Battlefront-1-And-2-Assets/Other/000_Notes/AI_Visibility/AI Visibility.html
2017-06-15 02:49:19 -05:00

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<p>You have three ways to play with the AI view distances.&nbsp; They all work at
the same time, so a character's vis value is: Lua * Foliage * Region</p>
<p><strong>Lua Vis Factor</strong></p>
<p>You can set the overall view distance in the level lua:</p>
<pre> SetAIViewMultiplier(0.45)
That means that over the entire level, AI can see 45% as far as normal.
</p><p><strong>Foliage Vis Factors</strong></p>
<p>You can set visibility modifiers on foliage, which, for example, allows&nbsp;you
to hide inside bushes on endor.&nbsp; Do this by adding a line into the .prp
(foliage prop file) for the level. As an example, here is layer from the endor
prop file ("worlds/end/world1/end.prp"):</p>
File("end_prop_fern5.msh", 30);
<font color="#ff0066"> AIVisibilityFactor(0.7,1.0);</font>
File("end_prop_treeclump_1.msh", 50);
<font color="#ff0066"> AIVisibilityFactor(0.35,0.6);</font>
<p>The two red lines should be added. You can adjust the visibility per model, with
a value for crouching and standing.</p>
<p>The first means that for the foliage model "end_prop_fern5", you will
be&nbsp;70% visible from AI if you're crouched inside it, but 100% visible if
standing inside it.&nbsp;
<p>The second model ("end_prop_treeclump_1") will give you 35% visibility when
crouched, and 60% when standing.</p>
<p><strong>AI Vis Regions</strong></p>
<p><img src="AI%20Visibility_files/aivisregion.jpg" width="393" height="341" align="right"> AI
Visibility Regions allow you to set regions in the world editor that affect the
AI's visibility of anything inside that region.&nbsp; Vis Regions work on both
players and AI, but not so well on vehicles.
<p>To make them in the editor, create a new region and hit the "Change Type" button
to select the type "AIVis".&nbsp;
<p>Then set the vis multipliers for crouch and stand.&nbsp; These are a multiplier
on normal visibility, so 0.5 means that you're 50% covered, while 2.0 would
mean that you're visible twice as far away as normal.</p>
<p>You can only be inside one vis region at a time, so if the regions overlap, it
will randomly pick one of them and use that value.&nbsp; This is fine as long
as the overlapping regions all have the same values.</p>
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