#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """paned.py - a base Paned container class and the vertical/horizontal variants""" import gobject import gtk from util import dbg, err from terminator import Terminator from factory import Factory from container import Container # pylint: disable-msg=R0921 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 class Paned(Container): """Base class for Paned Containers""" position = None maker = None ratio = 0.5 def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" self.terminator = Terminator() self.maker = Factory() Container.__init__(self) self.signals.append({'name': 'resize-term', 'flags': gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 'return_type': gobject.TYPE_NONE, 'param_types': (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)}) # pylint: disable-msg=W0613 def split_axis(self, widget, vertical=True, cwd=None, sibling=None, widgetfirst=True): """Default axis splitter. This should be implemented by subclasses""" order = None self.remove(widget) if vertical: container = VPaned() else: container = HPaned() self.get_toplevel().set_pos_by_ratio = True if not sibling: sibling = self.maker.make('terminal') sibling.set_cwd(cwd) sibling.spawn_child() if widget.group and self.config['split_to_group']: sibling.set_group(None, widget.group) if self.config['always_split_with_profile']: sibling.force_set_profile(None, widget.get_profile()) self.add(container) self.show_all() order = [widget, sibling] if widgetfirst is False: order.reverse() for terminal in order: container.add(terminal) self.show_all() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.get_toplevel().set_pos_by_ratio = False def add(self, widget, metadata=None): """Add a widget to the container""" if len(self.children) == 0: self.pack1(widget, False, True) self.children.append(widget) elif len(self.children) == 1: if self.get_child1(): self.pack2(widget, False, True) else: self.pack1(widget, False, True) self.children.append(widget) else: raise ValueError('Paned widgets can only have two children') if self.maker.isinstance(widget, 'Terminal'): top_window = self.get_toplevel() signals = {'close-term': self.wrapcloseterm, 'split-horiz': self.split_horiz, 'split-vert': self.split_vert, 'title-change': self.propagate_title_change, 'resize-term': self.resizeterm, 'size-allocate': self.new_size, 'zoom': top_window.zoom, 'tab-change': top_window.tab_change, 'group-all': top_window.group_all, 'ungroup-all': top_window.ungroup_all, 'group-tab': top_window.group_tab, 'ungroup-tab': top_window.ungroup_tab, 'move-tab': top_window.move_tab, 'maximise': [top_window.zoom, False], 'tab-new': [top_window.tab_new, widget], 'navigate': top_window.navigate_terminal, 'rotate-cw': [top_window.rotate, True], 'rotate-ccw': [top_window.rotate, False]} for signal in signals: args = [] handler = signals[signal] if isinstance(handler, list): args = handler[1:] handler = handler[0] self.connect_child(widget, signal, handler, *args) if metadata and \ metadata.has_key('had_focus') and \ metadata['had_focus'] == True: widget.grab_focus() elif isinstance(widget, gtk.Paned): try: self.connect_child(widget, 'resize-term', self.resizeterm) self.connect_child(widget, 'size-allocate', self.new_size) except TypeError: err('Paned::add: %s has no signal resize-term' % widget) def on_button_press(self, widget, event): """Handle button presses on a Pane""" if event.button == 1 and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: if event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD4_MASK == gtk.gdk.MOD4_MASK: recurse_up=True else: recurse_up=False if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK == gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: recurse_down=True else: recurse_down=False # FIXME: These idle events are creating a lot of weird issues for i in range(3): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) self.do_redistribute(recurse_up, recurse_down) return True else: return False def do_redistribute(self, recurse_up=False, recurse_down=False): """Evenly divide available space between sibling panes""" #1 Find highest ancestor of the same type => ha highest_ancestor = self while type(highest_ancestor.get_parent()) == type(highest_ancestor): highest_ancestor = highest_ancestor.get_parent() # (1b) If Super modifier, redistribute higher sections too if recurse_up: grandfather=highest_ancestor.get_parent() if grandfather != self.get_toplevel(): grandfather.do_redistribute(recurse_up, recurse_down) gobject.idle_add(highest_ancestor._do_redistribute, recurse_up, recurse_down) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do(False) gobject.idle_add(highest_ancestor._do_redistribute, recurse_up, recurse_down) def _do_redistribute(self, recurse_up=False, recurse_down=False): maker = Factory() #2 Make a list of self + all children of same type tree = [self, [], 0, None] toproc = [tree] number_splits = 1 while toproc: curr = toproc.pop(0) for child in curr[0].get_children(): if type(child) == type(curr[0]): childset = [child, [], 0, curr] curr[1].append(childset) toproc.append(childset) number_splits = number_splits+1 else: curr[1].append([None,[], 1, None]) p = curr while p: p[2] = p[2] + 1 p = p[3] # (1c) If Shift modifier, redistribute lower sections too if recurse_down and \ (maker.isinstance(child, 'VPaned') or \ maker.isinstance(child, 'HPaned')): gobject.idle_add(child.do_redistribute, False, True) #3 Get ancestor x/y => a, and handle size => hs avail_pixels=self.get_length() handle_size = self.style_get_property('handle-size') #4 Math! eek (a - (n * hs)) / (n + 1) = single size => s single_size = (avail_pixels - (number_splits * handle_size)) / (number_splits + 1) arr_sizes = [single_size]*(number_splits+1) for i in range(avail_pixels % (number_splits + 1)): arr_sizes[i] = arr_sizes[i] + 1 #5 Descend down setting the handle position to s # (Has to handle nesting properly) toproc = [tree] while toproc: curr = toproc.pop(0) for child in curr[1]: toproc.append(child) if curr[1].index(child) == 0: curr[0].set_position((child[2]*single_size)+((child[2]-1)*handle_size)) gobject.idle_add(curr[0].set_position, child[2]*single_size) def remove(self, widget): """Remove a widget from the container""" gtk.Paned.remove(self, widget) self.disconnect_child(widget) self.children.remove(widget) return(True) def get_children(self): """Return an ordered list of our children""" children = [] children.append(self.get_child1()) children.append(self.get_child2()) return(children) def get_child_metadata(self, widget): """Return metadata about a child""" metadata = {} metadata['had_focus'] = widget.has_focus() def wrapcloseterm(self, widget): """A child terminal has closed, so this container must die""" dbg('Paned::wrapcloseterm: Called on %s' % widget) if self.closeterm(widget): # At this point we only have one child, which is the surviving term sibling = self.children[0] self.remove(sibling) metadata = None parent = self.get_parent() metadata = parent.get_child_metadata(self) dbg('metadata obtained for %s: %s' % (self, metadata)) parent.remove(self) self.cnxids.remove_all() parent.add(sibling, metadata) del(self) else: dbg("Paned::wrapcloseterm: self.closeterm failed") def hoover(self): """Check that we still have a reason to exist""" if len(self.children) == 1: dbg('Paned::hoover: We only have one child, die') parent = self.get_parent() child = self.children[0] self.remove(child) parent.replace(self, child) del(self) def resizeterm(self, widget, keyname): """Handle a keyboard event requesting a terminal resize""" if keyname in ['up', 'down'] and isinstance(self, gtk.VPaned): # This is a key we can handle position = self.get_position() if self.maker.isinstance(widget, 'Terminal'): fontheight = widget.vte.get_char_height() else: fontheight = 10 if keyname == 'up': self.set_position(position - fontheight) else: self.set_position(position + fontheight) elif keyname in ['left', 'right'] and isinstance(self, gtk.HPaned): # This is a key we can handle position = self.get_position() if self.maker.isinstance(widget, 'Terminal'): fontwidth = widget.vte.get_char_width() else: fontwidth = 10 if keyname == 'left': self.set_position(position - fontwidth) else: self.set_position(position + fontwidth) else: # This is not a key we can handle self.emit('resize-term', keyname) def create_layout(self, layout): """Apply layout configuration""" if not layout.has_key('children'): err('layout specifies no children: %s' % layout) return children = layout['children'] if len(children) != 2: # Paned widgets can only have two children err('incorrect number of children for Paned: %s' % layout) return keys = [] # FIXME: This seems kinda ugly. All we want here is to know the order # of children based on child['order'] try: child_order_map = {} for child in children: key = children[child]['order'] child_order_map[key] = child map_keys = child_order_map.keys() map_keys.sort() for map_key in map_keys: keys.append(child_order_map[map_key]) except KeyError: # We've failed to figure out the order. At least give the terminals # in the wrong order keys = children.keys() num = 0 for child_key in keys: child = children[child_key] dbg('Making a child of type: %s' % child['type']) if child['type'] == 'Terminal': pass elif child['type'] == 'VPaned': if num == 0: terminal = self.get_child1() else: terminal = self.get_child2() self.split_axis(terminal, True) elif child['type'] == 'HPaned': if num == 0: terminal = self.get_child1() else: terminal = self.get_child2() self.split_axis(terminal, False) else: err('unknown child type: %s' % child['type']) num = num + 1 self.get_child1().create_layout(children[keys[0]]) self.get_child2().create_layout(children[keys[1]]) # Store the position for later if layout['position']: self.position = int(layout['position']) def grab_focus(self): """We don't want focus, we want a Terminal to have it""" self.get_child1().grab_focus() def rotate(self, widget, clockwise): """Default rotation. This should be implemented by subclasses""" if isinstance(self, HPaned): container = VPaned() reverse = not clockwise else: container = HPaned() reverse = clockwise container.ratio = self.ratio self.get_parent().replace(self, container) children = self.get_children() if reverse: container.ratio = 1 - container.ratio children.reverse() for child in children: self.remove(child) container.add(child) def new_size(self, widget, allocation): if self.get_toplevel().set_pos_by_ratio: self.set_position_by_ratio() else: self.set_position(self.get_position()) def set_position_by_ratio(self): handle_size = self.style_get_property('handle-size') self.set_pos(int((self.ratio*self.get_length())-(handle_size/2.0))) def set_position(self, pos): self.ratio = float(pos) / self.get_length() self.set_pos(pos) class HPaned(Paned, gtk.HPaned): """Merge gtk.HPaned into our base Paned Container""" def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" Paned.__init__(self) gtk.HPaned.__init__(self) self.register_signals(HPaned) self.cnxids.new(self, 'button-press-event', self.on_button_press) def get_length(self): return(self.allocation.width) def set_pos(self, pos): gtk.HPaned.set_position(self, pos) class VPaned(Paned, gtk.VPaned): """Merge gtk.VPaned into our base Paned Container""" def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" Paned.__init__(self) gtk.VPaned.__init__(self) self.register_signals(VPaned) self.cnxids.new(self, 'button-press-event', self.on_button_press) def get_length(self): return(self.allocation.height) def set_pos(self, pos): gtk.VPaned.set_position(self, pos) gobject.type_register(HPaned) gobject.type_register(VPaned) # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: