#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup from distutils.dist import Distribution from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.command.install_data import install_data from distutils.command.build import build from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils.log import warn, info, error, fatal import glob import os import sys import subprocess import platform from terminatorlib.version import * PO_DIR = 'po' MO_DIR = os.path.join('build', 'mo') class TerminatorDist(Distribution): global_options = Distribution.global_options + [ ("without-gettext", None, "Don't build/install gettext .mo files"), ("without-icon-cache", None, "Don't attempt to run gtk-update-icon-cache")] def __init__ (self, *args): self.without_gettext = False self.without_icon_cache = False Distribution.__init__(self, *args) class BuildData(build): def run (self): build.run (self) if self.distribution.without_gettext: return for po in glob.glob (os.path.join (PO_DIR, '*.po')): lang = os.path.basename(po[:-3]) mo = os.path.join(MO_DIR, lang, 'terminator.mo') directory = os.path.dirname(mo) if not os.path.exists(directory): info('creating %s' % directory) os.makedirs(directory) if newer(po, mo): info('compiling %s -> %s' % (po, mo)) try: rc = subprocess.call(['msgfmt', '-o', mo, po]) if rc != 0: raise Warning, "msgfmt returned %d" % rc except Exception, e: error("Building gettext files failed. Try setup.py --without-gettext [build|install]") error("Error: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) class Uninstall(Command): description = "Attempt an uninstall from an install --record file" user_options = [('manifest=', None, 'Installation record filename')] def initialize_options(self): self.manifest = None def finalize_options(self): pass def get_command_name(self): return 'uninstall' def run(self): self.ensure_filename('manifest') try: f = open(self.manifest) files = [file.strip() for file in f] except IOError, e: raise DistutilsFileError("unable to open install manifest: %s", str(e)) finally: f.close() for file in files: if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file): info("removing %s" % repr(file)) if not self.dry_run: try: os.unlink(file) except OSError, e: warn("could not delete: %s" % repr(file)) elif not os.path.isdir(file): info("skipping %s" % repr(file)) dirs = set() for file in reversed(sorted(files)): dir = os.path.dirname(file) if dir not in dirs and os.path.isdir(dir) and len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0: dirs.add(dir) # Only nuke empty Python library directories, else we could destroy # e.g. locale directories we're the only app with a .mo installed for. if dir.find("site-packages/") > 0: info("removing %s" % repr(dir)) if not self.dry_run: try: os.rmdir(dir) except OSError, e: warn("could not remove directory: %s" % str(e)) else: info("skipping empty directory %s" % repr(dir)) class InstallData(install_data): def run (self): self.data_files.extend (self._find_mo_files ()) install_data.run (self) if not self.distribution.without_icon_cache: self._update_icon_cache () # We should do this on uninstall too def _update_icon_cache(self): info("running gtk-update-icon-cache") try: subprocess.call(["gtk-update-icon-cache", "-q", "-f", "-t", os.path.join(self.install_dir, "share/icons/hicolor")]) except Exception, e: warn("updating the GTK icon cache failed: %s" % str(e)) def _find_mo_files (self): data_files = [] if not self.distribution.without_gettext: for mo in glob.glob (os.path.join (MO_DIR, '*', 'terminator.mo')): lang = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(mo)) dest = os.path.join('share', 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES') data_files.append((dest, [mo])) return data_files if platform.system() == 'FreeBSD': man_dir = 'man' else: man_dir = 'share/man' setup(name='Terminator', version=APP_VERSION, description='Terminator, the robot future of terminals', author='Chris Jones', author_email='cmsj@tenshu.net', url='http://www.tenshu.net/terminator/', license='GNU GPL v2', scripts=['terminator'], data_files=[ ('share/applications', ['data/terminator.desktop']), (os.path.join(man_dir, 'man1'), ['doc/terminator.1']), (os.path.join(man_dir, 'man5'), ['doc/terminator_config.5']), ('share/pixmaps', ['data/icons/48x48/apps/terminator.png']), ('share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps', glob.glob('data/icons/scalable/apps/*.svg')), ('share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps', glob.glob('data/icons/16x16/apps/*.png')), ('share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps', glob.glob('data/icons/22x22/apps/*.png')), ('share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps', glob.glob('data/icons/24x24/apps/*.png')), ('share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps', glob.glob('data/icons/48x48/apps/*.png')), ('share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions', glob.glob('data/icons/16x16/actions/*.png')), ], packages=['terminatorlib'], cmdclass={'build': BuildData, 'install_data': InstallData, 'uninstall': Uninstall}, distclass=TerminatorDist )