#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Terminator by Chris Jones # GPL v2 only """terminator.py - class for the master Terminator singleton""" import copy import os from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk import borg from borg import Borg from config import Config from keybindings import Keybindings from util import dbg, err, enumerate_descendants from factory import Factory from cwd import get_pid_cwd from version import APP_NAME, APP_VERSION def eventkey2gdkevent(eventkey): # FIXME FOR GTK3: is there a simpler way of casting from specific EventKey to generic (union) GdkEvent? gdkevent = Gdk.Event.new(eventkey.type) gdkevent.key.window = eventkey.window gdkevent.key.send_event = eventkey.send_event gdkevent.key.time = eventkey.time gdkevent.key.state = eventkey.state gdkevent.key.keyval = eventkey.keyval gdkevent.key.length = eventkey.length gdkevent.key.string = eventkey.string gdkevent.key.hardware_keycode = eventkey.hardware_keycode gdkevent.key.group = eventkey.group gdkevent.key.is_modifier = eventkey.is_modifier return gdkevent class Terminator(Borg): """master object for the application""" windows = None launcher_windows = None windowtitle = None terminals = None groups = None config = None keybindings = None style_providers = None last_focused_term = None origcwd = None dbus_path = None dbus_name = None pid_cwd = None gnome_client = None debug_address = None ibus_running = None doing_layout = None layoutname = None last_active_window = None groupsend = None groupsend_type = {'all':0, 'group':1, 'off':2} def __init__(self): """Class initialiser""" Borg.__init__(self, self.__class__.__name__) self.prepare_attributes() def prepare_attributes(self): """Initialise anything that isn't already""" if not self.windows: self.windows = [] if not self.launcher_windows: self.launcher_windows = [] if not self.terminals: self.terminals = [] if not self.groups: self.groups = [] if not self.config: self.config = Config() if self.groupsend == None: self.groupsend = self.groupsend_type[self.config['broadcast_default']] if not self.keybindings: self.keybindings = Keybindings() self.keybindings.configure(self.config['keybindings']) if not self.style_providers: self.style_providers = [] if not self.doing_layout: self.doing_layout = False if not self.pid_cwd: self.pid_cwd = get_pid_cwd() if self.gnome_client is None: self.attempt_gnome_client() def set_origcwd(self, cwd): """Store the original cwd our process inherits""" if cwd == '/': cwd = os.path.expanduser('~') os.chdir(cwd) self.origcwd = cwd def set_dbus_data(self, dbus_service): """Store the DBus bus details, if they are available""" if dbus_service: self.dbus_name = dbus_service.bus_name.get_name() self.dbus_path = dbus_service.bus_path def attempt_gnome_client(self): """Attempt to find a GNOME Session to register with""" try: from gi.repository import Gnome self.gnome_program = Gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION) # VERIFY FOR GTK3 self.gnome_client = Gnome.Ui.master_client() # VERIFY FOR GTK3 self.gnome_client.connect_to_session_manager() self.gnome_client.connect('save-yourself', self.save_yourself) self.gnome_client.connect('die', self.die) dbg('GNOME session support enabled and registered') except (ImportError, AttributeError): self.gnome_client = False dbg('GNOME session support not available') def save_yourself(self, *args): """Save as much state as possible for the session manager""" dbg('preparing session manager state') # FIXME: Implement this def die(self, *args): """Die at the hands of the session manager""" dbg('session manager asked us to die') # FIXME: Implement this def get_windows(self): """Return a list of windows""" return self.windows def register_window(self, window): """Register a new window widget""" if window not in self.windows: dbg('Terminator::register_window: registering %s:%s' % (id(window), type(window))) self.windows.append(window) def deregister_window(self, window): """de-register a window widget""" dbg('Terminator::deregister_window: de-registering %s:%s' % (id(window), type(window))) if window in self.windows: self.windows.remove(window) else: err('%s is not in registered window list' % window) if len(self.windows) == 0: # We have no windows left, we should exit dbg('no windows remain, quitting') Gtk.main_quit() def register_launcher_window(self, window): """Register a new launcher window widget""" if window not in self.launcher_windows: dbg('Terminator::register_launcher_window: registering %s:%s' % (id(window), type(window))) self.launcher_windows.append(window) def deregister_launcher_window(self, window): """de-register a launcher window widget""" dbg('Terminator::deregister_launcher_window: de-registering %s:%s' % (id(window), type(window))) if window in self.launcher_windows: self.launcher_windows.remove(window) else: err('%s is not in registered window list' % window) if len(self.launcher_windows) == 0 and len(self.windows) == 0: # We have no windows left, we should exit dbg('no windows remain, quitting') Gtk.main_quit() def register_terminal(self, terminal): """Register a new terminal widget""" if terminal not in self.terminals: dbg('Terminator::register_terminal: registering %s:%s' % (id(terminal), type(terminal))) self.terminals.append(terminal) def deregister_terminal(self, terminal): """De-register a terminal widget""" dbg('Terminator::deregister_terminal: de-registering %s:%s' % (id(terminal), type(terminal))) self.terminals.remove(terminal) if len(self.terminals) == 0: dbg('no terminals remain, destroying all windows') for window in self.windows: window.destroy() else: dbg('Terminator::deregister_terminal: %d terminals remain' % len(self.terminals)) def find_terminal_by_uuid(self, uuid): """Search our terminals for one matching the supplied UUID""" dbg('searching self.terminals for: %s' % uuid) for terminal in self.terminals: dbg('checking: %s (%s)' % (terminal.uuid.urn, terminal)) if terminal.uuid.urn == uuid: return terminal return None def new_window(self, cwd=None, profile=None): """Create a window with a Terminal in it""" maker = Factory() window = maker.make('Window') terminal = maker.make('Terminal') if cwd: terminal.set_cwd(cwd) if profile and self.config['always_split_with_profile']: terminal.force_set_profile(None, profile) window.add(terminal) window.show(True) terminal.spawn_child() return(window, terminal) def create_layout(self, layoutname): """Create all the parts necessary to satisfy the specified layout""" layout = None objects = {} self.doing_layout = True layout = copy.deepcopy(self.config.layout_get_config(layoutname)) if not layout: # User specified a non-existent layout. default to one Terminal err('layout %s not defined' % layout) self.new_window() return # Wind the flat objects into a hierarchy hierarchy = {} count = 0 # Loop over the layout until we have consumed it, or hit 1000 loops. # This is a stupid artificial limit, but it's safe. while len(layout) > 0 and count < 1000: count = count + 1 if count == 1000: err('hit maximum loop boundary. THIS IS VERY LIKELY A BUG') for obj in layout.keys(): if layout[obj]['type'].lower() == 'window': hierarchy[obj] = {} hierarchy[obj]['type'] = 'Window' hierarchy[obj]['children'] = {} # Copy any additional keys for objkey in layout[obj].keys(): if layout[obj][objkey] != '' and not hierarchy[obj].has_key(objkey): hierarchy[obj][objkey] = layout[obj][objkey] objects[obj] = hierarchy[obj] del(layout[obj]) else: # Now examine children to see if their parents exist yet if not layout[obj].has_key('parent'): err('Invalid object: %s' % obj) del(layout[obj]) continue if objects.has_key(layout[obj]['parent']): # Our parent has been created, add ourselves childobj = {} childobj['type'] = layout[obj]['type'] childobj['children'] = {} # Copy over any additional object keys for objkey in layout[obj].keys(): if not childobj.has_key(objkey): childobj[objkey] = layout[obj][objkey] objects[layout[obj]['parent']]['children'][obj] = childobj objects[obj] = childobj del(layout[obj]) layout = hierarchy for windef in layout: if layout[windef]['type'] != 'Window': err('invalid layout format. %s' % layout) raise(ValueError) dbg('Creating a window') window, terminal = self.new_window() if layout[windef].has_key('position'): parts = layout[windef]['position'].split(':') if len(parts) == 2: window.move(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1])) if layout[windef].has_key('size'): parts = layout[windef]['size'] winx = int(parts[0]) winy = int(parts[1]) if winx > 1 and winy > 1: window.resize(winx, winy) if layout[windef].has_key('title'): window.title.force_title(layout[windef]['title']) if layout[windef].has_key('maximised'): if layout[windef]['maximised'] == 'True': window.ismaximised = True else: window.ismaximised = False window.set_maximised(window.ismaximised) if layout[windef].has_key('fullscreen'): if layout[windef]['fullscreen'] == 'True': window.isfullscreen = True else: window.isfullscreen = False window.set_fullscreen(window.isfullscreen) window.create_layout(layout[windef]) self.layoutname = layoutname def layout_done(self): """Layout operations have finished, record that fact""" self.doing_layout = False maker = Factory() window_last_active_term_mapping = {} for window in self.windows: if window.is_child_notebook(): source = window.get_toplevel().get_children()[0] else: source = window window_last_active_term_mapping[window] = copy.copy(source.last_active_term) for terminal in self.terminals: if not terminal.pid: terminal.spawn_child() for window in self.windows: if window.is_child_notebook(): # For windows with a notebook notebook = window.get_toplevel().get_children()[0] # Cycle through pages by number for page in xrange(0, notebook.get_n_pages()): # Try and get the entry in the previously saved mapping mapping = window_last_active_term_mapping[window] page_last_active_term = mapping.get(notebook.get_nth_page(page), None) if page_last_active_term is None: # Couldn't find entry, so we find the first child of type Terminal children = notebook.get_nth_page(page).get_children() for page_last_active_term in children: if maker.isinstance(page_last_active_term, 'Terminal'): page_last_active_term = page_last_active_term.uuid break else: err('Should never reach here!') page_last_active_term = None if page_last_active_term is None: # Bail on this tab as we're having no luck here, continue with the next continue # Set the notebook entry, then ensure Terminal is visible and focussed urn = page_last_active_term.urn notebook.last_active_term[notebook.get_nth_page(page)] = page_last_active_term if urn: term = self.find_terminal_by_uuid(urn) if term: term.ensure_visible_and_focussed() else: # For windows without a notebook ensure Terminal is visible and focussed if window_last_active_term_mapping[window]: term = self.find_terminal_by_uuid(window_last_active_term_mapping[window].urn) term.ensure_visible_and_focussed() for window in self.windows: if window.uuid == self.last_active_window: window.show() def reconfigure(self): """Update configuration for the whole application""" if self.style_providers != []: for style_provider in self.style_providers: Gtk.StyleContext.remove_provider_for_screen( Gdk.Screen.get_default(), style_provider) self.style_providers = [] # Force the window background to be transparent for newer versions of # GTK3. We then have to fix all the widget backgrounds because the # widgets theming may not render it's own background. css = """ .terminator-terminal-window { background-color: alpha(@theme_bg_color,0); } .notebook.header { background-color: @theme_bg_color; } .pane-separator { background-color: @theme_bg_color; } .terminator-terminal-searchbar { background-color: @theme_bg_color; } """ style_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() style_provider.load_from_data(css) self.style_providers.append(style_provider) # Attempt to load some theme specific stylistic tweaks for appearances usr_theme_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share/themes') (head, _tail) = os.path.split(borg.__file__) app_theme_dir = os.path.join(head, 'themes') settings=Gtk.Settings().get_default() theme_name = settings.get_property('gtk-theme_name') for theme_dir in [usr_theme_dir, app_theme_dir]: path_to_theme_specific_css = os.path.join(theme_dir, theme_name, 'gtk-3.0/apps', 'terminator.css') if os.path.isfile(path_to_theme_specific_css): print path_to_theme_specific_css, os.path.isfile(path_to_theme_specific_css) style_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() style_provider.load_from_path(path_to_theme_specific_css) self.style_providers.append(style_provider) break # Size the GtkPaned splitter handle size. if self.config['handle_size'] in xrange(0, 21): css = """ GtkPaned { -GtkPaned-handle-size: %s; } """ % self.config['handle_size'] style_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() style_provider.load_from_data(css) self.style_providers.append(style_provider) # Apply the providers, incrementing priority so they don't cancel out # each other for idx in xrange(0, len(self.style_providers)): Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen( Gdk.Screen.get_default(), self.style_providers[idx], Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION+idx) # Cause all the terminals to reconfigure for terminal in self.terminals: terminal.reconfigure() # Reparse our keybindings self.keybindings.configure(self.config['keybindings']) # Update tab position if appropriate maker = Factory() for window in self.windows: child = window.get_child() if maker.isinstance(child, 'Notebook'): child.configure() def create_group(self, name): """Create a new group""" if name not in self.groups: dbg('Terminator::create_group: registering group %s' % name) self.groups.append(name) def closegroupedterms(self, group): """Close all terminals in a group""" for terminal in self.terminals[:]: if terminal.group == group: terminal.close() def group_hoover(self): """Clean out unused groups""" if self.config['autoclean_groups']: inuse = [] todestroy = [] for terminal in self.terminals: if terminal.group: if not terminal.group in inuse: inuse.append(terminal.group) for group in self.groups: if not group in inuse: todestroy.append(group) dbg('Terminator::group_hoover: %d groups, hoovering %d' % (len(self.groups), len(todestroy))) for group in todestroy: self.groups.remove(group) def group_emit(self, terminal, group, type, event): """Emit to each terminal in a group""" dbg('Terminator::group_emit: emitting a keystroke for group %s' % group) for term in self.terminals: if term != terminal and term.group == group: term.vte.emit(type, eventkey2gdkevent(event)) def all_emit(self, terminal, type, event): """Emit to all terminals""" for term in self.terminals: if term != terminal: term.vte.emit(type, eventkey2gdkevent(event)) def do_enumerate(self, widget, pad): """Insert the number of each terminal in a group, into that terminal""" if pad: numstr = '%0'+str(len(str(len(self.terminals))))+'d' else: numstr = '%d' terminals = [] for window in self.windows: containers, win_terminals = enumerate_descendants(window) terminals.extend(win_terminals) for term in self.get_target_terms(widget): idx = terminals.index(term) term.feed(numstr % (idx + 1)) def get_sibling_terms(self, widget): termset = [] for term in self.terminals: if term.group == widget.group: termset.append(term) return(termset) def get_target_terms(self, widget): """Get the terminals we should currently be broadcasting to""" if self.groupsend == self.groupsend_type['all']: return(self.terminals) elif self.groupsend == self.groupsend_type['group']: if widget.group != None: return(self.get_sibling_terms(widget)) return([widget]) def get_focussed_terminal(self): """iterate over all the terminals to find which, if any, has focus""" for terminal in self.terminals: if terminal.has_focus(): return(terminal) return(None) def focus_changed(self, widget): """We just moved focus to a new terminal""" for terminal in self.terminals: terminal.titlebar.update(widget) return def focus_left(self, widget): self.last_focused_term=widget def describe_layout(self): """Describe our current layout""" layout = {} count = 0 for window in self.windows: parent = '' count = window.describe_layout(count, parent, layout, 0) return(layout) # vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: