#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """activitywatch.py - Terminator Plugin to watch a terminal for activity""" import time import gtk import gobject from terminatorlib.config import Config import terminatorlib.plugin as plugin from terminatorlib.translation import _ from terminatorlib.util import err, dbg from terminatorlib.version import APP_NAME try: import pynotify # Every plugin you want Terminator to load *must* be listed in 'AVAILABLE' # This is inside this try so we only make the plugin available if pynotify # is present on this computer. AVAILABLE = ['ActivityWatch', 'InactivityWatch'] except ImportError: err(_('ActivityWatch plugin unavailable: please install python-notify')) config = Config() inactive_period = float(config.plugin_get('ActivityWatch', 'inactive_period', 10.0)) watch_interval = int(config.plugin_get('ActivityWatch', 'watch_interval', 5000)) class ActivityWatch(plugin.MenuItem): """Add custom commands to the terminal menu""" capabilities = ['terminal_menu'] watches = None last_notifies = None timers = None def __init__(self): plugin.MenuItem.__init__(self) if not self.watches: self.watches = {} if not self.last_notifies: self.last_notifies = {} if not self.timers: self.timers = {} pynotify.init(APP_NAME.capitalize()) def callback(self, menuitems, menu, terminal): """Add our menu item to the menu""" item = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_('Watch for activity')) item.set_active(self.watches.has_key(terminal)) if item.get_active(): item.connect("activate", self.unwatch, terminal) else: item.connect("activate", self.watch, terminal) menuitems.append(item) dbg('Menu item appended') def watch(self, _widget, terminal): """Watch a terminal""" vte = terminal.get_vte() self.watches[terminal] = vte.connect('contents-changed', self.notify, terminal) def unwatch(self, _widget, terminal): """Stop watching a terminal""" vte = terminal.get_vte() vte.disconnect(self.watches[terminal]) del(self.watches[terminal]) def notify(self, _vte, terminal): """Notify that a terminal did something""" show_notify = False # Don't notify if the user is already looking at this terminal. if terminal.vte.flags() & gtk.HAS_FOCUS: return True note = pynotify.Notification('Terminator', 'Activity in: %s' % terminal.get_window_title(), 'terminator') this_time = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) if not self.last_notifies.has_key(terminal): show_notify = True else: last_time = self.last_notifies[terminal] if this_time - last_time > 10: show_notify = True if show_notify == True: note.show() self.last_notifies[terminal] = this_time return True class InactivityWatch(plugin.MenuItem): """Add custom commands to notify when a terminal goes inactive""" capabilities = ['terminal_menu'] watches = None last_activities = None timers = None def __init__(self): plugin.MenuItem.__init__(self) if not self.watches: self.watches = {} if not self.last_activities: self.last_activities = {} if not self.timers: self.timers = {} pynotify.init(APP_NAME.capitalize()) def callback(self, menuitems, menu, terminal): """Add our menu item to the menu""" item = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Watch for silence")) item.set_active(self.watches.has_key(terminal)) if item.get_active(): item.connect("activate", self.unwatch, terminal) else: item.connect("activate", self.watch, terminal) menuitems.append(item) dbg('Menu items appended') def watch(self, _widget, terminal): """Watch a terminal""" vte = terminal.get_vte() self.watches[terminal] = vte.connect('contents-changed', self.reset_timer, terminal) timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(watch_interval, self.check_times, terminal) self.timers[terminal] = timeout_id dbg('timer %s added for %s' %(timeout_id, terminal)) def unwatch(self, _vte, terminal): """Unwatch a terminal""" vte = terminal.get_vte() vte.disconnect(self.watches[terminal]) del(self.watches[terminal]) gobject.source_remove(self.timers[terminal]) del(self.timers[terminal]) def reset_timer(self, _vte, terminal): """Reset the last-changed time for a terminal""" time_now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) self.last_activities[terminal] = time_now dbg('reset activity time for %s' % terminal) def check_times(self, terminal): """Check if this terminal has gone silent""" time_now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) if not self.last_activities.has_key(terminal): dbg('Terminal %s has no last activity' % terminal) return True dbg('seconds since last activity: %f (%s)' % (time_now - self.last_activities[terminal], terminal)) if time_now - self.last_activities[terminal] >= inactive_period: del(self.last_activities[terminal]) note = pynotify.Notification('Terminator', 'Silence in: %s' % terminal.get_window_title(), 'terminator') note.show() return True