# Python imports import threading, json from os import path # Lib imports # Application imports from .window import Window def threaded(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True).start() return wrapper class WindowController: def __init__(self): USER_HOME = path.expanduser('~') CONFIG_PATH = USER_HOME + "/.config/solarfm" self._session_file = CONFIG_PATH + "/session.json" self._event_sleep_time = 1 self._active_window_id = "" self._active_tab_id = "" self._windows = [] def set_wid_and_tid(self, wid, tid): self._active_window_id = str(wid) self._active_tab_id = str(tid) def get_active_wid_and_tid(self): return self._active_window_id, self._active_tab_id def create_window(self): window = Window() window.set_nickname(f"window_{str(len(self._windows) + 1)}") self._windows.append(window) return window def add_tab_for_window(self, win_id): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: return window.create_tab() def add_tab_for_window_by_name(self, name): for window in self._windows: if window.get_name() == name: return window.create_tab() def add_tab_for_window_by_nickname(self, nickname): for window in self._windows: if window.get_nickname() == nickname: return window.create_tab() def pop_window(self): self._windows.pop() def delete_window_by_id(self, win_id): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: self._windows.remove(window) break def delete_window_by_name(self, name): for window in self._windows: if window.get_name() == name: self._windows.remove(window) break def delete_window_by_nickname(self, nickname): for window in self._windows: if window.get_nickname() == nickname: self._windows.remove(window) break def get_window_by_id(self, win_id): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: return window raise(f"No Window by ID {win_id} found!") def get_window_by_name(self, name): for window in self._windows: if window.get_name() == name: return window raise(f"No Window by Name {name} found!") def get_window_by_nickname(self, nickname): for window in self._windows: if window.get_nickname() == nickname: return window raise(f"No Window by Nickname {nickname} found!") def get_window_by_index(self, index): return self._windows[index] def get_all_windows(self): return self._windows def set_window_nickname(self, win_id = None, nickname = ""): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: window.set_nickname(nickname) def list_windows(self): print("\n[ ---- Windows ---- ]\n") for window in self._windows: print(f"\nID: {window.get_id()}") print(f"Name: {window.get_name()}") print(f"Nickname: {window.get_nickname()}") print(f"Is Hidden: {window.is_hidden()}") print(f"Tab Count: {window.get_tabs_count()}") print("\n-------------------------\n") def list_files_from_tabs_of_window(self, win_id): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: window.list_files_from_tabs() break def get_tabs_count(self, win_id): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: return window.get_tabs_count() def get_tabs_from_window(self, win_id): for window in self._windows: if window.get_id() == win_id: return window.get_all_tabs() def unload_tabs_and_windows(self): for window in self._windows: window.get_all_tabs().clear() self._windows.clear() def save_state(self, session_file = None): if not session_file: session_file = self._session_file if len(self._windows) > 0: windows = [] for window in self._windows: tabs = [] for tab in window.get_all_tabs(): tabs.append(tab.get_current_directory()) windows.append( { 'window':{ "ID": window.get_id(), "Name": window.get_name(), "Nickname": window.get_nickname(), "isHidden": f"{window.is_hidden()}", 'tabs': tabs } } ) with open(session_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(windows, outfile, separators=(',', ':'), indent=4) else: raise Exception("Window data corrupted! Can not save session!") def get_state_from_file(self, session_file = None): if not session_file: session_file = self._session_file if path.isfile(session_file): with open(session_file) as infile: return json.load(infile)