#!/usr/bin/python # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """terminator.py - class for the master Terminator singleton""" from borg import Borg from config import Config from keybindings import Keybindings from util import dbg class Terminator(Borg): """master object for the application""" windows = None windowtitle = None terminals = None groups = None config = None keybindings = None groupsend = None groupsend_type = {'all':0, 'group':1, 'off':2} def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" Borg.__init__(self) self.prepare_attributes() def prepare_attributes(self): """Initialise anything that isn't already""" if not self.windows: self.windows = [] if not self.terminals: self.terminals = [] if not self.groups: self.groups = [] if not self.groupsend: self.groupsend = self.groupsend_type['group'] if not self.config: self.config = Config() if not self.keybindings: self.keybindings = Keybindings() self.keybindings.configure(self.config['keybindings']) def register_window(self, window): """Register a new window widget""" dbg('Terminator::register_window: registering %s' % window) self.windows.append(window) def deregister_window(self, window): """de-register a window widget""" dbg('Terminator::deregister_window: de-registering %s' % window) self.windows.remove(window) def register_terminal(self, terminal): """Register a new terminal widget""" dbg('Terminator::register_terminal: registering %s' % terminal) self.terminals.append(terminal) terminal.connect('ungroup-all', self.ungroup_all) terminal.connect('navigate', self.navigate_terminal) def deregister_terminal(self, terminal): """De-register a terminal widget""" dbg('Terminator::deregister_terminal: de-registering %s' % terminal) self.terminals.remove(terminal) def reconfigure_terminals(self): """Tell all terminals to update their configuration""" for terminal in self.terminals: terminal.reconfigure() def navigate_terminal(self, terminal, direction): """Nagivate around the terminals""" current = self.terminals.index(terminal) length = len(self.terminals) next = None if length <= 1: return print "Current term: %d" % current print "Number of terms: %d" % length if direction == 'next': next = current + 1 if next >= length: next = 0 elif direction == 'prev': next = current - 1 if next < 0: next = length - 1 else: raise NotImplementedError # FIXME: Do the directional navigation if next is not None: print "sending focus to term %d" % next self.terminals[next].grab_focus() def create_group(self, name): """Create a new group""" if name not in self.groups: self.groups.append(name) def ungroup_all(self, widget): """Remove all groups""" for terminal in self.terminals: terminal.set_group(None, None) self.groups = [] def closegroupedterms(self, group): """Close all terminals in a group""" for terminal in self.terminals: if terminal.group == group: terminal.close() def group_hoover(self): """Clean out unused groups""" if self.config['autoclean_groups']: todestroy = [] for group in self.groups: for terminal in self.terminals: save = False if terminal.group == group: save = True break if not save: todestroy.append(group) for group in todestroy: self.groups.remove(group) def do_enumerate(self, widget, pad): """Insert the number of each terminal in a group, into that terminal""" if pad: numstr = '%0'+str(len(str(len(self.terminals))))+'d' else: numstr = '%d' for term in self.get_target_terms(widget): idx = self.terminals.index(term) term.feed(numstr % (idx + 1)) def get_target_terms(self, widget): """Get the terminals we should currently be broadcasting to""" if self.groupsend == self.groupsend_type['all']: return(self.terminals) elif self.groupsend == self.groupsend_type['group']: termset = [] for term in self.terminals: if term == widget or (term.group != None and term.group == widget.group): termset.append(term) return(termset) else: return([widget]) def group_tab(self, widget): """Group all the terminals in a tab""" pass def ungroup_tab(self, widget): """Ungroup all the terminals in a tab""" pass def focus_changed(self, widget): """We just moved focus to a new terminal""" for terminal in self.terminals: terminal.titlebar.update() return # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: