terminatorlib.configobj package


terminatorlib.configobj.configobj module

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: exceptions.SyntaxError

This is the base class for all errors that ConfigObj raises. It is a subclass of SyntaxError.

__init__(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]
exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.NestingError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

This error indicates a level of nesting that doesn’t match.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ParseError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

This error indicates that a line is badly written. It is neither a valid key = value line, nor a valid section marker line.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.DuplicateError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

The keyword or section specified already exists.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigspecError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

An error occured whilst parsing a configspec.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.InterpolationError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

Base class for the two interpolation errors.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.InterpolationLoopError(option)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.InterpolationError

Maximum interpolation depth exceeded in string interpolation.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.MissingInterpolationOption(option)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.InterpolationError

A value specified for interpolation was missing.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.RepeatSectionError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

This error indicates additional sections in a section with a __many__ (repeated) section.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ReloadError[source]

Bases: exceptions.IOError

A ‘reload’ operation failed. This exception is a subclass of IOError.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.UnreprError(message='', line_number=None, line='')[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObjError

An error parsing in unrepr mode.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.UnknownType[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.ConfigObj(infile=None, options=None, configspec=None, encoding=None, interpolation=True, raise_errors=False, list_values=True, create_empty=False, file_error=False, stringify=True, indent_type=None, default_encoding=None, unrepr=False, write_empty_values=False, _inspec=False)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.Section

An object to read, create, and write config files.

__init__(infile=None, options=None, configspec=None, encoding=None, interpolation=True, raise_errors=False, list_values=True, create_empty=False, file_error=False, stringify=True, indent_type=None, default_encoding=None, unrepr=False, write_empty_values=False, _inspec=False)[source]

Parse a config file or create a config file object.


Decode ASCII strings to unicode if a self.encoding is specified.

_decode(infile, encoding)[source]

Decode infile to unicode. Using the specified encoding.

if is a string, it also needs converting to a list.


Decode element to unicode if necessary.


Handle any BOM, and decode if necessary.

If an encoding is specified, that must be used - but the BOM should still be removed (and the BOM attribute set).

(If the encoding is wrongly specified, then a BOM for an alternative encoding won’t be discovered or removed.)

If an encoding is not specified, UTF8 or UTF16 BOM will be detected and removed. The BOM attribute will be set. UTF16 will be decoded to unicode.

NOTE: This method must not be called with an empty infile.

Specifying the wrong encoding is likely to cause a UnicodeDecodeError.

infile must always be returned as a list of lines, but may be passed in as a single string.


Deal with a comment.


Parse the configspec.

_handle_error(text, ErrorClass, infile, cur_index)[source]

Handle an error according to the error settings.

Either raise the error or store it. The error will have occured at cur_index


Given a value string, unquote, remove comment, handle lists. (including empty and single member lists)

_load(infile, configspec)[source]
_match_depth(sect, depth)[source]

Given a section and a depth level, walk back through the sections parents to see if the depth level matches a previous section.

Return a reference to the right section, or raise a SyntaxError.

_multiline(value, infile, cur_index, maxline)[source]

Extract the value, where we are in a multiline situation.


Actually parse the config file.

_quote(value, multiline=True)[source]

Return a safely quoted version of a value.

Raise a ConfigObjError if the value cannot be safely quoted. If multiline is True (default) then use triple quotes if necessary.

  • Don’t quote values that don’t need it.
  • Recursively quote members of a list and return a comma joined list.
  • Multiline is False for lists.
  • Obey list syntax for empty and single member lists.

If list_values=False then the value is only quoted if it contains a \n (is multiline) or ‘#’.

If write_empty_values is set, and the value is an empty string, it won’t be quoted.

_set_configspec(section, copy)[source]

Called by validate. Handles setting the configspec on subsections including sections to be validated by __many__


Used by stringify within validate, to turn non-string values into strings.


Return an unquoted version of a value

_write_line(indent_string, entry, this_entry, comment)[source]

Write an individual line, for the write method

_write_marker(indent_string, depth, entry, comment)[source]

Write a section marker line


Reload a ConfigObj from file.

This method raises a ReloadError if the ConfigObj doesn’t have a filename attribute pointing to a file.


Clear ConfigObj instance and restore to ‘freshly created’ state.

validate(validator, preserve_errors=False, copy=False, section=None)[source]

Test the ConfigObj against a configspec.

It uses the validator object from validate.py.

To run validate on the current ConfigObj, call:

test = config.validate(validator)

(Normally having previously passed in the configspec when the ConfigObj was created - you can dynamically assign a dictionary of checks to the configspec attribute of a section though).

It returns True if everything passes, or a dictionary of pass/fails (True/False). If every member of a subsection passes, it will just have the value True. (It also returns False if all members fail).

In addition, it converts the values from strings to their native types if their checks pass (and stringify is set).

If preserve_errors is True (False is default) then instead of a marking a fail with a False, it will preserve the actual exception object. This can contain info about the reason for failure. For example the VdtValueTooSmallError indicates that the value supplied was too small. If a value (or section) is missing it will still be marked as False.

You must have the validate module to use preserve_errors=True.

You can then use the flatten_errors function to turn your nested results dictionary into a flattened list of failures - useful for displaying meaningful error messages.

write(outfile=None, section=None)[source]

Write the current ConfigObj as a file

tekNico: FIXME: use StringIO instead of real files

>>> filename = a.filename
>>> a.filename = 'test.ini'
>>> a.write()
>>> a.filename = filename
>>> a == ConfigObj('test.ini', raise_errors=True)
>>> import os
>>> os.remove('test.ini')
_bools = {'1': True, 'on': True, 'off': False, '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'yes': True, 'true': True}
_keyword = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_listvalueexp = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_multi_line_double = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_multi_line_single = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_nolistvalue = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_sectionmarker = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x8f8c8b0>
_single_line_double = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_single_line_single = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_triple_quote = {"'''": (<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42de2138>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42ab4e20>), '"""': (<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42de2250>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42ab4c20>)}
_valueexp = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x8fef6f8>
class terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.SimpleVal[source]

Bases: object

A simple validator. Can be used to check that all members expected are present.

To use it, provide a configspec with all your members in (the value given will be ignored). Pass an instance of SimpleVal to the validate method of your ConfigObj. validate will return True if all members are present, or a dictionary with True/False meaning present/missing. (Whole missing sections will be replaced with False)

check(check, member, missing=False)[source]

A dummy check method, always returns the value unchanged.

terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.flatten_errors(cfg, res, levels=None, results=None)[source]

An example function that will turn a nested dictionary of results (as returned by ConfigObj.validate) into a flat list.

cfg is the ConfigObj instance being checked, res is the results dictionary returned by validate.

(This is a recursive function, so you shouldn’t use the levels or results arguments - they are used by the function.)

Returns a list of keys that failed. Each member of the list is a tuple:

([list of sections...], key, result)

If validate was called with preserve_errors=False (the default) then result will always be False.

list of sections is a flattened list of sections that the key was found in.

If the section was missing (or a section was expected and a scalar provided - or vice-versa) then key will be None.

If the value (or section) was missing then result will be False.

If validate was called with preserve_errors=True and a value was present, but failed the check, then result will be the exception object returned. You can use this as a string that describes the failure.

For example The value “3” is of the wrong type.

terminatorlib.configobj.configobj.get_extra_values(conf, _prepend=())[source]

Find all the values and sections not in the configspec from a validated ConfigObj.

get_extra_values returns a list of tuples where each tuple represents either an extra section, or an extra value.

The tuples contain two values, a tuple representing the section the value is in and the name of the extra values. For extra values in the top level section the first member will be an empty tuple. For values in the ‘foo’ section the first member will be ('foo',). For members in the ‘bar’ subsection of the ‘foo’ section the first member will be ('foo', 'bar').

NOTE: If you call get_extra_values on a ConfigObj instance that hasn’t been validated it will return an empty list.

terminatorlib.configobj.validate module

The Validator object is used to check that supplied values conform to a specification.

The value can be supplied as a string - e.g. from a config file. In this case the check will also convert the value to the required type. This allows you to add validation as a transparent layer to access data stored as strings. The validation checks that the data is correct and converts it to the expected type.

Some standard checks are provided for basic data types. Additional checks are easy to write. They can be provided when the Validator is instantiated or added afterwards.

The standard functions work with the following basic data types :

  • integers
  • floats
  • booleans
  • strings
  • ip_addr

plus lists of these datatypes

Adding additional checks is done through coding simple functions.

The full set of standard checks are :

  • ‘integer’: matches integer values (including negative)

    Takes optional ‘min’ and ‘max’ arguments :

    integer(3, 9)  # any value from 3 to 9
    integer(min=0) # any positive value
  • ‘float’: matches float values

    Has the same parameters as the integer check.

  • ‘boolean’: matches boolean values - True or False
    Acceptable string values for True are :

    true, on, yes, 1

    Acceptable string values for False are :

    false, off, no, 0

    Any other value raises an error.

  • ‘ip_addr’: matches an Internet Protocol address, v.4, represented

    by a dotted-quad string, i.e. ‘’.

  • ‘string’: matches any string.

    Takes optional keyword args ‘min’ and ‘max’ to specify min and max lengths of the string.

  • ‘list’: matches any list.

    Takes optional keyword args ‘min’, and ‘max’ to specify min and max sizes of the list. (Always returns a list.)

  • ‘tuple’: matches any tuple.

    Takes optional keyword args ‘min’, and ‘max’ to specify min and max sizes of the tuple. (Always returns a tuple.)

  • ‘int_list’: Matches a list of integers.

    Takes the same arguments as list.

  • ‘float_list’: Matches a list of floats.

    Takes the same arguments as list.

  • ‘bool_list’: Matches a list of boolean values.

    Takes the same arguments as list.

  • ‘ip_addr_list’: Matches a list of IP addresses.

    Takes the same arguments as list.

  • ‘string_list’: Matches a list of strings.

    Takes the same arguments as list.

  • ‘mixed_list’: Matches a list with different types in

    specific positions. List size must match the number of arguments.

    Each position can be one of : ‘integer’, ‘float’, ‘ip_addr’, ‘string’, ‘boolean’

    So to specify a list with two strings followed by two integers, you write the check as :

    mixed_list('string', 'string', 'integer', 'integer')
  • ‘pass’: This check matches everything ! It never fails

    and the value is unchanged.

    It is also the default if no check is specified.

  • ‘option’: This check matches any from a list of options.

    You specify this check with :

    option('option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3')

You can supply a default value (returned if no value is supplied) using the default keyword argument.

You specify a list argument for default using a list constructor syntax in the check :

checkname(arg1, arg2, default=list('val 1', 'val 2', 'val 3'))

A badly formatted set of arguments will raise a VdtParamError.

exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.ValidateError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This error indicates that the check failed. It can be the base class for more specific errors.

Any check function that fails ought to raise this error. (or a subclass)

>>> raise ValidateError
Traceback (most recent call last):
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtUnknownCheckError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.ValidateError

An unknown check function was requested

>>> raise VdtUnknownCheckError('yoda')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtUnknownCheckError: the check "yoda" is unknown.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtParamError(name, value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.SyntaxError

An incorrect parameter was passed

__init__(name, value)[source]
>>> raise VdtParamError('yoda', 'jedi')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtParamError: passed an incorrect value "jedi" for parameter "yoda".
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtTypeError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.ValidateError

The value supplied was of the wrong type

>>> raise VdtTypeError('jedi')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "jedi" is of the wrong type.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.ValidateError

The value supplied was of the correct type, but was not an allowed value.

>>> raise VdtValueError('jedi')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueError: the value "jedi" is unacceptable.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueTooSmallError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueError

The value supplied was of the correct type, but was too small.

>>> raise VdtValueTooSmallError('0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooSmallError: the value "0" is too small.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueTooBigError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueError

The value supplied was of the correct type, but was too big.

>>> raise VdtValueTooBigError('1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooBigError: the value "1" is too big.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueTooShortError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueError

The value supplied was of the correct type, but was too short.

>>> raise VdtValueTooShortError('jed')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooShortError: the value "jed" is too short.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueTooLongError(value)[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtValueError

The value supplied was of the correct type, but was too long.

>>> raise VdtValueTooLongError('jedie')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooLongError: the value "jedie" is too long.
exception terminatorlib.configobj.validate.VdtMissingValue[source]

Bases: terminatorlib.configobj.validate.ValidateError

No value was supplied to a check that needed one.

class terminatorlib.configobj.validate.Validator(functions=None)[source]

Bases: object

Validator is an object that allows you to register a set of ‘checks’. These checks take input and test that it conforms to the check.

This can also involve converting the value from a string into the correct datatype.

The check method takes an input string which configures which check is to be used and applies that check to a supplied value.

An example input string would be: ‘int_range(param1, param2)’

You would then provide something like:

>>> def int_range_check(value, min, max):
...     # turn min and max from strings to integers
...     min = int(min)
...     max = int(max)
...     # check that value is of the correct type.
...     # possible valid inputs are integers or strings
...     # that represent integers
...     if not isinstance(value, (int, long, basestring)):
...         raise VdtTypeError(value)
...     elif isinstance(value, basestring):
...         # if we are given a string
...         # attempt to convert to an integer
...         try:
...             value = int(value)
...         except ValueError:
...             raise VdtValueError(value)
...     # check the value is between our constraints
...     if not min <= value:
...          raise VdtValueTooSmallError(value)
...     if not value <= max:
...          raise VdtValueTooBigError(value)
...     return value
>>> fdict = {'int_range': int_range_check}
>>> vtr1 = Validator(fdict)
>>> vtr1.check('int_range(20, 40)', '30')
>>> vtr1.check('int_range(20, 40)', '60')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooBigError: the value "60" is too big.

New functions can be added with :

>>> vtr2 = Validator()       
>>> vtr2.functions['int_range'] = int_range_check

Or by passing in a dictionary of functions when Validator is instantiated.

Your functions can use keyword arguments, but the first argument should always be ‘value’.

If the function doesn’t take additional arguments, the parentheses are optional in the check. It can be written with either of :

keyword = function_name
keyword = function_name()

The first program to utilise Validator() was Michael Foord’s ConfigObj, an alternative to ConfigParser which supports lists and can validate a config file using a config schema. For more details on using Validator with ConfigObj see: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/configobj.html

>>> vtri = Validator()
_check_value(value, fun_name, fun_args, fun_kwargs)[source]

Take apart a keyword=list('val, 'val') type string.


Dummy check that always passes

>>> vtor.check('', 0)
>>> vtor.check('', '0')

Unquote a value if necessary.

check(check, value, missing=False)[source]

Usage: check(check, value)

check: string representing check to apply (including arguments) value: object to be checked

Returns value, converted to correct type if necessary

If the check fails, raises a ValidateError subclass.

>>> vtor.check('yoda', '')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtUnknownCheckError: the check "yoda" is unknown.
>>> vtor.check('yoda()', '')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtUnknownCheckError: the check "yoda" is unknown.
>>> vtor.check('string(default="")', '', missing=True)

Given a check, return the default value for the check (converted to the right type).

If the check doesn’t specify a default value then a KeyError will be raised.

_func_re = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_key_arg = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_list_arg = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x8f72290>
_list_members = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>
_matchfinder = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x8f96278>
_paramfinder = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x8ff51d0>

Convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer

>>> int(dottedQuadToNum('1 '))
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum(' 1.2'))
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum(' 1.2.3 '))
>>> int(dottedQuadToNum(''))
>>> dottedQuadToNum('1.2.3. 4')
>>> dottedQuadToNum('')
>>> dottedQuadToNum('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a good dotted-quad IP:

Convert long int to dotted quad string

>>> numToDottedQuad(-1L)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a good numeric IP: -1
>>> numToDottedQuad(1L)
>>> numToDottedQuad(16777218L)
>>> numToDottedQuad(16908291L)
>>> numToDottedQuad(16909060L)
>>> numToDottedQuad(4294967295L)
>>> numToDottedQuad(4294967296L)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a good numeric IP: 4294967296
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_integer(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

A check that tests that a given value is an integer (int, or long) and optionally, between bounds. A negative value is accepted, while a float will fail.

If the value is a string, then the conversion is done - if possible. Otherwise a VdtError is raised.

>>> vtor.check('integer', '-1')
>>> vtor.check('integer', '0')
>>> vtor.check('integer', 9)
>>> vtor.check('integer', 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "a" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('integer', '2.2')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "2.2" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('integer(10)', '20')
>>> vtor.check('integer(max=20)', '15')
>>> vtor.check('integer(10)', '9')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooSmallError: the value "9" is too small.
>>> vtor.check('integer(10)', 9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooSmallError: the value "9" is too small.
>>> vtor.check('integer(max=20)', '35')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooBigError: the value "35" is too big.
>>> vtor.check('integer(max=20)', 35)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooBigError: the value "35" is too big.
>>> vtor.check('integer(0, 9)', False)
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_float(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

A check that tests that a given value is a float (an integer will be accepted), and optionally - that it is between bounds.

If the value is a string, then the conversion is done - if possible. Otherwise a VdtError is raised.

This can accept negative values.

>>> vtor.check('float', '2')

From now on we multiply the value to avoid comparing decimals

>>> vtor.check('float', '-6.8') * 10
>>> vtor.check('float', '12.2') * 10
>>> vtor.check('float', 8.4) * 10
>>> vtor.check('float', 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "a" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('float(10.1)', '10.2') * 10
>>> vtor.check('float(max=20.2)', '15.1') * 10
>>> vtor.check('float(10.0)', '9.0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooSmallError: the value "9.0" is too small.
>>> vtor.check('float(max=20.0)', '35.0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooBigError: the value "35.0" is too big.

Check if the value represents a boolean.

>>> vtor.check('boolean', 0)
>>> vtor.check('boolean', False)
>>> vtor.check('boolean', '0')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'off')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'false')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'no')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'nO')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'NO')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 1)
>>> vtor.check('boolean', True)
>>> vtor.check('boolean', '1')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'on')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'true')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'yes')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'Yes')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'YES')
>>> vtor.check('boolean', '')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('boolean', 'up')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "up" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_list(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a list of values.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

It does no check on list members.

>>> vtor.check('list', ())
>>> vtor.check('list', [])
>>> vtor.check('list', (1, 2))
[1, 2]
>>> vtor.check('list', [1, 2])
[1, 2]
>>> vtor.check('list(3)', (1, 2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooShortError: the value "(1, 2)" is too short.
>>> vtor.check('list(max=5)', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooLongError: the value "(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)" is too long.
>>> vtor.check('list(min=3, max=5)', (1, 2, 3, 4))
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> vtor.check('list', 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "0" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('list', '12')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "12" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_tuple(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a tuple of values.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

It does no check on members.

>>> vtor.check('tuple', ())
>>> vtor.check('tuple', [])
>>> vtor.check('tuple', (1, 2))
(1, 2)
>>> vtor.check('tuple', [1, 2])
(1, 2)
>>> vtor.check('tuple(3)', (1, 2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooShortError: the value "(1, 2)" is too short.
>>> vtor.check('tuple(max=5)', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooLongError: the value "(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)" is too long.
>>> vtor.check('tuple(min=3, max=5)', (1, 2, 3, 4))
(1, 2, 3, 4)
>>> vtor.check('tuple', 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "0" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('tuple', '12')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "12" is of the wrong type.

Check that the supplied value is an Internet Protocol address, v.4, represented by a dotted-quad string, i.e. ‘’.

>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', '1 ')
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', ' 1.2')
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', ' 1.2.3 ')
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', '')
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', '')
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', '')
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', '')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueError: the value "" is unacceptable.
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', '')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueError: the value "" is unacceptable.
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr', 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "0" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_string(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the supplied value is a string.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

>>> vtor.check('string', '0')
>>> vtor.check('string', 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "0" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('string(2)', '12')
>>> vtor.check('string(2)', '1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooShortError: the value "1" is too short.
>>> vtor.check('string(min=2, max=3)', '123')
>>> vtor.check('string(min=2, max=3)', '1234')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooLongError: the value "1234" is too long.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_int_list(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a list of integers.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

Each list member is checked that it is an integer.

>>> vtor.check('int_list', ())
>>> vtor.check('int_list', [])
>>> vtor.check('int_list', (1, 2))
[1, 2]
>>> vtor.check('int_list', [1, 2])
[1, 2]
>>> vtor.check('int_list', [1, 'a'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "a" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_bool_list(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a list of booleans.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

Each list member is checked that it is a boolean.

>>> vtor.check('bool_list', ())
>>> vtor.check('bool_list', [])
>>> check_res = vtor.check('bool_list', (True, False))
>>> check_res == [True, False]
>>> check_res = vtor.check('bool_list', [True, False])
>>> check_res == [True, False]
>>> vtor.check('bool_list', [True, 'a'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "a" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_float_list(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a list of floats.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

Each list member is checked that it is a float.

>>> vtor.check('float_list', ())
>>> vtor.check('float_list', [])
>>> vtor.check('float_list', (1, 2.0))
[1.0, 2.0]
>>> vtor.check('float_list', [1, 2.0])
[1.0, 2.0]
>>> vtor.check('float_list', [1, 'a'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "a" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_string_list(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a list of strings.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

Each list member is checked that it is a string.

>>> vtor.check('string_list', ())
>>> vtor.check('string_list', [])
>>> vtor.check('string_list', ('a', 'b'))
['a', 'b']
>>> vtor.check('string_list', ['a', 1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "1" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check('string_list', 'hello')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "hello" is of the wrong type.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_ip_addr_list(value, min=None, max=None)[source]

Check that the value is a list of IP addresses.

You can optionally specify the minimum and maximum number of members.

Each list member is checked that it is an IP address.

>>> vtor.check('ip_addr_list', ())
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr_list', [])
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr_list', ('', ''))
['', '']
>>> vtor.check('ip_addr_list', ['a'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueError: the value "a" is unacceptable.
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_mixed_list(value, *args)[source]

Check that the value is a list. Allow specifying the type of each member. Work on lists of specific lengths.

You specify each member as a positional argument specifying type

Each type should be one of the following strings :
‘integer’, ‘float’, ‘ip_addr’, ‘string’, ‘boolean’

So you can specify a list of two strings, followed by two integers as :

mixed_list(‘string’, ‘string’, ‘integer’, ‘integer’)

The length of the list must match the number of positional arguments you supply.

>>> mix_str = "mixed_list('integer', 'float', 'ip_addr', 'string', 'boolean')"
>>> check_res = vtor.check(mix_str, (1, 2.0, '', 'a', True))
>>> check_res == [1, 2.0, '', 'a', True]
>>> check_res = vtor.check(mix_str, ('1', '2.0', '', 'a', 'True'))
>>> check_res == [1, 2.0, '', 'a', True]
>>> vtor.check(mix_str, ('b', 2.0, '', 'a', True))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "b" is of the wrong type.
>>> vtor.check(mix_str, (1, 2.0, '', 'a'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooShortError: the value "(1, 2.0, '', 'a')" is too short.
>>> vtor.check(mix_str, (1, 2.0, '', 'a', 1, 'b'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueTooLongError: the value "(1, 2.0, '', 'a', 1, 'b')" is too long.
>>> vtor.check(mix_str, 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "0" is of the wrong type.

This test requires an elaborate setup, because of a change in error string output from the interpreter between Python 2.2 and 2.3 .

>>> res_seq = (
...     'passed an incorrect value "',
...     'yoda',
...     '" for parameter "mixed_list".',
... )
>>> res_str = "'".join(res_seq)
>>> try:
...     vtor.check('mixed_list("yoda")', ('a'))
... except VdtParamError, err:
...     str(err) == res_str
terminatorlib.configobj.validate.is_option(value, *options)[source]

This check matches the value to any of a set of options.

>>> vtor.check('option("yoda", "jedi")', 'yoda')
>>> vtor.check('option("yoda", "jedi")', 'jed')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtValueError: the value "jed" is unacceptable.
>>> vtor.check('option("yoda", "jedi")', 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VdtTypeError: the value "0" is of the wrong type.

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