""" - With min changes to main code base, implementing mouse free url handling. - Using shortcuts to browse URL, next / previous, clear search. Selected URL is copied to clipboard. - Vishweshwar Saran Singh Deo vssdeo@gmail.com """ import gi gi.require_version('Vte', '2.91') # vte-0.38 (gnome-3.14) from gi.repository import Vte from terminatorlib.terminator import Terminator from terminatorlib.config import Config import terminatorlib.plugin as plugin from terminatorlib.plugin_util import KeyBindUtil from terminatorlib.util import get_config_dir, err, dbg, gerr from terminatorlib.keybindings import Keybindings, KeymapError from terminatorlib import regex import re AVAILABLE = ['MouseFreeURLHandler'] PluginUrlActFindNext = "plugin_url_find_next" PluginUrlActFindPrev = "plugin_url_find_prev" PluginUrlActEsc = "plugin_url_esc" PluginUrlActLaunch = "plugin_url_launch" PluginUrlFindNext = "Plugin Url Find Next" PluginUrlFindPrev = "Plugin Url Find Prev" PluginUrlEsc = "Plugin Url Esc" PluginUrlLaunch = "Plugin Url Launch" class MouseFreeURLHandler(plugin.Plugin): capabilities = ['url_handler'] handler_name = 'MouseFreeURLHandler' nameopen = None namecopy = None match = None flag_http_on = False keyb = KeyBindUtil() matches = [] matches_ptr = -1 #basic pattern searchtext = "https?\:\/\/[^\s]+[\/\w]" def __init__(self): self.connect_signals() config = Config() self.keyb.bindkey_check_config([PluginUrlFindNext , PluginUrlActFindNext, "j"], config) self.keyb.bindkey_check_config([PluginUrlFindPrev , PluginUrlActFindPrev, "k"], config) self.keyb.bindkey_check_config([PluginUrlEsc , PluginUrlActEsc, "Escape"], config) self.keyb.bindkey_check_config([PluginUrlLaunch, PluginUrlActLaunch, "Return"], config) def connect_signals(self): self.windows = Terminator().get_windows() for window in self.windows: window.connect('key-press-event', self.on_keypress) return def callback(self, url): """Actually we don't need to do anything for this to work""" return(url) def extract(self): #can we do extract more efficiently col, row = self.vte.get_cursor_position() (txt, attr) = self.vte.get_text_range(0,0,row, col) self.matches = re.findall(self.searchtext, txt) self.matches_ptr = len(self.matches)-1 def get_term(self): return Terminator().last_focused_term def get_selected_url(self): if len(self.matches): dbg("selected URL (%s %s)" % (self.matches_ptr, self.matches[self.matches_ptr])) return self.matches[self.matches_ptr] dbg("selected URL (%s %s)" % (self.matches_ptr, "not found")) return None def on_keypress(self, widget, event): act = self.keyb.keyaction(event) dbg("keyaction: (%s) (%s)" % (str(act), event.keyval)) if act == PluginUrlActFindNext: if not self.flag_http_on: dbg("search URL on") self.search() self.extract() #so when we start search last item be selected self.vte.search_find_previous() self.get_selected_url() # dbg url print self.vte.copy_clipboard() return True else: self.vte.search_find_next() if (self.matches_ptr < len(self.matches)-1): self.matches_ptr += 1 else: self.matches_ptr = 0 self.vte.copy_clipboard() self.get_selected_url() # dbg url print return True if act == PluginUrlActFindPrev: if not self.flag_http_on: self.search() self.extract() self.get_selected_url() # dbg url print self.vte.search_find_previous() self.vte.copy_clipboard() return True self.vte.search_find_previous() if self.matches_ptr > 0: self.matches_ptr -= 1 elif len(self.matches): self.matches_ptr = len(self.matches)-1 self.vte.copy_clipboard() self.get_selected_url() # dbg url print return True if act == PluginUrlActEsc: self.matches = [] self.vte = self.get_term().get_vte() self.vte.search_set_regex(None, 0) self.flag_http_on = False dbg("search URL off") if act == PluginUrlActLaunch: url = self.get_selected_url() if url: self.get_term().open_url(url, prepare=False) def search(self): self.flag_http_on = True self.vte = self.get_term().get_vte() self.vte.search_set_wrap_around(True) regex_flags_pcre2 = (regex.FLAGS_PCRE2 | regex.PCRE2_CASELESS) searchre = Vte.Regex.new_for_search(self.searchtext, len(self.searchtext), regex_flags_pcre2) self.vte.search_set_regex(searchre, 0)