#!/usr/bin/python from terminatorlib.config import dbg,err,Defaults from terminatorlib.version import APP_NAME, APP_VERSION import gtk class ProfileEditor: # lists of which settings to put in which tabs appearance = ['titlebars', 'titletips', 'allow_bold', 'silent_bell', 'force_no_bell', 'background_darkness', 'background_type', 'background_image', 'cursor_blink', 'font', 'scrollbar_position', 'scroll_background', 'use_system_font', 'use_theme_colors', 'enable_real_transparency'] colours = ['foreground_color','background_color', 'palette'] behaviour = ['backspace_binding', 'delete_binding', 'emulation', 'scroll_on_keystroke', 'scroll_on_output', 'scrollback_lines', 'focus', 'focus_on_close', 'exit_action', 'word_chars', 'mouse_autohide', 'use_custom_command', 'custom_command', 'http_proxy', 'encoding'] globals = ['fullscreen', 'maximise', 'borderless', 'handle_size', 'cycle_term_tab', 'close_button_on_tab', 'tab_position', 'copy_on_selection', 'extreme_tabs', 'try_posix_regexp'] # metadata about the settings data = {'titlebars': ['Show titlebars', 'This places a bar above each terminal which displays its title.'], 'titletips': ['Show title tooltips', 'This adds a tooltip to each terminal which contains its title'], 'allow_bold': ['Allow bold text', 'Controls whether or not the terminals will honour requests for bold text'], 'silent_bell': ['', 'When enabled, bell events will generate a flash. When disabled, they will generate a beep'], 'background_darkness': ['', 'Controls how much the background will be tinted'], 'scroll_background': ['', 'When enabled the background image will scroll with the text'], 'force_no_bell': ['', 'Disable both the visual and audible bells'], 'tab_position': ['', 'Controls the placement of the tab bar'], 'use_theme_colors': ['', 'Take the foreground and background colours from the current GTK theme'], 'enable_real_transparency': ['', 'If you are running a composited desktop (e.g. compiz), enabling this option will enable "true" transpraency'], 'handle_size': ['', 'This controls the size of the border between terminals. Values 0 to 5 are in pixels, while -1 means the value will be decided by your normal GTK theme.'], } def __init__ (self): self.window = gtk.Window () self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.box = gtk.VBox() self.butbox = gtk.HButtonBox() self.applybut = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_APPLY) self.cancelbut = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_CANCEL) self.box.pack_start(self.notebook, False, False) self.box.pack_end(self.butbox, False, False) self.butbox.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_END) self.butbox.pack_start(self.applybut, False, False) self.butbox.pack_start(self.cancelbut, False, False) self.window.add (self.box) self.notebook.append_page (self.auto_add (gtk.Table (), self.globals), gtk.Label ("Global Settings")) self.notebook.append_page (self.auto_add (gtk.Table (), Defaults['keybindings']), gtk.Label ("Keybindings")) self.notebook.append_page (self.auto_add (gtk.Table (), self.appearance), gtk.Label ("Appearance")) self.notebook.append_page (self.auto_add (gtk.Table (), self.colours), gtk.Label ("Colours")) self.notebook.append_page (self.auto_add (gtk.Table (), self.behaviour), gtk.Label ("Behaviour")) def go (self): self.window.show_all () def source_get_type (self, key): if Defaults.has_key (key): return Defaults[key].__class__.__name__ elif Defaults['keybindings'].has_key (key): return Defaults['keybindings'][key].__class__.__name__ else: raise KeyError def source_get_value (self, key): if Defaults.has_key (key): return Defaults[key] elif Defaults['keybindings'].has_key (key): return Defaults['keybindings'][key] else: raise KeyError def auto_add (self, table, list): row = 0 for key in list: table.resize (row + 1, 2) if self.data.has_key (key) and self.data[key][0] != '': label_text = self.data[key][0] else: label_text = key.replace ('_', ' ').capitalize () label = gtk.Label (label_text) type = self.source_get_type (key) value = self.source_get_value (key) widget = None if key == 'font': widget = gtk.FontButton(value) elif key == 'scrollback_lines': # estimated byte size per line according to g-t: # sizeof(void *) + sizeof(char *) + sizeof(int) + (80 * (sizeof(int32) + 4) widget = gtk.SpinButton() widget.set_digits(0) widget.set_increments(100, 1000) widget.set_range(0, 100000) widget.set_value(value) elif key == 'scrollbar_position': widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text() widget.append_text ('left') widget.append_text ('right') widget.append_text ('disabled') widget.set_active (0) elif key == 'backspace_binding': widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text() widget.append_text ('ascii-del') widget.append_text ('control-h') widget.append_text ('escape-sequence') widget.set_active (0) elif key == 'delete_binding': widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text() widget.append_text ('ascii-del') widget.append_text ('control-h') widget.append_text ('escape-sequence') widget.set_active (2) elif key == 'focus': widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text() widget.append_text ('click') widget.append_text ('sloppy') widget.set_active (0) elif key == 'background_type': widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text() widget.append_text ('solid') widget.append_text ('image') widget.append_text ('transparent') widget.set_active (0) elif key == 'background_darkness': widget = gtk.HScale () widget.set_digits (1) widget.set_draw_value (True) widget.set_value_pos (gtk.POS_LEFT) widget.set_range (0, 1) widget.set_value (value) elif key == 'handle_size': widget = gtk.HScale () widget.set_digits (0) widget.set_draw_value (True) widget.set_value_pos (gtk.POS_LEFT) widget.set_range (-1, 5) widget.set_value (value) elif key == 'foreground_color': widget = gtk.ColorButton (gtk.gdk.color_parse (value)) elif key == 'background_color': widget = gtk.ColorButton (gtk.gdk.color_parse (value)) elif key == 'palette': colours = value.split (':') numcolours = len (colours) widget = gtk.Table (2, numcolours / 2) x = 0 y = 0 for thing in colours: if x == numcolours / 2: y += 1 x = 0 widget.attach (gtk.ColorButton (gtk.gdk.color_parse (thing)), x, x + 1, y, y + 1) x += 1 elif key == 'background_image': widget = gtk.FileChooserButton('Select a File') filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.add_mime_type ('image/*') widget.add_filter (filter) elif key == 'tab_position': widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text() widget.append_text ('top') widget.append_text ('bottom') widget.append_text ('left') widget.append_text ('right') widget.set_active (0) else: if type == "bool": widget = gtk.CheckButton () widget.set_active (value) elif type in ["str", "int", "float"]: widget = gtk.Entry () widget.set_text (str(value)) elif type == "list": continue else: print "Unknown type: " + type continue if hasattr(widget, 'set_tooltip_text') and self.data.has_key (key): widget.set_tooltip_text (self.data[key][1]) table.attach (label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL) table.attach (widget, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL) row += 1 return (table)