine that verifies credentials.
It receives ``username`` and ``password`` arguments and returns
whether they're valid.
TypeError: If ``credentials`` or ``check_credentials`` is wrong.
if (credentials is None) == (check_credentials is None):
raise TypeError("provide either credentials or check_credentials")
if credentials is not None:
if is_credentials(credentials):
credentials_list = [cast(Tuple[str, str], credentials)]
elif isinstance(credentials, Iterable):
credentials_list = list(cast(Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], credentials))
if not all(is_credentials(item) for item in credentials_list):
raise TypeError(f"invalid credentials argument: {credentials}")
raise TypeError(f"invalid credentials argument: {credentials}")
credentials_dict = dict(credentials_list)
def check_credentials(username: str, password: str) -> bool:
expected_password = credentials_dict[username]
except KeyError:
return False
return hmac.compare_digest(expected_password, password)
assert check_credentials is not None # help mypy
async def process_request(
connection: ServerConnection,
request: Request,
) -> Response | None:
Perform HTTP Basic Authentication.
If it succeeds, set the connection's ``username`` attribute and return
:obj:`None`. If it fails, return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized responss.
authorization = request.headers["Authorization"]
except KeyError:
response = connection.respond(
"Missing credentials\n",
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = build_www_authenticate_basic(realm)
return response
username, password = parse_authorization_basic(authorization)
except InvalidHeader:
response = connection.respond(
"Unsupported credentials\n",
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = build_www_authenticate_basic(realm)
return response
valid_credentials = check_credentials(username, password)
if isinstance(valid_credentials, Awaitable):
valid_credentials = await valid_credentials
if not valid_credentials:
response = connection.respond(
"Invalid credentials\n",
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = build_www_authenticate_basic(realm)
return response
connection.username = username
return None
return process_request

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import annotations
# See #940 for why lazy_import isn't used here for backwards compatibility.
# See #1400 for why listing compatibility imports in __all__ helps PyCharm.
from .legacy.auth import *
from .legacy.auth import __all__ # noqa: F401

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import random
import warnings
from typing import Any, Generator, Sequence
from .datastructures import Headers, MultipleValuesError
from .exceptions import (
from .extensions import ClientExtensionFactory, Extension
from .headers import (
from .http11 import Request, Response
from .protocol import CLIENT, CONNECTING, OPEN, Protocol, State
from .typing import (
from .uri import WebSocketURI
from .utils import accept_key, generate_key
# See #940 for why lazy_import isn't used here for backwards compatibility.
# See #1400 for why listing compatibility imports in __all__ helps PyCharm.
from .legacy.client import * # isort:skip # noqa: I001
from .legacy.client import __all__ as legacy__all__
__all__ = ["ClientProtocol"] + legacy__all__
class ClientProtocol(Protocol):
Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket client connection.
wsuri: URI of the WebSocket server, parsed
with :func:`~websockets.uri.parse_uri`.
origin: Value of the ``Origin`` header. This is useful when connecting
to a server that validates the ``Origin`` header to defend against
Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be tried.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
state: Initial state of the WebSocket connection.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes;
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
logger: Logger for this connection;
defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``;
see the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
def __init__(
wsuri: WebSocketURI,
origin: Origin | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
state: State = CONNECTING,
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
) -> None:
self.wsuri = wsuri
self.origin = origin
self.available_extensions = extensions
self.available_subprotocols = subprotocols
self.key = generate_key()
def connect(self) -> Request:
Create a handshake request to open a connection.
You must send the handshake request with :meth:`send_request`.
You can modify it before sending it, for example to add HTTP headers.
WebSocket handshake request event to send to the server.
headers = Headers()
headers["Host"] = build_host(, self.wsuri.port,
if self.wsuri.user_info:
headers["Authorization"] = build_authorization_basic(*self.wsuri.user_info)
if self.origin is not None:
headers["Origin"] = self.origin
headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = self.key
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13"
if self.available_extensions is not None:
extensions_header = build_extension(
(, extension_factory.get_request_params())
for extension_factory in self.available_extensions
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = extensions_header
if self.available_subprotocols is not None:
protocol_header = build_subprotocol(self.available_subprotocols)
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocol_header
return Request(self.wsuri.resource_name, headers)
def process_response(self, response: Response) -> None:
Check a handshake response.
request: WebSocket handshake response received from the server.
InvalidHandshake: If the handshake response is invalid.
if response.status_code != 101:
raise InvalidStatus(response)
headers = response.headers
connection: list[ConnectionOption] = sum(
[parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], []
if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection):
raise InvalidUpgrade(
"Connection", ", ".join(connection) if connection else None
upgrade: list[UpgradeProtocol] = sum(
[parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], []
# For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when
# checking the Upgrade header. It's supposed to be 'WebSocket'.
if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"):
raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade) if upgrade else None)
s_w_accept = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept") from exc
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", "multiple values") from exc
if s_w_accept != accept_key(self.key):
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", s_w_accept)
self.extensions = self.process_extensions(headers)
self.subprotocol = self.process_subprotocol(headers)
def process_extensions(self, headers: Headers) -> list[Extension]:
Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions HTTP response header.
Check that each extension is supported, as well as its parameters.
:rfc:`6455` leaves the rules up to the specification of each
To provide this level of flexibility, for each extension accepted by
the server, we check for a match with each extension available in the
client configuration. If no match is found, an exception is raised.
If several variants of the same extension are accepted by the server,
it may be configured several times, which won't make sense in general.
Extensions must implement their own requirements. For this purpose,
the list of previously accepted extensions is provided.
Other requirements, for example related to mandatory extensions or the
order of extensions, may be implemented by overriding this method.
headers: WebSocket handshake response headers.
List of accepted extensions.
InvalidHandshake: To abort the handshake.
accepted_extensions: list[Extension] = []
extensions = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
if extensions:
if self.available_extensions is None:
raise NegotiationError("no extensions supported")
parsed_extensions: list[ExtensionHeader] = sum(
[parse_extension(header_value) for header_value in extensions], []
for name, response_params in parsed_extensions:
for extension_factory in self.available_extensions:
# Skip non-matching extensions based on their name.
if != name:
# Skip non-matching extensions based on their params.
extension = extension_factory.process_response_params(
response_params, accepted_extensions
except NegotiationError:
# Add matching extension to the final list.
# Break out of the loop once we have a match.
# If we didn't break from the loop, no extension in our list
# matched what the server sent. Fail the connection.
raise NegotiationError(
f"Unsupported extension: "
f"name = {name}, params = {response_params}"
return accepted_extensions
def process_subprotocol(self, headers: Headers) -> Subprotocol | None:
Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol HTTP response header.
If provided, check that it contains exactly one supported subprotocol.
headers: WebSocket handshake response headers.
Subprotocol, if one was selected.
subprotocol: Subprotocol | None = None
subprotocols = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
if subprotocols:
if self.available_subprotocols is None:
raise NegotiationError("no subprotocols supported")
parsed_subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] = sum(
[parse_subprotocol(header_value) for header_value in subprotocols], []
if len(parsed_subprotocols) > 1:
raise InvalidHeader(
f"multiple values: {', '.join(parsed_subprotocols)}",
subprotocol = parsed_subprotocols[0]
if subprotocol not in self.available_subprotocols:
raise NegotiationError(f"unsupported subprotocol: {subprotocol}")
return subprotocol
def send_request(self, request: Request) -> None:
Send a handshake request to the server.
request: WebSocket handshake request event.
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("> GET %s HTTP/1.1", request.path)
for key, value in request.headers.raw_items():
self.logger.debug("> %s: %s", key, value)
def parse(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
if self.state is CONNECTING:
response = yield from Response.parse(
except Exception as exc:
self.handshake_exc = exc
self.parser = self.discard()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
if self.debug:
code, phrase = response.status_code, response.reason_phrase
self.logger.debug("< HTTP/1.1 %d %s", code, phrase)
for key, value in response.headers.raw_items():
self.logger.debug("< %s: %s", key, value)
if response.body is not None:
self.logger.debug("< [body] (%d bytes)", len(response.body))
except InvalidHandshake as exc:
response._exception = exc
self.handshake_exc = exc
self.parser = self.discard()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
assert self.state is CONNECTING
self.state = OPEN
yield from super().parse()
class ClientConnection(ClientProtocol):
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 11.0 - 2023-04-02
"ClientConnection was renamed to ClientProtocol",
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
BACKOFF_MIN_DELAY = float(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_BACKOFF_MIN_DELAY", "3.1"))
BACKOFF_MAX_DELAY = float(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_BACKOFF_MAX_DELAY", "90.0"))
BACKOFF_FACTOR = float(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_BACKOFF_FACTOR", "1.618"))
def backoff(
initial_delay: float = BACKOFF_INITIAL_DELAY,
min_delay: float = BACKOFF_MIN_DELAY,
max_delay: float = BACKOFF_MAX_DELAY,
factor: float = BACKOFF_FACTOR,
) -> Generator[float, None, None]:
Generate a series of backoff delays between reconnection attempts.
How many seconds to wait before retrying to connect.
# Add a random initial delay between 0 and 5 seconds.
# See 7.2.3. Recovering from Abnormal Closure in RFC 6455.
yield random.random() * initial_delay
delay = min_delay
while delay < max_delay:
yield delay
delay *= factor
while True:
yield max_delay

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from .protocol import SEND_EOF, Protocol as Connection, Side, State # noqa: F401
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 11.0 - 2023-04-02
"websockets.connection was renamed to websockets.protocol "
"and Connection was renamed to Protocol",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (
__all__ = ["Headers", "HeadersLike", "MultipleValuesError"]
class MultipleValuesError(LookupError):
Exception raised when :class:`Headers` has multiple values for a key.
def __str__(self) -> str:
# Implement the same logic as KeyError_str in Objects/exceptions.c.
if len(self.args) == 1:
return repr(self.args[0])
return super().__str__()
class Headers(MutableMapping[str, str]):
Efficient data structure for manipulating HTTP headers.
A :class:`list` of ``(name, values)`` is inefficient for lookups.
A :class:`dict` doesn't suffice because header names are case-insensitive
and multiple occurrences of headers with the same name are possible.
:class:`Headers` stores HTTP headers in a hybrid data structure to provide
efficient insertions and lookups while preserving the original data.
In order to account for multiple values with minimal hassle,
:class:`Headers` follows this logic:
- When getting a header with ``headers[name]``:
- if there's no value, :exc:`KeyError` is raised;
- if there's exactly one value, it's returned;
- if there's more than one value, :exc:`MultipleValuesError` is raised.
- When setting a header with ``headers[name] = value``, the value is
appended to the list of values for that header.
- When deleting a header with ``del headers[name]``, all values for that
header are removed (this is slow).
Other methods for manipulating headers are consistent with this logic.
As long as no header occurs multiple times, :class:`Headers` behaves like
:class:`dict`, except keys are lower-cased to provide case-insensitivity.
Two methods support manipulating multiple values explicitly:
- :meth:`get_all` returns a list of all values for a header;
- :meth:`raw_items` returns an iterator of ``(name, values)`` pairs.
__slots__ = ["_dict", "_list"]
# Like dict, Headers accepts an optional "mapping or iterable" argument.
def __init__(self, *args: HeadersLike, **kwargs: str) -> None:
self._dict: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
self._list: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
self.update(*args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "".join(f"{key}: {value}\r\n" for key, value in self._list) + "\r\n"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._list!r})"
def copy(self) -> Headers:
copy = self.__class__()
copy._dict = self._dict.copy()
copy._list = self._list.copy()
return copy
def serialize(self) -> bytes:
# Since headers only contain ASCII characters, we can keep this simple.
return str(self).encode()
# Collection methods
def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(key, str) and key.lower() in self._dict
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
return iter(self._dict)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._dict)
# MutableMapping methods
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:
value = self._dict[key.lower()]
if len(value) == 1:
return value[0]
raise MultipleValuesError(key)
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
self._dict.setdefault(key.lower(), []).append(value)
self._list.append((key, value))
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
key_lower = key.lower()
# This is inefficient. Fortunately deleting HTTP headers is uncommon.
self._list = [(k, v) for k, v in self._list if k.lower() != key_lower]
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Headers):
return NotImplemented
return self._dict == other._dict
def clear(self) -> None:
Remove all headers.
self._dict = {}
self._list = []
def update(self, *args: HeadersLike, **kwargs: str) -> None:
Update from a :class:`Headers` instance and/or keyword arguments.
args = tuple(
arg.raw_items() if isinstance(arg, Headers) else arg for arg in args
super().update(*args, **kwargs)
# Methods for handling multiple values
def get_all(self, key: str) -> list[str]:
Return the (possibly empty) list of all values for a header.
key: Header name.
return self._dict.get(key.lower(), [])
def raw_items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
Return an iterator of all values as ``(name, value)`` pairs.
return iter(self._list)
# copy of _typeshed.SupportsKeysAndGetItem.
class SupportsKeysAndGetItem(Protocol): # pragma: no cover
Dict-like types with ``keys() -> str`` and ``__getitem__(key: str) -> str`` methods.
def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]: ...
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: ...
# Change to Headers | Mapping[str, str] | ... when dropping Python < 3.10.
HeadersLike = Union[
Mapping[str, str],
# Change to tuple[str, str] when dropping Python < 3.9.
Iterable[Tuple[str, str]],
Types accepted where :class:`Headers` is expected.
In addition to :class:`Headers` itself, this includes dict-like types where both
keys and values are :class:`str`.

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
:mod:`websockets.exceptions` defines the following hierarchy of exceptions.
* :exc:`WebSocketException`
* :exc:`ConnectionClosed`
* :exc:`ConnectionClosedOK`
* :exc:`ConnectionClosedError`
* :exc:`InvalidURI`
* :exc:`InvalidHandshake`
* :exc:`SecurityError`
* :exc:`InvalidMessage` (legacy)
* :exc:`InvalidStatus`
* :exc:`InvalidStatusCode` (legacy)
* :exc:`InvalidHeader`
* :exc:`InvalidHeaderFormat`
* :exc:`InvalidHeaderValue`
* :exc:`InvalidOrigin`
* :exc:`InvalidUpgrade`
* :exc:`NegotiationError`
* :exc:`DuplicateParameter`
* :exc:`InvalidParameterName`
* :exc:`InvalidParameterValue`
* :exc:`AbortHandshake` (legacy)
* :exc:`RedirectHandshake` (legacy)
* :exc:`ProtocolError` (Sans-I/O)
* :exc:`PayloadTooBig` (Sans-I/O)
* :exc:`InvalidState` (Sans-I/O)
* :exc:`ConcurrencyError`
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
import warnings
from .imports import lazy_import
__all__ = [
class WebSocketException(Exception):
Base class for all exceptions defined by websockets.
class ConnectionClosed(WebSocketException):
Raised when trying to interact with a closed connection.
rcvd: If a close frame was received, its code and reason are available
in ``rcvd.code`` and ``rcvd.reason``.
sent: If a close frame was sent, its code and reason are available
in ``sent.code`` and ``sent.reason``.
rcvd_then_sent: If close frames were received and sent, this attribute
tells in which order this happened, from the perspective of this
side of the connection.
def __init__(
rcvd: frames.Close | None,
sent: frames.Close | None,
rcvd_then_sent: bool | None = None,
) -> None:
self.rcvd = rcvd
self.sent = sent
self.rcvd_then_sent = rcvd_then_sent
assert (self.rcvd_then_sent is None) == (self.rcvd is None or self.sent is None)
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.rcvd is None:
if self.sent is None:
return "no close frame received or sent"
return f"sent {self.sent}; no close frame received"
if self.sent is None:
return f"received {self.rcvd}; no close frame sent"
if self.rcvd_then_sent:
return f"received {self.rcvd}; then sent {self.sent}"
return f"sent {self.sent}; then received {self.rcvd}"
# code and reason attributes are provided for backwards-compatibility
def code(self) -> int:
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 13.1
"ConnectionClosed.code is deprecated; "
"use Protocol.close_code or ConnectionClosed.rcvd.code",
if self.rcvd is None:
return frames.CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE
return self.rcvd.code
def reason(self) -> str:
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 13.1
"ConnectionClosed.reason is deprecated; "
"use Protocol.close_reason or ConnectionClosed.rcvd.reason",
if self.rcvd is None:
return ""
return self.rcvd.reason
class ConnectionClosedOK(ConnectionClosed):
Like :exc:`ConnectionClosed`, when the connection terminated properly.
A close code with code 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) or without a code was
received and sent.
class ConnectionClosedError(ConnectionClosed):
Like :exc:`ConnectionClosed`, when the connection terminated with an error.
A close frame with a code other than 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) was
received or sent, or the closing handshake didn't complete properly.
class InvalidURI(WebSocketException):
Raised when connecting to a URI that isn't a valid WebSocket URI.
def __init__(self, uri: str, msg: str) -> None:
self.uri = uri
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.uri} isn't a valid URI: {self.msg}"
class InvalidHandshake(WebSocketException):
Base class for exceptions raised when the opening handshake fails.
class SecurityError(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when a handshake request or response breaks a security rule.
Security limits can be configured with :doc:`environment variables
class InvalidStatus(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when a handshake response rejects the WebSocket upgrade.
def __init__(self, response: http11.Response) -> None:
self.response = response
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (
"server rejected WebSocket connection: "
f"HTTP {self.response.status_code:d}"
class InvalidHeader(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when an HTTP header doesn't have a valid format or value.
def __init__(self, name: str, value: str | None = None) -> None: = name
self.value = value
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.value is None:
return f"missing {} header"
elif self.value == "":
return f"empty {} header"
return f"invalid {} header: {self.value}"
class InvalidHeaderFormat(InvalidHeader):
Raised when an HTTP header cannot be parsed.
The format of the header doesn't match the grammar for that header.
def __init__(self, name: str, error: str, header: str, pos: int) -> None:
super().__init__(name, f"{error} at {pos} in {header}")
class InvalidHeaderValue(InvalidHeader):
Raised when an HTTP header has a wrong value.
The format of the header is correct but the value isn't acceptable.
class InvalidOrigin(InvalidHeader):
Raised when the Origin header in a request isn't allowed.
def __init__(self, origin: str | None) -> None:
super().__init__("Origin", origin)
class InvalidUpgrade(InvalidHeader):
Raised when the Upgrade or Connection header isn't correct.
class NegotiationError(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when negotiating an extension or a subprotocol fails.
class DuplicateParameter(NegotiationError):
Raised when a parameter name is repeated in an extension header.
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"duplicate parameter: {}"
class InvalidParameterName(NegotiationError):
Raised when a parameter name in an extension header is invalid.
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"invalid parameter name: {}"
class InvalidParameterValue(NegotiationError):
Raised when a parameter value in an extension header is invalid.
def __init__(self, name: str, value: str | None) -> None: = name
self.value = value
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.value is None:
return f"missing value for parameter {}"
elif self.value == "":
return f"empty value for parameter {}"
return f"invalid value for parameter {}: {self.value}"
class ProtocolError(WebSocketException):
Raised when receiving or sending a frame that breaks the protocol.
The Sans-I/O implementation raises this exception when:
* receiving or sending a frame that contains invalid data;
* receiving or sending an invalid sequence of frames.
class PayloadTooBig(WebSocketException):
Raised when parsing a frame with a payload that exceeds the maximum size.
The Sans-I/O layer uses this exception internally. It doesn't bubble up to
the I/O layer.
The :meth:`~websockets.extensions.Extension.decode` method of extensions
must raise :exc:`PayloadTooBig` if decoding a frame would exceed the limit.
class InvalidState(WebSocketException, AssertionError):
Raised when sending a frame is forbidden in the current state.
Specifically, the Sans-I/O layer raises this exception when:
* sending a data frame to a connection in a state other
* sending a control frame to a connection in a state other than
:attr:`~websockets.protocol.State.OPEN` or
class ConcurrencyError(WebSocketException, RuntimeError):
Raised when receiving or sending messages concurrently.
WebSocket is a connection-oriented protocol. Reads must be serialized; so
must be writes. However, reading and writing concurrently is possible.
# When type checking, import non-deprecated aliases eagerly. Else, import on demand.
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from .legacy.exceptions import (
WebSocketProtocolError = ProtocolError
"AbortHandshake": ".legacy.exceptions",
"InvalidMessage": ".legacy.exceptions",
"InvalidStatusCode": ".legacy.exceptions",
"RedirectHandshake": ".legacy.exceptions",
"WebSocketProtocolError": ".legacy.exceptions",
# At the bottom to break import cycles created by type annotations.
from . import frames, http11 # noqa: E402

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from .base import *
__all__ = ["Extension", "ClientExtensionFactory", "ServerExtensionFactory"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Sequence
from ..frames import Frame
from ..typing import ExtensionName, ExtensionParameter
__all__ = ["Extension", "ClientExtensionFactory", "ServerExtensionFactory"]
class Extension:
Base class for extensions.
name: ExtensionName
"""Extension identifier."""
def decode(self, frame: Frame, *, max_size: int | None = None) -> Frame:
Decode an incoming frame.
frame: Incoming frame.
max_size: Maximum payload size in bytes.
Decoded frame.
PayloadTooBig: If decoding the payload exceeds ``max_size``.
raise NotImplementedError
def encode(self, frame: Frame) -> Frame:
Encode an outgoing frame.
frame: Outgoing frame.
Encoded frame.
raise NotImplementedError
class ClientExtensionFactory:
Base class for client-side extension factories.
name: ExtensionName
"""Extension identifier."""
def get_request_params(self) -> list[ExtensionParameter]:
Build parameters to send to the server for this extension.
Parameters to send to the server.
raise NotImplementedError
def process_response_params(
params: Sequence[ExtensionParameter],
accepted_extensions: Sequence[Extension],
) -> Extension:
Process parameters received from the server.
params: Parameters received from the server for this extension.
accepted_extensions: List of previously accepted extensions.
An extension instance.
NegotiationError: If parameters aren't acceptable.
raise NotImplementedError
class ServerExtensionFactory:
Base class for server-side extension factories.
name: ExtensionName
"""Extension identifier."""
def process_request_params(
params: Sequence[ExtensionParameter],
accepted_extensions: Sequence[Extension],
) -> tuple[list[ExtensionParameter], Extension]:
Process parameters received from the client.
params: Parameters received from the client for this extension.
accepted_extensions: List of previously accepted extensions.
To accept the offer, parameters to send to the client for this
extension and an extension instance.
NegotiationError: To reject the offer, if parameters received from
the client aren't acceptable.
raise NotImplementedError

View File

@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import zlib
from typing import Any, Sequence
from .. import frames
from ..exceptions import (
from ..typing import ExtensionName, ExtensionParameter
from .base import ClientExtensionFactory, Extension, ServerExtensionFactory
__all__ = [
_EMPTY_UNCOMPRESSED_BLOCK = b"\x00\x00\xff\xff"
_MAX_WINDOW_BITS_VALUES = [str(bits) for bits in range(8, 16)]
class PerMessageDeflate(Extension):
Per-Message Deflate extension.
name = ExtensionName("permessage-deflate")
def __init__(
remote_no_context_takeover: bool,
local_no_context_takeover: bool,
remote_max_window_bits: int,
local_max_window_bits: int,
compress_settings: dict[Any, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
Configure the Per-Message Deflate extension.
if compress_settings is None:
compress_settings = {}
assert remote_no_context_takeover in [False, True]
assert local_no_context_takeover in [False, True]
assert 8 <= remote_max_window_bits <= 15
assert 8 <= local_max_window_bits <= 15
assert "wbits" not in compress_settings
self.remote_no_context_takeover = remote_no_context_takeover
self.local_no_context_takeover = local_no_context_takeover
self.remote_max_window_bits = remote_max_window_bits
self.local_max_window_bits = local_max_window_bits
self.compress_settings = compress_settings
if not self.remote_no_context_takeover:
self.decoder = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=-self.remote_max_window_bits)
if not self.local_no_context_takeover:
self.encoder = zlib.compressobj(
# To handle continuation frames properly, we must keep track of
# whether that initial frame was encoded.
self.decode_cont_data = False
# There's no need for self.encode_cont_data because we always encode
# outgoing frames, so it would always be True.
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"remote_no_context_takeover={self.remote_no_context_takeover}, "
f"local_no_context_takeover={self.local_no_context_takeover}, "
f"remote_max_window_bits={self.remote_max_window_bits}, "
def decode(
frame: frames.Frame,
max_size: int | None = None,
) -> frames.Frame:
Decode an incoming frame.
# Skip control frames.
if frame.opcode in frames.CTRL_OPCODES:
return frame
# Handle continuation data frames:
# - skip if the message isn't encoded
# - reset "decode continuation data" flag if it's a final frame
if frame.opcode is frames.OP_CONT:
if not self.decode_cont_data:
return frame
if frame.fin:
self.decode_cont_data = False
# Handle text and binary data frames:
# - skip if the message isn't encoded
# - unset the rsv1 flag on the first frame of a compressed message
# - set "decode continuation data" flag if it's a non-final frame
if not frame.rsv1:
return frame
frame = dataclasses.replace(frame, rsv1=False)
if not frame.fin:
self.decode_cont_data = True
# Re-initialize per-message decoder.
if self.remote_no_context_takeover:
self.decoder = zlib.decompressobj(wbits=-self.remote_max_window_bits)
# Uncompress data. Protect against zip bombs by preventing zlib from
# decompressing more than max_length bytes (except when the limit is
# disabled with max_size = None).
data =
if frame.fin:
max_length = 0 if max_size is None else max_size
data = self.decoder.decompress(data, max_length)
except zlib.error as exc:
raise ProtocolError("decompression failed") from exc
if self.decoder.unconsumed_tail:
raise PayloadTooBig(f"over size limit (? > {max_size} bytes)")
# Allow garbage collection of the decoder if it won't be reused.
if frame.fin and self.remote_no_context_takeover:
del self.decoder
return dataclasses.replace(frame, data=data)
def encode(self, frame: frames.Frame) -> frames.Frame:
Encode an outgoing frame.
# Skip control frames.
if frame.opcode in frames.CTRL_OPCODES:
return frame
# Since we always encode messages, there's no "encode continuation
# data" flag similar to "decode continuation data" at this time.
if frame.opcode is not frames.OP_CONT:
# Set the rsv1 flag on the first frame of a compressed message.
frame = dataclasses.replace(frame, rsv1=True)
# Re-initialize per-message decoder.
if self.local_no_context_takeover:
self.encoder = zlib.compressobj(
# Compress data.
data = self.encoder.compress( + self.encoder.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
if frame.fin and data.endswith(_EMPTY_UNCOMPRESSED_BLOCK):
data = data[:-4]
# Allow garbage collection of the encoder if it won't be reused.
if frame.fin and self.local_no_context_takeover:
del self.encoder
return dataclasses.replace(frame, data=data)
def _build_parameters(
server_no_context_takeover: bool,
client_no_context_takeover: bool,
server_max_window_bits: int | None,
client_max_window_bits: int | bool | None,
) -> list[ExtensionParameter]:
Build a list of ``(name, value)`` pairs for some compression parameters.
params: list[ExtensionParameter] = []
if server_no_context_takeover:
params.append(("server_no_context_takeover", None))
if client_no_context_takeover:
params.append(("client_no_context_takeover", None))
if server_max_window_bits:
params.append(("server_max_window_bits", str(server_max_window_bits)))
if client_max_window_bits is True: # only in handshake requests
params.append(("client_max_window_bits", None))
elif client_max_window_bits:
params.append(("client_max_window_bits", str(client_max_window_bits)))
return params
def _extract_parameters(
params: Sequence[ExtensionParameter], *, is_server: bool
) -> tuple[bool, bool, int | None, int | bool | None]:
Extract compression parameters from a list of ``(name, value)`` pairs.
If ``is_server`` is :obj:`True`, ``client_max_window_bits`` may be
provided without a value. This is only allowed in handshake requests.
server_no_context_takeover: bool = False
client_no_context_takeover: bool = False
server_max_window_bits: int | None = None
client_max_window_bits: int | bool | None = None
for name, value in params:
if name == "server_no_context_takeover":
if server_no_context_takeover:
raise DuplicateParameter(name)
if value is None:
server_no_context_takeover = True
raise InvalidParameterValue(name, value)
elif name == "client_no_context_takeover":
if client_no_context_takeover:
raise DuplicateParameter(name)
if value is None:
client_no_context_takeover = True
raise InvalidParameterValue(name, value)
elif name == "server_max_window_bits":
if server_max_window_bits is not None:
raise DuplicateParameter(name)
server_max_window_bits = int(value)
raise InvalidParameterValue(name, value)
elif name == "client_max_window_bits":
if client_max_window_bits is not None:
raise DuplicateParameter(name)
if is_server and value is None: # only in handshake requests
client_max_window_bits = True
elif value in _MAX_WINDOW_BITS_VALUES:
client_max_window_bits = int(value)
raise InvalidParameterValue(name, value)
raise InvalidParameterName(name)
return (
class ClientPerMessageDeflateFactory(ClientExtensionFactory):
Client-side extension factory for the Per-Message Deflate extension.
Parameters behave as described in `section 7.1 of RFC 7692`_.
.. _section 7.1 of RFC 7692:
Set them to :obj:`True` to include them in the negotiation offer without a
value or to an integer value to include them with this value.
server_no_context_takeover: Prevent server from using context takeover.
client_no_context_takeover: Prevent client from using context takeover.
server_max_window_bits: Maximum size of the server's LZ77 sliding window
in bits, between 8 and 15.
client_max_window_bits: Maximum size of the client's LZ77 sliding window
in bits, between 8 and 15, or :obj:`True` to indicate support without
setting a limit.
compress_settings: Additional keyword arguments for :func:`zlib.compressobj`,
excluding ``wbits``.
name = ExtensionName("permessage-deflate")
def __init__(
server_no_context_takeover: bool = False,
client_no_context_takeover: bool = False,
server_max_window_bits: int | None = None,
client_max_window_bits: int | bool | None = True,
compress_settings: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
Configure the Per-Message Deflate extension factory.
if not (server_max_window_bits is None or 8 <= server_max_window_bits <= 15):
raise ValueError("server_max_window_bits must be between 8 and 15")
if not (
client_max_window_bits is None
or client_max_window_bits is True
or 8 <= client_max_window_bits <= 15
raise ValueError("client_max_window_bits must be between 8 and 15")
if compress_settings is not None and "wbits" in compress_settings:
raise ValueError(
"compress_settings must not include wbits, "
"set client_max_window_bits instead"
self.server_no_context_takeover = server_no_context_takeover
self.client_no_context_takeover = client_no_context_takeover
self.server_max_window_bits = server_max_window_bits
self.client_max_window_bits = client_max_window_bits
self.compress_settings = compress_settings
def get_request_params(self) -> list[ExtensionParameter]:
Build request parameters.
return _build_parameters(
def process_response_params(
params: Sequence[ExtensionParameter],
accepted_extensions: Sequence[Extension],
) -> PerMessageDeflate:
Process response parameters.
Return an extension instance.
if any( == for other in accepted_extensions):
raise NegotiationError(f"received duplicate {}")
# Request parameters are available in instance variables.
# Load response parameters in local variables.
) = _extract_parameters(params, is_server=False)
# After comparing the request and the response, the final
# configuration must be available in the local variables.
# server_no_context_takeover
# Req. Resp. Result
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# False False False
# False True True
# True False Error!
# True True True
if self.server_no_context_takeover:
if not server_no_context_takeover:
raise NegotiationError("expected server_no_context_takeover")
# client_no_context_takeover
# Req. Resp. Result
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# False False False
# False True True
# True False True - must change value
# True True True
if self.client_no_context_takeover:
if not client_no_context_takeover:
client_no_context_takeover = True
# server_max_window_bits
# Req. Resp. Result
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# None None None
# None 8≤M≤15 M
# 8≤N≤15 None Error!
# 8≤N≤15 8≤M≤N M
# 8≤N≤15 N<M≤15 Error!
if self.server_max_window_bits is None:
if server_max_window_bits is None:
raise NegotiationError("expected server_max_window_bits")
elif server_max_window_bits > self.server_max_window_bits:
raise NegotiationError("unsupported server_max_window_bits")
# client_max_window_bits
# Req. Resp. Result
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# None None None
# None 8≤M≤15 Error!
# True None None
# True 8≤M≤15 M
# 8≤N≤15 None N - must change value
# 8≤N≤15 8≤M≤N M
# 8≤N≤15 N<M≤15 Error!
if self.client_max_window_bits is None:
if client_max_window_bits is not None:
raise NegotiationError("unexpected client_max_window_bits")
elif self.client_max_window_bits is True:
if client_max_window_bits is None:
client_max_window_bits = self.client_max_window_bits
elif client_max_window_bits > self.client_max_window_bits:
raise NegotiationError("unsupported client_max_window_bits")
return PerMessageDeflate(
server_no_context_takeover, # remote_no_context_takeover
client_no_context_takeover, # local_no_context_takeover
server_max_window_bits or 15, # remote_max_window_bits
client_max_window_bits or 15, # local_max_window_bits
def enable_client_permessage_deflate(
extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None,
) -> Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory]:
Enable Per-Message Deflate with default settings in client extensions.
If the extension is already present, perhaps with non-default settings,
the configuration isn't changed.
if extensions is None:
extensions = []
if not any( ==
for extension_factory in extensions
extensions = list(extensions) + [
compress_settings={"memLevel": 5},
return extensions
class ServerPerMessageDeflateFactory(ServerExtensionFactory):
Server-side extension factory for the Per-Message Deflate extension.
Parameters behave as described in `section 7.1 of RFC 7692`_.
.. _section 7.1 of RFC 7692:
Set them to :obj:`True` to include them in the negotiation offer without a
value or to an integer value to include them with this value.
server_no_context_takeover: Prevent server from using context takeover.
client_no_context_takeover: Prevent client from using context takeover.
server_max_window_bits: Maximum size of the server's LZ77 sliding window
in bits, between 8 and 15.
client_max_window_bits: Maximum size of the client's LZ77 sliding window
in bits, between 8 and 15.
compress_settings: Additional keyword arguments for :func:`zlib.compressobj`,
excluding ``wbits``.
require_client_max_window_bits: Do not enable compression at all if
client doesn't advertise support for ``client_max_window_bits``;
the default behavior is to enable compression without enforcing
name = ExtensionName("permessage-deflate")
def __init__(
server_no_context_takeover: bool = False,
client_no_context_takeover: bool = False,
server_max_window_bits: int | None = None,
client_max_window_bits: int | None = None,
compress_settings: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
require_client_max_window_bits: bool = False,
) -> None:
Configure the Per-Message Deflate extension factory.
if not (server_max_window_bits is None or 8 <= server_max_window_bits <= 15):
raise ValueError("server_max_window_bits must be between 8 and 15")
if not (client_max_window_bits is None or 8 <= client_max_window_bits <= 15):
raise ValueError("client_max_window_bits must be between 8 and 15")
if compress_settings is not None and "wbits" in compress_settings:
raise ValueError(
"compress_settings must not include wbits, "
"set server_max_window_bits instead"
if client_max_window_bits is None and require_client_max_window_bits:
raise ValueError(
"require_client_max_window_bits is enabled, "
"but client_max_window_bits isn't configured"
self.server_no_context_takeover = server_no_context_takeover
self.client_no_context_takeover = client_no_context_takeover
self.server_max_window_bits = server_max_window_bits
self.client_max_window_bits = client_max_window_bits
self.compress_settings = compress_settings
self.require_client_max_window_bits = require_client_max_window_bits
def process_request_params(
params: Sequence[ExtensionParameter],
accepted_extensions: Sequence[Extension],
) -> tuple[list[ExtensionParameter], PerMessageDeflate]:
Process request parameters.
Return response params and an extension instance.
if any( == for other in accepted_extensions):
raise NegotiationError(f"skipped duplicate {}")
# Load request parameters in local variables.
) = _extract_parameters(params, is_server=True)
# Configuration parameters are available in instance variables.
# After comparing the request and the configuration, the response must
# be available in the local variables.
# server_no_context_takeover
# Config Req. Resp.
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# False False False
# False True True
# True False True - must change value to True
# True True True
if self.server_no_context_takeover:
if not server_no_context_takeover:
server_no_context_takeover = True
# client_no_context_takeover
# Config Req. Resp.
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# False False False
# False True True (or False)
# True False True - must change value to True
# True True True (or False)
if self.client_no_context_takeover:
if not client_no_context_takeover:
client_no_context_takeover = True
# server_max_window_bits
# Config Req. Resp.
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# None None None
# None 8≤M≤15 M
# 8≤N≤15 None N - must change value
# 8≤N≤15 8≤M≤N M
# 8≤N≤15 N<M≤15 N - must change value
if self.server_max_window_bits is None:
if server_max_window_bits is None:
server_max_window_bits = self.server_max_window_bits
elif server_max_window_bits > self.server_max_window_bits:
server_max_window_bits = self.server_max_window_bits
# client_max_window_bits
# Config Req. Resp.
# ------ ------ --------------------------------------------------
# None None None
# None True None - must change value
# None 8≤M≤15 M (or None)
# 8≤N≤15 None None or Error!
# 8≤N≤15 True N - must change value
# 8≤N≤15 8≤M≤N M (or None)
# 8≤N≤15 N<M≤15 N
if self.client_max_window_bits is None:
if client_max_window_bits is True:
client_max_window_bits = self.client_max_window_bits
if client_max_window_bits is None:
if self.require_client_max_window_bits:
raise NegotiationError("required client_max_window_bits")
elif client_max_window_bits is True:
client_max_window_bits = self.client_max_window_bits
elif self.client_max_window_bits < client_max_window_bits:
client_max_window_bits = self.client_max_window_bits
return (
client_no_context_takeover, # remote_no_context_takeover
server_no_context_takeover, # local_no_context_takeover
client_max_window_bits or 15, # remote_max_window_bits
server_max_window_bits or 15, # local_max_window_bits
def enable_server_permessage_deflate(
extensions: Sequence[ServerExtensionFactory] | None,
) -> Sequence[ServerExtensionFactory]:
Enable Per-Message Deflate with default settings in server extensions.
If the extension is already present, perhaps with non-default settings,
the configuration isn't changed.
if extensions is None:
extensions = []
if not any( ==
for ext_factory in extensions
extensions = list(extensions) + [
compress_settings={"memLevel": 5},
return extensions

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import enum
import io
import os
import secrets
import struct
from typing import Callable, Generator, Sequence
from .exceptions import PayloadTooBig, ProtocolError
from .speedups import apply_mask
except ImportError:
from .utils import apply_mask
__all__ = [
class Opcode(enum.IntEnum):
"""Opcode values for WebSocket frames."""
CONT, TEXT, BINARY = 0x00, 0x01, 0x02
CLOSE, PING, PONG = 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A
class CloseCode(enum.IntEnum):
"""Close code values for WebSocket close frames."""
# 1004 is reserved
# See
CLOSE_CODE_EXPLANATIONS: dict[int, str] = {
CloseCode.GOING_AWAY: "going away",
CloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR: "protocol error",
CloseCode.UNSUPPORTED_DATA: "unsupported data",
CloseCode.NO_STATUS_RCVD: "no status received [internal]",
CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE: "abnormal closure [internal]",
CloseCode.INVALID_DATA: "invalid frame payload data",
CloseCode.POLICY_VIOLATION: "policy violation",
CloseCode.MESSAGE_TOO_BIG: "message too big",
CloseCode.MANDATORY_EXTENSION: "mandatory extension",
CloseCode.INTERNAL_ERROR: "internal error",
CloseCode.SERVICE_RESTART: "service restart",
CloseCode.TRY_AGAIN_LATER: "try again later",
CloseCode.BAD_GATEWAY: "bad gateway",
CloseCode.TLS_HANDSHAKE: "TLS handshake failure [internal]",
# Close code that are allowed in a close frame.
# Using a set optimizes `code in EXTERNAL_CLOSE_CODES`.
BytesLike = bytes, bytearray, memoryview
class Frame:
WebSocket frame.
opcode: Opcode.
data: Payload data.
fin: FIN bit.
rsv1: RSV1 bit.
rsv2: RSV2 bit.
rsv3: RSV3 bit.
Only these fields are needed. The MASK bit, payload length and masking-key
are handled on the fly when parsing and serializing frames.
opcode: Opcode
data: bytes
fin: bool = True
rsv1: bool = False
rsv2: bool = False
rsv3: bool = False
# Configure if you want to see more in logs. Should be a multiple of 3.
MAX_LOG_SIZE = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_LOG_SIZE", "75"))
def __str__(self) -> str:
Return a human-readable representation of a frame.
coding = None
length = f"{len(} byte{'' if len( == 1 else 's'}"
non_final = "" if self.fin else "continued"
if self.opcode is OP_TEXT:
# Decoding only the beginning and the end is needlessly hard.
# Decode the entire payload then elide later if necessary.
data = repr(
elif self.opcode is OP_BINARY:
# We'll show at most the first 16 bytes and the last 8 bytes.
# Encode just what we need, plus two dummy bytes to elide later.
binary =
if len(binary) > self.MAX_LOG_SIZE // 3:
cut = (self.MAX_LOG_SIZE // 3 - 1) // 3 # by default cut = 8
binary = b"".join([binary[: 2 * cut], b"\x00\x00", binary[-cut:]])
data = " ".join(f"{byte:02x}" for byte in binary)
elif self.opcode is OP_CLOSE:
data = str(Close.parse(
# We don't know if a Continuation frame contains text or binary.
# Ping and Pong frames could contain UTF-8.
# Attempt to decode as UTF-8 and display it as text; fallback to
# binary. If is a memoryview, it has no decode() method,
# which raises AttributeError.
data = repr(
coding = "text"
except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
binary =
if len(binary) > self.MAX_LOG_SIZE // 3:
cut = (self.MAX_LOG_SIZE // 3 - 1) // 3 # by default cut = 8
binary = b"".join([binary[: 2 * cut], b"\x00\x00", binary[-cut:]])
data = " ".join(f"{byte:02x}" for byte in binary)
coding = "binary"
data = "''"
if len(data) > self.MAX_LOG_SIZE:
cut = self.MAX_LOG_SIZE // 3 - 1 # by default cut = 24
data = data[: 2 * cut] + "..." + data[-cut:]
metadata = ", ".join(filter(None, [coding, length, non_final]))
return f"{} {data} [{metadata}]"
def parse(
read_exact: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
mask: bool,
max_size: int | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[extensions.Extension] | None = None,
) -> Generator[None, None, Frame]:
Parse a WebSocket frame.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
read_exact: Generator-based coroutine that reads the requested
bytes or raises an exception if there isn't enough data.
mask: Whether the frame should be masked i.e. whether the read
happens on the server side.
max_size: Maximum payload size in bytes.
extensions: List of extensions, applied in reverse order.
EOFError: If the connection is closed without a full WebSocket frame.
UnicodeDecodeError: If the frame contains invalid UTF-8.
PayloadTooBig: If the frame's payload size exceeds ``max_size``.
ProtocolError: If the frame contains incorrect values.
# Read the header.
data = yield from read_exact(2)
head1, head2 = struct.unpack("!BB", data)
# While not Pythonic, this is marginally faster than calling bool().
fin = True if head1 & 0b10000000 else False
rsv1 = True if head1 & 0b01000000 else False
rsv2 = True if head1 & 0b00100000 else False
rsv3 = True if head1 & 0b00010000 else False
opcode = Opcode(head1 & 0b00001111)
except ValueError as exc:
raise ProtocolError("invalid opcode") from exc
if (True if head2 & 0b10000000 else False) != mask:
raise ProtocolError("incorrect masking")
length = head2 & 0b01111111
if length == 126:
data = yield from read_exact(2)
(length,) = struct.unpack("!H", data)
elif length == 127:
data = yield from read_exact(8)
(length,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data)
if max_size is not None and length > max_size:
raise PayloadTooBig(f"over size limit ({length} > {max_size} bytes)")
if mask:
mask_bytes = yield from read_exact(4)
# Read the data.
data = yield from read_exact(length)
if mask:
data = apply_mask(data, mask_bytes)
frame = cls(opcode, data, fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3)
if extensions is None:
extensions = []
for extension in reversed(extensions):
frame = extension.decode(frame, max_size=max_size)
return frame
def serialize(
mask: bool,
extensions: Sequence[extensions.Extension] | None = None,
) -> bytes:
Serialize a WebSocket frame.
mask: Whether the frame should be masked i.e. whether the write
happens on the client side.
extensions: List of extensions, applied in order.
ProtocolError: If the frame contains incorrect values.
if extensions is None:
extensions = []
for extension in extensions:
self = extension.encode(self)
output = io.BytesIO()
# Prepare the header.
head1 = (
(0b10000000 if self.fin else 0)
| (0b01000000 if self.rsv1 else 0)
| (0b00100000 if self.rsv2 else 0)
| (0b00010000 if self.rsv3 else 0)
| self.opcode
head2 = 0b10000000 if mask else 0
length = len(
if length < 126:
output.write(struct.pack("!BB", head1, head2 | length))
elif length < 65536:
output.write(struct.pack("!BBH", head1, head2 | 126, length))
output.write(struct.pack("!BBQ", head1, head2 | 127, length))
if mask:
mask_bytes = secrets.token_bytes(4)
# Prepare the data.
if mask:
data = apply_mask(, mask_bytes)
data =
return output.getvalue()
def check(self) -> None:
Check that reserved bits and opcode have acceptable values.
ProtocolError: If a reserved bit or the opcode is invalid.
if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
raise ProtocolError("reserved bits must be 0")
if self.opcode in CTRL_OPCODES:
if len( > 125:
raise ProtocolError("control frame too long")
if not self.fin:
raise ProtocolError("fragmented control frame")
class Close:
Code and reason for WebSocket close frames.
code: Close code.
reason: Close reason.
code: int
reason: str
def __str__(self) -> str:
Return a human-readable representation of a close code and reason.
if 3000 <= self.code < 4000:
explanation = "registered"
elif 4000 <= self.code < 5000:
explanation = "private use"
explanation = CLOSE_CODE_EXPLANATIONS.get(self.code, "unknown")
result = f"{self.code} ({explanation})"
if self.reason:
result = f"{result} {self.reason}"
return result
def parse(cls, data: bytes) -> Close:
Parse the payload of a close frame.
data: Payload of the close frame.
ProtocolError: If data is ill-formed.
UnicodeDecodeError: If the reason isn't valid UTF-8.
if len(data) >= 2:
(code,) = struct.unpack("!H", data[:2])
reason = data[2:].decode()
close = cls(code, reason)
return close
elif len(data) == 0:
return cls(CloseCode.NO_STATUS_RCVD, "")
raise ProtocolError("close frame too short")
def serialize(self) -> bytes:
Serialize the payload of a close frame.
return struct.pack("!H", self.code) + self.reason.encode()
def check(self) -> None:
Check that the close code has a valid value for a close frame.
ProtocolError: If the close code is invalid.
if not (self.code in EXTERNAL_CLOSE_CODES or 3000 <= self.code < 5000):
raise ProtocolError("invalid status code")
# At the bottom to break import cycles created by type annotations.
from . import extensions # noqa: E402

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import binascii
import ipaddress
import re
from typing import Callable, Sequence, TypeVar, cast
from .exceptions import InvalidHeaderFormat, InvalidHeaderValue
from .typing import (
__all__ = [
T = TypeVar("T")
def build_host(host: str, port: int, secure: bool) -> str:
Build a ``Host`` header.
# IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets.
address = ipaddress.ip_address(host)
except ValueError:
# host is a hostname
# host is an IP address
if address.version == 6:
host = f"[{host}]"
if port != (443 if secure else 80):
host = f"{host}:{port}"
return host
# To avoid a dependency on a parsing library, we implement manually the ABNF
# described in and
def peek_ahead(header: str, pos: int) -> str | None:
Return the next character from ``header`` at the given position.
Return :obj:`None` at the end of ``header``.
We never need to peek more than one character ahead.
return None if pos == len(header) else header[pos]
_OWS_re = re.compile(r"[\t ]*")
def parse_OWS(header: str, pos: int) -> int:
Parse optional whitespace from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the new position.
The whitespace itself isn't returned because it isn't significant.
# There's always a match, possibly empty, whose content doesn't matter.
match = _OWS_re.match(header, pos)
assert match is not None
return match.end()
_token_re = re.compile(r"[-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+")
def parse_token(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> tuple[str, int]:
Parse a token from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the token value and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
match = _token_re.match(header, pos)
if match is None:
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected token", header, pos)
return, match.end()
_quoted_string_re = re.compile(
_unquote_re = re.compile(r"\\([\x09\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff])")
def parse_quoted_string(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> tuple[str, int]:
Parse a quoted string from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the unquoted value and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
match = _quoted_string_re.match(header, pos)
if match is None:
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected quoted string", header, pos)
return _unquote_re.sub(r"\1",[1:-1]), match.end()
_quotable_re = re.compile(r"[\x09\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]*")
_quote_re = re.compile(r"([\x22\x5c])")
def build_quoted_string(value: str) -> str:
Format ``value`` as a quoted string.
This is the reverse of :func:`parse_quoted_string`.
match = _quotable_re.fullmatch(value)
if match is None:
raise ValueError("invalid characters for quoted-string encoding")
return '"' + _quote_re.sub(r"\\\1", value) + '"'
def parse_list(
parse_item: Callable[[str, int, str], tuple[T, int]],
header: str,
pos: int,
header_name: str,
) -> list[T]:
Parse a comma-separated list from ``header`` at the given position.
This is appropriate for parsing values with the following grammar:
``parse_item`` parses one item.
``header`` is assumed not to start or end with whitespace.
(This function is designed for parsing an entire header value and
:func:`~websockets.http.read_headers` strips whitespace from values.)
Return a list of items.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
# Per, "a recipient
# MUST parse and ignore a reasonable number of empty list elements";
# hence while loops that remove extra delimiters.
# Remove extra delimiters before the first item.
while peek_ahead(header, pos) == ",":
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)
items = []
while True:
# Loop invariant: a item starts at pos in header.
item, pos = parse_item(header, pos, header_name)
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos)
# We may have reached the end of the header.
if pos == len(header):
# There must be a delimiter after each element except the last one.
if peek_ahead(header, pos) == ",":
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected comma", header, pos)
# Remove extra delimiters before the next item.
while peek_ahead(header, pos) == ",":
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)
# We may have reached the end of the header.
if pos == len(header):
# Since we only advance in the header by one character with peek_ahead()
# or with the end position of a regex match, we can't overshoot the end.
assert pos == len(header)
return items
def parse_connection_option(
header: str, pos: int, header_name: str
) -> tuple[ConnectionOption, int]:
Parse a Connection option from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the protocol value and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
item, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name)
return cast(ConnectionOption, item), pos
def parse_connection(header: str) -> list[ConnectionOption]:
Parse a ``Connection`` header.
Return a list of HTTP connection options.
header: value of the ``Connection`` header.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
return parse_list(parse_connection_option, header, 0, "Connection")
_protocol_re = re.compile(
def parse_upgrade_protocol(
header: str, pos: int, header_name: str
) -> tuple[UpgradeProtocol, int]:
Parse an Upgrade protocol from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the protocol value and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
match = _protocol_re.match(header, pos)
if match is None:
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected protocol", header, pos)
return cast(UpgradeProtocol,, match.end()
def parse_upgrade(header: str) -> list[UpgradeProtocol]:
Parse an ``Upgrade`` header.
Return a list of HTTP protocols.
header: Value of the ``Upgrade`` header.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
return parse_list(parse_upgrade_protocol, header, 0, "Upgrade")
def parse_extension_item_param(
header: str, pos: int, header_name: str
) -> tuple[ExtensionParameter, int]:
Parse a single extension parameter from ``header`` at the given position.
Return a ``(name, value)`` pair and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
# Extract parameter name.
name, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name)
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos)
# Extract parameter value, if there is one.
value: str | None = None
if peek_ahead(header, pos) == "=":
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)
if peek_ahead(header, pos) == '"':
pos_before = pos # for proper error reporting below
value, pos = parse_quoted_string(header, pos, header_name)
# says:
# the value after quoted-string unescaping MUST conform to
# the 'token' ABNF.
if _token_re.fullmatch(value) is None:
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(
header_name, "invalid quoted header content", header, pos_before
value, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name)
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos)
return (name, value), pos
def parse_extension_item(
header: str, pos: int, header_name: str
) -> tuple[ExtensionHeader, int]:
Parse an extension definition from ``header`` at the given position.
Return an ``(extension name, parameters)`` pair, where ``parameters`` is a
list of ``(name, value)`` pairs, and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
# Extract extension name.
name, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name)
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos)
# Extract all parameters.
parameters = []
while peek_ahead(header, pos) == ";":
pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)
parameter, pos = parse_extension_item_param(header, pos, header_name)
return (cast(ExtensionName, name), parameters), pos
def parse_extension(header: str) -> list[ExtensionHeader]:
Parse a ``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions`` header.
Return a list of WebSocket extensions and their parameters in this format::
'extension name',
('parameter name', 'parameter value'),
Parameter values are :obj:`None` when no value is provided.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
return parse_list(parse_extension_item, header, 0, "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
parse_extension_list = parse_extension # alias for backwards compatibility
def build_extension_item(
name: ExtensionName, parameters: list[ExtensionParameter]
) -> str:
Build an extension definition.
This is the reverse of :func:`parse_extension_item`.
return "; ".join(
[cast(str, name)]
+ [
# Quoted strings aren't necessary because values are always tokens.
name if value is None else f"{name}={value}"
for name, value in parameters
def build_extension(extensions: Sequence[ExtensionHeader]) -> str:
Build a ``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions`` header.
This is the reverse of :func:`parse_extension`.
return ", ".join(
build_extension_item(name, parameters) for name, parameters in extensions
build_extension_list = build_extension # alias for backwards compatibility
def parse_subprotocol_item(
header: str, pos: int, header_name: str
) -> tuple[Subprotocol, int]:
Parse a subprotocol from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the subprotocol value and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
item, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name)
return cast(Subprotocol, item), pos
def parse_subprotocol(header: str) -> list[Subprotocol]:
Parse a ``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` header.
Return a list of WebSocket subprotocols.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
return parse_list(parse_subprotocol_item, header, 0, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
parse_subprotocol_list = parse_subprotocol # alias for backwards compatibility
def build_subprotocol(subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol]) -> str:
Build a ``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` header.
This is the reverse of :func:`parse_subprotocol`.
return ", ".join(subprotocols)
build_subprotocol_list = build_subprotocol # alias for backwards compatibility
def validate_subprotocols(subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol]) -> None:
Validate that ``subprotocols`` is suitable for :func:`build_subprotocol`.
if not isinstance(subprotocols, Sequence):
raise TypeError("subprotocols must be a list")
if isinstance(subprotocols, str):
raise TypeError("subprotocols must be a list, not a str")
for subprotocol in subprotocols:
if not _token_re.fullmatch(subprotocol):
raise ValueError(f"invalid subprotocol: {subprotocol}")
def build_www_authenticate_basic(realm: str) -> str:
Build a ``WWW-Authenticate`` header for HTTP Basic Auth.
realm: Identifier of the protection space.
realm = build_quoted_string(realm)
charset = build_quoted_string("UTF-8")
return f"Basic realm={realm}, charset={charset}"
_token68_re = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9-._~+/]+=*")
def parse_token68(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> tuple[str, int]:
Parse a token68 from ``header`` at the given position.
Return the token value and the new position.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
match = _token68_re.match(header, pos)
if match is None:
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected token68", header, pos)
return, match.end()
def parse_end(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> None:
Check that parsing reached the end of header.
if pos < len(header):
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "trailing data", header, pos)
def parse_authorization_basic(header: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
Parse an ``Authorization`` header for HTTP Basic Auth.
Return a ``(username, password)`` tuple.
header: Value of the ``Authorization`` header.
InvalidHeaderFormat: On invalid inputs.
InvalidHeaderValue: On unsupported inputs.
scheme, pos = parse_token(header, 0, "Authorization")
if scheme.lower() != "basic":
raise InvalidHeaderValue(
f"unsupported scheme: {scheme}",
if peek_ahead(header, pos) != " ":
raise InvalidHeaderFormat(
"Authorization", "expected space after scheme", header, pos
pos += 1
basic_credentials, pos = parse_token68(header, pos, "Authorization")
parse_end(header, pos, "Authorization")
user_pass = base64.b64decode(basic_credentials.encode()).decode()
except binascii.Error:
raise InvalidHeaderValue(
"expected base64-encoded credentials",
) from None
username, password = user_pass.split(":", 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidHeaderValue(
"expected username:password credentials",
) from None
return username, password
def build_authorization_basic(username: str, password: str) -> str:
Build an ``Authorization`` header for HTTP Basic Auth.
This is the reverse of :func:`parse_authorization_basic`.
assert ":" not in username
user_pass = f"{username}:{password}"
basic_credentials = base64.b64encode(user_pass.encode()).decode()
return "Basic " + basic_credentials

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from .datastructures import Headers, MultipleValuesError # noqa: F401
from .legacy.http import read_request, read_response # noqa: F401
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 9.0 - 2021-09-01
"Headers and MultipleValuesError were moved "
"from websockets.http to websockets.datastructures"
"and read_request and read_response were moved "
"from websockets.http to websockets.legacy.http",

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Generator
from .datastructures import Headers
from .exceptions import SecurityError
from .version import version as websockets_version
__all__ = ["SERVER", "USER_AGENT", "Request", "Response"]
PYTHON_VERSION = "{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info)
# User-Agent header for HTTP requests.
USER_AGENT = os.environ.get(
f"Python/{PYTHON_VERSION} websockets/{websockets_version}",
# Server header for HTTP responses.
SERVER = os.environ.get(
f"Python/{PYTHON_VERSION} websockets/{websockets_version}",
# Maximum total size of headers is around 128 * 8 KiB = 1 MiB.
MAX_NUM_HEADERS = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_NUM_HEADERS", "128"))
# Limit request line and header lines. 8KiB is the most common default
# configuration of popular HTTP servers.
MAX_LINE_LENGTH = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_LINE_LENGTH", "8192"))
# Support for HTTP response bodies is intended to read an error message
# returned by a server. It isn't designed to perform large file transfers.
MAX_BODY_SIZE = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_BODY_SIZE", "1_048_576")) # 1 MiB
def d(value: bytes) -> str:
Decode a bytestring for interpolating into an error message.
return value.decode(errors="backslashreplace")
# See
# Regex for validating header names.
_token_re = re.compile(rb"[-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+")
# Regex for validating header values.
# We don't attempt to support obsolete line folding.
# Include HTAB (\x09), SP (\x20), VCHAR (\x21-\x7e), obs-text (\x80-\xff).
# The ABNF is complicated because it attempts to express that optional
# whitespace is ignored. We strip whitespace and don't revalidate that.
# See also
_value_re = re.compile(rb"[\x09\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]*")
class Request:
WebSocket handshake request.
path: Request path, including optional query.
headers: Request headers.
path: str
headers: Headers
# body isn't useful is the context of this library.
_exception: Exception | None = None
def exception(self) -> Exception | None: # pragma: no cover
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 10.3 - 2022-04-17
"Request.exception is deprecated; "
"use ServerProtocol.handshake_exc instead",
return self._exception
def parse(
read_line: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
) -> Generator[None, None, Request]:
Parse a WebSocket handshake request.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
The request path isn't URL-decoded or validated in any way.
The request path and headers are expected to contain only ASCII
characters. Other characters are represented with surrogate escapes.
:meth:`parse` doesn't attempt to read the request body because
WebSocket handshake requests don't have one. If the request contains a
body, it may be read from the data stream after :meth:`parse` returns.
read_line: Generator-based coroutine that reads a LF-terminated
line or raises an exception if there isn't enough data
EOFError: If the connection is closed without a full HTTP request.
SecurityError: If the request exceeds a security limit.
ValueError: If the request isn't well formatted.
# Parsing is simple because fixed values are expected for method and
# version and because path isn't checked. Since WebSocket software tends
# to implement HTTP/1.1 strictly, there's little need for lenient parsing.
request_line = yield from parse_line(read_line)
except EOFError as exc:
raise EOFError("connection closed while reading HTTP request line") from exc
method, raw_path, protocol = request_line.split(b" ", 2)
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1-2)
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP request line: {d(request_line)}") from None
if protocol != b"HTTP/1.1":
raise ValueError(
f"unsupported protocol; expected HTTP/1.1: {d(request_line)}"
if method != b"GET":
raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP method; expected GET; got {d(method)}")
path = raw_path.decode("ascii", "surrogateescape")
headers = yield from parse_headers(read_line)
if "Transfer-Encoding" in headers:
raise NotImplementedError("transfer codings aren't supported")
if "Content-Length" in headers:
raise ValueError("unsupported request body")
return cls(path, headers)
def serialize(self) -> bytes:
Serialize a WebSocket handshake request.
# Since the request line and headers only contain ASCII characters,
# we can keep this simple.
request = f"GET {self.path} HTTP/1.1\r\n".encode()
request += self.headers.serialize()
return request
class Response:
WebSocket handshake response.
status_code: Response code.
reason_phrase: Response reason.
headers: Response headers.
body: Response body, if any.
status_code: int
reason_phrase: str
headers: Headers
body: bytes | None = None
_exception: Exception | None = None
def exception(self) -> Exception | None: # pragma: no cover
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 10.3 - 2022-04-17
"Response.exception is deprecated; "
"use ClientProtocol.handshake_exc instead",
return self._exception
def parse(
read_line: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
read_exact: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
read_to_eof: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
) -> Generator[None, None, Response]:
Parse a WebSocket handshake response.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
The reason phrase and headers are expected to contain only ASCII
characters. Other characters are represented with surrogate escapes.
read_line: Generator-based coroutine that reads a LF-terminated
line or raises an exception if there isn't enough data.
read_exact: Generator-based coroutine that reads the requested
bytes or raises an exception if there isn't enough data.
read_to_eof: Generator-based coroutine that reads until the end
of the stream.
EOFError: If the connection is closed without a full HTTP response.
SecurityError: If the response exceeds a security limit.
LookupError: If the response isn't well formatted.
ValueError: If the response isn't well formatted.
status_line = yield from parse_line(read_line)
except EOFError as exc:
raise EOFError("connection closed while reading HTTP status line") from exc
protocol, raw_status_code, raw_reason = status_line.split(b" ", 2)
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1-2)
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP status line: {d(status_line)}") from None
if protocol != b"HTTP/1.1":
raise ValueError(
f"unsupported protocol; expected HTTP/1.1: {d(status_line)}"
status_code = int(raw_status_code)
except ValueError: # invalid literal for int() with base 10
raise ValueError(
f"invalid status code; expected integer; got {d(raw_status_code)}"
) from None
if not 100 <= status_code < 600:
raise ValueError(
f"invalid status code; expected 100599; got {d(raw_status_code)}"
if not _value_re.fullmatch(raw_reason):
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP reason phrase: {d(raw_reason)}")
reason = raw_reason.decode("ascii", "surrogateescape")
headers = yield from parse_headers(read_line)
if "Transfer-Encoding" in headers:
raise NotImplementedError("transfer codings aren't supported")
# Since websockets only does GET requests (no HEAD, no CONNECT), all
# responses except 1xx, 204, and 304 include a message body.
if 100 <= status_code < 200 or status_code == 204 or status_code == 304:
body = None
content_length: int | None
# MultipleValuesError is sufficiently unlikely that we don't
# attempt to handle it. Instead we document that its parent
# class, LookupError, may be raised.
raw_content_length = headers["Content-Length"]
except KeyError:
content_length = None
content_length = int(raw_content_length)
if content_length is None:
body = yield from read_to_eof(MAX_BODY_SIZE)
except RuntimeError:
raise SecurityError(f"body too large: over {MAX_BODY_SIZE} bytes")
elif content_length > MAX_BODY_SIZE:
raise SecurityError(f"body too large: {content_length} bytes")
body = yield from read_exact(content_length)
return cls(status_code, reason, headers, body)
def serialize(self) -> bytes:
Serialize a WebSocket handshake response.
# Since the status line and headers only contain ASCII characters,
# we can keep this simple.
response = f"HTTP/1.1 {self.status_code} {self.reason_phrase}\r\n".encode()
response += self.headers.serialize()
if self.body is not None:
response += self.body
return response
def parse_headers(
read_line: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
) -> Generator[None, None, Headers]:
Parse HTTP headers.
Non-ASCII characters are represented with surrogate escapes.
read_line: Generator-based coroutine that reads a LF-terminated line
or raises an exception if there isn't enough data.
EOFError: If the connection is closed without complete headers.
SecurityError: If the request exceeds a security limit.
ValueError: If the request isn't well formatted.
# We don't attempt to support obsolete line folding.
headers = Headers()
for _ in range(MAX_NUM_HEADERS + 1):
line = yield from parse_line(read_line)
except EOFError as exc:
raise EOFError("connection closed while reading HTTP headers") from exc
if line == b"":
raw_name, raw_value = line.split(b":", 1)
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP header line: {d(line)}") from None
if not _token_re.fullmatch(raw_name):
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP header name: {d(raw_name)}")
raw_value = raw_value.strip(b" \t")
if not _value_re.fullmatch(raw_value):
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP header value: {d(raw_value)}")
name = raw_name.decode("ascii") # guaranteed to be ASCII at this point
value = raw_value.decode("ascii", "surrogateescape")
headers[name] = value
raise SecurityError("too many HTTP headers")
return headers
def parse_line(
read_line: Callable[[int], Generator[None, None, bytes]],
) -> Generator[None, None, bytes]:
Parse a single line.
CRLF is stripped from the return value.
read_line: Generator-based coroutine that reads a LF-terminated line
or raises an exception if there isn't enough data.
EOFError: If the connection is closed without a CRLF.
SecurityError: If the response exceeds a security limit.
line = yield from read_line(MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
except RuntimeError:
raise SecurityError("line too long")
# Not mandatory but safe -
if not line.endswith(b"\r\n"):
raise EOFError("line without CRLF")
return line[:-2]

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from typing import Any, Iterable
__all__ = ["lazy_import"]
def import_name(name: str, source: str, namespace: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
Import ``name`` from ``source`` in ``namespace``.
There are two use cases:
- ``name`` is an object defined in ``source``;
- ``name`` is a submodule of ``source``.
Neither :func:`__import__` nor :func:`~importlib.import_module` does
exactly this. :func:`__import__` is closer to the intended behavior.
level = 0
while source[level] == ".":
level += 1
assert level < len(source), "importing from parent isn't supported"
module = __import__(source[level:], namespace, None, [name], level)
return getattr(module, name)
def lazy_import(
namespace: dict[str, Any],
aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None,
deprecated_aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None,
) -> None:
Provide lazy, module-level imports.
Typical use::
__getattr__, __dir__ = lazy_import(
"<name>": "<source module>",
This function defines ``__getattr__`` and ``__dir__`` per :pep:`562`.
if aliases is None:
aliases = {}
if deprecated_aliases is None:
deprecated_aliases = {}
namespace_set = set(namespace)
aliases_set = set(aliases)
deprecated_aliases_set = set(deprecated_aliases)
assert not namespace_set & aliases_set, "namespace conflict"
assert not namespace_set & deprecated_aliases_set, "namespace conflict"
assert not aliases_set & deprecated_aliases_set, "namespace conflict"
package = namespace["__name__"]
def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
assert aliases is not None # mypy cannot figure this out
source = aliases[name]
except KeyError:
return import_name(name, source, namespace)
assert deprecated_aliases is not None # mypy cannot figure this out
source = deprecated_aliases[name]
except KeyError:
f"{package}.{name} is deprecated",
return import_name(name, source, namespace)
raise AttributeError(f"module {package!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
namespace["__getattr__"] = __getattr__
def __dir__() -> Iterable[str]:
return sorted(namespace_set | aliases_set | deprecated_aliases_set)
namespace["__dir__"] = __dir__

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import hmac
import http
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Iterable, Tuple, cast
from ..datastructures import Headers
from ..exceptions import InvalidHeader
from ..headers import build_www_authenticate_basic, parse_authorization_basic
from .server import HTTPResponse, WebSocketServerProtocol
__all__ = ["BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol", "basic_auth_protocol_factory"]
# Change to tuple[str, str] when dropping Python < 3.9.
Credentials = Tuple[str, str]
def is_credentials(value: Any) -> bool:
username, password = value
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
return isinstance(username, str) and isinstance(password, str)
class BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
WebSocket server protocol that enforces HTTP Basic Auth.
realm: str = ""
Scope of protection.
If provided, it should contain only ASCII characters because the
encoding of non-ASCII characters is undefined.
username: str | None = None
"""Username of the authenticated user."""
def __init__(
*args: Any,
realm: str | None = None,
check_credentials: Callable[[str, str], Awaitable[bool]] | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
if realm is not None:
self.realm = realm # shadow class attribute
self._check_credentials = check_credentials
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
async def check_credentials(self, username: str, password: str) -> bool:
Check whether credentials are authorized.
This coroutine may be overridden in a subclass, for example to
authenticate against a database or an external service.
username: HTTP Basic Auth username.
password: HTTP Basic Auth password.
:obj:`True` if the handshake should continue;
:obj:`False` if it should fail with an HTTP 401 error.
if self._check_credentials is not None:
return await self._check_credentials(username, password)
return False
async def process_request(
path: str,
request_headers: Headers,
) -> HTTPResponse | None:
Check HTTP Basic Auth and return an HTTP 401 response if needed.
authorization = request_headers["Authorization"]
except KeyError:
return (
[("WWW-Authenticate", build_www_authenticate_basic(self.realm))],
b"Missing credentials\n",
username, password = parse_authorization_basic(authorization)
except InvalidHeader:
return (
[("WWW-Authenticate", build_www_authenticate_basic(self.realm))],
b"Unsupported credentials\n",
if not await self.check_credentials(username, password):
return (
[("WWW-Authenticate", build_www_authenticate_basic(self.realm))],
b"Invalid credentials\n",
self.username = username
return await super().process_request(path, request_headers)
def basic_auth_protocol_factory(
realm: str | None = None,
credentials: Credentials | Iterable[Credentials] | None = None,
check_credentials: Callable[[str, str], Awaitable[bool]] | None = None,
create_protocol: Callable[..., BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol] | None = None,
) -> Callable[..., BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol]:
Protocol factory that enforces HTTP Basic Auth.
:func:`basic_auth_protocol_factory` is designed to integrate with
:func:`~websockets.legacy.server.serve` like this::
realm="my dev server",
credentials=("hello", "iloveyou"),
realm: Scope of protection. It should contain only ASCII characters
because the encoding of non-ASCII characters is undefined.
Refer to section 2.2 of :rfc:`7235` for details.
credentials: Hard coded authorized credentials. It can be a
``(username, password)`` pair or a list of such pairs.
check_credentials: Coroutine that verifies credentials.
It receives ``username`` and ``password`` arguments
and returns a :class:`bool`. One of ``credentials`` or
``check_credentials`` must be provided but not both.
create_protocol: Factory that creates the protocol. By default, this
is :class:`BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol`. It can be replaced
by a subclass.
TypeError: If the ``credentials`` or ``check_credentials`` argument is
if (credentials is None) == (check_credentials is None):
raise TypeError("provide either credentials or check_credentials")
if credentials is not None:
if is_credentials(credentials):
credentials_list = [cast(Credentials, credentials)]
elif isinstance(credentials, Iterable):
credentials_list = list(cast(Iterable[Credentials], credentials))
if not all(is_credentials(item) for item in credentials_list):
raise TypeError(f"invalid credentials argument: {credentials}")
raise TypeError(f"invalid credentials argument: {credentials}")
credentials_dict = dict(credentials_list)
async def check_credentials(username: str, password: str) -> bool:
expected_password = credentials_dict[username]
except KeyError:
return False
return hmac.compare_digest(expected_password, password)
if create_protocol is None:
create_protocol = BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol
# Help mypy and avoid this error: "type[BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol] |
# Callable[..., BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol]" not callable [misc]
create_protocol = cast(
Callable[..., BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol], create_protocol
return functools.partial(

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@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import functools
import logging
import os
import random
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
from ..asyncio.compatibility import asyncio_timeout
from ..datastructures import Headers, HeadersLike
from ..exceptions import (
from ..extensions import ClientExtensionFactory, Extension
from ..extensions.permessage_deflate import enable_client_permessage_deflate
from ..headers import (
from ..http11 import USER_AGENT
from ..typing import ExtensionHeader, LoggerLike, Origin, Subprotocol
from ..uri import WebSocketURI, parse_uri
from .exceptions import InvalidMessage, InvalidStatusCode, RedirectHandshake
from .handshake import build_request, check_response
from .http import read_response
from .protocol import WebSocketCommonProtocol
__all__ = ["connect", "unix_connect", "WebSocketClientProtocol"]
class WebSocketClientProtocol(WebSocketCommonProtocol):
WebSocket client connection.
:class:`WebSocketClientProtocol` provides :meth:`recv` and :meth:`send`
coroutines for receiving and sending messages.
It supports asynchronous iteration to receive messages::
async for message in websocket:
await process(message)
The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with close code
1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) or without a close code. It raises
a :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` when the connection
is closed with any other code.
See :func:`connect` for the documentation of ``logger``, ``origin``,
``extensions``, ``subprotocols``, ``extra_headers``, and
See :class:`~websockets.legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` for the
documentation of ``ping_interval``, ``ping_timeout``, ``close_timeout``,
``max_size``, ``max_queue``, ``read_limit``, and ``write_limit``.
is_client = True
side = "client"
def __init__(
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
origin: Origin | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
extra_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
user_agent_header: str | None = USER_AGENT,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("websockets.client")
super().__init__(logger=logger, **kwargs)
self.origin = origin
self.available_extensions = extensions
self.available_subprotocols = subprotocols
self.extra_headers = extra_headers
self.user_agent_header = user_agent_header
def write_http_request(self, path: str, headers: Headers) -> None:
Write request line and headers to the HTTP request.
self.path = path
self.request_headers = headers
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("> GET %s HTTP/1.1", path)
for key, value in headers.raw_items():
self.logger.debug("> %s: %s", key, value)
# Since the path and headers only contain ASCII characters,
# we can keep this simple.
request = f"GET {path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"
request += str(headers)
async def read_http_response(self) -> tuple[int, Headers]:
Read status line and headers from the HTTP response.
If the response contains a body, it may be read from ``self.reader``
after this coroutine returns.
InvalidMessage: If the HTTP message is malformed or isn't an
HTTP/1.1 GET response.
status_code, reason, headers = await read_response(self.reader)
except Exception as exc:
raise InvalidMessage("did not receive a valid HTTP response") from exc
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("< HTTP/1.1 %d %s", status_code, reason)
for key, value in headers.raw_items():
self.logger.debug("< %s: %s", key, value)
self.response_headers = headers
return status_code, self.response_headers
def process_extensions(
headers: Headers,
available_extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None,
) -> list[Extension]:
Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions HTTP response header.
Check that each extension is supported, as well as its parameters.
Return the list of accepted extensions.
Raise :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHandshake` to abort the
:rfc:`6455` leaves the rules up to the specification of each
To provide this level of flexibility, for each extension accepted by
the server, we check for a match with each extension available in the
client configuration. If no match is found, an exception is raised.
If several variants of the same extension are accepted by the server,
it may be configured several times, which won't make sense in general.
Extensions must implement their own requirements. For this purpose,
the list of previously accepted extensions is provided.
Other requirements, for example related to mandatory extensions or the
order of extensions, may be implemented by overriding this method.
accepted_extensions: list[Extension] = []
header_values = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
if header_values:
if available_extensions is None:
raise NegotiationError("no extensions supported")
parsed_header_values: list[ExtensionHeader] = sum(
[parse_extension(header_value) for header_value in header_values], []
for name, response_params in parsed_header_values:
for extension_factory in available_extensions:
# Skip non-matching extensions based on their name.
if != name:
# Skip non-matching extensions based on their params.
extension = extension_factory.process_response_params(
response_params, accepted_extensions
except NegotiationError:
# Add matching extension to the final list.
# Break out of the loop once we have a match.
# If we didn't break from the loop, no extension in our list
# matched what the server sent. Fail the connection.
raise NegotiationError(
f"Unsupported extension: "
f"name = {name}, params = {response_params}"
return accepted_extensions
def process_subprotocol(
headers: Headers, available_subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None
) -> Subprotocol | None:
Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol HTTP response header.
Check that it contains exactly one supported subprotocol.
Return the selected subprotocol.
subprotocol: Subprotocol | None = None
header_values = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
if header_values:
if available_subprotocols is None:
raise NegotiationError("no subprotocols supported")
parsed_header_values: Sequence[Subprotocol] = sum(
[parse_subprotocol(header_value) for header_value in header_values], []
if len(parsed_header_values) > 1:
raise InvalidHeaderValue(
f"multiple values: {', '.join(parsed_header_values)}",
subprotocol = parsed_header_values[0]
if subprotocol not in available_subprotocols:
raise NegotiationError(f"unsupported subprotocol: {subprotocol}")
return subprotocol
async def handshake(
wsuri: WebSocketURI,
origin: Origin | None = None,
available_extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None = None,
available_subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
extra_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
) -> None:
Perform the client side of the opening handshake.
wsuri: URI of the WebSocket server.
origin: Value of the ``Origin`` header.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be negotiated and run.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
extra_headers: Arbitrary HTTP headers to add to the handshake request.
InvalidHandshake: If the handshake fails.
request_headers = Headers()
request_headers["Host"] = build_host(, wsuri.port,
if wsuri.user_info:
request_headers["Authorization"] = build_authorization_basic(
if origin is not None:
request_headers["Origin"] = origin
key = build_request(request_headers)
if available_extensions is not None:
extensions_header = build_extension(
(, extension_factory.get_request_params())
for extension_factory in available_extensions
request_headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = extensions_header
if available_subprotocols is not None:
protocol_header = build_subprotocol(available_subprotocols)
request_headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocol_header
if self.extra_headers is not None:
if self.user_agent_header:
request_headers.setdefault("User-Agent", self.user_agent_header)
self.write_http_request(wsuri.resource_name, request_headers)
status_code, response_headers = await self.read_http_response()
if status_code in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308):
if "Location" not in response_headers:
raise InvalidHeader("Location")
raise RedirectHandshake(response_headers["Location"])
elif status_code != 101:
raise InvalidStatusCode(status_code, response_headers)
check_response(response_headers, key)
self.extensions = self.process_extensions(
response_headers, available_extensions
self.subprotocol = self.process_subprotocol(
response_headers, available_subprotocols
class Connect:
Connect to the WebSocket server at ``uri``.
Awaiting :func:`connect` yields a :class:`WebSocketClientProtocol` which
can then be used to send and receive messages.
:func:`connect` can be used as a asynchronous context manager::
async with connect(...) as websocket:
The connection is closed automatically when exiting the context.
:func:`connect` can be used as an infinite asynchronous iterator to
reconnect automatically on errors::
async for websocket in connect(...):
except websockets.ConnectionClosed:
The connection is closed automatically after each iteration of the loop.
If an error occurs while establishing the connection, :func:`connect`
retries with exponential backoff. The backoff delay starts at three
seconds and increases up to one minute.
If an error occurs in the body of the loop, you can handle the exception
and :func:`connect` will reconnect with the next iteration; or you can
let the exception bubble up and break out of the loop. This lets you
decide which errors trigger a reconnection and which errors are fatal.
uri: URI of the WebSocket server.
create_protocol: Factory for the :class:`asyncio.Protocol` managing
the connection. It defaults to :class:`WebSocketClientProtocol`.
Set it to a wrapper or a subclass to customize connection handling.
logger: Logger for this client.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``.
See the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
compression: The "permessage-deflate" extension is enabled by default.
Set ``compression`` to :obj:`None` to disable it. See the
:doc:`compression guide <../../topics/compression>` for details.
origin: Value of the ``Origin`` header, for servers that require it.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be negotiated and run.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
extra_headers: Arbitrary HTTP headers to add to the handshake request.
user_agent_header: Value of the ``User-Agent`` request header.
It defaults to ``"Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y"``.
Setting it to :obj:`None` removes the header.
open_timeout: Timeout for opening the connection in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
See :class:`~websockets.legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol` for the
documentation of ``ping_interval``, ``ping_timeout``, ``close_timeout``,
``max_size``, ``max_queue``, ``read_limit``, and ``write_limit``.
Any other keyword arguments are passed the event loop's
:meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_connection` method.
For example:
* You can set ``ssl`` to a :class:`~ssl.SSLContext` to enforce TLS
settings. When connecting to a ``wss://`` URI, if ``ssl`` isn't
provided, a TLS context is created
with :func:`~ssl.create_default_context`.
* You can set ``host`` and ``port`` to connect to a different host and
port from those found in ``uri``. This only changes the destination of
the TCP connection. The host name from ``uri`` is still used in the TLS
handshake for secure connections and in the ``Host`` header.
InvalidURI: If ``uri`` isn't a valid WebSocket URI.
OSError: If the TCP connection fails.
InvalidHandshake: If the opening handshake fails.
~asyncio.TimeoutError: If the opening handshake times out.
def __init__(
uri: str,
create_protocol: Callable[..., WebSocketClientProtocol] | None = None,
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
compression: str | None = "deflate",
origin: Origin | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
extra_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
user_agent_header: str | None = USER_AGENT,
open_timeout: float | None = 10,
ping_interval: float | None = 20,
ping_timeout: float | None = 20,
close_timeout: float | None = None,
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
max_queue: int | None = 2**5,
read_limit: int = 2**16,
write_limit: int = 2**16,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
# Backwards compatibility: close_timeout used to be called timeout.
timeout: float | None = kwargs.pop("timeout", None)
if timeout is None:
timeout = 10
warnings.warn("rename timeout to close_timeout", DeprecationWarning)
# If both are specified, timeout is ignored.
if close_timeout is None:
close_timeout = timeout
# Backwards compatibility: create_protocol used to be called klass.
klass: type[WebSocketClientProtocol] | None = kwargs.pop("klass", None)
if klass is None:
klass = WebSocketClientProtocol
warnings.warn("rename klass to create_protocol", DeprecationWarning)
# If both are specified, klass is ignored.
if create_protocol is None:
create_protocol = klass
# Backwards compatibility: recv() used to return None on closed connections
legacy_recv: bool = kwargs.pop("legacy_recv", False)
# Backwards compatibility: the loop parameter used to be supported.
_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None = kwargs.pop("loop", None)
if _loop is None:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop = _loop
warnings.warn("remove loop argument", DeprecationWarning)
wsuri = parse_uri(uri)
kwargs.setdefault("ssl", True)
elif kwargs.get("ssl") is not None:
raise ValueError(
"connect() received a ssl argument for a ws:// URI, "
"use a wss:// URI to enable TLS"
if compression == "deflate":
extensions = enable_client_permessage_deflate(extensions)
elif compression is not None:
raise ValueError(f"unsupported compression: {compression}")
if subprotocols is not None:
# Help mypy and avoid this error: "type[WebSocketClientProtocol] |
# Callable[..., WebSocketClientProtocol]" not callable [misc]
create_protocol = cast(Callable[..., WebSocketClientProtocol], create_protocol)
factory = functools.partial(
if kwargs.pop("unix", False):
path: str | None = kwargs.pop("path", None)
create_connection = functools.partial(
loop.create_unix_connection, factory, path, **kwargs
host: str | None
port: int | None
if kwargs.get("sock") is None:
host, port =, wsuri.port
# If sock is given, host and port shouldn't be specified.
host, port = None, None
if kwargs.get("ssl"):
# If host and port are given, override values from the URI.
host = kwargs.pop("host", host)
port = kwargs.pop("port", port)
create_connection = functools.partial(
loop.create_connection, factory, host, port, **kwargs
self.open_timeout = open_timeout
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("websockets.client")
self.logger = logger
# This is a coroutine function.
self._create_connection = create_connection
self._uri = uri
self._wsuri = wsuri
def handle_redirect(self, uri: str) -> None:
# Update the state of this instance to connect to a new URI.
old_uri = self._uri
old_wsuri = self._wsuri
new_uri = urllib.parse.urljoin(old_uri, uri)
new_wsuri = parse_uri(new_uri)
# Forbid TLS downgrade.
if and not
raise SecurityError("redirect from WSS to WS")
same_origin = ( ==
and ==
and old_wsuri.port == new_wsuri.port
# Rewrite secure, host, and port for cross-origin redirects.
# This preserves connection overrides with the host and port
# arguments if the redirect points to the same host and port.
if not same_origin:
factory = self._create_connection.args[0]
# Support TLS upgrade.
if not and
factory.keywords["secure"] = True
self._create_connection.keywords.setdefault("ssl", True)
# Replace secure, host, and port arguments of the protocol factory.
factory = functools.partial(
**dict(factory.keywords,, port=new_wsuri.port),
# Replace secure, host, and port arguments of create_connection.
self._create_connection = functools.partial(
*(factory,, new_wsuri.port),
# Set the new WebSocket URI. This suffices for same-origin redirects.
self._uri = new_uri
self._wsuri = new_wsuri
# async for ... in connect(...):
BACKOFF_MIN = float(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_BACKOFF_MIN_DELAY", "3.1"))
BACKOFF_MAX = float(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_BACKOFF_MAX_DELAY", "90.0"))
BACKOFF_FACTOR = float(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_BACKOFF_FACTOR", "1.618"))
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[WebSocketClientProtocol]:
backoff_delay = self.BACKOFF_MIN / self.BACKOFF_FACTOR
while True:
async with self as protocol:
yield protocol
except Exception:
# Add a random initial delay between 0 and 5 seconds.
# See 7.2.3. Recovering from Abnormal Closure in RFC 6455.
if backoff_delay == self.BACKOFF_MIN:
initial_delay = random.random() * self.BACKOFF_INITIAL
"! connect failed; reconnecting in %.1f seconds",
await asyncio.sleep(initial_delay)
"! connect failed again; retrying in %d seconds",
await asyncio.sleep(int(backoff_delay))
# Increase delay with truncated exponential backoff.
backoff_delay = backoff_delay * self.BACKOFF_FACTOR
backoff_delay = min(backoff_delay, self.BACKOFF_MAX)
# Connection succeeded - reset backoff delay
backoff_delay = self.BACKOFF_MIN
# async with connect(...) as ...:
async def __aenter__(self) -> WebSocketClientProtocol:
return await self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
await self.protocol.close()
# ... = await connect(...)
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, WebSocketClientProtocol]:
# Create a suitable iterator by calling __await__ on a coroutine.
return self.__await_impl__().__await__()
async def __await_impl__(self) -> WebSocketClientProtocol:
async with asyncio_timeout(self.open_timeout):
for _redirects in range(self.MAX_REDIRECTS_ALLOWED):
_transport, protocol = await self._create_connection()
await protocol.handshake(
except RedirectHandshake as exc:
await protocol.wait_closed()
# Avoid leaking a connected socket when the handshake fails.
except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError):
await protocol.wait_closed()
self.protocol = protocol
return protocol
raise SecurityError("too many redirects")
# ... = yield from connect(...) - remove when dropping Python < 3.10
__iter__ = __await__
connect = Connect
def unix_connect(
path: str | None = None,
uri: str = "ws://localhost/",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Connect:
Similar to :func:`connect`, but for connecting to a Unix socket.
This function builds upon the event loop's
:meth:`~asyncio.loop.create_unix_connection` method.
It is only available on Unix.
It's mainly useful for debugging servers listening on Unix sockets.
path: File system path to the Unix socket.
uri: URI of the WebSocket server; the host is used in the TLS
handshake for secure connections and in the ``Host`` header.
return connect(uri=uri, path=path, unix=True, **kwargs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import http
from .. import datastructures
from ..exceptions import (
ProtocolError as WebSocketProtocolError, # noqa: F401
from ..typing import StatusLike
class InvalidMessage(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when a handshake request or response is malformed.
class InvalidStatusCode(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when a handshake response status code is invalid.
def __init__(self, status_code: int, headers: datastructures.Headers) -> None:
self.status_code = status_code
self.headers = headers
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"server rejected WebSocket connection: HTTP {self.status_code}"
class AbortHandshake(InvalidHandshake):
Raised to abort the handshake on purpose and return an HTTP response.
This exception is an implementation detail.
The public API is
status (~http.HTTPStatus): HTTP status code.
headers (Headers): HTTP response headers.
body (bytes): HTTP response body.
def __init__(
status: StatusLike,
headers: datastructures.HeadersLike,
body: bytes = b"",
) -> None:
# If a user passes an int instead of a HTTPStatus, fix it automatically.
self.status = http.HTTPStatus(status)
self.headers = datastructures.Headers(headers)
self.body = body
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (
f"HTTP {self.status:d}, "
f"{len(self.headers)} headers, "
f"{len(self.body)} bytes"
class RedirectHandshake(InvalidHandshake):
Raised when a handshake gets redirected.
This exception is an implementation detail.
def __init__(self, uri: str) -> None:
self.uri = uri
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"redirect to {self.uri}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import struct
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, NamedTuple, Sequence
from .. import extensions, frames
from ..exceptions import PayloadTooBig, ProtocolError
from ..frames import BytesLike
from ..typing import Data
from ..speedups import apply_mask
except ImportError:
from ..utils import apply_mask
class Frame(NamedTuple):
fin: bool
opcode: frames.Opcode
data: bytes
rsv1: bool = False
rsv2: bool = False
rsv3: bool = False
def new_frame(self) -> frames.Frame:
return frames.Frame(
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.new_frame)
def check(self) -> None:
return self.new_frame.check()
async def read(
reader: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]],
mask: bool,
max_size: int | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[extensions.Extension] | None = None,
) -> Frame:
Read a WebSocket frame.
reader: Coroutine that reads exactly the requested number of
bytes, unless the end of file is reached.
mask: Whether the frame should be masked i.e. whether the read
happens on the server side.
max_size: Maximum payload size in bytes.
extensions: List of extensions, applied in reverse order.
PayloadTooBig: If the frame exceeds ``max_size``.
ProtocolError: If the frame contains incorrect values.
# Read the header.
data = await reader(2)
head1, head2 = struct.unpack("!BB", data)
# While not Pythonic, this is marginally faster than calling bool().
fin = True if head1 & 0b10000000 else False
rsv1 = True if head1 & 0b01000000 else False
rsv2 = True if head1 & 0b00100000 else False
rsv3 = True if head1 & 0b00010000 else False
opcode = frames.Opcode(head1 & 0b00001111)
except ValueError as exc:
raise ProtocolError("invalid opcode") from exc
if (True if head2 & 0b10000000 else False) != mask:
raise ProtocolError("incorrect masking")
length = head2 & 0b01111111
if length == 126:
data = await reader(2)
(length,) = struct.unpack("!H", data)
elif length == 127:
data = await reader(8)
(length,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data)
if max_size is not None and length > max_size:
raise PayloadTooBig(f"over size limit ({length} > {max_size} bytes)")
if mask:
mask_bits = await reader(4)
# Read the data.
data = await reader(length)
if mask:
data = apply_mask(data, mask_bits)
new_frame = frames.Frame(opcode, data, fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3)
if extensions is None:
extensions = []
for extension in reversed(extensions):
new_frame = extension.decode(new_frame, max_size=max_size)
return cls(
def write(
write: Callable[[bytes], Any],
mask: bool,
extensions: Sequence[extensions.Extension] | None = None,
) -> None:
Write a WebSocket frame.
frame: Frame to write.
write: Function that writes bytes.
mask: Whether the frame should be masked i.e. whether the write
happens on the client side.
extensions: List of extensions, applied in order.
ProtocolError: If the frame contains incorrect values.
# The frame is written in a single call to write in order to prevent
# TCP fragmentation. See #68 for details. This also makes it safe to
# send frames concurrently from multiple coroutines.
write(self.new_frame.serialize(mask=mask, extensions=extensions))
def prepare_data(data: Data) -> tuple[int, bytes]:
Convert a string or byte-like object to an opcode and a bytes-like object.
This function is designed for data frames.
If ``data`` is a :class:`str`, return ``OP_TEXT`` and a :class:`bytes`
object encoding ``data`` in UTF-8.
If ``data`` is a bytes-like object, return ``OP_BINARY`` and a bytes-like
TypeError: If ``data`` doesn't have a supported type.
if isinstance(data, str):
return frames.Opcode.TEXT, data.encode()
elif isinstance(data, BytesLike):
return frames.Opcode.BINARY, data
raise TypeError("data must be str or bytes-like")
def prepare_ctrl(data: Data) -> bytes:
Convert a string or byte-like object to bytes.
This function is designed for ping and pong frames.
If ``data`` is a :class:`str`, return a :class:`bytes` object encoding
``data`` in UTF-8.
If ``data`` is a bytes-like object, return a :class:`bytes` object.
TypeError: If ``data`` doesn't have a supported type.
if isinstance(data, str):
return data.encode()
elif isinstance(data, BytesLike):
return bytes(data)
raise TypeError("data must be str or bytes-like")
# Backwards compatibility with previously documented public APIs
encode_data = prepare_ctrl
# Backwards compatibility with previously documented public APIs
from ..frames import Close # noqa: E402 F401, I001
def parse_close(data: bytes) -> tuple[int, str]:
Parse the payload from a close frame.
Close code and reason.
ProtocolError: If data is ill-formed.
UnicodeDecodeError: If the reason isn't valid UTF-8.
close = Close.parse(data)
return close.code, close.reason
def serialize_close(code: int, reason: str) -> bytes:
Serialize the payload for a close frame.
return Close(code, reason).serialize()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import binascii
from ..datastructures import Headers, MultipleValuesError
from ..exceptions import InvalidHeader, InvalidHeaderValue, InvalidUpgrade
from ..headers import parse_connection, parse_upgrade
from ..typing import ConnectionOption, UpgradeProtocol
from ..utils import accept_key as accept, generate_key
__all__ = ["build_request", "check_request", "build_response", "check_response"]
def build_request(headers: Headers) -> str:
Build a handshake request to send to the server.
Update request headers passed in argument.
headers: Handshake request headers.
``key`` that must be passed to :func:`check_response`.
key = generate_key()
headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = key
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13"
return key
def check_request(headers: Headers) -> str:
Check a handshake request received from the client.
This function doesn't verify that the request is an HTTP/1.1 or higher GET
request and doesn't perform ``Host`` and ``Origin`` checks. These controls
are usually performed earlier in the HTTP request handling code. They're
the responsibility of the caller.
headers: Handshake request headers.
``key`` that must be passed to :func:`build_response`.
InvalidHandshake: If the handshake request is invalid.
Then, the server must return a 400 Bad Request error.
connection: list[ConnectionOption] = sum(
[parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], []
if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection):
raise InvalidUpgrade("Connection", ", ".join(connection))
upgrade: list[UpgradeProtocol] = sum(
[parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], []
# For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when
# checking the Upgrade header. The RFC always uses "websocket", except
# in section 11.2. (IANA registration) where it uses "WebSocket".
if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"):
raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade))
s_w_key = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key") from exc
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key", "multiple values") from exc
raw_key = base64.b64decode(s_w_key.encode(), validate=True)
except binascii.Error as exc:
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Key", s_w_key) from exc
if len(raw_key) != 16:
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Key", s_w_key)
s_w_version = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version") from exc
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "multiple values") from exc
if s_w_version != "13":
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Version", s_w_version)
return s_w_key
def build_response(headers: Headers, key: str) -> None:
Build a handshake response to send to the client.
Update response headers passed in argument.
headers: Handshake response headers.
key: Returned by :func:`check_request`.
headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = accept(key)
def check_response(headers: Headers, key: str) -> None:
Check a handshake response received from the server.
This function doesn't verify that the response is an HTTP/1.1 or higher
response with a 101 status code. These controls are the responsibility of
the caller.
headers: Handshake response headers.
key: Returned by :func:`build_request`.
InvalidHandshake: If the handshake response is invalid.
connection: list[ConnectionOption] = sum(
[parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], []
if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection):
raise InvalidUpgrade("Connection", " ".join(connection))
upgrade: list[UpgradeProtocol] = sum(
[parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], []
# For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when
# checking the Upgrade header. The RFC always uses "websocket", except
# in section 11.2. (IANA registration) where it uses "WebSocket".
if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"):
raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade))
s_w_accept = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept") from exc
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", "multiple values") from exc
if s_w_accept != accept(key):
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", s_w_accept)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import os
import re
from ..datastructures import Headers
from ..exceptions import SecurityError
__all__ = ["read_request", "read_response"]
MAX_NUM_HEADERS = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_NUM_HEADERS", "128"))
MAX_LINE_LENGTH = int(os.environ.get("WEBSOCKETS_MAX_LINE_LENGTH", "8192"))
def d(value: bytes) -> str:
Decode a bytestring for interpolating into an error message.
return value.decode(errors="backslashreplace")
# See
# Regex for validating header names.
_token_re = re.compile(rb"[-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+")
# Regex for validating header values.
# We don't attempt to support obsolete line folding.
# Include HTAB (\x09), SP (\x20), VCHAR (\x21-\x7e), obs-text (\x80-\xff).
# The ABNF is complicated because it attempts to express that optional
# whitespace is ignored. We strip whitespace and don't revalidate that.
# See also
_value_re = re.compile(rb"[\x09\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]*")
async def read_request(stream: asyncio.StreamReader) -> tuple[str, Headers]:
Read an HTTP/1.1 GET request and return ``(path, headers)``.
``path`` isn't URL-decoded or validated in any way.
``path`` and ``headers`` are expected to contain only ASCII characters.
Other characters are represented with surrogate escapes.
:func:`read_request` doesn't attempt to read the request body because
WebSocket handshake requests don't have one. If the request contains a
body, it may be read from ``stream`` after this coroutine returns.
stream: Input to read the request from.
EOFError: If the connection is closed without a full HTTP request.
SecurityError: If the request exceeds a security limit.
ValueError: If the request isn't well formatted.
# Parsing is simple because fixed values are expected for method and
# version and because path isn't checked. Since WebSocket software tends
# to implement HTTP/1.1 strictly, there's little need for lenient parsing.
request_line = await read_line(stream)
except EOFError as exc:
raise EOFError("connection closed while reading HTTP request line") from exc
method, raw_path, version = request_line.split(b" ", 2)
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1-2)
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP request line: {d(request_line)}") from None
if method != b"GET":
raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP method: {d(method)}")
if version != b"HTTP/1.1":
raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP version: {d(version)}")
path = raw_path.decode("ascii", "surrogateescape")
headers = await read_headers(stream)
return path, headers
async def read_response(stream: asyncio.StreamReader) -> tuple[int, str, Headers]:
Read an HTTP/1.1 response and return ``(status_code, reason, headers)``.
``reason`` and ``headers`` are expected to contain only ASCII characters.
Other characters are represented with surrogate escapes.
:func:`read_request` doesn't attempt to read the response body because
WebSocket handshake responses don't have one. If the response contains a
body, it may be read from ``stream`` after this coroutine returns.
stream: Input to read the response from.
EOFError: If the connection is closed without a full HTTP response.
SecurityError: If the response exceeds a security limit.
ValueError: If the response isn't well formatted.
# As in read_request, parsing is simple because a fixed value is expected
# for version, status_code is a 3-digit number, and reason can be ignored.
status_line = await read_line(stream)
except EOFError as exc:
raise EOFError("connection closed while reading HTTP status line") from exc
version, raw_status_code, raw_reason = status_line.split(b" ", 2)
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1-2)
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP status line: {d(status_line)}") from None
if version != b"HTTP/1.1":
raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP version: {d(version)}")
status_code = int(raw_status_code)
except ValueError: # invalid literal for int() with base 10
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP status code: {d(raw_status_code)}") from None
if not 100 <= status_code < 1000:
raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP status code: {d(raw_status_code)}")
if not _value_re.fullmatch(raw_reason):
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP reason phrase: {d(raw_reason)}")
reason = raw_reason.decode()
headers = await read_headers(stream)
return status_code, reason, headers
async def read_headers(stream: asyncio.StreamReader) -> Headers:
Read HTTP headers from ``stream``.
Non-ASCII characters are represented with surrogate escapes.
# We don't attempt to support obsolete line folding.
headers = Headers()
for _ in range(MAX_NUM_HEADERS + 1):
line = await read_line(stream)
except EOFError as exc:
raise EOFError("connection closed while reading HTTP headers") from exc
if line == b"":
raw_name, raw_value = line.split(b":", 1)
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP header line: {d(line)}") from None
if not _token_re.fullmatch(raw_name):
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP header name: {d(raw_name)}")
raw_value = raw_value.strip(b" \t")
if not _value_re.fullmatch(raw_value):
raise ValueError(f"invalid HTTP header value: {d(raw_value)}")
name = raw_name.decode("ascii") # guaranteed to be ASCII at this point
value = raw_value.decode("ascii", "surrogateescape")
headers[name] = value
raise SecurityError("too many HTTP headers")
return headers
async def read_line(stream: asyncio.StreamReader) -> bytes:
Read a single line from ``stream``.
CRLF is stripped from the return value.
# Security: this is bounded by the StreamReader's limit (default = 32 KiB).
line = await stream.readline()
# Security: this guarantees header values are small (hard-coded = 8 KiB)
if len(line) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH:
raise SecurityError("line too long")
# Not mandatory but safe -
if not line.endswith(b"\r\n"):
raise EOFError("line without CRLF")
return line[:-2]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
import logging
import uuid
from typing import Generator, Union
from .exceptions import (
from .extensions import Extension
from .frames import (
from .http11 import Request, Response
from .streams import StreamReader
from .typing import LoggerLike, Origin, Subprotocol
__all__ = [
# Change to Request | Response | Frame when dropping Python < 3.10.
Event = Union[Request, Response, Frame]
"""Events that :meth:`~Protocol.events_received` may return."""
class Side(enum.IntEnum):
"""A WebSocket connection is either a server or a client."""
SERVER, CLIENT = range(2)
class State(enum.IntEnum):
"""A WebSocket connection is in one of these four states."""
SEND_EOF = b""
"""Sentinel signaling that the TCP connection must be half-closed."""
class Protocol:
Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket connection.
side: :attr:`~Side.CLIENT` or :attr:`~Side.SERVER`.
state: Initial state of the WebSocket connection.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes;
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
logger: Logger for this connection; depending on ``side``,
defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``
or ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``;
see the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
def __init__(
side: Side,
state: State = OPEN,
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
) -> None:
# Unique identifier. For logs. uuid.UUID = uuid.uuid4()
"""Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs."""
# Logger or LoggerAdapter for this connection.
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger(f"websockets.{}")
self.logger: LoggerLike = logger
"""Logger for this connection."""
# Track if DEBUG is enabled. Shortcut logging calls if it isn't.
self.debug = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
# Connection side. CLIENT or SERVER.
self.side = side
# Connection state. Initially OPEN because subclasses handle CONNECTING.
self.state = state
# Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes.
self.max_size = max_size
# Current size of incoming message in bytes. Only set while reading a
# fragmented message i.e. a data frames with the FIN bit not set.
self.cur_size: int | None = None
# True while sending a fragmented message i.e. a data frames with the
# FIN bit not set.
self.expect_continuation_frame = False
# WebSocket protocol parameters.
self.origin: Origin | None = None
self.extensions: list[Extension] = []
self.subprotocol: Subprotocol | None = None
# Close code and reason, set when a close frame is sent or received.
self.close_rcvd: Close | None = None
self.close_sent: Close | None = None
self.close_rcvd_then_sent: bool | None = None
# Track if an exception happened during the handshake.
self.handshake_exc: Exception | None = None
Exception to raise if the opening handshake failed.
:obj:`None` if the opening handshake succeeded.
# Track if send_eof() was called.
self.eof_sent = False
# Parser state.
self.reader = StreamReader() list[Event] = []
self.writes: list[bytes] = []
self.parser = self.parse()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
self.parser_exc: Exception | None = None
def state(self) -> State:
State of the WebSocket connection.
Defined in 4.1, 4.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of :rfc:`6455`.
return self._state
def state(self, state: State) -> None:
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("= connection is %s",
self._state = state
def close_code(self) -> int | None:
`WebSocket close code`_.
.. _WebSocket close code:
:obj:`None` if the connection isn't closed yet.
if self.state is not CLOSED:
return None
elif self.close_rcvd is None:
return self.close_rcvd.code
def close_reason(self) -> str | None:
`WebSocket close reason`_.
.. _WebSocket close reason:
:obj:`None` if the connection isn't closed yet.
if self.state is not CLOSED:
return None
elif self.close_rcvd is None:
return ""
return self.close_rcvd.reason
def close_exc(self) -> ConnectionClosed:
Exception to raise when trying to interact with a closed connection.
Don't raise this exception while the connection :attr:`state`
is :attr:`~websockets.protocol.State.CLOSING`; wait until
it's :attr:`~websockets.protocol.State.CLOSED`.
Indeed, the exception includes the close code and reason, which are
known only once the connection is closed.
AssertionError: If the connection isn't closed yet.
assert self.state is CLOSED, "connection isn't closed yet"
exc_type: type[ConnectionClosed]
if (
self.close_rcvd is not None
and self.close_sent is not None
and self.close_rcvd.code in OK_CLOSE_CODES
and self.close_sent.code in OK_CLOSE_CODES
exc_type = ConnectionClosedOK
exc_type = ConnectionClosedError
exc: ConnectionClosed = exc_type(
# Chain to the exception raised in the parser, if any.
exc.__cause__ = self.parser_exc
return exc
# Public methods for receiving data.
def receive_data(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Receive data from the network.
After calling this method:
- You must call :meth:`data_to_send` and send this data to the network.
- You should call :meth:`events_received` and process resulting events.
EOFError: If :meth:`receive_eof` was called earlier.
def receive_eof(self) -> None:
Receive the end of the data stream from the network.
After calling this method:
- You must call :meth:`data_to_send` and send this data to the network;
it will return ``[b""]``, signaling the end of the stream, or ``[]``.
- You aren't expected to call :meth:`events_received`; it won't return
any new events.
:meth:`receive_eof` is idempotent.
if self.reader.eof:
# Public methods for sending events.
def send_continuation(self, data: bytes, fin: bool) -> None:
Send a `Continuation frame`_.
.. _Continuation frame:
data: payload containing the same kind of data
as the initial frame.
fin: FIN bit; set it to :obj:`True` if this is the last frame
of a fragmented message and to :obj:`False` otherwise.
ProtocolError: If a fragmented message isn't in progress.
if not self.expect_continuation_frame:
raise ProtocolError("unexpected continuation frame")
if self._state is not OPEN:
raise InvalidState(f"connection is {}")
self.expect_continuation_frame = not fin
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CONT, data, fin))
def send_text(self, data: bytes, fin: bool = True) -> None:
Send a `Text frame`_.
.. _Text frame:
data: payload containing text encoded with UTF-8.
fin: FIN bit; set it to :obj:`False` if this is the first frame of
a fragmented message.
ProtocolError: If a fragmented message is in progress.
if self.expect_continuation_frame:
raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
if self._state is not OPEN:
raise InvalidState(f"connection is {}")
self.expect_continuation_frame = not fin
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_TEXT, data, fin))
def send_binary(self, data: bytes, fin: bool = True) -> None:
Send a `Binary frame`_.
.. _Binary frame:
data: payload containing arbitrary binary data.
fin: FIN bit; set it to :obj:`False` if this is the first frame of
a fragmented message.
ProtocolError: If a fragmented message is in progress.
if self.expect_continuation_frame:
raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
if self._state is not OPEN:
raise InvalidState(f"connection is {}")
self.expect_continuation_frame = not fin
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_BINARY, data, fin))
def send_close(self, code: int | None = None, reason: str = "") -> None:
Send a `Close frame`_.
.. _Close frame:
code: close code.
reason: close reason.
ProtocolError: If the code isn't valid or if a reason is provided
without a code.
# While RFC 6455 doesn't rule out sending more than one close Frame,
# websockets is conservative in what it sends and doesn't allow that.
if self._state is not OPEN:
raise InvalidState(f"connection is {}")
if code is None:
if reason != "":
raise ProtocolError("cannot send a reason without a code")
close = Close(CloseCode.NO_STATUS_RCVD, "")
data = b""
close = Close(code, reason)
data = close.serialize()
# 7.1.3. The WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CLOSE, data))
# Since the state is OPEN, no close frame was received yet.
# As a consequence, self.close_rcvd_then_sent remains None.
assert self.close_rcvd is None
self.close_sent = close
self.state = CLOSING
def send_ping(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Send a `Ping frame`_.
.. _Ping frame:
data: payload containing arbitrary binary data.
# RFC 6455 allows control frames after starting the closing handshake.
if self._state is not OPEN and self._state is not CLOSING:
raise InvalidState(f"connection is {}")
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_PING, data))
def send_pong(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Send a `Pong frame`_.
.. _Pong frame:
data: payload containing arbitrary binary data.
# RFC 6455 allows control frames after starting the closing handshake.
if self._state is not OPEN and self._state is not CLOSING:
raise InvalidState(f"connection is {}")
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_PONG, data))
def fail(self, code: int, reason: str = "") -> None:
`Fail the WebSocket connection`_.
.. _Fail the WebSocket connection:
code: close code
reason: close reason
ProtocolError: If the code isn't valid.
# 7.1.7. Fail the WebSocket Connection
# Send a close frame when the state is OPEN (a close frame was already
# sent if it's CLOSING), except when failing the connection because
# of an error reading from or writing to the network.
if self.state is OPEN:
if code != CloseCode.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE:
close = Close(code, reason)
data = close.serialize()
self.send_frame(Frame(OP_CLOSE, data))
self.close_sent = close
# If recv_messages() raised an exception upon receiving a close
# frame but before echoing it, then close_rcvd is not None even
# though the state is OPEN. This happens when the connection is
# closed while receiving a fragmented message.
if self.close_rcvd is not None:
self.close_rcvd_then_sent = True
self.state = CLOSING
# When failing the connection, a server closes the TCP connection
# without waiting for the client to complete the handshake, while a
# client waits for the server to close the TCP connection, possibly
# after sending a close frame that the client will ignore.
if self.side is SERVER and not self.eof_sent:
# 7.1.7. Fail the WebSocket Connection "An endpoint MUST NOT continue
# to attempt to process data(including a responding Close frame) from
# the remote endpoint after being instructed to _Fail the WebSocket
# Connection_."
self.parser = self.discard()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
# Public method for getting incoming events after receiving data.
def events_received(self) -> list[Event]:
Fetch events generated from data received from the network.
Call this method immediately after any of the ``receive_*()`` methods.
Process resulting events, likely by passing them to the application.
Events read from the connection.
events, =, []
return events
# Public method for getting outgoing data after receiving data or sending events.
def data_to_send(self) -> list[bytes]:
Obtain data to send to the network.
Call this method immediately after any of the ``receive_*()``,
``send_*()``, or :meth:`fail` methods.
Write resulting data to the connection.
The empty bytestring :data:`~websockets.protocol.SEND_EOF` signals
the end of the data stream. When you receive it, half-close the TCP
Data to write to the connection.
writes, self.writes = self.writes, []
return writes
def close_expected(self) -> bool:
Tell if the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
Call this method immediately after any of the ``receive_*()``,
``send_close()``, or :meth:`fail` methods.
If it returns :obj:`True`, schedule closing the TCP connection after a
short timeout if the other side hasn't already closed it.
Whether the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
# We expect a TCP close if and only if we sent a close frame:
# * Normal closure: once we send a close frame, we expect a TCP close:
# server waits for client to complete the TCP closing handshake;
# client waits for server to initiate the TCP closing handshake.
# * Abnormal closure: we always send a close frame and the same logic
# applies, except on EOFError where we don't send a close frame
# because we already received the TCP close, so we don't expect it.
# We already got a TCP Close if and only if the state is CLOSED.
return self.state is CLOSING or self.handshake_exc is not None
# Private methods for receiving data.
def parse(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
Parse incoming data into frames.
:meth:`receive_data` and :meth:`receive_eof` run this generator
coroutine until it needs more data or reaches EOF.
:meth:`parse` never raises an exception. Instead, it sets the
:attr:`parser_exc` and yields control.
while True:
if (yield from self.reader.at_eof()):
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("< EOF")
# If the WebSocket connection is closed cleanly, with a
# closing handhshake, recv_frame() substitutes parse()
# with discard(). This branch is reached only when the
# connection isn't closed cleanly.
raise EOFError("unexpected end of stream")
if self.max_size is None:
max_size = None
elif self.cur_size is None:
max_size = self.max_size
max_size = self.max_size - self.cur_size
# During a normal closure, execution ends here on the next
# iteration of the loop after receiving a close frame. At
# this point, recv_frame() replaced parse() by discard().
frame = yield from Frame.parse(
mask=self.side is SERVER,
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("< %s", frame)
except ProtocolError as exc:, str(exc))
self.parser_exc = exc
except EOFError as exc:, str(exc))
self.parser_exc = exc
except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:, f"{exc.reason} at position {exc.start}")
self.parser_exc = exc
except PayloadTooBig as exc:, str(exc))
self.parser_exc = exc
except Exception as exc:
self.logger.error("parser failed", exc_info=True)
# Don't include exception details, which may be security-sensitive.
self.parser_exc = exc
# During an abnormal closure, execution ends here after catching an
# exception. At this point, fail() replaced parse() by discard().
raise AssertionError("parse() shouldn't step after error")
def discard(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
Discard incoming data.
This coroutine replaces :meth:`parse`:
- after receiving a close frame, during a normal closure (1.4);
- after sending a close frame, during an abnormal closure (7.1.7).
# After the opening handshake completes, the server closes the TCP
# connection in the same circumstances where discard() replaces parse().
# The client closes it when it receives EOF from the server or times
# out. (The latter case cannot be handled in this Sans-I/O layer.)
assert (self.state == CONNECTING or self.side is SERVER) == (self.eof_sent)
while not (yield from self.reader.at_eof()):
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("< EOF")
# A server closes the TCP connection immediately, while a client
# waits for the server to close the TCP connection.
if self.state != CONNECTING and self.side is CLIENT:
self.state = CLOSED
# If discard() completes normally, execution ends here.
# Once the reader reaches EOF, its feed_data/eof() methods raise an
# error, so our receive_data/eof() methods don't step the generator.
raise AssertionError("discard() shouldn't step after EOF")
def recv_frame(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
Process an incoming frame.
if frame.opcode is OP_TEXT or frame.opcode is OP_BINARY:
if self.cur_size is not None:
raise ProtocolError("expected a continuation frame")
if frame.fin:
self.cur_size = None
self.cur_size = len(
elif frame.opcode is OP_CONT:
if self.cur_size is None:
raise ProtocolError("unexpected continuation frame")
if frame.fin:
self.cur_size = None
self.cur_size += len(
elif frame.opcode is OP_PING:
# 5.5.2. Ping: "Upon receipt of a Ping frame, an endpoint MUST
# send a Pong frame in response"
pong_frame = Frame(OP_PONG,
elif frame.opcode is OP_PONG:
# 5.5.3 Pong: "A response to an unsolicited Pong frame is not
# expected."
elif frame.opcode is OP_CLOSE:
# 7.1.5. The WebSocket Connection Close Code
# 7.1.6. The WebSocket Connection Close Reason
self.close_rcvd = Close.parse(
if self.state is CLOSING:
assert self.close_sent is not None
self.close_rcvd_then_sent = False
if self.cur_size is not None:
raise ProtocolError("incomplete fragmented message")
# 5.5.1 Close: "If an endpoint receives a Close frame and did
# not previously send a Close frame, the endpoint MUST send a
# Close frame in response. (When sending a Close frame in
# response, the endpoint typically echos the status code it
# received.)"
if self.state is OPEN:
# Echo the original data instead of re-serializing it with
# Close.serialize() because that fails when the close frame
# is empty and Close.parse() synthesizes a 1005 close code.
# The rest is identical to send_close().
self.close_sent = self.close_rcvd
self.close_rcvd_then_sent = True
self.state = CLOSING
# 7.1.2. Start the WebSocket Closing Handshake: "Once an
# endpoint has both sent and received a Close control frame,
# that endpoint SHOULD _Close the WebSocket Connection_"
# A server closes the TCP connection immediately, while a client
# waits for the server to close the TCP connection.
if self.side is SERVER:
# 1.4. Closing Handshake: "after receiving a control frame
# indicating the connection should be closed, a peer discards
# any further data received."
# RFC 6455 allows reading Ping and Pong frames after a Close frame.
# However, that doesn't seem useful; websockets doesn't support it.
self.parser = self.discard()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
# This can't happen because Frame.parse() validates opcodes.
raise AssertionError(f"unexpected opcode: {frame.opcode:02x}")
# Private methods for sending events.
def send_frame(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("> %s", frame)
mask=self.side is CLIENT,
def send_eof(self) -> None:
assert not self.eof_sent
self.eof_sent = True
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("> EOF")

src/libs/websockets/py.typed Executable file
View File

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import binascii
import email.utils
import http
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Sequence, cast
from .datastructures import Headers, MultipleValuesError
from .exceptions import (
from .extensions import Extension, ServerExtensionFactory
from .headers import (
from .http11 import Request, Response
from .protocol import CONNECTING, OPEN, SERVER, Protocol, State
from .typing import (
from .utils import accept_key
# See #940 for why lazy_import isn't used here for backwards compatibility.
# See #1400 for why listing compatibility imports in __all__ helps PyCharm.
from .legacy.server import * # isort:skip # noqa: I001
from .legacy.server import __all__ as legacy__all__
__all__ = ["ServerProtocol"] + legacy__all__
class ServerProtocol(Protocol):
Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket server connection.
origins: Acceptable values of the ``Origin`` header; include
:obj:`None` in the list if the lack of an origin is acceptable.
This is useful for defending against Cross-Site WebSocket
Hijacking attacks.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be tried.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
select_subprotocol: Callback for selecting a subprotocol among
those supported by the client and the server. It has the same
signature as the :meth:`select_subprotocol` method, including a
:class:`ServerProtocol` instance as first argument.
state: Initial state of the WebSocket connection.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes;
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
logger: Logger for this connection;
defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``;
see the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
def __init__(
origins: Sequence[Origin | None] | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ServerExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
select_subprotocol: (
[ServerProtocol, Sequence[Subprotocol]],
Subprotocol | None,
| None
) = None,
state: State = CONNECTING,
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
) -> None:
) = origins
self.available_extensions = extensions
self.available_subprotocols = subprotocols
if select_subprotocol is not None:
# Bind select_subprotocol then shadow self.select_subprotocol.
# Use setattr to work around
select_subprotocol.__get__(self, self.__class__),
def accept(self, request: Request) -> Response:
Create a handshake response to accept the connection.
If the handshake request is valid and the handshake successful,
:meth:`accept` returns an HTTP response with status code 101.
Else, it returns an HTTP response with another status code. This rejects
the connection, like :meth:`reject` would.
You must send the handshake response with :meth:`send_response`.
You may modify the response before sending it, typically by adding HTTP
request: WebSocket handshake request received from the client.
WebSocket handshake response or HTTP response to send to the client.
) = self.process_request(request)
except InvalidOrigin as exc:
request._exception = exc
self.handshake_exc = exc
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("! invalid origin", exc_info=True)
return self.reject(
f"Failed to open a WebSocket connection: {exc}.\n",
except InvalidUpgrade as exc:
request._exception = exc
self.handshake_exc = exc
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("! invalid upgrade", exc_info=True)
response = self.reject(
f"Failed to open a WebSocket connection: {exc}.\n"
f"You cannot access a WebSocket server directly "
f"with a browser. You need a WebSocket client.\n"
response.headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
return response
except InvalidHandshake as exc:
request._exception = exc
self.handshake_exc = exc
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("! invalid handshake", exc_info=True)
exc_chain = cast(BaseException, exc)
exc_str = f"{exc_chain}"
while exc_chain.__cause__ is not None:
exc_chain = exc_chain.__cause__
exc_str += f"; {exc_chain}"
return self.reject(
f"Failed to open a WebSocket connection: {exc_str}.\n",
except Exception as exc:
# Handle exceptions raised by user-provided select_subprotocol and
# unexpected errors.
request._exception = exc
self.handshake_exc = exc
self.logger.error("opening handshake failed", exc_info=True)
return self.reject(
"Failed to open a WebSocket connection.\n"
"See server log for more information.\n"
headers = Headers()
headers["Date"] = email.utils.formatdate(usegmt=True)
headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"
headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = accept_header
if extensions_header is not None:
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = extensions_header
if protocol_header is not None:
headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocol_header
return Response(101, "Switching Protocols", headers)
def process_request(
request: Request,
) -> tuple[str, str | None, str | None]:
Check a handshake request and negotiate extensions and subprotocol.
This function doesn't verify that the request is an HTTP/1.1 or higher
GET request and doesn't check the ``Host`` header. These controls are
usually performed earlier in the HTTP request handling code. They're
the responsibility of the caller.
request: WebSocket handshake request received from the client.
``Sec-WebSocket-Accept``, ``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions``, and
``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` headers for the handshake response.
InvalidHandshake: If the handshake request is invalid;
then the server must return 400 Bad Request error.
headers = request.headers
connection: list[ConnectionOption] = sum(
[parse_connection(value) for value in headers.get_all("Connection")], []
if not any(value.lower() == "upgrade" for value in connection):
raise InvalidUpgrade(
"Connection", ", ".join(connection) if connection else None
upgrade: list[UpgradeProtocol] = sum(
[parse_upgrade(value) for value in headers.get_all("Upgrade")], []
# For compatibility with non-strict implementations, ignore case when
# checking the Upgrade header. The RFC always uses "websocket", except
# in section 11.2. (IANA registration) where it uses "WebSocket".
if not (len(upgrade) == 1 and upgrade[0].lower() == "websocket"):
raise InvalidUpgrade("Upgrade", ", ".join(upgrade) if upgrade else None)
key = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key") from exc
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key", "multiple values") from exc
raw_key = base64.b64decode(key.encode(), validate=True)
except binascii.Error as exc:
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Key", key) from exc
if len(raw_key) != 16:
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Key", key)
version = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"]
except KeyError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version") from exc
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "multiple values") from exc
if version != "13":
raise InvalidHeaderValue("Sec-WebSocket-Version", version)
accept_header = accept_key(key)
self.origin = self.process_origin(headers)
extensions_header, self.extensions = self.process_extensions(headers)
protocol_header = self.subprotocol = self.process_subprotocol(headers)
return (
def process_origin(self, headers: Headers) -> Origin | None:
Handle the Origin HTTP request header.
headers: WebSocket handshake request headers.
origin, if it is acceptable.
InvalidHandshake: If the Origin header is invalid.
InvalidOrigin: If the origin isn't acceptable.
# "The user agent MUST NOT include more than one Origin header field"
# per
origin = headers.get("Origin")
except MultipleValuesError as exc:
raise InvalidHeader("Origin", "multiple values") from exc
if origin is not None:
origin = cast(Origin, origin)
if is not None:
if origin not in
raise InvalidOrigin(origin)
return origin
def process_extensions(
headers: Headers,
) -> tuple[str | None, list[Extension]]:
Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions HTTP request header.
Accept or reject each extension proposed in the client request.
Negotiate parameters for accepted extensions.
Per :rfc:`6455`, negotiation rules are defined by the specification of
each extension.
To provide this level of flexibility, for each extension proposed by
the client, we check for a match with each extension available in the
server configuration. If no match is found, the extension is ignored.
If several variants of the same extension are proposed by the client,
it may be accepted several times, which won't make sense in general.
Extensions must implement their own requirements. For this purpose,
the list of previously accepted extensions is provided.
This process doesn't allow the server to reorder extensions. It can
only select a subset of the extensions proposed by the client.
Other requirements, for example related to mandatory extensions or the
order of extensions, may be implemented by overriding this method.
headers: WebSocket handshake request headers.
``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions`` HTTP response header and list of
accepted extensions.
InvalidHandshake: If the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header is invalid.
response_header_value: str | None = None
extension_headers: list[ExtensionHeader] = []
accepted_extensions: list[Extension] = []
header_values = headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
if header_values and self.available_extensions:
parsed_header_values: list[ExtensionHeader] = sum(
[parse_extension(header_value) for header_value in header_values], []
for name, request_params in parsed_header_values:
for ext_factory in self.available_extensions:
# Skip non-matching extensions based on their name.
if != name:
# Skip non-matching extensions based on their params.
response_params, extension = ext_factory.process_request_params(
request_params, accepted_extensions
except NegotiationError:
# Add matching extension to the final list.
extension_headers.append((name, response_params))
# Break out of the loop once we have a match.
# If we didn't break from the loop, no extension in our list
# matched what the client sent. The extension is declined.
# Serialize extension header.
if extension_headers:
response_header_value = build_extension(extension_headers)
return response_header_value, accepted_extensions
def process_subprotocol(self, headers: Headers) -> Subprotocol | None:
Handle the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol HTTP request header.
headers: WebSocket handshake request headers.
Subprotocol, if one was selected; this is also the value of the
``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` response header.
InvalidHandshake: If the Sec-WebSocket-Subprotocol header is invalid.
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] = sum(
for header_value in headers.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
return self.select_subprotocol(subprotocols)
def select_subprotocol(
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol],
) -> Subprotocol | None:
Pick a subprotocol among those offered by the client.
If several subprotocols are supported by both the client and the server,
pick the first one in the list declared the server.
If the server doesn't support any subprotocols, continue without a
subprotocol, regardless of what the client offers.
If the server supports at least one subprotocol and the client doesn't
offer any, abort the handshake with an HTTP 400 error.
You provide a ``select_subprotocol`` argument to :class:`ServerProtocol`
to override this logic. For example, you could accept the connection
even if client doesn't offer a subprotocol, rather than reject it.
Here's how to negotiate the ``chat`` subprotocol if the client supports
it and continue without a subprotocol otherwise::
def select_subprotocol(protocol, subprotocols):
if "chat" in subprotocols:
return "chat"
subprotocols: List of subprotocols offered by the client.
Selected subprotocol, if a common subprotocol was found.
:obj:`None` to continue without a subprotocol.
NegotiationError: Custom implementations may raise this exception
to abort the handshake with an HTTP 400 error.
# Server doesn't offer any subprotocols.
if not self.available_subprotocols: # None or empty list
return None
# Server offers at least one subprotocol but client doesn't offer any.
if not subprotocols:
raise NegotiationError("missing subprotocol")
# Server and client both offer subprotocols. Look for a shared one.
proposed_subprotocols = set(subprotocols)
for subprotocol in self.available_subprotocols:
if subprotocol in proposed_subprotocols:
return subprotocol
# No common subprotocol was found.
raise NegotiationError(
"invalid subprotocol; expected one of "
+ ", ".join(self.available_subprotocols)
def reject(self, status: StatusLike, text: str) -> Response:
Create a handshake response to reject the connection.
A short plain text response is the best fallback when failing to
establish a WebSocket connection.
You must send the handshake response with :meth:`send_response`.
You may modify the response before sending it, for example by changing
HTTP headers.
status: HTTP status code.
text: HTTP response body; it will be encoded to UTF-8.
HTTP response to send to the client.
# If a user passes an int instead of a HTTPStatus, fix it automatically.
status = http.HTTPStatus(status)
body = text.encode()
headers = Headers(
("Date", email.utils.formatdate(usegmt=True)),
("Connection", "close"),
("Content-Length", str(len(body))),
("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
return Response(status.value, status.phrase, headers, body)
def send_response(self, response: Response) -> None:
Send a handshake response to the client.
response: WebSocket handshake response event to send.
if self.debug:
code, phrase = response.status_code, response.reason_phrase
self.logger.debug("> HTTP/1.1 %d %s", code, phrase)
for key, value in response.headers.raw_items():
self.logger.debug("> %s: %s", key, value)
if response.body is not None:
self.logger.debug("> [body] (%d bytes)", len(response.body))
if response.status_code == 101:
assert self.state is CONNECTING
self.state = OPEN"connection open")
# handshake_exc may be already set if accept() encountered an error.
# If the connection isn't open, set handshake_exc to guarantee that
# handshake_exc is None if and only if opening handshake succeeded.
if self.handshake_exc is None:
self.handshake_exc = InvalidStatus(response)
"connection rejected (%d %s)",
self.parser = self.discard()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
def parse(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
if self.state is CONNECTING:
request = yield from Request.parse(
except Exception as exc:
self.handshake_exc = exc
self.parser = self.discard()
next(self.parser) # start coroutine
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("< GET %s HTTP/1.1", request.path)
for key, value in request.headers.raw_items():
self.logger.debug("< %s: %s", key, value)
yield from super().parse()
class ServerConnection(ServerProtocol):
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 11.0 - 2023-04-02
"ServerConnection was renamed to ServerProtocol",
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

src/libs/websockets/speedups.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
/* C implementation of performance sensitive functions. */
#include <Python.h>
#include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t */
#if __ARM_NEON
#include <arm_neon.h>
#elif __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
static const Py_ssize_t MASK_LEN = 4;
/* Similar to PyBytes_AsStringAndSize, but accepts more types */
static int
_PyBytesLike_AsStringAndSize(PyObject *obj, PyObject **tmp, char **buffer, Py_ssize_t *length)
// This supports bytes, bytearrays, and memoryview objects,
// which are common data structures for handling byte streams.
// If *tmp isn't NULL, the caller gets a new reference.
if (PyBytes_Check(obj))
*tmp = NULL;
*buffer = PyBytes_AS_STRING(obj);
*length = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(obj);
else if (PyByteArray_Check(obj))
*tmp = NULL;
*buffer = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(obj);
*length = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(obj);
else if (PyMemoryView_Check(obj))
*tmp = PyMemoryView_GetContiguous(obj, PyBUF_READ, 'C');
if (*tmp == NULL)
return -1;
Py_buffer *mv_buf;
mv_buf = PyMemoryView_GET_BUFFER(*tmp);
*buffer = mv_buf->buf;
*length = mv_buf->len;
"expected a bytes-like object, %.200s found",
return -1;
return 0;
/* C implementation of websockets.utils.apply_mask */
static PyObject *
apply_mask(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
// In order to support various bytes-like types, accept any Python object.
static char *kwlist[] = {"data", "mask", NULL};
PyObject *input_obj;
PyObject *mask_obj;
// A pointer to a char * + length will be extracted from the data and mask
// arguments, possibly via a Py_buffer.
PyObject *input_tmp = NULL;
char *input;
Py_ssize_t input_len;
PyObject *mask_tmp = NULL;
char *mask;
Py_ssize_t mask_len;
// Initialize a PyBytesObject then get a pointer to the underlying char *
// in order to avoid an extra memory copy in PyBytes_FromStringAndSize.
PyObject *result = NULL;
char *output;
// Other variables.
Py_ssize_t i = 0;
// Parse inputs.
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(
args, kwds, "OO", kwlist, &input_obj, &mask_obj))
goto exit;
if (_PyBytesLike_AsStringAndSize(input_obj, &input_tmp, &input, &input_len) == -1)
goto exit;
if (_PyBytesLike_AsStringAndSize(mask_obj, &mask_tmp, &mask, &mask_len) == -1)
goto exit;
if (mask_len != MASK_LEN)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "mask must contain 4 bytes");
goto exit;
// Create output.
result = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, input_len);
if (result == NULL)
goto exit;
// Since we just created result, we don't need error checks.
output = PyBytes_AS_STRING(result);
// Perform the masking operation.
// Apparently GCC cannot figure out the following optimizations by itself.
// We need a new scope for MSVC 2010 (non C99 friendly)
#if __ARM_NEON
// With NEON support, XOR by blocks of 16 bytes = 128 bits.
Py_ssize_t input_len_128 = input_len & ~15;
uint8x16_t mask_128 = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(*(uint32_t *)mask));
for (; i < input_len_128; i += 16)
uint8x16_t in_128 = vld1q_u8((uint8_t *)(input + i));
uint8x16_t out_128 = veorq_u8(in_128, mask_128);
vst1q_u8((uint8_t *)(output + i), out_128);
#elif __SSE2__
// With SSE2 support, XOR by blocks of 16 bytes = 128 bits.
// Since we cannot control the 16-bytes alignment of input and output
// buffers, we rely on loadu/storeu rather than load/store.
Py_ssize_t input_len_128 = input_len & ~15;
__m128i mask_128 = _mm_set1_epi32(*(uint32_t *)mask);
for (; i < input_len_128; i += 16)
__m128i in_128 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(input + i));
__m128i out_128 = _mm_xor_si128(in_128, mask_128);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(output + i), out_128);
// Without SSE2 support, XOR by blocks of 8 bytes = 64 bits.
// We assume the memory allocator aligns everything on 8 bytes boundaries.
Py_ssize_t input_len_64 = input_len & ~7;
uint32_t mask_32 = *(uint32_t *)mask;
uint64_t mask_64 = ((uint64_t)mask_32 << 32) | (uint64_t)mask_32;
for (; i < input_len_64; i += 8)
*(uint64_t *)(output + i) = *(uint64_t *)(input + i) ^ mask_64;
// XOR the remainder of the input byte by byte.
for (; i < input_len; i++)
output[i] = input[i] ^ mask[i & (MASK_LEN - 1)];
return result;
static PyMethodDef speedups_methods[] = {
"Apply masking to the data of a WebSocket message.",
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}, /* Sentinel */
static struct PyModuleDef speedups_module = {
"websocket.speedups", /* m_name */
"C implementation of performance sensitive functions.",
/* m_doc */
-1, /* m_size */
speedups_methods, /* m_methods */
return PyModule_Create(&speedups_module);

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
def apply_mask(data: bytes, mask: bytes) -> bytes: ...

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generator
class StreamReader:
Generator-based stream reader.
This class doesn't support concurrent calls to :meth:`read_line`,
:meth:`read_exact`, or :meth:`read_to_eof`. Make sure calls are
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.buffer = bytearray()
self.eof = False
def read_line(self, m: int) -> Generator[None, None, bytes]:
Read a LF-terminated line from the stream.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
The return value includes the LF character.
m: Maximum number bytes to read; this is a security limit.
EOFError: If the stream ends without a LF.
RuntimeError: If the stream ends in more than ``m`` bytes.
n = 0 # number of bytes to read
p = 0 # number of bytes without a newline
while True:
n = self.buffer.find(b"\n", p) + 1
if n > 0:
p = len(self.buffer)
if p > m:
raise RuntimeError(f"read {p} bytes, expected no more than {m} bytes")
if self.eof:
raise EOFError(f"stream ends after {p} bytes, before end of line")
if n > m:
raise RuntimeError(f"read {n} bytes, expected no more than {m} bytes")
r = self.buffer[:n]
del self.buffer[:n]
return r
def read_exact(self, n: int) -> Generator[None, None, bytes]:
Read a given number of bytes from the stream.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
n: How many bytes to read.
EOFError: If the stream ends in less than ``n`` bytes.
assert n >= 0
while len(self.buffer) < n:
if self.eof:
p = len(self.buffer)
raise EOFError(f"stream ends after {p} bytes, expected {n} bytes")
r = self.buffer[:n]
del self.buffer[:n]
return r
def read_to_eof(self, m: int) -> Generator[None, None, bytes]:
Read all bytes from the stream.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
m: Maximum number bytes to read; this is a security limit.
RuntimeError: If the stream ends in more than ``m`` bytes.
while not self.eof:
p = len(self.buffer)
if p > m:
raise RuntimeError(f"read {p} bytes, expected no more than {m} bytes")
r = self.buffer[:]
del self.buffer[:]
return r
def at_eof(self) -> Generator[None, None, bool]:
Tell whether the stream has ended and all data was read.
This is a generator-based coroutine.
while True:
if self.buffer:
return False
if self.eof:
return True
# When all data was read but the stream hasn't ended, we can't
# tell if until either feed_data() or feed_eof() is called.
def feed_data(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Write data to the stream.
:meth:`feed_data` cannot be called after :meth:`feed_eof`.
data: Data to write.
EOFError: If the stream has ended.
if self.eof:
raise EOFError("stream ended")
self.buffer += data
def feed_eof(self) -> None:
End the stream.
:meth:`feed_eof` cannot be called more than once.
EOFError: If the stream has ended.
if self.eof:
raise EOFError("stream ended")
self.eof = True
def discard(self) -> None:
Discard all buffered data, but don't end the stream.
del self.buffer[:]

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import socket
import ssl as ssl_module
import threading
import warnings
from typing import Any, Sequence
from ..client import ClientProtocol
from ..datastructures import HeadersLike
from ..extensions.base import ClientExtensionFactory
from ..extensions.permessage_deflate import enable_client_permessage_deflate
from ..headers import validate_subprotocols
from ..http11 import USER_AGENT, Response
from ..protocol import CONNECTING, Event
from ..typing import LoggerLike, Origin, Subprotocol
from ..uri import parse_uri
from .connection import Connection
from .utils import Deadline
__all__ = ["connect", "unix_connect", "ClientConnection"]
class ClientConnection(Connection):
:mod:`threading` implementation of a WebSocket client connection.
:class:`ClientConnection` provides :meth:`recv` and :meth:`send` methods for
receiving and sending messages.
It supports iteration to receive messages::
for message in websocket:
The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with close code
1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) or without a close code. It raises a
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` when the connection is
closed with any other code.
socket: Socket connected to a WebSocket server.
protocol: Sans-I/O connection.
close_timeout: Timeout for closing the connection in seconds.
def __init__(
socket: socket.socket,
protocol: ClientProtocol,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
) -> None:
self.protocol: ClientProtocol
self.response_rcvd = threading.Event()
def handshake(
additional_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
user_agent_header: str | None = USER_AGENT,
timeout: float | None = None,
) -> None:
Perform the opening handshake.
with self.send_context(expected_state=CONNECTING):
self.request = self.protocol.connect()
if additional_headers is not None:
if user_agent_header is not None:
self.request.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent_header
if not self.response_rcvd.wait(timeout):
raise TimeoutError("timed out during handshake")
# self.protocol.handshake_exc is always set when the connection is lost
# before receiving a response, when the response cannot be parsed, or
# when the response fails the handshake.
if self.protocol.handshake_exc is not None:
raise self.protocol.handshake_exc
def process_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
Process one incoming event.
# First event - handshake response.
if self.response is None:
assert isinstance(event, Response)
self.response = event
# Later events - frames.
def recv_events(self) -> None:
Read incoming data from the socket and process events.
# If the connection is closed during the handshake, unblock it.
def connect(
uri: str,
sock: socket.socket | None = None,
ssl: ssl_module.SSLContext | None = None,
server_hostname: str | None = None,
# WebSocket
origin: Origin | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ClientExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
additional_headers: HeadersLike | None = None,
user_agent_header: str | None = USER_AGENT,
compression: str | None = "deflate",
# Timeouts
open_timeout: float | None = 10,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
# Limits
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
# Logging
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
# Escape hatch for advanced customization
create_connection: type[ClientConnection] | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> ClientConnection:
Connect to the WebSocket server at ``uri``.
This function returns a :class:`ClientConnection` instance, which you can
use to send and receive messages.
:func:`connect` may be used as a context manager::
from websockets.sync.client import connect
with connect(...) as websocket:
The connection is closed automatically when exiting the context.
uri: URI of the WebSocket server.
sock: Preexisting TCP socket. ``sock`` overrides the host and port
from ``uri``. You may call :func:`socket.create_connection` to
create a suitable TCP socket.
ssl: Configuration for enabling TLS on the connection.
server_hostname: Host name for the TLS handshake. ``server_hostname``
overrides the host name from ``uri``.
origin: Value of the ``Origin`` header, for servers that require it.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be negotiated and run.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
additional_headers (HeadersLike | None): Arbitrary HTTP headers to add
to the handshake request.
user_agent_header: Value of the ``User-Agent`` request header.
It defaults to ``"Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y"``.
Setting it to :obj:`None` removes the header.
compression: The "permessage-deflate" extension is enabled by default.
Set ``compression`` to :obj:`None` to disable it. See the
:doc:`compression guide <../../topics/compression>` for details.
open_timeout: Timeout for opening the connection in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
close_timeout: Timeout for closing the connection in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes.
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
logger: Logger for this client.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.client")``.
See the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
create_connection: Factory for the :class:`ClientConnection` managing
the connection. Set it to a wrapper or a subclass to customize
connection handling.
Any other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`~socket.create_connection`.
InvalidURI: If ``uri`` isn't a valid WebSocket URI.
OSError: If the TCP connection fails.
InvalidHandshake: If the opening handshake fails.
TimeoutError: If the opening handshake times out.
# Process parameters
# Backwards compatibility: ssl used to be called ssl_context.
if ssl is None and "ssl_context" in kwargs:
ssl = kwargs.pop("ssl_context")
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 13.0 - 2024-08-20
"ssl_context was renamed to ssl",
wsuri = parse_uri(uri)
if not and ssl is not None:
raise TypeError("ssl argument is incompatible with a ws:// URI")
# Private APIs for unix_connect()
unix: bool = kwargs.pop("unix", False)
path: str | None = kwargs.pop("path", None)
if unix:
if path is None and sock is None:
raise TypeError("missing path argument")
elif path is not None and sock is not None:
raise TypeError("path and sock arguments are incompatible")
if subprotocols is not None:
if compression == "deflate":
extensions = enable_client_permessage_deflate(extensions)
elif compression is not None:
raise ValueError(f"unsupported compression: {compression}")
# Calculate timeouts on the TCP, TLS, and WebSocket handshakes.
# The TCP and TLS timeouts must be set on the socket, then removed
# to avoid conflicting with the WebSocket timeout in handshake().
deadline = Deadline(open_timeout)
if create_connection is None:
create_connection = ClientConnection
# Connect socket
if sock is None:
if unix:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
assert path is not None # mypy cannot figure this out
kwargs.setdefault("timeout", deadline.timeout())
sock = socket.create_connection((, wsuri.port), **kwargs)
# Disable Nagle algorithm
if not unix:
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, True)
# Initialize TLS wrapper and perform TLS handshake
if ssl is None:
ssl = ssl_module.create_default_context()
if server_hostname is None:
server_hostname =
sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=server_hostname)
# Initialize WebSocket protocol
protocol = ClientProtocol(
# Initialize WebSocket connection
connection = create_connection(
except Exception:
if sock is not None:
except Exception:
return connection
def unix_connect(
path: str | None = None,
uri: str | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> ClientConnection:
Connect to a WebSocket server listening on a Unix socket.
This function accepts the same keyword arguments as :func:`connect`.
It's only available on Unix.
It's mainly useful for debugging servers listening on Unix sockets.
path: File system path to the Unix socket.
uri: URI of the WebSocket server. ``uri`` defaults to
``ws://localhost/`` or, when a ``ssl`` is provided, to
if uri is None:
# Backwards compatibility: ssl used to be called ssl_context.
if kwargs.get("ssl") is None and kwargs.get("ssl_context") is None:
uri = "ws://localhost/"
uri = "wss://localhost/"
return connect(uri=uri, unix=True, path=path, **kwargs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import logging
import random
import socket
import struct
import threading
import uuid
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping
from ..exceptions import (
from ..frames import DATA_OPCODES, BytesLike, CloseCode, Frame, Opcode
from ..http11 import Request, Response
from ..protocol import CLOSED, OPEN, Event, Protocol, State
from ..typing import Data, LoggerLike, Subprotocol
from .messages import Assembler
from .utils import Deadline
__all__ = ["Connection"]
class Connection:
:mod:`threading` implementation of a WebSocket connection.
:class:`Connection` provides APIs shared between WebSocket servers and
You shouldn't use it directly. Instead, use
:class:`~websockets.sync.client.ClientConnection` or
recv_bufsize = 65536
def __init__(
socket: socket.socket,
protocol: Protocol,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
) -> None:
self.socket = socket
self.protocol = protocol
self.close_timeout = close_timeout
# Inject reference to this instance in the protocol's logger.
self.protocol.logger = logging.LoggerAdapter(
{"websocket": self},
# Copy attributes from the protocol for convenience. uuid.UUID =
"""Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs."""
self.logger: LoggerLike = self.protocol.logger
"""Logger for this connection."""
self.debug = self.protocol.debug
# HTTP handshake request and response.
self.request: Request | None = None
"""Opening handshake request."""
self.response: Response | None = None
"""Opening handshake response."""
# Mutex serializing interactions with the protocol.
self.protocol_mutex = threading.Lock()
# Assembler turning frames into messages and serializing reads.
self.recv_messages = Assembler()
# Whether we are busy sending a fragmented message.
self.send_in_progress = False
# Deadline for the closing handshake.
self.close_deadline: Deadline | None = None
# Mapping of ping IDs to pong waiters, in chronological order.
self.ping_waiters: dict[bytes, threading.Event] = {}
# Receiving events from the socket. This thread explicitly is marked as
# to support creating a connection in a non-daemon thread then using it
# in a daemon thread; this shouldn't block the intpreter from exiting.
self.recv_events_thread = threading.Thread(
# Exception raised in recv_events, to be chained to ConnectionClosed
# in the user thread in order to show why the TCP connection dropped.
self.recv_exc: BaseException | None = None
# Public attributes
def local_address(self) -> Any:
Local address of the connection.
For IPv4 connections, this is a ``(host, port)`` tuple.
The format of the address depends on the address family.
See :meth:`~socket.socket.getsockname`.
return self.socket.getsockname()
def remote_address(self) -> Any:
Remote address of the connection.
For IPv4 connections, this is a ``(host, port)`` tuple.
The format of the address depends on the address family.
See :meth:`~socket.socket.getpeername`.
return self.socket.getpeername()
def subprotocol(self) -> Subprotocol | None:
Subprotocol negotiated during the opening handshake.
:obj:`None` if no subprotocol was negotiated.
return self.protocol.subprotocol
# Public methods
def __enter__(self) -> Connection:
return self
def __exit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
if exc_type is None:
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Data]:
Iterate on incoming messages.
The iterator calls :meth:`recv` and yields messages in an infinite loop.
It exits when the connection is closed normally. It raises a
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` exception after a
protocol error or a network failure.
while True:
yield self.recv()
except ConnectionClosedOK:
def recv(self, timeout: float | None = None) -> Data:
Receive the next message.
When the connection is closed, :meth:`recv` raises
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed`. Specifically, it raises
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK` after a normal closure
and :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` after a protocol
error or a network failure. This is how you detect the end of the
message stream.
If ``timeout`` is :obj:`None`, block until a message is received. If
``timeout`` is set and no message is received within ``timeout``
seconds, raise :exc:`TimeoutError`. Set ``timeout`` to ``0`` to check if
a message was already received.
If the message is fragmented, wait until all fragments are received,
reassemble them, and return the whole message.
A string (:class:`str`) for a Text_ frame or a bytestring
(:class:`bytes`) for a Binary_ frame.
.. _Text:
.. _Binary:
ConnectionClosed: When the connection is closed.
ConcurrencyError: If two threads call :meth:`recv` or
:meth:`recv_streaming` concurrently.
return self.recv_messages.get(timeout)
except EOFError:
raise self.protocol.close_exc from self.recv_exc
except ConcurrencyError:
raise ConcurrencyError(
"cannot call recv while another thread "
"is already running recv or recv_streaming"
) from None
def recv_streaming(self) -> Iterator[Data]:
Receive the next message frame by frame.
If the message is fragmented, yield each fragment as it is received.
The iterator must be fully consumed, or else the connection will become
:meth:`recv_streaming` raises the same exceptions as :meth:`recv`.
An iterator of strings (:class:`str`) for a Text_ frame or
bytestrings (:class:`bytes`) for a Binary_ frame.
.. _Text:
.. _Binary:
ConnectionClosed: When the connection is closed.
ConcurrencyError: If two threads call :meth:`recv` or
:meth:`recv_streaming` concurrently.
for frame in self.recv_messages.get_iter():
yield frame
except EOFError:
raise self.protocol.close_exc from self.recv_exc
except ConcurrencyError:
raise ConcurrencyError(
"cannot call recv_streaming while another thread "
"is already running recv or recv_streaming"
) from None
def send(self, message: Data | Iterable[Data]) -> None:
Send a message.
A string (:class:`str`) is sent as a Text_ frame. A bytestring or
bytes-like object (:class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray`, or
:class:`memoryview`) is sent as a Binary_ frame.
.. _Text:
.. _Binary:
:meth:`send` also accepts an iterable of strings, bytestrings, or
bytes-like objects to enable fragmentation_. Each item is treated as a
message fragment and sent in its own frame. All items must be of the
same type, or else :meth:`send` will raise a :exc:`TypeError` and the
connection will be closed.
.. _fragmentation:
:meth:`send` rejects dict-like objects because this is often an error.
(If you really want to send the keys of a dict-like object as fragments,
call its :meth:`~dict.keys` method and pass the result to :meth:`send`.)
When the connection is closed, :meth:`send` raises
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed`. Specifically, it
raises :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK` after a normal
connection closure and
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` after a protocol
error or a network failure.
message: Message to send.
ConnectionClosed: When the connection is closed.
ConcurrencyError: If the connection is sending a fragmented message.
TypeError: If ``message`` doesn't have a supported type.
# Unfragmented message -- this case must be handled first because
# strings and bytes-like objects are iterable.
if isinstance(message, str):
with self.send_context():
if self.send_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError(
"cannot call send while another thread "
"is already running send"
elif isinstance(message, BytesLike):
with self.send_context():
if self.send_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError(
"cannot call send while another thread "
"is already running send"
# Catch a common mistake -- passing a dict to send().
elif isinstance(message, Mapping):
raise TypeError("data is a dict-like object")
# Fragmented message -- regular iterator.
elif isinstance(message, Iterable):
chunks = iter(message)
chunk = next(chunks)
except StopIteration:
# First fragment.
if isinstance(chunk, str):
text = True
with self.send_context():
if self.send_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError(
"cannot call send while another thread "
"is already running send"
self.send_in_progress = True
elif isinstance(chunk, BytesLike):
text = False
with self.send_context():
if self.send_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError(
"cannot call send while another thread "
"is already running send"
self.send_in_progress = True
raise TypeError("data iterable must contain bytes or str")
# Other fragments
for chunk in chunks:
if isinstance(chunk, str) and text:
with self.send_context():
assert self.send_in_progress
elif isinstance(chunk, BytesLike) and not text:
with self.send_context():
assert self.send_in_progress
raise TypeError("data iterable must contain uniform types")
# Final fragment.
with self.send_context():
self.protocol.send_continuation(b"", fin=True)
self.send_in_progress = False
except ConcurrencyError:
# We didn't start sending a fragmented message.
# The connection is still usable.
except Exception:
# We're half-way through a fragmented message and we can't
# complete it. This makes the connection unusable.
with self.send_context():
"error in fragmented message",
raise TypeError("data must be str, bytes, or iterable")
def close(self, code: int = CloseCode.NORMAL_CLOSURE, reason: str = "") -> None:
Perform the closing handshake.
:meth:`close` waits for the other end to complete the handshake, for the
TCP connection to terminate, and for all incoming messages to be read
with :meth:`recv`.
:meth:`close` is idempotent: it doesn't do anything once the
connection is closed.
code: WebSocket close code.
reason: WebSocket close reason.
# The context manager takes care of waiting for the TCP connection
# to terminate after calling a method that sends a close frame.
with self.send_context():
if self.send_in_progress:
"close during fragmented message",
self.protocol.send_close(code, reason)
except ConnectionClosed:
# Ignore ConnectionClosed exceptions raised from send_context().
# They mean that the connection is closed, which was the goal.
def ping(self, data: Data | None = None) -> threading.Event:
Send a Ping_.
.. _Ping:
A ping may serve as a keepalive or as a check that the remote endpoint
received all messages up to this point
data: Payload of the ping. A :class:`str` will be encoded to UTF-8.
If ``data`` is :obj:`None`, the payload is four random bytes.
An event that will be set when the corresponding pong is received.
You can ignore it if you don't intend to wait.
pong_event =
pong_event.wait() # only if you want to wait for the pong
ConnectionClosed: When the connection is closed.
ConcurrencyError: If another ping was sent with the same data and
the corresponding pong wasn't received yet.
if isinstance(data, BytesLike):
data = bytes(data)
elif isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode()
elif data is not None:
raise TypeError("data must be str or bytes-like")
with self.send_context():
# Protect against duplicates if a payload is explicitly set.
if data in self.ping_waiters:
raise ConcurrencyError("already waiting for a pong with the same data")
# Generate a unique random payload otherwise.
while data is None or data in self.ping_waiters:
data = struct.pack("!I", random.getrandbits(32))
pong_waiter = threading.Event()
self.ping_waiters[data] = pong_waiter
return pong_waiter
def pong(self, data: Data = b"") -> None:
Send a Pong_.
.. _Pong:
An unsolicited pong may serve as a unidirectional heartbeat.
data: Payload of the pong. A :class:`str` will be encoded to UTF-8.
ConnectionClosed: When the connection is closed.
if isinstance(data, BytesLike):
data = bytes(data)
elif isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode()
raise TypeError("data must be str or bytes-like")
with self.send_context():
# Private methods
def process_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
Process one incoming event.
This method is overridden in subclasses to handle the handshake.
assert isinstance(event, Frame)
if event.opcode in DATA_OPCODES:
if event.opcode is Opcode.PONG:
def acknowledge_pings(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Acknowledge pings when receiving a pong.
with self.protocol_mutex:
# Ignore unsolicited pong.
if data not in self.ping_waiters:
# Sending a pong for only the most recent ping is legal.
# Acknowledge all previous pings too in that case.
ping_id = None
ping_ids = []
for ping_id, ping in self.ping_waiters.items():
if ping_id == data:
raise AssertionError("solicited pong not found in pings")
# Remove acknowledged pings from self.ping_waiters.
for ping_id in ping_ids:
del self.ping_waiters[ping_id]
def recv_events(self) -> None:
Read incoming data from the socket and process events.
Run this method in a thread as long as the connection is alive.
``recv_events()`` exits immediately when the ``self.socket`` is closed.
while True:
if self.close_deadline is not None:
data = self.socket.recv(self.recv_bufsize)
except Exception as exc:
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("error while receiving data", exc_info=True)
# When the closing handshake is initiated by our side,
# recv() may block until send_context() closes the socket.
# In that case, send_context() already set recv_exc.
# Calling set_recv_exc() avoids overwriting it.
with self.protocol_mutex:
if data == b"":
# Acquire the connection lock.
with self.protocol_mutex:
# Feed incoming data to the protocol.
# This isn't expected to raise an exception.
events = self.protocol.events_received()
# Write outgoing data to the socket.
except Exception as exc:
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("error while sending data", exc_info=True)
# Similarly to the above, avoid overriding an exception
# set by send_context(), in case of a race condition
# i.e. send_context() closes the socket after recv()
# returns above but before send_data() calls send().
if self.protocol.close_expected():
# If the connection is expected to close soon, set the
# close deadline based on the close timeout.
if self.close_deadline is None:
self.close_deadline = Deadline(self.close_timeout)
# Unlock conn_mutex before processing events. Else, the
# application can't send messages in response to events.
# If self.send_data raised an exception, then events are lost.
# Given that automatic responses write small amounts of data,
# this should be uncommon, so we don't handle the edge case.
for event in events:
# This may raise EOFError if the closing handshake
# times out while a message is waiting to be read.
except EOFError:
# Breaking out of the while True: ... loop means that we believe
# that the socket doesn't work anymore.
with self.protocol_mutex:
# Feed the end of the data stream to the protocol.
# This isn't expected to generate events.
assert not self.protocol.events_received()
# There is no error handling because send_data() can only write
# the end of the data stream here and it handles errors itself.
except Exception as exc:
# This branch should never run. It's a safety net in case of bugs.
self.logger.error("unexpected internal error", exc_info=True)
with self.protocol_mutex:
# We don't know where we crashed. Force protocol state to CLOSED.
self.protocol.state = CLOSED
# This isn't expected to raise an exception.
def send_context(
expected_state: State = OPEN, # CONNECTING during the opening handshake
) -> Iterator[None]:
Create a context for writing to the connection from user code.
On entry, :meth:`send_context` acquires the connection lock and checks
that the connection is open; on exit, it writes outgoing data to the
with self.send_context():
When the connection isn't open on entry, when the connection is expected
to close on exit, or when an unexpected error happens, terminating the
connection, :meth:`send_context` waits until the connection is closed
then raises :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed`.
# Should we wait until the connection is closed?
wait_for_close = False
# Should we close the socket and raise ConnectionClosed?
raise_close_exc = False
# What exception should we chain ConnectionClosed to?
original_exc: BaseException | None = None
# Acquire the protocol lock.
with self.protocol_mutex:
if self.protocol.state is expected_state:
# Let the caller interact with the protocol.
except (ProtocolError, ConcurrencyError):
# The protocol state wasn't changed. Exit immediately.
except Exception as exc:
self.logger.error("unexpected internal error", exc_info=True)
# This branch should never run. It's a safety net in case of
# bugs. Since we don't know what happened, we will close the
# connection and raise the exception to the caller.
wait_for_close = False
raise_close_exc = True
original_exc = exc
# Check if the connection is expected to close soon.
if self.protocol.close_expected():
wait_for_close = True
# If the connection is expected to close soon, set the
# close deadline based on the close timeout.
# Since we tested earlier that protocol.state was OPEN
# (or CONNECTING) and we didn't release protocol_mutex,
# it is certain that self.close_deadline is still None.
assert self.close_deadline is None
self.close_deadline = Deadline(self.close_timeout)
# Write outgoing data to the socket.
except Exception as exc:
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug("error while sending data", exc_info=True)
# While the only expected exception here is OSError,
# other exceptions would be treated identically.
wait_for_close = False
raise_close_exc = True
original_exc = exc
else: # self.protocol.state is not expected_state
# Minor layering violation: we assume that the connection
# will be closing soon if it isn't in the expected state.
wait_for_close = True
raise_close_exc = True
# To avoid a deadlock, release the connection lock by exiting the
# context manager before waiting for recv_events() to terminate.
# If the connection is expected to close soon and the close timeout
# elapses, close the socket to terminate the connection.
if wait_for_close:
if self.close_deadline is None:
timeout = self.close_timeout
# Thread.join() returns immediately if timeout is negative.
timeout = self.close_deadline.timeout(raise_if_elapsed=False)
if self.recv_events_thread.is_alive():
# There's no risk to overwrite another error because
# original_exc is never set when wait_for_close is True.
assert original_exc is None
original_exc = TimeoutError("timed out while closing connection")
# Set recv_exc before closing the socket in order to get
# proper exception reporting.
raise_close_exc = True
with self.protocol_mutex:
# If an error occurred, close the socket to terminate the connection and
# raise an exception.
if raise_close_exc:
raise self.protocol.close_exc from original_exc
def send_data(self) -> None:
Send outgoing data.
This method requires holding protocol_mutex.
OSError: When a socket operations fails.
assert self.protocol_mutex.locked()
for data in self.protocol.data_to_send():
if data:
if self.close_deadline is not None:
except OSError: # socket already closed
def set_recv_exc(self, exc: BaseException | None) -> None:
Set recv_exc, if not set yet.
This method requires holding protocol_mutex.
assert self.protocol_mutex.locked()
if self.recv_exc is None: # pragma: no branch
self.recv_exc = exc
def close_socket(self) -> None:
Shutdown and close socket. Close message assembler.
Calling close_socket() guarantees that recv_events() terminates. Indeed,
recv_events() may block only on socket.recv() or on recv_messages.put().
# shutdown() is required to interrupt recv() on Linux.
except OSError:
pass # socket is already closed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import codecs
import queue
import threading
from typing import Iterator, cast
from ..exceptions import ConcurrencyError
from ..frames import OP_BINARY, OP_CONT, OP_TEXT, Frame
from ..typing import Data
__all__ = ["Assembler"]
UTF8Decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder("utf-8")
class Assembler:
Assemble messages from frames.
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Serialize reads and writes -- except for reads via synchronization
# primitives provided by the threading and queue modules.
self.mutex = threading.Lock()
# We create a latch with two events to synchronize the production of
# frames and the consumption of messages (or frames) without a buffer.
# This design requires a switch between the library thread and the user
# thread for each message; that shouldn't be a performance bottleneck.
# put() sets this event to tell get() that a message can be fetched.
self.message_complete = threading.Event()
# get() sets this event to let put() that the message was fetched.
self.message_fetched = threading.Event()
# This flag prevents concurrent calls to get() by user code.
self.get_in_progress = False
# This flag prevents concurrent calls to put() by library code.
self.put_in_progress = False
# Decoder for text frames, None for binary frames.
self.decoder: codecs.IncrementalDecoder | None = None
# Buffer of frames belonging to the same message.
self.chunks: list[Data] = []
# When switching from "buffering" to "streaming", we use a thread-safe
# queue for transferring frames from the writing thread (library code)
# to the reading thread (user code). We're buffering when chunks_queue
# is None and streaming when it's a SimpleQueue. None is a sentinel
# value marking the end of the message, superseding message_complete.
# Stream data from frames belonging to the same message.
self.chunks_queue: queue.SimpleQueue[Data | None] | None = None
# This flag marks the end of the connection.
self.closed = False
def get(self, timeout: float | None = None) -> Data:
Read the next message.
:meth:`get` returns a single :class:`str` or :class:`bytes`.
If the message is fragmented, :meth:`get` waits until the last frame is
received, then it reassembles the message and returns it. To receive
messages frame by frame, use :meth:`get_iter` instead.
timeout: If a timeout is provided and elapses before a complete
message is received, :meth:`get` raises :exc:`TimeoutError`.
EOFError: If the stream of frames has ended.
ConcurrencyError: If two threads run :meth:`get` or :meth:`get_iter`
TimeoutError: If a timeout is provided and elapses before a
complete message is received.
with self.mutex:
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
if self.get_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError("get() or get_iter() is already running")
self.get_in_progress = True
# If the message_complete event isn't set yet, release the lock to
# allow put() to run and eventually set it.
# Locking with get_in_progress ensures only one thread can get here.
completed = self.message_complete.wait(timeout)
with self.mutex:
self.get_in_progress = False
# Waiting for a complete message timed out.
if not completed:
raise TimeoutError(f"timed out in {timeout:.1f}s")
# get() was unblocked by close() rather than put().
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
assert self.message_complete.is_set()
joiner: Data = b"" if self.decoder is None else ""
# mypy cannot figure out that chunks have the proper type.
message: Data = joiner.join(self.chunks) # type: ignore
self.chunks = []
assert self.chunks_queue is None
assert not self.message_fetched.is_set()
return message
def get_iter(self) -> Iterator[Data]:
Stream the next message.
Iterating the return value of :meth:`get_iter` yields a :class:`str` or
:class:`bytes` for each frame in the message.
The iterator must be fully consumed before calling :meth:`get_iter` or
:meth:`get` again. Else, :exc:`ConcurrencyError` is raised.
This method only makes sense for fragmented messages. If messages aren't
fragmented, use :meth:`get` instead.
EOFError: If the stream of frames has ended.
ConcurrencyError: If two threads run :meth:`get` or :meth:`get_iter`
with self.mutex:
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
if self.get_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError("get() or get_iter() is already running")
chunks = self.chunks
self.chunks = []
self.chunks_queue = cast(
# Remove quotes around type when dropping Python < 3.9.
"queue.SimpleQueue[Data | None]",
# Sending None in chunk_queue supersedes setting message_complete
# when switching to "streaming". If message is already complete
# when the switch happens, put() didn't send None, so we have to.
if self.message_complete.is_set():
self.get_in_progress = True
# Locking with get_in_progress ensures only one thread can get here.
chunk: Data | None
for chunk in chunks:
yield chunk
while (chunk := self.chunks_queue.get()) is not None:
yield chunk
with self.mutex:
self.get_in_progress = False
# get_iter() was unblocked by close() rather than put().
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
assert self.message_complete.is_set()
assert self.chunks == []
self.chunks_queue = None
assert not self.message_fetched.is_set()
def put(self, frame: Frame) -> None:
Add ``frame`` to the next message.
When ``frame`` is the final frame in a message, :meth:`put` waits until
the message is fetched, which can be achieved by calling :meth:`get` or
by fully consuming the return value of :meth:`get_iter`.
:meth:`put` assumes that the stream of frames respects the protocol. If
it doesn't, the behavior is undefined.
EOFError: If the stream of frames has ended.
ConcurrencyError: If two threads run :meth:`put` concurrently.
with self.mutex:
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
if self.put_in_progress:
raise ConcurrencyError("put is already running")
if frame.opcode is OP_TEXT:
self.decoder = UTF8Decoder(errors="strict")
elif frame.opcode is OP_BINARY:
self.decoder = None
assert frame.opcode is OP_CONT
data: Data
if self.decoder is not None:
data = self.decoder.decode(, frame.fin)
data =
if self.chunks_queue is None:
if not frame.fin:
# Message is complete. Wait until it's fetched to return.
assert not self.message_complete.is_set()
if self.chunks_queue is not None:
assert not self.message_fetched.is_set()
self.put_in_progress = True
# Release the lock to allow get() to run and eventually set the event.
# Locking with put_in_progress ensures only one coroutine can get here.
with self.mutex:
self.put_in_progress = False
# put() was unblocked by close() rather than get() or get_iter().
if self.closed:
raise EOFError("stream of frames ended")
assert self.message_fetched.is_set()
self.decoder = None
def close(self) -> None:
End the stream of frames.
Callling :meth:`close` concurrently with :meth:`get`, :meth:`get_iter`,
or :meth:`put` is safe. They will raise :exc:`EOFError`.
with self.mutex:
if self.closed:
self.closed = True
# Unblock get or get_iter.
if self.get_in_progress:
if self.chunks_queue is not None:
# Unblock put().
if self.put_in_progress:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import hmac
import http
import logging
import os
import selectors
import socket
import ssl as ssl_module
import sys
import threading
import warnings
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Sequence, Tuple, cast
from ..exceptions import InvalidHeader
from ..extensions.base import ServerExtensionFactory
from ..extensions.permessage_deflate import enable_server_permessage_deflate
from ..frames import CloseCode
from ..headers import (
from ..http11 import SERVER, Request, Response
from ..protocol import CONNECTING, OPEN, Event
from ..server import ServerProtocol
from ..typing import LoggerLike, Origin, StatusLike, Subprotocol
from .connection import Connection
from .utils import Deadline
__all__ = ["serve", "unix_serve", "ServerConnection", "Server", "basic_auth"]
class ServerConnection(Connection):
:mod:`threading` implementation of a WebSocket server connection.
:class:`ServerConnection` provides :meth:`recv` and :meth:`send` methods for
receiving and sending messages.
It supports iteration to receive messages::
for message in websocket:
The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with close code
1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) or without a close code. It raises a
:exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` when the connection is
closed with any other code.
socket: Socket connected to a WebSocket client.
protocol: Sans-I/O connection.
close_timeout: Timeout for closing the connection in seconds.
def __init__(
socket: socket.socket,
protocol: ServerProtocol,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
) -> None:
self.protocol: ServerProtocol
self.request_rcvd = threading.Event()
self.username: str # see basic_auth()
def respond(self, status: StatusLike, text: str) -> Response:
Create a plain text HTTP response.
``process_request`` and ``process_response`` may call this method to
return an HTTP response instead of performing the WebSocket opening
You can modify the response before returning it, for example by changing
HTTP headers.
status: HTTP status code.
text: HTTP response body; it will be encoded to UTF-8.
HTTP response to send to the client.
return self.protocol.reject(status, text)
def handshake(
process_request: (
[ServerConnection, Request],
Response | None,
| None
) = None,
process_response: (
[ServerConnection, Request, Response],
Response | None,
| None
) = None,
server_header: str | None = SERVER,
timeout: float | None = None,
) -> None:
Perform the opening handshake.
if not self.request_rcvd.wait(timeout):
raise TimeoutError("timed out during handshake")
if self.request is not None:
with self.send_context(expected_state=CONNECTING):
response = None
if process_request is not None:
response = process_request(self, self.request)
except Exception as exc:
self.protocol.handshake_exc = exc
response = self.protocol.reject(
"Failed to open a WebSocket connection.\n"
"See server log for more information.\n"
if response is None:
self.response = self.protocol.accept(self.request)
self.response = response
if server_header:
self.response.headers["Server"] = server_header
response = None
if process_response is not None:
response = process_response(self, self.request, self.response)
except Exception as exc:
self.protocol.handshake_exc = exc
response = self.protocol.reject(
"Failed to open a WebSocket connection.\n"
"See server log for more information.\n"
if response is not None:
self.response = response
# self.protocol.handshake_exc is always set when the connection is lost
# before receiving a request, when the request cannot be parsed, when
# the handshake encounters an error, or when process_request or
# process_response sends a HTTP response that rejects the handshake.
if self.protocol.handshake_exc is not None:
raise self.protocol.handshake_exc
def process_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
Process one incoming event.
# First event - handshake request.
if self.request is None:
assert isinstance(event, Request)
self.request = event
# Later events - frames.
def recv_events(self) -> None:
Read incoming data from the socket and process events.
# If the connection is closed during the handshake, unblock it.
class Server:
WebSocket server returned by :func:`serve`.
This class mirrors the API of :class:`~socketserver.BaseServer`, notably the
:meth:`~socketserver.BaseServer.serve_forever` and
:meth:`~socketserver.BaseServer.shutdown` methods, as well as the context
manager protocol.
socket: Server socket listening for new connections.
handler: Handler for one connection. Receives the socket and address
returned by :meth:`~socket.socket.accept`.
logger: Logger for this server.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``.
See the :doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
def __init__(
socket: socket.socket,
handler: Callable[[socket.socket, Any], None],
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
) -> None:
self.socket = socket
self.handler = handler
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("websockets.server")
self.logger = logger
if sys.platform != "win32":
self.shutdown_watcher, self.shutdown_notifier = os.pipe()
def serve_forever(self) -> None:
See :meth:`socketserver.BaseServer.serve_forever`.
This method doesn't return. Calling :meth:`shutdown` from another thread
stops the server.
Typical use::
with serve(...) as server:
poller = selectors.DefaultSelector()
poller.register(self.socket, selectors.EVENT_READ)
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
# If shutdown() is called before poller.register(),
# the socket is closed and poller.register() raises
# ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
if sys.platform != "win32":
poller.register(self.shutdown_watcher, selectors.EVENT_READ)
while True:
# If the socket is closed, this will raise an exception and exit
# the loop. So we don't need to check the return value of select().
sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
except OSError:
# Since there isn't a mechanism for tracking connections and waiting
# for them to terminate, we cannot use daemon threads, or else all
# connections would be terminate brutally when closing the server.
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.handler, args=(sock, addr))
def shutdown(self) -> None:
See :meth:`socketserver.BaseServer.shutdown`.
if sys.platform != "win32":
os.write(self.shutdown_notifier, b"x")
def fileno(self) -> int:
See :meth:`socketserver.BaseServer.fileno`.
return self.socket.fileno()
def __enter__(self) -> Server:
return self
def __exit__(
exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
if name == "WebSocketServer":
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 13.0 - 2024-08-20
"WebSocketServer was renamed to Server",
return Server
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
def serve(
handler: Callable[[ServerConnection], None],
host: str | None = None,
port: int | None = None,
sock: socket.socket | None = None,
ssl: ssl_module.SSLContext | None = None,
# WebSocket
origins: Sequence[Origin | None] | None = None,
extensions: Sequence[ServerExtensionFactory] | None = None,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol] | None = None,
select_subprotocol: (
[ServerConnection, Sequence[Subprotocol]],
Subprotocol | None,
| None
) = None,
process_request: (
[ServerConnection, Request],
Response | None,
| None
) = None,
process_response: (
[ServerConnection, Request, Response],
Response | None,
| None
) = None,
server_header: str | None = SERVER,
compression: str | None = "deflate",
# Timeouts
open_timeout: float | None = 10,
close_timeout: float | None = 10,
# Limits
max_size: int | None = 2**20,
# Logging
logger: LoggerLike | None = None,
# Escape hatch for advanced customization
create_connection: type[ServerConnection] | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Server:
Create a WebSocket server listening on ``host`` and ``port``.
Whenever a client connects, the server creates a :class:`ServerConnection`,
performs the opening handshake, and delegates to the ``handler``.
The handler receives the :class:`ServerConnection` instance, which you can
use to send and receive messages.
Once the handler completes, either normally or with an exception, the server
performs the closing handshake and closes the connection.
This function returns a :class:`Server` whose API mirrors
:class:`~socketserver.BaseServer`. Treat it as a context manager to ensure
that it will be closed and call :meth:`~Server.serve_forever` to serve
from websockets.sync.server import serve
def handler(websocket):
with serve(handler, ...) as server:
handler: Connection handler. It receives the WebSocket connection,
which is a :class:`ServerConnection`, in argument.
host: Network interfaces the server binds to.
See :func:`~socket.create_server` for details.
port: TCP port the server listens on.
See :func:`~socket.create_server` for details.
sock: Preexisting TCP socket. ``sock`` replaces ``host`` and ``port``.
You may call :func:`socket.create_server` to create a suitable TCP
ssl: Configuration for enabling TLS on the connection.
origins: Acceptable values of the ``Origin`` header, for defending
against Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks. Include :obj:`None`
in the list if the lack of an origin is acceptable.
extensions: List of supported extensions, in order in which they
should be negotiated and run.
subprotocols: List of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing
select_subprotocol: Callback for selecting a subprotocol among
those supported by the client and the server. It receives a
:class:`ServerConnection` (not a
:class:`~websockets.server.ServerProtocol`!) instance and a list of
subprotocols offered by the client. Other than the first argument,
it has the same behavior as the
<websockets.server.ServerProtocol.select_subprotocol>` method.
process_request: Intercept the request during the opening handshake.
Return an HTTP response to force the response. Return :obj:`None` to
continue normally. When you force an HTTP 101 Continue response, the
handshake is successful. Else, the connection is aborted.
process_response: Intercept the response during the opening handshake.
Modify the response or return a new HTTP response to force the
response. Return :obj:`None` to continue normally. When you force an
HTTP 101 Continue response, the handshake is successful. Else, the
connection is aborted.
server_header: Value of the ``Server`` response header.
It defaults to ``"Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y"``. Setting it to
:obj:`None` removes the header.
compression: The "permessage-deflate" extension is enabled by default.
Set ``compression`` to :obj:`None` to disable it. See the
:doc:`compression guide <../../topics/compression>` for details.
open_timeout: Timeout for opening connections in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
close_timeout: Timeout for closing connections in seconds.
:obj:`None` disables the timeout.
max_size: Maximum size of incoming messages in bytes.
:obj:`None` disables the limit.
logger: Logger for this server.
It defaults to ``logging.getLogger("websockets.server")``. See the
:doc:`logging guide <../../topics/logging>` for details.
create_connection: Factory for the :class:`ServerConnection` managing
the connection. Set it to a wrapper or a subclass to customize
connection handling.
Any other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`~socket.create_server`.
# Process parameters
# Backwards compatibility: ssl used to be called ssl_context.
if ssl is None and "ssl_context" in kwargs:
ssl = kwargs.pop("ssl_context")
warnings.warn( # deprecated in 13.0 - 2024-08-20
"ssl_context was renamed to ssl",
if subprotocols is not None:
if compression == "deflate":
extensions = enable_server_permessage_deflate(extensions)
elif compression is not None:
raise ValueError(f"unsupported compression: {compression}")
if create_connection is None:
create_connection = ServerConnection
# Bind socket and listen
# Private APIs for unix_connect()
unix: bool = kwargs.pop("unix", False)
path: str | None = kwargs.pop("path", None)
if sock is None:
if unix:
if path is None:
raise TypeError("missing path argument")
kwargs.setdefault("family", socket.AF_UNIX)
sock = socket.create_server(path, **kwargs)
sock = socket.create_server((host, port), **kwargs)
if path is not None:
raise TypeError("path and sock arguments are incompatible")
# Initialize TLS wrapper
if ssl is not None:
sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
# Delay TLS handshake until after we set a timeout on the socket.
# Define request handler
def conn_handler(sock: socket.socket, addr: Any) -> None:
# Calculate timeouts on the TLS and WebSocket handshakes.
# The TLS timeout must be set on the socket, then removed
# to avoid conflicting with the WebSocket timeout in handshake().
deadline = Deadline(open_timeout)
# Disable Nagle algorithm
if not unix:
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, True)
# Perform TLS handshake
if ssl is not None:
# mypy cannot figure this out
assert isinstance(sock, ssl_module.SSLSocket)
# Create a closure to give select_subprotocol access to connection.
protocol_select_subprotocol: (
[ServerProtocol, Sequence[Subprotocol]],
Subprotocol | None,
| None
) = None
if select_subprotocol is not None:
def protocol_select_subprotocol(
protocol: ServerProtocol,
subprotocols: Sequence[Subprotocol],
) -> Subprotocol | None:
# mypy doesn't know that select_subprotocol is immutable.
assert select_subprotocol is not None
# Ensure this function is only used in the intended context.
assert protocol is connection.protocol
return select_subprotocol(connection, subprotocols)
# Initialize WebSocket protocol
protocol = ServerProtocol(
# Initialize WebSocket connection
assert create_connection is not None # help mypy
connection = create_connection(
except Exception:
except TimeoutError:
except Exception:
connection.logger.error("opening handshake failed", exc_info=True)
assert connection.protocol.state is OPEN
except Exception:
connection.logger.error("connection handler failed", exc_info=True)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
# Don't leak sockets on unexpected errors.
# Initialize server
return Server(sock, conn_handler, logger)
def unix_serve(
handler: Callable[[ServerConnection], None],
path: str | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Server:
Create a WebSocket server listening on a Unix socket.
This function accepts the same keyword arguments as :func:`serve`.
It's only available on Unix.
It's useful for deploying a server behind a reverse proxy such as nginx.
handler: Connection handler. It receives the WebSocket connection,
which is a :class:`ServerConnection`, in argument.
path: File system path to the Unix socket.
return serve(handler, unix=True, path=path, **kwargs)
def is_credentials(credentials: Any) -> bool:
username, password = credentials
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
return isinstance(username, str) and isinstance(password, str)
def basic_auth(
realm: str = "",
credentials: tuple[str, str] | Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None,
check_credentials: Callable[[str, str], bool] | None = None,
) -> Callable[[ServerConnection, Request], Response | None]:
Factory for ``process_request`` to enforce HTTP Basic Authentication.
:func:`basic_auth` is designed to integrate with :func:`serve` as follows::
from websockets.sync.server import basic_auth, serve
with serve(
realm="my dev server",
credentials=("hello", "iloveyou"),
If authentication succeeds, the connection's ``username`` attribute is set.
If it fails, the server responds with an HTTP 401 Unauthorized status.
One of ``credentials`` or ``check_credentials`` must be provided; not both.
realm: Scope of protection. It should contain only ASCII characters
because the encoding of non-ASCII characters is undefined. Refer to
section 2.2 of :rfc:`7235` for details.
credentials: Hard coded authorized credentials. It can be a
``(username, password)`` pair or a list of such pairs.
check_credentials: Function that verifies credentials.
It receives ``username`` and ``password`` arguments and returns
whether they're valid.
TypeError: If ``credentials`` or ``check_credentials`` is wrong.
if (credentials is None) == (check_credentials is None):
raise TypeError("provide either credentials or check_credentials")
if credentials is not None:
if is_credentials(credentials):
credentials_list = [cast(Tuple[str, str], credentials)]
elif isinstance(credentials, Iterable):
credentials_list = list(cast(Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], credentials))
if not all(is_credentials(item) for item in credentials_list):
raise TypeError(f"invalid credentials argument: {credentials}")
raise TypeError(f"invalid credentials argument: {credentials}")
credentials_dict = dict(credentials_list)
def check_credentials(username: str, password: str) -> bool:
expected_password = credentials_dict[username]
except KeyError:
return False
return hmac.compare_digest(expected_password, password)
assert check_credentials is not None # help mypy
def process_request(
connection: ServerConnection,
request: Request,
) -> Response | None:
Perform HTTP Basic Authentication.
If it succeeds, set the connection's ``username`` attribute and return
:obj:`None`. If it fails, return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized responss.
authorization = request.headers["Authorization"]
except KeyError:
response = connection.respond(
"Missing credentials\n",
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = build_www_authenticate_basic(realm)
return response
username, password = parse_authorization_basic(authorization)
except InvalidHeader:
response = connection.respond(
"Unsupported credentials\n",
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = build_www_authenticate_basic(realm)
return response
if not check_credentials(username, password):
response = connection.respond(
"Invalid credentials\n",
response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = build_www_authenticate_basic(realm)
return response
connection.username = username
return None
return process_request

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import time
__all__ = ["Deadline"]
class Deadline:
Manage timeouts across multiple steps.
timeout: Time available in seconds or :obj:`None` if there is no limit.
def __init__(self, timeout: float | None) -> None:
self.deadline: float | None
if timeout is None:
self.deadline = None
self.deadline = time.monotonic() + timeout
def timeout(self, *, raise_if_elapsed: bool = True) -> float | None:
Calculate a timeout from a deadline.
raise_if_elapsed: Whether to raise :exc:`TimeoutError`
if the deadline lapsed.
TimeoutError: If the deadline lapsed.
Time left in seconds or :obj:`None` if there is no limit.
if self.deadline is None:
return None
timeout = self.deadline - time.monotonic()
if raise_if_elapsed and timeout <= 0:
raise TimeoutError("timed out")
return timeout

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import http
import logging
import typing
from typing import Any, List, NewType, Optional, Tuple, Union
__all__ = [
# Public types used in the signature of public APIs
# Change to str | bytes when dropping Python < 3.10.
Data = Union[str, bytes]
"""Types supported in a WebSocket message:
:class:`str` for a Text_ frame, :class:`bytes` for a Binary_.
.. _Text:
.. _Binary :
# Change to logging.Logger | ... when dropping Python < 3.10.
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
LoggerLike = Union[logging.Logger, logging.LoggerAdapter[Any]]
"""Types accepted where a :class:`~logging.Logger` is expected."""
else: # remove this branch when dropping support for Python < 3.11
LoggerLike = Union[logging.Logger, logging.LoggerAdapter]
"""Types accepted where a :class:`~logging.Logger` is expected."""
# Change to http.HTTPStatus | int when dropping Python < 3.10.
StatusLike = Union[http.HTTPStatus, int]
Types accepted where an :class:`~http.HTTPStatus` is expected."""
Origin = NewType("Origin", str)
"""Value of a ``Origin`` header."""
Subprotocol = NewType("Subprotocol", str)
"""Subprotocol in a ``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` header."""
ExtensionName = NewType("ExtensionName", str)
"""Name of a WebSocket extension."""
# Change to tuple[str, Optional[str]] when dropping Python < 3.9.
# Change to tuple[str, str | None] when dropping Python < 3.10.
ExtensionParameter = Tuple[str, Optional[str]]
"""Parameter of a WebSocket extension."""
# Private types
# Change to tuple[.., list[...]] when dropping Python < 3.9.
ExtensionHeader = Tuple[ExtensionName, List[ExtensionParameter]]
"""Extension in a ``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions`` header."""
ConnectionOption = NewType("ConnectionOption", str)
"""Connection option in a ``Connection`` header."""
UpgradeProtocol = NewType("UpgradeProtocol", str)
"""Upgrade protocol in an ``Upgrade`` header."""

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import urllib.parse
from .exceptions import InvalidURI
__all__ = ["parse_uri", "WebSocketURI"]
class WebSocketURI:
WebSocket URI.
secure: :obj:`True` for a ``wss`` URI, :obj:`False` for a ``ws`` URI.
host: Normalized to lower case.
port: Always set even if it's the default.
path: May be empty.
query: May be empty if the URI doesn't include a query component.
username: Available when the URI contains `User Information`_.
password: Available when the URI contains `User Information`_.
.. _User Information:
secure: bool
host: str
port: int
path: str
query: str
username: str | None = None
password: str | None = None
def resource_name(self) -> str:
if self.path:
resource_name = self.path
resource_name = "/"
if self.query:
resource_name += "?" + self.query
return resource_name
def user_info(self) -> tuple[str, str] | None:
if self.username is None:
return None
assert self.password is not None
return (self.username, self.password)
# All characters from the gen-delims and sub-delims sets in RFC 3987.
DELIMS = ":/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;="
def parse_uri(uri: str) -> WebSocketURI:
Parse and validate a WebSocket URI.
uri: WebSocket URI.
Parsed WebSocket URI.
InvalidURI: If ``uri`` isn't a valid WebSocket URI.
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
if parsed.scheme not in ["ws", "wss"]:
raise InvalidURI(uri, "scheme isn't ws or wss")
if parsed.hostname is None:
raise InvalidURI(uri, "hostname isn't provided")
if parsed.fragment != "":
raise InvalidURI(uri, "fragment identifier is meaningless")
secure = parsed.scheme == "wss"
host = parsed.hostname
port = parsed.port or (443 if secure else 80)
path = parsed.path
query = parsed.query
username = parsed.username
password = parsed.password
# urllib.parse.urlparse accepts URLs with a username but without a
# password. This doesn't make sense for HTTP Basic Auth credentials.
if username is not None and password is None:
raise InvalidURI(uri, "username provided without password")
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# Input contains non-ASCII characters.
# It must be an IRI. Convert it to a URI.
host = host.encode("idna").decode()
path = urllib.parse.quote(path, safe=DELIMS)
query = urllib.parse.quote(query, safe=DELIMS)
if username is not None:
assert password is not None
username = urllib.parse.quote(username, safe=DELIMS)
password = urllib.parse.quote(password, safe=DELIMS)
return WebSocketURI(secure, host, port, path, query, username, password)

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import hashlib
import secrets
import sys
__all__ = ["accept_key", "apply_mask"]
GUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
def generate_key() -> str:
Generate a random key for the Sec-WebSocket-Key header.
key = secrets.token_bytes(16)
return base64.b64encode(key).decode()
def accept_key(key: str) -> str:
Compute the value of the Sec-WebSocket-Accept header.
key: Value of the Sec-WebSocket-Key header.
sha1 = hashlib.sha1((key + GUID).encode()).digest()
return base64.b64encode(sha1).decode()
def apply_mask(data: bytes, mask: bytes) -> bytes:
Apply masking to the data of a WebSocket message.
data: Data to mask.
mask: 4-bytes mask.
if len(mask) != 4:
raise ValueError("mask must contain 4 bytes")
data_int = int.from_bytes(data, sys.byteorder)
mask_repeated = mask * (len(data) // 4) + mask[: len(data) % 4]
mask_int = int.from_bytes(mask_repeated, sys.byteorder)
return (data_int ^ mask_int).to_bytes(len(data), sys.byteorder)

src/libs/websockets/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib.metadata
__all__ = ["tag", "version", "commit"]
# ========= =========== ===================
# release development
# ========= =========== ===================
# tag X.Y X.Y (upcoming)
# version X.Y X.Y.dev1+g5678cde
# commit X.Y 5678cde
# ========= =========== ===================
# When tagging a release, set `released = True`.
# After tagging a release, set `released = False` and increment `tag`.
released = False
tag = version = commit = "13.1"
if not released: # pragma: no cover
import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
def get_version(tag: str) -> str:
# Since executes the contents of src/websockets/,
# __file__ can point to either of these two files.
file_path = pathlib.Path(__file__)
root_dir = file_path.parents[0 if == "" else 2]
# Read version from package metadata if it is installed.
version = importlib.metadata.version("websockets")
except ImportError:
# Check that this file belongs to the installed package.
files = importlib.metadata.files("websockets")
if files:
version_files = [f for f in files if ==]
if version_files:
version_file = version_files[0]
if version_file.locate() == file_path:
return version
# Read version from git if available.
description =
["git", "describe", "--dirty", "--tags", "--long"],
# raises FileNotFoundError if git isn't on $PATH.
except (
description_re = r"[0-9.]+-([0-9]+)-(g[0-9a-f]{7,}(?:-dirty)?)"
match = re.fullmatch(description_re, description)
if match is None:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected git description: {description}")
distance, remainder = match.groups()
remainder = remainder.replace("-", ".") # required by PEP 440
return f"{tag}.dev{distance}+{remainder}"
# Avoid crashing if the development version cannot be determined.
return f"{tag}.dev0+gunknown"
version = get_version(tag)
def get_commit(tag: str, version: str) -> str:
# Extract commit from version, falling back to tag if not available.
version_re = r"[0-9.]+\.dev[0-9]+\+g([0-9a-f]{7,}|unknown)(?:\.dirty)?"
match = re.fullmatch(version_re, version)
if match is None:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected version: {version}")
(commit,) = match.groups()
return tag if commit == "unknown" else commit
commit = get_commit(tag, version)