Maxim Stewart
Added ref FX_Files Added Dome parts Added Usable textures Added Other filled with notes, etc
2057 lines
96 KiB
2057 lines
96 KiB
-- @module Battlefront2API
-- Sets the sound stream to play for the specified team when the other specified team has started/stopped bleeding.
-- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number
-- @param #int bleedTeam The team that's started/stopped bleeding
-- @param #string streamSoundName Stream sound to play when the local player is playerTeam and bleedTeam has started/stopped bleeding
-- @param #int bleeding Set to 1 to assign a started bleeding sound, set to 0 to assign a stopped bleeding sound
function SetBleedingVoiceOver(playerTeam, bleedTeam, streamSoundName, bleeding) end
-- Sets the bleeding sound stream repeat time.
-- @param #float repeatTime Time between each repetition of the started bleeding voice over
function SetBleedingRepeatTime(repeatTime) end
-- Sets the voice over to play for the specified bonus.
-- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number
-- @param #int bonusNum The number of the bonus to be set.
-- `0` - medical regen bonus (played on level load, heard by players team)
-- `1` - surplus supplies bonus (played on level load, heard by players team)
-- `2` - sensor boost bonus (played on level load, heard by players team)
-- `3` - hero is on the battlefield (played on level load, heard by both teams)
-- `4` - our team just got the reserves bonus (played when it happens, heard by players team)
-- `5` - the other team just got reserves bonus (played when it happens, heard by other team)
-- @param #string streamSoundName Stream sound to play when the bonus occurs (or at level load if the bonus is ongoing)
function SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(playerTeam, bonusNum, streamSoundName) end
-- Sets the sound effect to play for the specified sound event.
-- @param #string soundEventType Type of event. Can be any of the following...
-- `BirdScatter` - Played when birds are spawned
-- `Bird` - Attached to each bird
-- `LeafFall` - Played when a falling leaf is spawned
-- `ScopeDisplayAmbient` - Played when scope display is active
-- `ScopeDisplayZoomIn` - When scope display zooms in
-- `ScopeDisplayZoomOut` - When scope display zooms out
-- `WeaponUnableSelect` - When the weapon change button is pressed but another weapon is not available
-- `WeaponModeUnableSelect` - When the weapon mode change button is pressed but another mode is not available
-- `SpawnDisplayUnitChange` - When unit is changed in spawn display
-- `SpawnDisplayUnitAccept` - When unit is selected in spawn display
-- `SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange` - When spawn point is changed in spawn display
-- `SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept` - When spawn point is selected in spawn display
-- `SpawnDisplayBack` - When user presses the back button and returns from the map to the unit select screen in
-- the spawn display
-- `LockOn` - Played when player locks onto someone using the targetting display
-- `HeroesUnlocked` - When heroes are unlocked in multiplayer
-- `HeroSpawned` - When a player on Team `teamIndex` spawns in as the hero
-- `HeroDefeated` - When a player on Team `teamIndex` dies in as the hero
-- @param #string soundPropertyName Name of a SoundProperty assigned to the event
-- @param #int teamIndex Only required if `soundEventType` == `"HeroSpawned"` or `"HeroDefeated"`. Index of team that player is on
function SetSoundEffect(soundEventType, soundPropertyName, teamIndex) end
-- Sets the voice over for when the specified team has low reinforcements.
-- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number
-- @param #int lowReinforcementTeam Team which has low reinforcements
-- @param #string streamSoundName Sound stream to play when the local player is `playerTeam` and `lowReinforcementTeam`'s reinforcements
-- have dropped below `numReinforcements`
-- @param #int numReinforcements Number of reinforcements which triggers the low reinforcement stream
-- @param #int isPercentage Optional argument which when set to 1 treats `numReinforcements` as a fraction (`0.0..1.0`) of maximum reinforcements
function SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(playerTeam, lowReinforcementTeam, streamSoundName, numReinforcements, isPercentage) end
-- Sets the out-of-bounds voice over to play for the specified team.
-- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number
-- @param #string streamSoundName Name of the stream to play when the player goes out of bounds
function SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(playerTeam, streamSoundName) end
-- Sets the ambient music to play for players on the specified team.
-- @param #int playerTeam Player's team number
-- @param #int reinforcementCount Reinforcement count of the player's team which triggers the specified music
-- @param #string musicName Name of the music configuration
-- @param #int gameStage Value from 0 to 2, where 0 = beginning, 1 = middle, and 2 = end
-- @param #int isPercentage Optional argument which when set to 1 treats reinforcementCount as a fraction (`0.0..1.0`) of maximum reinforcements
function SetAmbientMusic(playerTeam, reinforcementCount, musicName, gameStage, isPercentage) end
-- Sets which music and voice overs are heard when in two-player (only?) splitscreen.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of the attacking team
function SetAttackingTeam(teamIndex) end
-- Sets the music to play for players on the specified team when their team is victorious.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of player's team
-- @param #string soundStreamID ID of sound stream properties to play
function SetVictoryMusic(teamIndex, soundStreamID) end
-- Sets the music to play for players on the specified team when their team is defeated.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of player's team
-- @param #string soundStreamID ID of sound stream properties to play
function SetDefeatMusic(teamIndex, soundStreamID) end
-- Plays the specified sound stream segment.
-- @param #string streamFilename File containing the audio stream
-- @param #string streamID ID of sound stream properties containing `segmentID`
-- @param #string segmentID ID of segment within the `streamID` to play
-- @param #float gain Initial gain of the stream
-- @param #string busName Bus stream is assigned to (default = "Root")
-- @param #int streamIndex Index of the open stream to play, `streamFilename` can be "" if this is specified. (NOTE : This is an optional argument)
-- @return #int ID of the opened stream, `streamIndex` if it was specified or 0 if the function fails
function PlayAudioStream(streamFilename, streamID, segmentID, gain, busName, streamIndex) end
-- Plays the specified sound stream with the specified properties.
-- @param #string streamFilename File containing the audio stream specified in the sound stream properties
-- @param #string soundStreamID ID of the sound stream properties to play
-- @param #int noOpen Set to 1 to play using a previously opened stream. (NOTE : This is an optional argument)
-- @return #int ID of the opened stream (this may not be the stream that's playing)
function PlayAudioStreamUsingProperties(streamFilename, soundStreamID, noOpen) end
-- Stops and optionally closes the specified sound stream.
-- @param #int streamIndex Index of the audio stream to stop
-- @param #int close Optional argument. Set to 1 to close the stream, 0 to leave the stream open
function StopAudioStream(streamIndex, close) end
-- Opens the specified sound stream.
-- @param #string streamFilename File containing the audio stream
-- @param #string streamID ID of stream within the file
-- @return #int ID of the opened stream or 0 if the function fails
function OpenAudioStream(streamFilename, streamID) end
-- Appends the specified sound stream to another stream. Just like how only one segment in an open audio stream can be
-- played at a time, only one segment in a group of appended segments can be played at a time.
-- NOTE: This can ONLY be used with streams that are stored inside the same lvl file!
-- @param #string streamFilename File containing the stream to append to the currently open stream
-- @param #string streamID ID of the stream within the file
-- @param #string streamIndex Number returned from `OpenAudioStream()` which is the index of the stream to append segments to
-- @return #int ID of the opened stream or 0 if the function fails
function AudioStreamAppendSegments(streamFilename, streamID, streamIndex) end
-- Returns whether or not a sound stream is currently playing.
-- @param #string streamID ID of the stream to query
-- @return #int 1 if the stream has stopped, 0 otherwise
function AudioStreamComplete(streamID) end
-- Plays the specified sound properties.
-- @param #string soundID ID of sound properties to play
function ScriptCB_SndPlaySound(soundID) end
-- Fades the specified sound bus.
-- @param #string busName Name of the bus to fade
-- @param #float endGain Final gain of the bus
-- @param #float fadeTime Time to fade the bus
-- @param #float startGain Start gain of the bus (NOTE : this is an optional argument)
function ScriptCB_SndBusFade(busName, endGain, fadeTime, startGain) end
-- Scales the specified parameter for the specified sound group.
-- @param #string groupID Identifies the group which contains sounds that are changed
-- @param #string parameter Parameter to scale on each sound within the group. Can be one of the following...
-- `Gain`
-- `GainDev`
-- `Pitch`
-- `PitchDev`
-- `PlayProbability`
-- `PlayInterval`
-- `PlayIntervalDev`
-- `ReverbGain`
-- `Pan`
-- `MinDistance`
-- `MuteDistance`
-- `MaxDistance`
-- `RollOff`
-- `RollIn`
-- `RollInDistance`
-- @param #float scale Scale factor for the parameter
function ScaleSoundParameter(groupID, parameter, scale) end
-- Sets the bus that controls movie audio volume.
-- @param #string busID ID of bus which controls the movie audio volume
function ScriptCB_SetMovieAudioBus(busID) end
-- Exaggerates or reduces doppler effects.
-- @param #float dopplerFactor Default value is 1.0. To reduce doppler effects use values
-- less than 1.0, to exaggerate use values greater than 1.0
function ScriptCB_SetDopplerFactor(dopplerFactor) end
-- Plays the specified music.
-- @param #string musicID ID of the music to play in game
function ScriptCB_PlayInGameMusic(musicID) end
-- Stops the music previously played using `ScriptCB_PlayInGameMusic()`.
function ScriptCB_StopInGameMusic() end
-- Enables or disables command post voice overs.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable command post VO, 0 to disable command post VO
function ScriptCB_EnableCommandPostVO(enabled) end
-- Enables or disables hero music.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable hero music, 0 to disable hero music
function ScriptCB_EnableHeroMusic(enabled) end
-- Enables or disables hero voice overs.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable hero voice overs, 0 to disable hero voice overs
function ScriptCB_EnableHeroVO(enabled) end
-- Sets the gain of the ingame bus when the spawn display is visible.
-- @param #float gain 0..1 - Gain of the ingame bus when the spawn display is visible (default = 0.2)
-- @param #float fadeTime Time, in seconds, to fade the ingame bus (default = 3.0)
function ScriptCB_SetSpawnDisplayGain(gain, fadeTime) end
-- Enables or disables the specified trigger sound region.
-- @param #string groupName Name of the trigger sound region group to enable/disable
-- @param #int enabled 1 to enable, 0 to disable. (default = 1)
function ScriptCB_TriggerSoundRegionEnable(groupName, enabled) end
-- Returns the entity class of the specified class name.
-- @param #string entityClassName Name of the entity class
-- @return Entity class
function FindEntityClass(entityClassName) end
-- Sets the amount of extra(?) model memory to allocate for the map on the PS2.
-- @param #int bytes Bytes to allocate
function SetPS2ModelMemory(bytes) end
-- For CollisionManager and TreeGrid sizes...
-- `SetWorldExtents` and `ScriptPreInit` go hand in hand. When building a Space level, you may notice that when you exit
-- your ship you instantly die. You also might find that running around certain parts of your ship you will die
-- without taking damage. That<61>s what `SetWorldExtents` is for. If you have this set to 2500, but you<6F>re still finding
-- that the world is killing you (and you<6F>re not walking into a death region) then bump it up to enlarge the soldier
-- based playable space.
-- Might have to go in `ScriptPreInit`.
-- @param #int amount New world extents in meters(?)
function SetWorldExtents(amount) end
-- Sets the amount of memory to take from the artist memory pools and reallocate. (Where to, though?)
-- @param #int bytes Bytes to reallocate
function StealArtistHeap(bytes) end
-- Loads the specified lvl file. Sub-lvls contained in the lvl file can be loaded in subsequent arguments like so:
-- `ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\rep.lvl", "rep_inf_ep3_trooper", "rep_inf_ep3_engineer", "rep_hero_anakin")`
-- You can also load a sub-lvl with a semicolon in the `sourceFilename` argument like so:
-- `ReadDataFile("dc:Sound\\abc.lvl;ABCg")`
-- @param #string sourceFilename Path of the lvl file to load, a single sub-lvl can be loaded by appending a semicolon followed by the name of the sub-lvl to this
-- @param #string ... Optional. Any additional sub-lvls to load
function ReadDataFile(sourceFilename, ...) end
-- Loads the specified lvl file during run-time (I think?). Sub-lvls contained in the lvl file can be loaded in subsequent arguments like so:
-- `ReadDataFile("dc:SIDE\\rep.lvl", "rep_inf_ep3_trooper", "rep_inf_ep3_engineer", "rep_hero_anakin")`
-- You can also load a sub-lvl with a semicolon in the `sourceFilename` argument like so:
-- `ReadDataFile("dc:Sound\\abc.lvl;ABCg")`
-- @param #string sourceFilename Path of the lvl file to load, a single sub-lvl can be loaded by appending a semicolon followed by the name of the sub-lvl
-- @param #string ... Optional. Any additional sub-lvls to load
function ReadDataFileInGame(sourceFilename, ...) end
-- Sets the amount of memory to allocate to a temporary pool. Used in galactic conquest. (What for specifically, though?)
-- @param #int bytes Bytes to allocate
function SetupTempHeap(bytes) end
-- Clears the temporary memory pool created with `SetupTempHeap`.
function ClearTempHeap() end
-- Adds a shot to the map's set of camera shots. These are the different camera angles that you cycle
-- through while in spectator mode when there's no players to spectate.
-- Use the `DumpCamera` console command to print new ones to the debug log.
-- @param #float quatW Quaternion's W value for camera rotation
-- @param #float quatX Quaternion's X value for camera rotation
-- @param #float quatY Quaternion's Y value for camera rotation
-- @param #float quatZ Quaternion's Z value for camera rotation
-- @param #float posX Value of camera's X position
-- @param #float posY Value of camera's Y position
-- @param #float posZ Value of camera's Z position
function AddCameraShot(quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ, posX, posY, posZ) end
-- Sets the camera's rotation (in quaternions). Note that the camera is immediately reset if the player is controlling a
-- Controllable entity.
-- @param #float quatW Quaternion's W value for camera rotation
-- @param #float quatX Quaternion's X value for camera rotation
-- @param #float quatY Quaternion's Y value for camera rotation
-- @param #float quatZ Quaternion's Z value for camera rotation
function SetCameraRotation(quatW, quatX, quatY, quatZ) end
-- Sets the camera's position. Note that the camera is immediately reset if the player is controlling a Controllable entity.
-- @param #float posX Value of camera's X position
-- @param #float posY Value of camera's Y position
-- @param #float posZ Value of camera's Z position
function SetCameraPosition(posX, posY, posZ) end
-- Moves the camera to the specified entity. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @param entity Entity to move camera to
function MoveCameraToEntity(entity) end
-- Sets the map camera's position. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @param #int posX X position
-- @param #int posY Y position
-- @param #int posZ Z position
function SetMapCameraPosition(posX, posY, posZ) end
-- Returns the map camera's position values. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @return #int X position
-- @return #int Y position
-- @return #int Z position
function GetMapCameraPosition() end
-- Sets the map camera's position offset for the specified level of zoom. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @param #int zoom Level of zoom for which to set camera offset (0 = wide, 1 = normal, 2 = focus)
-- @param #int posX X position offset
-- @param #int posY Y position offset
-- @param #int posZ Z position offset
function SetMapCameraOffset(zoom, posX, posY, posZ) end
-- Sets the map camera's pitch for the specified level of zoom. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @param #int zoom Level of zoom for which to set camera pitch
-- @param #float pitch Amount to pitch camera by
function SetMapCameraPitch(zoom, pitch) end
-- Sets the map camera's zoom level. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @param #int zoom Level of zoom (0 = wide, 1 = normal, 2 = focus)
-- @param #int dir Optional argument. Direction of zoom (1 = zoom in, 0 = zoom out)
-- @param #float ratio Optional argument. Ratio of the shortest and longest ranges of the zoom lens. For example,
-- an 18-55 mm lens has a ratio of 0.33, or about 1:3, while a 75-300 mm lens ratio is 0.25,
-- or 1:4. Note that the zoom ratios have no connection to field of view, but merely express
-- the range between short and long
function SetMapCameraZoom(zoom, dir, ratio) end
-- Returns the map camera's current zoom values. Used in galactic conquest.
-- @return #int Level of zoom (0 = wide, 1 = normal, 2 = focus)
-- @return #int Direction of zoom (1 = zoom in, 0 = zoom out)
-- @return #float Ratio of the shortest and longest ranges of the zoom lens. For example, an 18-55 mm lens
-- has a ratio of 0.33, or about 1:3, while a 75-300 mm lens ratio is 0.25, or 1:4. Note
-- that the zoom ratios have no connection to field of view, but merely express the range
-- between short and long
function GetMapCameraZoom() end
-- Snaps the map camera in place. Used in galactic conquest.
function SnapMapCamera() end
-- Restarts the shell.
-- @param #string state Set to "State"
function SetState(state) end
-- Sets the mission as historical, might be related to Galactic Conquest? Obsolete, used in SWBF1.
function SetHistorical() end
-- Sets the name of the specified team. The names "neutral", "neu", "alliance", "all", "empire", "imp", "republic", "rep",
-- and "cis" map to pre-defined team identifiers; anything else maps to locals. (Yes, this is not very general.)
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #string key Localization key (not the full path) of the team name, which must be located in the
-- scope `"level.ABC."` (replacing `ABC` with the map's ID)
function SetTeamName(teamIndex, key) end
-- Sets the aggressiveness of the AI on the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #float aggressiveness Aggressiveness value, higher means more aggressive (`0.0..1.0`)
function SetTeamAggressiveness(teamIndex, aggressiveness) end
-- Controls how far downwards from the center of the world the AI can fly. These are used on ground based maps to limit
-- the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far below the space battlefield. To find
-- an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired min height, and punch those numbers
-- in. It<49>s best to keep the MinFlyHeight and the MinPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing things
-- that players can<61>t.
-- @param #int height Height in meters(?)
function SetMinFlyHeight(height) end
-- Controls how far upwards from the center of the world the AI can fly. These are used on ground based maps to limit
-- the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far above the space battlefield. To find
-- an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired max height, and punch those numbers
-- in. It<49>s best to keep the MaxFlyHeight and the MaxPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing things
-- that players can<61>t.
-- @param #int height Height in meters(?)
function SetMaxFlyHeight(height) end
-- Controls how far downwards from the center of the world the player can fly. These are used on ground based maps to
-- limit the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far below the space battlefield. To
-- find an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired min height, and punch those
-- numbers in. It<49>s best to keep the MinFlyHeight and the MinPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing
-- things that players can<61>t.
-- @param #int height Height in meters(?)
function SetMinPlayerFlyHeight(height) end
-- Controls how far upwards from the center of the world the player can fly. These are used on ground based maps to
-- limit the jet classes and jedi, but is also used to keep flyers from getting too far above the space battlefield. To
-- find an appropriate height, use `PrintPlayerPos` in the console, fly to your desired min height, and punch those
-- numbers in. It<49>s best to keep the MaxFlyHeight and the MaxPlayerFlyHeight in line with each other to avoid AI doing
-- things that players can<61>t.
-- @param #int height Height in meters(?)
function SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight(height) end
-- Enables uber mode, which allows more than 32 units per team.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable
function SetUberMode(enabled) end
-- Exact functionality unknown, but likely allows AI units to jetjump at will instead of restricting them to JetJump hint nodes. Used in Kamino.
-- @param #int allow Set to 1 to allow, or 0 to disallow (default = 1)
function SetAllowBlindJetJumps(allow) end
-- Unused, exact functionality unknown. Might be related to AI planning requests.
-- @param #float time Wait time in seconds
function SetStationaryWaitTime(time) end
-- Sets the icon of the specified team to the specified texture. Not sure where exactly this is used.
-- @param #int teamnIndex Index of team
-- @param #string icon Name of icon texture
function SetTeamIcon(teamIndex, icon) end
-- Makes the specified `team` regard the `other` team as an enemy. It does not affect how the `other` team regards the specified `team`!
-- @param #int team Index of team to set views of
-- @param #int other Index of team that's being viewed as enemy
function SetTeamAsEnemy(team, other) end
-- Makes the specified `team` regard the `other` team as a neutral. It does not affect how the `other` team regards the specified `team`!
-- @param #int team Index of team to set views of
-- @param #int other Index of team that's being viewed as neutral
function SetTeamAsNeutral(team, other) end
-- Makes the specified `team` regard the `other` team as an ally. It does not affect how the `other` team regards the specified `team`!
-- @param #int team Index of team to set views of
-- @param #int other Index of team that's being viewed as ally
function SetTeamAsFriend(team, other) end
-- Sets the number of units the specified team has.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int count Number of units
function SetUnitCount(teamIndex, count) end
-- Returns the number of units the specified team has.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @return #int Team's unit count
function GetUnitCount(teamIndex) end
-- Sets the specified team's ticket count.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int tickets Number of tickets to set to
function SetReinforcementCount(teamIndex, tickets) end
-- Returns the specified team's current ticket count.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @return #int Number of tickets
function GetReinforcementCount(teamIndex) end
-- Adds the specified number of tickets to the specified team's ticket count.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int tickets Number of tickets to add, use negative value to subtract tickets
function AddReinforcements(teamIndex, tickets) end
-- Sets the specified team's point count.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int points Number of points to set to
function SetTeamPoints(teamIndex, points) end
-- Returns the specified team's current point count.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @return #int Number of points
function GetTeamPoints(teamIndex) end
-- Adds the specified number of points to the specified team's point count.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int points Number of points to add, use negative value to subtract points
function AddTeamPoints(teamIndex, points) end
-- Gives the specified character unit flag capture points.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character unit
function AddFlagCapturePoints(integerChrIdx) end
-- Gives the specified character unit assault destroy points.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character unit
function AddAssaultDestroyPoints(integerChrIdx) end
-- Gives the specified character unit space assault destroy points for the specified object.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character unit
-- @param #string object ID of object
function AddSpaceAssaultDestroyPoints(integerChrIdx, object) end
-- Returns the faction ID of the specified team. Not sure what this is used for.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @return #string Team's faction ID
function GetTeamFactionId(teamIndex) end
-- Adds the specified unit class to the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #string unitClass Name of unit class (example: `"imp_inf_trooper"`)
-- @param #int minUnits Minimum number of AI units that can spawn as this class
-- @param #int maxUnits Optional argument. Maximum number of AI units that can spawn as this class. If the unit class has
-- a `PointsToUnlock` value specified in its ODF, this argument acts as the maximum number of AI and
-- player units that can spawn as this class.
function AddUnitClass(teamIndex, unitClass, minUnits, maxUnits) end
-- Hero
-- Sets the hero class for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #string heroClass Name of hero class (example: `"imp_hero_vader"`)
function SetHeroClass(teamIndex, heroClass) end
-- Turns on the hero rules for the game. This should be present in every multiplayer script, unless you do not actually want heroes
-- in your map. Simply omit this line, and you will never get heroes in your game.
function EnableSPHeroRules() end
-- Turns on the campaign hero rules for the game. This should be present in every campaign script for missions that include heroes.
function EnableSPScriptedHeroes() end
-- Unused. Sets the rule by which the hero is unlocked.
-- @param #string rule Unlock rule to use, possible options are unknown
function SetHeroUnlockRule(rule) end
-- Unused. Sets the hero player rule (whatever that means).
-- @param #string rule Team rule to use, possible options are unknown
function SetHeroTeamRule(rule) end
-- Unused. Sets the hero player rule (whatever that means).
-- @param #string rule Player rule to use, possible options are unknown
function SetHeroPlayerRule(rule) end
-- Unused. Sets the rule by which the hero respawns.
-- @param #string rule Respawn rule to use, possible options are unknown
function SetHeroRespawnRule(rule) end
-- Unlocks the hero for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
function UnlockHeroForTeam(teamIndex) end
-- Forces the specified character unit to accept the unlocked hero, automatically bringing them to the spawn screen.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Character unit index returned by GetCharacterUnit
function AcceptHero(integerChrIdx) end
-- Shows all units on the minimap if enabled.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to show all units, or 0 to put back to normal
function ShowAllUnitsOnMinimap(enabled) end
-- Shows or hides the CTF points for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to show points, or 0 to hide
function ShowTeamPoints(teamIndex, enabled) end
-- Activates a bonus for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to activate bonus for
-- @param #string bonus Bonus to activate. Allowed values:
-- `HERO`
function ActivateBonus(teamIndex, bonus) end
-- Sets the specified team's ticket bleed rate.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #float rate Bleed rate to set to
function SetBleedRate(teamIndex, rate) end
-- Returns the specified team's current ticket bleed rate.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @return #float Team's bleed rate
function GetBleedRate(teamIndex) end
-- Obsolete, from SWBF1. Sets the carrier class for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #string class Name of carrier class (example: `"rep_fly_vtrans"`)
function SetCarrierClass(teamIndex, class) end
-- Specifies an initial spawn delay. All levels use this call. You should never have to modify the values.
-- @param #float num1 Unknown, always set to `10.0`
-- @param #float num2 Unknown, always set to `0.25`
function SetSpawnDelay(num1, num2) end
-- Specifies an initial spawn delay for the specified team. All levels use this call. You should never have to modify the values.
-- @param #float num1 Unknown, always set to `10.0`
-- @param #float num2 Unknown, always set to `0.25`
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
function SetSpawnDelayTeam(num1, num2, teamIndex) end
-- Sets a switch in the code that controls a number of AI behaviors. If this were a very foggy map, with a short view distance,
-- you would set this to "true" which would make the AI see a shorter distance, and other various things to make the AI act
-- more appropriately in an environment with limited visibility.
-- Synonymous with `SetUrbanEnvironment()`.
-- @param #string enabled Set to "true" to enable, or "false" to disable
function SetDenseEnvironment(enabled) end
-- Sets the distance from which AI scout units can snipe when using 'attack' snipe hint nodes.
-- @param #int distance Average distance in meters from which AI can snipe
function SetAttackerSnipeRange(distance) end
-- Sets the distance from which AI scout units can snipe when using 'defend' snipe hint nodes.
-- @param #int distance Average distance in meters from which AI can snipe
function SetDefenderSnipeRange(distance) end
-- Makes AI units stay in turrets, but under what conditions, no one knows... Found on Endor.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable
function SetStayInTurrets(enabled) end
-- Sets the maximum collision distance for asteroids. What this does exactly is unclear.
-- @param #int distance Maximum collision distance (likely in meters)
function SetMaxCollisionDistance(distance) end
-- Sets the particle LOD bias (probably correlates to particle view distance). Needed for particles in space
-- to work properly, don<6F>t delete it!
-- @param #int bias LOD bias value, is set to `15000` in stock space maps
function SetParticleLODBias(bias) end
-- Sets the size of the specified memory pool.
-- @param #string memoryPool Memory pool to set size of. Possible values:
-- `AcklayData`
-- `ActiveRegion`
-- `Aimer`
-- `AmmoCounter`
-- `Asteroid`
-- `BaseHint`
-- `ClothData` - need 1 per cloth object in the level
-- `Combo` - should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes
-- `Combo::Attack` - should be ~8-12x #Combo
-- `Combo::Condition` - should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
-- `Combo::DamageSample` - should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack
-- `Combo::Deflect` - should be ~1x #combo
-- `Combo::State` - should be ~12x #Combo
-- `Combo::Transition` - should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
-- `CommandFlyer`
-- `CommandHover`
-- `CommandWalker`
-- `ConnectivityGraphFollower`
-- `EnergyBar`
-- `EntityBuildingArmedDynamic`
-- `EntityCarrier`
-- `EntityCloth`
-- `EntityDefenseGridTurret`
-- `EntityDroid`
-- `EntityDroideka`
-- `EntityFlyer` - need 1 per flyer in the level
-- `EntityHover`
-- `EntityLight`
-- `EntityMine`
-- `EntityPortableTurret`
-- `EntityRemoteTerminal`
-- `EntitySoldier`
-- `EntitySoundStatic`
-- `EntitySoundStream`
-- `EntityTauntaun` - need 1 per tauntaun in the level
-- `EntityWalker` - need 1 per walker in the level
-- `FlagItem` - need 1 per flag in the level
-- `FLEffectObject::OffsetMatrix`
-- `LightFlash`
-- `MountedTurret`
-- `Music`
-- `Navigator`
-- `Obstacle`
-- `Ordnance`
-- `OrdnanceTowCable`
-- `ParticleEmitter`
-- `ParticleEmitterInfoData`
-- `ParticleEmitterObject`
-- `ParticleTransformer::ColorTrans` - must go before the stock `ingame.lvl` is loaded
-- `ParticleTransformer::PositionTr` - must go before the stock `ingame.lvl` is loaded
-- `ParticleTransformer::SizeTransf` - must go before the stock `ingame.lvl` is loaded
-- `PassengerSlot`
-- `PathFollower`
-- `PathNode`
-- `PathRequest`
-- `PowerupItem`
-- `RedOmniLight`
-- `ShieldEffect`
-- `SoldierAnimation`
-- `SoundSpaceRegion`
-- `TentacleSimulator`
-- `Timer`
-- `TreeGridStack`
-- `UnitAgent`
-- `UnitController`
-- `Weapon`
-- @param #int size Size of memory pool
function SetMemoryPoolSize(memoryPool, size) end
-- Sets how many types of birds there are in the level.
-- @param #int types Number of bird types
function SetNumBirdTypes(types) end
-- Declares a new bird type.
-- @param #int disable Exact functionality unknown, seems to disable birds of this type when set to 1
-- @param #float size Size of birds of this type
-- @param #string texture Name of bird texture
function SetBirdType(disable, size, texture) end
-- Sets the lowest height at which flocks of birds can fly.
-- @param #int height Minimum flying height
function SetBirdFlockMinHeight(height) end
-- Sets how many types of fish there are in the level.
-- @param #int types Number of fish types
function SetNumFishTypes(types) end
-- Declares a new fish type.
-- @param #int disable Exact functionality unknown, seems to disable fish of this type when set to 1
-- @param #float size Size of fish of this type
-- @param #string texture Name of fish texture
function SetFishType(disable, size, texture) end
-- Fills the specified region with asteroids. Each asteroid will move in the X, Y, and Z directions at a random velocity within the range
-- of each `minSpeed` and `maxSpeed` argument. Asteroid velocity is probably measured in meters per second. This randomized velocity is
-- different for each asteroid.
-- NOTE: Asteroids won't appear unless the "Asteroid" memory pool is filled >= the total number of asteroids that
-- are in the level!
-- @param #string region ID of region class
-- @param #string class Name of asteroid class (example: `"spa1_prop_asteroid_03"`)
-- @param #int count Number of asteroids to fill the region with
-- @param #float maxSpeedX Maximum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float maxSpeedY Maximum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float maxSpeedZ Maximum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float minSpeedX Minimum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float minSpeedY Minimum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float minSpeedZ Minimum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0)
function FillAsteroidRegion(region, class, count, maxSpeedX, maxSpeedY, maxSpeedZ, minSpeedX, minSpeedY, minSpeedZ) end
-- Fills the specified path with asteroids. The distribution of the asteroids along the path's spline is more-or-less even. However, the
-- position of each asteroid is also offset in a random direction. The distance of this offset is a random value between 0 and `maxOffset`.
-- This randomized offset is different for each asteroid.
-- Each asteroid will move in the X, Y, and Z directions at a random velocity within the range of each `minSpeed` and `maxSpeed`
-- argument. Asteroid velocity is probably measured in meters per second. This randomized velocity is different for each asteroid.
-- NOTE: Asteroids won't appear unless the "Asteroid" memory pool is filled >= the total number of asteroids that
-- are in the level!
-- @param #string path ID of path
-- @param #float maxOffset Maximum distance (probably in meters) to offset each asteroid's position by (default = 0)
-- @param #string class Name of asteroid class (example: `"spa1_prop_asteroid_03"`)
-- @param #int count Number of asteroids to fill the path with
-- @param #float maxSpeedX Maximum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float maxSpeedY Maximum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float maxSpeedZ Maximum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float minSpeedX Minimum asteroid drift speed in X direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float minSpeedY Minimum asteroid drift speed in Y direction (default = 0)
-- @param #float minSpeedZ Minimum asteroid drift speed in Z direction (default = 0)
function FillAsteroidPath(path, maxOffset, class, count, maxSpeedX, maxSpeedY, maxSpeedZ, minSpeedX, minSpeedY, minSpeedZ) end
-- Registers the specified region class as a death region. Entities that enter this region will be immediately killed.
-- @param #string regionClass ID of region class
function AddDeathRegion(regionClass) end
-- Registers the specified region class as a landing region. Flyers will be able to land when inside of this region.
-- @param #string regionClass ID of region class
function AddLandingRegion(regionClass) end
-- Removes the specified region class. Death regions and landing regions removed by RemoveRegion can be re-added
-- with AddDeathRegion or AddLandingRegion.
-- @param #string regionClass ID of region class
function RemoveRegion(regionClass) end
-- Returns whether or not the specified character is in the specified region.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer index of character
-- @param #string region ID of region class
-- @return #int 1 if character is in region, 0 if not
function IsCharacterInRegion(integerChrIdx, region) end
-- Returns the name of the specified region class.
-- @param #string region ID of region class
-- @return #string Name of region
function GetRegionName(region) end
-- Returns the class of the specified region.
-- @param #string region Name of region
-- @return #string ID of region class
function GetRegion(region) end
-- Wipes out any allocations that may have been done automatically for walkers. You<6F>ll need to have this line in,
-- and uncommented if you want to have walkers in your level.
function ClearWalkers() end
-- Adds walkers to your level.
-- The first number inside the parenthesis (numPairs) specifies how many leg pairs the walker type has.
-- Droidekas are set up as a special case, with 0 leg pairs. So as you can see below, we have AddWalkerType(0,4), this
-- specifies that we will have 4 walkers with 0 leg pairs (droidekas). 1 leg pair would specify a walker with one pair
-- of legs, an ATST for example, or a one-man ATST from the Clone Wars era. So for 2 ATSTs, we would have a line that
-- says AddWalkerType(1, 2). 2 leg pairs would be a unit like the CIS spider walker, or an ATAT, and 3 leg pairs would
-- be the 6-legged walker from the Clone Wars era.
-- **Examples:**
-- `AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas, 0x4 (4 droidekas)`
-- `AddWalkerType(1, 2) -- 1x2 (2 walkers with 1 pair of legs)`
-- `AddWalkerType(2, 4) -- 2x4 (4 walkers with 2 pairs of legs)`
-- `AddWalkerType(3, 1) -- 3x1 (1 walker with 3 pairs of legs)`
-- @param #int numPairs How many leg pairs the walker type has
-- @param #int count Max number of walkers of this type that can exist simultaneously in the level
function AddWalkerType(numPairs, count) end
-- Sets the distance around a waiting vehicle from which AI can be lured in.
-- @param #int radius Notify radius in meters (probably)
function SetAIVehicleNotifyRadius(radius) end
-- Sets the overall view distance for AI.
-- @param #float visibility Multiplier for how far AI can see
function SetAIViewMultiplier(visibility) end
-- Sets the distance from which AI scout units can snipe.
-- @param #int distance Average distance in meters from which AI can snipe
function AISnipeSuitabilityDist(distance) end
-- When enabled, makes it so AI flyers are spatially aware of the ground, thus reducing/eliminating the chances of them crashing into it.
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable, set to 0 to disable (default = 0)
function SetGroundFlyerMap(enabled) end
-- Turns on AutoBalancing. This will work for Conquest/Assault/CTF games. Not campaign. Basically
-- if the score gets too far in one teams favor (+/- 40 conquest, 60 assault, 1 ctf) it will make
-- the losing team better and the winning team worse until things get back to close again.
function EnableAIAutoBalance() end
-- Turns off AutoBalancing. It is on by default so you should use this for your campaign mode scripts.
function DisableAIAutoBalance() end
-- Sets the current difficulty modifier. This can be called from any point within a mission. So if you
-- want the bad guys to be more difficult on just one objective, call this with say (0,2) in the OnStart
-- function, then call it again with (0,0) to reset it in the OnComplete function.
-- @param #int player Modifier for player team, positive value = team is better, negative value = team is worse (default = 0)
-- @param #int enemy Modifier for enemy team, positive value = team is better, negative value = team is worse (default = 0)
-- @param #string difficulty Optional argument. Sets the player and enemy difficulty only for this profile difficulty mode ("easy", "medium", or "hard")
function SetAIDifficulty(player, enemy, difficulty) end
-- Notifies the C++ code that the specified objective (uniquely identified in `text` parameter) exists for the specified team.
-- Optionally specifies the text to show in a popup once the objective is activated.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to add the objective to
-- @param #string text Path to localized text to display in the objective list once the objective is activated
-- (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1"`)
-- @param #string popupText Optional argument. Path to localized text to display in a popup once the objective is
-- activated (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1_popup"`)
function AddMissionObjective(teamIndex, text, popupText) end
-- Tells the C++ code to activate the specified objective.
-- @param #string text Path to localized text of the objective to activate (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1"`)
function ActivateObjective(text) end
-- Tells the C++ code to complete the specified objective.
-- @param #string text Path to localized text of the objective to complete (example: `"level.ABC.objectives.1"`)
function CompleteObjective(text) end
-- Adds the specified hint to the list of hints for the level.
-- @param #string hintText Path to localized text of the hint (example: `"level.ABC.hints.1"`)
function AddMissionHint(hintText) end
-- Sets the flag gameplay type for the level.
-- @param #string type Flag gameplay type. Possible values:
-- `none`
-- `1flag`
-- `2flag`
-- `campaign`
function SetFlagGameplayType(type) end
-- Space Assault
-- Notifies C++ that we're running space assault now so it can do team scoring with critical systems and whatnot.
-- @param #bool enabled Set to true to enable, or false to disable (default = false)
function SpaceAssaultEnable(enabled) end
-- Adds a critical system to be destroyed in space assault.
-- @param #string name Name of the object in the level
-- @param #int pointValue How many points the object is worth when it's destroyed
-- @param #float hudPosX X coordinate for placing the hud health indicator for the critical system (`0.0..1.0`)
-- @param #float hudPosY Y coordinate for placing the hud health indicator for the critical system (`0.0..1.0`)
-- @param #bool displayHUDMarker Optional argument. Set to true to display the HUD marker, or false to not display it (default = true)
function SpaceAssaultAddCriticalSystem(name, pointValue, hudPosX, hudPosY, displayHUDMarker) end
-- Links together all of the critical system objects (the names of which are stored in the specified table) as one marker in space assault.
-- @param #table objects Table containing the names of critical system objects to link together
function SpaceAssaultLinkCriticalSystems(objects) end
-- Unused. Exact functionality unknown.
-- @param unknown Unknown argument
function SpaceAssaultSetupTeamNumbers(unknown) end
-- Sets up the HUD bitmaps for each team's capital ship, systems, etc.
-- @param #string shipBitmapATT Name of texture to use for ATT team's ship
-- @param #string shipBitmapDEF Name of texture to use for DEF team's ship
-- @param #string shieldBitmapATT Name of texture to use for ATT team's shields
-- @param #string shieldBitmapDEF Name of texture to use for DEF team's shields
-- @param #string critSysBitmapATT Name of texture to use for each of ATT team's critical systems
-- @param #string critSysBitmapDEF Name of texture to use for each of DEF team's critical systems
function SpaceAssaultSetupBitmaps(shipBitmapATT, shipBitmapDEF, shieldBitmapATT, shieldBitmapDEF, critSysBitmapATT, critSysBitmapDEF) end
-- Returns the score limit for space assault.
-- @return #int Score limit that each team must reach to win
function SpaceAssaultGetScoreLimit() end
-- Returns whether or not the current mission is using non-multiplayer rules.
-- @return #int 1 if using non-multiplayer rules, 0 if using multiplayer rules
function IsCampaign() end
-- Returns the name of the first wld file that was loaded in the map. For example, if the stock hot1.lvl
-- file is loaded, this function will return *hoth*, since the wld file in hot1 is called *hoth.wld*.
-- @return #string Name of the first-loaded wld file
function GetWorldFilename() end
-- Messages
-- Prints the specified localized key in the message box in the player's HUD. For example, printing the key
-- "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1" would print "Capture the Jedi Council Chamber".
-- @param #string keyPath Full path of localized key to show (example: "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1")
-- @param #int teamIndex Optional argument. Index of team to show message to if specified, or shows to players on both teams if unspecified
function ShowMessageText(keyPath, teamIndex) end
-- @param #string keyPath Full path of localized key to show (example: "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1")
function ShowPopup(keyPath) end
-- @param #string keyPath Full path of localized key to show (example: "level.cor1.objectives.campaign.1")
function ShowObjectiveTextPopup(keyPath) end
-- Shows or hides the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to show. Set to nil (or leave blank) to hide all Timers
function ShowTimer(timer) end
-- Shows the specified localized text in a selection popup. Used in spa2c_c for choosing control layout making but not for PC?!
-- @param #string text Path to localized text to show (example: `"level.spa2.objectives.popup.selectConfig"`)
function ShowSelectionTextPopup(text) end
-- Plays the specified sound stream for all players, or optionally only for players on the specified team.
-- @param #string streamID ID of sound stream properties to play
-- @param #int teamIndex Optional argument. If set, plays the sound stream properties only for players on this team
function BroadcastVoiceOver(streamID, teamIndex) end
-- Kills the player of the specified HUD viewport.
-- @param viewport Viewport of the player to kill
function ScriptCB_PlayerSuicide(viewport) end
-- Markers
-- Attaches a map marker to the specified region class.
-- @param #string region ID of region class to attach marker to
-- @param #string markerClass Name of marker icon texture to use (the only value that seems to work is `"hud_objective_icon_circle"`)
-- @param #float size Icon size multiplier
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team that should be able to see the marker
-- @param #string color Icon color. Possible values:
-- `RED`
-- `GREEN`
-- `BLUE`
-- `CYAN`
-- `WHITE`
-- `BLACK`
-- @param #bool showOnHUD Optional argument. Set to true to also show the marker on the player's HUD, or false to only show it on the map. NOTE: Doesn't seem to
-- work with this particular marker function (default = true)
-- @param #bool pulseOpacity Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker opacity from `(alpha*1.0)` to `(alpha*0.0)`
-- once per second, or false to keep opacity static (default = true)
-- @param #bool pulseSize Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker size from `(size*0.5)` to `(size*1.5)` once
-- per second, or false to keep size static (default = true)
function MapAddRegionMarker(region, markerClass, size, teamIndex, color, showOnHUD, pulseOpacity, pulseSize) end
-- Removes any map markers attached to the specified region class.
-- @param #string region ID of region class to remove markers from
function MapRemoveRegionMarker(region) end
-- Attaches a map marker to the specified entity.
-- @param #string entity ID of entity to attach marker to
-- @param #string markerClass Name of marker icon texture to use (the only value that seems to work is `"hud_objective_icon_circle"`)
-- @param #float size Icon size multiplier
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team that should be able to see the marker
-- @param #string color Icon color. Possible values:
-- `RED`
-- `GREEN`
-- `BLUE`
-- `CYAN`
-- `WHITE`
-- `BLACK`
-- @param #bool showOnHUD Optional argument. Set to true to also show the marker on the player's HUD, or false to only show it on the map (default = true)
-- @param #bool pulseOpacity Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker opacity from `(alpha*1.0)` to `(alpha*0.0)`
-- once per second, or false to keep opacity static (default = true)
-- @param #bool pulseSize Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker size from `(size*0.5)` to `(size*1.5)` once
-- per second, or false to keep size static (default = true)
function MapAddEntityMarker(entity, markerClass, size, teamIndex, color, showOnHUD, pulseOpacity, pulseSize) end
-- Removes any map markers attached to the specified entity.
-- @param #string entity ID of entity to remove markers from
function MapRemoveEntityMarker(entity) end
-- Attaches a map marker to all instances of the specified entity class.
-- @param #string class Name of entity class to attach markers to (example: `"imp_inf_trooper"`)
-- @param #string markerClass Name of marker icon texture to use (the only value that seems to work is `"hud_objective_icon"`)
-- @param #float size Icon size multiplier
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team that should be able to see the marker
-- @param #string color Icon color. Possible values:
-- `RED`
-- `GREEN`
-- `BLUE`
-- `CYAN`
-- `WHITE`
-- `BLACK`
-- @param #bool showOnHUD Optional argument. Set to true to also show the marker on the player's HUD, or false to only show it on the map (default = true)
-- @param #bool pulseOpacity Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker opacity from `(alpha*1.0)` to `(alpha*0.0)`
-- once per second, or false to keep opacity static (default = true)
-- @param #bool pulseSize Optional argument. Set to true to linearly interpolate marker size from `(size*0.5)` to `(size*1.5)` once
-- per second, or false to keep size static (default = true)
function MapAddClassMarker(class, markerClass, size, teamIndex, color, showOnHUD, pulseOpacity, pulseSize) end
-- Removes any map markers attached to the specified entity class.
-- @param #string class Name of entity class to remove markers from
function MapRemoveClassMarker(class) end
-- Hides all command post markers from the minimap and radar.
function MapHideCommandPosts() end
-- Sets whether or not the specified object can be locked onto by weapons.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object
-- @param #int enabled Set to 1 to enable locking on, or 0 to disable
function EnableBuildingLockOn(objectName, enabled) end
-- Timer
-- Checks whether or not a timer exists.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from `CreateTimer`) of the timer to find
function FindTimer(timer) end
-- Creates a new Timer with the specified name and returns it.
-- @param #string name Name to give the Timer
-- @return Timer's handler
function CreateTimer(name) end
-- Deletes the specified Timer. Do not use the timer after destroying it!
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
function DestroyTimer(timer) end
-- Activates the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
function StartTimer(timer) end
-- Deactivates the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
function StopTimer(timer) end
-- Sets the value of the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
-- @param #float value Timer's duration in seconds
function SetTimerValue(timer, value) end
-- Returns the value of the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
-- @return #float The Timer's value
function GetTimerValue(timer) end
-- Sets the rate of the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
-- @param #float rate Multiplier for Timer's elapse speed (default = 1.0)
function SetTimerRate(timer, rate) end
-- Returns the rate of the specified Timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
-- @return #float The Timer's rate
function GetTimerRate(timer) end
-- Shows or hides the timer.
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer
function GetTimerName(timer) end
-- Tell the C++ code about the defeat timer (which will display it on the HUD).
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to pair with the defeat timer
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to associate with the defeat timer
function SetDefeatTimer(timer, teamIndex) end
-- Tell the C++ code about the victory timer (which will display it on the HUD).
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to pair with the victory timer. Set to nil (or leave blank) to hide it
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to associate with the victory timer
function SetVictoryTimer(timer, team) end
-- UNUSED. Tell the C++ code about the mission timer (which will display it on the HUD).
-- @param #string timer ID (or handler returned from CreateTimer) of the Timer to pair with the mission timer. Set to nil (or leave blank) to hide it
function SetMissionTimer(timer) end
-- Object
-- Returns the object pointer of the specified object
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to get pointer of
-- @return The object's pointer
function GetObjectPtr(objectName) end
-- Activates the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to activate
function ActivateObject(objectName) end
-- Deactivates the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to deactivate
function DeactivateObject(objectName) end
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to set the team of
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of the team to assign to the object
function SetObjectTeam(objectName, teamIndex) end
-- Returns the team index of the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to destroy
-- @return #int Index of the team the object belongs to
function GetObjectTeam(objectName) end
-- Returns whether or not the specified object is alive.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to get the name of
-- @return #int 1 if object is alive, 0 if object is not alive
function IsObjectAlive(objectName) end
-- Returns the current health value of the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to get the current health value of
-- @return #float Object's CurHealth value
-- @return #float Object's MaxHealth value
-- @return #float Object's AddHealth value
function GetObjectHealth(objectName) end
-- Returns the current shield value of the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to get the current shield value of
-- @return #float Object's CurShield value
-- @return #float Object's MaxShield value
-- @return #float Object's AddShield value
function GetObjectShield(objectName) end
-- Returns the name of the most recent weapon that the specified object was hit by.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to check
-- @return #string Weapon class name
function GetObjectLastHitWeaponClass(objectName) end
-- Kills the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to destroy
function KillObject(objectName) end
-- Respawns the specified object.
-- @param #string objectName ID of object to respawn
function RespawnObject(objectName) end
-- Entity
-- Returns the entity pointer of the specified object or character unit index.
-- @param object ID of object or character unit index
-- @return Entity pointer of object or character
function GetEntityPtr(object) end
-- Returns the name of the specified entity.
-- @param entity ID of entity
-- @return #string Entity name
function GetEntityName(entity) end
-- Returns the class of the specified entity. Can be used with FindEntityClass to check whether or not an entity is a certain class.
-- @param entity ID of entity
-- @return Entity class
function GetEntityClass(entity) end
-- Returns the class name of the specified entity.
-- @param entity ID of entity
-- @return #string Entity class name
function GetEntityClassName(entity) end
-- Sets the matrix of the specified entity.
-- @param entity ID of entity
-- @param matrix Entity matrix to apply to entity
function SetEntityMatrix(entity, matrix) end
-- Returns the matrix of the specified entity.
-- @param entity ID of entity
-- @return Entity matrix
function GetEntityMatrix(entity) end
-- Sets the value of a property for the specified object.
-- @param objectName ID of object or character unit index
-- @param #string property ID of the property to set
-- @param value Value to set the property to
function SetProperty(objectName, property, value) end
-- Creates a new instance of the specified entity and returns it.
-- @param #string class Name of the entity class to instantiate
-- @param node Path point to create the entity at
-- @param #string name Name to assign to the entity
-- @return Entity instance
function CreateEntity(class, node, name) end
-- Deletes the specified entity.
-- @param entity ID of entity
function DeleteEntity(entity) end
-- Returns the entity class pointer of the specified entity.
-- @param entity ID of entity
-- @return Entity class pointer
function GetEntityClassPtr(entity) end
-- Sets the value of a property for the specified object class.
-- @param objectClass ID of object class
-- @param #string property ID of the property to set
-- @param value Property's value to set
function SetClassProperty(objectClass, property, value) end
-- Forces the specified flyer to perform a take-off.
-- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object
function EntityFlyerTakeOff(flyer) end
-- Forces the specified flyer to perform a landing.
-- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object
function EntityFlyerLand(flyer) end
-- Initializes the specified flyer as flying.
-- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object
function EntityFlyerInitAsFlying(flyer) end
-- Initializes the specified flyer as landed.
-- @param #string flyer ID of flyer object or flyer vehicle spawn object
function EntityFlyerInitAsLanded(flyer) end
-- Forces the specified entity into the specified vehicle.
-- @param entity Entity or character unit index to force into vehicle
-- @param #string vehicle ID of the vehicle class
function EnterVehicle(entity, vehicle) end
-- Forces the specified entity out of whatever vehicle it's currently in.
-- @param entity Entity or character unit index to force out of vehicle
function ExitVehicle(entity) end
-- Enables or disables the specified flyer path.
-- @param #int pathID ID of flyer spline path to enable
-- @param #int enable Set to 1 to enable the path, or set to 0 to disable the path
function EnableFlyerPath(pathID, enable) end
-- Returns the path point based on the specified path node.
-- @param #string pathName ID of path
-- @param #int nodeIdx Numeric ID of path node
-- @return Path point
function GetPathPoint(pathName, nodeIdx) end
-- Returns the number of units that are currently alive in the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @return #int Number of units currently alive in team
function GetNumTeamMembersAlive(teamIndex) end
-- Creates a new matrix based on an existing one.
-- @param #float rad Rotation angle in radians around chosen axes or X axis if none chosen
-- @param #float rotX Rotation around x axis if rotX ~= 0
-- @param #float rotY Rotation around y axis if rotY ~= 0
-- @param #float rotZ Rotation around z axis if rotZ ~= 0
-- @param #float posX Translates unit on X axis
-- @param #float posY Translates unit on Y axis
-- @param #float posZ Translates unit on Z axis
-- @param matrix Starting point for matrix changes
-- @return Newly created matrix
function CreateMatrix(rad, rotX, rotY, rotZ, posX, posY, posZ, matrix) end
-- Returns the current screen position relative to what seems to be the entity camera or
-- entity origin point (otherwise known as pivot point or center of geometry (COG)).
-- @param entity Entity, or integer character index (returned by GetCharacterUnit) to check
-- @return #float X position
-- @return #float Y position
-- @return #float Z position (so it seems, anyway)
function GetScreenPosition(entity) end
-- procedural animation callbacks
-- Resumes playing of animation group from whichever time it was at last.
-- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to resume
function PlayAnimation(animationGroupName) end
-- Pauses animation group's playback <20> objects remain where they are currently.
-- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to pause
function PauseAnimation(animationGroupName) end
-- Instanly rewinds the animation group to the beginning. Can be called while the group is playing.
-- If called while the group is stopped, play will resume from the beginning when Play is called.
-- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to rewind
function RewindAnimation(animationGroupName) end
-- Takes the current positions of the objects referenced by the group, and uses those positions
-- as the new start point for when that object is next animated.
-- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to affect
function SetAnimationStartPoint(animationGroupName) end
-- Plays the indicated animation group from beginTime to endTime. So for a 10-second animation,
-- playing from 0 to 5 plays the first half, and playing from 5 to 10 plays the second half.
-- @param #string animationGroupName ID of animation group to play
-- @param #float beginTime Start point of animation in seconds
-- @param #float endTime End point of animation in seconds
function PlayAnimationFromTo(animationGroupName, beginTime, endTime) end
-- Character
-- Returns the total number of units (living or dead) on the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to get size of
-- @return #int Size of team
function GetTeamSize(teamIndex) end
-- Returns the integer character index of the specified unit index from the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team
-- @param #int unitIndex Index of unit to get integer character index of
-- @return #int Integer character index
function GetTeamMember(teamIndex, unitIndex) end
-- @param #int characterIndex Index of character to get team of
-- @return #int Index of team the character belongs to
function GetCharacterTeam(characterIndex) end
-- Selects the specified team for the specified character (as if you were doing so manually via the spawn screen).
-- @param #int character Character unit
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to select
function SelectCharacterTeam(character, teamIndex) end
-- Returns whether the specified character is a human player or an AI.
-- @param #int characterIndex Index of character to check "humanity" of
-- @return #int 1 if character is human, 0 if character is not human
function IsCharacterHuman(characterIndex) end
-- Selects the specified team for the specified character (as if you were doing so manually via the spawn screen).
-- @param #int character Character unit
-- @param #int class Name of class to select
function SelectCharacterClass(character, class) end
-- Returns the numeric index of the specified character's class (starting at 0). If you think of a team's list of
-- classes as a table (with the hero being the last class in the list), the first class's index would be 0, the
-- second class's index would be 1, etc.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Integer character index returned by GetCharacterUnit
-- @return #int Numeric index of character's class
function GetCharacterClass(integerChrIdx) end
-- Moves specified number of units from the source team to the destination team. No, you can't specify which units
-- are moved. All this function does is iterate through the list of units on the source team and move each unit to
-- the source team until the iterator max limit, `numUnits`, has been reached. Think of it as a for loop where
-- the `min` is `1` and the `max` is `numUnits`, and inside the loop is a function that moves the unit index (shifted
-- up by 1, so the player's index is going to be 1) matching the loop's `cur` value to the destination team.
-- Also worth noting is when an alive unit is moved with this function, the function will not automatically kill the
-- unit, so you must kill the unit through some other means if you don't want the unit to remain spawned their current
-- class. One way you might do this (and this is untested) is by looping through `destTeam`'s units and killing them
-- (and only loop through as many as you plan on moving to the other team), and then call `BatchChangeTeams` immediately
-- after the loop has finished. Here's what this might look like:
-- `unitsToMove = 5`
-- `for unit=0,unitsToMove-1 do`
-- ` KillObject(GetCharacterUnit(GetTeamMember(ATT, unit)))`
-- `end`
-- `BatchChangeTeams(ATT, DEF, unitsToMove)`
-- @param #int sourceTeam Index of source team, where units are moved from
-- @param #int destTeam Index of destination team, where units are moved to
-- @param #int numUnits Number of units to move
function BatchChangeTeams(sourceTeam, destTeam, numUnits) end
-- Prevents or allows spawning of AI units from the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to affect
-- @param #int canSpawn Set to 1 to allow AI units on this team to spawn, or 0 to prevent them from spawning
function AllowAISpawn(teamIndex, canSpawn) end
-- Spawns the specified character unit index at the specified path point.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Unit returned from GetCharacterUnit
-- @param pathPoint Path point returned from GetPathPoint
function SpawnCharacter(integerChrIdx, pathPoint) end
-- Returns the integer character index from the specified entity or team member index.
-- @param entity Character entity, or character index returned from GetTeamMember
-- @return #int Character unit index
function GetCharacterUnit(entity) end
-- Returns the integer vehicle index from the specified vehicle entity.
-- @param entity Vehicle entity
-- @return #int Vehicle index
function GetCharacterVehicle(entity) end
-- Returns the integer index from the specified RemoteTerminal entity. See BF2EntityRemoteTerminalClassReference for more information.
-- @param entity RemoteTerminal entity
-- @return #int RemoteTerminal entity index
function GetCharacterRemote(entity) end
-- Returns the integer vehicle index from the specified Controllable entity. See BF2ControllableClassReference for more information.
-- @param entity Vehicle entity
-- @return #int Controllable entity index
function GetCharacterControllable(entity) end
-- Returns a command post's capture region.
-- @param #string postID ID of command post
-- @return #string ID of command post's capture region
function GetCommandPostCaptureRegion(postID) end
-- Returns a command post's bleed value.
-- @param #string postID ID of command post
-- @return #int Command post's bleed value
function GetCommandPostBleedValue(postID) end
-- Returns a command post's owning team.
-- @param #string postID ID of command post
-- @return #int Index of owning team
function GetCommandPostTeam(postID) end
-- Initiates a victory for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to declare victory for
function MissionVictory(teamIndex) end
-- Initiates a defeat for the specified team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to declare defeat for
function MissionDefeat(teamIndex) end
-- Sets the movie to play once the mission has ended.
-- @param #string sourceFilename File containing the movie
-- @param #string movieID ID of the movie properties to play
function SetMissionEndMovie(sourceFilename, movieID) end
-- AI Goal management functions
-- Removes all previous AI goals for this team. You should call this before you set the
-- first goals for a team, since teams 1, 2, and 3 start out with a default Conquest goal.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to clear goals of
function ClearAIGoals(teamIndex) end
-- Removes the specified goal.
-- @param goalHandle Handle returned by AddAIGoal
function DeleteAIGoal(goalHandle) end
-- Adds an AI goal for this team.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to add goal to
-- @param #string goalType Goal's type. Can be one of the following...
-- `Conquest` - capture enemy team's CPs while preventing own from being captured.
-- `Deathmatch` - just kill everyone.
-- `Destroy` - destroy the target (a gameobject pointer, or a character index) (set in target1).
-- `Defend` - defend the target (a gameobject pointer, or a character index) (set in target1).
-- `CTFOffense` - try to get the specified flag (set in `target2`) and bring it back to the specified region (set in target1).
-- `CTFDefense` - protect the specified flag (set in `target1`), and hunt down and return it when its stolen.
-- `Follow` - follow around the target (like defend, but uses a tight follow) (set in `target1`).
-- @param #int weight Weight is a relative weight for this goal. Since you can specify more than one goal for a
-- team at a time, this specifies how the guys are divided. A goal with weight 2 will get
-- twice as many guys as the goal with weight 1. The size of the numbers doesn't matter and
-- they don't have to add up to 100 or anything.
-- @param target1 If `goalType` is:
-- `Destroy` - this is a gameobject pointer or a character index.
-- `Defend` - this is a gameobject pointer or a character index.
-- `CTFOffense` - this is a region name.
-- `CTFDefense` - this is a flag pointer.
-- `Follow` - this is a gameobject pointer.
-- @param target2 If `goalType` is:
-- `CTFOffense` - this is a flag pointer.
-- @return Goal's handle.
function AddAIGoal(teamIndex, goalType, weight, target1, target2) end
-- dynamic congraph functions
-- Blocks the given dynamic connection/group if it is currently unblocked, or unblocks it if it is currently blocked.
-- @param #int connection ID of dynamic connection or planning group to toggle
function TogglePlanningGraphArcs(connection) end
-- Blocks the given dynamic connection/group.
-- @param #int connection ID of dynamic connection or planning group to block
function BlockPlanningGraphArcs(connection) end
-- Unblocks the given dynamic connection/group.
-- @param #int connection ID of dynamic connection or planning group to unblock
function UnblockPlanningGraphArcs(connection) end
-- dynamic barrier functions
-- Disables the given barrier if it is currently enabled, or enables it if it is currently disabled.
-- @param #int connection ID of barrier to toggle
function ToggleBarriers(barrierID) end
-- Enables the given barrier.
-- @param #int connection ID of barrier to enable
function EnableBarriers(barrierID) end
-- Disables the given barrier.
-- @param #int connection ID of barrier to disable
function DisableBarriers(barrierID) end
-- Prevents all AI or AI on a specified team from using any vehicle. When this
-- is called, AI currently in a vehicle will be forced out of it.
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team to force out of vehicles
-- @param #bool enabled True to prevent AI from entering vehicles, false to allow them to do so
function ForceAIOutOfVehicles(teamIndex, enabled) end
-- Disables the given barrier.
-- @param #string postID ID of command post
-- @param #int teamIndex Index of team whose AI to affect
-- @param #int canCapture Set to 1 to allow AI from teamIndex to capture postID, set to 0 to prevent them from capturing it
function AICanCaptureCP(postID, teamIndex, canCapture) end
-- Sets the threshold at which AI units can no longer damage the specified
-- object or entity. For example, if threshold is 0.5, AI will not be able
-- to damage the object or entity if its health percentage is <= 50%.
-- @param object Object or entity to affect
-- @param #float threshold Lowest health percentage that object can be brought to by AI
function SetAIDamageThreshold(object, threshold) end
-- Translates AI command IDs to strings.
-- @param command_id command_id returned by CharacterIssueAICommand event
-- @return #string Depending on command_id, will be one of the following: "getintovehicle",
-- "getoutofvehicle", "waitforpickup", "followchr", or "stopfollowchr"
function TranslateAICommand(command_id) end
-- Adds the specified amount to the specified entity's MaxShields. NOTE: This does not affect the entity's CurShields value.
-- @param entity Entity, or integer index returned by GetCharacterUnit, GetCharacterVehicle, etc.
-- @param #int shields Amount of shields to add
function AddShieldStrength(entity, shields) end
-- Sets the north angle on the minimap.
-- @param #int angle New minimap rotation angle in degrees (clockwise)
-- @param #int number Unknown, seemingly optional, doesn't appear to do anything. Some stock mission scripts have this set to 1, some don't include it at all
function SetMapNorthAngle(angle, number) end
-- Forces all non-AI players to join team 1.
function ForceHumansOntoTeam1() end
-- Returns whether or not the specified character can interact with flags.
-- @param #int integerChrIdx Character unit index to check for flag interactibility (yeah I made up that word, so what, big whoop, wanna fight about it?)
-- @return #int 1 if character can interact with flag, 0 if not
function CanCharacterInteractWithFlag(integerChrIdx) end
-- Returns the character unit carrying the specified flag.
-- @param #string flag Name of the flag in the level
-- @return #int Character unit index of flag carrier
function GetFlagCarrier(flag) end
-- Sets the map overall range (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit
-- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything.
-- @param #int range Range in meters? (or maybe units in relation to minimap size)
function SetMapRangeOverall(range) end
-- Sets the map shooting range (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit
-- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything.
-- @param #int range Range in meters? (or maybe units in relation to minimap size)
function SetMapRangeShooting(range) end
-- Sets the map range view cone (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit
-- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything.
-- @param #int range Cone range in meters? (or maybe units in relation to minimap size)
function SetMapRangeViewCone(range) end
-- Sets the map view cone angle (whatever that means). My guess is it's related to unit scan/transmit
-- radar reporting. Either way, it doesn't appear to actually do anything.
-- @param #int angle Cone angle in degrees?
function SetMapViewConeAngle(angle) end
-- Removes the small minimap from the HUD.
function DisableSmallMapMiniMap() end
-- effects
-- Spawns a new instance of the specified particle effect and returns it.
-- @param effectFilename Name of particle effect to instantiate
-- @return Particle effect instance
function CreateEffect(effectFilename) end
-- Deletes the specified particle effect instance.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
function RemoveEffect(effect) end
-- Attaches the specified particle effect instance to the specified object.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
-- @param #string object ID of object to attach effect to
function AttachEffectToObject(effect, object) end
-- Attaches the specified particle effect instance to the specified matrix.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
-- @param matrix Matrix to attach effect to
function AttachEffectToMatrix(effect, matrix) end
-- Returns the matrix of the specified particle effect instance.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
-- @return Effect matrix
function GetEffectMatrix(effect) end
-- Sets the matrix of the specified particle effect instance.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
function SetEffectMatrix(effect, matrix) end
-- Returns whether or not the specified particle effect is active.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
-- @return #int 1 if effect is active, 0 if effect is inactive
function IsEffectActive(effect) end
-- Sets the state of the specified particle effect.
-- @param effect Particle effect instance returned by CreateEffect
-- @param #int active Set to 1 to activate effect, set to 0 to deactivate effect
function SetEffectActive(effect, active) end