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<p>Command Line Options:</p>
<table id="Table3" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
<td width="143"><pre>/DisableAIAutoBalance</pre>
<p>This will disable auto balancing for the entire game. Use this to pure balance
your levels.</p>
<p>Console debugging commands:</p>
<table id="Table1" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
<td width="143"><pre>aidiff</pre>
<p>Dumps the difficulty to the console, and also to the debug output (TTY on ps2,
DrWatson for xbox):</p>
<pre>Profile setting: MEDIUM
AutoBalance: ACTIVE
base lua auto = total
Player : 10 + 0 + 0 = 10
Enemy : 12 + 0 + 0 = 12
<p>This shows the current profile difficulty setting (EASY, MEDIUM, HARD).</p>
<p>Then it says if AutoBalance is turned on.&nbsp; You can control this with the
lua EnableAIAutoBalance() command.&nbsp; The&nbsp;modes shown are:<br>
ACTIVE - AutoBalance is enabled and currently working.<br>
INACTIVE - Its turned on, but not currently active.&nbsp; Probably because one
side has infinite reinforcements.<br>
DISABLED - not turned on.</p>
<p>Then it shows the difficulty setting calculation.&nbsp; "Base" is the base value
that it gets from the profile setting.&nbsp; "Lua" is the adjustment modifier
that you can set in the lua with the SetAIDifficulty() command.&nbsp; "Auto" is
the modifier from the auto balancer.&nbsp; "Total" is the final value that it
<p>Lua Script commands:</p>
<table id="Table2" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
<td width="229" height="24">EnableAIAutoBalance()</td>
<td height="24">
Turn on AutoBalancing.&nbsp; This will work for Conquest/Assault/CTF
games.&nbsp; Not campaign.&nbsp; &nbsp;Basically if the score gets too far in
one teams favor (+/- 40 conquest, 60 assault, 1 ctf) it will make the loosing
team better and the winning team worse until things get back to close again.</p>
<td width="229">DisableAIAutoBalance()</td>
<p>Turn off AutoBalancing.&nbsp; It is on by default so you should use this for
your campaign mode scripts.</p>
<td width="229">SetAIDifficulty(player, enemy)</td>
<p>This will set the current difficulty modifier.&nbsp; The two values are for the
player's team and for the enemy's team.&nbsp; These are only modifiers on the
current profile setting, so you don't need to set these at all if you
want.&nbsp; All maps default to (0,0).</p>
<pre>SetAIDifficulty(-2, 3)</pre>
<p>This will make the AI on the players team 2 settings easier, and the AI on the
enemy team 3 settings harder.</p>
<p>This can be called from any point within a mission.&nbsp; So if you want the bad
guys&nbsp;to be more difficult on just one objective, call this with say (0,2)
in the OnStart function, then call it again with (0,0) to reset it in the
OnComplete function.</p>
<td width="229">SetAIDifficulty(player, enemy, diff)</td>
<p>This works just like the above, but only for a specific profile setting.&nbsp;
So if you want to leave medium alone, but make hard mode harder, you could do:</p>
<pre> SetAIDifficulty(0, 3, "hard")</pre>
<p>The last value can be "easy", "medium", or "hard".</p>
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