.. |br| raw:: html

   <br />

.. image:: imgs/icon_history.png
   :align: right
   :alt: Every'ding come from de Greek!

Document history

Documentation process started 2015-07-17 by Stephen Boddy.

All contributions and improvements are welcome.

| Updated for  | Date       | Author / Editor | Notes                             |
| 0.97, r1598  | 2015-08-07 | Stephen Boddy   | Initial creation                  |
| 0.97, r1621  | 2015-08-21 | Stephen Boddy   | Minor changes/corrections |br|    |
|              |            |                 | Added links to dev docs           |
| 0.98         | 2015-08-26 | Stephen Boddy   | Stick a fork in it, it's done     |
| 0.98, r1663  | 2015-09-30 | Stephen Boddy   | Add the new PuTTY paste mode |br| |
|              |            |                 | Add new Remotinator commands |br| |
|              |            |                 | FAQ for other Terminator     |br| |
|              |            |                 | Add Bug handling flow        |br| |
|              |            |                 | Minor changes/corrections         |
| 0.98, r1667  | 2015-10-01 | Stephen Boddy   | Add the new Smart copy mode  |br| |

.. note:: Ideally this documentation should be kept up-to-date with
          the changes as they go in. This way things don't get missed.
          There could be some lag between releases, but it should
          definitely be updated for a new release.