#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """factory.py - Maker of objects""" from borg import Borg from util import dbg, err # pylint: disable-msg=R0201 # pylint: disable-msg=W0613 class Factory(Borg): """Definition of a class that makes other classes""" def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" Borg.__init__(self) self.prepare_attributes() def prepare_attributes(self): """Required by the borg, but a no-op here""" pass def isinstance(self, product, classtype): """Check if a given product is a particular type of object""" types = {'Terminal': 'terminal', 'VPaned': 'paned', 'HPaned': 'paned', 'Paned': 'paned', 'Notebook': 'notebook', 'Container': 'container', 'Window': 'window'} if classtype in types.keys(): module = __import__(types[classtype], None, None, ['']) return(isinstance(product, getattr(module, classtype))) else: err('Factory::isinstance: unknown class type: %s' % classtype) return(False) def make(self, product, *args): """Make the requested product""" try: func = getattr(self, 'make_%s' % product.lower()) except AttributeError: err('Factory::make: requested object does not exist: %s' % product) return(None) dbg('Factory::make: created a %s' % product) return(func(args)) def make_terminal(self, *args): """Make a Terminal""" import terminal return(terminal.Terminal()) def make_hpaned(self, *args): """Make an HPaned""" import paned return(paned.HPaned()) def make_vpaned(self, *args): """Make a VPaned""" import paned return(paned.VPaned()) def make_notebook(self, *args): """Make a Notebook""" import notebook return(notebook.Notebook(args[0][0]))