Source code for terminatorlib.container

# Terminator by Chris Jones <>
# GPL v2 only
""" - classes necessary to contain Terminal widgets"""

import gobject
import gtk

from factory import Factory
from config import Config
from util import dbg, err
from translation import _
from signalman import Signalman

# pylint: disable-msg=R0921
[docs]class Container(object): """Base class for Terminator Containers""" terminator = None immutable = None children = None config = None signals = None signalman = None
[docs] def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" self.children = [] self.signals = [] self.cnxids = Signalman() self.config = Config()
[docs] def register_signals(self, widget): """Register gobject signals in a way that avoids multiple inheritance""" existing = gobject.signal_list_names(widget) for signal in self.signals: if signal['name'] in existing: dbg('Container:: skipping signal %s for %s, already exists' % ( signal['name'], widget)) else: dbg('Container:: registering signal for %s on %s' % (signal['name'], widget)) try: gobject.signal_new(signal['name'], widget, signal['flags'], signal['return_type'], signal['param_types']) except RuntimeError: err('Container:: registering signal for %s on %s failed' % (signal['name'], widget))
[docs] def connect_child(self, widget, signal, handler, *args): """Register the requested signal and record its connection ID""", signal, handler, *args) return
[docs] def disconnect_child(self, widget): """De-register the signals for a child""" self.cnxids.remove_widget(widget)
[docs] def get_offspring(self): """Return a list of direct child widgets, if any""" return(self.children)
[docs] def get_child_metadata(self, widget): """Return metadata that would be useful to recreate ourselves after our child is .remove()d and .add()ed""" return None
[docs] def split_horiz(self, widget, cwd=None): """Split this container horizontally""" return(self.split_axis(widget, True, cwd))
[docs] def split_vert(self, widget, cwd=None): """Split this container vertically""" return(self.split_axis(widget, False, cwd))
[docs] def split_axis(self, widget, vertical=True, cwd=None, sibling=None, siblinglast=None): """Default axis splitter. This should be implemented by subclasses""" raise NotImplementedError('split_axis')
[docs] def rotate(self, widget, clockwise): """Rotate children in this container""" raise NotImplementedError('rotate')
[docs] def add(self, widget, metadata=None): """Add a widget to the container""" raise NotImplementedError('add')
[docs] def remove(self, widget): """Remove a widget from the container""" raise NotImplementedError('remove')
[docs] def replace(self, oldwidget, newwidget): """Replace the child oldwidget with newwidget. This is the bare minimum required for this operation. Containers should override it if they have more complex requirements""" if not oldwidget in self.get_children(): err('%s is not a child of %s' % (oldwidget, self)) return self.remove(oldwidget) self.add(newwidget)
[docs] def hoover(self): """Ensure we still have a reason to exist""" raise NotImplementedError('hoover')
[docs] def get_children(self): """Return an ordered list of the children of this Container""" raise NotImplementedError('get_children')
[docs] def closeterm(self, widget): """Handle the closure of a terminal""" try: if self.get_property('term_zoomed'): # We're zoomed, so unzoom and then start closing again dbg('Container::closeterm: terminal zoomed, unzooming') self.unzoom(widget) widget.close() return(True) except TypeError: pass if not self.remove(widget): dbg('Container::closeterm: self.remove() failed for %s' % widget) return(False) self.terminator.deregister_terminal(widget) self.terminator.group_hoover() return(True)
[docs] def resizeterm(self, widget, keyname): """Handle a keyboard event requesting a terminal resize""" raise NotImplementedError('resizeterm')
[docs] def toggle_zoom(self, widget, fontscale = False): """Toggle the existing zoom state""" try: if self.get_property('term_zoomed'): self.unzoom(widget) else: self.zoom(widget, fontscale) except TypeError: err('Container::toggle_zoom: %s is unable to handle zooming, for \ %s' % (self, widget))
[docs] def zoom(self, widget, fontscale = False): """Zoom a terminal""" raise NotImplementedError('zoom')
[docs] def unzoom(self, widget): """Unzoom a terminal""" raise NotImplementedError('unzoom')
[docs] def construct_confirm_close(self, window, reqtype): """Create a confirmation dialog for closing things""" # skip this dialog if applicable if self.config['suppress_multiple_term_dialog']: return gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT dialog = gtk.Dialog(_('Close?'), window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) dialog.set_has_separator(False) dialog.set_resizable(False) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT) c_all = dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) c_all.get_children()[0].get_children()[0].get_children()[1].set_label( _('Close _Terminals')) primary = gtk.Label(_('<big><b>Close multiple terminals?</b></big>')) primary.set_use_markup(True) primary.set_alignment(0, 0.5) secondary = gtk.Label(_('This %s has several terminals open. Closing \ the %s will also close all terminals within it.') % (reqtype, reqtype)) secondary.set_line_wrap(True) labels = gtk.VBox() labels.pack_start(primary, False, False, 6) labels.pack_start(secondary, False, False, 6) image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) image.set_alignment(0.5, 0) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start(image, False, False, 6) box.pack_start(labels, False, False, 6) dialog.vbox.pack_start(box, False, False, 12) checkbox = gtk.CheckButton(_("Do not show this message next time")) dialog.vbox.pack_end(checkbox) dialog.show_all() result = # set configuration self.config.base.reload() self.config['suppress_multiple_term_dialog'] = checkbox.get_active() dialog.destroy() return(result)
[docs] def propagate_title_change(self, widget, title): """Pass a title change up the widget stack""" maker = Factory() parent = self.get_parent() title = widget.get_window_title() if maker.isinstance(self, 'Notebook'): self.update_tab_label_text(widget, title) elif maker.isinstance(self, 'Window'): self.title.set_title(widget, title) if maker.isinstance(parent, 'Container'): parent.propagate_title_change(widget, title)
[docs] def get_visible_terminals(self): """Walk the widget tree to find all of the visible terminals. That is, any terminals which are not hidden in another Notebook pane""" if not hasattr(self, 'cached_maker'): self.cached_maker = Factory() maker = self.cached_maker terminals = {} for child in self.get_offspring(): if not child: continue if maker.isinstance(child, 'Terminal'): terminals[child] = child.get_allocation() elif maker.isinstance(child, 'Container'): terminals.update(child.get_visible_terminals()) else: err('Unknown child type %s' % type(child)) return(terminals)
[docs] def describe_layout(self, count, parent, global_layout, child_order): """Describe our current layout""" layout = {} maker = Factory() mytype = maker.type(self) if not mytype: err('unable to detemine own type. %s' % self) return({}) layout['type'] = mytype layout['parent'] = parent layout['order'] = child_order if hasattr(self, 'get_position'): position = self.get_position() if hasattr(position, '__iter__'): position = ':'.join([str(x) for x in position]) layout['position'] = position if hasattr(self, 'ismaximised'): layout['maximised'] = self.ismaximised if hasattr(self, 'isfullscreen'): layout['fullscreen'] = self.isfullscreen if hasattr(self, 'ratio'): layout['ratio'] = self.ratio if hasattr(self, 'get_size'): layout['size'] = self.get_size() if hasattr(self, 'title'): layout['title'] = self.title.text if mytype == 'Notebook': labels = [] last_active_term = [] for tabnum in xrange(0, self.get_n_pages()): page = self.get_nth_page(tabnum) label = self.get_tab_label(page) labels.append(label.get_custom_label()) last_active_term.append(self.last_active_term[self.get_nth_page(tabnum)]) layout['labels'] = labels layout['last_active_term'] = last_active_term layout['active_page'] = self.get_current_page() else: if hasattr(self, 'last_active_term') and self.last_active_term is not None: layout['last_active_term'] = self.last_active_term if mytype == 'Window': if self.uuid == self.terminator.last_active_window: layout['last_active_window'] = True else: layout['last_active_window'] = False name = 'child%d' % count count = count + 1 global_layout[name] = layout child_order = 0 for child in self.get_children(): if hasattr(child, 'describe_layout'): count = child.describe_layout(count, name, global_layout, child_order) child_order = child_order + 1 return(count)
[docs] def create_layout(self, layout): """Apply settings for our layout""" raise NotImplementedError('create_layout') # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: