# Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """terminal.py - classes necessary to provide Terminal widgets""" import os import signal import gi from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Pango, Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf gi.require_version('Vte', '2.91') # vte-0.38 (gnome-3.14) from gi.repository import Vte import subprocess try: from urllib.parse import unquote as urlunquote except ImportError: from urllib import unquote as urlunquote from .util import dbg, err, spawn_new_terminator, make_uuid, manual_lookup, display_manager from . import util from .config import Config from .cwd import get_pid_cwd from .factory import Factory from .terminator import Terminator from .titlebar import Titlebar from .terminal_popup_menu import TerminalPopupMenu from .prefseditor import PrefsEditor from .searchbar import Searchbar from .translation import _ from .signalman import Signalman from . import plugin from terminatorlib.layoutlauncher import LayoutLauncher from . import regex # pylint: disable-msg=R0904 class Terminal(Gtk.VBox): """Class implementing the VTE widget and its wrappings""" __gsignals__ = { 'close-term': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'title-change': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'enumerate': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_INT,)), 'group-tab': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'group-tab-toggle': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'ungroup-tab': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'ungroup-all': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'split-horiz': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'split-vert': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'rotate-cw': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'rotate-ccw': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'tab-new': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, GObject.TYPE_OBJECT)), 'tab-top-new': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'focus-in': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'focus-out': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'zoom': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'maximise': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'unzoom': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'resize-term': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'navigate': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'tab-change': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_INT,)), 'group-all': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'group-all-toggle': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()), 'move-tab': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (GObject.TYPE_STRING,)), } TARGET_TYPE_VTE = 8 TARGET_TYPE_MOZ = 9 MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT = 1 MOUSEBUTTON_MIDDLE = 2 MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT = 3 terminator = None vte = None terminalbox = None scrollbar = None titlebar = None searchbar = None group = None cwd = None origcwd = None command = None clipboard = None pid = None matches = None regex_flags = None config = None default_encoding = None custom_encoding = None custom_font_size = None layout_command = None relaunch_command = None directory = None is_held_open = False fgcolor_active = None fgcolor_inactive = None bgcolor = None palette_active = None palette_inactive = None composite_support = None cnxids = None targets_for_new_group = None def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.terminator = Terminator() self.terminator.register_terminal(self) # FIXME: Surely these should happen in Terminator::register_terminal()? self.connect('enumerate', self.terminator.do_enumerate) self.connect('focus-in', self.terminator.focus_changed) self.connect('focus-out', self.terminator.focus_left) self.matches = {} self.cnxids = Signalman() self.config = Config() self.cwd = get_pid_cwd() self.origcwd = self.terminator.origcwd self.clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) self.pending_on_vte_size_allocate = False self.vte = Vte.Terminal() self.background_image = None if self.config['background_image'] != '': try: self.background_image = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(self.config['background_image']) self.vte.set_clear_background(False) self.vte.connect("draw",self.background_draw) except Exception as e: self.background_image = None self.vte.set_clear_background(True) err('error loading background image: %s' % e) self.background_alpha = self.config['background_darkness'] self.vte.set_allow_hyperlink(True) self.vte._draw_data = None if not hasattr(self.vte, "set_opacity") or \ not hasattr(self.vte, "is_composited"): self.composite_support = False else: self.composite_support = True dbg('composite_support: %s' % self.composite_support) self.vte.show() self.default_encoding = self.vte.get_encoding() self.update_url_matches() self.terminalbox = self.create_terminalbox() self.titlebar = Titlebar(self) self.titlebar.connect_icon(self.on_group_button_press) self.titlebar.connect('edit-done', self.on_edit_done) self.connect('title-change', self.titlebar.set_terminal_title) self.titlebar.connect('create-group', self.really_create_group) self.titlebar.show_all() self.searchbar = Searchbar() self.searchbar.connect('end-search', self.on_search_done) self.show() if self.config['title_at_bottom']: self.pack_start(self.terminalbox, True, True, 0) self.pack_start(self.titlebar, False, True, 0) else: self.pack_start(self.titlebar, False, True, 0) self.pack_start(self.terminalbox, True, True, 0) self.pack_end(self.searchbar, True, True, 0) self.connect_signals() os.putenv('TERM', self.config['term']) os.putenv('COLORTERM', self.config['colorterm']) env_proxy = os.getenv('http_proxy') if not env_proxy: if self.config['http_proxy'] and self.config['http_proxy'] != '': os.putenv('http_proxy', self.config['http_proxy']) self.reconfigure() self.vte.set_size(80, 24) def get_vte(self): """This simply returns the vte widget we are using""" return(self.vte) def force_set_profile(self, widget, profile): """Forcibly set our profile""" self.set_profile(widget, profile, True) def set_profile(self, _widget, profile, force=False): """Set our profile""" if profile != self.config.get_profile(): self.config.set_profile(profile, force) self.reconfigure() def get_profile(self): """Return our profile name""" return(self.config.profile) def switch_to_next_profile(self): profilelist = self.config.list_profiles() list_length = len(profilelist) if list_length > 1: if profilelist.index(self.get_profile()) + 1 == list_length: self.force_set_profile(False, profilelist[0]) else: self.force_set_profile(False, profilelist[profilelist.index(self.get_profile()) + 1]) def switch_to_previous_profile(self): profilelist = self.config.list_profiles() list_length = len(profilelist) if list_length > 1: if profilelist.index(self.get_profile()) == 0: self.force_set_profile(False, profilelist[list_length - 1]) else: self.force_set_profile(False, profilelist[profilelist.index(self.get_profile()) - 1]) def get_cwd(self): """Return our cwd""" vte_cwd = self.vte.get_current_directory_uri() if vte_cwd: # OSC7 pwd gives an answer return(GLib.filename_from_uri(vte_cwd)[0]) else: # Fall back to old gtk2 method dbg('calling get_pid_cwd') return(get_pid_cwd(self.pid)) def close(self): """Close ourselves""" dbg('close: called') self.cnxids.remove_widget(self.vte) self.emit('close-term') if self.pid is not None: try: dbg('close: killing %d' % self.pid) os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGHUP) except Exception as ex: # We really don't want to care if this failed. Deep OS voodoo is # not what we should be doing. dbg('os.kill failed: %s' % ex) pass if self.vte: self.terminalbox.remove(self.vte) del(self.vte) def create_terminalbox(self): """Create a GtkHBox containing the terminal and a scrollbar""" terminalbox = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0) self.scrollbar = Gtk.Scrollbar.new(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, adjustment=self.vte.get_vadjustment()) self.scrollbar.set_no_show_all(True) terminalbox.pack_start(self.vte, True, True, 0) terminalbox.pack_start(self.scrollbar, False, True, 0) terminalbox.show_all() return(terminalbox) def _add_regex(self, name, re): match = -1 if regex.FLAGS_PCRE2: try: reg = Vte.Regex.new_for_match(re, len(re), self.regex_flags or regex.FLAGS_PCRE2) match = self.vte.match_add_regex(reg, 0) except GLib.Error: # happens when PCRE2 support is not builtin (Ubuntu < 19.10) pass # try the "old" glib regex if match < 0: reg = GLib.Regex.new(re, self.regex_flags or regex.FLAGS_GLIB, 0) match = self.vte.match_add_gregex(reg, 0) self.matches[name] = match self.vte.match_set_cursor_name(self.matches[name], 'pointer') def update_url_matches(self): """Update the regexps used to match URLs""" userchars = "-A-Za-z0-9" passchars = "-A-Za-z0-9,?;.:/!%$^*&~\"#'" hostchars = "-A-Za-z0-9:\[\]" pathchars = "-A-Za-z0-9_$.+!*(),;:@&=?/~#%'" schemes = "(news:|telnet:|nntp:|file:/|https?:|ftps?:|webcal:|ssh:)" user = "[" + userchars + "]+(:[" + passchars + "]+)?" urlpath = "/[" + pathchars + "]*[^]'.}>) \t\r\n,\\\"]" lboundry = "\\b" rboundry = "\\b" re = (lboundry + schemes + "//(" + user + "@)?[" + hostchars +".]+(:[0-9]+)?(" + urlpath + ")?" + rboundry + "/?") self._add_regex('full_uri', re) if self.matches['full_uri'] == -1: err ('Terminal::update_url_matches: Failed adding URL matches') else: re = (lboundry + '(callto:|h323:|sip:)' + "[" + userchars + "+][" + userchars + ".]*(:[0-9]+)?@?[" + pathchars + "]+" + rboundry) self._add_regex('voip', re) re = (lboundry + "(www|ftp)[" + hostchars + "]*\.[" + hostchars + ".]+(:[0-9]+)?(" + urlpath + ")?" + rboundry + "/?") self._add_regex('addr_only', re) re = (lboundry + "(mailto:)?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.+-]*@[a-zA-Z0-9]" + "[a-zA-Z0-9-]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+" + "[.a-zA-Z0-9-]*" + rboundry) self._add_regex('email', re) re = (lboundry + """news:[-A-Z\^_a-z{|}~!"#$%&'()*+,./0-9;:=?`]+@""" + "[-A-Za-z0-9.]+(:[0-9]+)?" + rboundry) self._add_regex('nntp', re) # Now add any matches from plugins try: registry = plugin.PluginRegistry() registry.load_plugins() plugins = registry.get_plugins_by_capability('url_handler') for urlplugin in plugins: name = urlplugin.handler_name match = urlplugin.match if name in self.matches: dbg('refusing to add duplicate match %s' % name) continue self._add_regex(name, match) dbg('added plugin URL handler for %s (%s) as %d' % (name, urlplugin.__class__.__name__, self.matches[name])) except Exception as ex: err('Exception occurred adding plugin URL match: %s' % ex) def match_add(self, name, match): """Register a URL match""" if name in self.matches: err('Terminal::match_add: Refusing to create duplicate match %s' % name) return self._add_regex(name, match) def match_remove(self, name): """Remove a previously registered URL match""" if name not in self.matches: err('Terminal::match_remove: Unable to remove non-existent match %s' % name) return self.vte.match_remove(self.matches[name]) del(self.matches[name]) def maybe_copy_clipboard(self): if self.config['copy_on_selection'] and self.vte.get_has_selection(): self.vte.copy_clipboard() def connect_signals(self): """Connect all the gtk signals and drag-n-drop mechanics""" self.scrollbar.connect('button-press-event', self.on_buttonpress) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'key-press-event', self.on_keypress) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'button-press-event', self.on_buttonpress) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'scroll-event', self.on_mousewheel) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'popup-menu', self.popup_menu) srcvtetargets = [("vte", Gtk.TargetFlags.SAME_APP, self.TARGET_TYPE_VTE)] dsttargets = [("vte", Gtk.TargetFlags.SAME_APP, self.TARGET_TYPE_VTE), ('text/x-moz-url', 0, self.TARGET_TYPE_MOZ), ('_NETSCAPE_URL', 0, 0)] ''' The following should work, but on my system it corrupts the returned TargetEntry's in the newdstargets with binary crap, causing "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when the later drag_dest_set gets called. dsttargetlist = Gtk.TargetList.new([]) dsttargetlist.add_text_targets(0) dsttargetlist.add_uri_targets(0) dsttargetlist.add_table(dsttargets) newdsttargets = Gtk.target_table_new_from_list(dsttargetlist) ''' # FIXME: Temporary workaround for the problems with the correct way of doing things dsttargets.extend([('text/plain', 0, 0), ('text/plain;charset=utf-8', 0, 0), ('TEXT', 0, 0), ('STRING', 0, 0), ('UTF8_STRING', 0, 0), ('COMPOUND_TEXT', 0, 0), ('text/uri-list', 0, 0)]) # Convert to target entries srcvtetargets = [Gtk.TargetEntry.new(*tgt) for tgt in srcvtetargets] dsttargets = [Gtk.TargetEntry.new(*tgt) for tgt in dsttargets] dbg('Finalised drag targets: %s' % dsttargets) for (widget, mask) in [ (self.vte, Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON3_MASK), (self.titlebar, Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK)]: widget.drag_source_set(mask, srcvtetargets, Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) self.vte.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT | Gtk.DestDefaults.DROP, dsttargets, Gdk.DragAction.COPY | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) for widget in [self.vte, self.titlebar]: self.cnxids.new(widget, 'drag-begin', self.on_drag_begin, self) self.cnxids.new(widget, 'drag-data-get', self.on_drag_data_get, self) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'drag-motion', self.on_drag_motion, self) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'drag-data-received', self.on_drag_data_received, self) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'selection-changed', lambda widget: self.maybe_copy_clipboard()) if self.composite_support: self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'composited-changed', self.reconfigure) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'window-title-changed', lambda x: self.emit('title-change', self.get_window_title())) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'grab-focus', self.on_vte_focus) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'focus-in-event', self.on_vte_focus_in) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'focus-out-event', self.on_vte_focus_out) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'size-allocate', self.deferred_on_vte_size_allocate) self.vte.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'enter_notify_event', self.on_vte_notify_enter) self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'realize', self.reconfigure) def create_popup_group_menu(self, widget, event = None): """Pop up a menu for the group widget""" if event: button = event.button time = event.time else: button = 0 time = 0 menu = self.populate_group_menu() menu.show_all() menu.popup_at_widget(widget,Gdk.Gravity.SOUTH_WEST,Gdk.Gravity.NORTH_WEST,None) return(True) def populate_group_menu(self): """Fill out a group menu""" menu = Gtk.Menu() self.group_menu = menu groupitems = [] item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('N_ew group...')) item.connect('activate', self.create_group) menu.append(item) if len(self.terminator.groups) > 0: cnxs = [] item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(groupitems, _('_None')) groupitems = item.get_group() item.set_active(self.group == None) cnxs.append([item, 'toggled', self.set_group, None]) menu.append(item) for group in self.terminator.groups: item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_label(groupitems, group) groupitems = item.get_group() item.set_active(self.group == group) cnxs.append([item, 'toggled', self.set_group, group]) menu.append(item) for cnx in cnxs: cnx[0].connect(cnx[1], cnx[2], cnx[3]) if self.group != None or len(self.terminator.groups) > 0: menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) if self.group != None: item = Gtk.MenuItem(_('Remove group %s') % self.group) item.connect('activate', self.ungroup, self.group) menu.append(item) if util.has_ancestor(self, Gtk.Notebook): item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('G_roup all in tab')) item.connect('activate', lambda x: self.emit('group_tab')) menu.append(item) if len(self.terminator.groups) > 0: item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Ungro_up all in tab')) item.connect('activate', lambda x: self.emit('ungroup_tab')) menu.append(item) if len(self.terminator.groups) > 0: item = Gtk.MenuItem(_('Remove all groups')) item.connect('activate', lambda x: self.emit('ungroup-all')) menu.append(item) if self.group != None: menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) item = Gtk.MenuItem(_('Close group %s') % self.group) item.connect('activate', lambda x: self.terminator.closegroupedterms(self.group)) menu.append(item) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) groupitems = [] cnxs = [] for key, value in list({_('Broadcast _all'):'all', _('Broadcast _group'):'group', _('Broadcast _off'):'off'}.items()): item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(groupitems, key) groupitems = item.get_group() dbg('Terminal::populate_group_menu: %s active: %s' % (key, self.terminator.groupsend == self.terminator.groupsend_type[value])) item.set_active(self.terminator.groupsend == self.terminator.groupsend_type[value]) cnxs.append([item, 'activate', self.set_groupsend, self.terminator.groupsend_type[value]]) menu.append(item) for cnx in cnxs: cnx[0].connect(cnx[1], cnx[2], cnx[3]) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) item = Gtk.CheckMenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Split to this group')) item.set_active(self.config['split_to_group']) item.connect('toggled', lambda x: self.do_splittogroup_toggle()) menu.append(item) item = Gtk.CheckMenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Auto_clean groups')) item.set_active(self.config['autoclean_groups']) item.connect('toggled', lambda x: self.do_autocleangroups_toggle()) menu.append(item) menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('_Insert terminal number')) item.connect('activate', lambda x: self.emit('enumerate', False)) menu.append(item) item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(_('Insert _padded terminal number')) item.connect('activate', lambda x: self.emit('enumerate', True)) menu.append(item) return(menu) def set_group(self, _item, name): """Set a particular group""" if self.group == name: # already in this group, no action needed return dbg('Terminal::set_group: Setting group to %s' % name) self.group = name self.titlebar.set_group_label(name) self.terminator.group_hoover() def create_group(self, _item): """Trigger the creation of a group via the titlebar (because popup windows are really lame)""" self.titlebar.create_group() def really_create_group(self, _widget, groupname): """The titlebar has spoken, let a group be created""" self.terminator.create_group(groupname) self.set_group(None, groupname) def ungroup(self, _widget, data): """Remove a group""" # FIXME: Could we emit and have Terminator do this? for term in self.terminator.terminals: if term.group == data: term.set_group(None, None) self.terminator.group_hoover() def set_groupsend(self, _widget, value): """Set the groupsend mode""" # FIXME: Can we think of a smarter way of doing this than poking? if value in list(self.terminator.groupsend_type.values()): dbg('Terminal::set_groupsend: setting groupsend to %s' % value) self.terminator.groupsend = value def do_splittogroup_toggle(self): """Toggle the splittogroup mode""" self.config['split_to_group'] = not self.config['split_to_group'] def do_autocleangroups_toggle(self): """Toggle the autocleangroups mode""" self.config['autoclean_groups'] = not self.config['autoclean_groups'] def reconfigure(self, _widget=None): """Reconfigure our settings""" dbg('Terminal::reconfigure') self.cnxids.remove_signal(self.vte, 'realize') # Handle child command exiting self.cnxids.remove_signal(self.vte, 'child-exited') if self.config['exit_action'] == 'restart': self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'child-exited', self.spawn_child, True) elif self.config['exit_action'] == 'hold': self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'child-exited', self.held_open, True) elif self.config['exit_action'] in ('close', 'left'): self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'child-exited', lambda x, y: self.emit('close-term')) if self.custom_encoding != True: self.vte.set_encoding(self.config['encoding']) # Word char support was missing from vte 0.38, silently skip this setting if hasattr(self.vte, 'set_word_char_exceptions'): self.vte.set_word_char_exceptions(self.config['word_chars']) self.vte.set_mouse_autohide(self.config['mouse_autohide']) backspace = self.config['backspace_binding'] delete = self.config['delete_binding'] try: if backspace == 'ascii-del': backbind = Vte.ERASE_ASCII_DELETE elif backspace == 'control-h': backbind = Vte.ERASE_ASCII_BACKSPACE elif backspace == 'escape-sequence': backbind = Vte.ERASE_DELETE_SEQUENCE else: backbind = Vte.ERASE_AUTO except AttributeError: if backspace == 'ascii-del': backbind = 2 elif backspace == 'control-h': backbind = 1 elif backspace == 'escape-sequence': backbind = 3 else: backbind = 0 try: if delete == 'ascii-del': delbind = Vte.ERASE_ASCII_DELETE elif delete == 'control-h': delbind = Vte.ERASE_ASCII_BACKSPACE elif delete == 'escape-sequence': delbind = Vte.ERASE_DELETE_SEQUENCE else: delbind = Vte.ERASE_AUTO except AttributeError: if delete == 'ascii-del': delbind = 2 elif delete == 'control-h': delbind = 1 elif delete == 'escape-sequence': delbind = 3 else: delbind = 0 self.vte.set_backspace_binding(backbind) self.vte.set_delete_binding(delbind) if not self.custom_font_size: try: if self.config['use_system_font'] == True: font = self.config.get_system_mono_font() else: font = self.config['font'] self.set_font(Pango.FontDescription(font)) except: pass self.vte.set_allow_bold(self.config['allow_bold']) if hasattr(self.vte,'set_cell_height_scale'): self.vte.set_cell_height_scale(self.config['line_height']) if hasattr(self.vte, 'set_bold_is_bright'): self.vte.set_bold_is_bright(self.config['bold_is_bright']) if self.config['use_theme_colors']: self.fgcolor_active = self.vte.get_style_context().get_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL) # VERIFY FOR GTK3: do these really take the theme colors? self.bgcolor = self.vte.get_style_context().get_background_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL) else: self.fgcolor_active = Gdk.RGBA() self.fgcolor_active.parse(self.config['foreground_color']) self.bgcolor = Gdk.RGBA() self.bgcolor.parse(self.config['background_color']) if self.config['background_type'] == 'transparent' or self.config['background_type'] == 'image': self.bgcolor.alpha = self.config['background_darkness'] else: self.bgcolor.alpha = 1 factor = self.config['inactive_color_offset'] if factor > 1.0: factor = 1.0 self.fgcolor_inactive = self.fgcolor_active.copy() dbg(("fgcolor_inactive set to: RGB(%s,%s,%s)", getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, "red"), getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, "green"), getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, "blue"))) for bit in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: setattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, bit, getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, bit) * factor) dbg(("fgcolor_inactive set to: RGB(%s,%s,%s)", getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, "red"), getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, "green"), getattr(self.fgcolor_inactive, "blue"))) colors = self.config['palette'].split(':') self.palette_active = [] for color in colors: if color: newcolor = Gdk.RGBA() newcolor.parse(color) self.palette_active.append(newcolor) if len(colors) == 16: # RGB values for indices 16..255 copied from vte source in order to dim them shades = [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255] for r in range(0, 6): for g in range(0, 6): for b in range(0, 6): newcolor = Gdk.RGBA() setattr(newcolor, "red", shades[r] / 255.0) setattr(newcolor, "green", shades[g] / 255.0) setattr(newcolor, "blue", shades[b] / 255.0) self.palette_active.append(newcolor) for y in range(8, 248, 10): newcolor = Gdk.RGBA() setattr(newcolor, "red", y / 255.0) setattr(newcolor, "green", y / 255.0) setattr(newcolor, "blue", y / 255.0) self.palette_active.append(newcolor) self.palette_inactive = [] for color in self.palette_active: newcolor = Gdk.RGBA() for bit in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: setattr(newcolor, bit, getattr(color, bit) * factor) self.palette_inactive.append(newcolor) if self.terminator.last_focused_term == self: self.vte.set_colors(self.fgcolor_active, self.bgcolor, self.palette_active) else: self.vte.set_colors(self.fgcolor_inactive, self.bgcolor, self.palette_inactive) profiles = self.config.base.profiles terminal_box_style_context = self.terminalbox.get_style_context() for profile in list(profiles.keys()): munged_profile = "terminator-profile-%s" % ( "".join([c if c.isalnum() else "-" for c in profile])) if terminal_box_style_context.has_class(munged_profile): terminal_box_style_context.remove_class(munged_profile) munged_profile = "".join([c if c.isalnum() else "-" for c in self.get_profile()]) css_class_name = "terminator-profile-%s" % (munged_profile) terminal_box_style_context.add_class(css_class_name) self.set_cursor_color() self.vte.set_cursor_shape(getattr(Vte.CursorShape, self.config['cursor_shape'].upper())); if self.config['cursor_blink'] == True: self.vte.set_cursor_blink_mode(Vte.CursorBlinkMode.ON) else: self.vte.set_cursor_blink_mode(Vte.CursorBlinkMode.OFF) if self.config['force_no_bell'] == True: self.vte.set_audible_bell(False) self.cnxids.remove_signal(self.vte, 'bell') else: self.vte.set_audible_bell(self.config['audible_bell']) self.cnxids.remove_signal(self.vte, 'bell') if self.config['urgent_bell'] == True or \ self.config['icon_bell'] == True or \ self.config['visible_bell'] == True: try: self.cnxids.new(self.vte, 'bell', self.on_bell) except TypeError: err('bell signal unavailable with this version of VTE') if self.config['scrollback_infinite'] == True: scrollback_lines = -1 else: scrollback_lines = self.config['scrollback_lines'] self.vte.set_scrollback_lines(scrollback_lines) self.vte.set_scroll_on_keystroke(self.config['scroll_on_keystroke']) self.vte.set_scroll_on_output(self.config['scroll_on_output']) if self.config['scrollbar_position'] in ['disabled', 'hidden']: self.scrollbar.hide() else: self.scrollbar.show() if self.config['scrollbar_position'] == 'left': self.terminalbox.reorder_child(self.scrollbar, 0) elif self.config['scrollbar_position'] == 'right': self.terminalbox.reorder_child(self.vte, 0) self.titlebar.update() self.vte.queue_draw() def set_cursor_color(self): """Set the cursor color appropriately""" if self.config['cursor_color_fg']: self.vte.set_color_cursor(None) else: cursor_color = Gdk.RGBA() cursor_color.parse(self.config['cursor_color']) self.vte.set_color_cursor(cursor_color) def get_window_title(self): """Return the window title""" return self.vte.get_window_title() or str(self.command) def on_group_button_press(self, widget, event): """Handler for the group button""" if event.button == 1: if event.type == Gdk.EventType._2BUTTON_PRESS or \ event.type == Gdk.EventType._3BUTTON_PRESS: # Ignore these, or they make the interaction bad return True # Super key applies interaction to all terms in group include_siblings=event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK if include_siblings: targets=self.terminator.get_sibling_terms(self) else: targets=[self] if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK: dbg('on_group_button_press: toggle terminal to focused terminals group') focused=self.get_toplevel().get_focussed_terminal() if focused in targets: targets.remove(focused) if self != focused: if self.group == focused.group: new_group = None else: new_group = focused.group [term.set_group(None, new_group) for term in targets] [term.titlebar.update(focused) for term in targets] return True elif event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: dbg('on_group_button_press: rename of terminals group') self.targets_for_new_group = targets self.titlebar.create_group() return True elif event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS: # Single Click gives popup dbg('on_group_button_press: group menu popup') window = self.get_toplevel() window.preventHide = True self.create_popup_group_menu(widget, event) return True else: dbg('on_group_button_press: unknown group button interaction') return False def on_keypress(self, widget, event): """Handler for keyboard events""" if not event: dbg('Terminal::on_keypress: Called on %s with no event' % widget) return False # FIXME: Does keybindings really want to live in Terminator()? mapping = self.terminator.keybindings.lookup(event) # Just propagate tab-swictch events if there is only one tab if ( mapping and ( mapping.startswith('switch_to_tab') or mapping in ('next_tab', 'prev_tab') ) ): window = self.get_toplevel() child = window.get_children()[0] if isinstance(child, Terminal): # not a Notebook instance => a single tab is used # .get_n_pages() can not be used return False if mapping == "hide_window": return False if mapping and mapping not in ['close_window', 'full_screen']: dbg('Terminal::on_keypress: lookup found: %r' % mapping) # handle the case where user has re-bound copy to ctrl+ # we only copy if there is a selection otherwise let it fall through # to ^ if (mapping == "copy" and event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK): if self.vte.get_has_selection(): getattr(self, "key_" + mapping)() return True elif not self.config['smart_copy']: return True else: getattr(self, "key_" + mapping)() return True # FIXME: This is all clearly wrong. We should be doing this better # maybe we can emit the key event and let Terminator() care? groupsend = self.terminator.groupsend groupsend_type = self.terminator.groupsend_type window_focussed = self.vte.get_toplevel().get_property('has-toplevel-focus') if groupsend != groupsend_type['off'] and window_focussed and self.vte.is_focus(): if self.group and groupsend == groupsend_type['group']: self.terminator.group_emit(self, self.group, 'key-press-event', event) if groupsend == groupsend_type['all']: self.terminator.all_emit(self, 'key-press-event', event) return False def on_buttonpress(self, widget, event): """Handler for mouse events""" # Any button event should grab focus widget.grab_focus() if type(widget) == Gtk.VScrollbar and event.type == Gdk.EventType._2BUTTON_PRESS: # Suppress double-click behavior return True if self.config['putty_paste_style']: middle_click = [self.popup_menu, (widget, event)] right_click = [self.paste_clipboard, (not self.config['putty_paste_style_source_clipboard'], )] else: middle_click = [self.paste_clipboard, (True, )] right_click = [self.popup_menu, (widget, event)] # Ctrl-click event here. if event.button == self.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT: # Ctrl+leftclick on a URL should open it if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK: # Check new OSC-8 method first url = self.vte.hyperlink_check_event(event) dbg('url: %s' % url) if url: self.open_url(url, prepare=False) else: dbg('OSC-8 URL not detected dropping back to regex match') url = self.vte.match_check_event(event) if url[0]: self.open_url(url, prepare=True) elif event.button == self.MOUSEBUTTON_MIDDLE: # middleclick should paste the clipboard # try to pass it to vte widget first though if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK == 0: if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK == 0: gtk_settings=Gtk.Settings().get_default() primary_state = gtk_settings.get_property('gtk-enable-primary-paste') gtk_settings.set_property('gtk-enable-primary-paste', False) if not Vte.Terminal.do_button_press_event(self.vte, event): middle_click[0](*middle_click[1]) gtk_settings.set_property('gtk-enable-primary-paste', primary_state) else: middle_click[0](*middle_click[1]) return True return Vte.Terminal.do_button_press_event(self.vte, event) elif event.button == self.MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT: # rightclick should display a context menu if Ctrl is not pressed, # plus either the app is not interested in mouse events or Shift is pressed if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK == 0: if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK == 0: if not Vte.Terminal.do_button_press_event(self.vte, event): right_click[0](*right_click[1]) else: right_click[0](*right_click[1]) return True return False def on_mousewheel(self, widget, event): """Handler for modifier + mouse wheel scroll events""" SMOOTH_SCROLL_UP = event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.SMOOTH and event.delta_y <= 0. SMOOTH_SCROLL_DOWN = event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.SMOOTH and event.delta_y > 0. if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK: # Zoom the terminal(s) in or out if not disabled in config if self.config["disable_mousewheel_zoom"] is True: return False # Choice of target terminals depends on Shift and Super modifiers if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK: targets = self.terminator.terminals elif event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: targets = self.terminator.get_target_terms(self) else: targets = [self] if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP or SMOOTH_SCROLL_UP: for target in targets: target.zoom_in() return True elif event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN or SMOOTH_SCROLL_DOWN: for target in targets: target.zoom_out() return True if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK == Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: # Shift + mouse wheel up/down if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP or SMOOTH_SCROLL_UP: self.scroll_by_page(-1) return True elif event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.DOWN or SMOOTH_SCROLL_DOWN: self.scroll_by_page(1) return True return False def popup_menu(self, widget, event=None): """Display the context menu""" window = self.get_toplevel() window.preventHide = True menu = TerminalPopupMenu(self) menu.show(widget, event) def do_scrollbar_toggle(self): """Show or hide the terminal scrollbar""" self.toggle_widget_visibility(self.scrollbar) def toggle_widget_visibility(self, widget): """Show or hide a widget""" if widget.get_property('visible'): widget.hide() else: widget.show() def on_encoding_change(self, _widget, encoding): """Handle the encoding changing""" current = self.vte.get_encoding() if current != encoding: dbg('on_encoding_change: setting encoding to: %s' % encoding) self.custom_encoding = not (encoding == self.config['encoding']) self.vte.set_encoding(encoding) def on_drag_begin(self, widget, drag_context, _data): """Handle the start of a drag event""" Gtk.drag_set_icon_pixbuf(drag_context, util.widget_pixbuf(self, 512), 0, 0) def on_drag_data_get(self, _widget, _drag_context, selection_data, info, _time, data): """I have no idea what this does, drag and drop is a mystery. sorry.""" selection_data.set(Gdk.atom_intern('vte', False), info, bytes(str(data.terminator.terminals.index(self)), 'utf-8')) def on_drag_motion(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, _time, _data): """*shrug*""" if not drag_context.list_targets() == [Gdk.atom_intern('vte', False)] and \ (Gtk.targets_include_text(drag_context.list_targets()) or Gtk.targets_include_uri(drag_context.list_targets())): # copy text from another widget return srcwidget = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(drag_context) if(isinstance(srcwidget, Gtk.EventBox) and srcwidget == self.titlebar) or widget == srcwidget: # on self return alloc = widget.get_allocation() if self.config['use_theme_colors']: color = self.vte.get_style_context().get_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL) # VERIFY FOR GTK3 as above else: color = Gdk.RGBA() color.parse(self.config['foreground_color']) # VERIFY FOR GTK3 pos = self.get_location(widget, x, y) topleft = (0, 0) topright = (alloc.width, 0) topmiddle = (alloc.width/2, 0) bottomleft = (0, alloc.height) bottomright = (alloc.width, alloc.height) bottommiddle = (alloc.width/2, alloc.height) middleleft = (0, alloc.height/2) middleright = (alloc.width, alloc.height/2) coord = () if pos == "right": coord = (topright, topmiddle, bottommiddle, bottomright) elif pos == "top": coord = (topleft, topright, middleright , middleleft) elif pos == "left": coord = (topleft, topmiddle, bottommiddle, bottomleft) elif pos == "bottom": coord = (bottomleft, bottomright, middleright , middleleft) # here, we define some widget internal values widget._draw_data = { 'color': color, 'coord' : coord } # redraw by forcing an event connec = widget.connect_after('draw', self.on_draw) widget.queue_draw_area(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) widget.get_window().process_updates(True) # finaly reset the values widget.disconnect(connec) widget._draw_data = None def background_draw(self, widget, cr): if not self.config['background_type'] == 'image' or not self.background_image: return False rect = self.vte.get_allocation() xratio = float(rect.width) / float(self.background_image.get_width()) yratio = float(rect.height) / float(self.background_image.get_height()) cr.save() cr.scale(xratio,yratio) Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.background_image, 0, 0) cr.paint() Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,self.bgcolor) cr.paint() cr.restore() def on_draw(self, widget, context): if not widget._draw_data: return False color = widget._draw_data['color'] coord = widget._draw_data['coord'] context.set_source_rgba(color.red, color.green, color.blue, 0.5) if len(coord) > 0: context.move_to(coord[len(coord)-1][0], coord[len(coord)-1][1]) for i in coord: context.line_to(i[0], i[1]) context.fill() return False def on_drag_data_received(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, selection_data, info, _time, data): """Something has been dragged into the terminal. Handle it as either a URL or another terminal.""" # FIXME this code is a mess that I don't quite understand how it works. dbg('drag data received of type: %s' % (selection_data.get_data_type())) # print(selection_data.get_urls()) if Gtk.targets_include_text(drag_context.list_targets()) or \ Gtk.targets_include_uri(drag_context.list_targets()): # copy text with no modification yet to destination txt = selection_data.get_data() # https://bugs.launchpad.net/terminator/+bug/1518705 if info == self.TARGET_TYPE_MOZ: txt = txt.decode('utf-16') # KDE ends it's text/x-moz-url text with CRLF, :shrug: if not txt.endswith('\r\n'): txt = txt.split('\n')[0] else: txt = txt.decode() txt_lines = txt.split( "\r\n" ) if txt_lines[-1] == '': for line in txt_lines[:-1]: if line[0:7] != 'file://': txt = txt.replace('\r\n','\n') break else: # It is a list of crlf terminated file:// URL. let's # iterate over all elements except the last one. str='' for fname in txt_lines[:-1]: fname = "'%s'" % urlunquote(fname[7:].replace("'", '\'\\\'\'')) str += fname + ' ' txt = str # Never send a CRLF to the terminal from here txt = txt.rstrip('\r\n') for term in self.terminator.get_target_terms(self): term.feed(txt.encode()) return widgetsrc = data.terminator.terminals[int(selection_data.get_data())] srcvte = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(drag_context) # check if computation requireds if (isinstance(srcvte, Gtk.EventBox) and srcvte == self.titlebar) or srcvte == widget: return srchbox = widgetsrc # The widget argument is actually a Vte.Terminal(). Turn that into a # terminatorlib Terminal() maker = Factory() while True: widget = widget.get_parent() if not widget: # We've run out of widgets. Something is wrong. err('Failed to find Terminal from vte') return if maker.isinstance(widget, 'Terminal'): break dsthbox = widget dstpaned = dsthbox.get_parent() srcpaned = srchbox.get_parent() pos = self.get_location(widget, x, y) srcpaned.remove(widgetsrc) dstpaned.split_axis(dsthbox, pos in ['top', 'bottom'], None, widgetsrc, pos in ['bottom', 'right']) srcpaned.hoover() widgetsrc.ensure_visible_and_focussed() def get_location(self, term, x, y): """Get our location within the terminal""" pos = '' # get the diagonales function for the receiving widget term_alloc = term.get_allocation() coef1 = float(term_alloc.height)/float(term_alloc.width) coef2 = -float(term_alloc.height)/float(term_alloc.width) b1 = 0 b2 = term_alloc.height #determine position in rectangle #-------- #|\ /| #| \ / | #| \/ | #| /\ | #| / \ | #|/ \| #-------- if (x*coef1 + b1 > y) and (x*coef2 + b2 < y): pos = "right" if (x*coef1 + b1 > y) and (x*coef2 + b2 > y): pos = "top" if (x*coef1 + b1 < y) and (x*coef2 + b2 > y): pos = "left" if (x*coef1 + b1 < y) and (x*coef2 + b2 < y): pos = "bottom" return pos def grab_focus(self): """Steal focus for this terminal""" if self.vte and not self.vte.has_focus(): self.vte.grab_focus() def ensure_visible_and_focussed(self): """Make sure that we're visible and focussed""" window = self.get_toplevel() try: topchild = window.get_children()[0] except IndexError: dbg('unable to get top child') return maker = Factory() if maker.isinstance(topchild, 'Notebook'): # Find which page number this term is on tabnum = topchild.page_num_descendant(self) # If terms page number is not the current one, switch to it current_page = topchild.get_current_page() if tabnum != current_page: topchild.set_current_page(tabnum) self.grab_focus() def on_vte_focus(self, _widget): """Update our UI when we get focus""" self.emit('title-change', self.get_window_title()) def on_vte_focus_in(self, _widget, _event): """Inform other parts of the application when focus is received""" self.vte.set_colors(self.fgcolor_active, self.bgcolor, self.palette_active) self.set_cursor_color() if not self.terminator.doing_layout: self.terminator.last_focused_term = self if self.get_toplevel().is_child_notebook(): notebook = self.get_toplevel().get_children()[0] notebook.set_last_active_term(self.uuid) notebook.clean_last_active_term() self.get_toplevel().last_active_term = None else: self.get_toplevel().last_active_term = self.uuid self.emit('focus-in') def on_vte_focus_out(self, _widget, _event): """Inform other parts of the application when focus is lost""" self.vte.set_colors(self.fgcolor_inactive, self.bgcolor, self.palette_inactive) self.set_cursor_color() self.emit('focus-out') def on_window_focus_out(self): """Update our UI when the window loses focus""" self.titlebar.update('window-focus-out') def scrollbar_jump(self, position): """Move the scrollbar to a particular row""" self.scrollbar.set_value(position) def on_search_done(self, _widget): """We've finished searching, so clean up""" self.searchbar.hide() self.scrollbar.set_value(self.vte.get_cursor_position()[1]) self.vte.grab_focus() def on_edit_done(self, _widget): """A child widget is done editing a label, return focus to VTE""" self.vte.grab_focus() def deferred_on_vte_size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): # widget & allocation are not used in on_vte_size_allocate, so we # can use the on_vte_size_allocate instead of duplicating the code if self.pending_on_vte_size_allocate: return self.pending_on_vte_size_allocate = True GObject.idle_add(self.do_deferred_on_vte_size_allocate, widget, allocation) def do_deferred_on_vte_size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): self.pending_on_vte_size_allocate = False self.on_vte_size_allocate(widget, allocation) def on_vte_size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): self.titlebar.update_terminal_size(self.vte.get_column_count(), self.vte.get_row_count()) if self.config['geometry_hinting']: window = self.get_toplevel() window.deferred_set_rough_geometry_hints() else: window = self.get_toplevel() window.disable_geometry_hints() def on_vte_notify_enter(self, term, event): """Handle the mouse entering this terminal""" # FIXME: This shouldn't be looking up all these values every time sloppy = False if self.config['focus'] == 'system': sloppy = self.config.get_system_focus() in ['sloppy', 'mouse'] elif self.config['focus'] in ['sloppy', 'mouse']: sloppy = True if sloppy and self.titlebar.editing() == False: term.grab_focus() return False def get_zoom_data(self): """Return a dict of information for Window""" data = {'old_font': self.vte.get_font().copy(), 'old_char_height': self.vte.get_char_height(), 'old_char_width': self.vte.get_char_width(), 'old_allocation': self.vte.get_allocation(), 'old_columns': self.vte.get_column_count(), 'old_rows': self.vte.get_row_count(), 'old_parent': self.get_parent()} return data def zoom_scale(self, widget, allocation, old_data): """Scale our font correctly based on how big we are not vs before""" self.cnxids.remove_signal(self, 'size-allocate') # FIXME: Is a zoom signal actualy used anywhere? self.cnxids.remove_signal(self, 'zoom') new_columns = self.vte.get_column_count() new_rows = self.vte.get_row_count() new_font = self.vte.get_font() dbg('Terminal::zoom_scale: Resized from %dx%d to %dx%d' % ( old_data['old_columns'], old_data['old_rows'], new_columns, new_rows)) if new_rows == old_data['old_rows'] or \ new_columns == old_data['old_columns']: dbg('Terminal::zoom_scale: One axis unchanged, not scaling') return scale_factor = min ( (new_columns / old_data['old_columns'] * 0.97), (new_rows / old_data['old_rows'] * 1.05) ) new_size = int(old_data['old_font'].get_size() * scale_factor) if new_size == 0: err('refusing to set a zero sized font') return new_font.set_size(new_size) dbg('setting new font: %s' % new_font) self.set_font(new_font) def is_zoomed(self): """Determine if we are a zoomed terminal""" prop = None window = self.get_toplevel() try: prop = window.get_property('term-zoomed') except TypeError: prop = False return prop def zoom(self, widget=None): """Zoom ourself to fill the window""" self.emit('zoom') def maximise(self, widget=None): """Maximise ourself to fill the window""" self.emit('maximise') def unzoom(self, widget=None): """Restore normal layout""" self.emit('unzoom') def set_cwd(self, cwd=None): """Set our cwd""" if cwd is not None: self.cwd = cwd def held_open(self, widget=None, respawn=False, debugserver=False): self.is_held_open = True self.titlebar.update() def spawn_child(self, widget=None, respawn=False, debugserver=False): args = [] shell = None command = None if self.terminator.doing_layout: dbg('still laying out, refusing to spawn a child') return if respawn is False: self.vte.grab_focus() self.is_held_open = False options = self.config.options_get() if options and options.command: command = options.command self.relaunch_command = command options.command = None elif options and options.execute: command = options.execute self.relaunch_command = command options.execute = None elif self.relaunch_command: command = self.relaunch_command elif self.config['use_custom_command']: command = self.config['custom_command'] elif self.layout_command: command = self.layout_command elif debugserver is True: details = self.terminator.debug_address dbg('spawning debug session with: %s:%s' % (details[0], details[1])) command = 'telnet %s %s' % (details[0], details[1]) # working directory set in layout config if self.directory: self.set_cwd(self.directory) # working directory given as argument elif options and options.working_directory and \ options.working_directory != '': self.set_cwd(options.working_directory) options.working_directory = '' if type(command) is list: shell = util.path_lookup(command[0]) args = command else: shell = util.shell_lookup() if self.config['login_shell']: args.insert(0, "-l") else: args.insert(0, shell) if command is not None: args += ['-c', command] if shell is None: self.vte.feed(_('Unable to find a shell')) return -1 try: os.putenv('WINDOWID', '%s' % self.vte.get_parent_window().xid) except AttributeError: pass envv = ['TERM=%s' % self.config['term'], 'COLORTERM=%s' % self.config['colorterm'], 'PWD=%s' % self.cwd, 'TERMINATOR_UUID=%s' % self.uuid.urn] if self.terminator.dbus_name: envv.append('TERMINATOR_DBUS_NAME=%s' % self.terminator.dbus_name) if self.terminator.dbus_path: envv.append('TERMINATOR_DBUS_PATH=%s' % self.terminator.dbus_path) dbg('Forking shell: "%s" with args: %s' % (shell, args)) args.insert(0, shell) result, self.pid = self.vte.spawn_sync(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, self.cwd, args, envv, GLib.SpawnFlags.FILE_AND_ARGV_ZERO, None, None, None) self.command = shell self.titlebar.update() if self.pid == -1: self.vte.feed(_('Unable to start shell:') + shell) return -1 def prepare_url(self, urlmatch): """Prepare a URL from a VTE match""" url = urlmatch[0] match = urlmatch[1] if match == self.matches['addr_only'] and url[0:3] == 'ftp': url = 'ftp://' + url elif match == self.matches['addr_only']: url = 'http://' + url elif match in list(self.matches.values()): # We have a match, but it's not a hard coded one, so it's a plugin try: registry = plugin.PluginRegistry() registry.load_plugins() plugins = registry.get_plugins_by_capability('url_handler') for urlplugin in plugins: if match == self.matches[urlplugin.handler_name]: newurl = urlplugin.callback(url) if newurl is not None: dbg('Terminal::prepare_url: URL prepared by \ %s plugin' % urlplugin.handler_name) url = newurl break except Exception as ex: err('Exception occurred preparing URL: %s' % ex) return url def open_url(self, url, prepare=False): """Open a given URL, conditionally unpacking it from a VTE match""" if prepare: url = self.prepare_url(url) dbg('open_url: URL: %s (prepared: %s)' % (url, prepare)) if self.config['use_custom_url_handler']: dbg("Using custom URL handler: %s" % self.config['custom_url_handler']) try: subprocess.Popen([self.config['custom_url_handler'], url]) return except: dbg('custom url handler did not work, falling back to defaults') try: Gtk.show_uri(None, url, Gdk.CURRENT_TIME) return except: dbg('Gtk.show_uri did not work, falling through to xdg-open') try: subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", url]) except: dbg('xdg-open did not work, falling back to webbrowser.open') import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) def paste_clipboard(self, primary=False): """Paste one of the two clipboards""" for term in self.terminator.get_target_terms(self): if primary: term.vte.paste_primary() else: term.vte.paste_clipboard() self.vte.grab_focus() def feed(self, text): """Feed the supplied text to VTE""" self.vte.feed_child(text) def zoom_in(self): """Increase the font size""" self.zoom_font(True) def zoom_out(self): """Decrease the font size""" self.zoom_font(False) def zoom_font(self, zoom_in): """Change the font size""" pangodesc = self.vte.get_font() fontsize = pangodesc.get_size() if fontsize > Pango.SCALE and not zoom_in: fontsize -= Pango.SCALE elif zoom_in: fontsize += Pango.SCALE pangodesc.set_size(fontsize) self.set_font(pangodesc) self.custom_font_size = fontsize def zoom_orig(self): """Restore original font size""" if self.config['use_system_font']: font = self.config.get_system_mono_font() else: font = self.config['font'] dbg("Terminal::zoom_orig: restoring font to: %s" % font) self.set_font(Pango.FontDescription(font)) self.custom_font_size = None def set_font(self, fontdesc): """Set the font we want in VTE""" self.vte.set_font(fontdesc) def get_cursor_position(self): """Return the co-ordinates of our cursor""" # FIXME: THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND UNUSED col, row = self.vte.get_cursor_position() width = self.vte.get_char_width() height = self.vte.get_char_height() return col * width, row * height def get_font_size(self): """Return the width/height of our font""" return self.vte.get_char_width(), self.vte.get_char_height() def get_size(self): """Return the column/rows of the terminal""" return self.vte.get_column_count(), self.vte.get_row_count() def on_bell(self, widget): """Set the urgency hint/icon/flash for our window""" if self.config['urgent_bell']: window = self.get_toplevel() if window.is_toplevel(): window.set_urgency_hint(True) if self.config['icon_bell']: self.titlebar.icon_bell() if self.config['visible_bell']: # Repurposed the code used for drag and drop overlay to provide a visual terminal flash alloc = widget.get_allocation() if self.config['use_theme_colors']: color = self.vte.get_style_context().get_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL) # VERIFY FOR GTK3 as above else: color = Gdk.RGBA() color.parse(self.config['foreground_color']) # VERIFY FOR GTK3 coord = ((0, 0), (alloc.width, 0), (alloc.width, alloc.height), (0, alloc.height)) # here, we define some widget internal values widget._draw_data = { 'color': color, 'coord' : coord } # redraw by forcing an event connec = widget.connect_after('draw', self.on_draw) widget.queue_draw_area(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) widget.get_window().process_updates(True) # finaly reset the values widget.disconnect(connec) widget._draw_data = None # Add timeout to clean up display GObject.timeout_add(100, self.on_bell_cleanup, widget, alloc) def on_bell_cleanup(self, widget, alloc): """Queue a redraw to clear the visual flash overlay""" widget.queue_draw_area(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) widget.get_window().process_updates(True) return False def describe_layout(self, count, parent, global_layout, child_order): """Describe our layout""" layout = {'type': 'Terminal', 'parent': parent, 'order': child_order} if self.group: layout['group'] = self.group profile = self.get_profile() if layout != "default": # There's no point explicitly noting default profiles layout['profile'] = profile title = self.titlebar.get_custom_string() if title: layout['title'] = title layout['uuid'] = self.uuid name = 'terminal%d' % count count = count + 1 global_layout[name] = layout return count def create_layout(self, layout): """Apply our layout""" dbg('Setting layout') if 'command' in layout and layout['command'] != '': self.layout_command = layout['command'] if 'profile' in layout and layout['profile'] != '': if layout['profile'] in self.config.list_profiles(): self.set_profile(self, layout['profile']) if 'group' in layout and layout['group'] != '': # This doesn't need/use self.titlebar, but it's safer than sending # None self.really_create_group(self.titlebar, layout['group']) if 'title' in layout and layout['title'] != '': self.titlebar.set_custom_string(layout['title']) if 'directory' in layout and layout['directory'] != '': self.directory = layout['directory'] if 'uuid' in layout and layout['uuid'] != '': self.uuid = make_uuid(layout['uuid']) def scroll_by_page(self, pages): """Scroll up or down in pages""" amount = pages * self.vte.get_vadjustment().get_page_increment() self.scroll_by(int(amount)) def scroll_by_line(self, lines): """Scroll up or down in lines""" amount = lines * self.vte.get_vadjustment().get_step_increment() self.scroll_by(int(amount)) def scroll_by(self, amount): """Scroll up or down by an amount of lines""" adjustment = self.vte.get_vadjustment() bottom = adjustment.get_upper() - adjustment.get_page_size() value = adjustment.get_value() + amount adjustment.set_value(min(value, bottom)) def get_allocation(self): """Get a real allocation which includes the bloody x and y coordinates (grumble, grumble) """ alloc = super(Terminal, self).get_allocation() rv = self.translate_coordinates(self.get_toplevel(), 0, 0) if rv: alloc.x, alloc.y = rv return alloc # There now begins a great list of keyboard event handlers def key_zoom_in(self): self.zoom_in() def key_next_profile(self): self.switch_to_next_profile() def key_previous_profile(self): self.switch_to_previous_profile() def key_zoom_out(self): self.zoom_out() def key_copy(self): self.vte.copy_clipboard() if self.config['clear_select_on_copy']: self.vte.unselect_all() def key_paste(self): self.paste_clipboard() def key_toggle_scrollbar(self): self.do_scrollbar_toggle() def key_zoom_normal(self): self.zoom_orig () def key_search(self): self.searchbar.start_search() # bindings that should be moved to Terminator as they all just call # a function of Terminator. It would be cleaner if TerminatorTerm # has absolutely no reference to Terminator. # N (next) - P (previous) - O (horizontal) - E (vertical) - W (close) def key_zoom_in_all(self): self.terminator.zoom_in_all() def key_zoom_out_all(self): self.terminator.zoom_out_all() def key_zoom_normal_all(self): self.terminator.zoom_orig_all() def key_cycle_next(self): self.key_go_next() def key_cycle_prev(self): self.key_go_prev() def key_go_next(self): self.emit('navigate', 'next') def key_go_prev(self): self.emit('navigate', 'prev') def key_go_up(self): self.emit('navigate', 'up') def key_go_down(self): self.emit('navigate', 'down') def key_go_left(self): self.emit('navigate', 'left') def key_go_right(self): self.emit('navigate', 'right') def key_split_horiz(self): self.emit('split-horiz', self.get_cwd()) def key_split_vert(self): self.emit('split-vert', self.get_cwd()) def key_rotate_cw(self): self.emit('rotate-cw') def key_rotate_ccw(self): self.emit('rotate-ccw') def key_close_term(self): self.close() def key_resize_up(self): self.emit('resize-term', 'up') def key_resize_down(self): self.emit('resize-term', 'down') def key_resize_left(self): self.emit('resize-term', 'left') def key_resize_right(self): self.emit('resize-term', 'right') def key_move_tab_right(self): self.emit('move-tab', 'right') def key_move_tab_left(self): self.emit('move-tab', 'left') def key_toggle_zoom(self): if self.is_zoomed(): self.unzoom() else: self.maximise() def key_scaled_zoom(self): if self.is_zoomed(): self.unzoom() else: self.zoom() def key_next_tab(self): self.emit('tab-change', -1) def key_prev_tab(self): self.emit('tab-change', -2) def key_switch_to_tab_1(self): self.emit('tab-change', 0) def key_switch_to_tab_2(self): self.emit('tab-change', 1) def key_switch_to_tab_3(self): self.emit('tab-change', 2) def key_switch_to_tab_4(self): self.emit('tab-change', 3) def key_switch_to_tab_5(self): self.emit('tab-change', 4) def key_switch_to_tab_6(self): self.emit('tab-change', 5) def key_switch_to_tab_7(self): self.emit('tab-change', 6) def key_switch_to_tab_8(self): self.emit('tab-change', 7) def key_switch_to_tab_9(self): self.emit('tab-change', 8) def key_switch_to_tab_10(self): self.emit('tab-change', 9) def key_reset(self): self.vte.reset (True, False) def key_reset_clear(self): self.vte.reset (True, True) def key_create_group(self): self.titlebar.create_group() def key_group_all(self): self.emit('group-all') def key_group_all_toggle(self): self.emit('group-all-toggle') def key_ungroup_all(self): self.emit('ungroup-all') def key_group_tab(self): self.emit('group-tab') def key_group_tab_toggle(self): self.emit('group-tab-toggle') def key_ungroup_tab(self): self.emit('ungroup-tab') def key_new_window(self): self.terminator.new_window(self.get_cwd(), self.get_profile()) def key_new_tab(self): self.get_toplevel().tab_new(self) def key_new_terminator(self): spawn_new_terminator(self.origcwd, ['-u']) def key_broadcast_off(self): self.set_groupsend(None, self.terminator.groupsend_type['off']) self.terminator.focus_changed(self) def key_broadcast_group(self): self.set_groupsend(None, self.terminator.groupsend_type['group']) self.terminator.focus_changed(self) def key_broadcast_all(self): self.set_groupsend(None, self.terminator.groupsend_type['all']) self.terminator.focus_changed(self) def key_insert_number(self): self.emit('enumerate', False) def key_insert_padded(self): self.emit('enumerate', True) def key_edit_window_title(self): window = self.get_toplevel() dialog = Gtk.Dialog(_('Rename Window'), window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT, Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)) dialog.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) dialog.set_resizable(False) dialog.set_border_width(8) label = Gtk.Label(label=_('Enter a new title for the Terminator window...')) name = Gtk.Entry() name.set_activates_default(True) if window.title.text != self.vte.get_window_title(): name.set_text(self.get_toplevel().title.text) dialog.vbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 6) dialog.vbox.pack_start(name, False, False, 6) dialog.show_all() res = dialog.run() if res == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: if name.get_text(): window.title.force_title(None) window.title.force_title(name.get_text()) else: window.title.force_title(None) dialog.destroy() return def key_edit_tab_title(self): window = self.get_toplevel() if not window.is_child_notebook(): return notebook = window.get_children()[0] n_page = notebook.get_current_page() page = notebook.get_nth_page(n_page) label = notebook.get_tab_label(page) label.edit() def key_edit_terminal_title(self): self.titlebar.label.edit() def key_layout_launcher(self): LAYOUTLAUNCHER=LayoutLauncher() def key_page_up(self): self.scroll_by_page(-1) def key_page_down(self): self.scroll_by_page(1) def key_page_up_half(self): self.scroll_by_page(-0.5) def key_page_down_half(self): self.scroll_by_page(0.5) def key_line_up(self): self.scroll_by_line(-1) def key_line_down(self): self.scroll_by_line(1) def key_preferences(self): PrefsEditor(self) def key_help(self): manual_index_page = manual_lookup() if manual_index_page: self.open_url(manual_index_page) # End key events GObject.type_register(Terminal) # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: