#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """borg.py - We are the borg. Resistance is futile. http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66531/ ActiveState's policy appears to be that snippets exist to encourage re-use, but I can not find any specific licencing terms. """ from .util import dbg # pylint: disable-msg=R0903 # pylint: disable-msg=R0921 class Borg: """Definition of a class that can never be duplicated. Correct usage is thus: >>> from borg import Borg >>> class foo(Borg): ... # All attributes on a borg class *must* = None ... attribute = None ... def __init__(self): ... Borg.__init__(self, self.__class__.__name__) ... def prepare_attributes(self): ... if not self.attribute: ... self.attribute = [] ... >>> bar = foo() >>> bar.prepare_attributes() The important thing to note is that all attributes of borg classes *must* be declared as being None. If you attempt to use static class attributes you will get unpredicted behaviour. Instead, prepare_attributes() must be called which will then see the attributes in the shared state, and initialise them if necessary.""" __shared_state = {} def __init__(self, borgtype=None): """Class initialiser. Overwrite our class dictionary with the shared state. This makes us identical to every other instance of this class type.""" if borgtype is None: raise TypeError('Borg::__init__: You must pass a borgtype') if borgtype not in self.__shared_state: dbg('Borg::__init__: Preparing borg state for %s' % borgtype) self.__shared_state[borgtype] = {} self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state[borgtype] def prepare_attributes(self): """This should be used to prepare any attributes of the borg class.""" raise NotImplementedError('prepare_attributes')