'\" t .\" Title: terminator .\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR(S)" section] .\" Generator: Asciidoctor 2.0.18 .\" Date: 2023-03-30 .\" Manual: Manual for Terminator .\" Source: Terminator .\" Language: English .\" .TH "TERMINATOR" "1" "2023-03-30" "Terminator" "Manual for Terminator" .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .ss \n[.ss] 0 .nh .ad l .de URL \fI\\$2\fP <\\$1>\\$3 .. .als MTO URL .if \n[.g] \{\ . mso www.tmac . am URL . ad l . . . am MTO . ad l . . . LINKSTYLE blue R < > .\} .SH "NAME" terminator \- multiple GNOME terminals in one window .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp \fBterminator\fP [\fIoptions\fP] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .sp This manual page documents \fBTerminator\fP, a terminal emulator application. .sp \fBTerminator\fP is a program that allows users to set up flexible arrangements of GNOME terminals. It is aimed at those who normally arrange lots of terminals near each other, but don\(cqt want to use a frame based window manager. .SH "OPTIONS" .sp This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`\-\*(Aq). A summary of options is included below. .sp \fB\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP .RS 4 Show summary of options. .RE .sp \fB\-v\fP, \fB\-\-version\fP .RS 4 Show the version of the Terminator installation. .RE .sp \fB\-m\fP, \fB\-M\fP, \fB\-\-maximise\fP, \fB\-\-maximize\fP .RS 4 Start with a maximised window. .RE .sp \fB\-f\fP, \fB\-\-fullscreen\fP .RS 4 Start with a fullscreen window. .RE .sp \fB\-b\fP, \fB\-\-borderless\fP .RS 4 Instruct the window manager not to render borders/decoration on the Terminator window (this works well with \-\-maximise). .RE .sp \fB\-H\fP, \fB\-\-hidden\fP .RS 4 Hide the Terminator window by default. Its visibility can be toggled with the \fBhide_window\fP keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A by default). .RE .sp \fB\-T\fP \fIFORCEDTITLE\fP, \fB\-\-title\fP=\fIFORCEDTITLE\fP .RS 4 Force the Terminator window to use a specific name rather than updating it dynamically based on the wishes of the child shell. .RE .sp \fB\-\-geometry\fP=\fIGEOMETRY\fP .RS 4 Specify the preferred size and position of Terminator\(cqs window; see \fBX\fP(7). .RE .sp \fB\-e\fP \fICOMMAND\fP, \fB\-\-command\fP=\fICOMMAND\fP .RS 4 Run the specified command instead of the default shell or profile specified command. .br Note: if Terminator is launched as x\-terminal\-emulator \-e behaves like \-x, and the longform becomes \-\-execute2=COMMAND. .RE .sp \fB\-x\fP \fICOMMAND\fP [\fIARGS\fP], \fB\-\-execute\fP=\fICOMMAND\fP [\fIARGS\fP] .RS 4 Run \fBthe rest of the command line\fP instead of the default shell or profile specified command. .RE .sp \fB\-\-working\-directory\fP=\fIDIR\fP .RS 4 Set the terminal\(cqs working directory. .RE .sp \fB\-g\fP \fIFILE\fP, \fB\-\-config\fP=\fIFILE\fP .RS 4 Use the specified file for configuration. .RE .sp \fB\-r\fP \fIROLE\fP, \fB\-\-role\fP=\fIROLE\fP .RS 4 Set a custom WM_WINDOW_ROLE property on the window. .RE .sp \fB\-l\fP \fILAYOUT\fP, \fB\-\-layout\fP=\fILAYOUT\fP .RS 4 Start Terminator with a specific layout. The argument here is the name of a saved layout. .RE .sp \fB\-s\fP \fILAYOUT\fP, \fB\-\-select\-layout\fP=\fILAYOUT\fP .RS 4 Open the layout launcher window instead of the normal terminal. .RE .sp \fB\-p\fP, \fB\-\-profile\fP=\fIPROFILE\fP .RS 4 Use a different profile as the default. .RE .sp \fB\-i\fP, \fB\-\-icon\fP=\fIFORCEDICON\fP .RS 4 Set a custom icon for the window (by file or name) .RE .sp \fB\-u\fP, \fB\-\-no\-dbus\fP .RS 4 Disable DBus. .RE .sp \fB\-d\fP, \fB\-\-debug\fP .RS 4 Enable debugging output (please use this when reporting bugs). This can be specified twice to enable a built\-in python debugging server. .RE .sp \fB\-\-debug\-classes\fP=\fIDEBUG_CLASSES\fP .RS 4 If this is specified as a comma separated list, debugging output will only be printed from the specified classes. .RE .sp \fB\-\-debug\-methods\fP=\fIDEBUG_METHODS\fP .RS 4 If this is specified as a comma separated list, debugging output will only be printed from the specified functions. If this is specified in addition to \-\-debug\-classes, only the intersection of the two lists will be displayed. .RE .sp \fB\-\-new\-tab\fP .RS 4 If this is specified and Terminator is already running, DBus will be used to spawn a new tab in the first Terminator window. .RE .SH "KEYBINDINGS" .sp The following default keybindings can be used to control Terminator. Most of these keybindings can be changed in the Preferences. .sp \fBF1\fP .RS 4 Launches the full HTML manual. .RE .SS "Creation & Destruction" .sp The following items relate to creating and destroying terminals. .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+O\fP .RS 4 Split terminals H\fIo\fPrizontally. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+E\fP .RS 4 Split terminals V\fIe\fPrtically. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+T\fP .RS 4 Open new \fIt\fPab. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+I\fP .RS 4 Open a new window. .br (Note: unlike in previous releases, this window is part of the same Terminator process.) .RE .sp \fBSuper+I\fP .RS 4 Spawn a new Terminator process. .RE .sp \fBAlt+L\fP .RS 4 Open \fIl\fPayout launcher. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+W\fP .RS 4 Close the current terminal. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Q\fP .RS 4 Close the current window. .RE .SS "Navigation" .sp The following items relate to moving between and around terminals. .sp \fBAlt+Up\fP .RS 4 Move to the terminal \fBabove\fP the current one. .RE .sp \fBAlt+Down\fP .RS 4 Move to the terminal \fBbelow\fP the current one. .RE .sp \fBAlt+Left\fP .RS 4 Move to the terminal \fBleft of\fP the current one. .RE .sp \fBAlt+Right\fP .RS 4 Move to the terminal \fBright of\fP the current one. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+PageDown\fP .RS 4 Move to next tab. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+PageUp\fP .RS 4 Move to previous tab. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+N\fP or \fBCtrl+Tab\fP .RS 4 Move to the \fIn\fPext terminal within the same tab. .br If \fBcycle_term_tab\fP is \fBFalse\fP, cycle within the same tab will be disabled. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+P\fP or \fBCtrl+Shift+Tab\fP .RS 4 Move to the \fIp\fPrevious terminal within the same tab. .br If \fBcycle_term_tab\fP is \fBFalse\fP, cycle within the same tab will be disabled. .RE .SS "Organisation" .sp The following items relate to arranging and resizing terminals. .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Right\fP .RS 4 Move parent dragbar \fBright\fP. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Left\fP .RS 4 Move parent dragbar \fBleft\fP. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Up\fP .RS 4 Move parent dragbar \fBup\fP. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Down\fP .RS 4 Move parent dragbar \fBdown\fP. .RE .sp \fBSuper+R\fP .RS 4 \fIR\fPotate terminals clockwise. .RE .sp \fBSuper+Shift+R\fP .RS 4 \fIR\fPotate terminals counter\-clockwise. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+PageDown\fP .RS 4 Swap tab position with next tab. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+PageUp\fP .RS 4 Swap tab position with previous tab. .RE .sp \fBDrag and Drop\fP .RS 4 The layout can be modified by moving terminals with Drag and Drop. To start dragging a terminal, click and hold on its titlebar. Alternatively, hold down \fBCtrl\fP, click and hold the \fBright\fP mouse button. Then, \fB**release Ctrl**\fP. You can now drag the terminal to the point in the layout you would like it to be. The zone where the terminal would be inserted will be highlighted. .RE .SS "Focus" .sp The following items relate to helping to focus on a specific terminal. .sp \fBF11\fP .RS 4 Toggle window to fullscreen. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+X\fP .RS 4 Toggle between showing all terminals and only showing the current one (maximise). .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Z\fP .RS 4 Toggle between showing all terminals and only showing a scaled version of the current one (zoom). .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+Alt+A\fP .RS 4 Hide the initial window. Note that this is a global binding, and can only be bound once. .RE .SS "Grouping & Broadcasting" .sp The following items relate to grouping and broadcasting. .sp \fBSuper+T\fP .RS 4 Group all terminals in the current tab so that any input sent to one of them goes to all of them. .RE .sp \fBSuper+Shift+T\fP .RS 4 Remove grouping from all terminals in the current tab. .RE .sp \fBSuper+G\fP .RS 4 Group all terminals so that any input sent to one of them goes to all of them. .RE .sp \fBSuper+Shift+G\fP .RS 4 Remove grouping from all terminals. .RE .sp \fBAlt+A\fP .RS 4 Broadcast to \fIa\fPll terminals. .RE .sp \fBAlt+G\fP .RS 4 Broadcast to \fIg\fProuped terminals. .RE .sp \fBAlt+O\fP .RS 4 Broadcast \fIo\fPff. .RE .SS "Miscellaneous" .sp The following items relate to miscellaneous terminal related functions. .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+C\fP .RS 4 Copy selected text to clipboard. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+V\fP .RS 4 Paste clipboard text. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+S\fP .RS 4 Toggle \fIs\fPcrollbar. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+F\fP .RS 4 Search within terminal scrollback. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+R\fP .RS 4 Reset terminal state. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Shift+G\fP .RS 4 Reset terminal state and clear window. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Plus (+)\fP .RS 4 Increase font size. .br Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Minus (\-)\fP .RS 4 Decrease font size. .br Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Zero (0)\fP .RS 4 Restore font size to original setting. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Alt+W\fP .RS 4 Rename window title. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Alt+A\fP .RS 4 Rename tab title. .RE .sp \fBCtrl+Alt+X\fP .RS 4 Rename terminal title. .RE .sp \fBSuper+1\fP .RS 4 Insert terminal number, i.e. 1 to 12. .RE .sp \fBSuper+0\fP .RS 4 Insert padded terminal number, i.e. 01 to 12. .RE .SH "AUTHORS" .sp Terminator was written by Chris Jones and others. .sp This manual page was written by Chris Jones and others. .SH "SEE ALSO" .sp \fBterminator_config\fP(5)