#!/usr/bin/python import sys import string import getopt import gtk import vte def selected_cb(terminal, column, row, cb_data): if (row == 15): if (column < 40): return 1 return 0 def restore_cb(terminal): (text, attrs) = terminal.get_text(selected_cb, 1) print "A portion of the text at restore-time is:" print text def child_exited_cb(terminal): gtk.main_quit() def maketerm(): terminal = vte.Terminal() if (background): terminal.set_background_image(background) if (transparent): terminal.set_background_transparent(gtk.TRUE) terminal.set_cursor_blinks(blink) terminal.set_emulation(emulation) terminal.set_font_from_string(font) terminal.set_scrollback_lines(scrollback) terminal.set_audible_bell(audible) terminal.set_visible_bell(visible) terminal.connect("child-exited", child_exited_cb) terminal.connect("restore-window", restore_cb) if (command): # Start up the specified command. child_pid = terminal.fork_command(command) else: # Start up the default command, the user's shell. child_pid = terminal.fork_command() terminal.show() return (terminal) if __name__ == '__main__': child_pid = -1; # Defaults. audible = 0 background = None blink = 0 command = None emulation = "xterm" font = "mono 9" scrollback = 100 transparent = 0 visible = 0 # Let the user override them. (shorts, longs) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "B:Tabc:f:n:t:v", ["background", "transparent", "audible", "blink", "command=", "font=", "scrollback=", "terminal=", "visible"]) for argpair in (shorts + longs): if ((argpair[0] == '-B') or (argpair[0] == '--background')): print "Setting background image to `" + argpair[1] + "'." background = argpair[1] if ((argpair[0] == '-T') or (argpair[0] == '--transparent')): print "Setting transparency." transparent = not transparent if ((argpair[0] == '-a') or (argpair[0] == '--audible')): print "Setting audible bell." audible = not audible if ((argpair[0] == '-b') or (argpair[0] == '--blink')): print "Setting blinking cursor." blink = not blink if ((argpair[0] == '-c') or (argpair[0] == '--command')): print "Running command `" + argpair[1] + "'." command = argpair[1] if ((argpair[0] == '-f') or (argpair[0] == '--font')): print "Setting font to `" + argpair[1] + "'." font = argpair[1] if ((argpair[0] == '-n') or (argpair[0] == '--scrollback')): scrollback = string.atoi(argpair[1]) if (scrollback == 0): scrollback = 100 else: print "Setting scrollback size to `" + str(scrollback) + "'." if ((argpair[0] == '-t') or (argpair[0] == '--terminal')): print "Setting terminal type to `" + argpair[1] + "'." emulation = argpair[1] if ((argpair[0] == '-v') or (argpair[0] == '--visible')): print "Setting visible bell." visible = not visible window = gtk.Window() terminal = maketerm() scrollbar = gtk.VScrollbar() scrollbar.set_adjustment(terminal.get_adjustment()) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(terminal) box.pack_start(scrollbar) window.add(box) window.show_all() gtk.main()