#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator - multiple gnome terminals in one window # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 cmsj@tenshu.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 2 only. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Terminator by Chris Jones """ import pygtk pygtk.require ("2.0") import gobject, gtk, pango #import version details from terminatorlib.version import * # import our configuration loader from terminatorlib import config from terminatorlib.config import dbg, err, debug #import TerminatorTerm from terminatorlib.terminatorterm import TerminatorTerm class TerminatorNotebookTabLabel(gtk.HBox): def __init__(self, title, notebook, terminator): gtk.HBox.__init__(self, False) self._notebook = notebook self.terminator = terminator self._label = gtk.Label(title) icon = gtk.Image() icon.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.pack_start(self._label, True, True) if terminator.conf.close_button_on_tab: self._button = gtk.Button() self._button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self._button.set_focus_on_click(False) self._button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self._button.add(icon) self._button.connect('clicked', self.on_close) self._button.set_name("terminator-tab-close-button") self.connect("style-set", self.on_style_set) self._button.set_tooltip_text(_("Close Tab")) self.pack_start(self._button, False, False) self.show_all() def on_style_set(self, widget, prevstyle): x, y = gtk.icon_size_lookup_for_settings( self._button.get_settings(), gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self._button.set_size_request(x + 2,y + 2) def on_close(self, widget): nbpages = self._notebook.get_n_pages() print self._button.allocation.width, self._button.allocation.height for i in xrange(0,nbpages): if self._notebook.get_tab_label(self._notebook.get_nth_page(i)) == self: #dbg("[Close from tab] Found tab at position [%d]" % i) term = self.terminator._notebook_first_term(self._notebook.get_nth_page(i)) while term: if term == self._notebook.get_nth_page(i): self.terminator.closeterm(term) break self.terminator.closeterm(term) term = self.terminator._notebook_first_term(self._notebook.get_nth_page(i)) break def set_title(self, title): self._label.set_text(title) def get_title(self): return self._label.get_text() def height_request(self): return self.size_request()[1] def width_request(self): return self.size_request()[0] class Terminator: def __init__ (self, profile = None, command = None, fullscreen = False, maximise = False, borderless = False, no_gconf=False, hidden=False): self.profile = profile self.command = command self._zoomed = False self._maximised = False self._fullscreen = False self._f11_modifier = False self._hidden = False self.term_list = [] stores = [] stores.append (config.TerminatorConfValuestoreRC ()) if not no_gconf: try: import gconf if self.profile: self.profile = gconf.escape_key (self.profile, -1) store = config.TerminatorConfValuestoreGConf (self.profile) store.set_reconfigure_callback (self.reconfigure_vtes) dbg ('Terminator__init__: comparing %s and %s'%(self.profile, store.profile.split ('/').pop ())) if self.profile == store.profile.split ('/').pop (): # If we have been given a profile, and we loaded it, we should be higher priority than RC dbg ('Terminator__init__: placing GConf before RC') stores.insert (0, store) else: stores.append (store) except: pass self.conf = config.TerminatorConfig (stores) self.icon_theme = gtk.IconTheme () if self.conf.f11_modifier: self._f11_modifier = True if self.conf.handle_size in xrange (0,6): gtk.rc_parse_string(""" style "terminator-paned-style" { GtkPaned::handle_size = %s } class "GtkPaned" style "terminator-paned-style" """ % self.conf.handle_size) gtk.rc_parse_string(""" style "terminator-tab-close-button-style" { GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0 GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 } widget "*.terminator-tab-close-button" style "terminator-tab-close-button-style" """) self.window = gtk.Window () self.window.set_title (APP_NAME.capitalize()) try: self.window.set_icon (self.icon_theme.load_icon (APP_NAME, 48, 0)) except: self.icon = self.window.render_icon (gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.window.set_icon (self.icon) self.window.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_key_press) self.window.connect ("delete_event", self.on_delete_event) self.window.connect ("destroy", self.on_destroy_event) self.window.connect ("window-state-event", self.on_window_state_changed) self.window.set_property ('allow-shrink', True) if fullscreen or self.conf.fullscreen: self.fullscreen_toggle () if maximise or self.conf.maximise: self.maximize () if borderless or self.conf.borderless: self.window.set_decorated (False) # Set RGBA colormap if possible so VTE can use real alpha # channels for transparency. if self.conf.enable_real_transparency: screen = self.window.get_screen() colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap() if colormap: self.window.set_colormap(colormap) # Start out with just one terminal # FIXME: This should be really be decided from some kind of profile term = (TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile, self.command)) self.term_list = [term] self.window.add (term) term._titlebox.hide() self.window.show () term.spawn_child () if hidden or self.conf.hidden: self.hide() # jgc: show/hide functions for quake mode def show(self): """Show the terminator window""" # restore window position self.window.move(self.pos[0],self.pos[1]) #self.window.present() self.window.show_now() self._hidden = False def hide(self): """Hide the terminator window""" # save window position self.pos = self.window.get_position() self.window.hide() self._hidden = True def cbkeyCloak(self): """Callback event for show/hide keypress""" if self._hidden: self.show() else: self.hide() def maximize (self): """ Maximize the Terminator window.""" self.window.maximize () def fullscreen_toggle (self): """ Toggle the fullscreen state of the window. If it is in fullscreen state, it will be unfullscreened. If it is not, it will be set to fullscreen state. """ if self._fullscreen: self.window.unfullscreen () else: self.window.fullscreen () def on_window_state_changed (self, window, event): state = event.new_window_state & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN self._fullscreen = bool (state) return (False) def on_delete_event (self, window, event, data=None): if len (self.term_list) == 1: return False # show dialog dialog = gtk.Dialog (_("Close?"), window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) dialog.set_has_separator (False) dialog.set_resizable (False) cancel = dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT) close_all = dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) label = close_all.get_children()[0].get_children()[0].get_children()[1].set_label(_("Close All _Terminals")) primairy = gtk.Label (_('Close all terminals?')) primairy.set_use_markup (True) primairy.set_alignment (0, 0.5) secundairy = gtk.Label (_("This window has %s terminals open. Closing the window will also close all terminals.") % len(self.term_list)) secundairy.set_line_wrap(True) primairy.set_alignment (0, 0.5) labels = gtk.VBox () labels.pack_start (primairy, False, False, 6) labels.pack_start (secundairy, False, False, 6) image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) image.set_alignment (0.5, 0) box = gtk.HBox() box.pack_start (image, False, False, 6) box.pack_start (labels, False, False, 6) dialog.vbox.pack_start (box, False, False, 12) dialog.show_all () result = dialog.run () dialog.destroy () return not (result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) def on_destroy_event (self, widget, data=None): gtk.main_quit () # keybindings for the whole terminal window (affects the main # windows containing the splited terminals) def on_key_press (self, window, event): """ Callback for the window to determine what to do with special keys. Currently handled key-combo's: * F11: toggle fullscreen state of the window. * CTRL - SHIFT - Q: close all terminals """ keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name (event.keyval) mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK | gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK if (keyname == 'F11' and (self._f11_modifier == False or event.state & mask)): self.fullscreen_toggle () return (True) if (event.state & mask) == mask: if keyname == 'Q': if not self.on_delete_event (window, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DELETE)): self.on_destroy_event (window, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DESTROY)) def set_window_title(self, title): """ Modifies Terminator window title """ self.window.set_title(title) def add(self, widget, terminal, pos = "bottom"): """ Add a term to another at position pos """ vertical = pos in ("top", "bottom") pane = (vertical) and gtk.VPaned () or gtk.HPaned () # get the parent of the provided terminal parent = widget.get_parent () dbg ('SEGBUG: add() Got parent') if isinstance (parent, gtk.Window): dbg ('SEGBUG: parent is a gtk.Window') # We have just one term parent.remove(widget) dbg ('SEGBUG: removed widget from window') if pos in ("top", "left"): dbg ('SEGBUG: pos is in top/left') pane.pack1 (terminal, True, True) dbg ('SEGBUG: packed terminal') pane.pack2 (widget, True, True) dbg ('SEGBUG: packed widget') else: dbg ('SEGBUG: pos is not in top/left') pane.pack1 (widget, True, True) dbg ('SEGBUG: packed widget') pane.pack2 (terminal, True, True) dbg ('SEGBUG: packed terminal') parent.add (pane) dbg ('SEGBUG: added pane to parent') position = (vertical) and parent.allocation.height \ or parent.allocation.width if (isinstance (parent, gtk.Notebook) or isinstance (parent, gtk.Window)) and widget.conf.titlebars: #not the only term in the notebook/window anymore, need to reshow the title dbg ('SEGBUG: Showing _titlebox') widget._titlebox.show() if isinstance (parent, gtk.Notebook): dbg ('SEGBUG: Parent is a notebook') page = -1 for i in xrange(0, parent.get_n_pages()): if parent.get_nth_page(i) == widget: page = i break widget.reparent (pane) if pos in ("top", "left"): pane.remove(widget) pane.pack1 (terminal, True, True) pane.pack2 (widget, True, True) else: pane.pack1 (widget, True, True) pane.pack2 (terminal, True, True) #parent.remove_page(page) pane.show() parent.insert_page(pane, None, page) notebooktablabel = TerminatorNotebookTabLabel(widget._vte.get_window_title(), parent, self) parent.set_tab_label(pane,notebooktablabel) parent.set_tab_label_packing(pane, True, True, gtk.PACK_START) parent.set_tab_reorderable(pane, True) parent.set_current_page(page) position = (vertical) and parent.allocation.height \ or parent.allocation.width if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned): dbg ('SEGBUG: parent is a Paned') # We are inside a split term position = (vertical) and widget.allocation.height \ or widget.allocation.width dbg ('SEGBUG: Preparing to reparent sibling') if (widget == parent.get_child1 ()): widget.reparent (pane) parent.pack1 (pane, True, True) else: widget.reparent (pane) parent.pack2 (pane, True, True) if pos in ("top", "left"): dbg ('SEGBUG: pos is in top/left. Removing and re-ordering') pane.remove(widget) pane.pack1 (terminal, True, True) pane.pack2 (widget, True, True) else: dbg ('SEGBUG: pos is not in top/left. Packing') pane.pack1 (widget, True, True) pane.pack2 (terminal, True, True) dbg ('SEGBUG: packing widget and terminal') pane.pack1 (widget, True, True) pane.pack2 (terminal, True, True) dbg ('SEGBUG: packed widget and terminal') # show all, set position of the divider dbg ('SEGBUG: Showing pane') pane.show () dbg ('SEGBUG: Showed pane') pane.set_position (position / 2) dbg ('SEGBUG: Set position') terminal.show () # insert the term reference into the list index = self.term_list.index (widget) if pos in ('bottom', 'right'): index = index + 1 self.term_list.insert (index, terminal) # make the new terminal grab the focus terminal._vte.grab_focus () return (terminal) def on_page_reordered(self, notebook, child, page_num): #page has been reordered, we need to get the # first term and last term dbg ("Reordered: %d"%page_num) nbpages = notebook.get_n_pages() if nbpages == 1: dbg("[ERROR] only one page in on_page_reordered") first = self._notebook_first_term(notebook.get_nth_page(page_num)) last = self._notebook_last_term(notebook.get_nth_page(page_num)) firstidx = self.term_list.index(first) lastidx = self.term_list.index(last) termslice = self.term_list[firstidx:lastidx+1] #remove them from the list for term in termslice: self.term_list.remove(term) if page_num == 0: #first page, we insert before the first term of next page nexttab = notebook.get_nth_page(1) sibling = self._notebook_first_term(nexttab) siblingindex = self.term_list.index(sibling) for term in termslice: self.term_list.insert(siblingindex, term) siblingindex += 1 else: #other pages, we insert after the last term of previous page previoustab = notebook.get_nth_page(page_num - 1) sibling = self._notebook_last_term(previoustab) siblingindex = self.term_list.index(sibling) for term in termslice: siblingindex += 1 self.term_list.insert(siblingindex, term) #for page reorder, we need to get the first term of a notebook def notebook_first_term(self, notebook): return self._notebook_first_term(notebook.get_nth_page(0)) def _notebook_first_term(self, child): if isinstance(child, TerminatorTerm): return child elif isinstance(child, gtk.Paned): return self._notebook_first_term(child.get_child1()) elif isinstance(child, gtk.Notebook): return self._notebook_first_term(child.get_nth_page(0)) dbg("[ERROR] unsupported class %s in _notebook_first_term" % child.__class__.__name__) return None #for page reorder, we need to get the last term of a notebook def notebook_last_term(self, notebook): return self._notebook_last_term(notebook.get_nth_page(notebook.get_n_pages()-1)) def _notebook_last_term(self, child): if isinstance(child, TerminatorTerm): return child elif isinstance(child, gtk.Paned): return self._notebook_last_term(child.get_child2()) elif isinstance(child, gtk.Notebook): return self._notebook_last_term(child.get_nth_page(child.get_n_pages()-1)) dbg("[ERROR] unsupported class %s in _notebook_last_term" % child.__class__.__name__) return None def newtab(self,widget, toplevel = False): if self._zoomed: # We don't want to add a new tab while we are zoomed in on a terminal dbg ("newtab function called, but Terminator was in zoomed terminal mode.") return terminal = TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile, None, widget.get_cwd()) #only one term, we don't show the title terminal._titlebox.hide() if self.conf.extreme_tabs and not toplevel: parent = widget.get_parent () child = widget else: child = self.window.get_children()[0] parent = child.get_parent() if isinstance(parent, gtk.Paned) or (isinstance(parent, gtk.Window) and ((self.conf.extreme_tabs and not toplevel) or not isinstance(child, gtk.Notebook))): #no notebook yet. notebook = gtk.Notebook() #notebook.set_tab_pos(gtk.POS_TOP) notebook.connect('page-reordered',self.on_page_reordered) notebook.set_property('homogeneous', True) notebook.set_tab_reorderable(widget, True) if isinstance(parent, gtk.Paned): if parent.get_child1() == child: child.reparent(notebook) parent.pack1(notebook) else: child.reparent(notebook) parent.pack2(notebook) elif isinstance(parent, gtk.Window): child.reparent(notebook) parent.add(notebook) notebook.set_tab_reorderable(child,True) notebooklabel = "" if isinstance(child, TerminatorTerm): child._titlebox.hide() if widget._vte.get_window_title() is not None: notebooklabel = widget._vte.get_window_title() notebooktablabel = TerminatorNotebookTabLabel(notebooklabel, notebook, self) notebook.set_tab_label(child, notebooktablabel) notebook.set_tab_label_packing(child, True, True, gtk.PACK_START) self.window.resize(self.window.allocation.width, min(self.window.allocation.height + notebooktablabel.height_request(), gtk.gdk.screen_height())) notebook.show() elif isinstance(parent, gtk.Notebook): notebook = parent elif isinstance(parent, gtk.Window) and isinstance(child, gtk.Notebook): notebook = child else: return (False) ## NOTE ## Here we need to append to the notebook before we can ## spawn the terminal (WINDOW_ID needs to be set) notebook.append_page(terminal,None) terminal.show () terminal.spawn_child () ## Some gtk/vte weirdness ## If we don't use this silly test, ## terminal._vte.get_window_title() might return ## bogus values notebooklabel = "" if terminal._vte.get_window_title() is not None: notebooklabel = terminal._vte.get_window_title() notebooktablabel = TerminatorNotebookTabLabel(notebooklabel, notebook, self) notebook.set_tab_label(terminal, notebooktablabel) notebook.set_tab_label_packing(terminal, True, True, gtk.PACK_START) notebook.set_tab_reorderable(terminal,True) ## Now, we set focus on the new term notebook.set_current_page(-1) terminal._vte.grab_focus () #adding a new tab, thus we need to get the # last term of the previous tab and add # the new term just after sibling = self._notebook_last_term(notebook.get_nth_page(notebook.page_num(terminal)-1)) index = self.term_list.index(sibling) self.term_list.insert (index + 1, terminal) return (True) def splitaxis (self, widget, vertical=True): """ Split the provided widget on the horizontal or vertical axis. """ if self._zoomed: # We don't want to split the terminal while we are in zoomed mode dbg ("splitaxis function called, but Terminator was in zoomed mode.") return # create a new terminal and parent pane. dbg ('SEGBUG: Creating TerminatorTerm') terminal = TerminatorTerm (self, self.profile, None, widget.get_cwd()) dbg ('SEGBUG: Created TerminatorTerm') pos = vertical and "right" or "bottom" dbg ('SEGBUG: Position is: %s'%pos) self.add(widget, terminal, pos) dbg ('SEGBUG: added TerminatorTerm to container') terminal.show () dbg ('SEGBUG: showed TerminatorTerm') terminal.spawn_child () dbg ('SEGBUG: spawned child') return terminal def remove(self, widget): """Remove a TerminatorTerm from the Terminator view and terms list Returns True on success, False on failure""" parent = widget.get_parent () sibling = None focus_on_close = 'prev' if isinstance (parent, gtk.Window): # We are the only term if not self.on_delete_event (parent, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DELETE)): self.on_destroy_event (parent, gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.DESTROY)) return if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned): index = self.term_list.index (widget) grandparent = parent.get_parent () # Discover sibling while all objects exist if widget == parent.get_child1 (): sibling = parent.get_child2 () focus_on_close = 'next' if widget == parent.get_child2 (): sibling = parent.get_child1 () if not sibling: # something is wrong, give up err ("Error: %s is not a child of %s"%(widget, parent)) return False parent.remove(widget) if isinstance(grandparent, gtk.Notebook): page = -1 for i in xrange(0, grandparent.get_n_pages()): if grandparent.get_nth_page(i) == parent: page = i break parent.remove(sibling) grandparent.remove_page(page) grandparent.insert_page(sibling, None,page) grandparent.set_tab_label(sibling, TerminatorNotebookTabLabel("",grandparent, self)) grandparent.set_tab_label_packing(sibling, True, True, gtk.PACK_START) grandparent.set_tab_reorderable(sibling, True) grandparent.set_current_page(page) else: grandparent.remove (parent) sibling.reparent (grandparent) if not self._zoomed: grandparent.resize_children() parent.destroy () if isinstance(sibling, TerminatorTerm) and isinstance(sibling.get_parent(), gtk.Notebook): sibling._titlebox.hide() self.term_list.remove (widget) elif isinstance (parent, gtk.Notebook): parent.remove(widget) nbpages = parent.get_n_pages() index = self.term_list.index (widget) self.term_list.remove (widget) if nbpages == 1: if self.window.allocation.height != gtk.gdk.screen_height(): self.window.resize(self.window.allocation.width, min(self.window.allocation.height - parent.get_tab_label(parent.get_nth_page(0)).height_request(), gtk.gdk.screen_height())) sibling = parent.get_nth_page(0) parent.remove(sibling) gdparent = parent.get_parent() if isinstance(gdparent, gtk.Window): gdparent.remove(parent) gdparent.add(sibling) elif isinstance(gdparent, gtk.Paned): if gdparent.get_child1() == parent: gdparent.remove(parent) gdparent.pack1(sibling) else: gdparent.remove(parent) gdparent.pack2(sibling) if isinstance(sibling, TerminatorTerm) and sibling.conf.titlebars and sibling.conf.extreme_tabs: sibling._titlebox.show() parent.destroy() if self.conf.focus_on_close == 'prev' or ( self.conf.focus_on_close == 'auto' and focus_on_close == 'prev'): if index == 0: index = 1 self.term_list[index - 1]._vte.grab_focus () self._set_current_notebook_page_recursive(self.term_list[index - 1]) elif self.conf.focus_on_close == 'next' or ( self.conf.focus_on_close == 'auto' and focus_on_close == 'next'): if index == len(self.term_list): index = index - 1 self.term_list[index]._vte.grab_focus () self._set_current_notebook_page_recursive(self.term_list[index]) if len(self.term_list) == 1: self.term_list[0]._titlebox.hide() return True def closeterm (self, widget): if self._zoomed: # We are zoomed, pop back out to normal layout before closing dbg ("closeterm function called while in zoomed mode. Restoring previous layout before closing.") self.toggle_zoom(widget, not self._maximised) if self.remove(widget): widget.destroy () return True return False def go_next (self, term): current = self.term_list.index (term) next = None if self.conf.cycle_term_tab: notebookpage = self.get_first_notebook_page(term) if notebookpage: last = self._notebook_last_term(notebookpage[1]) first = self._notebook_first_term(notebookpage[1]) if term == last: next = self.term_list.index(first) if next is None: if current == len (self.term_list) - 1: next = 0 else: next = current + 1 nextterm = self.term_list[next] ##we need to set the current page of each notebook self._set_current_notebook_page_recursive(nextterm) nextterm._vte.grab_focus () def go_prev (self, term): current = self.term_list.index (term) previous = None if self.conf.cycle_term_tab: notebookpage = self.get_first_notebook_page(term) if notebookpage: last = self._notebook_last_term(notebookpage[1]) first = self._notebook_first_term(notebookpage[1]) if term == first: previous = self.term_list.index(last) if previous is None: if current == 0: previous = len (self.term_list) - 1 else: previous = current - 1 #self.window.set_title(self.term_list[previous]._vte.get_window_title()) previousterm = self.term_list[previous] ##we need to set the current page of each notebook self._set_current_notebook_page_recursive(previousterm) previousterm._vte.grab_focus () def _set_current_notebook_page_recursive(self, widget): page = self.get_first_notebook_page(widget) while page: child = None page_num = page[0].page_num(page[1]) page[0].set_current_page(page_num) page = self.get_first_notebook_page(page[0]) def resizeterm (self, widget, keyname): vertical = False if keyname in ('Up', 'Down'): vertical = True elif keyname in ('Left', 'Right'): vertical = False else: return parent = self.get_first_parent_paned(widget,vertical) if parent == None: return #We have a corresponding parent pane # #allocation = parent.get_allocation() if keyname in ('Up', 'Down'): maxi = parent.get_child1().get_allocation().height + parent.get_child2().get_allocation().height - 1 else: maxi = parent.get_child1().get_allocation().width + parent.get_child2().get_allocation().width - 1 move = 10 if keyname in ('Up', 'Left'): move = -10 move = max(2, parent.get_position() + move) move = min(maxi, move) parent.set_position(move) def previous_tab(self, term): notebook = self.get_first_parent_notebook(term) notebook.prev_page() return def next_tab(self, term): notebook = self.get_first_parent_notebook(term) notebook.next_page() return def move_tab(self, term, direction): dbg("moving to direction %s" % direction) (notebook, page) = self.get_first_notebook_page(term) page_num = notebook.page_num(page) nbpages = notebook.get_n_pages() #dbg ("%s %s %s %s" % (page_num, nbpages,notebook, page)) if page_num == 0 and direction == 'left': new_page_num = nbpages elif page_num == nbpages - 1 and direction == 'right': new_page_num = 0 elif direction == 'left': new_page_num = page_num - 1 elif direction == 'right': new_page_num = page_num + 1 else: dbg("[ERROR] unhandled combination in move_tab: direction = %s page_num = %d" % (direction, page_num)) return False notebook.reorder_child(page, new_page_num) return True def get_first_parent_notebook(self, widget): if isinstance (widget, gtk.Window): return None parent = widget.get_parent() if isinstance (parent, gtk.Notebook): return parent return self.get_first_parent_notebook(parent) def get_first_parent_paned (self, widget, vertical = None): """This method returns the first parent pane of a widget. if vertical is True returns the first VPaned if vertical is False return the first Hpaned if is None return the First Paned""" if isinstance (widget, gtk.Window): return None parent = widget.get_parent() if isinstance (parent, gtk.Paned) and vertical is None: return parent if isinstance (parent, gtk.VPaned) and vertical: return parent elif isinstance (parent, gtk.HPaned) and not vertical: return parent return self.get_first_parent_paned(parent, vertical) def get_first_notebook_page(self, widget): if isinstance (widget, gtk.Window): return None parent = widget.get_parent() if isinstance (parent, gtk.Notebook): page = -1 for i in xrange(0, parent.get_n_pages()): if parent.get_nth_page(i) == widget: return (parent, widget) return self.get_first_notebook_page(parent) def reconfigure_vtes (self): for term in self.term_list: term.reconfigure_vte () def toggle_zoom(self, widget, fontscale = False): if not self._zoomed: widget._titlebars = widget._titlebox.get_property ('visible') dbg ('toggle_zoom: not zoomed. remembered titlebar setting of %s'%widget._titlebars) if widget._titlebars: widget._titlebox.hide() self.zoom_term (widget, fontscale) else: dbg ('toggle_zoom: zoomed. restoring titlebar setting of %s'%widget._titlebars) self.unzoom_term (widget, True) if widget._titlebars and \ len(self.term_list) > 1 \ and \ (isinstance(widget, TerminatorTerm) and isinstance(widget.get_parent(),gtk.Paned))\ : widget._titlebox.show() widget._vte.grab_focus() def zoom_term (self, widget, fontscale = False): """Maximize to full window an instance of TerminatorTerm.""" self.old_font = widget._vte.get_font () self.old_columns = widget._vte.get_column_count () self.old_rows = widget._vte.get_row_count () self.old_parent = widget.get_parent() if isinstance(self.old_parent, gtk.Window): return if isinstance(self.old_parent, gtk.Notebook): self.old_page = self.old_parent.get_current_page() self.window_child = self.window.get_children()[0] self.window.remove(self.window_child) self.old_parent.remove(widget) self.window.add(widget) self._zoomed = True if fontscale: self.cnid = widget.connect ("size-allocate", self.zoom_scale_font) dbg ('zoom_term: registered font zoom handler to %s with cnid: %s'%(widget, self.cnid)) else: self._maximised = True widget._vte.grab_focus () def zoom_scale_font (self, widget, allocation): new_columns = widget._vte.get_column_count () new_rows = widget._vte.get_row_count () new_font = widget._vte.get_font () dbg ('zoom_scale_font: Disconnecting %s from %s'%(self.cnid, widget)) widget.disconnect (self.cnid) dbg ('zoom_scale_font: I just went from %dx%d to %dx%d. Raa!'%(self.old_columns, self.old_rows, new_columns, new_rows)) if new_rows != self.old_rows: titleheight = widget._titlebox.get_allocation().height vtecharheight = widget._vte.get_char_height() rowdiff = new_rows - self.old_rows + 2 dbg ('zoom_scale_font: titlebox height is %d, char_height is %d'%(titleheight, vtecharheight)) dbg ('zoom_scale_font: lhs: %d, rhs: %f'%((titleheight / vtecharheight), rowdiff)) care_height = (rowdiff <= vtecharheight / rowdiff) dbg ('zoom_scale_font: caring about height difference: %s'%care_height) else: care_height = False if (new_rows <= self.old_rows) or care_height or (new_columns <= self.old_columns): dbg ('zoom_scale_font: Which means I didnt scale on one axis (col: %s, row: %s). Bailing'%((new_columns <= self.old_columns), (new_rows <= self.old_rows))) return old_area = self.old_columns * self.old_rows new_area = new_columns * new_rows area_factor = new_area / old_area dbg ('zoom_scale_font: My area changed from %d characters to %d characters, a factor of %f.'%(old_area, new_area, area_factor)) new_font.set_size (self.old_font.get_size() * (area_factor / 2)) dbg ('zoom_scale_font: Scaled font from %f to %f'%(self.old_font.get_size () / pango.SCALE, new_font.get_size () / pango.SCALE)) widget._vte.set_font (new_font) def unzoom_term (self, widget, fontscale = False): """Proof of concept: Go back to previous application widget structure. """ if self._zoomed: if fontscale: widget._vte.set_font (self.old_font) self._zoomed = False self._maximised = False self.window.remove(widget) self.window.add(self.window_child) self.old_parent.add(widget) if isinstance(self.old_parent, gtk.Notebook): self.old_parent.set_current_page(self.old_page) widget._vte.grab_focus ()