#!/usr/bin/python3 # Python imports import os, traceback, argparse, threading, json, base64, time, pickle from setproctitle import setproctitle from multiprocessing.connection import Client # Lib imports # Application imports _ipc_address = f'/tmp/solarfm-search_grep-ipc.sock' _ipc_authkey = b'' + bytes(f'solarfm-search_grep-ipc', 'utf-8') filter = (".mkv", ".mp4", ".webm", ".avi", ".mov", ".m4v", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".wmv", ".flv") + \ (".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".ico", ".tga", ".webp") + \ (".psf", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".flac", ".m4a") # NOTE: Threads WILL NOT die with parent's destruction. def threaded(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=False).start() return wrapper # NOTE: Threads WILL die with parent's destruction. def daemon_threaded(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True).start() return wrapper def send_ipc_message(message) -> None: conn = Client(address=_ipc_address, family="AF_UNIX", authkey=_ipc_authkey) conn.send(message) conn.close() # NOTE: Kinda important as this prevents overloading the UI thread time.sleep(0.05) def file_search(path, query): try: for _path, _dir, _files in os.walk(path, topdown = True): for file in _files: if query in file.lower(): target = os.path.join(_path, file) data = f"SEARCH|{json.dumps([target, file])}" send_ipc_message(data) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't traverse to path. Might be permissions related...") traceback.print_exc() def _search_for_string(file, query): b64_file = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(file.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') grep_result_set = {} padding = 15 with open(file, 'r') as fp: # NOTE: I know there's an issue if there's a very large file with content # all on one line will lower and dupe it. And, yes, it will only # return one instance from the file. try: for i, raw in enumerate(fp): line = None llower = raw.lower() if not query in llower: continue if len(raw) > 72: start = 0 end = len(raw) - 1 index = llower.index(query) sindex = llower.index(query) - 15 if index >= 15 else abs(start - index) - index eindex = sindex + 15 if end > (index + 15) else abs(index - end) + index line = raw[sindex:eindex] else: line = raw b64_line = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(line.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') if f"{b64_file}" in grep_result_set.keys(): grep_result_set[f"{b64_file}"][f"{i+1}"] = b64_line else: grep_result_set[f"{b64_file}"] = {} grep_result_set[f"{b64_file}"] = {f"{i+1}": b64_line} except Exception as e: ... try: data = f"GREP|{json.dumps(grep_result_set)}" send_ipc_message(data) except Exception as e: ... @daemon_threaded def _search_for_string_threaded(file, query): _search_for_string(file, query) def grep_search(path, query): try: for file in os.listdir(path): target = os.path.join(path, file) if os.path.isdir(target): grep_search(target, query) else: if not target.lower().endswith(filter): size = os.path.getsize(target) if not size > 5000: _search_for_string(target, query) else: _search_for_string_threaded(target, query) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't traverse to path. Might be permissions related...") traceback.print_exc() def search(args): if args.type == "file_search": file_search(args.dir, args.query.lower()) if args.type == "grep_search": grep_search(args.dir, args.query.lower()) if __name__ == "__main__": try: setproctitle('SolarFM: File Search - Grepy') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Add long and short arguments parser.add_argument("--type", "-t", default=None, help="Type of search to do.") parser.add_argument("--dir", "-d", default=None, help="Directory root for search type.") parser.add_argument("--query", "-q", default=None, help="Query search is working against.") # Read arguments (If any...) args = parser.parse_args() search(args) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc()