const postAjaxController = (data, action) => { if (data.message) { message = data.message displayMessage(message.text, message.type); return ; } if (data.hasOwnProperty('path_head')) updateHTMLDirList(data); if (data.hasOwnProperty('faves_list')) renderFavesList(data); if (data.hasOwnProperty("refresh")) { if (data.refresh == "true") { reloadDirectory(); } } } const updateHTMLDirList = async (data) => { let images = data.list.images[0]; let isInFaves = data.in_fave; let background_image = (images[0]) ? images[0][0] : ""; document.getElementById("path").innerText = data.path_head; // Setup background if there is a 000.* in selection if (background_image.match(/000\.(jpg|png|gif)\b/) != null) { // Due to same hash for 000 we add date to make link unique for each run to bypass cache issues... background_image = "api/file-manager-action/files/" + images[0][1] + '?d=' +; updateBackground(background_image, false); } else { background_image = "static/imgs/backgrounds/particles.mp4"; updateBackground(background_image); } // Set faves state let tggl_faves_btn = document.getElementById("tggl-faves-btn"); if (isInFaves == "true") tggl_faves_btn.classList.add("btn-info"); else tggl_faves_btn.classList.remove("btn-info"); renderFilesList(data.list); }