#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator - multiple gnome terminals in one window # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 cmsj@tenshu.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 2 only. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Terminator by Chris Jones Usage: terminator [OPTION] ... -h, --help Show this usage information -d, --debug Enable debugging -m, --maximise Maximise the terminator window when it starts -f, --fullscreen Place the window in its fullscreen state when it starts -p, --profile=PROFILE Take settings from gnome-terminal profile PROFILE """ import os import pwd import sys import string import gobject import gtk try: import vte except: print '''You need to install python bindings for libvte ("python-vte" in debian/ubuntu)''' sys.exit (1) import gconf import pango import gnome import time import getopt import math class TerminatorTerm: # Our settings # FIXME: Add commandline and/or gconf options to change these defaults = { 'gt_dir' : '/apps/gnome-terminal', '_profile_dir' : '%s/profiles', 'allow_bold' : True, 'audible_bell' : False, 'background' : None, 'background_color' : '#000000', 'backspace_binding' : 'ascii-del', 'delete_binding' : 'delete-sequence', 'cursor_blinks' : False, 'emulation' : 'xterm', 'font_name' : 'Serif 10', 'foreground_color' : '#AAAAAA', 'scrollbar' : True, 'scroll_on_keystroke' : False, 'scroll_on_output' : False, 'scrollback_lines' : 100, 'focus' : 'sloppy', 'visible_bell' : False, 'child_restart' : True, 'link_scheme' : '(news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)', '_link_user' : '[%s]+(:[%s]+)?', 'link_hostchars' : '-A-Za-z0-9', 'link_userchars' : '-A-Za-z0-9', 'link_passchars' : '-A-Za-z0-9,?;.:/!%$^*&~"#\'', '_palette' : '%s/palette', 'word_chars' : '-A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_', 'mouse_autohide' : True, } matches = {} def __init__ (self, term, profile): self.defaults['profile_dir'] = self.defaults['_profile_dir']%(self.defaults['gt_dir']) self.defaults['link_user'] = self.defaults['_link_user']%(self.defaults['link_userchars'], self.defaults['link_passchars']) self.term = term self.gconf_client = gconf.client_get_default () self.profile = None profiles = self.gconf_client.get_list (self.defaults['gt_dir'] + '/global/profile_list', 'string') for item in profiles: if item == profile: self.profile = '%s/%s'%(self.defaults['profile_dir'], item) break if self.profile == None: print "Error, unable to find profile " + profile # FIXME: This absolutely should not be an exit, the terminal should fail to spawn. If they all fail, it should exit from the mainloop or something. sys.exit (2) self.defaults['palette'] = self.defaults['_palette']%(self.profile) self.gconf_client.add_dir (self.profile, gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_RECURSIVE) self.gconf_client.add_dir ('/apps/metacity/general', gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_RECURSIVE) self.clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get (gtk.gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) self._vte = vte.Terminal () self._vte.set_size (80, 24) self.reconfigure_vte () self._vte.show () self._box = gtk.HBox () self._scrollbar = gtk.VScrollbar (self._vte.get_adjustment ()) if self.defaults['scrollbar']: self._scrollbar.show () self._box.pack_start (self._vte) self._box.pack_start (self._scrollbar, False) self.gconf_client.notify_add (self.profile, self.on_gconf_notification) self.gconf_client.notify_add ('/apps/metacity/general/focus_mode', self.on_gconf_notification) self._vte.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_vte_key_press) self._vte.connect ("button-press-event", self.on_vte_button_press) self._vte.connect ("popup-menu", self.on_vte_popup_menu) exit_action = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/exit_action") if exit_action == "restart": self._vte.connect ("child-exited", self.spawn_child) if exit_action == "close": self._vte.connect ("child-exited", lambda close_term: self.term.closeterm (self)) self._vte.add_events (gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK) self._vte.connect ("enter_notify_event", self.on_vte_notify_enter) self.matches['domain'] = self._vte.match_add ('((%s://(%s@)?)|(www|ftp)[%s]*\\.)[%s.]+(:[0-9]*)?'%(self.defaults['link_scheme'], self.defaults['link_user'], self.defaults['link_hostchars'], self.defaults['link_hostchars'])) self.matches['path'] = self._vte.match_add ('((%s://(%s@)?)|(www|ftp)[%s]*\\.)[%s.]+(:[0-9]+)?/[-A-Za-z0-9_$.+!*(),;:@&=?/~#%%]*[^]\'.}>) \t\r\n,\\\]'%(self.defaults['link_scheme'], self.defaults['link_userchars'], self.defaults['link_hostchars'], self.defaults['link_hostchars'])) self.matches['email'] = self._vte.match_add ('(mailto:)?[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.-]*@[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*(\\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*)+') self.spawn_child () def spawn_child (self, event=None): update_records = self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/update_records") or True login = self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/login_shell") or False if self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/use_custom_command") == True: args = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/custom_command").split () shell = args[0] else: shell = pwd.getpwuid (os.getuid ())[6] args = [os.path.basename (shell)] self._vte.fork_command (command = shell, argv = args, envv = [], loglastlog = login, logwtmp = update_records, logutmp = update_records) def reconfigure_vte (self): # Set our emulation self._vte.set_emulation (self.defaults['emulation']) # Set our wordchars word_chars = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/word_chars" or self.defaults['word_chars']) self._vte.set_word_chars (word_chars) # Set our mouselation self._vte.set_mouse_autohide (self.defaults['mouse_autohide']) # Set our compatibility backspace = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/backspace_binding") or self.defaults['backspace_binding'] delete = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/delete_binding") or self.defaults['delete_binding'] # Note, each of the 4 following comments should replace the line beneath it, but the python-vte bindings don't appear to support this constant, so the magic values are being assumed from the C enum :/ if backspace == "ascii-del": # backbind = vte.ERASE_ASCII_BACKSPACE backbind = 2 else: # backbind = vte.ERASE_AUTO_BACKSPACE backbind = 1 if delete == "escape-sequence": # delbind = vte.ERASE_DELETE_SEQUENCE delbind = 3 else: # delbind = vte.ERASE_AUTO delbind = 0 self._vte.set_backspace_binding (backbind) self._vte.set_delete_binding (delbind) # Set our font, preferably from gconf settings if self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/use_system_font"): font_name = (self.gconf_client.get_string ("/desktop/gnome/interface/monospace_font_name") or self.defaults['font_name']) else: font_name = (self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/font") or self.defaults['font_name']) try: self._vte.set_font (pango.FontDescription (font_name)) except: pass # Set our boldness self._vte.set_allow_bold (self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/allow_bold") or self.defaults['allow_bold']) # Set our color scheme, preferably from gconf settings palette = self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/palette") or self.defaults['palette'] if self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/use_theme_colors") == True: fg_color = self._vte.get_style ().text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] bg_color = self._vte.get_style ().base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] else: fg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse (self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/foreground_color") or self.defaults['foreground_color']) bg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse (self.gconf_client.get_string (self.profile + "/background_color") or self.defaults['background_color']) colors = palette.split (':') palette = [] for color in colors: palette.append (gtk.gdk.color_parse (color)) self._vte.set_colors (fg_color, bg_color, palette) # Set our cursor blinkiness self._vte.set_cursor_blinks = (self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/cursor_blinks") or self.defaults['cursor_blinks']) # Set our audible belliness self._vte.set_audible_bell = not (self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/silent_bell") or self.defaults['audible_bell']) self._vte.set_visible_bell (self.defaults['visible_bell']) # Set our scrolliness self._vte.set_scrollback_lines (self.gconf_client.get_int (self.profile + "/scrollback_lines") or self.defaults['scrollback_lines']) self._vte.set_scroll_on_keystroke (self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/scroll_on_keystroke") or self.defaults['scroll_on_keystroke']) self._vte.set_scroll_on_output (self.gconf_client.get_bool (self.profile + "/scroll_on_output") or self.defaults['scroll_on_output']) # Set our sloppiness self.focus = self.gconf_client.get_string ("/apps/metacity/general/focus_mode") or self.defaults['focus'] def on_gconf_notification (self, client, cnxn_id, entry, what): self.reconfigure_vte () def on_vte_button_press (self, term, event): # Left mouse button should transfer focus to this vte widget if event.button == 1: self._vte.grab_focus () return False # Right mouse button should display a context menu if event.button == 3: self.do_popup (event) return True def on_vte_notify_enter (self, term, event): if (self.focus == "sloppy" or self.focus == "mouse"): term.grab_focus () return False def do_scrollbar_toggle (self): if self._scrollbar.get_property ('visible'): self._scrollbar.hide () else: # We need to make the terminal narrower by the width of the scrollbar self._vte.set_size (self._vte.get_column_count () - int(math.ceil(self._scrollbar.allocation.width / self._vte.get_char_width ())), self._vte.get_row_count ()) self._scrollbar.show () def on_vte_key_press (self, term, event): keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name (event.keyval) mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK | gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK if (event.state & mask) == mask: if keyname == 'N': self.term.go_next (self) return (True) elif keyname == "P": self.term.go_prev (self) return (True) elif keyname == 'H': self.term.splitaxis (self, False) return (True) elif keyname == 'V': self.term.splitaxis (self, True) return (True) elif keyname == 'W': self.term.closeterm (self) return (True) if keyname and (keyname == 'Tab' or keyname.endswith('_Tab')): if event.state == gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: self.term.go_next (self) return (True) if (event.state & mask) == mask: self.term.go_prev (self) return (True) return (False) def on_vte_popup_menu (self, term): self.do_popup () def do_popup (self, event = None): menu = self.create_popup_menu (event) menu.popup (None, None, None, event.button, event.time) def create_popup_menu (self, event): menu = gtk.Menu () url = self._vte.match_check (int (event.x / self._vte.get_char_width ()), int (event.y / self._vte.get_char_height ())) if url: if url[1] != self.matches['email']: address = url[0] nameopen = "_Open Link" namecopy = "_Copy Link Address" else: if url[0][0:7] != "mailto:": address = "mailto:" + url[0] else: address = url[0] nameopen = "_Send Mail To..." namecopy = "_Copy Email Address" item = gtk.MenuItem (nameopen) item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: gnome.url_show (address)) menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem (namecopy) item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.clipboard.set_text (url[0])) menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem () menu.append (item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem (gtk.STOCK_COPY) item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self._vte.copy_clipboard ()) item.set_sensitive (self._vte.get_has_selection ()) menu.append (item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem (gtk.STOCK_PASTE) item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self._vte.paste_clipboard ()) menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem () menu.append (item) item = gtk.CheckMenuItem ("Show scrollbar") item.set_active (self._scrollbar.get_property ('visible')) item.connect ("toggled", lambda menu_item: self.do_scrollbar_toggle ()) menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem () menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem ("Split _Horizontally") item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.term.splitaxis (self, False)) menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem ("Split _Vertically") item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.term.splitaxis (self, True)) menu.append (item) item = gtk.MenuItem () menu.append (item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE) item.connect ("activate", lambda menu_item: self.term.closeterm (self)) menu.append (item) menu.show_all () return menu def get_box (self): return self._box class Terminator: def __init__ (self, profile): self.profile = profile self.gconf_client = gconf.client_get_default () self._fullscreen = False self.window = gtk.Window () self.icon = self.window.render_icon (gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.window.set_icon (self.icon) self.window.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_key_press) self.window.connect ("delete_event", self.on_delete_event) self.window.connect ("destroy", self.on_destroy_event) self.window.set_property ('allow-shrink', True) # Start out with just one terminal # FIXME: This should be really be decided from some kind of profile term = (TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile)) self.term_list = [term] self.window.add (term.get_box ()) self.window.show_all () def maximize (self): """ Maximize the Terminator.""" self.window.maximize () def toggle_fullscreen (self): """ Toggle the fullscreen state of the window. If it is in fullscreen state, it will be unfullscreened. If it is not, it will be set to fullscreen state. """ if self._fullscreen: self.window.unfullscreen () else: self.window.fullscreen () self._fullscreen = not self._fullscreen def on_delete_event (self, window, event, data=None): if len (self.term_list) == 1: return False # show dialog dialog = gtk.Dialog ("Close?", window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) dialog.set_has_separator (False) dialog.set_resizable (False) primairy = gtk.Label ('Close all terminals?') primairy.set_use_markup (True) primairy.set_alignment (0, 0.5) secundairy = gtk.Label (("This window has %s terminals open. " % len(self.term_list)) + "Closing the window will also close all terminals.") secundairy.set_line_wrap(True) primairy.set_alignment (0, 0.5) labels = gtk.VBox () labels.pack_start (primairy, False, False, 6) labels.pack_start (secundairy, False, False, 6) image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) image.set_alignment (0.5, 0) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start (image, False, False, 6) box.pack_start (labels, False, False, 6) dialog.vbox.pack_start (box, False, False, 12) dialog.show_all () result = dialog.run () dialog.destroy () return not (result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) def on_destroy_event (self, widget, data=None): gtk.main_quit () def on_key_press (self, window, event): """ Callback for the window to determine what to do with special keys. Currently handled key-combo's: * CTRL - SHIFT - F : toggle fullscreen state of the window. """ keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name (event.keyval) mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK | gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK if (event.state & mask) == mask: if keyname == 'F': self.toggle_fullscreen () return (True) if keyname == 'Q': if not self.on_delete_event (window, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DELETE)): self.on_destroy_event (window, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DESTROY)) def splitaxis (self, widget, vert=True): term2 = TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile) parent = widget.get_box ().get_parent () if vert: pane = gtk.VPaned () else: pane = gtk.HPaned () # VTE doesn't seem to cope well with being resized by the window manager. I expect I am supposed to send some kind of WINCH, or just generally connect window resizing events to a callback that will often tell vte about the new size. For now, cheat. Badly. cols = widget._vte.get_column_count () rows = widget._vte.get_row_count () allowance = widget._scrollbar.allocation.width + pane.style_get_property ('handle-size') if vert: width = cols height = (rows / 2) - (allowance / widget._vte.get_char_height ()) else: width = (cols / 2) - (allowance / widget._vte.get_char_width ()) height = rows widget._vte.set_size (width, height) term2._vte.set_size (width, height) if isinstance (parent, gtk.Window): # We have just one term if vert: newpos = parent.allocation.height / 2 else: newpos = parent.allocation.width / 2 widget.get_box ().reparent (pane) pane.pack1 (widget.get_box (), True, True) pane.pack2 (term2.get_box (), True, True) parent.add (pane) pane.set_position (newpos) if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned): # We are inside a split term if vert: term2._vte.set_size (cols, (rows / 2) - 1) if (widget.get_box () == parent.get_child1 ()): widget.get_box ().reparent (pane) parent.pack1 (pane, True, True) else: widget.get_box ().reparent (pane) parent.pack2 (pane, True, True) pane.pack1 (widget.get_box (), True, True) pane.pack2 (term2.get_box (), True, True) pane.show () term2.get_box ().show () # insert the term reference into the list index = self.term_list.index (widget) self.term_list.insert (index + 1, term2) widget._vte.grab_focus () return (term2) def closeterm (self, widget): parent = widget.get_box ().get_parent () sibling = None if isinstance (parent, gtk.Window): # We are the only term if not self.on_delete_event (parent, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DELETE)): self.on_destroy_event (parent, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DESTROY)) return if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned): grandparent = parent.get_parent () # Discover sibling while all objects exist if widget.get_box () == parent.get_child1 (): sibling = parent.get_child2 () if widget.get_box () == parent.get_child2 (): sibling = parent.get_child1 () if not sibling: # something is wrong, give up print "Error: %s is not a child of %s"%(widget, parent) return self.term_list.remove (widget) grandparent.remove (parent) sibling.reparent (grandparent) widget.get_box ().destroy () parent.destroy () for term in self.term_list: if term.get_box () == sibling: term._vte.grab_focus () break return def go_next (self, term): current = self.term_list.index (term) next = current if current == len (self.term_list) - 1: next = 0 else: next += 1 self.term_list[next]._vte.grab_focus () def go_prev (self, term): current = self.term_list.index (term) previous = current if current == 0: previous = len (self.term_list) - 1 else: previous -= 1 self.term_list[previous]._vte.grab_focus () def usage (): """ Print information on how to use this program. """ print __doc__ if __name__ == '__main__': # define the options short_opts = "hdmfp:" long_opts = ["help", "debug", "maximise", "fullscreen", "profile="] # parse the options try: opts, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts) except getopt.GetoptError: usage () sys.exit (2) # set some default values debug = 0 profile = "Default" maximise = False fullscreen = False # check the options for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage () sys.exit (0) if opt in ("-d", "--debug"): debug = 1 if opt in ("-m", "--maximise"): maximise = True if opt in ("-f", "--fullscreen"): fullscreen = True if opt in ("-p", "--profile"): profile = arg term = Terminator (profile) # Set the Terminator in fullscreen state or maximize it. # Fullscreen and maximise are mutually exclusive, with # fullscreen taking precedence over maximise. if fullscreen: term.toggle_fullscreen () elif maximise: term.maximize () gtk.main ()