4049 lines
136 KiB
4049 lines
136 KiB
Name: 'Tree from Curves'
Blender: 245
Group: 'Wizards'
Tip: 'Generate trees from curve shapes'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
__url__ = ['www.blender.org', 'blenderartists.org']
__version__ = "0.1"
__bpydoc__ = """\
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tree from Curves v0.1 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman42)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import bpy
import Blender
import BPyMesh
from Blender.Mathutils import Vector, Matrix, AngleBetweenVecs, LineIntersect, TranslationMatrix, ScaleMatrix, RotationMatrix, Rand
from Blender.Geometry import ClosestPointOnLine
from Blender.Noise import randuvec
GLOBALS['non_bez_error'] = 0
def debugVec(v1,v2):
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
me = bpy.data.meshes.new()
me.verts.extend( [v1,v2] )
me.edges.extend( [(0,1)] )
def AngleBetweenVecsSafe(a1, a2):
return AngleBetweenVecs(a1,a2)
return 180.0
# Python 2.3 has no reversed.
def reversed(l): return l[::-1]
# Copied from blender, we could wrap this! - BKE_curve.c
# But probably not toooo bad in python
def forward_diff_bezier(q0, q1, q2, q3, pointlist, steps, axis):
f= float(steps)
rt0= q0
rt1= 3.0*(q1-q0)/f
f*= f
rt2= 3.0*(q0-2.0*q1+q2)/f
f*= steps
rt3= (q3-q0+3.0*(q1-q2))/f
q0= rt0
q1= rt1+rt2+rt3
q2= 2*rt2+6*rt3
q3= 6*rt3
if axis == None:
for a in xrange(steps+1):
pointlist[a] = q0
q0+= q1
q1+= q2
q2+= q3;
for a in xrange(steps+1):
pointlist[a][axis] = q0
q0+= q1
q1+= q2
q2+= q3;
def points_from_bezier_seg(steps, pointlist, radlist, bez1_vec, bez2_vec, radius1, radius2):
# x,y,z,axis
for ii in (0,1,2):
forward_diff_bezier(bez1_vec[1][ii], bez1_vec[2][ii], bez2_vec[0][ii], bez2_vec[1][ii], pointlist, steps, ii)
# radius - no axis, Copied from blenders BBone roll interpolation.
forward_diff_bezier(radius1, radius1 + 0.390464*(radius2-radius1), radius2 - 0.390464*(radius2-radius1), radius2, radlist, steps, None)
def debug_pt(co):
print 'debugging', co
def freshMesh(mesh):
Utility function to get a new mesh or clear the existing one, but dont clear everything.
if mesh:
materials = mesh.materials
mesh.verts = None
for group in mesh.getVertGroupNames():
# Add materials back
mesh.materials = materials
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new()
return mesh
def getObFromName(name):
if name:
try: return bpy.data.objects[name]
except: return None
return None
def getGroupFromName(name):
if name:
try: return bpy.data.groups[name]
except: return None
return None
def closestVecIndex(vec, vecls):
best= -1
best_dist = 100000000
for i, vec_test in enumerate(vecls):
# Dont use yet, we may want to tho
if vec_test: # Seems odd, but use this so we can disable some verts in the list.
dist = (vec-vec_test).length
if dist < best_dist:
best = i
best_dist = dist
return best
IRATIONAL_NUM = 22.0/7.0
def next_random_num(rnd):
return a random number between 0.0 and 1.0
rnd[0] += (rnd[0] * IRATIONAL_NUM) % 1
# prevent
if rnd[0] > 1000000:
return rnd[0] % 1
eul = 0.00001
class tree:
def __init__(self):
self.branches_all = []
self.branches_root = []
self.branches_twigs = []
self.mesh = None
self.armature = None
self.objectCurve = None
self.objectCurveMat = None
self.objectCurveIMat = None
self.objectTwigBounds = None # use for twigs only at the moment.
self.objectTwigBoundsIMat = None
self.objectTwigBoundsMat = None
self.objectTwigBoundsMesh = None
self.objectLeafBounds = None
self.objectLeafBoundsIMat = None
self.objectLeafBoundsMesh = None
self.limbScale = 1.0
self.debug_objects = []
self.steps = 6 # defalt, curve overwrites
def __repr__(self):
s = ''
s += '[Tree]'
s += ' limbScale: %.6f' % self.limbScale
s += ' object: %s' % self.objectCurve
for brch in self.branches_root:
s += str(brch)
return s
def fromCurve(self, objectCurve):
# Now calculate the normals
self.objectCurve = objectCurve
self.objectCurveMat = objectCurve.matrixWorld
self.objectCurveIMat = self.objectCurveMat.copy().invert()
curve = objectCurve.data
self.steps = curve.resolu # curve resolution
# Set the curve object scale
if curve.bevob:
# A bit of a hack to guess the size of the curve object if you have one.
bb = curve.bevob.boundingBox
# self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 2.825 # THIS IS GOOD WHEN NON SUBSURRFED
self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 1.8
elif curve.ext2 != 0.0:
self.limbScale = curve.ext2 * 1.5
# forward_diff_bezier will fill in the blanks
# nice we can reuse these for every curve segment :)
pointlist = [[None, None, None] for i in xrange(self.steps+1)]
radlist = [ None for i in xrange(self.steps+1) ]
for spline in curve:
if len(spline) < 2: # Ignore single point splines
if spline.type != 1: # 0 poly, 1 bez, 4 nurbs
GLOBALS['non_bez_error'] = 1
brch = branch()
bez_list = list(spline)
for i in xrange(1, len(bez_list)):
bez1 = bez_list[i-1]
bez2 = bez_list[i]
vec1 = bez1.vec
vec2 = bez2.vec
if abs(vec1[1][0]-vec2[1][0]) > 0.000001 or\
abs(vec1[1][1]-vec2[1][1]) > 0.000001 or\
abs(vec1[1][2]-vec2[1][2]) > 0.000001:
points_from_bezier_seg(self.steps, pointlist, radlist, vec1, vec2, bez1.radius, bez2.radius)
# remove endpoint for all but the last
len_pointlist = len(pointlist)
if i != len(bez_list)-1:
len_pointlist -= 1
brch.bpoints.extend([ bpoint(brch, Vector(pointlist[ii]), Vector(), radlist[ii] * self.limbScale) for ii in xrange(len_pointlist) ])
# Finalize once point data is there
if brch.bpoints:
# if all points are in the same location, this is possible
if brch.bpoints[0].radius < brch.bpoints[-1].radius: # This means we dont have to worry about curve direction.
# Sort from big to small, so big branches get priority
# Py 2.3 dosnt have keywords in sort
try: self.branches_all.sort( key = lambda brch: -brch.bpoints[0].radius )
except: self.branches_all.sort( lambda brch_a, brch_b: cmp(brch_b.bpoints[0].radius, brch_a.bpoints[0].radius) ) # py2.3
def closestBranchPt(self, co):
best_brch = None
best_pt = None
best_dist = 10000000000
for brch in self.branches_all:
for pt in brch.bpoints:
# if pt.inTwigBounds: # only find twigs, give different results for leaves
l = (pt.co-co).length
if l < best_dist:
best_dist = l
best_brch = brch
best_pt = pt
return best_brch, best_pt
def setTwigBounds(self, objectMesh):
self.objectTwigBounds = objectMesh
self.objectTwigBoundsMesh = objectMesh.getData(mesh=1)
self.objectTwigBoundsMat = objectMesh.matrixWorld.copy()
self.objectTwigBoundsIMat = self.objectTwigBoundsMat.copy().invert()
for brch in self.branches_all:
def setLeafBounds(self, objectMesh):
self.objectLeafBounds = objectMesh
self.objectLeafBoundsMesh = objectMesh.getData(mesh=1)
self.objectLeafBoundsIMat = objectMesh.matrixWorld.copy().invert()
def isPointInTwigBounds(self, co, selected_only=False):
return self.objectTwigBoundsMesh.pointInside(co * self.objectCurveMat * self.objectTwigBoundsIMat, selected_only)
def isPointInLeafBounds(self, co, selected_only=False):
return self.objectLeafBoundsMesh.pointInside(co * self.objectCurveMat * self.objectLeafBoundsIMat, selected_only)
def resetTags(self, value):
for brch in self.branches_all:
brch.tag = value
def buildConnections( self,\
sloppy = 1.0,\
connect_base_trim = 1.0,\
do_twigs = False,\
twig_ratio = 2.0,\
twig_select_mode = 0,\
twig_select_factor = 0.5,\
twig_scale = 0.8,\
twig_scale_width = 1.0,\
twig_random_orientation = 180,\
twig_random_angle = 33,\
do_variation = 0,\
variation_seed = 1,\
variation_orientation = 0.0,\
variation_scale = 0.0,\
do_twigs_fill = 0,\
build tree data - fromCurve must run first
# Sort the branchs by the first radius, so big branchs get joins first
### self.branches_all.sort( key = lambda brch: brch.bpoints[0].radius )
# Connect branches
for i in xrange(len(self.branches_all)):
brch_i = self.branches_all[i]
for j in xrange(len(self.branches_all)):
if i != j:
# See if any of the points match this branch
# see if Branch 'i' is the child of branch 'j'
brch_j = self.branches_all[j]
if not brch_j.inParentChain(brch_i): # So we dont make cyclic tree!
pt_best_j, dist = brch_j.findClosest(brch_i.bpoints[0].co)
# Check its in range, allow for a bit out - hense the sloppy
# The second check in the following IF was added incase the point is close enough to the line but the midpoint is further away
# ...in this case the the resulting mesh will be adjusted to fit the join so its best to make it.
if (dist < pt_best_j.radius * sloppy) or \
((brch_i.bpoints[0].co - pt_best_j.co).length < pt_best_j.radius * sloppy):
brch_i.parent_pt = pt_best_j
pt_best_j.childCount += 1 # dont remove me
if pt_best_j.childCount>4:
raise "ERROR"
# addas a member of best_j.children later when we have the geometry info available.
#### print "Found Connection!!!", i, j
break # go onto the next branch
children = [brch_child for brch_child in pt.children]
if children:
# This pt is one side of the segment, pt.next joins this segment.
# calculate the median point the 2 segments would spanal
# Once this is done we need to adjust 2 things
# 1) move both segments up/down so they match the branches best.
# 2) set the spacing of the segments around the point.
# First try to get the ideal some space around each joint
# the spacing shoule be an average of
for brch.bpoints:
for brch in self.branches_all:
# Variations - use for making multiple versions of the same tree.
if do_variation:
irational_num = 22.0/7.0 # use to make the random number more odd
rnd = [variation_seed]
# Add children temporarily
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
rnd_rot = ((next_random_num(rnd) * variation_orientation) - 0.5) * 720
mat_orientation = RotationMatrix(rnd_rot, 3, 'r', brch.parent_pt.no)
rnd_sca = 1 + ((next_random_num(rnd)-0.5)* variation_scale )
mat_scale = Matrix([rnd_sca,0,0],[0,rnd_sca,0],[0,0,rnd_sca])
# mat_orientation = RotationMatrix(0, 3, 'r', brch.parent_pt.no)
brch.transformRecursive(self, mat_scale * mat_orientation, brch.parent_pt.co)
if (do_twigs or do_twigs_fill) and twig_ob_bounds: # Only spawn twigs inside this mesh
# Important we so this with existing parent/child but before connecting and calculating verts.
if do_twigs:
# scale values down
twig_random_orientation= twig_random_orientation/360.0
twig_random_angle= twig_random_angle/360.0
irational_num = 22.0/7.0 # use to make the random number more odd
if not twig_recursive:
twig_recursive_limit = 0
self.buildTwigs(twig_ratio, twig_select_mode, twig_select_factor)
branches_twig_attached = []
# This wont add all! :/
brch_twig_index = 0
brch_twig_index_LAST = -1 # use this to prevent in inf loop, since its possible we cant place every branch
while brch_twig_index < len(self.branches_twigs) and brch_twig_index_LAST != brch_twig_index:
###print "While"
### print brch_twig_index, len(self.branches_twigs) # if this dosnt change, quit the while
brch_twig_index_LAST = brch_twig_index
# new twigs have been added, recalculate
branches_twig_sort = [brch.bestTwigSegment() for brch in self.branches_all]
branches_twig_sort.sort() # this will sort the branches with best braches for adding twigs to at the start of the list
for tmp_sortval, twig_pt_index, brch_parent in branches_twig_sort: # tmp_sortval is not used.
if twig_pt_index != -1 and \
(twig_recursive_limit == 0 or brch_parent.generation < twig_recursive_limit) and \
(twig_placement_maxtwig == 0 or brch_parent.twig_count < twig_placement_maxtwig) and \
brch_parent.bpoints[twig_pt_index].radius < twig_placement_maxradius:
if brch_twig_index >= len(self.branches_twigs):
brch_twig = self.branches_twigs[brch_twig_index]
parent_pt = brch_parent.bpoints[twig_pt_index]
brch_twig.parent_pt = parent_pt
parent_pt.childCount += 1
# Scale this twig using this way...
# The size of the parent, scaled by the parent point's radius,
# ...compared to the parent branch;s root point radius.
# Also take into account the length of the parent branch
# Use this for pretend random numbers too.
scale = twig_scale * (parent_pt.branch.bpoints[0].radius / brch_twig.bpoints[0].radius) * (parent_pt.radius / parent_pt.branch.bpoints[0].radius)
# Random orientation
# THIS IS NOT RANDOM - Dont be real random so we can always get re-produceale results.
if twig_random_orientation: rnd1 = (((irational_num * scale * 10000000) % 360) - 180) * twig_random_orientation
else: rnd1 = 0.0
if twig_random_angle: rnd2 = (((irational_num * scale * 66666666) % 360) - 180) * twig_random_angle
else: rnd2 = 0.0
# Align this with the existing branch
angle = AngleBetweenVecsSafe(zup, parent_pt.no)
cross = zup.cross(parent_pt.no)
mat_align = RotationMatrix(angle, 3, 'r', cross)
# Use the bend on the point to work out which way to make the branch point!
if parent_pt.prev: cross = parent_pt.no.cross(parent_pt.prev.no - parent_pt.no)
else: cross = parent_pt.no.cross(parent_pt.next.no - parent_pt.no)
if parent_pt.branch.parent_pt:
angle = AngleBetweenVecsSafe(parent_pt.branch.parent_pt.no, parent_pt.no)
# Should add a UI for this... only happens when twigs come off a root branch
angle = 66
mat_branch_angle = RotationMatrix(angle+rnd1, 3, 'r', cross)
mat_scale = Matrix([scale,0,0],[0,scale,0],[0,0,scale])
mat_orientation = RotationMatrix(rnd2, 3, 'r', parent_pt.no)
if twig_scale_width != 1.0:
# adjust length - no radius adjusting
for pt in brch_twig.bpoints:
pt.radius *= twig_scale_width
brch_twig.transform(mat_scale * mat_branch_angle * mat_align * mat_orientation, parent_pt.co)
# Follow the parent normal
if twig_follow_parent or twig_follow_x or twig_follow_y or twig_follow_z:
vecs = []
brch_twig_len = float(len(brch_twig.bpoints))
if twig_follow_parent:
no = parent_pt.no.copy() * twig_follow_parent
no = Vector()
no.x += twig_follow_x
no.y += twig_follow_y
no.z += twig_follow_z
for i, pt in enumerate(brch_twig.bpoints):
if pt.prev:
fac = i / brch_twig_len
# Scale this value
fac_inv = 1-fac
no_orig = pt.co - pt.prev.co
len_orig = no_orig.length
no_new = (fac_inv * no_orig) + (fac * no)
no_new.length = len_orig
# Mix the 2 normals
# Apply the coords
for i, pt in enumerate(brch_twig.bpoints):
if pt.prev:
pt.co = pt.prev.co + vecs[i-1]
# When using a bounding mesh, clip and calculate points in bounds.
#print "Attempting to trim base"
if twig_ob_bounds and (twig_ob_bounds_prune or twig_recursive):
# we would not have been but here if the bounds were outside
if twig_ob_bounds_prune:
if twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper != 1.0:
# taper to a point. we could use some nice taper algo here - just linear atm.
# Make sure this dosnt mess up anything else
brch_twig_index += 1
# Add to the branches
if len(brch_twig.bpoints) > 2:
brch_twig.generation = brch_parent.generation + 1
brch_parent.twig_count += 1
# Dont add the branch
parent_pt.childCount -= 1
# Watch This! - move 1 tab down for no recursive twigs
if twig_recursive:
branches_twig_attached = []
if not twig_recursive:
branches_twig_attached = []
if do_twigs_fill and twig_ob_bounds:
### self.branches_all.sort( key = lambda brch: brch.parent_pt != None )
# Calc points with dependancies
# detect circular loops!!! - TODO
#### self.resetTags(False) # NOT NEEDED NOW
done_nothing = False
while done_nothing == False:
done_nothing = True
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.tag == False and (brch.parent_pt == None or brch.parent_pt.branch.tag == True):
# Assign this to a spesific side of the parents point
# we know this is a child but not which side it should be attached to.
if brch.parent_pt:
child_locs = [\
best_idx = closestVecIndex(brch.bpoints[0].co, child_locs)
# best_idx could be -1 if all childPoint's are used however we check for this and dont allow it to happen.
#if best_idx==-1:
# raise "Error"z
brch.parent_pt.children[best_idx] = brch
for pt in brch.bpoints:
done_nothing = False
brch.tag = True
for i in xrange(len(self.branches_all)):
brch_i = self.branches_all[i]
print brch_i.myindex,
print 'tag', brch_i.tag,
print 'parent is',
if brch_i.parent_pt:
print brch_i.parent_pt.branch.myindex
print None
def optimizeSpacing(self, seg_density=0.5, seg_density_angle=20.0, seg_density_radius=0.3, joint_compression=1.0, joint_smooth=1.0):
Optimize spacing, taking branch hierarchy children into account,
can add or subdivide segments so branch joins dont look horrible.
for brch in self.branches_all:
# Correct points that were messed up from sliding
# This happens when one point is pushed past another and the branch gets an overlaping line
for brch in self.branches_all:
# Collapsing
for brch in self.branches_all:
brch.collapsePoints(seg_density, seg_density_angle, seg_density_radius, joint_smooth)
for brch in self.branches_all:
def twigFill(self_tree,\
Fill with twigs, this function uses its own class 'segment'
0 - no child smoothing
1 - smooth one child
2 - smooth both children
rnd = [1]
segments_all = []
segments_level = []
# Only for testing
def preview_curve():
cu = bpy.data.curves["cu"]
# remove all curves
while len(cu):
del cu[0]
# return
cu.ext2 = 0.01
for i, seg in enumerate(segments_all):
# 1 is the base and 2 is the tail
p1_h2 = seg.getHeadHandle() # isnt used
p1_co = seg.headCo
p1_h1 = seg.getHeadHandle()
p2_h1 = seg.getTailHandle()
p2_co = seg.tailCo
p2_h2 = seg.tailCo # isnt used
bez1 = Blender.BezTriple.New([ p1_h1[0], p1_h1[1], p1_h1[2], p1_co[0], p1_co[1], p1_co[2], p1_h2[0], p1_h2[1], p1_h2[2] ])
bez2 = Blender.BezTriple.New([ p2_h1[0], p2_h1[1], p2_h1[2], p2_co[0], p2_co[1], p2_co[2], p2_h2[0], p2_h2[1], p2_h2[2] ])
bez1.handleTypes = bez2.handleTypes = [Blender.BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE, Blender.BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE]
bez1.radius = TWIG_WIDTH_MIN + (WIDTH_STEP * (seg.levelFromLeaf+1))
bez2.radius = TWIG_WIDTH_MIN + (WIDTH_STEP * seg.levelFromLeaf)
cunurb = cu.appendNurb(bez1)
# This sucks
for bez in cunurb:
bez.handleTypes = [Blender.BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE, Blender.BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE]
### cc = sce.objects.new( cu )
def mergeCo(parentCo, ch1Co, ch2Co, twig_fill_shape_rand):
if twig_fill_shape_rand==0.0:
return (parentCo + ch1Co + ch2Co) / 3.0
w1 = (next_random_num(rnd)*twig_fill_shape_rand) + (1-twig_fill_shape_rand)
w2 = (next_random_num(rnd)*twig_fill_shape_rand) + (1-twig_fill_shape_rand)
w3 = (next_random_num(rnd)*twig_fill_shape_rand) + (1-twig_fill_shape_rand)
wtot = w1+w2+w3
# return (parentCo*w1 + ch1Co*w2 + ch2Co*w2)
co1 = (parentCo * w1) + (ch1Co * (1.0-w1))
co2 = (ch1Co * w2) + (ch2Co * (1.0-w2))
co3 = (ch2Co * w3) + (parentCo * (1.0-w3))
return (co1 + co2 + co3) / 3.0
class segment:
def __init__(self, level):
self.headCo = Vector()
self.tailCo = Vector()
self.parent = None
self.mergeCount = 0
self.levelFromLeaf = level # how far we are from the leaf in levels
self.levelFromRoot = -1 # set later, assume root bone
self.children = []
if level >= len(segments_level): segments_level.append([self])
else: segments_level[level].append(self)
self.brothers = []
self.no = Vector() # only endpoints have these
# self.id = len(segments_all)
# First value is the bpoint,
# Second value is what to do -
# 0 - dont join
# 1 - Join to parent (tree point)
# 2 - join to parent, point from another fill-twig branch we just created.
self.bpt = (None, False) # branch point for root segs only
self.new_bpt = None
self.used = False # use this to tell if we are apart of a branch
def sibling(self):
i = self.parent.children.index(self)
if i == 0:
return self.parent.children[ 1 ]
elif i == 1:
return self.parent.children[ 0 ]
raise "error"
def getHeadHandle(self):
For Bezier only
if not self.parent:
return self.headCo
if twig_fill_shape_type == 0: # no smoothing
return self.headCo
elif twig_fill_shape_type == 1:
if self.parent.children[1] == self:
return self.headCo
# 2 - always do both
# Y shape with curve? optional
# we have a parent but it has no handle direction, easier
if not self.parent.parent: no = self.parent.headCo - self.parent.tailCo
else: no = self.parent.parent.headCo-self.parent.tailCo
no.length = self.getLength() * twig_fill_shape_power
# Ok we have to account for the parents handle
return self.headCo - no
# return self.headCo - Vector(1, 0,0)
def getTailHandle(self):
For Bezier only
if self.parent:
no = self.parent.headCo-self.tailCo
no.length = self.getLength() * twig_fill_shape_power
return self.tailCo + no
return self.tailCo # isnt used
def getRootSeg(self):
seg = self
while seg.parent:
seg = seg.parent
return seg
def calcBrothers(self):
# Run on children first
self.brothers.extend( \
[seg_child_sibling.parent \
for seg_child in self.children \
for seg_child_sibling in seg_child.brothers \
if seg_child_sibling.parent not in (self, None)]\
#print self.brothers
def calcLevelFromRoot(self):
if self.parent:
self.levelFromRoot = self.parent.levelFromRoot + 1
for seg_child in self.children:
# Dont use for now, but scale worked, transform was never tested.
def transform(self, matrix):
self.headCo = self.headCo * matrix
self.tailCo = self.tailCo * matrix
if self.children:
ch1 = self.children[0]
ch2 = self.children[1]
def scale(self, scale, cent=None):
# scale = 0.9
#matrix = Matrix([scale,0,0],[0,scale,0],[0,0,scale]).resize4x4()
if cent == None: # first iter
cent = self.headCo
self.tailCo = ((self.tailCo-cent) * scale) + cent
self.headCo = ((self.headCo-cent) * scale) + cent
self.tailCo = ((self.tailCo-cent) * scale) + cent
if self.children:
self.children[0].scale(scale, cent)
self.children[1].scale(scale, cent)
def recalcChildLoc(self):
if not self.children:
ch1 = self.children[0]
ch2 = self.children[1]
new_mid = mergeCo(self.headCo, ch1.tailCo, ch2.tailCo, twig_fill_shape_rand)
self.tailCo[:] = ch1.headCo[:] = ch2.headCo[:] = new_mid
def merge(self, other):
Merge other into self and make a new segment
seg_child = segment(self.levelFromLeaf)
self.levelFromLeaf += 1
seg_child.parent = other.parent = self
# No need, recalcChildLoc sets the other coords
#self.parent.tailCo = (self.headCo + self.tailCo + other.tailCo) / 3.0
#self.parent.headCo[:] = self.headCo
seg_child.headCo[:] = self.headCo
# isect = LineIntersect(self.headCo, self.tailCo, other.headCo, other.tailCo)
# new_head = (isect[0]+isect[1]) * 0.5
seg_child.mergeCount += 1
other.mergeCount += 1
self.children.extend([ seg_child, other ])
# print 'merging', self.id, other.id
#new_head = (self.headCo + self.tailCo + other.headCo + other.tailCo) * 0.25
self.parent = other.parent = segment(self.levelFromLeaf + 1)
# No need, recalcChildLoc sets the self.parent.tailCo
# self.parent.tailCo = (self.headCo + self.tailCo + other.tailCo) / 3.0
self.parent.headCo[:] = self.headCo
self.parent.bpt = self.bpt
self.bpt = (None, False)
# isect = LineIntersect(self.headCo, self.tailCo, other.headCo, other.tailCo)
# new_head = (isect[0]+isect[1]) * 0.5
self.mergeCount += 1
other.mergeCount += 1
self.parent.children.extend([ self, other ])
# print 'merging', self.id, other.id
def findBestMerge(self, twig_fill_fork_angle_max):
# print "findBestMerge"
if self.parent != None:
best_dist = 1000000
best_seg = None
for seg_list in (self.brothers, segments_level[self.levelFromLeaf]):
#for seg_list in (segments_level[self.levelFromLeaf],):
# only use all other segments if we cant find any from our brothers
if seg_list == segments_level[self.levelFromLeaf] and best_seg != None:
for seg in seg_list:
# 2 ppoint join
if seg != self and seg.mergeCount == 0 and seg.parent == None:
# find the point they would join
test_dist = (self.tailCo - seg.tailCo).length
if test_dist < best_dist:
if twig_fill_fork_angle_max > 179:
best_dist = test_dist
best_seg = seg
# Work out if the desired angle range is ok.
mco = mergeCo( self.headCo, self.tailCo, seg.tailCo, 0.0 ) # we dont want the random value for this test
ang = AngleBetweenVecsSafe(self.tailCo-mco, seg.tailCo-mco)
if ang < twig_fill_fork_angle_max:
best_dist = test_dist
best_seg = seg
return best_seg
def getNormal(self):
return (self.headCo - self.tailCo).normalize()
def getLength(self):
return (self.headCo - self.tailCo).length
else: scale = LEAF_SCALE * 1.0
if LEAF_RANDVEC: rand_vec = Vector( Rand(-1, 1), Rand(-1, 1), Rand(-1, 1) ).normalize() * LEAF_RANDVEC
else: rand_vec = Vector( )
return Matrix([scale,0,0],[0,scale,0],[0,0,scale]).resize4x4() * (self.no + rand_vec).toTrackQuat('x', 'z').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(self.tailCo)
def distripute_seg_on_mesh(me__, face_group):
add segment endpoints
vert_segment_mapping = {}
for f in face_group:
for v in f:
i = v.index
if i not in vert_segment_mapping:
vert_segment_mapping[i] = len(segments_all)
v.sel = True
seg = segment(0)
# seg.tailCo = v.co.copy() # headCo undefined atm.
seg.tailCo = v.co.copy() * self_tree.objectTwigBoundsMat * self_tree.objectCurveIMat
# self_tree.objectCurveMat
seg.no = v.no
# Build connectivity
for ed in me__.edges:
if ed.v1.sel and ed.v2.sel:
i1,i2 = ed.key
i1 = vert_segment_mapping[i1]
i2 = vert_segment_mapping[i2]
segments_all[i1].brothers.append( segments_all[i2] )
segments_all[i2].brothers.append( segments_all[i1] )
# Dont need to return anything, added when created.
def set_seg_attach_point(seg, interior_points, twig_fill_rand_scale):
Can only run on end nodes that have normals set
best_dist = 1000000000.0
best_point = None
co = seg.tailCo
for pt in interior_points:
# line from the point to the seg endpoint
line_normal = seg.tailCo - pt.nextMidCo
l = line_normal.length
cross1 = seg.no.cross(line_normal)
cross2 = pt.no.cross(line_normal)
angle_line = min(AngleBetweenVecsSafe(cross1, cross2), AngleBetweenVecsSafe(cross1, -cross2))
angle_leaf_no_diff = min(AngleBetweenVecsSafe(line_normal, seg.no), AngleBetweenVecsSafe(line_normal, -seg.no))
# BEST_ANG=66.0
# angle = 66.0 # min(AngleBetweenVecs(v2_co-v1_co, leaf.co-cc), AngleBetweenVecs(v1_co-v2_co, leaf.co-cc))
# print angle, angle2
# l = (l * ((1+abs(angle-BEST_ANG))**2 )) / (1+angle_line)
l = (1+(angle_leaf_no_diff/180)) * (1+(angle_line/180)) * l
if l < best_dist:
best_pt = pt
best_co = pt.nextMidCo
best_dist = l
# twig_fill_rand_scale
seg.headCo = best_co.copy()
if twig_fill_rand_scale:
seg_dir = seg.tailCo - seg.headCo
seg_dir.length = seg_dir.length * ( 1.0 - (next_random_num(rnd)*twig_fill_rand_scale) )
seg.tailCo = seg.headCo + seg_dir
if best_pt.childCount < 4:
# Watch this!!! adding a user before its attached and the branch is created!
# make sure if its not added later on, this isnt left added
best_pt.childCount += 1
# True/False denotes weather we try to connect to our parent branch
seg.bpt = (best_pt, True)
seg.bpt = (best_pt, False)
return True
# END Twig code, next add them
Uses a reversed approch, fill in twigs from a bounding mesh
# print "twig_fill_fork_angle_max"
# twig_fill_fork_angle_max = 60.0 #
# forward_diff_bezier will fill in the blanks
# nice we can reuse these for every curve segment :)
pointlist = [[None, None, None] for i in xrange(self_tree.steps+1)]
radlist = [ None for i in xrange(self_tree.steps+1) ]
orig_branch_count = len(self_tree.branches_all)
for face_group in BPyMesh.mesh2linkedFaces(self_tree.objectTwigBoundsMesh):
# Set the selection to do point inside.
self_tree.objectTwigBoundsMesh.sel = False
for f in face_group: f.sel = True
interior_points = []
interior_normal = Vector()
for i, brch in enumerate(self_tree.branches_all):
if i == orig_branch_count:
break # no need to check new branches are inside us
for pt in brch.bpoints:
if pt.next and pt.childCount < 4: # cannot attach to the last points
if self_tree.isPointInTwigBounds(pt.co, True): # selected_only
interior_normal += pt.no * pt.radius
segments_all[:] = []
segments_level[:] = []
if interior_points:
# Ok, we can add twigs now
distripute_seg_on_mesh( self_tree.objectTwigBoundsMesh, face_group )
for seg in segments_level[0]: # only be zero segments
# Warning, increments the child count for bpoints we attach to!!
set_seg_attach_point(seg, interior_points, twig_fill_rand_scale)
# Try sorting by other properties! this is ok for now
for segments_level_current in segments_level:
try: segments_level_current.sort( key = lambda seg: -(seg.headCo-seg.tailCo).length )
except: segments_level_current.sort( lambda a,b: cmp((b.headCo-b.tailCo).length, (a.headCo-a.tailCo).length) ) # py2.3
for level in xrange(twig_fill_levels):
if len(segments_level) > level:
for seg in segments_level[level]:
# print level, seg.brothers
if seg.mergeCount == 0:
seg_merge = seg.findBestMerge(twig_fill_fork_angle_max)
if seg_merge:
seg.merge( seg_merge )
if len(segments_level) > level+1:
for seg in segments_level[level+1]:
for seg in segments_all:
if seg.parent == None:
seg.levelFromRoot = 0
for i, seg in enumerate(segments_all):
# Make a branch from this data!
brch = branch()
brch.type = BRANCH_TYPE_FILL
# ============================= do this per bez pair
# 1 is the base and 2 is the tail
#p1_h1 = seg.getHeadHandle()
p1_co = seg.headCo.copy()
p1_h2 = seg.getHeadHandle() # isnt used
p2_h1 = seg.getTailHandle()
p2_co = seg.tailCo.copy()
#p2_h2 = seg.getTailHandle() # isnt used
bez1_vec = (None, p1_co, p1_h2)
bez2_vec = (p2_h1, p2_co, None)
seg_root = seg.getRootSeg()
radius_root = seg_root.bpt.radius * twig_fill_radius_factor
# Clamp so the head is never smaller then the tail
if radius_root < twig_fill_radius_min: radius_root = twig_fill_radius_min
if seg_root.levelFromLeaf:
# print seg_root.levelFromLeaf, seg.levelFromRoot
WIDTH_STEP = (radius_root - twig_fill_radius_min) / (seg_root.levelFromLeaf+1)
radius1 = twig_fill_radius_min + (WIDTH_STEP * (seg.levelFromLeaf+1))
if seg.levelFromLeaf: radius2 = twig_fill_radius_min + (WIDTH_STEP * seg.levelFromLeaf)
else: radius2 = twig_fill_radius_min
radius1 = radius_root
radius2 = twig_fill_radius_min
points_from_bezier_seg(self_tree.steps, pointlist, radlist, bez1_vec, bez2_vec, radius1, radius2)
# dont apply self_tree.limbScale here! - its alredy done
bpoints = [ bpoint(brch, Vector(pointlist[ii]), Vector(), radlist[ii]) for ii in xrange(len(pointlist)) ]
# remove endpoint for all but the last
#if i != len(bez_list)-1:
# bpoints.pop()
# =============================
# Finalize once point data is there
for segments_level_current in reversed(segments_level):
for seg in segments_level_current:
if seg.used == False and (seg.parent == None or seg.parent.used == True):
# The root segment for this set of links.
# seg_root_linked = seg
brch = branch()
brch.type = BRANCH_TYPE_FILL
# Can we attach to a real branch?
if seg.parent == None:
if seg.bpt[1]: # we can do a real join into the attach point
brch.parent_pt = seg.bpt[0]
# brch.parent_pt.childCount # this has alredy changed from
if seg.parent:
if seg.bpt[1] == 2:
#if seg.bpt[1]:
# print "Making Connection"
if seg.bpt[0] == None:
raise "Error"
if seg.bpt[1] != 2:
print seg.bpt[1]
raise "Error"
brch.parent_pt = seg.bpt[1]
brch.parent_pt.childCount += 1
if brch.parent_pt.childCount > 4:
raise "Aeeae"
print "\n\nM<aking Joint!!"
if seg.parent:
sibling = seg.sibling()
if sibling.new_bpt:
if sibling.new_bpt.childCount < 4:
brch.parent_pt = sibling.new_bpt
brch.parent_pt.childCount +=1
# Go down the hierarhy
is_first = True
while seg != None:
seg.used = True
# ==============================================
#p1_h1 = seg.getHeadHandle()
p1_co = seg.headCo.copy()
p1_h2 = seg.getHeadHandle() # isnt used
p2_h1 = seg.getTailHandle()
p2_co = seg.tailCo.copy()
#p2_h2 = seg.getTailHandle() # isnt used
bez1_vec = (None, p1_co, p1_h2)
bez2_vec = (p2_h1, p2_co, None)
seg_root = seg.getRootSeg()
radius_root = seg_root.bpt[0].radius * twig_fill_radius_factor
# Clamp so the head is never smaller then the tail
if radius_root < twig_fill_radius_min: radius_root = twig_fill_radius_min
if seg_root.levelFromLeaf:
# print seg_root.levelFromLeaf, seg.levelFromRoot
widthStep = (radius_root - twig_fill_radius_min) / (seg_root.levelFromLeaf+1)
radius1 = twig_fill_radius_min + (widthStep * (seg.levelFromLeaf+1))
if seg.levelFromLeaf: radius2 = twig_fill_radius_min + (widthStep * seg.levelFromLeaf)
else: radius2 = twig_fill_radius_min
radius1 = radius_root
radius2 = twig_fill_radius_min
points_from_bezier_seg(self_tree.steps, pointlist, radlist, bez1_vec, bez2_vec, radius1, radius2)
start_pointlist = 0
# This is like baseTrim, (remove the base points to make nice joins, accounting for radius of parent point)
# except we do it before the branch is made
if brch.parent_pt:
while len(pointlist) - start_pointlist > 2 and (Vector(pointlist[start_pointlist]) - brch.parent_pt.co).length < (brch.parent_pt.radius*2):
start_pointlist +=1
if is_first and brch.parent_pt:
# We need to move the base point to a place where it looks good on the parent branch
# to do this. move the first point, then remove the following points that look horrible (double back on themself)
no = Vector(pointlist[0]) - Vector(pointlist[-1])
no.length = brch.parent_pt.radius*2
pointlist[0] = list(Vector(pointlist[0]) - no)
pointlist[1][0] = (pointlist[0][0] + pointlist[2][0])/2.0
pointlist[1][1] = (pointlist[0][1] + pointlist[2][1])/2.0
pointlist[1][2] = (pointlist[0][2] + pointlist[2][2])/2.0
pointlist[2][0] = (pointlist[1][0] + pointlist[3][0])/2.0
pointlist[2][1] = (pointlist[1][1] + pointlist[3][1])/2.0
pointlist[2][2] = (pointlist[1][2] + pointlist[3][2])/2.0
# Done setting the start point
len_pointlist = len(pointlist)
if seg.children:
len_pointlist -= 1
# dont apply self_tree.limbScale here! - its alredy done
bpoints = [ bpoint(brch, Vector(pointlist[ii]), Vector(), radlist[ii]) for ii in xrange(start_pointlist, len_pointlist) ]
brch.bpoints.extend( bpoints )
# ==============================================
seg.new_bpt = bpoints[0]
if seg.children:
seg = seg.children[0]
seg = None
is_first = False
# done adding points
def buildTwigs(self, twig_ratio, twig_select_mode, twig_select_factor):
ratio_int = int(len(self.branches_all) * twig_ratio)
if ratio_int == 0:
# So we only mix branches of similar lengths
branches_sorted = self.branches_all[:]
# Get the branches based on our selection method!
if twig_select_mode==0:
try: branches_sorted.sort( key = lambda brch: brch.getLength())
except: branches_sorted.sort( lambda a,b: cmp(a.getLength(),a.getLength()) ) # py2.3
elif twig_select_mode==1:
try: branches_sorted.sort( key = lambda brch:-brch.getLength())
except: branches_sorted.sort( lambda a,b: cmp(b.getLength(), a.getLength()) ) # py2.3
elif twig_select_mode==2:
try: branches_sorted.sort( key = lambda brch:brch.getStraightness())
except: branches_sorted.sort( lambda a,b: cmp(a.getStraightness(), b.getStraightness())) # py2.3
elif twig_select_mode==3:
try: branches_sorted.sort( key = lambda brch:-brch.getStraightness())
except: branches_sorted.sort( lambda a,b: cmp(b.getStraightness(), a.getStraightness())) # py2.3
factor_int = int(len(self.branches_all) * twig_select_factor)
branches_sorted[factor_int:] = [] # remove the last part of the list
try: branches_sorted.sort( key = lambda brch: len(brch.bpoints))
except: branches_sorted.sort( lambda a,b: cmp(len(a.bpoints), len(b.bpoints)) ) # py2.3
branches_new = []
#for i in xrange(ratio_int):
tot_twigs = 0
step = 1
while tot_twigs < ratio_int and step < len(branches_sorted):
# Make branches from the existing
for j in xrange(step, len(branches_sorted)):
brch = branches_sorted[j-step].mixToNew(branches_sorted[j], None)
branches_new.append( brch )
tot_twigs +=1
if tot_twigs > ratio_int:
### print "TwigCount", len(branches_new), ratio_int
self.branches_twigs = branches_new
def toDebugDisplay(self):
Should be able to call this at any time to see whats going on, dosnt work so nice ATM.
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
for ob in self.debug_objects:
for ob in sce.objects:
for branch_index, brch in enumerate(self.branches_all):
pt_index = 0
for pt_index, pt in enumerate(brch.bpoints):
name = '%.3d_%.3d' % (branch_index, pt_index)
if pt.next==None:
name += '_end'
if pt.prev==None:
name += '_start'
ob = sce.objects.new('Empty', name)
mat = ScaleMatrix(pt.radius, 4) * TranslationMatrix(pt.co)
ob.setDrawMode(8) # drawname
def toMesh(self, mesh=None,\
uv_image = None,\
do_uv_blend_layer= False,\
self.mesh = freshMesh(mesh)
totverts = 0
for brch in self.branches_all:
totverts += len(brch.bpoints)
self.mesh.verts.extend( [ (0.0,0.0,0.0) ] * ((totverts * 4)+1) ) # +1 is a dummy vert
verts = self.mesh.verts
# Assign verts to points, 4 verts for each point.
i = 1 # dummy vert, should be 0
for brch in self.branches_all:
for pt in brch.bpoints:
pt.verts[0] = verts[i]
pt.verts[1] = verts[i+1]
pt.verts[2] = verts[i+2]
pt.verts[3] = verts[i+3]
# Do this again because of collapsing
# pt.calcVerts(brch)
# roll the tube so quads best meet up to their branches.
for brch in self.branches_all:
#for pt in brch.bpoints:
if brch.parent_pt:
# Use temp lists for gathering an average
if brch.parent_pt.roll_angle == None:
brch.parent_pt.roll_angle = [brch.getParentQuadAngle()]
# More then 2 branches use this point, add to the list
brch.parent_pt.roll_angle.append( brch.getParentQuadAngle() )
# average the temp lists into floats
for brch in self.branches_all:
#for pt in brch.bpoints:
if brch.parent_pt and type(brch.parent_pt.roll_angle) == list:
# print brch.parent_pt.roll_angle
f = 0.0
for val in brch.parent_pt.roll_angle:
f += val
brch.parent_pt.roll_angle = f/len(brch.parent_pt.roll_angle)
# set the roll of all the first segments that have parents,
# this is because their roll is set from their parent quad and we dont want them to roll away from that.
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
# if the first joint has a child then apply half the roll
# theres no correct solition here, but this seems ok
if brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle != None:
#brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle *= 0.5
#brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle = 0.0
#brch.bpoints[1].roll_angle = 0.0
brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle = 0.0
# our roll was set from the branches parent and needs no changing
# set it to zero so the following functions know to interpolate.
brch.bpoints[0].roll_angle = 0.0
#brch.bpoints[1].roll_angle = 0.0
Now interpolate the roll!
The method used here is a little odd.
* first loop up the branch and set each points value to the "last defined" value and record the steps
since the last defined value
* Do the same again but backwards
now for each undefined value we have 1 or 2 values, if its 1 its simple we just use that value
( no interpolation ), if there are 2 then we use the offsets from each end to work out the interpolation.
one up, one back, and another to set the values, so 3 loops all up.
#### print "scan up the branch..."
for brch in self.branches_all:
last_value = None
last_index = -1
for i in xrange(len(brch.bpoints)):
pt = brch.bpoints[i]
if type(pt.roll_angle) in (float, int):
last_value = pt.roll_angle
last_index = i
if type(last_value) in (float, int):
# Assign a list, because there may be a connecting roll value from another joint
pt.roll_angle = [(last_value, i-last_index)]
#### print "scan down the branch..."
last_value = None
last_index = -1
for i in xrange(len(brch.bpoints)-1, -1, -1): # same as above but reverse
pt = brch.bpoints[i]
if type(pt.roll_angle) in (float, int):
last_value = pt.roll_angle
last_index = i
if last_value != None:
if type(pt.roll_angle) == list:
pt.roll_angle.append((last_value, last_index-i))
#pt.roll_angle = [(last_value, last_index-i)]
# Dont bother assigning a list because we wont need to add to it later
pt.roll_angle = last_value
# print "looping ,...."
### print "assigning/interpolating roll values"
for pt in brch.bpoints:
# print "this roll IS", pt.roll_angle
if pt.roll_angle == None:
elif type(pt.roll_angle) in (float, int):
elif len(pt.roll_angle) == 1:
pt.roll_angle = pt.roll_angle[0][0]
# interpolate
tot = pt.roll_angle[0][1] + pt.roll_angle[1][1]
pt.roll_angle = \
(pt.roll_angle[0][0] * (tot - pt.roll_angle[0][1]) +\
pt.roll_angle[1][0] * (tot - pt.roll_angle[1][1])) / tot
#### print pt.roll_angle, 'interpolated roll'
# Done with temp average list. now we know the best roll for each branch.
# mesh the data
for brch in self.branches_all:
for pt in brch.bpoints:
#faces_extend = [ face for brch in self.branches_all for pt in brch.bpoints for face in pt.faces if face ]
faces_extend = []
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
for pt in brch.bpoints:
for face in pt.faces:
if face:
if do_cap_ends:
# TODO - UV map and image?
faces_extend.extend([ brch.bpoints[-1].verts for brch in self.branches_all ])
faces = self.mesh.faces
faces.extend(faces_extend, smooth=True)
if do_uv:
# Assign the faces back
face_index = 0
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
for i in (0,1,2,3):
face = brch.faces[i] = faces[face_index+i]
face_index +=4
for pt in brch.bpoints:
for i in (0,1,2,3):
if pt.faces[i]:
pt.faces[i] = faces[face_index]
face_index +=1
#if self.mesh.faces:
# self.mesh.faceUV = True
mesh.addUVLayer( 'base' )
# rename the uv layer
#mesh.renameUVLayer(mesh.getUVLayerNames()[0], 'base')
for brch in self.branches_all:
uv_x_scale_branch = 1.0
if do_uv_uscale:
uv_x_scale_branch = 0.0
for pt in brch.bpoints:
uv_x_scale_branch += pt.radius
uv_x_scale_branch = uv_x_scale_branch / len(brch.bpoints)
# uv_x_scale_branch = brch.bpoints[0].radius
if do_uv_vnormalize:
uv_normalize = []
def uvmap_faces(my_faces, y_val, y_size):
Accept a branch or pt faces
uv_ls = [None, None, None, None]
for i in (0,1,2,3):
if my_faces[i]:
if uv_image:
my_faces[i].image = uv_image
uvs = my_faces[i].uv
# Use these for calculating blending values
uvs = [Vector(0,0), Vector(0,0), Vector(0,0), Vector(0,0)]
uv_ls[i] = uvs
x1 = i*0.25 * uv_x_scale * uv_x_scale_branch
x2 = (i+1)*0.25 * uv_x_scale * uv_x_scale_branch
uvs[3].x = x1;
uvs[3].y = y_val+y_size
uvs[0].x = x1
uvs[0].y = y_val
uvs[1].x = x2
uvs[1].y = y_val
uvs[2].x = x2
uvs[2].y = y_val+y_size
if do_uv_vnormalize:
return uv_ls
# Done uvmap_faces
y_val = 0.0
if brch.parent_pt:
y_size = (brch.getParentFaceCent() - brch.bpoints[0].co).length
if do_uv_keep_vproportion:
y_size = y_size / ((brch.bpoints[0].radius + brch.parent_pt.radius)/2) * uv_y_scale
brch.uv = uvmap_faces(brch.faces, 0.0, y_size)
y_val += y_size
for pt in brch.bpoints:
if pt.next:
y_size = (pt.co-pt.next.co).length
# scale the uvs by the radius, avoids stritching.
if do_uv_keep_vproportion:
y_size = y_size / pt.radius * uv_y_scale
pt.uv = uvmap_faces(pt.faces, y_val, y_size)
y_val += y_size
if do_uv_vnormalize and uv_normalize:
# Use yscale here so you can choose to have half the normalized value say.
vscale = (1/uv_normalize[-1].y) * uv_y_scale
for uv in uv_normalize:
uv.y *= vscale
# Done with UV mapping the first layer! now map the blend layers
if do_uv_blend_layer:
# Set up the blend UV layer - this is simply the blending for branch joints
mesh.addUVLayer( 'blend' )
mesh.activeUVLayer = 'blend'
# Set all faces to be on full blend
for f in mesh.faces:
for uv in f.uv:
uv.y = uv.x = 0.0
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
for f in brch.faces:
if f:
uvs = f.uv
uvs[0].x = uvs[1].x = uvs[2].x = uvs[3].x = 0.0
uvs[0].y = uvs[1].y = 1.0 # swap these? - same as inverting the blend
uvs[2].y = uvs[3].y = 0.0
# Set up the join UV layer, this overlays nice blended
mesh.addUVLayer( 'join' )
mesh.activeUVLayer = 'join'
# Set all faces to be on full blend
for f in mesh.faces:
for uv in f.uv:
uv.y = uv.x = 0.0
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
# The UV's that this branch would cover if it was a face,
uvs_base = brch.parent_pt.uv[brch.getParentQuadIndex()]
uvs_base_mid = Vector(0,0)
for uv in uvs_base:
uvs_base_mid += uv
uvs_base_mid *= 0.25
# TODO - Factor scale and distance in here
## uvs_base_small = [(uv+uvs_base_mid)*0.5 for uv in uvs_base]
uvs_base_small = [uvs_base_mid, uvs_base_mid, uvs_base_mid, uvs_base_mid]
if brch.faces[0]:
f = brch.faces[0]
uvs = f.uv
uvs[0][:] = uvs_base[0]
uvs[1][:] = uvs_base[1]
uvs[2][:] = uvs_base_small[1]
uvs[3][:] = uvs_base_small[0]
if brch.faces[1]:
f = brch.faces[1]
uvs = f.uv
uvs[0][:] = uvs_base[1]
uvs[1][:] = uvs_base[2]
uvs[2][:] = uvs_base_small[2]
uvs[3][:] = uvs_base_small[1]
if brch.faces[2]:
f = brch.faces[2]
uvs = f.uv
uvs[0][:] = uvs_base[2]
uvs[1][:] = uvs_base[3]
uvs[2][:] = uvs_base_small[3]
uvs[3][:] = uvs_base_small[2]
if brch.faces[3]:
f = brch.faces[3]
uvs = f.uv
uvs[0][:] = uvs_base[3]
uvs[1][:] = uvs_base[0]
uvs[2][:] = uvs_base_small[0]
uvs[3][:] = uvs_base_small[3]
mesh.activeUVLayer = 'base' # just so people dont get worried the texture is not there - dosnt effect rendering.
# no UV's
if do_cap_ends:
# de-select end points for
i = len(faces)-1
cap_end_face_start = len(faces) - len(self.branches_all)
j = 0
for i in xrange(cap_end_face_start, len(faces)):
self.branches_all[j].face_cap = faces[i]
faces[i].sel = 0
# default UV's are ok for now :/
if do_uv and uv_image:
faces[i].image = uv_image
j +=1
# set edge crease for capped ends.
for ed in self.mesh.edges:
if ed.v1.sel==False and ed.v2.sel==False:
ed.crease = 255
ed.sel = True # so its all selected still
del faces_extend
return self.mesh
def toLeafMesh(self, mesh_leaf,\
leaf_branch_limit = 0.5,\
leaf_branch_limit_rand = 0.8,\
leaf_branch_limit_type_curve = False,\
leaf_branch_limit_type_grow = False,\
leaf_branch_limit_type_fill = False,\
leaf_size = 0.5,\
leaf_size_rand = 0.5,\
leaf_branch_density = 0.2,\
leaf_branch_pitch_angle = 0.0,\
leaf_branch_pitch_rand = 0.2,\
leaf_branch_roll_rand = 0.2,\
leaf_branch_angle = 75.0,\
leaf_rand_seed = 1.0,\
return a mesh with leaves seperate from the tree
Add to the existing mesh.
#radius = [(pt.radius for pt in self.branches_all for pt in brch.bpoints for pt in brch.bpoints]
mesh_leaf = freshMesh(mesh_leaf)
self.mesh_leaf = mesh_leaf
# if not leaf_object: return # make the dupli anyway :/ - they can do it later or the script could complain
if leaf_branch_limit == 1.0:
max_radius = 1000000.0
# We wont place leaves on all branches so...
# first collect stats, we want to know the average radius and total segments
totpoints = 0
radius = 0.0
max_radius = 0.0
for brch in self.branches_all:
for pt in brch.bpoints:
radius += pt.radius
if pt.radius > max_radius:
max_radius = pt.radius
#totpoints += len(brch.bpoints)
radius_max = max_radius * leaf_branch_limit
verts_extend = []
faces_extend = []
co1 = Vector(0.0, -0.5, -0.5)
co2 = Vector(0.0, -0.5, 0.5)
co3 = Vector(0.0, 0.5, 0.5)
co4 = Vector(0.0, 0.5, -0.5)
rnd_seed = [leaf_rand_seed] # could have seed as an input setting
for brch in self.branches_all:
# quick test, do we need leaves on this branch?
if leaf_branch_limit != 1.0 and brch.bpoints[-1].radius > radius_max:
for pt in brch.bpoints:
# For each point we can add 2 leaves
for odd_even in (0,1):
if (pt == brch.bpoints[-1] and odd_even==1) or \
(leaf_branch_density != 1.0 and leaf_branch_density < next_random_num(rnd_seed)):
if leaf_branch_limit_rand:
# (-1 : +1) * leaf_branch_limit_rand
rnd = 1 + (((next_random_num(rnd_seed) - 0.5) * 2 ) * leaf_branch_limit_rand)
rnd = 1.0
if pt.childCount == 0 and (leaf_branch_limit == 1.0 or (pt.radius * rnd) < radius_max):
leaf_size_tmp = leaf_size * (1.0-(next_random_num(rnd_seed)*leaf_size_rand))
# endpoints dont rotate
if pt.next != None:
cross1 = zup.cross(pt.no) # use this to offset the leaf later
cross2 = cross1.cross(pt.no)
if odd_even ==0:
mat_yaw = RotationMatrix(leaf_branch_angle, 3, 'r', cross2)
mat_yaw = RotationMatrix(-leaf_branch_angle, 3, 'r', cross2)
leaf_no = (pt.no * mat_yaw)
# Correct upwards pointing from changing the yaw
#my_up = zup * mat
# correct leaf location for branch width
cross1.length = pt.radius/2
leaf_co = pt.co + cross1
# no correction needed, we are at the end of the branch
leaf_no = pt.no
leaf_co = pt.co
mat = Matrix([leaf_size_tmp,0,0],[0,leaf_size_tmp,0],[0,0,leaf_size_tmp]) * leaf_no.toTrackQuat('x', 'z').toMatrix()
# Randomize pitch and roll for the leaf
# work out the axis to pitch and roll
cross1 = zup.cross(leaf_no) # use this to offset the leaf later
if leaf_branch_pitch_rand or leaf_branch_pitch_angle:
angle = -leaf_branch_pitch_angle
if leaf_branch_pitch_rand:
angle += leaf_branch_pitch_rand * ((next_random_num(rnd_seed)-0.5)*360)
mat_pitch = RotationMatrix( angle, 3, 'r', cross1)
mat = mat * mat_pitch
if leaf_branch_roll_rand:
mat_roll = RotationMatrix( leaf_branch_roll_rand * ((next_random_num(rnd_seed)-0.5)*360), 3, 'r', leaf_no)
mat = mat * mat_roll
mat = mat.resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(leaf_co)
i = len(verts_extend)
faces_extend.append( (i,i+1,i+2,i+3) )
verts_extend.extend([tuple(co4*mat), tuple(co3*mat), tuple(co2*mat), tuple(co1*mat)])
#count += 1
# setup dupli's
return self.mesh_leaf
def toArmature(self, ob_arm, armature):
armature.drawType = Blender.Armature.STICK
armature.makeEditable() # enter editmode
# Assume toMesh has run
self.armature = armature
for bonename in armature.bones.keys():
del armature.bones[bonename]
group_names = []
for i, brch in enumerate(self.branches_all):
# get a list of parent points to make into bones. use parents and endpoints
bpoints_parent = [pt for pt in brch.bpoints if pt.childCount or pt.prev == None or pt.next == None]
bpbone_last = None
for j in xrange(len(bpoints_parent)-1):
# bone container class
bpoints_parent[j].bpbone = bpbone = bpoint_bone()
bpbone.name = '%i_%i' % (i,j) # must be unique
bpbone.editbone = Blender.Armature.Editbone() # automatically added to the armature
self.armature.bones[bpbone.name] = bpbone.editbone
bpbone.editbone.head = bpoints_parent[j].co
bpbone.editbone.head = bpoints_parent[j].co
bpbone.editbone.tail = bpoints_parent[j+1].co
# parent the chain.
if bpbone_last:
bpbone.editbone.parent = bpbone_last.editbone
bpbone.editbone.options = [Blender.Armature.CONNECTED]
bpbone_last = bpbone
for brch in self.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt: # We must have a parent
# find the bone in the parent chain to use for the parent of this
parent_pt = brch.parent_pt
bpbone_parent = None
while parent_pt:
bpbone_parent = parent_pt.bpbone
if bpbone_parent:
parent_pt = parent_pt.prev
if bpbone_parent:
brch.bpoints[0].bpbone.editbone.parent = bpbone_parent.editbone
else: # in rare cases this may not work. should be verry rare but check anyway.
print 'this is really odd... look into the bug.'
self.armature.update() # exit editmode
# Skin the mesh
if self.mesh:
for group in group_names:
for brch in self.branches_all:
vertList = []
group = '' # dummy
for pt in brch.bpoints:
if pt.bpbone:
if vertList:
self.mesh.assignVertsToGroup(group, vertList, 1.0, Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD)
vertList = []
group = pt.bpbone.name
vertList.extend( [v.index for v in pt.verts] )
if vertList:
self.mesh.assignVertsToGroup(group, vertList, 1.0, Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD)
return self.armature
def toAction(self, ob_arm, texture, anim_speed=1.0, anim_magnitude=1.0, anim_speed_size_scale=True, anim_offset_scale=1.0):
# Assume armature
action = ob_arm.action
if not action:
action = bpy.data.actions.new()
action.fakeUser = False # so we dont get masses of bad data
ob_arm.action = action
# Blender.Armature.NLA.ob_arm.
pose = ob_arm.getPose()
for pose_bone in pose.bones.values():
pose_bone.insertKey(ob_arm, 0, [Blender.Object.Pose.ROT], True)
# Now get all the IPO's
ipo_dict = action.getAllChannelIpos()
# print ipo_dict
# Sicne its per frame, it increases very fast. scale it down a bit
anim_speed = anim_speed/100
# When we have the same trees next to eachother, they will animate the same way unless we give each its own texture or offset settings.
# We can use the object's location as a factor - this also will have the advantage? of seeing the animation move across the tree's
# allow a scale so the difference between tree textures can be adjusted.
anim_offset = self.objectCurve.matrixWorld.translationPart() * anim_offset_scale
anim_speed_final = anim_speed
# Assign drivers to them all
for name, ipo in ipo_dict.iteritems():
tex_str = 'b.Texture.Get("%s")' % texture.name
if anim_speed_size_scale:
# Adjust the speed by the bone size.
# get the point from the name. a bit ugly but works fine ;) - Just dont mess the index up!
lookup = [int(val) for val in name.split('_')]
pt = self.branches_all[ lookup[0] ].bpoints[ lookup[1] ]
anim_speed_final = anim_speed / (1+pt.radius)
cu = ipo[Blender.Ipo.PO_QUATX]
try: cu.delBezier(0)
except: pass
cu.driver = 2 # Python expression
cu.driverExpression = '%.3f*(%s.evaluate(((b.Get("curframe")*%.3f)+%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)).w-0.5)' % (anim_magnitude, tex_str, anim_speed_final, anim_offset.x, anim_offset.y, anim_offset.z)
cu = ipo[Blender.Ipo.PO_QUATY]
try: cu.delBezier(0)
except: pass
cu.driver = 2 # Python expression
cu.driverExpression = '%.3f*(%s.evaluate((%.3f,(b.Get("curframe")*%.3f)+%.3f,%.3f)).w-0.5)' % (anim_magnitude, tex_str, anim_offset.x, anim_speed_final, anim_offset.y, anim_offset.z)
cu = ipo[Blender.Ipo.PO_QUATZ]
try: cu.delBezier(0)
except: pass
cu.driver = 2 # Python expression
cu.driverExpression = '%.3f*(%s.evaluate((%.3f,%.3f,(b.Get("curframe")*%.3f)+%.3f)).w-0.5)' % (anim_magnitude, tex_str, anim_offset.x, anim_offset.y, anim_speed_final, anim_offset.z)
xyzup = Vector(1,1,1).normalize()
xup = Vector(1,0,0)
yup = Vector(0,1,0)
zup = Vector(0,0,1)
class bpoint_bone:
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.editbone = None
self.blenbone = None
self.posebone = None
class bpoint(object):
''' The point in the middle of the branch, not the mesh points
__slots__ = 'branch', 'co', 'no', 'radius', 'vecs', 'verts', 'children', 'faces', 'uv', 'next', 'prev', 'childCount', 'bpbone', 'roll_angle', 'nextMidCo', 'childrenMidCo', 'childrenMidRadius', 'targetCos', 'inTwigBounds'
def __init__(self, brch, co, no, radius):
self.branch = brch
self.co = co
self.no = no
self.radius = radius
self.vecs = [None, None, None, None] # 4 for now
self.verts = [None, None, None, None]
self.children = [None, None, None, None] # child branches, dont fill in faces here
self.faces = [None, None, None, None]
self.uv = None # matching faces, except - UV's are calculated even if there is no face, this is so we can calculate the blending UV's
self.next = None
self.prev = None
self.childCount = 0
self.bpbone = None # bpoint_bone instance
# when set, This is the angle we need to roll to best face our branches
# the roll that is set may be interpolated if we are between 2 branches that need to roll.
# Set to None means that the roll will be left default (from parent)
self.roll_angle = None
# The location between this and the next point,
# if we want to be tricky we can try make this not just a simple
# inbetween and use the normals to have some curvature
self.nextMidCo = None
# Similar to above, median point of all children
self.childrenMidCo = None
# Similar as above, but for radius
self.childrenMidRadius = None
# Target locations are used when you want to move the point to a new location but there are
# more then 1 influence, build up a list and then apply
self.targetCos = []
# When we use twig bounding mesh, store if this point is in the bounding mesh. Assume true unless we set to false and do the test
self.inTwigBounds = True
def __repr__(self):
s = ''
s += '\t\tco:', self.co
s += '\t\tno:', self.no
s += '\t\tradius:', self.radius
s += '\t\tchildren:', [(child != False) for child in self.children]
return s
def makeLast(self):
self.next = None
self.nextMidCo = None
self.childrenMidCo = None
def setCo(self, co):
self.co[:] = co
if self.prev:
if self.next:
def nextLength(self):
return (self.co-self.next.co).length
def prevLength(self):
return (self.co-self.prev.co).length
def hasOverlapError(self):
if self.prev == None:
return False
if self.next == None:
return False
# see if this point sits on the line between its siblings.
co, fac = ClosestPointOnLine(self.co, self.prev.co, self.next.co)
if fac >= 0.0 and fac <= 1.0:
return False # no overlap, we are good
return True # error, some overlap
# Alternate method, maybe better
ln = self.nextLength()
lp = self.prevLength()
ls = (self.prev.co-self.next.co).length
# Are we overlapping? the length from our next or prev is longer then the next-TO-previous?
if ln>ls or lp>ls:
return True
return False
def applyTargetLocation(self):
if not self.targetCos:
return False
elif len(self.targetCos) == 1:
co_all = self.targetCos[0]
co_all = Vector()
for co in self.targetCos:
co_all += co
co_all = co_all / len(self.targetCos)
self.targetCos[:] = []
length = (self.co-co_all).length
# work out if we are moving up or down
if AngleBetweenVecsSafe(self.no, self.co - co_all) < 90:
# Up
while length > (self.co-self.prev.co).length:
if not self.collapseUp():
# Down
while length*2 > (self.co-self.next.co).length:
if not self.collapseDown():
return True
def calcNextMidCo(self):
if not self.next:
return None
# be tricky later.
self.nextMidCo = (self.co + self.next.co) * 0.5
def calcNormal(self):
if self.prev == None:
self.no = (self.next.co - self.co).normalize()
elif self.next == None:
self.no = (self.co - self.prev.co).normalize()
self.no = (self.next.co - self.prev.co).normalize()
def calcChildrenMidData(self):
Calculate childrenMidCo & childrenMidRadius
This is a bit tricky, we need to find a point between this and the next,
the medium of all children, this point will be on the line between this and the next.
if not self.next:
return None
# factor between this and the next point
radius = factor = factor_i = 0.0
count = 0
for brch in self.children:
if brch: # we dont need the co at teh moment.
co, fac = ClosestPointOnLine(brch.bpoints[0].co, self.co, self.next.co)
factor_i += fac
count += 1
radius += brch.bpoints[0].radius
if not count:
# interpolate points
factor_i = factor_i/count
factor = 1-factor_i
self.childrenMidCo = (self.co * factor) + (self.next.co * factor_i)
self.childrenMidRadius = radius
def getAbsVec(self, index):
# print self.vecs, index
return self.co + self.vecs[index]
def slide(self, factor):
Slides the segment up and down using the prev and next points
def slideCo(self, factor):
if self.prev == None or self.next == None or factor==0.0:
if factor < 0.0:
prev_co = self.prev.co
co = self.co
ofs = co-prev_co
ofs.length = abs(factor)
self.co - ofs
return self.co - ofs
next_co = self.next.co
co = self.co
ofs = co-next_co
ofs.length = abs(factor)
return self.co - ofs
def collapseDown(self):
Collapse the next point into this one
# self.next.next == None check is so we dont shorten the final length of branches.
if self.next == None or self.next.next == None or self.childCount or self.next.childCount:
return False
self.next = self.next.next # skip
self.next.prev = self
# Watch this place - must update all data thats needed. roll is not calculaetd yet.
return True
def collapseUp(self):
Collapse the previous point into this one
# self.next.next == None check is so we dont shorten the final length of branches.
if self.prev == None or self.prev.prev == None or self.prev.childCount or self.prev.prev.childCount:
return False
self.prev = self.prev.prev # skip
self.prev.next = self
# Watch this place - must update all data thats needed. roll is not calculaetd yet.
return True
def smooth(self, factor, factor_joint):
Blend this point into the other 2 points
if self.next == None or self.prev == None:
return False
if self.childCount or self.prev.childCount:
factor = factor_joint;
if factor==0.0:
return False;
radius = (self.next.radius + self.prev.radius)/2.0
no = (self.next.no + self.prev.no).normalize()
# do a line intersect to work out the best location
cos = LineIntersect( self.next.co, self.next.co+self.next.no,\
self.prev.co, self.prev.co+self.prev.no)
if cos == None:
co = (self.prev.co + self.next.co)/2.0
co = (cos[0]+cos[1])/2.0
# Above can give odd results every now and then
co = (self.prev.co + self.next.co)/2.0
# Now apply
factor_i = 1.0-factor
self.setCo(self.co*factor_i + co*factor)
self.radius = self.radius*factor_i + radius*factor
return True
def childPoint(self, index):
Returns the middle point for any children between this and the next edge
if self.next == None:
raise 'Error'
if index == 0: return (self.getAbsVec(0) + self.next.getAbsVec(1)) / 2
if index == 1: return (self.getAbsVec(1) + self.next.getAbsVec(2)) / 2
if index == 2: return (self.getAbsVec(2) + self.next.getAbsVec(3)) / 2
if index == 3: return (self.getAbsVec(3) + self.next.getAbsVec(0)) / 2
def childPointUnused(self, index):
Same as above but return None when the point is alredy used.
if self.children[index]:
return None
return self.childPoint(index)
def roll(self, angle):
Roll the quad about its normal
use for aurienting the sides of a quad to meet a branch that stems from here...
# debugVec(self.co, self.co + self.no)
mat = RotationMatrix(angle, 3, 'r', self.no)
for i in xrange(4):
self.vecs[i] = self.vecs[i] * mat
def toMesh(self, mesh):
self.verts[0].co = self.getAbsVec(0)
self.verts[1].co = self.getAbsVec(1)
self.verts[2].co = self.getAbsVec(2)
self.verts[3].co = self.getAbsVec(3)
if not self.next:
if self.prev == None and self.branch.parent_pt:
# join from parent branch
# which side are we of the parents quad
index = self.branch.parent_pt.children.index(self.branch)
# collect the points we are to merge into between the parent its next point
if index==0: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[0], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[1], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[1], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[0]]
if index==1: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[1], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[2], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[2], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[1]]
if index==2: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[2], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[3], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[3], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[2]]
if index==3: verts = [self.branch.parent_pt.verts[3], self.branch.parent_pt.verts[0], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[0], self.branch.parent_pt.next.verts[3]]
# Watchout for overlapping faces!
self.branch.faces[:] =\
[verts[0], verts[1], self.verts[1], self.verts[0]],\
[verts[1], verts[2], self.verts[2], self.verts[1]],\
[verts[2], verts[3], self.verts[3], self.verts[2]],\
[verts[3], verts[0], self.verts[0], self.verts[3]]
# normal join, parents or no parents
if not self.children[0]: self.faces[0] = [self.verts[0], self.verts[1], self.next.verts[1], self.next.verts[0]]
if not self.children[1]: self.faces[1] = [self.verts[1], self.verts[2], self.next.verts[2], self.next.verts[1]]
if not self.children[2]: self.faces[2] = [self.verts[2], self.verts[3], self.next.verts[3], self.next.verts[2]]
if not self.children[3]: self.faces[3] = [self.verts[3], self.verts[0], self.next.verts[0], self.next.verts[3]]
def calcVerts(self):
if self.prev == None:
if self.branch.parent_pt:
cross = self.no.cross(self.branch.parent_pt.no) * RotationMatrix(-45, 3, 'r', self.no)
# parentless branch - for best results get a cross thats not the same as the normal, in rare cases this happens.
# Was just doing
# cross = zup
# which works most of the time, but no verticle lines
if AngleBetweenVecsSafe(self.no, zup) > 1.0: cross = zup
elif AngleBetweenVecsSafe(self.no, yup) > 1.0: cross = yup
else: cross = xup
cross = self.prev.vecs[0].cross(self.no)
self.vecs[0] = self.no.cross(cross)
self.vecs[0].length = abs(self.radius)
mat = RotationMatrix(90, 3, 'r', self.no)
self.vecs[1] = self.vecs[0] * mat
self.vecs[2] = self.vecs[1] * mat
self.vecs[3] = self.vecs[2] * mat
def hasChildren(self):
Use .childCount where possible, this does the real check
if self.children.count(None) == 4:
return False
return True
class branch:
def __init__(self):
self.bpoints = []
self.parent_pt = None
self.tag = False # have we calculated our points
self.face_cap = None
self.length = -1
# self.totchildren = 0
# Bones per branch
self.faces = [None, None, None, None]
self.uv = None # face uvs can be fake, always 4
self.bones = []
self.generation = 0 # use to limit twig reproduction
self.twig_count = 0 # count the number of twigs - so as to limit how many twigs a branch gets
# self.myindex = -1
### self.segment_spacing_scale = 1.0 # use this to scale up the spacing - so small twigs dont get WAY too many polys
self.type = None
def __repr__(self):
s = ''
s += '\tbranch'
s += '\tbpoints:', len(self.bpoints)
for pt in brch.bpoints:
s += str(self.pt)
def getNormal(self):
return (self.bpoints[-1].co - self.bpoints[0].co).normalize()
def getParentAngle(self):
if self.parent_pt:
return AngleBetweenVecsSafe(self.parent_pt.no, self.bpoints[0].no )
return 45.0
def getParentRadiusRatio(self):
if self.parent_pt:
return self.bpoints[0].radius / self.parent_pt.radius
return 0.8
def getLength(self):
return (self.bpoints[0].co - self.bpoints[-1].co).length
def getStraightness(self):
straight = 0.0
pt = self.bpoints[0]
while pt.next:
straight += AngleBetweenVecsSafe(pt.no, pt.next.no)
pt = pt.next
return straight
def calcTotChildren(self):
for pt in self.bpoints:
self.totchildren += pt.childCount
def calcData(self):
Finalize once point data is there
def calcPointLinkedList(self):
for i in xrange(1, len(self.bpoints)-1):
self.bpoints[i].next = self.bpoints[i+1]
self.bpoints[i].prev = self.bpoints[i-1]
self.bpoints[0].next = self.bpoints[1]
self.bpoints[-1].prev = self.bpoints[-2]
def calcPointExtras(self):
Run on a new branch or after transforming an existing one.
for pt in self.bpoints:
def calcTwigBounds(self, tree):
Check if out points are
for pt in self.bpoints:
pt.inTwigBounds = tree.isPointInTwigBounds(pt.co)
#if pt.inTwigBounds:
# debug_pt(pt.co)
def baseTrim(self, connect_base_trim):
# if 1) dont remove the whole branch, maybe an option but later
# if 2) we are alredy a parent, cant remove me now.... darn :/ not nice...
# could do this properly but it would be slower and its a corner case.
# if 3) this point is within the branch, remove it.
# Scale this value by the difference in radius, a low trim looks better when the parent is a lot bigger..
while len(self.bpoints)>2 and\
self.bpoints[0].childCount == 0 and\
(self.parent_pt.nextMidCo - self.bpoints[0].co).length < ((self.parent_pt.radius + self.parent_pt.next.radius)/4) + (self.bpoints[0].radius * connect_base_trim):
# Note /4 - is a bit odd, since /2 is correct, but /4 lets us have more tight joints by default
del self.bpoints[0]
self.bpoints[0].prev = None
def boundsTrim(self):
depends on calcTwigBounds running first. - also assumes no children assigned yet! make sure this is always the case.
trim = False
for i, pt in enumerate(self.bpoints):
if not pt.inTwigBounds:
trim = True
# We must have at least 2 points to be a valid branch. this will be a stump :/
if not trim or i < 3:
self.bpoints = [] #
# Shorten the point list
self.bpoints = self.bpoints[:i]
def taper(self, twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper = 0.0):
l = float(len( self.bpoints ))
for i, pt in enumerate(self.bpoints):
pt.radius *= (((l-i)/l) + (twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper*(i/l)) )
def getParentBranch(self):
if not self.parent_pt:
return None
return self.parent_pt.branch
def getParentQuadAngle(self):
The angle off we are from our parent quad,
# used to roll the parent so its faces us better
# Warning this can be zero sometimes, see the try below for the error
parent_normal = self.getParentFaceCent() - self.parent_pt.nextMidCo
self_normal = self.bpoints[1].co - self.parent_pt.co
# We only want the angle in relation to the parent points normal
# modify self_normal to make this so
cross = self_normal.cross(self.parent_pt.no)
self_normal = self.parent_pt.no.cross(cross) # CHECK
#try: angle = AngleBetweenVecs(parent_normal, self_normal)
#except: return 0.0
angle = AngleBetweenVecsSafe(parent_normal, self_normal)
# see if we need to rotate positive or negative
cross = parent_normal.cross(self_normal)
if AngleBetweenVecsSafe(cross, self.parent_pt.no) > 90:
angle = -angle
return angle
def getParentQuadIndex(self):
return self.parent_pt.children.index(self)
def getParentFaceCent(self):
return self.parent_pt.childPoint( self.getParentQuadIndex() )
def findClosest(self, co):
Find the closest point that can bare a child
''' # this dosnt work, but could.
best = None
best_dist = 100000000
for pt in self.bpoints:
if pt.next:
co_on_line, fac = ClosestPointOnLine(co, pt.co, pt.next.co)
print fac
if fac >= 0.0 and fac <= 1.0:
return pt, (co-co_on_line).length
return best, best_dist
best = None
best_dist = 100000000
for pt in self.bpoints:
if pt.nextMidCo and pt.childCount < 4:
dist = (pt.nextMidCo-co).length
if dist < best_dist:
best = pt
best_dist = dist
return best, best_dist
def inParentChain(self, brch):
See if this branch is a parent of self or in the chain
self_parent_lookup = self.getParentBranch()
while self_parent_lookup:
if self_parent_lookup == brch:
return True
self_parent_lookup = self_parent_lookup.getParentBranch()
return False
def transform(self, mat, loc=None, scale=None):
if scale==None:
scale = (xyzup * mat).length
for pt in self.bpoints:
if loc:
pt.co = (pt.co * mat) + loc
pt.co = pt.co * mat
pt.radius *= scale
for pt in self.bpoints:
def translate(self, co):
Simply move the twig on the branch
ofs = self.bpoints[0].co-co
for pt in self.bpoints:
pt.co -= ofs
def transformRecursive(self, tree, mat3x3, cent, scale=None):
if scale==None:
# incase this is a translation matrix
scale = ((xyzup * mat3x3) - (Vector(0,0,0) * mat3x3)).length
for pt in self.bpoints: pt.co = ((pt.co-cent) * mat3x3) + cent
#for pt in self.bpoints: pt.co = (pt.co * mat3x3)
for pt in self.bpoints: self.calcPointExtras()
for brch in tree.branches_all:
if brch.parent_pt:
if brch.parent_pt.branch == self:
brch.transformRecursive(tree, mat3x3, cent, scale)
for pt in self.bpoints:
for brch in pt.children:
if brch:
brch.transformRecursive(mat3x3, cent, scale)
def bestTwigSegment(self):
Return the most free part on the branch to place a new twig
return (sort_value, best_index, self)
# loop up and down the branch - counding how far from the last parent segment we are
spacing1 = [0] * (len(self.bpoints)-1)
spacing2 = spacing1[:]
step_from_parent = 0
for i in xrange(len(spacing1)): # -1 because the last pt cant have kits
if self.bpoints[i].childCount or self.bpoints[i].inTwigBounds==False:
step_from_parent = 0
step_from_parent += 1
spacing1[i] += step_from_parent # -1 because the last pt cant have kits
best_index = -1
best_val = -1
step_from_parent = 0
for i in xrange(len(spacing1)-1, -1, -1):
if self.bpoints[i].childCount or self.bpoints[i].inTwigBounds==False:
step_from_parent = 0
step_from_parent += 1
spacing2[i] += step_from_parent
# inTwigBounds is true by default, when twigBounds are used it can be false
if self.bpoints[i].childCount < 4 and self.bpoints[i].inTwigBounds:
# Dont allow to assign more verts then 4
val = spacing1[i] * spacing2[i]
if val > best_val:
best_val = val
best_index = i
#if best_index == -1:
# raise "Error"
# This value is only used for sorting, so the lower the value - the sooner it gets a twig.
#sort_val = -best_val + (1/self.getLength())
return sort_val, best_index, self
def evenPointDistrobution(self, factor=1.0, factor_joint=1.0):
Redistribute points that are not evenly distributed
factor is between 0.0 and 1.0
for pt in self.bpoints:
if pt.next and pt.prev and pt.childCount == 0 and pt.prev.childCount == 0:
w1 = pt.nextLength()
w2 = pt.prevLength()
wtot = w1+w2
if wtot > 0.0:
w1 = abs(w1-0.5)*2 # make this from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0 is the middle and 1.0 is as far out of the middle as possible.
# print "%.6f" % w1
pt.smooth(w1*factor, w1*factor_joint)
def fixOverlapError(self, joint_smooth=1.0):
# Keep fixing until no hasOverlapError left to fix.
error = True
while error:
error = False
for pt in self.bpoints:
if pt.prev and pt.next:
if pt.hasOverlapError():
if pt.smooth(1.0, joint_smooth): # if we cant fix then dont bother trying again.
error = True
def evenJointDistrobution(self, joint_compression = 1.0):
# See if we need to evaluate this branch at all
if len(self.bpoints) <= 2: # Rare but in this case we cant do anything
has_children = False
for pt in self.bpoints:
if pt.childCount:
has_children = True
if not has_children:
# OK, we have children, so we have some work to do...
# center each segment
# work out the median location of all points children.
for pt in self.bpoints:
pt.targetCos[:] = []
for pt in self.bpoints:
if pt.childrenMidCo:
# Move this and the next segment to be around the child point.
# TODO - factor in the branch angle, be careful with this - close angles can have extreme values.
slide_dist = (pt.childrenMidCo - pt.co).length - (pt.childrenMidRadius * joint_compression)
co = pt.slideCo( slide_dist )
if co:
pt.targetCos.append( co )
slide_dist = (pt.childrenMidRadius * joint_compression) - (pt.childrenMidCo - pt.next.co).length
co = pt.next.slideCo( slide_dist )
if co:
pt.next.targetCos.append( co )
for pt in reversed(self.bpoints):
def collapsePoints(self, seg_density=0.5, seg_density_angle=20.0, seg_density_radius=0.3, smooth_joint=1.0):
collapse = True
while collapse:
collapse = False
pt = self.bpoints[0]
while pt:
# Collapse angles greater then 90. they are useually artifacts
if pt.prev and pt.next and pt.prev.childCount == 0:
if (pt.radius + pt.prev.radius) != 0.0 and abs(pt.radius - pt.prev.radius) / (pt.radius + pt.prev.radius) < seg_density_radius:
ang = AngleBetweenVecsSafe(pt.no, pt.prev.no)
if seg_density_angle == 180 or ang > 90 or ang < seg_density_angle:
## if (pt.prev.nextMidCo-pt.co).length < ((pt.radius + pt.prev.radius)/2) * seg_density:
if (pt.prev.nextMidCo-pt.co).length < seg_density or ang > 90:
pt_save = pt.prev
if pt.next.collapseUp(): # collapse this point
collapse = True
pt = pt_save # so we never reference a removed point
if pt.childCount == 0 and pt.next: #if pt.childrenMidCo == None:
if (pt.radius + pt.next.radius) != 0.0 and abs(pt.radius - pt.next.radius) / (pt.radius + pt.next.radius) < seg_density_radius:
ang = AngleBetweenVecsSafe(pt.no, pt.next.no)
if seg_density_angle == 180 or ang > 90 or ang < seg_density_angle:
# do here because we only want to run this on points with no children,
# Are we closer theto eachother then the radius?
## if (pt.nextMidCo-pt.co).length < ((pt.radius + pt.next.radius)/2) * seg_density:
if (pt.nextMidCo-pt.co).length < seg_density or ang > 90:
if pt.collapseDown():
collapse = True
pt = pt.next
## self.checkPointList()
self.evenPointDistrobution(1.0, smooth_joint)
for pt in self.bpoints:
# This is a bit dodgy - moving the branches around after placing can cause problems
def branchReJoin(self):
Not needed but nice to run after collapsing incase segments moved a lot
if not self.parent_pt:
return # nothing to do
# see if the next segment is closer now (after collapsing)
parent_pt = self.parent_pt
root_pt = self.bpoints[0]
index = parent_pt.children.index(self)
#print "This is bad!, but not being able to re-join isnt that big a deal"
current_dist = (parent_pt.nextMidCo - root_pt.co).length
# TODO - Check size of new area is ok to move into
if parent_pt.next and parent_pt.next.next and parent_pt.next.children[index] == None:
# We can go here if we want, see if its better
if current_dist > (parent_pt.next.nextMidCo - root_pt.co).length:
self.parent_pt.children[index] = None
self.parent_pt.childCount -= 1
self.parent_pt = parent_pt.next
self.parent_pt.children[index] = self
self.parent_pt.childCount += 1
if parent_pt.prev and parent_pt.prev.children[index] == None:
# We can go here if we want, see if its better
if current_dist > (parent_pt.prev.nextMidCo - root_pt.co).length:
self.parent_pt.children[index] = None
self.parent_pt.childCount -= 1
self.parent_pt = parent_pt.prev
self.parent_pt.children[index] = self
self.parent_pt.childCount += 1
def checkPointList(self):
Error checking. use to check if collapsing worked.
p_link = self.bpoints[0]
i = 0
while p_link:
if self.bpoints[i] != p_link:
raise "Error"
if p_link.prev and p_link.prev != self.bpoints[i-1]:
raise "Error Prev"
if p_link.next and p_link.next != self.bpoints[i+1]:
raise "Error Next"
p_link = p_link.next
def mixToNew(self, other, BLEND_MODE):
Generate a new branch based on 2 existing ones
These branches will point 'zup' - aurient 'xup' and have a tip length of 1.0
# Lets be lazy! - if the branches are different sizes- use the shortest.
# brch1 is always smaller
brch1 = self
brch2 = other
if len(brch1.bpoints) > len(brch2.bpoints):
brch1, brch2 = brch2, brch1
if len(brch1.bpoints) == 1:
return None
co_start = brch1.bpoints[0].co
cos1 = [ pt.co - co_start for pt in brch1.bpoints ]
co_start = brch2.bpoints[0].co
if len(brch1.bpoints) == len(brch2.bpoints):
cos2 = [ pt.co - co_start for pt in brch2.bpoints ]
else: # truncate the points
cos2 = [ brch2.bpoints[i].co - co_start for i in xrange(len(brch1.bpoints)) ]
scales = []
for cos_ls in (cos1, cos2):
cross = cos_ls[-1].cross(zup)
mat = RotationMatrix(AngleBetweenVecsSafe(cos_ls[-1], zup), 3, 'r', cross)
cos_ls[:] = [co*mat for co in cos_ls]
# point z-up
# Now they are both pointing the same way aurient the curves to be rotated the same way
xy_nor = Vector(0,0,0)
for co in cos_ls:
xy_nor.x += co.x
xy_nor.y += co.y
cross = xy_nor.cross(xup)
# Also scale them here so they are 1.0 tall always
scale = 1.0/(cos_ls[0]-cos_ls[-1]).length
mat = RotationMatrix(AngleBetweenVecsSafe(xy_nor, xup), 3, 'r', cross) * Matrix([scale,0,0],[0,scale,0],[0,0,scale])
cos_ls[:] = [co*mat for co in cos_ls]
# Make the new branch
new_brch = branch()
new_brch.type = BRANCH_TYPE_GROWN
for i in xrange(len(cos1)):
new_brch.bpoints.append( bpoint(new_brch, (cos1[i]+cos2[i])*0.5, Vector(), (brch1.bpoints[i].radius*scales[0] + brch2.bpoints[i].radius*scales[1])/2) )
return new_brch
def toMesh(self):
# No GUI code above this! ------------------------------------------------------
# PREFS - These can be saved on the object's id property. use 'tree2curve' slot
from Blender import Draw
import BPyWindow
ID_SLOT_NAME = 'Curve2Tree'
# Prefs for each tree
PREFS = {}
PREFS['connect_sloppy'] = Draw.Create(1.5)
PREFS['connect_base_trim'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['seg_density'] = Draw.Create(0.5)
PREFS['seg_density_angle'] = Draw.Create(20.0)
PREFS['seg_density_radius'] = Draw.Create(0.3)
PREFS['seg_joint_compression'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'] = Draw.Create(2.0)
PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.Create('')
PREFS['do_uv'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['uv_x_scale'] = Draw.Create(4.0)
PREFS['uv_y_scale'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['do_material'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['material_use_existing'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['material_texture'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['material_stencil'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['do_subsurf'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['do_cap_ends'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['do_uv_keep_vproportion'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['do_uv_vnormalize'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['do_uv_uscale'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['do_armature'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['do_anim'] = Draw.Create(1)
try: PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.Create([tex for tex in bpy.data.textures][0].name)
except: PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.Create('')
PREFS['anim_speed'] = Draw.Create(0.2)
PREFS['anim_magnitude'] = Draw.Create(0.2)
PREFS['anim_speed_size_scale'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['anim_offset_scale'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['do_twigs_fill'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['twig_fill_levels'] = Draw.Create(4)
PREFS['twig_fill_rand_scale'] = Draw.Create(0.1)
PREFS['twig_fill_fork_angle_max'] = Draw.Create(180.0)
PREFS['twig_fill_radius_min'] = Draw.Create(0.001)
PREFS['twig_fill_radius_factor'] = Draw.Create(0.75)
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_rand'] = Draw.Create(0.5)
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_power'] = Draw.Create(0.5)
PREFS['do_twigs'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['twig_ratio'] = Draw.Create(2.0)
PREFS['twig_select_mode'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['twig_select_factor'] = Draw.Create(0.5)
PREFS['twig_scale'] = Draw.Create(0.8)
PREFS['twig_scale_width'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['twig_random_orientation'] = Draw.Create(180)
PREFS['twig_random_angle'] = Draw.Create(33)
PREFS['twig_recursive'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['twig_recursive_limit'] = Draw.Create(3)
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'] = Draw.Create('') # WATCH out, used for do_twigs_fill AND do_twigs
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['twig_placement_maxradius'] = Draw.Create(10.0)
PREFS['twig_placement_maxtwig'] = Draw.Create(4)
PREFS['twig_follow_parent'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
PREFS['twig_follow_x'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
PREFS['twig_follow_y'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
PREFS['twig_follow_z'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
PREFS['do_leaf'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['leaf_branch_limit'] = Draw.Create(0.25)
PREFS['leaf_branch_limit_rand'] = Draw.Create(0.1)
PREFS['leaf_branch_density'] = Draw.Create(0.1)
PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_angle'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_rand'] = Draw.Create(0.2)
PREFS['leaf_branch_roll_rand'] = Draw.Create(0.2)
PREFS['leaf_branch_angle'] = Draw.Create(75.0)
PREFS['leaf_rand_seed'] = Draw.Create(1.0)
PREFS['leaf_size'] = Draw.Create(0.5)
PREFS['leaf_size_rand'] = Draw.Create(0.5)
PREFS['leaf_object'] = Draw.Create('')
PREFS['do_variation'] = Draw.Create(0)
PREFS['variation_seed'] = Draw.Create(1)
PREFS['variation_orientation'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
PREFS['variation_scale'] = Draw.Create(0.0)
GLOBAL_PREFS['realtime_update'] = Draw.Create(0)
def getContextCurveObjects():
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
objects = []
ob_act = sce.objects.active
for ob in sce.objects.context:
if ob == ob_act: ob_act = None
if ob.type != 'Curve':
ob = ob.parent
if not ob or ob.type != 'Curve':
# Alredy delt with
# Add the active, important when using localview or local layers
if ob_act:
ob = ob_act
if ob.type != 'Curve':
ob = ob.parent
if not ob or ob.type != 'Curve':
return objects
def Prefs2Dict(prefs, new_prefs):
Make a copy with no button settings
for key, val in prefs.items():
try: new_prefs[key] = val.val
except: new_prefs[key] = val
return new_prefs
def Dict2Prefs(prefs, new_prefs):
Make a copy with button settings
for key in prefs: # items would be nice for id groups
val = prefs[key]
ok = True
# If we have this setting allredy but its a different type, use the old setting (converting int's to floats for instance)
new_val = new_prefs[key] # this may fail, thats ok
if (type(new_val)==Blender.Types.ButtonType) and (type(new_val.val) != type(val)):
ok = False
if ok:
new_prefs[key] = Blender.Draw.Create( val )
new_prefs[key] = val
return new_prefs
def Prefs2IDProp(idprop, prefs):
new_prefs = {}
Prefs2Dict(prefs, new_prefs)
try: del idprop[ID_SLOT_NAME]
except: pass
idprop[ID_SLOT_NAME] = new_prefs
def IDProp2Prefs(idprop, prefs):
prefs = idprop[ID_SLOT_NAME]
return False
Dict2Prefs(prefs, PREFS)
return True
def buildTree(ob_curve, single=False):
Must be a curve object, write to a child mesh
Must check this is a curve object!
print 'Curve2Tree, starting...'
# if were only doing 1 object, just use the current prefs
prefs = {}
if single or not (IDProp2Prefs(ob_curve.properties, prefs)):
prefs = PREFS
# Check prefs are ok.
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
def getObChild(parent, obtype):
return [ _ob for _ob in sce.objects if _ob.type == obtype if _ob.parent == parent ][0]
return None
def newObChild(parent, obdata):
ob_new = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(obdata)
# ob_new.Layers = parent.Layers
# new object settings
ob_new.sel = 0
return ob_new
def hasModifier(modtype):
return len([mod for mod in ob_mesh.modifiers if mod.type == modtype]) > 0
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
if PREFS['image_main'].val:
try: image = bpy.data.images[PREFS['image_main'].val]
except: image = None
else: image = None
# Get the mesh child
print '\treading blenders curves...',
time1 = Blender.sys.time()
t = tree()
if not t.branches_all:
return # Empty curve? - may as well not throw an error
time2 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '%.4f sec' % (time2-time1)
if PREFS['do_twigs'].val:
print '\tbuilding twigs...',
time3 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '%.4f sec' % (time3 - time2)
if 0: pass
time3 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '\tconnecting branches...',
twig_ob_bounds = getObFromName(PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'].val)
sloppy = PREFS['connect_sloppy'].val,\
connect_base_trim = PREFS['connect_base_trim'].val,\
do_twigs = PREFS['do_twigs'].val,\
twig_ratio = PREFS['twig_ratio'].val,\
twig_select_mode = PREFS['twig_select_mode'].val,\
twig_select_factor = PREFS['twig_select_factor'].val,\
twig_scale = PREFS['twig_scale'].val,\
twig_scale_width = PREFS['twig_scale_width'].val,\
twig_random_orientation = PREFS['twig_random_orientation'].val,\
twig_random_angle = PREFS['twig_random_angle'].val,\
twig_recursive = PREFS['twig_recursive'].val,\
twig_recursive_limit = PREFS['twig_recursive_limit'].val,\
twig_ob_bounds = twig_ob_bounds,\
twig_ob_bounds_prune = PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'].val,\
twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper = PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper'].val,\
twig_placement_maxradius = PREFS['twig_placement_maxradius'].val,\
twig_placement_maxtwig = PREFS['twig_placement_maxtwig'].val,\
twig_follow_parent = PREFS['twig_follow_parent'].val,\
twig_follow_x = PREFS['twig_follow_x'].val,\
twig_follow_y = PREFS['twig_follow_y'].val,\
twig_follow_z = PREFS['twig_follow_z'].val,\
do_variation = PREFS['do_variation'].val,\
variation_seed = PREFS['variation_seed'].val,\
variation_orientation = PREFS['variation_orientation'].val,\
variation_scale = PREFS['variation_scale'].val,\
do_twigs_fill = PREFS['do_twigs_fill'].val,\
twig_fill_levels = PREFS['twig_fill_levels'].val,\
twig_fill_rand_scale = PREFS['twig_fill_rand_scale'].val,\
twig_fill_fork_angle_max = PREFS['twig_fill_fork_angle_max'].val,\
twig_fill_radius_min = PREFS['twig_fill_radius_min'].val,\
twig_fill_radius_factor = PREFS['twig_fill_radius_factor'].val,\
twig_fill_shape_type = PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'].val,\
twig_fill_shape_rand = PREFS['twig_fill_shape_rand'].val,\
twig_fill_shape_power = PREFS['twig_fill_shape_power'].val,\
time4 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '%.4f sec' % (time4-time3)
print '\toptimizing point spacing...',
joint_compression = PREFS['seg_joint_compression'].val,\
joint_smooth = PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'].val\
time5 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '%.4f sec' % (time5-time4)
print '\tbuilding mesh...',
ob_mesh = getObChild(ob_curve, 'Mesh')
if not ob_mesh:
# New object
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('tree_' + ob_curve.name)
ob_mesh = newObChild(ob_curve, mesh)
# do subsurf later
# Existing object
mesh = ob_mesh.getData(mesh=1)
# Do we need a do_uv_blend_layer?
if PREFS['do_material'].val and PREFS['material_stencil'].val and PREFS['material_texture'].val:
do_uv_blend_layer = True
do_uv_blend_layer = False
mesh = t.toMesh(mesh,\
do_uv = PREFS['do_uv'].val,\
uv_image = image,\
do_uv_keep_vproportion = PREFS['do_uv_keep_vproportion'].val,\
do_uv_vnormalize = PREFS['do_uv_vnormalize'].val,\
do_uv_uscale = PREFS['do_uv_uscale'].val,\
uv_x_scale = PREFS['uv_x_scale'].val,\
uv_y_scale = PREFS['uv_y_scale'].val,\
do_uv_blend_layer = do_uv_blend_layer,\
do_cap_ends = PREFS['do_cap_ends'].val
if PREFS['do_leaf'].val:
ob_leaf_dupliface = getObChild(ob_mesh, 'Mesh')
if not ob_leaf_dupliface: # New object
mesh_leaf = bpy.data.meshes.new('leaf_' + ob_curve.name)
ob_leaf_dupliface = newObChild(ob_mesh, mesh_leaf)
mesh_leaf = ob_leaf_dupliface.getData(mesh=1)
leaf_object = getObFromName(PREFS['leaf_object'].val)
mesh_leaf = t.toLeafMesh(mesh_leaf,\
leaf_branch_limit = PREFS['leaf_branch_limit'].val,\
leaf_branch_limit_rand = PREFS['leaf_branch_limit_rand'].val,\
leaf_size = PREFS['leaf_size'].val,\
leaf_size_rand = PREFS['leaf_size_rand'].val,\
leaf_branch_density = PREFS['leaf_branch_density'].val,\
leaf_branch_pitch_angle = PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_angle'].val,\
leaf_branch_pitch_rand = PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_rand'].val,\
leaf_branch_roll_rand = PREFS['leaf_branch_roll_rand'].val,\
leaf_branch_angle = PREFS['leaf_branch_angle'].val,\
leaf_rand_seed = PREFS['leaf_rand_seed'].val,\
leaf_object = leaf_object,\
if leaf_object:
ob_leaf_dupliface.enableDupFaces = True
ob_leaf_dupliface.enableDupFacesScale = True
ob_leaf_dupliface.makeParent([leaf_object], 1)
ob_leaf_dupliface.enableDupFaces = False
if PREFS['do_material'].val:
materials = mesh.materials
if PREFS['material_use_existing'].val and materials:
t.material = materials[0]
t.material = bpy.data.materials.new(ob_curve.name)
mesh.materials = [t.material]
if PREFS['material_texture'].val:
# Set up the base image texture
t.texBase = bpy.data.textures.new('base_' + ob_curve.name)
t.material.setTexture(0, t.texBase, Blender.Texture.TexCo.UV, Blender.Texture.MapTo.COL)
t.texBase.type = Blender.Texture.Types.IMAGE
if image:
t.texBase.image = image
t.texBaseMTex = t.material.getTextures()[0]
t.texBaseMTex.uvlayer = 'base'
if PREFS['material_stencil'].val:
# Set up the blend texture
t.texBlend = bpy.data.textures.new('blend_' + ob_curve.name)
t.material.setTexture(1, t.texBlend, Blender.Texture.TexCo.UV, 0) # map to None
t.texBlend.type = Blender.Texture.Types.BLEND
t.texBlend.flags |= Blender.Texture.Flags.FLIPBLEND
t.texBlendMTex = t.material.getTextures()[1]
t.texBlendMTex.stencil = True
t.texBlendMTex.uvlayer = 'blend'
# Now make the texture for the stencil to blend, can reuse texBase here, jus tdifferent settings for the mtex
t.material.setTexture(2, t.texBase, Blender.Texture.TexCo.UV, Blender.Texture.MapTo.COL)
t.texJoinMTex = t.material.getTextures()[2]
t.texJoinMTex.uvlayer = 'join'
# Add a UV layer for blending
time6 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '%.4f sec' % (time6-time5)
# Do armature stuff....
if PREFS['do_armature'].val:
print '\tbuilding armature & animation...',
ob_arm = getObChild(ob_curve, 'Armature')
if ob_arm:
armature = ob_arm.data
armature = bpy.data.armatures.new()
ob_arm = newObChild(ob_curve, armature)
t.toArmature(ob_arm, armature)
# Add the modifier.
if not hasModifier(Blender.Modifier.Types.ARMATURE):
mod = ob_mesh.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.ARMATURE)
# TODO - assigne object anyway, even if an existing modifier exists.
mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.OBJECT] = ob_arm
if PREFS['do_anim'].val:
tex = bpy.data.textures[PREFS['anim_tex'].val]
tex = None
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('error no texture, cannot animate bones')
if tex:
t.toAction(ob_arm, tex,\
anim_speed = PREFS['anim_speed'].val,\
anim_magnitude = PREFS['anim_magnitude'].val,\
anim_speed_size_scale= PREFS['anim_speed_size_scale'].val,\
time7 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print '%.4f sec\n' % (time7-time6)
time7 = Blender.sys.time() # time print
print 'done in %.4f sec' % (time7 - time1)
# Add subsurf last it needed. so armature skinning is done first.
# Do subsurf?
if PREFS['do_subsurf'].val:
if not hasModifier(Blender.Modifier.Types.SUBSURF):
mod = ob_mesh.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.SUBSURF)
def do_pref_read(e=0,v=0, quiet=False):
We dont care about e and v values, only there because its a callback
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
ob = sce.objects.active
if not ob:
if not quiet:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('No active curve object')
if ob.type != 'Curve':
ob = ob.parent
if ob == None or ob.type != 'Curve':
if not quiet:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('No active curve object')
if not IDProp2Prefs(ob.properties, PREFS):
if not quiet:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Curve object has no settings stored on it')
def do_pref_write(e,v):
objects = getContextCurveObjects()
if not objects:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('No curve objects selected')
for ob in objects:
Prefs2IDProp(ob.properties, PREFS)
def do_pref_clear(e,v):
objects = getContextCurveObjects()
if not objects:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('No curve objects selected')
for ob in objects:
try: del ob.properties[ID_SLOT_NAME]
except: pass
def do_tex_check(e,v):
if not v: return
PREFS['anim_tex'].val = ''
Draw.PupMenu('Texture dosnt exist!')
def do_ob_check(e,v):
if not v: return
# PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'].val = ''
Draw.PupMenu('Object dosnt exist!')
def do_group_check(e,v):
if not v: return
# PREFS['leaf_object'].val = ''
Draw.PupMenu('dosnt exist!')
# Button callbacks
def do_active_image(e,v):
img = bpy.data.images.active
if img:
PREFS['image_main'].val = img.name
PREFS['image_main'].val = ''
# Button callbacks
def do_tree_generate__real():
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
objects = getContextCurveObjects()
if not objects:
Draw.PupMenu('Select one or more curve objects or a mesh/armature types with curve parents')
is_editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
if is_editmode:
Blender.Window.EditMode(0, '', 0)
for ob in objects:
buildTree(ob, len(objects)==1)
if is_editmode:
Blender.Window.EditMode(1, '', 0)
# Profile
# Had to do this to get it to work in ubuntu "sudo aptitude install python-profiler"
import hotshot
import profile
from hotshot import stats
def do_tree_generate(e,v):
prof = hotshot.Profile("hotshot_edi_stats")
s = stats.load("hotshot_edi_stats")
if GLOBALS['non_bez_error']:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Nurbs and Poly curve types cant be used!')
GLOBALS['non_bez_error'] = 0
def do_tree_help(e,v):
url = 'http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Wizards/TreeFromCurves'
print 'Trying to open web browser with documentation at this address...'
print '\t' + url
import webbrowser
print '...could not open a browser window.'
def evt(e,val):
def bevt(e):
if GLOBAL_PREFS['realtime_update'].val:
do_tree_generate(0,0) # values dont matter
if e == EVENT_EXIT:
def gui():
rect = BPyWindow.spaceRect()
but_width = int((rect[2]-MARGIN*2)/4.0) # 72
# Clamp
if but_width>100: but_width = 100
but_height = 17
xtmp = x
PREFS['do_twigs_fill'] = Draw.Toggle('Fill Twigs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_twigs_fill'].val, 'Generate child branches based existing branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_twigs_fill'].val:
PREFS['twig_fill_levels'] = Draw.Number('Generations', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_levels'].val, 1, 32, 'How many generations to make for filled twigs'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# WARNING USED IN 2 PLACES!! - see below
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'] = Draw.String('OB Bound: ', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'].val, 64, 'Only grow twigs inside this mesh object', do_ob_check); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_rand_scale'] = Draw.Number('Randomize Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_rand_scale'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize twig scale from the bounding mesh'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
PREFS['twig_fill_radius_min'] = Draw.Number('Min Radius', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_radius_min'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Radius at endpoints of all twigs'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_radius_factor'] = Draw.Number('Inherit Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_radius_factor'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'What attaching to branches, scale the radius by this value for filled twigs, 0.0 for fixed width twigs.'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
#PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'] = Draw.Number('Shape Type', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Shape used for the fork'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'] = Draw.Menu('Join Type%t|Even%x0|Smooth One Child%x1|Smooth Both Children%x2',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'].val, 'Select the wat twigs '); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_fork_angle_max'] = Draw.Number('Shape Max Ang', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_fork_angle_max'].val, 0.0, 180.0, 'Maximum fork angle'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_rand'] = Draw.Number('Shape Rand', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the shape of forks'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_power'] = Draw.Number('Shape Strength', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_power'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Strength of curves'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_twigs'] = Draw.Toggle('Grow Twigs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_twigs'].val, 'Generate child branches based existing branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_twigs'].val:
PREFS['twig_ratio'] = Draw.Number('Twig Multiply', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_ratio'].val, 0.01, 500.0, 'How many twigs to generate per branch'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_select_mode'] = Draw.Menu('Branch Selection Method%t|From Short%x0|From Long%x1|From Straight%x2|From Bent%x3|',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_select_mode'].val, 'Select branches to use as twigs based on this attribute'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_select_factor'] = Draw.Number('From Factor', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_select_factor'].val, 0.0, 16, 'Select branches, lower value is more strict and will give you less variation'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_recursive'] = Draw.Toggle('Recursive Twigs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_recursive'].val, 'Recursively add twigs into eachother'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_recursive_limit'] = Draw.Number('Generations', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_recursive_limit'].val, 0.0, 16, 'Number of generations allowed, 0 is inf'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_scale'] = Draw.Number('Twig Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_scale'].val, 0.01, 10.0, 'Scale down twigs in relation to their parents each generation'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_scale_width'] = Draw.Number('Twig Scale Width', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_scale_width'].val, 0.01, 20.0, 'Scale the twig length only (not thickness)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_random_orientation'] = Draw.Number('Rand Orientation', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_random_orientation'].val, 0.0, 360.0, 'Random rotation around the parent'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_random_angle'] = Draw.Number('Rand Angle', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_random_angle'].val, 0.0, 360.0, 'Random rotation to the parent joint'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_placement_maxradius'] = Draw.Number('Place Max Radius', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_placement_maxradius'].val, 0.0, 50.0, 'Only place twigs on branches below this radius'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_placement_maxtwig'] = Draw.Number('Place Max Count', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_placement_maxtwig'].val, 0.0, 50.0, 'Limit twig placement to this many per branch'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_follow_parent'] = Draw.Number('ParFollow', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_parent'].val, 0.0, 10.0, 'Follow the parent branch'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_follow_x'] = Draw.Number('Grav X', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_x'].val, -10.0, 10.0, 'Twigs gravitate on the X axis'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_follow_y'] = Draw.Number('Grav Y', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_y'].val, -10.0, 10.0, 'Twigs gravitate on the Y axis'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_follow_z'] = Draw.Number('Grav Z', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_z'].val, -10.0, 10.0, 'Twigs gravitate on the Z axis'); xtmp += but_width;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'] = Draw.String('OB Bound: ', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_ob_bounds'].val, 64, 'Only grow twigs inside this mesh object', do_ob_check); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'].val:
but_width_tmp = but_width
but_width_tmp = but_width*2
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'] = Draw.Toggle('Prune',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width_tmp, but_height, PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'].val, 'Prune twigs to the mesh object bounds'); xtmp += but_width_tmp;
if PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'].val:
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper'] = Draw.Number('Taper', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Taper pruned branches to a point'); xtmp += but_width;
#PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.String('IM: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*3, but_height, PREFS['image_main'].val, 64, 'Image to apply to faces'); xtmp += but_width*3;
#Draw.PushButton('Use Active', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, 'Get the image from the active image window', do_active_image); xtmp += but_width;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_leaf'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Leaves',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_leaf'].val, 'Generate leaves using duplifaces'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_leaf'].val:
PREFS['leaf_object'] = Draw.String('OB: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_object'].val, 64, 'Use this object as a leaf', do_ob_check); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_size'] = Draw.Number('Size', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_size'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'size of the leaf'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_size_rand'] = Draw.Number('Randsize', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_size_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'randomize the leaf size'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
# Dont use yet
PREFS['leaf_branch_limit'] = Draw.Number('Branch Limit', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_limit'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Maximum thichness where a branch can bare leaves, higher value to place leaves on bigger branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_limit_rand'] = Draw.Number('Limit Random', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_limit_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the allowed minimum branch width to place leaves'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_branch_density'] = Draw.Number('Density', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_density'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Chance each segment has of baring a leaf, use a high value for more leaves'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_angle'] = Draw.Number('Angle From Branch', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_angle'].val, 0.0, 90.0, 'angle the leaf is from the branch direction'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_rand_seed'] = Draw.Number('Random Seed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_rand_seed'].val, 0.0, 10000.0, 'Set the seed for leaf random values'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_angle'] = Draw.Number('Pitch Angle', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_angle'].val, -180, 180.0, 'Change the pitch rotation of leaves, negative angle to point down'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_rand'] = Draw.Number('Random Pitch', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the leaf rotation (up-down/pitch)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_roll_rand'] = Draw.Number('Random Roll', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_roll_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the leaf rotation (roll/tilt/yaw)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_uv'].val == 0: but_width_tmp = but_width*2
else: but_width_tmp = but_width*4
PREFS['do_uv'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate UVs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width_tmp, but_height, PREFS['do_uv'].val, 'Calculate UVs coords'); xtmp += but_width_tmp;
if PREFS['do_uv'].val:
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['do_uv_uscale'] = Draw.Toggle('U-Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_uscale'].val, 'Scale the width according to the face size (will NOT tile)'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['do_uv_keep_vproportion'] = Draw.Toggle('V-Aspect', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_keep_vproportion'].val, 'Correct the UV aspect with the branch width'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['do_uv_vnormalize'] = Draw.Toggle('V-Normaize', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_vnormalize'].val, 'Scale the UVs to fit onto the image verticaly'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['uv_x_scale'] = Draw.Number('Scale U', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['uv_x_scale'].val, 0.01, 10.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['uv_y_scale'] = Draw.Number('Scale V', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['uv_y_scale'].val, 0.01, 10.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.String('IM: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*3, but_height, PREFS['image_main'].val, 64, 'Image to apply to faces'); xtmp += but_width*3;
Draw.PushButton('Use Active', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, 'Get the image from the active image window', do_active_image); xtmp += but_width;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_material'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Material',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_material'].val, 'Create material and textures (for seamless joints)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_material'].val:
PREFS['material_use_existing'] = Draw.Toggle('ReUse Existing',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['material_use_existing'].val, 'Modify the textures of the existing material'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['material_texture'] = Draw.Toggle('Texture', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['material_texture'].val, 'Create an image texture for this material to use'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['material_stencil'] = Draw.Toggle('Blend Joints', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['material_stencil'].val, 'Use a 2 more texture and UV layers to blend the seams between joints'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_armature'].val == 0:
but_width_tmp = but_width*2
but_width_tmp = but_width*4
PREFS['do_armature'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Motion', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width_tmp, but_height, PREFS['do_armature'].val, 'Generate Armatuer animation and apply to branches'); xtmp += but_width_tmp;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_armature'].val:
xtmp = x
PREFS['do_anim'] = Draw.Toggle('Texture Anim', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_anim'].val, 'Use a texture to animate the bones'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_anim'].val:
PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.String('TEX: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_tex'].val, 64, 'Texture to use for the IPO Driver animation', do_tex_check); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['anim_speed'] = Draw.Number('Speed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_speed'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'Animate the movement faster with a higher value'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['anim_magnitude'] = Draw.Number('Magnitude', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_magnitude'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'Animate with more motion with a higher value'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['anim_offset_scale'] = Draw.Number('Unique Offset Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['anim_offset_scale'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'Use the curve object location as input into the texture so trees have more unique motion, a low value is less unique'); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['anim_speed_size_scale'] = Draw.Toggle('Branch Size Scales Speed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['anim_speed_size_scale'].val, 'Use the branch size as a factor when calculating speed'); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_variation'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Variation', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_variation'].val, 'Create a variant by moving the branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_variation'].val:
PREFS['variation_seed'] = Draw.Number('Rand Seed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['variation_seed'].val, 1, 100000, 'Change this to get a different variation'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
PREFS['variation_orientation'] = Draw.Number('Orientation', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['variation_orientation'].val, 0, 1.0, 'Randomize rotation of the branch around its parent'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['variation_scale'] = Draw.Number('Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['variation_scale'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the scale of branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['seg_density'] = Draw.Number('Segment Spacing',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['seg_density'].val, 0.05, 10.0, 'Scale the limit points collapse, that are closer then the branch width'); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['seg_density_angle'] = Draw.Number('Angle Spacing', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_density_angle'].val, 0.0, 180.0, 'Segments above this angle will not collapse (lower value for more detail)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['seg_density_radius'] = Draw.Number('Radius Spacing', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_density_radius'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Segments above this difference in radius will not collapse (lower value for more detail)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['seg_joint_compression'] = Draw.Number('Joint Width', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_joint_compression'].val, 0.1, 2.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'] = Draw.Number('Joint Smooth', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['connect_sloppy'] = Draw.Number('Connect Limit',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['connect_sloppy'].val, 0.1, 3.0, 'Strictness when connecting branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['connect_base_trim'] = Draw.Number('Joint Bevel', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['connect_base_trim'].val, 0.0, 2.0, 'low value for a tight join, hi for a smoother bevel'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_cap_ends'] = Draw.Toggle('Cap Ends',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_cap_ends'].val, 'Add faces onto branch endpoints'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['do_subsurf'] = Draw.Toggle('SubSurf',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_subsurf'].val, 'Enable subsurf for newly generated objects'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Draw.PushButton('Read Active Prefs', EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, 'Read the ID Property settings from the active curve object', do_pref_read); xtmp += but_width*2;
Draw.PushButton('Write Prefs to Sel', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, 'Save these settings in the ID Properties of all selected curve objects', do_pref_write); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Draw.PushButton('Clear Prefs from Sel', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, 'Remove settings from the selected curve aaobjects', do_pref_clear); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Draw.PushButton('Exit', EVENT_EXIT, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, ''); xtmp += but_width;
Draw.PushButton('Help', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, '', do_tree_help); xtmp += but_width;
Draw.PushButton('Generate from selection', EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, 'Generate mesh', do_tree_generate); xtmp += but_width*3;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
GLOBAL_PREFS['realtime_update'] = Draw.Toggle('Automatic Update', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, GLOBAL_PREFS['realtime_update'].val, 'Update automatically when settings change'); xtmp += but_width*4;
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Read the active objects prefs on load. if they exist
Draw.Register(gui, evt, bevt)