# SolarFM SolarFM is a Gtk+ Python file manager. # Notes Still Work in progress! Use at own risk! Additionally, if not building a .deb then just move the contents of user_config to their respective folders. Copy the share/solarfm folder to your user .config/ directory too.
Install Setup
``` sudo apt-get install python3.8 wget python3-setproctitle python3-gi ffmpegthumbnailer steamcmd ``` # Known Issues Doing Ctrl+D when in Terminator (maybe other terminals too) somehow propagates the signal to SolarFM too. A selected file in the active quad-pane will move to trash since it is the defaul keybinding for that action. # TODO # Images ![1 SolarFM single pane. ](images/pic1.png) ![2 SolarFM double pane. ](images/pic2.png) ![3 SolarFM triple pane. ](images/pic3.png) ![4 SolarFM quad pane. ](images/pic4.png)