const storageArea =; const tabsAction = browser.tabs; const searchBar = document.getElementById("searchBar"); const errHandler = document.getElementById("errorZone"); const listZone = document.getElementById("listZone"); const notFoundText = document.createTextNode("Search not found..."); const tabImg = browser.extension.getURL("icons/tab.png"); let hoverTarget = undefined let oldElm = undefined; let currentWinId = undefined; let newWinId = undefined; let focusedWinID = undefined; let windowIndex = 0; function logTabs(tabs) { windowIndex = 0; tabsAction.query({currentWindow: true, active: true}).then((tab) => { focusedWinID = tab[0].windowId; }, focusedWinID).then(() => { for (let tab of tabs) { currentWinId = tab.windowId; if (currentWinId == newWinId) { createContainer(tab); } else { if (windowIndex != 0) { var pTag = document.createElement("P"); var msg = (focusedWinID == tab.windowId) ? "[ Current Window ] " : "Window: " + tab.windowId; var pText = document.createTextNode(msg); pTag.className = "windowIdHeaders"; pTag.appendChild(pText); listZone.appendChild(pTag); windowIndex++; createContainer(tab); } else { createContainer(tab); windowIndex = 1; } } newWinId = currentWinId; } }); newWinId = undefined; scrollToView(800); } function createContainer(tab) { var template = document.querySelector('#tabContainerTemplate'); var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true); var spanTag = clone.querySelector("#iconElm"); var closeImgTag = clone.querySelector("#closeBttn"); var hidnStImgTag = clone.querySelector("#hideTgglBttn"); var pTag = clone.querySelector(".pTagTitleText"); var icoImgTag = document.createElement("IMG"); // Used to detect image load failure var iconText = document.createTextNode(tab.title); var id =; // Set oldElm so eventListeners.js has starting ref if ( == true) { => { if (tab.windowId == { spanTag.className = "block block-focused"; if (oldElm) { oldElm.setAttribute("class", "block"); } oldElm = spanTag; } }, tab, oldElm, spanTag); } spanTag.setAttribute("tabID",; spanTag.title = tab.title; if (!tab.hidden) spanTag.className = "block"; else spanTag.className = "block hiddenBGColor"; = "url(" + tab.favIconUrl + ")"; icoImgTag.src = tab.favIconUrl; icoImgTag.onerror = function() { = "url(" + tabImg + ")"; } spanTag.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (eve) { moveTabControlTo(; }); pTag.appendChild(iconText); listZone.appendChild(clone); } function createTab() { tabsAction.create({}) .then(function (tab) { createContainer(tab); }) } function moveTabControlTo(elm) { let tabControls = document.getElementById("tabControls"); let rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect(); = (rect.left - 46) + "px"; = + "px"; hoverTarget = elm; if (elm.className == "block hiddenBGColor") document.getElementById("tabControls").querySelector("#hideTgglBttn").src = "../icons/eyeClosed.png"; else document.getElementById("tabControls").querySelector("#hideTgglBttn").src = "../icons/eyeOpen.png"; document.getElementById("tabControls").style.display = ""; } function onError(error) { console.log(`Error: ${error}`); } function getTabs() { clearNodes(listZone); storageArea.get("searchMode").then((results) => { var target = document.getElementById("searchMode"); if (Object.keys(results).length > 0) { var fileKeys = Object.keys(results); for (let fileKey of fileKeys) { var key = results[fileKey]; if (key) { target.title = "Searching curent windows..."; target.src = "../icons/windows.png"; target.setAttribute("searchwindowsmode", true); tabsAction.query({}).then(logTabs, onError) .then(resetWinIndex, onError); } else { target.title = "Searching curent window..."; target.src = "../icons/window.png"; target.setAttribute("searchwindowsmode", false); tabsAction.query({currentWindow: true}) .then(logTabs, onError); } } } else { setSearchMode(target, "curent window", "window", false); } }); } async function setSearchMode(target, text, img, state) { target.title = "Searching " + text + "..."; target.src = "../icons/" + img + ".png"; target.setAttribute("searchwindowsmode", state); await storageArea.set({"searchMode": state }); getTabs(); // No loop b/c object keys will be greater than 0 after setup } function clearNodes(targetNode) { while (targetNode.firstChild) { targetNode.removeChild(targetNode.firstChild); } } function resetWinIndex() { windowIndex = 0; } getTabs();