597 lines
26 KiB
597 lines
26 KiB
ZeroEngine .msh model format parser.
Refer to
for more information regarding the file format.
import msh2
from struct import unpack as unpack
import logging
STR_CODEC = 'utf-8'
'MATL', 'DATA', 'MATD', 'ATRB', 'TX0D', 'TX1D', 'TX2D', 'TX3D',
'GEOM', 'SEGM', 'SHDW', 'MATI', 'POSL', 'NRML', 'UV0L', 'UV1L',
'UV2L', 'CLRL', 'CLRB', 'WGHT', 'NDXL', 'NDXT', 'STRP',
'CLTH', 'CTEX', 'CPOS', 'CUV0', 'FIDX', 'FWGT', 'SPRS', 'CPRS',
'SKL2', 'BLN2', 'ANM2', 'CYCL', 'KFR3',
'NAME', 'BBOX', 'CL1L']
class UnpackError(Exception):
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __str__(self):
return str(self.val)
class Unpacker(object):
def unpack_header(self, data):
return data[:4], unpack('<L', data[4:])[0]
def unpack_str(self, data):
def log(self, text):
def dont_log(self, *text):
def long(self, data):
return unpack('<L', data)[0]
def short(self, data):
return unpack('<H', data)[0]
def float(self, data):
return unpack('<f', data)[0]
class BBoxUnpacker(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, data):
self.bbox = msh2.BBox()
self.data = data
def unpack(self):
self.bbox.rotation = unpack('<ffff', self.data[:16])
self.bbox.center = unpack('<fff', self.data[16:28])
self.bbox.extents = unpack('<fff', self.data[28:40])
self.bbox.radius = unpack('<f', self.data[40:])[0]
return self.bbox
class MSHUnpack(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, mshfile, config={'do_logging': False,
'ignore_geo': False,
'triangulate': False}):
self.mshfile = mshfile
self.msh = msh2.Msh()
self.msh.animation = msh2.Animation(self.msh, 'maybe_empty')
self.config = config
if not config['do_logging']:
self.log = self.dont_log
def unpack(self):
with open(self.mshfile, 'rb') as mf:
bin, self.size = self.unpack_header(mf.read(8))
# MSH2 or SHVO
bin, self.msh2size = self.unpack_header(mf.read(8))
if bin == 'SHVO':
self.log('Skipping SHVO chunk.')
# Read the 4 content bytes of SHVO.
# that's definitely MSH2
bin, self.msh2size = self.unpack_header(mf.read(8))
mdlcoll = msh2.ModelCollection(self.msh)
self.msh.models = mdlcoll
while True:
hdr, size = self.unpack_header(mf.read(8))
self.log('Header, Size: {0}, {1}'.format(hdr, size))
if hdr == 'SINF':
si = InfoUnpacker(self, size, mf)
self.msh.info = si.unpack()
elif hdr == 'MATL':
num_materials = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
matcoll = msh2.MaterialCollection(self.msh)
for n in xrange(num_materials):
mat, matsize = self.unpack_header(mf.read(8))
self.log('Material, Size: {0}, {1}'.format(mat, matsize))
mat = MaterialUnpacker(self, matsize, mf)
self.msh.materials = matcoll
elif hdr == 'MODL':
mdl = ModelUnpacker(self, size, mf)
elif hdr == 'CAMR':
elif hdr == 'LGHT':
elif hdr == 'SKL2':
numbones = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
bonecoll = msh2.BoneCollection(self.msh.animation)
for n in xrange(numbones):
bone = msh2.Bone(bonecoll)
bone.CRC = mf.read(4)
bone.bone_type = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
bone.constrain = unpack('<f', mf.read(4))[0]
bone.bone1len = unpack('<f', mf.read(4))[0]
bone.bone2len = unpack('<f', mf.read(4))[0]
self.msh.animation.bones = bonecoll
elif hdr == 'BLN2':
# Ignore BLN2 as this only has one attribute(blend_factor).
# It's not clear which type this is and it's not important.
elif hdr == 'ANM2':
# Continue as this is only a header.
elif hdr == 'CYCL':
num_cycles = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
cycles = []
for n in xrange(num_cycles):
cycle = msh2.Cycle(self.msh.animation)
cycle.name = mf.read(64).strip('\x00')
cycle.fps = unpack('<f', mf.read(4))[0]
cycle.style = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
cycle.frames = unpack('<LL', mf.read(8))
self.msh.animation.cycles = cycles
self.msh.animation.cycle = cycles[0]
elif hdr == 'KFR3':
numbones = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(numbones):
# Ingore the crc, usually the same order as before.
bone = self.msh.animation.bones[n]
bone.keyframe_type = unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0]
numtran, numrot = unpack('<LL', mf.read(8))
tran = []
translation_frame_indices = []
rot = []
rotation_frame_indices = []
for i in xrange(numtran):
# Ignore the frame index.
translation_frame_indices.append(unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0])
# Add X, Y, Z position tuple.
tran.append(unpack('<fff', mf.read(12)))
for i in xrange(numrot):
# Again, ignore the frame index.
rotation_frame_indices.append(unpack('<L', mf.read(4))[0])
# X, Y, Z, W quaternion translation tuple.
rot.append(unpack('<ffff', mf.read(16)))
bone.pos_keyframes = tran
bone.pos_keyframe_indices = translation_frame_indices
bone.rot_keyframes = rot
bone.rot_keyframe_indices = rotation_frame_indices
elif hdr == 'CL1L':
self.log('Unrecognized chunk {0} in MSHUnpack.'.format(hdr))
raise UnpackError('Unrecognized chunk {0} in MSHUnpack (can be a valid chunk but doesnt fit into this unpack level).'.format(hdr))
for model in self.msh.models:
return self.msh
class ModelUnpacker(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, up, size, fh):
self.size = size
self.fh = fh
self.mdl = msh2.Model(up.msh)
self.up = up
self.log = up.log
def unpack(self):
self.log('Unpacking Model at {0}.'.format(self.fh.tell() - 8))
while True:
hdr, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
self.log('Model: Header, Size: {0}, {1}'.format(hdr, size))
if hdr == 'MTYP':
self.mdl.model_type = msh2.MODEL_TYPES_INT[unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]]
# RepSharpshooters MshEx exports MTYP as MYTP. Should work since the format update.
elif hdr == 'MYTP':
logging.info('Found RepSharpshooter MshEx type .msh. Continuing the import.')
self.mdl.model_type = msh2.MODEL_TYPES_INT[unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]]
elif hdr == 'NAME':
self.mdl.name = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00')
elif hdr == 'MNDX':
self.mdl.index = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
elif hdr == 'PRNT':
self.mdl.parent_name = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
elif hdr == 'FLGS':
self.mdl.vis = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
elif hdr == 'TRAN':
scl = unpack('<fff', self.fh.read(12))
rot = unpack('<ffff', self.fh.read(16))
tra = unpack('<fff', self.fh.read(12))
self.mdl.transform = msh2.Transform(tra, rot, scl)
elif hdr == 'GEOM':
if self.up.config['ignore_geo']:
# If this is a bone(MTYP 3) then set model type to geobone as
# it has geometry, too.
if self.mdl.model_type == 'bone':
self.mdl.model_type = 'geobone'
# Ignore the bbox header and size indicator. We dont need it.
bb = BBoxUnpacker(self.fh.read(44))
self.mdl.bbox = bb.unpack()
self.mdl.segments = msh2.SegmentCollection(self.mdl)
while True:
soc, ssize = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
self.log('Model Segments: Header, Size: {0}, {1}'.format(soc, ssize))
if soc == 'SEGM':
segm = GeometryUnpacker(self, ssize, self.fh)
elif soc == 'CLTH':
segm = ClothUnpacker(self, ssize, self.fh)
elif soc == 'ENVL':
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
inds = []
for n in xrange(num):
inds.append(unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0])
self.mdl.deformer_indices = inds
self.log('Unrecognized chunk {0} in ModelUnpack(Geometry).'.format(soc))
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 8)
elif hdr == 'SWCI':
self.mdl.collprim = True
prim_data = unpack('<Lfff', self.fh.read(16))
self.mdl.primitive = (prim_data[0], prim_data[1],
prim_data[2], prim_data[3])
self.log('Unrecognized chunk {0} in ModelUnpack.'.format(hdr))
# Return to the position before the header.
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 8)
return self.mdl
class ClothUnpacker(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, up, size, fh):
self.up = up
self.size = size
self.fh = fh
self.seg = msh2.ClothGeometry(up.mdl)
self.log = up.log
def unpack(self):
self.log('Unpacking Cloth.')
fixed = []
while True:
hdr, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
logging.debug('Cloth: Header, Size: {0}, {1}'.format(hdr, size))
if hdr == 'CTEX':
self.seg.texture = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
elif hdr == 'CPOS':
vertcoll = msh2.ClothVertexCollection(self.seg)
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num):
pos = unpack('<fff', self.fh.read(12))
vert = msh2.ClothVertex(pos)
self.seg.vertices = vertcoll
elif hdr == 'CUV0':
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num):
self.seg.vertices[n].uv = unpack('<ff', self.fh.read(8))
elif hdr == 'FIDX':
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num):
index = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
self.seg.vertices[index].is_fixed = True
elif hdr == 'FWGT':
self.fh.read(4) # Number of points.
weights = self.fh.read(size - 4).split('\x00')
logging.debug('Cloth Deformers: {0}'.format(weights))
logging.debug('Cloth Fixed Points: {0}'.format(len(fixed)))
if len(weights) > 0:
for index, vertindex in enumerate(fixed):
self.seg.vertices[vertindex].deformer = weights[index]
elif hdr == 'CMSH':
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
facecoll = msh2.FaceCollection(self.seg)
for n in xrange(num):
face = msh2.Face()
face.vertices = unpack('<LLL', self.fh.read(12))
self.seg.faces = facecoll
elif hdr == 'SPRS':
num_constraints = self.long(self.fh.read(4))
s_constraints = []
for n in xrange(num_constraints):
s_constraints.append(unpack('<HH', self.fh.read(4)))
self.seg.stretch_constraints = s_constraints
elif hdr == 'CPRS':
num_constraints = self.long(self.fh.read(4))
c_constraints = []
for n in xrange(num_constraints):
c_constraints.append(unpack('<HH', self.fh.read(4)))
self.seg.cross_constraints = c_constraints
elif hdr == 'BPRS':
num_constraints = self.long(self.fh.read(4))
b_constraints = []
for n in xrange(num_constraints):
b_constraints.append(unpack('<HH', self.fh.read(4)))
self.seg.bend_constraints = b_constraints
elif hdr == 'COLL':
num_colls = self.long(self.fh.read(4))
for n in xrange(num_colls):
collision = msh2.ClothCollision()
collision.cloth = self.seg
name = []
while 1:
char = self.fh.read(1)
if char == '\x00':
collision.name = ''.join(name)
parent = []
while 1:
char = self.fh.read(1)
if char == '\x00':
collision.parent = ''.join(parent)
collision.primitive_type = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
collision.primitive_data = unpack('<fff', self.fh.read(12))
# COLL chunk seems to be padded with \x00 at the end to get an even size indicator.
while True:
if self.fh.read(1) == '\x00':
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 1)
self.log('Unrecognized chunk {0} in ClothUnpack.'.format(hdr))
# Return to the position before the header.
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 8)
return self.seg
class GeometryUnpacker(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, up, size, fh):
self.up = up
self.size = size
self.fh = fh
# Either SegmentGeometry or ShadowGeometry.
# Usually it's SegmentGeometry so we'll set it as default.
# Cloth doesn't have the SEGM chunk we read before we got here.
self.seg = msh2.SegmentGeometry(up.mdl)
self.log = up.log
def unpack(self):
# Now we have to check which type of segment it is.
# Most common will be static meshes, then maybe shadows,
# then enveloped.
# Enveloped and static meshes share most of the chunks,
# however, shadows meshes only have one chunk.
self.log('Unpacking Geometry.')
self.up.up.last_chunk = None
while True:
# The SEGM header is already gone so read the next one.
hdr, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
self.log('Geo: Header, Size: {0}, {1}'.format(hdr, size))
if hdr == 'SHDW':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'SHDW'
self.seg = msh2.ShadowGeometry(self.up.mdl)
# self.seg.data = self.fh.read(size)
num_pos = self.long(self.fh.read(4))
positions = []
for n in xrange(num_pos):
positions.append((self.float(self.fh.read(4)), self.float(self.fh.read(4)), self.float(self.fh.read(4))))
num_edges = self.long(self.fh.read(4))
edges = []
for n in xrange(num_edges):
edge = self.short(self.fh.read(2)), self.short(self.fh.read(2)), self.short(self.fh.read(2)), self.short(self.fh.read(2))
self.seg.positions = positions
self.seg.edges = edges
elif hdr == 'MATI':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'MATI'
# 1st up: ModelUnpacker, 2nd up: MSHUnpack
self.seg.material = self.up.up.msh.get_mat_by_index(unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0])
self.seg.mat_name = self.seg.material.name
elif hdr == 'POSL':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'POSL'
num_positions = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
vertcoll = msh2.VertexCollection(self.seg)
for n in xrange(num_positions):
pos = self.fh.read(12)
pos = unpack('<fff', pos)
vert = msh2.Vertex(pos)
self.seg.vertices = vertcoll
elif hdr == 'NRML':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'NRML'
num_normals = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num_normals):
self.seg.vertices[n].normal = unpack('<fff', self.fh.read(12))
elif hdr == 'UV0L':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'UV0L'
num_uvs = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num_uvs):
self.seg.vertices[n].uv = unpack('<ff', self.fh.read(8))
self.seg.vertices.uved = True
elif hdr in ('UV1L', 'UV2L', 'UV3L'):
# Never seen UV2L + but just to be sure.
elif hdr == 'CLRL':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'CLRL'
num_colors = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num_colors):
bgra_color = unpack('<BBBB', self.fh.read(4))
self.seg.vertices[n].color = msh2.Color((bgra_color[2], bgra_color[1], bgra_color[0], bgra_color[3]))
self.seg.vertices.colored = True
elif hdr == 'CLRB':
self.up.up.last_chunk = 'CLRB'
bgra_color = unpack('<BBBB', self.fh.read(4))
color = (bgra_color[2], bgra_color[1], bgra_color[0], bgra_color[3])
for vert in self.seg.vertices:
vert.color = msh2.Color(color)
self.seg.vertices.colored = True
elif hdr == 'WGHT':
last_chunk = 'WGHT'
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
for n in xrange(num):
indices = []
vals = []
for i in xrange(4):
indices.append(unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0])
vals.append(unpack('<f', self.fh.read(4))[0])
self.seg.vertices[n].deformer_indices = indices
self.seg.vertices[n].weights = vals
self.seg.vertices.weighted = True
elif hdr == 'STRP':
last_chunk = 'STRP'
num = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
facecoll = msh2.FaceCollection(self.seg)
num_begins = 0
for n in xrange(num):
val = unpack('<H', self.fh.read(2))[0]
if (val - 0x8000) > -1:
if num_begins == 0:
num_begins += 1
face = msh2.Face()
elif num_begins == 1:
num_begins += 1
if face.sides > 2:
face = msh2.Face()
num_begins = 0
elif num_begins == 2:
num_begins = 1
face = msh2.Face()
face.add(val - 0x8000)
self.seg.faces = facecoll
elif hdr == 'NDXL':
last_chunk = 'NDXL'
elif hdr == 'NDXT':
last_chunk = 'NDXT'
# If the faces are already set (for example from the STRP chunk)
# then ignore this as it's usually deprecated.
if self.seg.faces:
num_triangles = unpack('<L', self.fh.read(4))[0]
logging.info('Sizes: %d == %d', num_triangles * 6 + 4, size)
faces = msh2.FaceCollection(self.seg)
for n in range(num_triangles):
face = msh2.Face(list(unpack('<HHH', self.fh.read(2 * 3))))
self.seg.faces = faces
# If there are any bytes left (which seems to happen in some
# .msh files), skip them.
used_bytes = len(faces) * 6 + 4
if used_bytes < size:
self.fh.read(size - used_bytes)
if hdr not in CHUNK_LIST:
if last_chunk == 'STRP':
self.log('Fixing STRP chunk import.')
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 8)
self.log('Unrecognized chunk {0} in GeometryUnpack.'.format(hdr))
# Return to the position before the header.
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 8)
return self.seg
class MaterialUnpacker(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, up, size, fh):
self.size = size
self.fh = fh
self.mat = msh2.Material(up.msh)
self.log = up.log
def unpack(self):
self.log('Unpacking Material.')
# NAME chunk.
bin, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
bin, size
self.mat.name = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00')
# DATA chunk.
self.mat.diff_color = msh2.Color(unpack('<ffff', self.fh.read(16)))
self.mat.spec_color = msh2.Color(unpack('<ffff', self.fh.read(16)))
self.mat.ambt_color = msh2.Color(unpack('<ffff', self.fh.read(16)))
self.mat.gloss = unpack('<f', self.fh.read(4))[0]
# ATRB chunk.
self.mat.flags = self.mat.flags_from_int(unpack('<B', self.fh.read(1))[0])
self.mat.render_type, self.mat.data0, self.mat.data1 = unpack('<BBB', self.fh.read(3))
# Textures.
for n in xrange(4):
hdr, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
self.log('TX header, size: {0}, {1}'.format(hdr, size))
if hdr[:2] == 'TX':
if hdr[2] == '0':
self.mat.tex0 = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
elif hdr[2] == '1':
self.mat.tex1 = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
elif hdr[2] == '2':
self.mat.tex2 = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
elif hdr[2] == '3':
self.mat.tex3 = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
self.log('Unrecognized chunk {0} in MaterialUnpacker.'.format(hdr))
self.fh.seek(self.fh.tell() - 8)
return self.mat
class InfoUnpacker(Unpacker):
def __init__(self, up, size, fh):
self.size = size
self.fh = fh
self.info = msh2.SceneInfo(up.msh)
self.log = up.log
def unpack(self):
self.log('Unpacking Scene Info.')
# Name chunk.
bin, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
self.info.name = self.fh.read(size).strip('\x00').encode(STR_CODEC)
# FRAM chunk.
bin, size = self.unpack_header(self.fh.read(8))
self.info.frame_range = unpack('<LL', self.fh.read(8))
self.info.fps = unpack('<f', self.fh.read(4))[0]
# BBOX chunk.
self.fh.read(8) # Just read those, size is always the same.
bb = BBoxUnpacker(self.fh.read(44))
self.info.bbox = bb.unpack()
return self.info