Added ref FX_Files Added Dome parts Added Usable textures Added Other filled with notes, etc
277 lines
17 KiB
277 lines
17 KiB
Cade_Allos' Guide to HEX-Editing, for beginners.
This is my first guide, so it may not be good for some, but I hope it helps.
Hex Editor. Pspad recommended, I use it and find it very good.
Star Wars Battlefront II, already installed
Mouse with scoll wheel, to move up and down easily, although not essential, it works best.
Use this tree for easy reference. Just type in the code in the find cosole and it should take you there.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 How I will be explaining this guide
1.2 What files to mod and where to find them
1.3 Rules
2.0 Changing Heroes
2.1 Changing Infantry
2.2 Changing On-ground vehicles
2.3 Swapping Space Vehicles and Sides with another Side
3.0 Miscellaneous Stuff
3.1 Factions and their code formats
3.2 Vehicle and Infantry code guide
3.3 Give your Ewok firepower!!!
3.4 Just as real
3.5 Credits
1.0 Introduction
This is a more advanced version of a hex editing guide. Here I will explain the very basics of hex editing, as
1.1 How I will be explaining the guide:
* Ok, I will be addressing the character and vehicle lines as "codes". An example of a "code" would be: rep_hero_anakin.
* You MUST abide the rules at all times, to save yourself from trouble
* I will only be explaining modding in Instant Action, Conquest mode. I will not do anything else, like CTF.
* Sides are the armies such as Republic or Empire
* Important notes will be displayed something like ***NOTE***
* In a HEX editor there are two sides, left and right. The left is numbers the right is letters. I will name the left
as the 123 side and the right as the ABC side.
* The Heros and Villains will be referred to as 'Infantry' as putting them in is the same as putting ordinary infantry in
* You must save after each change you finish
* Although long and tiring, I suggest you check your mods in the game if they're working correcly, before you mod anything
else, as if you make a mistake, it will be difficult to find the problem
* A good way to evade that last rule, is to make backups of your mods. So if you finished a mod, save it and store it
in a folder AWAY from the original mission.lvl. Be sure to create subfolders e.g: Original mission.lvl backup and
Republic vs. Empire mission.lvl backup.
1.2 What files to mod and where to find them:
Ok, the main files to mod are found in: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\data\_lvl_pc
Just copy that link and paste it into your file browser. The main file that most or maybe all of your mods will be
the mission.lvl file. Make sure you have at least 2-3 backup copies. More files will be used to mod things such
as switching vehicles, but that will be covered later on in the guide.
1.3 Rules
* Before you do a single mod, you MUST backup all files. Just copy the LucasArts folder and paste it in a handy folder.
I have a folder named: "Star Wars Battlefront II mod files". I'd advise you to make a folder like that for mod files and
backups if you don't want your files scattered all over the desktop.
* I hope this doesn't put you down, but you must only edit an infantry or vehicle code that has more chatacters than the
infantry or vehicle you are trying to add.
* I am not yet a master of HEX editing, but there are some things you can't change. Sometimes when you change things
it will either not appear or worse, crash to the desktop.
* You can only REPLACE ingame infantry or vehicles. There is no way you can ADD, otherwise that will change the size of the
folder and the game won't read your file properly.
* Choose a good editor that highlights your changes. I use Pspad because it highlights my changes in yellow.
2.0 Step 1: Changing heros
I've started with changing heros first, because it is more basic and will start you off with the needed knowledge for other
steps. Now you maybe wondering, what on earth is Obi-Wan Kenobi doing on the death star? Or perhaps you have grown tired
of Ki-Adi-Mundi because you hate how long his lead is? Well read on.
First off, you will need to select your world with the hero you want to change. In this example, we will be going to replace
Mace Windu, on Coruscant. Open up your mission.lvl file with your Hex Editor. Now if you're a first timer to Hex
editors, then you might be freaked out at the amount of random characters. Don't change ANY character. Only change
the correct characters to mod. If you change a character thats not supposed to be changed, then your mission.lvl won't
work with the game properly. You will be using the right side for editiing. Ok, now to work. Tap Ctrl+F to bring up the
'find' console. Type in: cor1_conquest. Scroll up until you see rep.lvl. This is the Republic Side. Don't drag the box on
the side or it will take you too far up or down. Now scan the lines until you see the codeline rep_hero_macewindu. This
line is Mace Windu's SWBFII game code. Now this is were it gets tough. Click on the 'r' of rep_hero_macewindu, basically
the beggining character of the code. Now type over the code with: rep_hero_anakin.
any character otherwise it will change the file size of the mission.lvl folder, and if it changes, you won't be able to
play the game. If you do make a mistake and save the file accidently, simple copy and replace the mission.lvl file in
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\data\_lvl_pc with your backup.***
Now you should be left with rep_hero_anakinndu. Now click on the second "n". Now look on the 123 side of the hex pad.
You should see the character "6E" highlighted. Click on it. You should see the characters 64 75 after 6E [6E64 75].
Now those are the extra "ndu" characters on the ABC side. Now you need to remove these. To do this, you have to write
0000 00 over 6E64 75. The '00's show that you are saying 'nothing'. When done, you should see the 'ndu' replaced with
3 dots (on some editors, it may show rectangular squares). These dots mean nothing, while the dots (formerly full-stops)
on your keyboard is not the same. Don't use the full stop on you keyboard. Every two '0's (00) represent one dot.
You have now replaced Mace Windu of Coruscant
with Anakin Skywalker.
***On some maps it's different. There will not always be something like hot1_conquest, you'll have to find it yourself.
If you're modding other maps, and you're not sure if its the conquest side you are modding, there is a neat trick
to find out how. When you select your world, you may want to keep scrolling down until you find something that says
'conquest' or 'con2' for example. If you find it, you're on the right track. Now just scroll down a bit more until you
find the codelines of the map you want to mod. Thats the conquest side.***
2.1 Step 2: Changing Infantry:
Infantry. Soldiers. Quite. Well now you have the basics of replacing. Now a harder step. You may sometimes want a
CIS vs. Rebels war or a Empire vs. Republic war, or even a Rebels vs. Rebels war (i've already made and tried that,
real confusing unless you use lock on lol.) So first off, we will be changing the Coruscant Clones into Rebels.
Now do the same as in Step 1 to get to the rep.lvl side. Now this time you don't need to look for anything else once you
find rep.lvl, because that's the first thing you're going to change. Now this will be the first thing you will need to
change if you are putting in a new army for any map. So for example, we will be using the Rebels right? So then we will have
to replace rep.lvl with all.lvl. That means you are changing the Republic to the Rebel Alliance. Well you've got your army,
but who's in it? Now scroll down a bit until you see some codes like rep_inf_ep3_rifleman. That code there is the
Clone trooper. You're gonna wanna change it to a Rebel Soldier. If the Clone trooper is there under the all.lvl side,
then he won't appear at all as he doesn't correspond with that particular army. So replace him with the Rebel Soldier'
code: all_inf_rifleman. You'll notice you're left with all_inf_ep3_riflemaneman. Just fix that with "00"s on the 123
side. Well now you've replaced the Clone trooper with the Rebel Soldier. I will list what to replace next to make it
easier. Along the way you will come across rep_fly_assailt_DOME and rep_fly_gunship_DOME. Don't touch those.
rep_inf_ep3_rifleman all_inf_rifleman
rep_inf_ep3_rocketeer all_inf_rocketeer
rep_inf_ep3_engineer all_inf_engineer
rep_inf_ep3_sniper all_inf_sniper
rep_inf_ep3_officer all_inf_officer
rep_inf_ep3_jettrooper all_inf_wookie
And the Hero:
rep_hero_macewindu all_hero_chewbecca
Both heroes are exacltly 18 characters each. No need to replace anything. You can replace Chewie if you want ;)
2.2 Step 3: Changing On-ground Vehicles
***Make a backup of EVERY folder you mod.***
Vehicles. Tanks. Starfighters. Hell. This is far more complicated than replacing infantry, because now you need to start
modifying another folder. The other folder you will be modifying along with mission.lvl is the maps game file. Now some
may be asking what is it. For those that don't know, it can be found in C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II
\GameData\data\_lvl_pc. Now in there, do you see alot of folders, like myg, nab, cor, kam or mus? Those are the map
folders. First off you'd need to choose the world WITH vehicles that you want to mod. But that's after you finish reading
this tutorial, because we will be modding Hoth. Find the Hoth, conquest section in the pad. Tap Ctrl+F to bring up the
'find' console, and then search: hot1.lvl. You'll have to find the conquest section from there. Now you will need to
change all Imperial infantry into the Republic, because we will be replacing the Imperial AT-AT with a Republic vehicle.
Just like the infantrys rules, you can only have Republic vehicles with Republic. If you do something like Empire with
Republic vehicles, the vehicles won't appear in the game.
Now once you've found it, scroll down to the Imperial side. Now if you look closely, you will see the codeline
imp_walk_atat. That's the AT-AT's game code. Now replace over it with rep_walk_atte. Easy, no need to replace any
characters. Happy? You're not done. Save the mission.lvl. Now go to your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\
Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\data\_lvl_pc folder. Select the map you're modding. Since we're modding Hoth, open
up the 'hot' subfolder. Inside it you should see a file named: 'hot1.lvl'. That's Hoths map file. Open it in your hex
editor. Since imp_walk_atat and rep_walk_atte have the same amount of characters, this will be a very easy step. Open
up the 'replace' console by tapping Ctrl+H. Please note that it may be different for other hex editors, but considering
you're using Pspad, you're doing good. Now type in: imp_walk_atat in the 'find' field. Now type in: rep_walk_atte in the
replace field. Click 'ok' and you should see a loading bar. Once it finishes loading, you're done! To be certain, you
may want to check if it had been successful. So type in the new code in the 'find console, and if it takes you to that
code, then you're done! Save, and open up the game. Open the Hoth map, and enjoy a faster moving AT-TE!
2.3 Step 4: Swapping Space Vehicles and Sides with another Side
Space Vehicles. Star Destroyers. Star Fighters. Probably some of the most things you want to change. Here I will show you
how to change space vehicles. Some fellow HEX editors may not know this step. Simply because the space maps aren't assigned
to simple files like space_tat.lvl. This is were you'll find most useful things for modding space maps. First off, you'll
need to edit the mission.lvl file. In this example we will be modding the Space Kashyyk map. Open up your mission.lvl
file with your hex editor. Now open up the 'find' console and type in: rep_fly_anakinstarfighter_sc. Now this isn't the
one you'll need, so hit 'F3' on your keyboard twice and then you'll come to the right one. First things first, you'll
need to put in your army that you want to add, just like infantry. Just scroll down a bit until you see: cis.lvl.
change that to imp.lvl. You've added your Imperial army, now you need to give it infantry. Scan the lines until you fin
the following lines. Replace them with the ones i've stated below.
cis_inf_pilot imp_inf_pilot
cis_inf_marine imp_inf_marine
Simple you just replcace 'cis' with 'imp. Well, you've got your infantry, but how are they gonna fly? Red Bull gives you
wiiiiings...joking lol. After the infantry codelines, you'll notice some codes like cis_fly_fedlander_dome and cis_droid_
starfighter. You musn't change the cis_fly_fedlander_dome. Those codes are the space vehicle's game codes. Now just
replace all those codes as follows:
cis_fly_droidfighter_sc imp_fly_tiefighter_sc
cis_fly_greviousfighter imp_fly_tieinterceptor
cis_fly_droidgunship imp_fly_trooptrans
cis_fly_tridroidfighter imp_fly_tiebomber
***Take extra caution with replacing the grevious fighter. make sure you type in GREVIOUS and not GRIEVOUS. Some people
tend to get mixed up. The vehicle won't appear of you don't get the code right.***
***Remember, if there are still characters leftover from the code you replaced, just replace it with the '00's on the
123 side of the pad.***
Now once you've done that, save. You're not finished. Go to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\data
\_lvl_pc and look for the folder 'spa'. Open it and you should see spa1.lvl spa2.lvl etc. Now THESE are what the space
maps are called, I think. You'll have to find out what they are yourself. A way to do this would be opening up spa_sky.lvl
and searching for fel or kas or tat etc. But I do know that spa3.lvl is Kasyyk, so that is the file we're going to mod.
For starters, open up spa3.lvl with your editor. Now you'll have to do the hard work from there. Just search for the CIS
ship codes you want to replace and replace it with how I listed it above. Remember to replace any leftover
characters with '00's on the 123 side of the pad. When done, save. Now open up your game and load up Space Kashyyk.
Enjoy Brothers vs. Brothers!
***If it doesn't work, then replace the mission.lvl and spa3.lvl with your backups, and then either leave it or retrace
the steps.***
3.0 Miscellaneous Stuff:
3.1 Faction: Infantry Format: Hero Format:
Republic = rep.lvl rep_inf_***_**** rep_hero_****
cis = cis.lvl cis_inf_**** cis_hero_****
Alliance = all.lvl all_inf_**** all_hero_****
Imperial = imp.lvl imp_inf_**** imp_hero_****
Replace the **** with the infantry names. The *** is what episode you want the clone to be from. Yes, episode 2 or 3,
you choose what clones you want! If you want the Phase I clones, type in ep2, for episode 2. E.g, rep_inf_ep2_rifleman.
And the same with Phase II clones, just with ep3. E.g, rep_inf_ep3_rifleman. I personally enjoy this feature, becuase
I have the Phase II Clone Trooper on Hoth with the Phase I Sniper and Rocketeer.
3.2 Vehicle and Infantry code guide.
I will enclose a Vehicle and Infantry Codeline guide with this package. Now all credit goes to Fiminopter because he made
it. I'm just adding it to this package for easy reference.
3.3 Give your Ewok firepower!!!
Well, I just thought i'd tell you how to give Ewoks Blaster Rifles! Haha ok go to Go to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\
Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\data and open up the 'side' folder. Look around until you find ewk.lvl. That's
the Ewok's side file. Open it up in your hex editor. Bring up the 'replace' console and type in: ewk_weap_inf_spear.
in the 'find' field and type in: all_weap_inf_rifle. Now it should load. Save and then done! You can even try diffucult
things like give wookiees lightsabers, but I must warn you, it is frustrating TRYING to do it. Yes, i've tried and failed.
3.4 Just as real
If you have a Empire vs. Republic war, then you may notice some of the infantry saying things like, "Get the traitors!"
or "Take out that Clone!", just like the Campaign mission where you have the Empire vs. The ARC Rebellion Clones.
There are many limited things you can mod with HEX editors. It would be wise to get the mod tools. With those, you'll
practically be able to do many things, such as create your own Jedi. Most people like myself once before eagerly search
forum after forum, site after site for a good HEX editing guide. I hadn't found a good one yet, apart from Fiminopters,
so I decided to develop this Tutorial Guide. Hope this guide helped, leave comments if you can. Well, have fun modding!
3.5 Credits:
* LucasArts for creating the Star Wars Universe
* Pandemic for making Star Wars Battlefront II
* for inspiring me to mod SWBFII
* Fiminopter for his original Hex editing guide, and for his examples
* Me, Cade_Allos, for making this extended version |