#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """window.py - class for the main Terminator window""" import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gobject import gtk from util import dbg, err from version import APP_NAME from container import Container from newterminator import Terminator from terminal import Terminal from paned import HPaned, VPaned try: import deskbar.core.keybinder as bindkey except ImportError: err('Unable to find python bindings for deskbar, "hide_window" is not' \ 'available.') # pylint: disable-msg=R0904 class Window(Container, gtk.Window): """Class implementing a top-level Terminator window""" terminator = None title = None isfullscreen = None ismaximised = None hidebound = None hidefunc = None zoom_data = None term_zoomed = gobject.property(type=bool, default=False) def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" self.terminator = Terminator() self.terminator.window = self Container.__init__(self) gtk.Window.__init__(self) gobject.type_register(Window) self.register_signals(Window) self.set_property('allow-shrink', True) self.apply_icon() self.register_callbacks() self.apply_config() self.title = WindowTitle(self) self.title.update() def register_callbacks(self): """Connect the GTK+ signals we care about""" self.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_press) self.connect('delete_event', self.on_delete_event) self.connect('destroy', self.on_destroy_event) self.connect('window-state-event', self.on_window_state_changed) # Attempt to grab a global hotkey for hiding the window. # If we fail, we'll never hide the window, iconifying instead. try: self.hidebound = bindkey.tomboy_keybinder_bind( self.config['keybindings']['hide_window'], self.on_hide_window) except NameError: pass if not self.hidebound: dbg('Unable to bind hide_window key, another instance has it.') self.hidefunc = self.iconify else: self.hidefunc = self.hide def apply_config(self): """Apply various configuration options""" self.set_fullscreen(self.config['fullscreen']) self.set_maximised(self.config['maximise']) self.set_borderless(self.config['borderless']) self.set_real_transparency(self.config['enable_real_transparency']) if self.hidebound: self.set_hidden(self.config['hidden']) else: self.set_iconified(self.config['hidden']) def apply_icon(self): """Set the window icon""" icon_theme = gtk.IconTheme() try: icon = icon_theme.load_icon(APP_NAME, 48, 0) except NameError: dbg('Unable to load 48px Terminator icon') icon = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.set_icon(icon) def on_key_press(self, window, event): """Handle a keyboard event""" pass def on_delete_event(self, window, event, data=None): """Handle a window close request""" pass def on_destroy_event(self, widget, data=None): """Handle window descruction""" pass def on_hide_window(self, data): """Handle a request to hide/show the window""" pass # pylint: disable-msg=W0613 def on_window_state_changed(self, window, event): """Handle the state of the window changing""" self.isfullscreen = bool(event.new_window_state & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN) self.ismaximised = bool(event.new_window_state & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED) dbg('window state changed: fullscreen %s, maximised %s' % (self.isfullscreen, self.ismaximised)) return(False) def set_maximised(self, value): """Set the maximised state of the window from the supplied value""" if value == True: self.maximize() else: self.unmaximize() def set_fullscreen(self, value): """Set the fullscreen state of the window from the supplied value""" if value == True: self.fullscreen() else: self.unfullscreen() def set_borderless(self, value): """Set the state of the window border from the supplied value""" self.set_decorated (not value) def set_hidden(self, value): """Set the visibility of the window from the supplied value""" pass def set_iconified(self, value): """Set the minimised state of the window from the value""" pass def set_real_transparency(self, value): """Enable RGBA if supported on the current screen""" screen = self.get_screen() if value: colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap() else: colormap = screen.get_rgb_colormap() if colormap: self.set_colormap(colormap) def add(self, widget): """Add a widget to the window by way of gtk.Window.add()""" if isinstance(widget, Terminal): signals = {'close-term': self.closeterm, 'title-change': self.title.set_title, 'split-horiz': self.split_horiz, 'split-vert': self.split_vert, 'unzoom': self.terminal_unzoom} for signal in signals: self.connect_child(widget, signal, signals[signal]) gtk.Window.add(self, widget) def remove(self, widget): """Remove our child widget by way of gtk.Window.remove()""" gtk.Window.remove(self, widget) self.disconnect_child(widget) return(True) def split_axis(self, widget, vertical=True): """Split the window""" self.remove(widget) # FIXME: we should be creating proper containers, not these gtk widgets if vertical: container = VPaned() else: container = HPaned() sibling = Terminal() self.terminator.register_terminal(sibling) self.add(container) container.show_all() for term in [widget, sibling]: container.add(term) container.show_all() sibling.spawn_child() def terminal_zoom(self, widget, font_scale=True): """Zoom a terminal widget""" children = self.get_children() if widget in children: # This widget is a direct child of ours and we're a Window # so zooming is a no-op return self.zoom_data = widget.get_zoom_data() self.zoom_data['widget'] = widget self.zoom_data['old_child'] = children[0] self.zoom_data['font_scale'] = font_scale self.remove(self.zoom_data['old_child']) self.zoom_data['old_parent'].remove(widget) self.add(widget) self.set_property('term_zoomed', True) if font_scale: widget.zoomcnxid = widget.connect('size-allocate', widget.zoom_scale, self.zoom_data) widget.grab_focus() def terminal_unzoom(self, widget): """Restore normal terminal layout""" if not self.get_property('term_zoomed'): # We're not zoomed anyway dbg('Window::terminal_unzoom: not zoomed, no-op') return widget = self.zoom_data['widget'] if self.zoom_data['font_scale']: widget.vte.set_font(self.zoom_data['old_font']) self.remove(widget) self.add(self.zoom_data['old_child']) self.zoom_data['old_parent'].add(widget) widget.grab_focus() self.zoom_data = None self.set_property('term_zoomed', False) class WindowTitle(object): """Class to handle the setting of the window title""" window = None text = None forced = None def __init__(self, window): """Class initialiser""" self.window = window self.forced = False def set_title(self, widget, text): """Set the title""" if not self.forced: self.text = text self.update() def force_title(self, newtext): """Force a specific title""" if newtext: self.set_title(newtext) self.forced = True else: self.forced = False def update(self): """Update the title automatically""" title = None # FIXME: What the hell is this for?! if self.forced: title = self.text else: title = "%s" % self.text self.window.set_title(title) # 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